private void SetupControls()
            if (FWSim != null)
                foreach (string StateName in ProviderClass.StateNames)
                    StateClass TempStateClass = new StateClass(StateName);
                for (int i = 0; i < ProviderClass.ProviderNameList.Length; i++)
                    string     MySTate      = ProviderClass.RegionStateName[i];
                    StateClass MyStateClass = TheStates.Find(
                        delegate(StateClass SC) { return(SC.Name == MySTate); });
                    if (MyStateClass != null)
                        string    RName = ProviderClass.ProviderNameList[i];
                        eProvider Ep    = (eProvider)i;
                        string    RFld  = ProviderClass.FieldNameList[i];
                        MyStateClass.AddRegion(RName, Ep, i, RFld);

                foreach (StateClass SC in TheStates)
                    TreeNode TempStateNode = new TreeNode(SC.Name);
                    foreach (RegionClass RC in SC.Regions)
                        TempStateNode.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(RC.Name));
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// indexer for indexed array gets and sets based on eProvider enum values
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="index">eProvider index</param>
 /// <value>indexed Model Parameter value</value>
 /// <returns>value in provider array for eProvider index</returns>
 /// <exception cref="WaterSim_Exception">Should throw exception if set and value viloates a range rule</exception>
 public override int this[eProvider index]
         if (!ProviderClass.valid(index))
             throw new WaterSim_Exception(WS_Strings.wsInvalidProvider);
         if (!ProviderClass.valid(index))
             throw new WaterSim_Exception(WS_Strings.wsInvalidProvider);
         string errMessage = "";
         if (Fpm.CheckProviderValueRange(Femp, value, (eProvider)index, ref errMessage))
             Values[index] = value;
             throw new WaterSim_Exception(errMessage);
 public RegionClass(string aName, eProvider AnEProvider, int aIndex, string aFieldName, StateClass owner)
     Fname    = aName;
     FeP      = AnEProvider;
     FIndex   = aIndex;
     FOwner   = owner;
     FFldName = aFieldName;
        public void AddRegion(string aName, eProvider aProvider, int anIndex, string aField)
            RegionClass Temp = FRegions.Find(delegate(RegionClass Reg) { return(Reg.Name == aName); });

            if (Temp == null)
                FRegions.Add(new RegionClass(aName, aProvider, anIndex, aField, this));
Exemple #5
        public static eProvider[] GetRegion(eProvider ep)
            switch (ep)
            case eProvider.eState:

Exemple #6
        public bool WriteResults(SimulationResults SR, string ScenarioName, myVariables mine, System.IO.StreamWriter SW)
            bool   result = false;
            string IDS    = "";
            string build  = wsim.ModelBuild;
            // get the start year
            int FirstYear = SR.StartYear;

            // loop through all years in SR
            for (int yeari = 0; yeari < SR.Length; yeari++)
                // Set the calender year
                int ThisYear = FirstYear + yeari;
                if (ThisYear < 2060)
                    // get results for this year
                    AnnualSimulationResults ASR = SR.ByYear(ThisYear);

                    // set the key, the scenario name and the year
                    string BaseStr = RecCount.ToString() + "," + '"' + build + '"' + "," + ScenarioName + ThisYear.ToString();
                    // now loop through base outputs and set those
                    int index = 0;
                    foreach (int emp in ASR.Outputs.BaseOutputModelParam)
                        // check if this is one of the output fields
                        if (isOutPutParam(mine, emp))
                            BaseStr += "," + ASR.Outputs.BaseOutput.Values[index].ToString();
                    // lopp through base inputs
                    index = 0;
                    foreach (int emp in ASR.Inputs.BaseInputModelParam)
                        if (isOutPutParam(mine, emp))
                            BaseStr += "," + ASR.Inputs.BaseInput.Values[index].ToString();
                    // OK, have all base stuff, now loop through providers
                    eProvider ep = eProvider.Regional;
                    //foreach (eProvider ep in ProviderClass.providersAll())
                        // Increment the rec count
                        // set the base string
                        IDS = BaseStr + "," + '"' + ProviderClass.FieldName(ep) + '"';
                        // loop through provider outputs
                        index = 0;
                        foreach (int emp in ASR.Outputs.ProviderOutputModelParam)
                            // check if for output
                            if (isOutPutParam(mine, emp))
                                if ((ep < eProvider.Regional) || (ASR.Outputs.ProviderOutput[index].IncludesAggregates))
                                    IDS += "," + ASR.Outputs.ProviderOutput[index].Values[ProviderClass.index(ep, true)].ToString();
                                    IDS += "," + SpecialValues.MissingIntValue.ToString();
                        // loop through provider inputs
                        index = 0;
                        foreach (int emp in ASR.Inputs.ProviderInputModelParam)
                            // check if for output
                            if (isOutPutParam(mine, emp))
                                if ((ep < eProvider.Regional) || (ASR.Inputs.ProviderInput[index].IncludesAggregates))
                                    IDS += "," + ASR.Inputs.ProviderInput[index].Values[ProviderClass.index(ep, true)].ToString();
                                    IDS += "," + SpecialValues.MissingIntValue.ToString();
                        // ok write it out
                    } // provider
            }         // year
            result = true;
        /// <summary> Method that is called before each annual run. </summary>
        /// <param name="year"> The year about to be run. </param>
        /// <param name="WSim"> The WaterSimManager that is making call. </param>
        /// <returns> true if it succeeds, false if it fails. Error should be placed in FErrorMessage.
        ///     </returns>

