public XrmDateEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { XrmDateEditor self = this; _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div ><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr>" + "<td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td>" + "<td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='sparkle-imagestrip-inlineedit_calendar_icon' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); _input = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); _input.Bind("keydown.nav", delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (!_calendarOpen && (e.Which == 38 || e.Which == 40) && e.CtrlKey) // Ctrl-Up/Down shows date picker { _input.Plugin <DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(DatePickerMethod2.Show); e.StopImmediatePropagation(); } else if (_calendarOpen && e.Which == 13) { e.PreventDefault(); } }); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-imagestrip-inlineedit_calendar_icon"); _input.Focus().Select(); DatePickerOptions2 options2 = new DatePickerOptions2(); options2.ShowOtherMonths = true; options2.ShowOn = ""; // Date Pickers in CRM do not show when they are focused - you click the button options2.FirstDay = OrganizationServiceProxy.OrganizationSettings != null ? OrganizationServiceProxy.OrganizationSettings.WeekStartDayCode.Value.Value : 0; options2.BeforeShow = delegate() { this._calendarOpen = true; }; options2.OnClose = delegate() { this._calendarOpen = false; _selectedValue = GetSelectedValue(); }; options2.OnSelect = delegate(string dateString, object instance) { // Select the date text field when selecting a date Focus(); }; if (OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings != null) { _dateFormat = OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings.DateFormatString; } options2.DateFormat = _dateFormat; _input.Plugin <DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(options2); // Wire up the date picker button selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e){ _input.Plugin <DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(DatePickerMethod2.Show); Focus(); }); }
public XrmTimeEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { if (OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings != null) { _formatString = OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings.TimeFormatString; } _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div ><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td><td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='autocompleteButton' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); jQueryObject inputField = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); _input = inputField; _input.Focus().Select(); string timeFormatString = _formatString; AutoCompleteOptions options = GetTimePickerAutoCompleteOptions(timeFormatString); options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items //string value = ((Dictionary)uiEvent.Item)["value"].ToString(); }; inputField = inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(options); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".autocompleteButton"); // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search, ""); }); }
private jQueryObject AddEmptyRow(bool popupField) { jQueryObject emptyRow = FindEmptyRow(); if (emptyRow != null) { emptyRow.Find("input.field-select").Select2("focus"); if (popupField) { emptyRow.Find("input.field-select").Select2("open"); } return(emptyRow); } bool isLastRowOr = this.rowsDiv.Children().Last().Children("a.andor").HasClass("or"); jQueryObject row = J(RowTemplate).AppendTo(this.rowsDiv); jQueryObject parenDiv = row.Children("div.l").Hide(); parenDiv.Children("a.leftparen, a.rightparen").Click(LeftRightParenClick); jQueryObject andor = parenDiv.Children("a.andor").Attribute("title", Q.Text("Controls.FilterPanel.ChangeAndOr")); if (isLastRowOr) { andor.AddClass("or").Text(Q.Text("Controls.FilterPanel.Or")); } else { andor.Text(Q.Text("Controls.FilterPanel.And")); } andor.Click(AndOrClick); row.Children("a.delete").Attribute("title", Q.Text("Controls.FilterPanel.RemoveField")).Click(DeleteRowClick); var fieldSel = new FieldSelect(row.Children("div.f").Children("input"), this.Store.Fields); fieldSel.ChangeSelect2(OnRowFieldChange); UpdateParens(); UpdateButtons(); row.Find("input.field-select").Select2("focus"); if (popupField) { row.Find("input.field-select").Select2("open"); } return(row); }
/// <summary>Constructor.</summary> /// <param name="listTree">The list tree under control.</param> /// <param name="backButton">The back button.</param> /// <param name="backMask">The mask which causes the back-button to look like a back button.</param> public ListTreeBackController(ListTreeView listTree, jQueryObject backButton, jQueryObject backMask) { // Store values. this.listTree = listTree; this.backButton = backButton; this.backMask = backMask; // Wire up events. listTree.PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged; backButton.Click(OnBackClick); backMask.Click(OnBackClick); }
public override void Init(System.Html.Element element, Func <object> valueAccessor, Func <System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context) { string formatString = GetFormatString(); jQueryObject container = jQuery.FromElement(element); jQueryObject inputField = container.Find(".sparkle-input-timeofday-part"); jQueryObject selectButton = container.Find(".sparkle-input-timeofday-button-part"); AutoCompleteOptions options = XrmTimeEditor.GetTimePickerAutoCompleteOptions(formatString); options.Position = new Dictionary <string, object>("collision", "fit"); options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items string value = ((Dictionary)uiEvent.Item)["value"].ToString(); TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, value); }; inputField = inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(options); // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search, ""); // Give "" to show all items }); //// Set initial value //Observable<DateTime> dateValueAccessor = (Observable<DateTime>)valueAccessor(); //DateTime intialValue = dateValueAccessor.GetValue(); //FormatterUpdate(inputField, intialValue); //handle the field changing KnockoutUtils.RegisterEventHandler(inputField.GetElement(0), "change", delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { string value = inputField.GetValue(); TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, value); }); Action disposeCallBack = delegate() { Script.Literal("$({0}).autocomplete(\"destroy\")", element); }; //handle disposal (if KO removes by the template binding) Script.Literal("ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback({0}, {1})", element, (object)disposeCallBack); // Note: Because the time picker is always part of the date picker - we don't need to display validation messages //Knockout.BindingHandlers["validationCore"].Init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, null, null); }
