Exemple #1
    //Purely Randomized Spawn
    void FirstSpawn()
        generation = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
            GameObject creature = (GameObject)Instantiate(creature1, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

            //Set layers of creature bodyparts
            creature.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.layer = i + 8;
            creature.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.layer = i + 8;
            creature.transform.GetChild(2).gameObject.layer = i + 8;
            creature.transform.GetChild(3).gameObject.layer = i + 8;
            creature.transform.GetChild(4).gameObject.layer = i + 8;

            creatureScript CS = creature.GetComponentInChildren <creatureScript>();
            //randomly set values
            CS.RA_f1    = Random.Range(0f, startForce);
            CS.RA_t1    = Random.Range(0f, 2f);
            CS.RA_f2    = Random.Range(0f, startForce);
            CS.RA_t2    = Random.Range(0f, 2f);
            CS.RA_Scale = new Vector3(Random.Range(0.5f, 1f), Random.Range(0.5f, 1f), Random.Range(0.5f, 1f));

            CS.LA_f1    = Random.Range(0f, startForce);
            CS.LA_t1    = Random.Range(0f, 2f);
            CS.LA_f2    = Random.Range(0f, startForce);
            CS.LA_t2    = Random.Range(0f, 2f);
            CS.LA_Scale = new Vector3(Random.Range(0.5f, 1f), Random.Range(0.5f, 1f), Random.Range(0.5f, 1f));

            CS.RL_f1    = Random.Range(0f, startForce);
            CS.RL_t1    = Random.Range(0f, 2f);
            CS.RL_f2    = Random.Range(0f, startForce);
            CS.RL_t2    = Random.Range(0f, 2f);
            CS.RL_Scale = new Vector3(Random.Range(0.5f, 1f), Random.Range(0.5f, 1f), Random.Range(0.5f, 1f));

            CS.LL_f1    = Random.Range(0f, startForce);
            CS.LL_t1    = Random.Range(0f, 2f);
            CS.LL_f2    = Random.Range(0f, startForce);
            CS.LL_t2    = Random.Range(0f, 2f);
            CS.LL_Scale = new Vector3(Random.Range(0.5f, 1f), Random.Range(0.5f, 1f), Random.Range(0.5f, 1f));
Exemple #2
    IEnumerator NextWave()

        //find best creature


        foreach (GameObject go in currentCreatures)
            go.gameObject.tag = "oldCreature";
        //Spawn Second Generation

        //Best Creature with Mutations
        for (int i = 0; i < populationSize / 2; i++)
            GameObject creature = (GameObject)Instantiate(creature1, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

            //Set layers of creature bodyparts
            creature.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.layer = i + 8;
            creature.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.layer = i + 8;
            creature.transform.GetChild(2).gameObject.layer = i + 8;
            creature.transform.GetChild(3).gameObject.layer = i + 8;
            creature.transform.GetChild(4).gameObject.layer = i + 8;

            creatureScript CS           = creature.GetComponentInChildren <creatureScript>();
            creatureScript BestCS       = FarthestCreature.GetComponentInChildren <creatureScript>();
            creatureScript SecondBestCS = SecondFarthestCreature.GetComponentInChildren <creatureScript>();

            //locomotion values
            CS.RA_f1    = BestCS.RA_f1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.RA_t1    = BestCS.RA_t1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.RA_f2    = BestCS.RA_f2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.RA_t2    = BestCS.RA_t2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.RA_Scale = BestCS.RA_Scale + -new Vector3(Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor));

            CS.LA_f1    = BestCS.LA_f1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.LA_t1    = BestCS.LA_t1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.LA_f2    = BestCS.LA_f2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.LA_t2    = BestCS.LA_t2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.LA_Scale = BestCS.LA_Scale + -new Vector3(Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor));

            CS.RL_f1    = BestCS.RL_f1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.RL_t1    = BestCS.RL_t1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.RL_f2    = BestCS.RL_f2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.RL_t2    = BestCS.RL_t2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.RL_Scale = BestCS.RL_Scale + -new Vector3(Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor));

            CS.LL_f1    = BestCS.LL_f1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.LL_t1    = BestCS.LL_t1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.LL_f2    = BestCS.LL_f2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.LL_t2    = BestCS.LL_t2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.LL_Scale = BestCS.LL_Scale + -new Vector3(Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor));

        //Second Best Creature with Mutations
        for (int i = 0; i < populationSize / 2; i++)
            GameObject creature = (GameObject)Instantiate(creature1, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

            //Set layers of creature bodyparts
            creature.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.layer = i + 8;
            creature.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.layer = i + 8;
            creature.transform.GetChild(2).gameObject.layer = i + 8;
            creature.transform.GetChild(3).gameObject.layer = i + 8;
            creature.transform.GetChild(4).gameObject.layer = i + 8;

            creatureScript CS           = creature.GetComponentInChildren <creatureScript>();
            creatureScript BestCS       = FarthestCreature.GetComponentInChildren <creatureScript>();
            creatureScript SecondBestCS = SecondFarthestCreature.GetComponentInChildren <creatureScript>();

            //randomly set locomotion values
            CS.RA_f1    = SecondBestCS.RA_f1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.RA_t1    = SecondBestCS.RA_t1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.RA_f2    = SecondBestCS.RA_f2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.RA_t2    = SecondBestCS.RA_t2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.RA_Scale = BestCS.RA_Scale + -new Vector3(Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor));

            CS.LA_f1    = SecondBestCS.LA_f1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.LA_t1    = SecondBestCS.LA_t1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.LA_f2    = SecondBestCS.LA_f2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.LA_t2    = SecondBestCS.LA_t2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.LA_Scale = BestCS.LA_Scale + -new Vector3(Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor));

            CS.RL_f1    = SecondBestCS.RL_f1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.RL_t1    = SecondBestCS.RL_t1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.RL_f2    = SecondBestCS.RL_f2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.RL_t2    = SecondBestCS.RL_t2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.RL_Scale = BestCS.RL_Scale + -new Vector3(Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor));

            CS.LL_f1    = SecondBestCS.LL_f1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.LL_t1    = SecondBestCS.LL_t1 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.LL_f2    = SecondBestCS.LL_f2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate * 5, mutatateRate * 5);
            CS.LL_t2    = SecondBestCS.LL_t2 + Random.Range(-mutatateRate / 50, mutatateRate / 50);
            CS.LL_Scale = BestCS.LL_Scale + -new Vector3(Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor), Random.Range(-mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor, mutatateRate / scaleMutateFactor));

        //Destroy Previous Generation
        GameObject[] oldCreatures = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("oldCreature");
        foreach (GameObject go in oldCreatures)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waveTime));
