Exemple #1
        public FilterImage Execute(FilterImage input)
            cImage cimage = input.tocImage();

            cimage = cimage.ApplyHQ(scale.Value, complex.GetSelected());
            return(new FilterImage(cimage));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a new FilterImage form a Hawkynt cImage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image"></param>
        public FilterImage(cImage image)
            this.width  = image.Width;
            this.height = image.Height;
            this.r      = new byte[width * height];
            this.g      = new byte[width * height];
            this.b      = new byte[width * height];
            this.a      = new byte[width * height];

            int    x;
            int    y;
            sPixel pixel;

            for (x = 0; x < this.width; x++)
                for (y = 0; y < this.height; y++)
                    pixel = image.GetPixel(x, y);
                    this.r[x * height + y] = pixel.Red;
                    this.g[x * height + y] = pixel.Green;
                    this.b[x * height + y] = pixel.Blue;
                    this.a[x * height + y] = pixel.Alpha;
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// body for HQ2x etc.
 /// </summary>
 public static void ComplexFilter(PixelWorker<sPixel> worker, byte scaleX, byte scaleY, cImage.NqKernel kernel) {
   var c0 = worker.SourceM1M1();
   var c1 = worker.SourceP0M1();
   var c2 = worker.SourceP1M1();
   var c3 = worker.SourceM1P0();
   var c4 = worker.SourceP0P0();
   var c5 = worker.SourceP1P0();
   var c6 = worker.SourceM1P1();
   var c7 = worker.SourceP0P1();
   var c8 = worker.SourceP1P1();
   byte pattern = 0;
   if ((c4.IsNotLike(c0)))
     pattern |= 1;
   if ((c4.IsNotLike(c1)))
     pattern |= 2;
   if ((c4.IsNotLike(c2)))
     pattern |= 4;
   if ((c4.IsNotLike(c3)))
     pattern |= 8;
   if ((c4.IsNotLike(c5)))
     pattern |= 16;
   if ((c4.IsNotLike(c6)))
     pattern |= 32;
   if ((c4.IsNotLike(c7)))
     pattern |= 64;
   if ((c4.IsNotLike(c8)))
     pattern |= 128;
   kernel(pattern, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, worker);
 } // end sub
Exemple #4
        public FilterImage Execute(FilterImage input)
            cImage cimage = input.tocImage();

            cimage = cimage.ApplyXbr(scale.Value, alphaBlending.Value);
            return(new FilterImage(cimage));
Exemple #5
        private Surface _CreateSurfaceFromImage(cImage image, Rectangle rect)
            var bitmap    = image.ToBitmap();
            var selection = bitmap.Clone(rect, bitmap.PixelFormat);
            var result    = Surface.CopyFromBitmap(selection);

        private void lbxFiles_OnKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            // delete attempt
            if ((e.KeyCode == Keys.Delete) && (lbxFiles.SelectedIndex != -1))
                int file_index = this.lbxFiles.SelectedIndex;

                this.txtFileCount.Text = _ImageList.Count.ToString();


            // Move item up
            if ((e.KeyCode == Keys.Q) && (lbxFiles.SelectedIndex != -1) && (lbxFiles.SelectedIndex != 0))
                int    index = this.lbxFiles.SelectedIndex;
                cImage image = _ImageList[index];


                _ImageList.Insert(index - 1, image);


                foreach (cImage item in _ImageList)

                lbxFiles.SelectedIndex = index - 1;


            // Move item down
            if ((e.KeyCode == Keys.A) && (lbxFiles.SelectedIndex != -1) && (lbxFiles.SelectedIndex != lbxFiles.Items.Count - 1))
                int    index = this.lbxFiles.SelectedIndex;
                cImage image = _ImageList[index];


                _ImageList.Insert(index + 1, image);


                foreach (cImage item in _ImageList)

                lbxFiles.SelectedIndex = index + 1;