public ConfirmedMatches(Element element) : base(element, "ConfirmedMatches") { jQueryObject cancelObject = jQuery.Select(".confirmedMatch .cancelConfirmedMatch"); jQueryObject reportScoreObject = jQuery.Select(".confirmedMatch .inputScore"); if (cancelObject != null) { cancelObject.Click(CancelMatch); } if (reportScoreObject != null) { reportScoreObject.Click(ReportScore); } }
private jQueryObject AddEmptyRow() { jQueryObject emptyRow = FindEmptyRow(); if (emptyRow != null) { return(emptyRow); } bool isLastRowOr = this.rowsDiv.Children().Last().Children("a.andor").HasClass("or"); jQueryObject row = J(RowTemplate).AppendTo(this.rowsDiv); jQueryObject parenDiv = row.Children("div.l").Hide(); parenDiv.Children("a.leftparen, a.rightparen").Click(LeftRightParenClick); jQueryObject andor = parenDiv.Children("a.andor").Attribute("title", Q.Text("Controls.FilterPanel.ChangeAndOr")); if (isLastRowOr) { andor.AddClass("or").Text(Q.Text("Controls.FilterPanel.Or")); } else { andor.Text(Q.Text("Controls.FilterPanel.And")); } andor.Click(AndOrClick); row.Children("a.delete").Attribute("title", Q.Text("Controls.FilterPanel.RemoveField")).Click(DeleteRowClick); jQueryObject fieldSel = row.Children("div.f").Children("select"); fieldSel.Change(OnRowFieldChange); PopulateFieldList(fieldSel); UpdateParens(); UpdateButtons(); OnHeightChange(); fieldSel.Focus(); return(row); }
public override void Init(System.Html.Element element, Func <object> valueAccessor, Func <System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context) { jQueryObject container = jQuery.FromElement(element); jQueryObject inputField = container.Find(".sparkle-input-duration-part"); jQueryObject selectButton = container.Find(".sparkle-input-duration-button-part"); AutoCompleteOptions options = new AutoCompleteOptions(); options.Position = new Dictionary <string, object>("collision", "fit"); options.Source = new string[] { "1 m", "2 m", "1 h", "2 h", "1 d" }; options.Delay = 0; options.MinLength = 0; options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items string value = ((Dictionary)uiEvent.Item)["value"].ToString(); TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, value); }; inputField = inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(options); // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search, "");// Give "" to show all items }); //handle the field changing KnockoutUtils.RegisterEventHandler(element, "change", delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { string value = inputField.GetValue(); TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, value); }); Action disposeCallBack = delegate() { Script.Literal("$({0}).autocomplete(\"destroy\")", element); }; //handle disposal (if KO removes by the template binding) Script.Literal("ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback({0}, {1})", element, (object)disposeCallBack); //Knockout.BindingHandlers["validationCore"].Init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, null, null); }
public XrmDateEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div ><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr>" + "<td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td>" + "<td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='sparkle-imagestrip-inlineedit_calendar_icon' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); _input = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-imagestrip-inlineedit_calendar_icon"); _input.Focus().Select(); DatePickerOptions options = new DatePickerOptions(); DatePickerOptions2 options2 = (DatePickerOptions2)(object)options; options2.BeforeShow = delegate() { this._calendarOpen = true; }; options2.OnClose = delegate() { this._calendarOpen = false; _selectedValue = GetSelectedValue(); }; if (OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings != null) { _dateFormat = OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings.DateFormatString; } options.DateFormat = _dateFormat; _input.Plugin <DatePickerObject>().DatePicker(options); // Wire up the date picker button selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e){ _input.Plugin <DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(DatePickerMethod2.Show); }); //_input.Width(_input.GetWidth() - 24); }
public override void Init(System.Html.Element element, Func <object> valueAccessor, Func <System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context) { jQueryObject inputField = jQuery.FromElement(element); AutoCompleteOptions options = (AutoCompleteOptions)((object)allBindingsAccessor()["autocompleteOptions"]); options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items string value = ((Dictionary)uiEvent.Item)["value"].ToString(); TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, value); }; inputField = inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(options); jQueryObject selectButton = inputField.Siblings(".timeSelectButton"); // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search); }); //handle the field changing KnockoutUtils.RegisterEventHandler(element, "change", delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { string value = inputField.GetValue(); TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, value); }); Action disposeCallBack = delegate() { Script.Literal("$({0}).autocomplete(\"destroy\")", element); }; //handle disposal (if KO removes by the template binding) Script.Literal("ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback({0}, {1})", element, (object)disposeCallBack); Knockout.BindingHandlers["validationCore"].Init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, null, null); }
public PopupMenuButton(jQueryObject div, PopupMenuButtonOptions opt) : base(div, opt) { var self = this; div.AddClass("s-PopupMenuButton"); div.Click((jQueryEvent e) => { e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); if (options.OnPopup != null) { options.OnPopup(); } var menu = self.options.Menu; menu.Show().As <dynamic>().position(new { my = options.PositionMy ?? "left top", at = options.PositionAt ?? "left bottom", of = self.element }); var uq = self.uniqueName; jQuery.Document.One("click." + uq, x => { menu.Hide(); }); }); self.options.Menu.Hide().AppendTo(Document.Body).AddClass("s-PopupMenu") .As <dynamic>().menu(); }
