public XrmTimeEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { if (OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings != null) { _formatString = OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings.TimeFormatString; } _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div ><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td><td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='autocompleteButton' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); jQueryObject inputField = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); _input = inputField; _input.Focus().Select(); string timeFormatString = _formatString; AutoCompleteOptions options = GetTimePickerAutoCompleteOptions(timeFormatString); options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items //string value = ((Dictionary)uiEvent.Item)["value"].ToString(); }; inputField = inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(options); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".autocompleteButton"); // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search, ""); }); }
public string GetFetchXmlForQuery(FetchQuerySettings config, string searchTerm) { jQueryObject fetchElement = config.FetchXml.Find("fetch"); fetchElement.Attribute("count", "{0}"); fetchElement.Attribute("paging-cookie", "{1}"); fetchElement.Attribute("page", "{2}"); fetchElement.Attribute("returntotalrecordcount", "true"); fetchElement.Attribute("distinct", "true"); fetchElement.Attribute("no-lock", "true"); jQueryObject orderByElement = fetchElement.Find("order"); orderByElement.Remove(); // Add the search string and adjust any lookup columns jQueryObject conditions = fetchElement.Find("filter[isquickfindfields='1']"); conditions.First().Children().Each(delegate(int index, Element element) { // Is this a lookup column? string logicalName = element.GetAttribute("attribute").ToString(); if (LookupAttributes.ContainsKey(logicalName)) { element.SetAttribute("attribute", logicalName + "name"); } }); // Add the sort order placeholder string fetchXml = config.FetchXml.GetHtml().Replace("</entity>", "{3}</entity>"); // Add the Query term fetchXml = fetchXml.Replace("#Query#", XmlHelper.Encode(searchTerm)); return(fetchXml); }
private void SaveDetails(jQueryEvent e) { this.EditButton.Hide(EffectDuration.Fast); this.Obj.Attribute("disabled", "disabled").AddClass("ui-state-disabled"); // Find the objects with the .edit class that are descendants of objects with .keyvaluerow class // These are the editable key/value pairs jQueryObject edits = this.Obj.Find(".keyvaluerow .edit"); string ntrp = edits.Find(".ntrp").GetValue(); string court = edits.Find(".placesAutoValue").GetValue(); string playPreference = edits.Find(".preference").GetValue(); string style = edits.Find(".style").GetValue(); string email = ((CheckBoxElement)edits.Find(".email").GetElement(0)).Checked ? "true" : "false"; JsonObject parameters = new JsonObject ( "ntrp", ntrp, "preference", playPreference, "courtData", court, "style", style, "emailOffers", email ); // Post the user data to the service jQuery.Post("/services/PostTennisUserDetails" + "?signed_request=" + Utility.GetSignedRequest(), Json.Stringify(parameters), (AjaxRequestCallback <object>) delegate(object data, string textStatus, jQueryXmlHttpRequest <object> request) { Utility.ProcessResponse((Dictionary)data); }); }
public XrmDateEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { XrmDateEditor self = this; _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div ><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr>" + "<td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td>" + "<td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='sparkle-imagestrip-inlineedit_calendar_icon' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); _input = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); _input.Bind("keydown.nav", delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (!_calendarOpen && (e.Which == 38 || e.Which == 40) && e.CtrlKey) // Ctrl-Up/Down shows date picker { _input.Plugin <DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(DatePickerMethod2.Show); e.StopImmediatePropagation(); } else if (_calendarOpen && e.Which == 13) { e.PreventDefault(); } }); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-imagestrip-inlineedit_calendar_icon"); _input.Focus().Select(); DatePickerOptions2 options2 = new DatePickerOptions2(); options2.ShowOtherMonths = true; options2.ShowOn = ""; // Date Pickers in CRM do not show when they are focused - you click the button options2.FirstDay = OrganizationServiceProxy.OrganizationSettings != null ? OrganizationServiceProxy.OrganizationSettings.WeekStartDayCode.Value.Value : 0; options2.BeforeShow = delegate() { this._calendarOpen = true; }; options2.OnClose = delegate() { this._calendarOpen = false; _selectedValue = GetSelectedValue(); }; options2.OnSelect = delegate(string dateString, object instance) { // Select the date text field when selecting a date Focus(); }; if (OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings != null) { _dateFormat = OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings.DateFormatString; } options2.DateFormat = _dateFormat; _input.Plugin <DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(options2); // Wire up the date picker button selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e){ _input.Plugin <DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(DatePickerMethod2.Show); Focus(); }); }
public XrmDateEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { XrmDateEditor self = this; _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div ><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr>" + "<td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td>" + "<td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='sparkle-imagestrip-inlineedit_calendar_icon' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); _input = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); _input.Bind("keydown.nav", delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (!_calendarOpen && (e.Which == 38 || e.Which == 40) && e.CtrlKey) // Ctrl-Up/Down shows date picker { _input.Plugin<DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(DatePickerMethod2.Show); e.StopImmediatePropagation(); } else if (_calendarOpen && e.Which == 13) { e.PreventDefault(); } }); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-imagestrip-inlineedit_calendar_icon"); _input.Focus().Select(); DatePickerOptions2 options2 = new DatePickerOptions2(); options2.ShowOtherMonths = true; options2.ShowOn = ""; // Date Pickers in CRM do not show when they are focused - you click the button options2.FirstDay = OrganizationServiceProxy.OrganizationSettings != null ? OrganizationServiceProxy.OrganizationSettings.WeekStartDayCode.Value.Value : 0; options2.BeforeShow = delegate() { this._calendarOpen = true; }; options2.OnClose = delegate() { this._calendarOpen = false; _selectedValue = GetSelectedValue(); }; options2.OnSelect = delegate(string dateString, object instance) { // Select the date text field when selecting a date Focus(); }; if (OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings != null) { _dateFormat = OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings.DateFormatString; } options2.DateFormat = _dateFormat; _input.Plugin<DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(options2); // Wire up the date picker button selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e){ _input.Plugin<DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(DatePickerMethod2.Show); Focus(); }); }
