void OnGUI()
        if (!ShowBorders || blankTexture == null)

        var screenRect = sprite.GetScreenRect();
        var borders    = sprite.SpriteInfo.border;

        var x      = screenRect.x;
        var y      = screenRect.y;
        var width  = screenRect.width;
        var height = screenRect.height;

        var left   = borders.left;
        var right  = borders.right;
        var top    = borders.top;
        var bottom = borders.bottom;

        if (sprite.Flip.IsSet(dfSpriteFlip.FlipHorizontal))
            left  = borders.right;
            right = borders.left;

        if (sprite.Flip.IsSet(dfSpriteFlip.FlipVertical))
            top    = borders.bottom;
            bottom = borders.top;

        // NOTE: I've been meaning to add some immediate-mode drawing functions
        // for things like lines and overlay sprites, but that will have to wait
        // until V2 for now.
        // I could easily have chosen to draw the lines using Sprites, but I
        // think it's kind of illuminating to show how the code below increases
        // the draw call currentIndex by 4 just to draw some simple lines using
        // Unity GUI :)

        GUI.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(x - 10, y + top, width + 20, 1), blankTexture);
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(x - 10, y + height - bottom, width + 20, 1), blankTexture);
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(x + left, y - 10, 1, height + 20), blankTexture);
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(x + width - right, y - 10, 1, height + 20), blankTexture);