public void constructPagerUI() { _container.Empty(); jQueryObject pager = jQuery.FromHtml("<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='sparkle-grid-status'><tbody><tr>" + "<td class='sparkle-grid-status-label'>1 - 1 of 1 (0 selected)</td>" + "<td class='sparkle-grid-status-paging'>" + "<img src='../../sparkle_/css/images/transparent_spacer.gif' class='sparkle-grid-paging-first'>" + "<img src='../../sparkle_/css/images/transparent_spacer.gif' class='sparkle-grid-paging-back'>" + "<span class='sparkle-grid-status-paging-page'>Page 1</span>" + "<img src='../../sparkle_/css/images/transparent_spacer.gif' class='sparkle-grid-paging-next'>" + " </td></tr></tbody></table>"); jQueryObject firstButton = pager.Find(".sparkle-grid-paging-first"); jQueryObject backButton = pager.Find(".sparkle-grid-paging-back"); jQueryObject nextButton = pager.Find(".sparkle-grid-paging-next"); jQueryObject label = pager.Find(".sparkle-grid-status-label"); jQueryObject pageInfo = pager.Find(".sparkle-grid-status-paging-page"); _container.Append(pager); firstButton.Click(gotoFirst); backButton.Click(gotoPrev); nextButton.Click(gotoNext); }
private void LinkFn(FloatingWindowScope scope, jQueryObject element, dynamic attr) { myElement = element; myScope = scope; items.Add(element, scope); element.Click((elem, @event) => Focus()); scope.Parent.SwingAway = (a, b, c) => { SwingAway(a, b, element, c); }; scope.Parent.SwingBack = (c) => { SwingBack(scope, element, c); }; scope.Parent.Minimize = () => { scope.Parent.Minimized = true; scope.Minimize(); }; scope.Parent.DestroyWindow = () => { scope.Destroy(); element.Remove(); }; scope.PositionStyles = new FloatingWindowPosition() { Left = scope.Left, Top = scope.Top, Display = "block" }; scope.PositionStyles.ZIndex = 10000; if (scope.Left.IndexOf("%") != -1) { scope.PositionStyles.MarginLeft = (-(int.Parse(scope.Width.Replace("px", "")) / 2)) + "px"; } if (scope.Top.IndexOf("%") != -1) { scope.PositionStyles.MarginTop = (-(int.Parse(scope.Height.Replace("px", "")) / 2)) + "px"; } scope.SizeStyle = new Size() { Width = scope.Width, Height = scope.Height, }; scope.Maximize = () => { if (!scope.IsMaximized) { scope.LastPositionStyles = scope.PositionStyles; scope.LastSizeStyle = scope.SizeStyle; scope.PositionStyles = new FloatingWindowPosition() { Left = "0", Top = "0", Display = "block" }; scope.SizeStyle = new Size() { Width = "100%", Height = "100%", }; } else { scope.PositionStyles = scope.LastPositionStyles; scope.SizeStyle = scope.LastSizeStyle; scope.LastPositionStyles = null; scope.LastSizeStyle = null; } scope.IsMaximized = !scope.IsMaximized; }; scope.Close = () => { if (scope.OnClose != null) { scope.OnClose(); } if (scope.Parent.OnClose != null) { scope.Parent.OnClose(); } //todo destroy scope.PositionStyles.Display = "none"; }; scope.Minimize = () => { // myUIManagerService.OnMinimize(scope); scope.Parent.SwingAway(SwingDirection.Bottom, false, () => { scope.PositionStyles.Display = "none"; }); }; scope.Restore = () => { scope.Parent.SwingBack(null); scope.PositionStyles.Display = "block"; }; Focus(); if (scope.Parent.OnReady != null) scope.Parent.OnReady(); }
public override void Init(System.Html.Element element, Func <object> valueAccessor, Func <System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context) { jQueryObject container = jQuery.FromElement(element); jQueryObject inputField = container.Find(".sparkle-input-lookup-part"); jQueryObject selectButton = container.Find(".sparkle-input-lookup-button-part"); EntityReference _value = new EntityReference(null, null, null); AutoCompleteOptions options = new AutoCompleteOptions(); options.MinLength = 100000; // Don't enable type down - use search button (or return) options.Delay = 0; options.Position = new Dictionary <string, object>("collision", "fit"); bool justSelected = false; // Set the value when selected options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items AutoCompleteItem item = (AutoCompleteItem)uiEvent.Item; if (_value == null) { _value = new EntityReference(null, null, null); } string value = item.Label; inputField.Value(value); _value.Id = ((Guid)item.Value); _value.Name = item.Label; _value.LogicalName = (string)item.Data; justSelected = true; TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, _value); Script.Literal("return false;"); }; // Get the query command Action <string, Action <EntityCollection> > queryCommand = (Action <string, Action <EntityCollection> >)((object)allBindingsAccessor()["queryCommand"]); string nameAttribute = ((string)allBindingsAccessor()["nameAttribute"]); string idAttribute = ((string)allBindingsAccessor()["idAttribute"]); string typeCodeAttribute = ((string)allBindingsAccessor()["typeCodeAttribute"]); // wire up source to CRM search Action <AutoCompleteRequest, Action <AutoCompleteItem[]> > queryDelegate = delegate(AutoCompleteRequest request, Action <AutoCompleteItem[]> response) { Action <EntityCollection> queryCallBack = delegate(EntityCollection fetchResult) { AutoCompleteItem[] results = new AutoCompleteItem[fetchResult.Entities.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < fetchResult.Entities.Count; i++) { results[i] = new AutoCompleteItem(); results[i].Label = (string)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(nameAttribute); results[i].Value = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(idAttribute); results[i].Data = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName; string typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName; // Get the type code from the name to find the icon if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeCodeAttribute)) { typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(typeCodeAttribute).ToString(); } results[i].Image = MetadataCache.GetSmallIconUrl(typeCodeName); } response(results); // Disable it now so typing doesn't trigger a search AutoCompleteOptions disableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions(); disableOption.MinLength = 100000; inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(disableOption); }; // Call the function with the correct 'this' context Script.Literal("{0}.call({1}.