private jQueryObject AddEmptyRow(bool popupField) { jQueryObject emptyRow = FindEmptyRow(); if (emptyRow != null) { emptyRow.Find("input.field-select").Select2("focus"); if (popupField) { emptyRow.Find("input.field-select").Select2("open"); } return(emptyRow); } bool isLastRowOr = this.rowsDiv.Children().Last().Children("a.andor").HasClass("or"); jQueryObject row = J(RowTemplate).AppendTo(this.rowsDiv); jQueryObject parenDiv = row.Children("div.l").Hide(); parenDiv.Children("a.leftparen, a.rightparen").Click(LeftRightParenClick); jQueryObject andor = parenDiv.Children("a.andor").Attribute("title", Q.Text("Controls.FilterPanel.ChangeAndOr")); if (isLastRowOr) { andor.AddClass("or").Text(Q.Text("Controls.FilterPanel.Or")); } else { andor.Text(Q.Text("Controls.FilterPanel.And")); } andor.Click(AndOrClick); row.Children("a.delete").Attribute("title", Q.Text("Controls.FilterPanel.RemoveField")).Click(DeleteRowClick); var fieldSel = new FieldSelect(row.Children("div.f").Children("input"), this.Store.Fields); fieldSel.ChangeSelect2(OnRowFieldChange); UpdateParens(); UpdateButtons(); row.Find("input.field-select").Select2("focus"); if (popupField) { row.Find("input.field-select").Select2("open"); } return(row); }
public override void Init(System.Html.Element element, Func <object> valueAccessor, Func <System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context) { string formatString = GetFormatString(); jQueryObject container = jQuery.FromElement(element); jQueryObject inputField = container.Find(".sparkle-input-timeofday-part"); jQueryObject selectButton = container.Find(".sparkle-input-timeofday-button-part"); AutoCompleteOptions options = XrmTimeEditor.GetTimePickerAutoCompleteOptions(formatString); options.Position = new Dictionary <string, object>("collision", "fit"); options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items string value = ((Dictionary)uiEvent.Item)["value"].ToString(); TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, value); }; inputField = inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(options); // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search, ""); // Give "" to show all items }); //// Set initial value //Observable<DateTime> dateValueAccessor = (Observable<DateTime>)valueAccessor(); //DateTime intialValue = dateValueAccessor.GetValue(); //FormatterUpdate(inputField, intialValue); //handle the field changing KnockoutUtils.RegisterEventHandler(inputField.GetElement(0), "change", delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { string value = inputField.GetValue(); TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, value); }); Action disposeCallBack = delegate() { Script.Literal("$({0}).autocomplete(\"destroy\")", element); }; //handle disposal (if KO removes by the template binding) Script.Literal("ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback({0}, {1})", element, (object)disposeCallBack); // Note: Because the time picker is always part of the date picker - we don't need to display validation messages //Knockout.BindingHandlers["validationCore"].Init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, null, null); }
public override void Init(System.Html.Element element, Func <object> valueAccessor, Func <System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context) { // Get the text box element jQueryObject select = jQuery.FromElement(element).Find(".sparkle-input-optionset-part"); jQueryEventHandler onChangeHandler = delegate(jQueryEvent e) { Observable <OptionSetValue> observable = (Observable <OptionSetValue>)valueAccessor(); string newValue = select.GetValue(); int? newValueInt = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(newValue)) { newValueInt = int.Parse(newValue); } // Set the optionset value OptionSetValue newValueOptionSetValue = new OptionSetValue(newValueInt); newValueOptionSetValue.Name = select.Find("option:selected").GetText(); observable.SetValue(newValueOptionSetValue); }; select.Change(onChangeHandler); allBindingsAccessor()["optionsValue"] = "value"; allBindingsAccessor()["optionsText"] = "name"; OptionSetBindingOptions optionSetOptions = (OptionSetBindingOptions)((object)allBindingsAccessor()["optionSetOptions"]); // Create a value accessor for the optionset options Func <List <OptionSetItem> > optionsValueAccessor = delegate() { return(MetadataCache.GetOptionSetValues(optionSetOptions.entityLogicalName, optionSetOptions.attributeLogicalName, optionSetOptions.allowEmpty)); }; Script.Literal("ko.bindingHandlers.options.update({0},{1},{2},{3},{4})", select.GetElement(0), optionsValueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, context); //Script.Literal("return { controlsDescendantBindings: true };"); }
public static string GetFetchXmlParentFilter(FetchQuerySettings query, string parentAttribute) { jQueryObject fetchElement = query.FetchXml.Find("fetch"); fetchElement.Attribute("count", "{0}"); fetchElement.Attribute("paging-cookie", "{1}"); fetchElement.Attribute("page", "{2}"); fetchElement.Attribute("returntotalrecordcount", "true"); fetchElement.Attribute("distinct", "true"); fetchElement.Attribute("no-lock", "true"); jQueryObject orderByElement = fetchElement.Find("order"); // Get the default order by field - currently only supports a single sort by column query.OrderByAttribute = orderByElement.GetAttribute("attribute"); query.OrderByDesending = orderByElement.GetAttribute("descending") == "true"; orderByElement.Remove(); // Get the root filter (if there is one) jQueryObject filter = fetchElement.Find("entity>filter"); if (filter != null) { // Check that it is an 'and' filter string filterType = filter.GetAttribute("type"); if (filterType == "or") { // wrap up in an and filter jQueryObject andFilter = jQuery.FromHtml("<filter type='and'>" + filter.GetHtml() + "</filter>"); // remove existing filter filter.Remove(); filter = andFilter; // Add in the existing filter fetchElement.Find("entity").Append(andFilter); } } // Add in the parent query filter jQueryObject parentFilter = jQuery.FromHtml("<condition attribute='" + parentAttribute + "' operator='eq' value='" + ParentRecordPlaceholder + "'/>"); filter.Append(parentFilter); // Add the order by placeholder for the EntityDataViewModel return(query.FetchXml.GetHtml().Replace("</entity>", "{3}</entity>")); }
private List <Column> ParseLayoutXml(EntityQuery rootEntity, string layoutXml) { jQueryObject layout = jQuery.FromHtml(layoutXml); jQueryObject cells = layout.Find("cell"); List <Column> columns = new List <Column>(); cells.Each(delegate(int index, Element element) { string cellName = element.GetAttribute("name").ToString(); string logicalName = cellName; EntityQuery entity; AttributeQuery attribute; // Is this an alias attribute? int pos = cellName.IndexOf('.'); if (pos > -1) { // Aliased entity string alias = cellName.Substr(0, pos); logicalName = cellName.Substr(pos + 1); entity = AliasEntityLookup[alias]; } else { // Root entity entity = rootEntity; } // Does the attribute allready exist? if (entity.Attributes.ContainsKey(logicalName)) { // Already exists attribute = entity.Attributes[logicalName]; } else { // New attribute = new AttributeQuery(); attribute.Columns = new List <Column>(); attribute.LogicalName = logicalName; entity.Attributes[attribute.LogicalName] = attribute; } // Add column object widthAttribute = element.GetAttribute("width"); if (widthAttribute != null) { int width = int.Parse(element.GetAttribute("width").ToString()); object disableSorting = element.GetAttribute("disableSorting"); Column col = GridDataViewBinder.NewColumn(attribute.LogicalName, attribute.LogicalName, width); // Display name get's queried later col.Sortable = !(disableSorting != null && disableSorting.ToString() == "1"); attribute.Columns.Add(col); columns.Add(col); } }); return(columns); }
public XrmDateEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div ><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr>" + "<td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td>" + "<td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='sparkle-imagestrip-inlineedit_calendar_icon' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); _input = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-imagestrip-inlineedit_calendar_icon"); _input.Focus().Select(); DatePickerOptions2 options2 = new DatePickerOptions2(); options2.ShowOtherMonths = true; options2.FirstDay = OrganizationServiceProxy.OrganizationSettings != null ? OrganizationServiceProxy.OrganizationSettings.WeekStartDayCode.Value.Value : 0; options2.BeforeShow = delegate() { this._calendarOpen = true; }; options2.OnClose = delegate() { this._calendarOpen = false; _selectedValue = GetSelectedValue(); }; if (OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings != null) { _dateFormat = OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings.DateFormatString; } options2.DateFormat = _dateFormat; _input.Plugin<DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(options2); // Wire up the date picker button selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e){ _input.Plugin<DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(DatePickerMethod2.Show); }); //_input.Width(_input.GetWidth() - 24); }
public override void Init(System.Html.Element element, Func <object> valueAccessor, Func <System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context) { jQueryObject container = jQuery.FromElement(element); jQueryObject inputField = container.Find(".sparkle-input-duration-part"); jQueryObject selectButton = container.Find(".sparkle-input-duration-button-part"); AutoCompleteOptions options = new AutoCompleteOptions(); options.Position = new Dictionary <string, object>("collision", "fit"); options.Source = new string[] { "1 m", "2 m", "1 h", "2 h", "1 d" }; options.Delay = 0; options.MinLength = 0; options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items string value = ((Dictionary)uiEvent.Item)["value"].ToString(); TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, value); }; inputField = inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(options); // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search, "");// Give "" to show all items }); //handle the field changing KnockoutUtils.RegisterEventHandler(element, "change", delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { string value = inputField.GetValue(); TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, value); }); Action disposeCallBack = delegate() { Script.Literal("$({0}).autocomplete(\"destroy\")", element); }; //handle disposal (if KO removes by the template binding) Script.Literal("ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback({0}, {1})", element, (object)disposeCallBack); //Knockout.BindingHandlers["validationCore"].Init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, null, null); }
public XrmDateEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div ><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr>" + "<td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td>" + "<td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='sparkle-imagestrip-inlineedit_calendar_icon' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); _input = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-imagestrip-inlineedit_calendar_icon"); _input.Focus().Select(); DatePickerOptions options = new DatePickerOptions(); DatePickerOptions2 options2 = (DatePickerOptions2)(object)options; options2.BeforeShow = delegate() { this._calendarOpen = true; }; options2.OnClose = delegate() { this._calendarOpen = false; _selectedValue = GetSelectedValue(); }; if (OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings != null) { _dateFormat = OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings.DateFormatString; } options.DateFormat = _dateFormat; _input.Plugin <DatePickerObject>().DatePicker(options); // Wire up the date picker button selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e){ _input.Plugin <DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(DatePickerMethod2.Show); }); //_input.Width(_input.GetWidth() - 24); }
public void AddRefreshButton(string gridId, DataViewBase dataView) { jQueryObject gridDiv = jQuery.Select("#" + gridId); jQueryObject refreshButton = jQuery.FromHtml("<div id='refreshButton' class='sparkle-grid-refresh-button' style='left: auto; right: 0px; display: inline;'><a href='#' id='refreshButtonLink' tabindex='0'><span id='grid_refresh' class='sparkle-grid-refresh-button-img' style='cursor:pointer'></span></a></div>").AppendTo(gridDiv); refreshButton.Find("#refreshButtonLink").Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { dataView.Reset(); dataView.Refresh(); }); }
public override void Update(System.Html.Element element, Func <object> valueAccessor, Func <System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context) { jQueryObject container = jQuery.FromElement(element); jQueryObject inputField = container.Find(".sparkle-input-timeofday-part"); DateTime value = (DateTime)KnockoutUtils.UnwrapObservable(valueAccessor()); string formatString = GetFormatString(); string formattedValue = DateTimeEx.FormatTimeSpecific(value, formatString); inputField.Value((string)formattedValue); }
public override void Update(System.Html.Element element, Func <object> valueAccessor, Func <System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context) { jQueryObject container = jQuery.FromElement(element); jQueryObject inputField = container.Find(".sparkle-input-duration-part"); object value = KnockoutUtils.UnwrapObservable(valueAccessor()); // Get the value in duration format int? duration = (int?)value; string durationString = formatDuration(duration); inputField.Value(durationString); }
protected virtual void UpdateInterface() { bool isDeleted = IsDeleted; bool isLocalizationMode = IsLocalizationMode; if (deleteButton != null) { deleteButton.Toggle(!isLocalizationMode && IsEditMode && !isDeleted); } if (undeleteButton != null) { undeleteButton.Toggle(!isLocalizationMode && IsEditMode && isDeleted); } if (saveAndCloseButton != null) { saveAndCloseButton.Toggle(!isLocalizationMode && !isDeleted); saveAndCloseButton.Find(".button-inner").Text( IsNew ? Texts.Controls.EntityDialog.SaveButton : Texts.Controls.EntityDialog.UpdateButton); } if (applyChangesButton != null) { applyChangesButton.Toggle(isLocalizationMode || !isDeleted); } if (cloneButton != null) { cloneButton.Toggle(false); } if (propertyGrid != null) { propertyGrid.Element.Toggle(!isLocalizationMode); } if (localizationGrid != null) { localizationGrid.Element.Toggle(isLocalizationMode); } if (localizationSelect != null) { localizationSelect.Toggle(IsEditMode && !IsCloneMode); } if (tabs != null) { tabs.SetDisabled("Log", IsNewOrDeleted); } }