Exemple #7
    } // end sub

    /// <summary>
    /// body for HQ2xBold etc. as seen in SNES9x
    /// </summary>
    public static void ComplexFilterBold(PixelWorker<sPixel> worker, byte scaleX, byte scaleY, cImage.NqKernel kernel) {
      var c0 = worker.SourceM1M1();
      var c1 = worker.SourceP0M1();
      var c2 = worker.SourceP1M1();
      var c3 = worker.SourceM1P0();
      var c4 = worker.SourceP0P0();
      var c5 = worker.SourceP1P0();
      var c6 = worker.SourceM1P1();
      var c7 = worker.SourceP0P1();
      var c8 = worker.SourceP1P1();
      var brightness = new[] { 
      var avgBrightness = (byte)((
        brightness[0] +
        brightness[1] +
        brightness[2] +
        brightness[3] +
        brightness[4] +
        brightness[5] +
        brightness[6] +
        brightness[7] +
        ) / 9);
      var dc4 = c4.Brightness > avgBrightness;
      byte pattern = 0;
      if ((c4.IsNotLike(c0)) && ((brightness[0] > avgBrightness) != dc4))
        pattern |= 1;
      if ((c4.IsNotLike(c1)) && ((brightness[1] > avgBrightness) != dc4))
        pattern |= 2;
      if ((c4.IsNotLike(c2)) && ((brightness[2] > avgBrightness) != dc4))
        pattern |= 4;
      if ((c4.IsNotLike(c3)) && ((brightness[3] > avgBrightness) != dc4))
        pattern |= 8;
      if ((c4.IsNotLike(c5)) && ((brightness[5] > avgBrightness) != dc4))
        pattern |= 16;
      if ((c4.IsNotLike(c6)) && ((brightness[6] > avgBrightness) != dc4))
        pattern |= 32;
      if ((c4.IsNotLike(c7)) && ((brightness[7] > avgBrightness) != dc4))
        pattern |= 64;
      if ((c4.IsNotLike(c8)) && ((brightness[8] > avgBrightness) != dc4))
        pattern |= 128;
      kernel(pattern, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, worker);
    } // end sub
Exemple #8
        public FilterImage Execute(FilterImage input)
            cImage cimage = input.tocImage();

            cimage = cimage.ApplyXbr(4, false);
            cimage = cimage.ApplyXbr(2, false);

            int normalizedDegs = rotateDegrees.Value < 0 ? rotateDegrees.Value + 360 : rotateDegrees.Value;

            double rotateRads = normalizedDegs * Math.PI / 180.0;

            FilterImage rot = RotateAndDownscale(new FilterImage(cimage), rotateRads);

Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// converts this image to an instance of Hawkynt cImage
        /// </summary>
        public cImage tocImage()
            cImage image = new cImage(this.width, this.height);

            int y;
            int x;

            for (x = 0; x < this.width; x++)
                for (y = 0; y < this.height; y++)
                    image.SetPixel(x, y, new sPixel(this.r[x * height + y], this.g[x * height + y], this.b[x * height + y], this.a[x * height + y]));

Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the XBR2x by Hyllian (see http://board.byuu.org/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2248)
        /// </summary>
        public static void Xbr2X(cImage sourceImage, int srcX, int srcY, cImage targetImage, int tgtX, int tgtY,
                                 bool allowAlphaBlending)
            var pa = sourceImage[srcX - 1, srcY - 1];
            var pb = sourceImage[srcX + 0, srcY - 1];
            var pc = sourceImage[srcX + 1, srcY - 1];

            var pd = sourceImage[srcX - 1, srcY + 0];
            var pe = sourceImage[srcX + 0, srcY + 0];
            var pf = sourceImage[srcX + 1, srcY + 0];

            var pg = sourceImage[srcX - 1, srcY + 1];
            var ph = sourceImage[srcX + 0, srcY + 1];
            var pi = sourceImage[srcX + 1, srcY + 1];

            var a1 = sourceImage[srcX - 1, srcY - 2];
            var b1 = sourceImage[srcX + 0, srcY - 2];
            var c1 = sourceImage[srcX + 1, srcY - 2];

            var a0 = sourceImage[srcX - 2, srcY - 1];
            var d0 = sourceImage[srcX - 2, srcY + 0];
            var g0 = sourceImage[srcX - 2, srcY + 1];

            var c4 = sourceImage[srcX + 2, srcY - 1];
            var f4 = sourceImage[srcX + 2, srcY + 0];
            var i4 = sourceImage[srcX + 2, srcY + 1];

            var g5 = sourceImage[srcX - 1, srcY + 2];
            var h5 = sourceImage[srcX + 0, srcY + 2];
            var i5 = sourceImage[srcX + 1, srcY + 2];

            sPixel e1, e2, e3;
            var    e0 = e1 = e2 = e3 = pe;