$parent,{2},{3})", queryCommand, context, request.Term, queryCallBack); }; options.Source = queryDelegate; options.Focus = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteFocusEvent uiEvent) { // Prevent the value being updated in the text box we scroll through the results Script.Literal("return false;"); }; inputField = inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(options); // Set render template ((RenderItemDelegate)Script.Literal("{0}.data('ui-autocomplete')", inputField))._renderItem = delegate(object ul, AutoCompleteItem item) { return((object)jQuery.Select("<li>").Append("<a class='sparkle-menu-item'><span class='sparkle-menu-item-img'><img src='" + item.Image + "'/></span><span class='sparkle-menu-item-label'>" + item.Label + "</span></a>").AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul)); }; // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { AutoCompleteOptions enableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions(); enableOption.MinLength = 0; inputField.Focus(); inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(enableOption); inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search); }); // handle the field changing inputField.Change(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (inputField.GetValue() != _value.Name) { TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, null); } }); Action disposeCallBack = delegate() { if ((bool)Script.Literal("$({0}).data('ui-autocomplete')!=undefined", inputField)) { //inputField.Plugin<AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Destroy); Script.Literal("$({0}).autocomplete(\"destroy\")", inputField); } }; //handle disposal (if KO removes by the template binding) Script.Literal("ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback({0}, {1})", element, (object)disposeCallBack); Knockout.BindingHandlers["validationCore"].Init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, null, null); // Bind return to searching inputField.Keydown(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (e.Which == 13 && !justSelected) // Return pressed - but we want to do a search not move to the next cell { selectButton.Click(); } else if (e.Which == 13) { return; } switch (e.Which) { case 13: // Return case 38: // Up - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results case 40: // Down - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); break; } justSelected = false; }); //Script.Literal("return { controlsDescendantBindings: true };"); }
private void LinkFn(FloatingWindowScope scope, jQueryObject element, dynamic attr) { myElement = element; myScope = scope; items.Add(element, scope); element.Click((elem, @event) => Focus()); scope.Parent.SwingAway = (a, b, c) => { SwingAway(a, b, element, c); }; scope.Parent.SwingBack = (c) => { SwingBack(scope, element, c); }; scope.Parent.Minimize = () => { scope.Parent.Minimized = true; scope.Minimize(); }; scope.Parent.DestroyWindow = () => { scope.Destroy(); element.Remove(); }; scope.PositionStyles = new FloatingWindowPosition() { Left = scope.Left, Top = scope.Top, Display = "block" }; scope.PositionStyles.ZIndex = 10000; if (scope.Left.IndexOf("%") != -1) { scope.PositionStyles.MarginLeft = (-(int.Parse(scope.Width.Replace("px", "")) / 2)) + "px"; } if (scope.Top.IndexOf("%") != -1) { scope.PositionStyles.MarginTop = (-(int.Parse(scope.Height.Replace("px", "")) / 2)) + "px"; } scope.SizeStyle = new Size() { Width = scope.Width, Height = scope.Height, }; scope.Maximize = () => { if (!scope.IsMaximized) { scope.LastPositionStyles = scope.PositionStyles; scope.LastSizeStyle = scope.SizeStyle; scope.PositionStyles = new FloatingWindowPosition() { Left = "0", Top = "0", Display = "block" }; scope.SizeStyle = new Size() { Width = "100%", Height = "100%", }; } else { scope.PositionStyles = scope.LastPositionStyles; scope.SizeStyle = scope.LastSizeStyle; scope.LastPositionStyles = null; scope.LastSizeStyle = null; } scope.IsMaximized = !scope.IsMaximized; }; scope.Close = () => { if (scope.OnClose != null) { scope.OnClose(); } if (scope.Parent.OnClose != null) { scope.Parent.OnClose(); } //todo destroy scope.PositionStyles.Display = "none"; }; scope.Minimize = () => { // myUIManagerService.OnMinimize(scope); scope.Parent.SwingAway(SwingDirection.Bottom, false, () => { scope.PositionStyles.Display = "none"; }); }; scope.Restore = () => { scope.Parent.SwingBack(null); scope.PositionStyles.Display = "block"; }; Focus(); if (scope.Parent.OnReady != null) { scope.Parent.OnReady(); } }
public override void Init(System.Html.Element element, Func <object> valueAccessor, Func <System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context) { XrmLookupEditorButton footerButton = (XrmLookupEditorButton)allBindingsAccessor()["footerButton"]; bool showFooter = (bool)allBindingsAccessor()["showFooter"]; jQueryObject container = jQuery.FromElement(element); jQueryObject inputField = container.Find(".sparkle-input-lookup-part"); jQueryObject selectButton = container.Find(".sparkle-input-lookup-button-part"); EntityReference _value = new EntityReference(null, null, null); AutoCompleteOptions options = new AutoCompleteOptions(); options.MinLength = 100000; // Don't enable type down - use search button (or return) options.Delay = 0; options.Position = new Dictionary <string, object>("collision", "fit"); bool justSelected = false; int totalRecordsReturned = 0; Action <AutoCompleteItem, bool> setValue = delegate(AutoCompleteItem item, bool setFocus) { if (_value == null) { _value = new EntityReference(null, null, null); } string value = item.Label; inputField.Value(value); _value.Id = ((Guid)item.Value); _value.Name = item.Label; _value.LogicalName = (string)item.Data; justSelected = true; TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, _value, setFocus); }; // Set the value when selected options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items AutoCompleteItem item = (AutoCompleteItem)uiEvent.Item; string data = ((string)item.Data); if (data == "footerlink" || data == null) { footerButton.OnClick(item); e.PreventDefault(); e.StopImmediatePropagation(); Script.Literal("return false;"); } else { setValue(item, true); Script.Literal("return false;"); } }; options.Open = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o) { if (showFooter && totalRecordsReturned > 0) { WidgetObject menu = (WidgetObject)Script.Literal("{0}.autocomplete({1})", inputField, "widget"); XrmLookupEditor.AddFooter(menu, totalRecordsReturned); } }; options.Close = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o) { WidgetObject menu = (WidgetObject)Script.Literal("{0}.autocomplete({1})", inputField, "widget"); jQueryObject footer = menu.Next(); if (footer.Length > 0 || footer.HasClass("sparkle-menu-footer")) { footer.Hide(); } }; // Get the query command Action <string, Action <EntityCollection> > queryCommand = (Action <string, Action <EntityCollection> >)((object)allBindingsAccessor()["queryCommand"]); string nameAttribute = ((string)allBindingsAccessor()["nameAttribute"]); string idAttribute = ((string)allBindingsAccessor()["idAttribute"]); string typeCodeAttribute = ((string)allBindingsAccessor()["typeCodeAttribute"]); string[] columnAttributes = null; // If there multiple names, add them to the columnAttributes string[] columns = nameAttribute.Split(","); if (columns.Length > 1) { columnAttributes = columns; nameAttribute = columnAttributes[0]; } // wire up source to CRM search Action <AutoCompleteRequest, Action <AutoCompleteItem[]> > queryDelegate = delegate(AutoCompleteRequest request, Action <AutoCompleteItem[]> response) { Action <EntityCollection> queryCallBack = delegate(EntityCollection fetchResult) { int recordsFound = fetchResult.Entities.Count; bool noRecordsFound = recordsFound == 0; AutoCompleteItem[] results = new AutoCompleteItem[recordsFound + (footerButton != null ? 