        public override bool PreProcess(int year, WaterSimManagerClass WSim)
            // Check if first run
            ProviderIntArray FUSED_GPCD = WSim.ParamManager.Model_ParameterBaseClass(eModelParam.epGPCD_Used).ProviderProperty.getvalues();

            // Set oldGOCD to these values.
            for (int i = 0; i < FUSED_GPCD.Values.Length; i++)
                GPCD_old[i] = Convert.ToDouble(FUSED_GPCD[i]);
            // not first year, do it
            WSim.ParamManager.Model_Parameter(eModelParam.epProvider_Demand_Option).Value = 4;  // 7/29 WSim.ParamManager.BaseModel_ParameterBaseClass(eModelParam.epProvider_Demand_Option).Value = 4;
            // OK Not First year
            // Check if model is locked, if so unlock it.
            bool TempLock = WSim.isLocked();

            if (TempLock)

            // Get data we need to evaluate AWS

            ProviderIntArray AWS_Years = WSim.ParamManager.Model_ParameterBaseClass(eModelParam.epYearsNotAssured).ProviderProperty.getvalues();
            ProviderIntArray FPOP      = WSim.ParamManager.Model_ParameterBaseClass(eModelParam.epPopulation_Used).ProviderProperty.getvalues();
            // create and array to set GPCD
            ProviderIntArray FSet_GPCD = new ProviderIntArray(0);
            // Loop through providers and check for AWS_Years FMaxAWS
            bool SetGPCDS = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < AWS_Years.Length; i++)
                if (AWS_Years[i] > FMaxAWS)
                    eProvider ep = (eProvider)i;
                    // OK Calculated how much lower GPCD needs to go to accomodate
                    ////int MyDeficit_AF = FDeficit[i];
                    //double MyDeficit_G = util.ConvertAFtoGallons(MyDeficit_AF);
                    //int MyPCTDeficit = FPCT_Deficit[i];
                    //int MyPop = FPOP[i];
                    //double GPCD_Decline_Double = 0.0;
                    int GPCD_Decline_Int = 0;
                    int MyGPCD           = FUSED_GPCD[i];
                    //// if (MyPop > MyDeficit) then it will be 1
                    //GPCD_Decline_Double = util.CalcGPCD(MyDeficit_G, MyPop);
                    //GPCD_Decline_Int = Convert.ToInt32(GPCD_Decline_Double);
                    GPCD_Decline_Int = (MyGPCD * FAnnualPercentDecline) / 100;
                    int New_GPCD = MyGPCD - GPCD_Decline_Int;
                    // Checl if New GPCD not to low
                    if ((New_GPCD > FMinGPCD))
                        FUSED_GPCD[i] = New_GPCD;
                        FUSED_GPCD[i] = FMinGPCD;
                    GPCD_old[i] = FUSED_GPCD[i];
                    SetGPCDS    = true;
                    GPCD_old[i]   = AdjustGPCD(GPCD_old[i]);
                    FUSED_GPCD[i] = Convert.ToInt32(GPCD_old[i]);
            // All Done
            if (SetGPCDS)

            // if model was locked comming in, set lock going out
            if (TempLock)

            return(base.PreProcess(year, WSim));
        /// <summary> Method that is called before each annual run. </summary>
        /// <param name="year"> The year about to be run. </param>
        /// <param name="WSim"> The WaterSimManager that is making call. </param>
        /// <returns> true if it succeeds, false if it fails. Error should be placed in FErrorMessage.
        ///     </returns>

        public override bool PreProcess(int year, WaterSimManagerClass WSimClass)
            WaterSimManager WSim = (WSimClass as WaterSimManager);
            double          GPCD_Decline_Double = 0;
            double          MyGPCD = 0;

            // I  yet do not understand "Step"
            Step = true;
            // // Check if first run
            ProviderIntArray FUSED_GPCD = WSim.ParamManager.Model_ParameterBaseClass(eModelParam.epGPCD_Used).ProviderProperty.getvalues();
            ProviderIntArray RAW_GPCD   = WSim.ParamManager.Model_ParameterBaseClass(eModelParam.epGPCDraw).ProviderProperty.getvalues();

