Exemple #1
    void move(Direction dir)
        Dictionary <MoveableScript, coord>     desiredCoords  = new Dictionary <MoveableScript, coord>();     //where pieces would move without collisions/walls
        Dictionary <MoveableScript, Direction> moveDirections = new Dictionary <MoveableScript, Direction>(); //directions pieces will actually move
        Dictionary <MoveableScript, int>       collided       = new Dictionary <MoveableScript, int>();
        Dictionary <MoveableScript, coord>     blockingCoords = new Dictionary <MoveableScript, coord>();

        foreach (MoveableScript m in moveables)
            Direction direction = m.GetAttemptedMoveDirection(dir, boardState.board);

            coord desired = m.GetAttemptedMoveCoords(dir, boardState.board, 1);
            if (boardState.board[desired.row, desired.col] / 10 == 5)
                blockingCoords.Add(m, desired);
                desired = portalMap[desired];
            desiredCoords.Add(m, desired);

            //Check for collisions with lasers
            foreach (LaserScript laser in laserList)
                // if laser is active && laser can collide with this moveable
                if (laser.data.isActive && laser.data.type != m.type)
                    //if moveable is jumping through a horizontal laser
                    if ((direction == Direction.NORTH && m.GetCoords().row == laser.data.startRow) ||
                        (direction == Direction.SOUTH && desired.row == laser.data.startRow))
                        if (laser.data.isBetweenCol(m.GetCoords().col))
                            moveDirections[m] = Direction.NONE;
                            desired           = m.GetCoords();
                            desiredCoords[m]  = desired;
                    //if moveable is jumping through a vertical laser
                    if ((direction == Direction.EAST && desired.col == laser.data.startCol) ||
                        (direction == Direction.WEST && m.GetCoords().col == laser.data.startCol))
                        if (laser.data.isBetweenRow(m.GetCoords().row))
                            moveDirections[m] = Direction.NONE;
                            desired           = m.GetCoords();
                            desiredCoords[m]  = desired;

            // Check for collisions moving into the same spot
            foreach (MoveableScript other in moveables)
                if (other == m || other == null)

                    //Check for moving into same spot
                else if ((desiredCoords.ContainsKey(other) && desiredCoords[other].Equals(desired)) ||                // classic move into blocked
                         (desiredCoords.ContainsKey(other) && blockingCoords.ContainsKey(m) && desiredCoords[other].Equals(blockingCoords[m])) || // other is moving into my blocker
                         (blockingCoords.ContainsKey(other) && blockingCoords[other].Equals(desired)) || // I am moving into other's blocker
                         (blockingCoords.ContainsKey(other) && blockingCoords.ContainsKey(m) && blockingCoords[m].Equals(blockingCoords[other]))) //we share a blocker
                    moveDirections[other] = Direction.NONE;
                    moveDirections[m]     = Direction.NONE;
                    dead = true;
                    deathscript.playerDeath = true;
                    if (desiredCoords.ContainsKey(player) && !desiredCoords[player].Equals(player.GetCoords()) || m.type == BoardCodes.PLAYER || other.type == BoardCodes.PLAYER)
                        collided.Add(m, 2);
                        collided.Add(other, 2);

            // Check for collisions moving through each other
            foreach (MoveableScript other in moveables)
                if (other == null)
                    throw new System.NullReferenceException("One Entity in moveables is null!");
                else if (other == m)
                else if ((desiredCoords.ContainsKey(other) && desiredCoords[other].Equals(m.GetCoords()) && desired.Equals(other.GetCoords())) ||                 // classic close collision, other wants my space, I want other's space
                         (desiredCoords.ContainsKey(other) && desiredCoords[other].Equals(m.GetCoords()) && blockingCoords.ContainsKey(m) && blockingCoords[m].Equals(other.GetCoords())) || // other wants my current space, other is in my blocker space
                         (blockingCoords.ContainsKey(other) && blockingCoords[other].Equals(m.GetCoords()) && desiredCoords[m].Equals(other.GetCoords()))) // other is blocked by me, I want other's space
                    moveDirections [other] = Direction.NONE;
                    moveDirections [m]     = Direction.NONE;

            if (!moveDirections.ContainsKey(m))
                moveDirections.Add(m, m.GetAttemptedMoveDirection(dir, boardState.board));

        // Check for collisions moving into pieces that couldn't move
        for (int i = 0; i < moveables.Count; i++)
            foreach (MoveableScript m in moveables)
                foreach (MoveableScript other in moveables)
                    if (other == m || other == null)
                    else if (moveDirections [other] == Direction.NONE &&
                             (other.GetCoords().Equals(desiredCoords [m]) || (blockingCoords.ContainsKey(m) && other.GetCoords().Equals(blockingCoords [m]))))
                        moveDirections [m] = Direction.NONE;
                        collided [m]       = 1;
                        collided [other]   = 1;
                        //Debug.Log ("Couldn't move" + ":" + other.GetCoords ());
                        //Debug.Log (moveDirections [other] + ":" + other.GetCoords ());

        // make the moves
        if (moveDirections [player] != Direction.NONE)
            Stack <MoveableScript> toDestroy = new Stack <MoveableScript>();
            foreach (MoveableScript moveable in moveDirections.Keys)
                moveable.ExecuteMove(moveDirections[moveable], 1, false);
                if (moveDirections [moveable] == Direction.NONE)
                    AudioManagerScript.instance.soundFx.PlayOneShot(moveable.collideSound, .5f);

                // check for a swap
                coord c = moveable.GetCoords();
                if (moveDirections[moveable] != Direction.NONE && swapCoords.Contains(c))
                else if (moveDirections[moveable] != Direction.NONE && portalCoords.Contains(c))
                    coord cp = portalMap[c];
                    // overrides any existing moves
                    moveable.EnterPortal(boardState.board, cp);

                //check for button press
                if (boardState.board[c.row, c.col] >= 30 && boardState.board[c.row, c.col] < 40)
                    coord buttonCoord = new coord(c.row, c.col);

            // destroy old objects
            int j = toDestroy.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)
                MoveableScript ms = toDestroy.Pop();
            if (!collided.ContainsKey(player))
                collided.Add(player, 1);

        foreach (MoveableScript m in collided.Keys)
            m.ExecuteMove(Direction.NONE, collided[m], false);
            AudioManagerScript.instance.soundFx.PlayOneShot(m.collideSound, .5f);