1 : 0) + (noRecordsFound ? 1 : 0)]; for (int i = 0; i < recordsFound; i++) { results[i] = new AutoCompleteItem(); results[i].Label = (string)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(nameAttribute); results[i].Value = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(idAttribute); results[i].Data = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName; GetExtraColumns(columnAttributes, fetchResult, results, i); string typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName; // Get the type code from the name to find the icon if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeCodeAttribute)) { typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(typeCodeAttribute).ToString(); } results[i].Image = MetadataCache.GetSmallIconUrl(typeCodeName); } if (fetchResult.TotalRecordCount > fetchResult.Entities.Count) { totalRecordsReturned = fetchResult.TotalRecordCount; } else { totalRecordsReturned = fetchResult.Entities.Count; } int itemsCount = recordsFound; if (noRecordsFound) { AutoCompleteItem noRecordsItem = new AutoCompleteItem(); noRecordsItem.Label = SparkleResourceStrings.NoRecordsFound; results[itemsCount] = noRecordsItem; itemsCount++; } if (footerButton != null) { // Add the add new AutoCompleteItem addNewLink = new AutoCompleteItem(); addNewLink.Label = footerButton.Label; addNewLink.Image = footerButton.Image; addNewLink.ColumnValues = null; addNewLink.Data = "footerlink"; results[itemsCount] = addNewLink; } response(results); // Disable it now so typing doesn't trigger a search AutoCompleteOptions disableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions(); disableOption.MinLength = 100000; inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(disableOption); }; // Call the function with the correct 'this' context Script.Literal("{0}.call({1}.$parent,{2},{3})", queryCommand, context, request.Term, queryCallBack); }; options.Source = queryDelegate; options.Focus = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteFocusEvent uiEvent) { // Prevent the value being updated in the text box we scroll through the results Script.Literal("return false;"); }; inputField = inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(options); // Set render template ((RenderItemDelegate)Script.Literal("{0}.data('ui-autocomplete')", inputField))._renderItem = delegate(object ul, AutoCompleteItem item) { if (item.Data == null) { return((object)jQuery.Select("<li class='ui-state-disabled'>" + item.Label + "</li>").AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul)); } string html = "<a class='sparkle-menu-item'><span class='sparkle-menu-item-img'>"; if (item.Image != null) { html += @"<img src='" + item.Image + "'/>"; } html += @"</span><span class='sparkle-menu-item-label'>" + item.Label + "</span><br>"; if (item.ColumnValues != null && item.ColumnValues.Length > 0) { foreach (string value in item.ColumnValues) { html += "<span class='sparkle-menu-item-moreinfo'>" + value + "</span>"; } } html += "</a>"; return((object)jQuery.Select("<li>").Append(html).AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul)); }; // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { AutoCompleteOptions enableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions(); enableOption.MinLength = 0; inputField.Focus(); inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(enableOption); inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search); }); // handle the field changing inputField.Change(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { string inputValue = inputField.GetValue(); if (inputValue != _value.Name) { // The name is different from the name of the lookup reference // search to see if we can auto resolve it TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, null, false); AutoCompleteRequest lookup = new AutoCompleteRequest(); lookup.Term = inputValue; Action <AutoCompleteItem[]> lookupResults = delegate(AutoCompleteItem[] results) { int selectableItems = 0; // If there is only one, then auto-set if (results != null) { foreach (AutoCompleteItem item in results) { if (isItemSelectable(item)) { selectableItems++; } if (selectableItems > 2) { break; } } } if (selectableItems == 1) { // There is only a single value so set it now setValue(results[0], false); } else { inputField.Value(String.Empty); } }; queryDelegate(lookup, lookupResults); } }); Action disposeCallBack = delegate() { if ((bool)Script.Literal("$({0}).data('ui-autocomplete')!=undefined", inputField)) { Script.Literal("$({0}).autocomplete(\"destroy\")", inputField); } }; //handle disposal (if KO removes by the template binding) Script.Literal("ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback({0}, {1})", element, (object)disposeCallBack); Knockout.BindingHandlers["validationCore"].Init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, null, null); // Bind return to searching inputField.Keydown(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (e.Which == 13 && !justSelected) // Return pressed - but we want to do a search not move to the next cell { selectButton.Click(); } else if (e.Which == 13) { return; } switch (e.Which) { case 13: // Return case 38: // Up - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results case 40: // Down - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); break; } justSelected = false; }); //Script.Literal("return { controlsDescendantBindings: true };"); }