            _Kernel2Xv5(pe, pi, ph, pf, pg, pc, pd, pb, f4, i4, h5, i5, ref e1, ref e2, ref e3, allowAlphaBlending);
            _Kernel2Xv5(pe, pc, pf, pb, pi, pa, ph, pd, b1, c1, f4, c4, ref e0, ref e3, ref e1, allowAlphaBlending);
            _Kernel2Xv5(pe, pa, pb, pd, pc, pg, pf, ph, d0, a0, b1, a1, ref e2, ref e1, ref e0, allowAlphaBlending);
            _Kernel2Xv5(pe, pg, pd, ph, pa, pi, pb, pf, h5, g5, d0, g0, ref e3, ref e0, ref e2, allowAlphaBlending);

            targetImage[tgtX + 0, tgtY + 0] = e0;
            targetImage[tgtX + 1, tgtY + 0] = e1;
            targetImage[tgtX + 0, tgtY + 1] = e2;
            targetImage[tgtX + 1, tgtY + 1] = e3;
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the XBR2x by Hyllian (see http://board.byuu.org/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2248)
        /// </summary>
        public static void Xbr2X(cImage sourceImage, int srcX, int srcY, cImage targetImage, int tgtX, int tgtY, bool allowAlphaBlending)
            var pa = sourceImage[srcX - 1, srcY - 1];
            var pb = sourceImage[srcX + 0, srcY - 1];
            var pc = sourceImage[srcX + 1, srcY - 1];

            var pd = sourceImage[srcX - 1, srcY + 0];
            var pe = sourceImage[srcX + 0, srcY + 0];
            var pf = sourceImage[srcX + 1, srcY + 0];

            var pg = sourceImage[srcX - 1, srcY + 1];
            var ph = sourceImage[srcX + 0, srcY + 1];
            var pi = sourceImage[srcX + 1, srcY + 1];

            var a1 = sourceImage[srcX - 1, srcY - 2];
            var b1 = sourceImage[srcX + 0, srcY - 2];
            var c1 = sourceImage[srcX + 1, srcY - 2];

            var a0 = sourceImage[srcX - 2, srcY - 1];
            var d0 = sourceImage[srcX - 2, srcY + 0];
            var g0 = sourceImage[srcX - 2, srcY + 1];

            var c4 = sourceImage[srcX + 2, srcY - 1];
            var f4 = sourceImage[srcX + 2, srcY + 0];
            var i4 = sourceImage[srcX + 2, srcY + 1];

            var g5 = sourceImage[srcX - 1, srcY + 2];
            var h5 = sourceImage[srcX + 0, srcY + 2];
            var i5 = sourceImage[srcX + 1, srcY + 2];

            sPixel e1, e2, e3;
            var e0 = e1 = e2 = e3 = pe;

            _Kernel2Xv5(pe, pi, ph, pf, pg, pc, pd, pb, f4, i4, h5, i5, ref e1, ref e2, ref e3, allowAlphaBlending);
            _Kernel2Xv5(pe, pc, pf, pb, pi, pa, ph, pd, b1, c1, f4, c4, ref e0, ref e3, ref e1, allowAlphaBlending);
            _Kernel2Xv5(pe, pa, pb, pd, pc, pg, pf, ph, d0, a0, b1, a1, ref e2, ref e1, ref e0, allowAlphaBlending);
            _Kernel2Xv5(pe, pg, pd, ph, pa, pi, pb, pf, h5, g5, d0, g0, ref e3, ref e0, ref e2, allowAlphaBlending);

            targetImage[tgtX + 0, tgtY + 0] = e0;
            targetImage[tgtX + 1, tgtY + 0] = e1;
            targetImage[tgtX + 0, tgtY + 1] = e2;
            targetImage[tgtX + 1, tgtY + 1] = e3;
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a given image into a floating point one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The image.</param>
        /// <param name="filterRegion">The filter region.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static FloatImage FromImage(cImage image, Rectangle?filterRegion)
            Contract.Requires(image != null);

            var startX = filterRegion == null ? 0 : Math.Max(0, filterRegion.Value.Left);
            var startY = filterRegion == null ? 0 : Math.Max(0, filterRegion.Value.Top);

            var endX = filterRegion == null ? image.Width : Math.Min(image.Width, filterRegion.Value.Right);
            var endY = filterRegion == null ? image.Height : Math.Min(image.Height, filterRegion.Value.Bottom);

            var width  = endX - startX;
            var height = endY - startY;

            var result = new FloatImage(width, height, image.HorizontalOutOfBoundsMode, image.VerticalOutOfBoundsMode);