            // OK Not First year
            // Check if model is locked, if so unlock it.
            bool TempLock = WSim.isLocked();

            if (TempLock)
            double[] previousBalance = new double[ProviderClass.NumberOfProviders];
            // Get data we need to evaluate GPCD
            ModelParameterBaseClass MP;

            MP = WSim.ParamManager.Model_ParameterBaseClass(eModelParam.epGroundwater_Balance);

            ProviderIntArray FBalance  = MP.ProviderProperty.getvalues();
            ProviderIntArray FPCT_BAL  = WSim.ParamManager.Model_ParameterBaseClass(eModelParam.epGroundwater_Balance).ProviderProperty.getvalues();
            ProviderIntArray New_slope = new ProviderIntArray(0);

            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (Step)
                MyGPCDProcess(year, (WSim as WaterSimManager));
                for (int i = 0; i < Initial_Credits.Length; i++)
                    if (year == 2001)
                        PBalance[i] = Initial_Credits[i];
                        PBalance[i] = Bcurrent[i];
                    PreviousBal[i] = PBalance[i];
                    Bcurrent[i]    = Convert.ToDouble(FBalance[i]);
                if (2011 < year)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ProviderClass.NumberOfProviders; i++)
                        New_slope[i] = Convert.ToInt32(WSim.API_defaultSlope_GPCD[i]);
                    // create and array to set GPCD
                    // ProviderIntArray FSet_GPCD = new ProviderIntArray(0);
                    double Islope      = 0;
                    double maxResponse = -10;
                    // Loop through providers and check for PCT_Deficit that exceed FMaxDifference
                    bool SetGPCDS = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < FPCT_BAL.Length; i++)
                        //if (i == provider)
                        Diff   = 0;
                        Islope = 0;
                        // this is strange code! how does it work?
                        eProvider ep = (eProvider)i;
                        Islope = utilities.Slope(Convert.ToDouble(year - 1), Convert.ToDouble(year), PreviousBal[i], Bcurrent[i]);
                        Diff   = utilities.Difference(Bcurrent[i], PreviousBal[i]);

                        MyGPCD = GPCD_original[i];

                        GPCD_Decline_Double = 0;
                        int    myDiff  = 0;
                        double DiffUse = 0;

                        if (0 <= Diff)
                            myDiff = 1;
                            MyGPCD = GPCD_raw[i];
                        if (Diff < 0)
                            myDiff = 2;

                        double divide    = 0;
                        double alterGPCD = 0;
                        Slope = Islope;

                        switch (myDiff)
                        case 1:
                            GPCD_Decline_Double = MyGPCD;

                        case 2:
                            DiffUse = Math.Abs(Math.Max(-0.999999, Diff));
                            divide  = 2000 * (1 - DiffUse);
                            //GPCD_Decline_Double = MyGPCD + (Math.Min(maxResponse, (Islope / divide) * (1 + (DiffUse / 1.5))) * ModResponse);
                            alterGPCD           = Math.Max(maxResponse, ((Islope * ModResponse) / divide) * (1 + DiffUse) / 2);
                            GPCD_Decline_Double = MyGPCD + alterGPCD;

                            // Force flat responses to decrease by one GPCD per year
                            // for those water providers with a decreasing trend in GPCD
                            // 09.22.15 DAS
                            if (GPCD_Decline_Double == MyGPCD)
                                if (WSim.PCT_alter_GPCD.getvalues().Values[i] < 0)
                                    GPCD_Decline_Double = MyGPCD - 1;
                            if (MyGPCD < GPCD_Decline_Double)
                                if (WSim.PCT_alter_GPCD.getvalues().Values[i] == 0)
                                    GPCD_Decline_Double = MyGPCD - alterGPCD;


                            GPCD_Decline_Double = MyGPCD;


                        int New_GPCD = Convert.ToInt32(GPCD_Decline_Double);
                        if ((New_GPCD > FMinGPCD))
                            FUSED_GPCD[i] = New_GPCD;
                            FUSED_GPCD[i] = FMinGPCD;
                        GPCD_old[i] = FUSED_GPCD[i];
                        SetGPCDS    = true;

                        if (Islope == 0)
                            GPCD_old[i]   = AdjustGPCD(GPCD_old[i]);
                            FUSED_GPCD[i] = Convert.ToInt32(GPCD_old[i]);

                        //} // provider
                    // All Done
                    if (SetGPCDS)

                    // if model was locked comming in, set lock going out
                    if (TempLock)
                }     // 2012 < year
            return(base.PreProcess(year, WSim));