public string GetFetchXmlForQuery(string entityLogicalName, string queryName, string searchTerm) { FetchQuerySettings config; if (queryName == "QuickFind") { config = EntityLookup[entityLogicalName].QuickFindQuery; } else { config = EntityLookup[entityLogicalName].Views[queryName]; } jQueryObject fetchElement = config.FetchXml.Find("fetch"); fetchElement.Attribute("distinct", "true"); fetchElement.Attribute("no-lock", "true"); jQueryObject orderByElement = fetchElement.Find("order"); orderByElement.Remove(); // Add the search string and adjust any lookup columns jQueryObject conditions = fetchElement.Find("filter[isquickfindfields='1']"); conditions.First().Children().Each(delegate(int index, Element element) { // Is this a lookup column? string logicalName = element.GetAttribute("attribute").ToString(); if (LookupAttributes.ContainsKey(logicalName)) { element.SetAttribute("attribute", logicalName + "name"); } }); // Add the sort order placeholder string fetchXml = config.FetchXml.GetHtml();//.Replace("</entity>", "{3}</entity>"); // Add the Query term fetchXml = fetchXml.Replace("#Query#", XmlHelper.Encode(searchTerm)); return(fetchXml); }
private void ParseFetchXml(FetchQuerySettings querySettings) { jQueryObject fetchElement = querySettings.FetchXml; // Get the entities and link entities - only support 1 level deep jQueryObject entityElement = fetchElement.Find("entity"); string logicalName = entityElement.GetAttribute("name"); EntityQuery rootEntity; // Get query from cache or create new if (!EntityLookup.ContainsKey(logicalName)) { rootEntity = new EntityQuery(); rootEntity.LogicalName = logicalName; rootEntity.Attributes = new Dictionary <string, AttributeQuery>(); EntityLookup[rootEntity.LogicalName] = rootEntity; } else { rootEntity = EntityLookup[logicalName]; } // Get Linked Entities(1 deep) jQueryObject linkEntities = entityElement.Find("link-entity"); linkEntities.Each(delegate(int index, Element element) { EntityQuery link = new EntityQuery(); link.Attributes = new Dictionary <string, AttributeQuery>(); link.AliasName = element.GetAttribute("alias").ToString(); link.LogicalName = element.GetAttribute("name").ToString(); if (!EntityLookup.ContainsKey(link.LogicalName)) { EntityLookup[link.LogicalName] = link; } else { string alias = link.AliasName; link = EntityLookup[link.LogicalName]; link.AliasName = alias; } if (!AliasEntityLookup.ContainsKey(link.AliasName)) { AliasEntityLookup[link.AliasName] = link; } }); querySettings.RootEntity = rootEntity; }
public override void Update(System.Html.Element element, Func <object> valueAccessor, Func <System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context) { jQueryObject container = jQuery.FromElement(element); jQueryObject dateTime = container.Find(".sparkle-input-datepicker-part"); object value = KnockoutUtils.UnwrapObservable(valueAccessor()); if ((string)Script.Literal("typeof({0})", value) == "string") { value = Date.Parse((string)value); } dateTime.Plugin <DatePickerObject>().DatePicker(DatePickerMethod.SetDate, value); }
public override void Update(System.Html.Element element, Func <object> valueAccessor, Func <System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context) { jQueryObject container = jQuery.FromElement(element); jQueryObject inputField = container.Find(".sparkle-input-lookup-part"); EntityReference value = (EntityReference)KnockoutUtils.UnwrapObservable(valueAccessor()); string displayName = ""; if (value != null) { displayName = value.Name; } inputField.Value(displayName); }
public XrmTimeEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { if (OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings != null) { _formatString = OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings.TimeFormatString; } _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div ><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td><td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='autocompleteButton' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); jQueryObject inputField = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); _input = inputField; _input.Focus().Select(); string timeFormatString = _formatString; AutoCompleteOptions options = GetTimePickerAutoCompleteOptions(timeFormatString); options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items //string value = ((Dictionary)uiEvent.Item)["value"].ToString(); }; inputField = inputField.Plugin<AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(options); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".autocompleteButton"); // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { inputField.Plugin<AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search, ""); }); }
public void constructPagerUI() { _container.Empty(); jQueryObject pager = jQuery.FromHtml("<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='sparkle-grid-status'><tbody><tr>" + "<td class='sparkle-grid-status-label'>1 - 1 of 1 (0 selected)</td>" + "<td class='sparkle-grid-status-paging'>" + "<img src='../../sparkle_/css/images/transparent_spacer.gif' class='sparkle-grid-paging-first'>" + "<img src='../../sparkle_/css/images/transparent_spacer.gif' class='sparkle-grid-paging-back'>" + "<span class='sparkle-grid-status-paging-page'>Page 1</span>" + "<img src='../../sparkle_/css/images/transparent_spacer.gif' class='sparkle-grid-paging-next'>" + " </td></tr></tbody></table>"); jQueryObject firstButton = pager.Find(".sparkle-grid-paging-first"); jQueryObject backButton = pager.Find(".sparkle-grid-paging-back"); jQueryObject nextButton = pager.Find(".sparkle-grid-paging-next"); jQueryObject label = pager.Find(".sparkle-grid-status-label"); jQueryObject pageInfo = pager.Find(".sparkle-grid-status-paging-page"); _container.Append(pager); firstButton.Click(gotoFirst); backButton.Click(gotoPrev); nextButton.Click(gotoNext); }
private FetchQuerySettings Parse(string fetchXml, string layoutXml) { FetchQuerySettings querySettings = new FetchQuerySettings(); jQueryObject fetchXmlDOM = jQuery.FromHtml("<query>" + fetchXml.Replace("{0}", "#Query#") + "</query>"); jQueryObject fetchElement = fetchXmlDOM.Find("fetch"); querySettings.FetchXml = fetchXmlDOM; ParseFetchXml(querySettings); querySettings.Columns = ParseLayoutXml(querySettings.RootEntity, layoutXml); return(querySettings); }
private void UpdateMatchFlags(string text) { var liList = menuUL.Find("li").RemoveClass("non-match"); text = text.TrimToNull(); if (text == null) { liList.RemoveClass("active"); liList.Show(); liList.Children("ul").AddClass("collapse"); return; } var parts = text.Split(new char[] { ',', ' ' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (var i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++) { parts[i] = Q.Externals.StripDiacritics(parts[i]).ToUpperCase().TrimToNull(); } var items = liList; items.Each((i, e) => { var x = J(e); var title = Q.Externals.StripDiacritics((x.GetText() ?? "").ToUpperCase()); foreach (var p in parts) { if (p != null && !title.Contains(p)) { x.AddClass("non-match"); break; } } }); var matchingItems = items.Not(".non-match"); var visibles = matchingItems.Parents("li").Add(matchingItems); var nonVisibles = liList.Not(visibles); nonVisibles.Hide().AddClass("non-match"); visibles.Show(); liList.Children("ul").RemoveClass("collapse"); }