public override void Init(System.Html.Element element, Func <object> valueAccessor, Func <System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context) { jQueryObject container = jQuery.FromElement(element); jQueryObject dateTime = container.Find(".sparkle-input-datepicker-part"); jQueryObject dateButton = container.Find(".sparkle-input-datepicker-button-part"); // Add Date Picker DatePickerOptions2 options = new DatePickerOptions2(); options.ShowOn = ""; options.ButtonImageOnly = true; options.FirstDay = OrganizationServiceProxy.OrganizationSettings != null ? OrganizationServiceProxy.OrganizationSettings.WeekStartDayCode.Value.Value : 0; //options.ButtonImage = @"../images/btn_off_Cal.gif"; string dateFormat = "dd/MM/yy"; if (OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings != null) { dateFormat = OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings.DateFormatString; } options.DateFormat = dateFormat; dateTime.Plugin <DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(options); //// Get current value //Observable<DateTime> dateValueAccessor = (Observable<DateTime>)valueAccessor(); //DateTime intialValue = dateValueAccessor.GetValue(); //dateTime.Plugin<DatePickerObject>().DatePicker(DatePickerMethod.SetDate, intialValue); dateButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { // Note: This is using a custom plugin definition since the standard didn't include show dateTime.Plugin <DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(DatePickerMethod2.Show); }); //handle the field changing KnockoutUtils.RegisterEventHandler(dateTime.GetElement(0), "change", delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { Observable <DateTime> observable = (Observable <DateTime>)valueAccessor(); bool isValid = true; if (((string)Script.Literal("typeof({0}.IsValid)", observable)) != "undefined") { isValid = ((IValidatedObservable)observable).IsValid() == true; } if (isValid) { DateTime selectedDate = (DateTime)dateTime.Plugin <DatePickerObject>().DatePicker(DatePickerMethod.GetDate); // Get Current observable value - we only want to set the date part DateTime currentValue = observable.GetValue(); DateTimeEx.SetTime(selectedDate, currentValue); observable.SetValue(selectedDate); } dateTime.Blur(); }); Action disposeCallBack = delegate() { Script.Literal("$({0}).datepicker(\"destroy\")", element); }; //handle disposal (if KO removes by the template binding) Script.Literal("ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback({0}, {1})", element, (object)disposeCallBack); //Knockout.BindingHandlers["validationCore"].Init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor,null,null); }
public XrmTimeEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { bool justSelected = false; XrmTimeEditor self = this; if (OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings != null) { _formatString = OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings.TimeFormatString; } _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div ><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td><td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='autocompleteButton' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); jQueryObject inputField = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); _input = inputField; _input.Focus().Select(); string timeFormatString = _formatString; AutoCompleteOptions options = GetTimePickerAutoCompleteOptions(timeFormatString); options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { justSelected = true; }; options.Open = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o) { self._searchOpen = true; }; options.Close = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o) { self._searchOpen = false; }; inputField = inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(options); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".autocompleteButton"); // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search, ""); }); // Bind return to searching _input.Keydown(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (self._searchOpen) { switch (e.Which) { case 13: // Return case 38: // Up - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results case 40: // Down - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); break; } } justSelected = false; }); }
public XrmLookupEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { _args = args; _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div ><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td><td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='sparkle-lookup-button' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); jQueryObject inputField = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-lookup-button"); _input = inputField; _input.Focus().Select(); _autoComplete = inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>(); AutoCompleteOptions options = new AutoCompleteOptions(); options.MinLength = 100000; options.Delay = 0; // TODO- set to something that makes sense bool justSelected = false; options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { if (_value == null) { _value = new EntityReference(null, null, null); } // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items AutoCompleteItem item = (AutoCompleteItem)uiEvent.Item; string value = item.Label; _input.Value(value); _value.Id = ((EntityReference)item.Value).Id; _value.Name = ((EntityReference)item.Value).Name; _value.LogicalName = ((EntityReference)item.Value).LogicalName; justSelected = true; Script.Literal("return false;"); }; // options.Focus = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteFocusEvent uiEvent) { // Prevent the value being updated in the text box we scroll through the results Script.Literal("return false;"); }; XrmLookupEditorOptions editorOptions = (XrmLookupEditorOptions)args.Column.Options; // wire up source to CRM search Action <AutoCompleteRequest, Action <AutoCompleteItem[]> > queryDelegate = delegate(AutoCompleteRequest request, Action <AutoCompleteItem[]> response) { // Get the option set values editorOptions.queryCommand(request.Term, delegate(EntityCollection fetchResult) { AutoCompleteItem[] results = new AutoCompleteItem[fetchResult.Entities.