// image recycle function static void RecycleImage(jQueryObject item) { string trash_icon = "<a href='link/to/trash/script/when/we/have/js/off' title='Delete this image' class='ui-icon ui-icon-trash'>Delete image</a>"; item.FadeOut(EffectDuration.Slow, delegate() { item.Find("a.ui-icon-refresh") .Remove() .End() .CSS("width", "96px") .Append(trash_icon) .Find("img") .CSS("height", "72px") .End() .AppendTo("#gallery") .FadeIn(); }); }
// image deletion function static void DeleteImage(jQueryObject item) { string recycle_icon = "<a href='link/to/recycle/script/when/we/have/js/off' title='Recycle this image' class='ui-icon ui-icon-refresh'>Recycle image</a>"; item.FadeOut(EffectDuration.Slow, delegate() { jQueryObject list = jQuery.Select("ul", jQuery.Select("#trash")).Length > 0 ? jQuery.Select("ul", jQuery.Select("#trash")) : jQuery.Select("<ul class='gallery ui-helper-reset'/>").AppendTo("#trash"); item.Find("a.ui-icon-trash").Remove(); item.Append(recycle_icon).AppendTo(list).FadeIn(EffectDuration.Slow, delegate() { item.Animate(new Dictionary("width", "48px")) .Find("img") .Animate(new Dictionary("height", "36px")); }); }); }
public void DoFilter(jQueryObject obj, bool postBack) { jQueryUIObject selects = (jQueryUIObject)obj.Find("th select"); string filterValue = ""; selects.Each((ElementIterationCallback)delegate(int index, Element el) { jQueryUIObject select = (jQueryUIObject)jQuery.FromElement(el); Array checkedItems = select.MultiSelect("getChecked"); if (checkedItems.Length > 0) { if (filterValue.Length > 0) { filterValue = filterValue + ",,"; } filterValue = filterValue + select.GetAttribute("name") + "="; for (int i = 0; i < checkedItems.Length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { filterValue = filterValue + "||"; } filterValue = filterValue + ((InputElement)checkedItems[i]).Value; } } }); if (this.Filter != filterValue) { this.Filter = filterValue; if (postBack) { PostBack(0); } } }
static PhotoGridPage() { jQuery.OnDocumentReady(delegate() { string apiKey = (string)jQuery.FromElement(Document.Body).GetDataValue("flickrKey"); IPhotoService flickrService = new FlickrPhotoService(); jQuery.Select("#searchButton").Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { string tags = jQuery.Select("#tagsTextBox").GetValue(); flickrService.SearchPhotos(tags, 20).Done( delegate(IEnumerable <Photo> photos) { jQueryObject thumbnailList = jQuery.Select("#thumbsList"); thumbnailList.Empty(); if (photos == null) { return; } jQuery.Select("#thumbnailTemplate").Plugin <jQueryTemplateObject>(). RenderTemplate(photos). AppendTo(thumbnailList); thumbnailList. Plugin <jQueryIsotopeObject>().Isotope(new IsotopeOptions("layoutMode", IsotopeLayout.Masonry)). Find("a"). Plugin <jQueryLightBoxObject>().LightBox(); thumbnailList.Find("li"). MouseOver(delegate(jQueryEvent e2) { jQuery.This.CSS("box-shadow", "0 0 15px #888"); }). MouseOut(delegate(jQueryEvent e2) { jQuery.This.CSS("box-shadow", ""); }); }); jQuery.FromElement(Document.Body).Focus(); e.PreventDefault(); }); }); }
public void DoFilter(jQueryObject obj, bool postBack) { jQueryUIObject selects = (jQueryUIObject)obj.Find("th select"); string filterValue = ""; selects.Each((ElementIterationCallback) delegate(int index, Element el) { jQueryUIObject select = (jQueryUIObject)jQuery.FromElement(el); Array checkedItems = select.MultiSelect("getChecked"); if (checkedItems.Length > 0) { if (filterValue.Length > 0) { filterValue = filterValue + ",,"; } filterValue = filterValue + select.GetAttribute("name") + "="; for (int i = 0; i < checkedItems.Length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { filterValue = filterValue + "||"; } filterValue = filterValue + ((InputElement)checkedItems[i]).Value; } } }); if (this.Filter != filterValue) { this.Filter = filterValue; if (postBack) { PostBack(0); } } }
public static void PendingChangesConfirmation(jQueryObject element, Func<bool> hasPendingChanges) { element.Bind("dialogbeforeclose", e => { if (!e.HasOriginalEvent() || !hasPendingChanges()) return; e.PreventDefault(); Q.Confirm("You have pending changes. Save them?", () => { element.Find("").Click(); }, new ConfirmOptions { OnNo = () => { element.Dialog().Close(); } }); }); }
private void ResizeElements() { var width = element.GetWidth(); var initialWidth = element.GetDataValue("flexify-width").As <int?>(); if (initialWidth == null) { element.Data("flexify-width", width); initialWidth = width; } var height = element.GetHeight(); var initialHeight = element.GetDataValue("flexify-height").As <int?>(); if (initialHeight == null) { element.Data("flexify-height", height); initialHeight = height; } xDifference = width - initialWidth.Value; yDifference = height - initialHeight.Value; var self = this; jQueryObject containers = element; var tabPanels = element.Find(".ui-tabs-panel"); if (tabPanels.Length > 0) { containers = tabPanels.Filter(":visible"); } containers.Find(".flexify").Add(tabPanels.Filter(".flexify:visible")).Each((i, e) => { self.ResizeElement(J(e)); }); }
private FetchQuerySettings Parse(string fetchXml, string layoutXml) { FetchQuerySettings querySettings = new FetchQuerySettings(); //Quick find view features placeholders from {0} up to {4} based on attribute type. jQueryObject fetchXmlDOM = jQuery.FromHtml("<query>" + fetchXml .Replace("{0}", "#Query#") .Replace("{1}", "#QueryInt#") .Replace("{2}", "#QueryCurrency#") .Replace("{3}", "#QueryDateTime#") .Replace("{4}", "#QueryFloat#") + "</query>"); jQueryObject fetchElement = fetchXmlDOM.Find("fetch"); querySettings.FetchXml = fetchXmlDOM; ParseFetchXml(querySettings); querySettings.Columns = ParseLayoutXml(querySettings.RootEntity, layoutXml); return(querySettings); }
public static void PendingChangesConfirmation(jQueryObject element, Func <bool> hasPendingChanges) { element.Bind("dialogbeforeclose", e => { if (!e.HasOriginalEvent() || !hasPendingChanges()) { return; } e.PreventDefault(); Q.Confirm("You have pending changes. Save them?", () => { element.Find("").Click(); }, new ConfirmOptions { OnNo = () => { element.Dialog().Close(); } }); }); }
public void updatePager(PagingInfo pagingInfo) { NavigationState state = getNavState(); jQueryObject firstButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-grid-paging-first"); jQueryObject backButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-grid-paging-back"); jQueryObject nextButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-grid-paging-next"); jQueryObject label = _container.Find(".sparkle-grid-status-label"); jQueryObject pageInfo = _container.Find(".sparkle-grid-status-paging-page"); jQueryObject status = _container.Find(".sparkle-grid-status-label"); if (state.CanGotoFirst) { firstButton.RemoveClass("disabled"); } else { firstButton.AddClass("disabled"); } if (state.CanGotoPrev) { backButton.RemoveClass("disabled"); } else { backButton.AddClass("disabled"); } if (state.CanGotoNext) { nextButton.RemoveClass("disabled"); } else { nextButton.AddClass("disabled"); } status.Text(string.Format("{0} - {1} of {2} ({3} selected)", pagingInfo.FromRecord, pagingInfo.ToRecord, pagingInfo.TotalRows, _dataView.GetSelectedRows().Length.ToString())); pageInfo.Text(string.Format("Page {0}", pagingInfo.PageNum + 1)); }
public XrmLookupEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { _args = args; _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div ><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td><td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='sparkle-lookup-button' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); jQueryObject inputField = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-lookup-button"); _input = inputField; _input.Focus().Select(); _autoComplete = inputField.Plugin<AutoCompleteObject>(); AutoCompleteOptions options = new AutoCompleteOptions(); options.MinLength = 100000; options.Delay = 0; // TODO- set to something that makes sense bool justSelected = false; options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { if (_value == null) _value = new EntityReference(null,null,null); // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items AutoCompleteItem item = (AutoCompleteItem)uiEvent.Item; string value = item.Label; _input.Value(value); _value.Id = ((EntityReference)item.Value).Id; _value.Name = ((EntityReference)item.Value).Name; _value.LogicalName = ((EntityReference)item.Value).LogicalName; justSelected = true; Script.Literal("return false;"); }; // options.Focus = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteFocusEvent uiEvent) { // Prevent the value being updated in the text box we scroll through the results Script.Literal("return false;"); }; XrmLookupEditorOptions editorOptions = (XrmLookupEditorOptions)args.Column.Options; // wire up source to CRM search Action<AutoCompleteRequest, Action<AutoCompleteItem[]>> queryDelegate = delegate(AutoCompleteRequest request, Action<AutoCompleteItem[]> response) { // Get the option set values editorOptions.queryCommand(request.Term, delegate(EntityCollection fetchResult) { AutoCompleteItem[] results = new AutoCompleteItem[fetchResult.Entities.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < fetchResult.Entities.Count; i++) { results[i] = new AutoCompleteItem(); results[i].Label = (string)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.nameAttribute); EntityReference id = new EntityReference(null, null, null); id.Name = results[i].Label; id.LogicalName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName; id.Id = (Guid)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.idAttribute); results[i].Value = id; string typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName; // Get the type code from the name to find the icon if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editorOptions.typeCodeAttribute)) { typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.typeCodeAttribute).ToString(); } results[i].Image = MetadataCache.GetSmallIconUrl(typeCodeName); } response(results); // Disable it now so typing doesn't trigger a search AutoCompleteOptions disableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions(); disableOption.MinLength = 100000; _autoComplete.AutoComplete(disableOption); }); }; options.Source = queryDelegate; inputField = _autoComplete.AutoComplete(options); ((RenderItemDelegate)Script.Literal("{0}.data('ui-autocomplete')", inputField))._renderItem = delegate(object ul, AutoCompleteItem item) { return (object)jQuery.Select("<li>").Append( "<a class='sparkle-menu-item'><span class='sparkle-menu-item-img'><img src='" + item.Image + "'/></span><span class='sparkle-menu-item-label'>" + item.Label + "</span></a>").AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul); }; // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { AutoCompleteOptions enableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions(); enableOption.MinLength = 0; _autoComplete.AutoComplete(enableOption); _autoComplete.AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search, inputField.GetValue()); }); // Bind return to searching _input.Keydown(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (e.Which == 13 && !justSelected) // Return pressed - but we want to do a search not move to the next cell { if (inputField.GetValue().Length > 0) selectButton.Click(); else { // Set value to null _value = null; return; } } else if (e.Which == 13) { return; } switch (e.Which) { case 13: // Return case 38: // Up - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results case 40: // Down - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); break; } justSelected = false; }); }
public XrmLookupEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { XrmLookupEditor self = this; _args = args; _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td><td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='sparkle-lookup-button' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); jQueryObject inputField = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-lookup-button"); _input = inputField; _input.Focus().Select(); _autoComplete = inputField.Plugin<AutoCompleteObject>(); AutoCompleteOptions options = new AutoCompleteOptions(); options.Position = new Dictionary<string, object>("collision", "fit"); options.MinLength = 100000; options.Delay = 0; // TODO- set to something that makes sense XrmLookupEditorOptions editorOptions = (XrmLookupEditorOptions)args.Column.Options; bool justSelected = false; options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { if (_value == null) _value = new EntityReference(null,null,null); // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items AutoCompleteItem item = (AutoCompleteItem)uiEvent.Item; EntityReference itemRef = (EntityReference)item.Value; if (itemRef.LogicalName == "footerlink") { XrmLookupEditorButton button = editorOptions.footerButton; button.OnClick(item); } else { string value = item.Label; _input.Value(value); _value.Id = itemRef.Id; _value.Name = itemRef.Name; _value.LogicalName = ((EntityReference)item.Value).LogicalName; justSelected = true; } Script.Literal("return false;"); }; options.Focus = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteFocusEvent uiEvent) { // Prevent the value being updated in the text box as we scroll through the results Script.Literal("return false;"); }; options.Open = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o) { self._searchOpen = true; if (editorOptions.showFooter && totalRecordsReturned>0) { WidgetObject menu = (WidgetObject)Script.Literal("{0}.autocomplete({1})", _input, "widget"); AddFooter(menu,totalRecordsReturned); } }; options.Close = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o) { self._searchOpen = false; WidgetObject menu = (WidgetObject)Script.Literal("{0}.autocomplete({1})", _input, "widget"); jQueryObject footer = menu.Next(); if (footer.Length > 0 || footer.HasClass("sparkle-menu-footer")) { footer.Hide(); } }; // If there multiple names, add them to the columnAttributes string[] columns = editorOptions.nameAttribute.Split(","); if (columns.Length > 1) { editorOptions.columns = columns; editorOptions.nameAttribute = columns[0]; } // wire up source to CRM search Action<AutoCompleteRequest, Action<AutoCompleteItem[]>> queryDelegate = delegate(AutoCompleteRequest request, Action<AutoCompleteItem[]> response) { // Get the option set values editorOptions.queryCommand(request.Term, delegate(EntityCollection fetchResult) { if (fetchResult.TotalRecordCount > fetchResult.Entities.Count) { totalRecordsReturned = fetchResult.TotalRecordCount; } else { totalRecordsReturned = fetchResult.Entities.Count; } int recordsFound = fetchResult.Entities.Count; bool noRecordsFound = recordsFound == 0; XrmLookupEditorButton button = editorOptions.footerButton; bool footerButton = (button != null); AutoCompleteItem[] results = new AutoCompleteItem[recordsFound + (footerButton ? 1 : 0) + (noRecordsFound ? 1 :0) ]; for (int i = 0; i < recordsFound; i++) { results[i] = new AutoCompleteItem(); results[i].Label = (string)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.nameAttribute); EntityReference id = new EntityReference(null, null, null); id.Name = results[i].Label; id.LogicalName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName; id.Id = (Guid)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.idAttribute); results[i].Value = id; XrmLookupBinding.GetExtraColumns(editorOptions.columns, fetchResult, results, i); string typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName; // Get the type code from the name to find the icon if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editorOptions.typeCodeAttribute)) { typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.typeCodeAttribute).ToString(); } if (editorOptions.showImage) { results[i].Image = MetadataCache.GetSmallIconUrl(typeCodeName); } } int itemsCount = recordsFound; if (noRecordsFound) { AutoCompleteItem noRecordsItem = new AutoCompleteItem(); noRecordsItem.Label = SparkleResourceStrings.NoRecordsFound; results[itemsCount] = noRecordsItem; itemsCount++; } if (footerButton) { // Add the add new AutoCompleteItem addNewLink = new AutoCompleteItem(); addNewLink.Label = button.Label; addNewLink.Image = button.Image; addNewLink.ColumnValues = null; addNewLink.Value = new Entity("footerlink"); results[itemsCount] = addNewLink; } response(results); // Disable it now so typing doesn't trigger a search AutoCompleteOptions disableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions(); disableOption.MinLength = 100000; _autoComplete.AutoComplete(disableOption); }); }; options.Source = queryDelegate; inputField = _autoComplete.AutoComplete(options); RenderItemDelegate autoCompleteDelegates = ((RenderItemDelegate)Script.Literal("{0}.data('ui-autocomplete')", inputField)); autoCompleteDelegates._renderItem = delegate(object ul, AutoCompleteItem item) { if(item.Value==item.Label) { return (object)jQuery.Select("<li class='ui-state-disabled'>"+item.Label+"</li>").AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul); } string itemHtml = "<a class='sparkle-menu-item'>"; // Allow for no image by passing false to 'ShowImage' on the XrmLookupEditorOptions options if (item.Image != null) { itemHtml += "<span class='sparkle-menu-item-img'><img src='" + item.Image + "'/></span>"; } itemHtml += "<span class='sparkle-menu-item-label'>" + item.Label + "</span><br/>"; if (item.ColumnValues != null && item.ColumnValues.Length > 0) { foreach (string value in item.ColumnValues) { itemHtml += "<span class='sparkle-menu-item-moreinfo'>" + value + "</span>"; } } itemHtml += "</a>"; return (object)jQuery.Select("<li>").Append(itemHtml).AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul); }; // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { AutoCompleteOptions enableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions(); enableOption.MinLength = 0; _autoComplete.AutoComplete(enableOption); _autoComplete.AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search, inputField.GetValue()); }); // Bind return to searching _input.Keydown(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (e.Which == 13 && !justSelected) // Return pressed - but we want to do a search not move to the next cell { if (inputField.GetValue().Length > 0) selectButton.Click(); else { // Set value to null _value = null; return; } } else if (e.Which == 13) { return; } if (self._searchOpen) { switch (e.Which) { case 9: case 13: // Return case 38: // Up - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results case 40: // Down - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); break; } } else { switch (e.Which) { case 13: // Return e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); break; } } justSelected = false; }); }
public XrmTimeEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { bool justSelected = false; XrmTimeEditor self = this; if (OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings != null) { _formatString = OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings.TimeFormatString; } _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div ><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td><td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='autocompleteButton' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); jQueryObject inputField = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); _input = inputField; _input.Focus().Select(); string timeFormatString = _formatString; AutoCompleteOptions options = GetTimePickerAutoCompleteOptions(timeFormatString); options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { justSelected = true; }; options.Open = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o) { self._searchOpen = true; }; options.Close = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o) { self._searchOpen = false; }; inputField = inputField.Plugin<AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(options); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".autocompleteButton"); // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { inputField.Plugin<AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search, ""); }); // Bind return to searching _input.Keydown(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (self._searchOpen) { switch (e.Which) { case 13: // Return case 38: // Up - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results case 40: // Down - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); break; } } justSelected = false; }); }
public TemplateControl(object oTemplate) { // init static stuff if (!_bStaticConstructionFinished) { StaticConstructor(); } // continue instance setup.. this._strInstanceId = GenerateNewInstanceId(); string strTemplate; // grab template if (Script.IsNullOrUndefined(oTemplate)) { strTemplate = FindTemplate(this); #if DEBUG if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTemplate)) { throw new Exception(this.GetType().FullName + " is missing a Template member and no template was provided."); } #endif } else { if (oTemplate is string) { strTemplate = (string)oTemplate; } else { jQueryObject jqTemplate = jQuery.FromObject(oTemplate); strTemplate = "<" + jqTemplate[0].TagName + ">" + jqTemplate.GetHtml() + "</" + jqTemplate[0].TagName + ">"; } } _hash_oNamedChildControls = new Dictionary(); _hash_oNamedChildElements = new Dictionary(); jQueryObject jqHead = jQuery.Select("head"); // grab template if (Script.IsNullOrUndefined(strTemplate)) { strTemplate = (string)Type.GetField(this, "template"); } #if DEBUG if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTemplate)) { throw new Exception(this.GetType().FullName + " is missing a Template member."); } #endif // generate an absolute id for this control string newId = GenerateNewAutoId(); #if DEBUG // is there a conflict in the auto gen'd id? { int numOtherControlsWithId = jQuery.Select("#" + newId).Length; if (numOtherControlsWithId != 0) { throw new Exception("Auto generated id conflict."); } } #endif // parse template jQueryObject jqContent = jQuery.FromHtml(strTemplate.Replace("`", "\"")); // are there style tags? string strStyleRules = string.Empty; jqContent.Filter("style").Each(delegate(int