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < fetchResult.Entities.Count; i++) { results[i] = new AutoCompleteItem(); results[i].Label = (string)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.nameAttribute); EntityReference id = new EntityReference(null, null, null); id.Name = results[i].Label; id.LogicalName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName; id.Id = (Guid)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.idAttribute); results[i].Value = id; string typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName; // Get the type code from the name to find the icon if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editorOptions.typeCodeAttribute)) { typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.typeCodeAttribute).ToString(); } results[i].Image = MetadataCache.GetSmallIconUrl(typeCodeName); } response(results); // Disable it now so typing doesn't trigger a search AutoCompleteOptions disableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions(); disableOption.MinLength = 100000; _autoComplete.AutoComplete(disableOption); }); }; options.Source = queryDelegate; inputField = _autoComplete.AutoComplete(options); ((RenderItemDelegate)Script.Literal("{0}.data('ui-autocomplete')", inputField))._renderItem = delegate(object ul, AutoCompleteItem item) { return((object)jQuery.Select("<li>").Append("<a class='sparkle-menu-item'><span class='sparkle-menu-item-img'><img src='" + item.Image + "'/></span><span class='sparkle-menu-item-label'>" + item.Label + "</span></a>").AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul)); }; // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { AutoCompleteOptions enableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions(); enableOption.MinLength = 0; _autoComplete.AutoComplete(enableOption); _autoComplete.AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search, inputField.GetValue()); }); // Bind return to searching _input.Keydown(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (e.Which == 13 && !justSelected) // Return pressed - but we want to do a search not move to the next cell { if (inputField.GetValue().Length > 0) { selectButton.Click(); } else { // Set value to null _value = null; return; } } else if (e.Which == 13) { return; } switch (e.Which) { case 13: // Return case 38: // Up - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results case 40: // Down - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); break; } justSelected = false; }); }
public XrmLookupEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { XrmLookupEditor self = this; _args = args; _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td><td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='sparkle-lookup-button' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); jQueryObject inputField = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-lookup-button"); _input = inputField; _input.Focus().Select(); _autoComplete = inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>(); AutoCompleteOptions options = new AutoCompleteOptions(); options.Position = new Dictionary <string, object>("collision", "fit"); options.MinLength = 100000; options.Delay = 0; // TODO- set to something that makes sense XrmLookupEditorOptions editorOptions = (XrmLookupEditorOptions)args.Column.Options; bool justSelected = false; options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { if (_value == null) { _value = new EntityReference(null, null, null); } // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items AutoCompleteItem item = (AutoCompleteItem)uiEvent.Item; EntityReference itemRef = (EntityReference)item.Value; if (itemRef.LogicalName == "footerlink") { XrmLookupEditorButton button = editorOptions.footerButton; button.OnClick(item); } else { string value = item.Label; _input.Value(value); _value.Id = itemRef.Id; _value.Name = itemRef.Name; _value.LogicalName = ((EntityReference)item.Value).LogicalName; justSelected = true; } Script.Literal("return false;"); }; options.Focus = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteFocusEvent uiEvent) { // Prevent the value being updated in the text box as we scroll through the results Script.Literal("return false;"); }; options.Open = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o) { self._searchOpen = true; if (editorOptions.showFooter && totalRecordsReturned > 0) { WidgetObject menu = (WidgetObject)Script.Literal("{0}.autocomplete({1})", _input, "widget"); AddFooter(menu, totalRecordsReturned); } }; options.Close = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o) { self._searchOpen = false; WidgetObject menu = (WidgetObject)Script.Literal("{0}.autocomplete({1})", _input, "widget"); jQueryObject footer = menu.Next(); if (footer.Length > 0 || footer.HasClass("sparkle-menu-footer")) { footer.Hide(); } }; // If there multiple names, add them to the columnAttributes string[] columns = editorOptions.nameAttribute.Split(","); if (columns.Length > 1) { editorOptions.columns = columns; editorOptions.nameAttribute = columns[0]; } // wire up source to CRM search Action <AutoCompleteRequest, Action <AutoCompleteItem[]> > queryDelegate = delegate(AutoCompleteRequest request, Action <AutoCompleteItem[]> response) { // Get the option set values editorOptions.queryCommand(request.Term, delegate(EntityCollection fetchResult) { if (fetchResult.TotalRecordCount > fetchResult.Entities.Count) { totalRecordsReturned = fetchResult.TotalRecordCount; } else { totalRecordsReturned = fetchResult.Entities.Count; } int recordsFound = fetchResult.Entities.Count; bool noRecordsFound = recordsFound == 0; XrmLookupEditorButton button = editorOptions.footerButton; bool footerButton = (button != null); AutoCompleteItem[] results = new AutoCompleteItem[recordsFound + (footerButton ? 1 : 0) + (noRecordsFound ? 1 :0)]; for (int i = 0; i < recordsFound; i++) { results[i] = new AutoCompleteItem(); results[i].Label = (string)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.nameAttribute); EntityReference id = new EntityReference(null, null, null); id.Name = results[i].Label; id.LogicalName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName; id.Id = (Guid)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.idAttribute); results[i].Value = id; XrmLookupBinding.GetExtraColumns(editorOptions.columns, fetchResult, results, i); string typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName; // Get the type code from the name to find the icon if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editorOptions.typeCodeAttribute)) { typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.typeCodeAttribute).ToString(); } if (editorOptions.showImage) { results[i].Image = MetadataCache.GetSmallIconUrl(typeCodeName); } } int itemsCount = recordsFound; if (noRecordsFound) { AutoCompleteItem noRecordsItem = new AutoCompleteItem(); noRecordsItem.Label = SparkleResourceStrings.NoRecordsFound; results[itemsCount] = noRecordsItem; itemsCount++; } if (footerButton) { // Add the add new AutoCompleteItem addNewLink = new AutoCompleteItem(); addNewLink.Label = button.Label; addNewLink.Image = button.Image; addNewLink.ColumnValues = null; addNewLink.Value = new Entity("footerlink"); results[itemsCount] = addNewLink; } response(results); // Disable it now so typing doesn't trigger a search AutoCompleteOptions disableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions(); disableOption.MinLength = 100000; _autoComplete.AutoComplete(disableOption); }); }; options.Source = queryDelegate; inputField = _autoComplete.AutoComplete(options); RenderItemDelegate autoCompleteDelegates = ((RenderItemDelegate)Script.Literal("{0}.data('ui-autocomplete')", inputField)); autoCompleteDelegates._renderItem = delegate(object ul, AutoCompleteItem item) { if (item.Value == item.Label) { return((object)jQuery.Select("<li class='ui-state-disabled'>" + item.Label + "</li>").AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul)); } string itemHtml = "<a class='sparkle-menu-item'>"; // Allow for no image by passing false to 'ShowImage' on the XrmLookupEditorOptions options if (item.Image != null) { itemHtml += "<span class='sparkle-menu-item-img'><img src='" + item.Image + "'/></span>"; } itemHtml += "<span class='sparkle-menu-item-label'>" + item.Label + "</span><br/>"; if (item.ColumnValues != null && item.ColumnValues.Length > 0) { foreach (string value in item.ColumnValues) { itemHtml += "<span class='sparkle-menu-item-moreinfo'>" + value + "</span>"; } } itemHtml += "</a>"; return((object)jQuery.Select("<li>").Append(itemHtml).AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul)); }; // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { AutoCompleteOptions enableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions(); enableOption.MinLength = 0; _autoComplete.AutoComplete(enableOption); _autoComplete.AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search, inputField.GetValue()); }); // Bind return to searching _input.Keydown(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (e.Which == 13 && !justSelected) // Return pressed - but we want to do a search not move to the next cell { if (inputField.GetValue().Length > 0) { selectButton.Click(); } else { // Set value to null _value = null; return; } } else if (e.Which == 13) { return; } if (self._searchOpen) { switch (e.Which) { case 9: case 13: // Return case 38: // Up - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results case 40: // Down - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); break; } } else { switch (e.Which) { case 13: // Return e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); break; } } justSelected = false; }); }
private void LinkFn(CanvasTilePieceScope scope, jQueryObject element, dynamic attr) { element.Width(scope.Width); element.Height(scope.Height); if (scope.Edit) { element.Click(ev => { TilePieceInfo tilePieceInfo = scope.TilePiece; if (tilePieceInfo == null) return; var x = ev.OffsetX; var y = ev.OffsetY; var _x = (int)(x / ((double)scope.Width / TileChunk.Size)); var _y = (int)(y / ((double)scope.Height / TileChunk.Size)); // scope.DebugDrawOptions.OutlineTilePiece = scope.TileChunk.GetTilePieceInfo(_x, _y, true); }); } var zero = new Point(0, 0); var context = (CanvasRenderingContext2D)((CanvasElement)element[0]).GetContext(CanvasContextId.Render2D); Action updateTilePiece = () => { if (scope.TilePiece == null) return; var tilePiece = scope.TilePiece.GetTilePiece(); context.Canvas.Width = context.Canvas.Width; context.Me().webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false; context.Me().mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; context.Me().imageSmoothingEnabled = false; context.Scale(scope.Width / ((double)TileChunk.TileSideLength), scope.Height / ((double)TileChunk.TileSideLength)); tilePiece.DrawBase(context, zero, ChunkLayer.Low, false, false); tilePiece.DrawBase(context, zero, ChunkLayer.High, false, false); for (int index = 0; index < tilePiece.AnimatedPaletteIndexes.Count; index++) { var animatedPaletteIndex = tilePiece.AnimatedPaletteIndexes[index]; tilePiece.DrawAnimatedPalette(context, zero, ChunkLayer.Low, false, false, animatedPaletteIndex); tilePiece.DrawAnimatedPalette(context, zero, ChunkLayer.High, false, false, animatedPaletteIndex); } for (int index = 0; index < tilePiece.AnimatedTileIndexes.Count; index++) { var animatedTileIndex = tilePiece.AnimatedTileIndexes[index]; tilePiece.DrawAnimatedTile(context, zero, ChunkLayer.Low, false, false, animatedTileIndex); tilePiece.DrawAnimatedTile(context, zero, ChunkLayer.High, false, false, animatedTileIndex); } }; scope.Watch("tilePiece", updateTilePiece); Window.SetInterval(() => { /* if (tilePieceInfo == null) return; if (!tilePieceInfo.ShouldAnimate()) { if (scope.ShouldAnimate) { updateTilePiece(); } else scope.Digest(); } */ }, 1000 / 60); }
private void LinkFn(CanvasTileChunkScope scope, jQueryObject element, dynamic attr) { element.Width(scope.Width); element.Height(scope.Height); if (scope.Edit) { element.Click(ev => { if (scope.TileChunk == null) return; var x = ev.OffsetX; var y = ev.OffsetY; var _x = (int)(x / ((double)scope.Width / TileChunk.Size)); var _y = (int)(y / ((double)scope.Height / TileChunk.Size)); scope.DebugDrawOptions.OutlineTilePiece = scope.TileChunk.GetTilePieceInfo(_x, _y, true); }); } var context = (CanvasRenderingContext2D)((CanvasElement)element[0]).GetContext(CanvasContextId.Render2D); Action updateTileChunk = () => { if (scope.TileChunk == null) return; var drawOptions = scope.DrawOptions ?? DefaultDrawOptions; context.Canvas.Width = context.Canvas.Width; context.Me().webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false; context.Me().mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; context.Me().imageSmoothingEnabled = false; context.Scale(scope.Width / ((double)TileChunk.Size), scope.Height / ((double)TileChunk.Size)); if (drawOptions.ShowLowLayer && !scope.TileChunk.OnlyForeground()) scope.TileChunk.Draw(context, new Point(0, 0), ChunkLayer.Low); if (drawOptions.ShowHighLayer && !scope.TileChunk.OnlyBackground()) scope.TileChunk.Draw(context, new Point(0, 0), ChunkLayer.High); if (scope.DebugDrawOptions != null) { if (drawOptions.ShowLowLayer && !scope.TileChunk.OnlyForeground()) scope.TileChunk.DrawAnimationDebug(context, new Point(0, 0), ChunkLayer.Low, scope.DebugDrawOptions); if (drawOptions.ShowHighLayer && !scope.TileChunk.OnlyBackground()) scope.TileChunk.DrawAnimationDebug(context, new Point(0, 0), ChunkLayer.High, scope.DebugDrawOptions); } }; scope.Watch("tileChunk", updateTileChunk); scope.Watch("drawOptions", updateTileChunk, true); scope.Watch("debugDrawOptions", updateTileChunk, true); scope.Watch("tileChunk.currentTileAnimationFrameIndexCache", updateTileChunk, true); scope.Watch("tileChunk.currentPaletteAnimationFrameIndexCache", updateTileChunk, true); Window.SetInterval(() => { if (scope.TileChunk == null) return; if (!scope.TileChunk.NeverAnimates()) { if (scope.ShouldAnimate) { updateTileChunk(); } else scope.Digest(); } }, 1000 / 60); }