i, Element e) { jQueryObject jqElement = jQuery.FromElement(e); strStyleRules += jqElement.GetHtml(); jqElement.Remove(); }); // proceed with non-style tags jqContent = jqContent.Not("style").Remove(); // remove attribute id if any #if DEBUG if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jqContent.GetAttribute("id"))) { throw new Exception("Global ID's not permitted. Element with ID \"" + jqContent.GetAttribute("id") + "\" found."); } #endif jqContent.RemoveAttr("id"); // store reference _jqRootElement = jqContent; // store reference from element back to this control _jqRootElement.Data(DataNameControl, this); // identify locally-named elements. this runs before parsing children because we don't want to add children's locally-named html elements. { jqContent.Find("*[" + AttributeNameLocalId + "]").Each( delegate(int i, Element e) { jQueryObject jqElement = jQuery.FromElement(e); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jqElement.GetAttribute(AttributeNameControlClass))) { return; } string strLocalId = GetLocalId(jqElement); if (strLocalId == null) { return; } // store record of it this._hash_oNamedChildElements[strLocalId] = jqElement; // remove absolute id if any #if DEBUG if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jqElement.GetAttribute("id"))) { throw new Exception("Global ID's not permitted. Element with ID \"" + jqElement.GetAttribute("id") + "\" found."); } #endif jqElement.RemoveAttr("id"); }) ; } // rewrite image and image button paths { string baseUrl = BaseUrlImages; if (baseUrl.Length > 0) { jqContent.Find("img, input[type=image]").Each( delegate(int i, Element e) { jQueryObject jqe = jQuery.FromElement(e); string src = jqe.GetAttribute("src"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(src)) { string nullSrc = "http://null-image"; if (Window.Location.Protocol == "https:") { nullSrc = "https://null-image"; } jqe.Attribute("src", nullSrc); return; } if (src.StartsWith("http://") || src.StartsWith("https://")) { return; } jqe.Attribute("src", CombinePaths(baseUrl, src)); } ); } } // calculcate search namespace Type currentType = this.GetType(); string currentTopLevelNamespace = currentType .FullName .Substr(0, currentType.FullName.IndexOf('.')) ; // add class for identifying this as a template control _jqRootElement.AddClass(CssClassNameControl); // add class for identifying this as a newly added template control _jqRootElement.AddClass(CssClassNameControlUnadded); // recurse into child controls // todo: move this to *after* processing labels and images? jqContent.Find("div[" + AttributeNameControlClass + "]").Each( delegate(int index, Element element) { jQueryObject jqElement = jQuery.FromElement(element); string strChildTypeName = jqElement.GetAttribute(AttributeNameControlClass); string strChildTypeNameResolved = ResolveTypeName( strChildTypeName, currentTopLevelNamespace ) ; Type oChildType = Type.GetType(strChildTypeNameResolved); if (Script.IsNullOrUndefined(oChildType)) { #if DEBUG throw new Exception("Could not locate type \"" + (strChildTypeNameResolved ?? strChildTypeName) + "\""); #else return; #endif } TemplateControl childControl = Type.CreateInstance(oChildType, null) as TemplateControl; if (!(childControl is TemplateControl)) { // this check is still needed because of how the 'as' operator behaves in Script#. #if DEBUG throw new Exception("Control must derive from 'TemplateControl'."); #else return; #endif } // grab local id if any string strLocalId = GetLocalId(jqElement) ?? GenerateNewAutoId(); // store named control if (strLocalId != null) { this._hash_oNamedChildControls[strLocalId] = childControl; } // merge style and class attributes string strClass = jqElement.GetAttribute("class"); string strStyle = jqElement.GetAttribute("style"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strClass)) { string strClassFromTemplate = childControl.RootElement.GetAttribute("class") ?? string.Empty; childControl.RootElement.Attribute("class", strClassFromTemplate + " " + strClass); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strStyle)) { string strStyleFromTemplate = childControl.RootElement.GetAttribute("style") ?? string.Empty; childControl.RootElement.Attribute("style", strStyleFromTemplate + " " + strStyle); } // preserve other attributes for (int i = 0, m = jqElement[0].Attributes.Length; i < m; ++i) { ElementAttribute a = (ElementAttribute)Type.GetField(jqElement[0].Attributes, (string)(object)i); if (jQuery.Browser.Version == "7.0" && jQuery.Browser.MSIE && !a.Specified) { continue; } string attributeName = a.Name.ToLowerCase(); switch (attributeName) { case "id": case "xid": case "class": case "style": case "control": break; default: childControl.RootElement.Attribute(a.Name, a.Value); break; } } // replace the placeholder element with the new control. jqElement.RemoveAttr("id").After(childControl.RootElement).Remove(); // preserve local id & control type name if (strLocalId != null) { childControl.RootElement.Attribute("xid", strLocalId); } childControl.RootElement.Attribute("control", jqElement.GetAttribute(AttributeNameControlClass)); // any children content? jQueryObject jqChildContent = jqElement.Find(">*"); if (jqChildContent.Length > 0) { childControl.ProcessChildContent(jqChildContent); } } ); // rewrite radio input groups // todo: do this before processing child controls? { jQueryObject jqRadioInputs = _jqRootElement.Find("input[type=radio]"); Dictionary hash_rewrittenGroupNames = new Dictionary(); jqRadioInputs.Each(delegate(int index, Element element) { jQueryObject jqRadio = jQuery.FromElement(element); // rewrite name attribute { string strGroupName = jqRadio.GetAttribute("name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strGroupName)) { return; } // need a new name? string strNewGroupName; if (hash_rewrittenGroupNames.ContainsKey(strGroupName)) { strNewGroupName = (string)hash_rewrittenGroupNames[strGroupName]; } else { hash_rewrittenGroupNames[strGroupName] = strNewGroupName = GenerateNewAutoId(); } jqRadio.Attribute("name", strNewGroupName); } // make sure the element has an id, for label elements to use if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jqRadio.GetAttribute("id"))) { jqRadio.Attribute("id", GenerateNewAutoId()); } }); this._hash_rewrittenGroupNames = hash_rewrittenGroupNames; } // rewrite label elements // todo: do this before processing child controls? { jQueryObject jqLabels = _jqRootElement.Find("label[for]"); jqLabels.Each(delegate(int index, Element element) { if (_bPresented) { } // workaround to delegate bug in Script# jQueryObject jqLabelElement = jQuery.FromElement(element); string strForId = jqLabelElement.GetAttribute("for"); // is this element rewritten? jQueryObject jqTargetElement = TryGetElement(strForId); if (jqTargetElement == null) { return; } string strTargetElementNewId = jqTargetElement.GetAttribute("id"); // make sure the "for" element has an id if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTargetElementNewId)) { jqTargetElement.Attribute("id", strTargetElementNewId = GenerateNewAutoId()); } jqLabelElement.Attribute("for", strTargetElementNewId); return; }); } // fixup css rules & add to head if (strStyleRules.Length != 0) { ProcessCss(this, strStyleRules); } // auto fill members that point to elements/controls AutoFillMemberFields(); // any elements with advanced layout enabled? AdvancedLayout.AutoEnable(_jqRootElement); }