            // copy image data
                Partitioner.Create(startY, endY),
                () => 0,
                (range, _, threadStorage) => {
                var i = (range.Item1 - startY) * width;
                for (var y = range.Item1; y < range.Item2; ++y)
                    for (var x = startX; x < endX; ++x)
                        var color             = image[x, y];
                        result._redPlane[i]   = color.SingleRed;
                        result._greenPlane[i] = color.SingleGreen;
                        result._bluePlane[i]  = color.SingleBlue;
                        result._alphaPlane[i] = color.SingleAlpha;
                _ => { }
Exemple #13
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var    Item     = (TextureElement)TextureList.SelectedItem;
            var    InBitmap = (Bitmap)TextureView.Image;
            Bitmap OutBitmap;

            if (false)
                var OutImage = new cImage(InBitmap.Width * 2, InBitmap.Height * 2);
                libXBR.Xbr2X(cImage.FromBitmap(InBitmap), 0, 0, OutImage, 0, 0, true);
                OutBitmap = OutImage.ToBitmap();
                OutBitmap =
                    (new Engine(new ColorAlphaLerp(), new ColorAlphaThreshold(32, 32, 32, 32))).Process(InBitmap);
                OutBitmap.GetChannelsDataInterleaved(BitmapChannelList.Rgba).CastToStructArray <OutputPixel>(),
                OutBitmap.Width, OutBitmap.Height);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this floating point image to a normal image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public cImage ToImage()
            var width  = this.Width;
            var height = this.Height;
            var result = new cImage(width, height)
                HorizontalOutOfBoundsMode = this.HorizontalOutOfBoundsMode,
                VerticalOutOfBoundsMode   = this.VerticalOutOfBoundsMode

            // copy image data
                Partitioner.Create(0, height),
                () => 0,
                (range, _, threadStorage) => {
                var i = range.Item1 * width;
                for (var y = range.Item1; y < range.Item2; ++y)
                    for (var x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                        result[x, y] = sPixel.FromFloat(
                _ => { }

Exemple #15
        private void memoryTestToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            var before = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().VirtualMemorySize64;

            // performs operations here

            for (int Idx = 0; Idx < 100; Idx++)
                cImage Im = new cImage(30000, 5000, 1, 1);

                for (int i = 0; i < Im.SliceSize; i++)
                    Im.SingleChannelImage[0].Data[i] = i;
                //  Im.Dispose();

            var after = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().VirtualMemorySize64;
            var Mem = after - before;
 public cImage Apply(cImage source)
Exemple #17
        private void toolStripMenuItemLoadImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog CurrOpenFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
            CurrOpenFileDialog.Filter = "TIF Files (*.tif)|*.tif|JPEG Files (*.jpeg)|*.jpeg|PNG Files (*.png)|*.png|JPG Files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|GIF Files (*.gif)|*.gif|BMP Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|Cellomics Files (*.c01)|*.c01|Zeiss LSM Files (*.lsm)|*.lsm|MetaMorph Stack  STK Files (*.stk)|*.stk";
            //CurrOpenFileDialog.Filter = "Tif files (*.tif)|*.tif";
            DialogResult Res = CurrOpenFileDialog.ShowDialog();
            if (Res != DialogResult.OK) return;
            cImage NewIm = new cImage(CurrOpenFileDialog/*CurrOpenFileDialog.FileName*/);

            cDisplaySingleImage NewView = new cDisplaySingleImage();
            //    NewView.ConstraintImageSize = new Point(500, 500);

 public cImage Apply(cImage source, int width, int height, bool useCenteredGrid)
     Contract.Requires(source != null);
     return(source.ApplyScaler(this._type, width, height, useCenteredGrid));
Exemple #19
        public cImage(cImage Source, bool IsCopyData)
            this.Width = Source.Width;
            this.Height = Source.Height;
            this.Depth = Source.Depth;
            this.SliceSize = this.Height * this.Width;
            this.ImageSize = SliceSize * Depth;
            this.Resolution = new cPoint3D(Source.Resolution);

            this.SingleChannelImage = new cListSingleChannelImage();
            for (int IdxChannel = 0; IdxChannel < Source.GetNumChannels(); IdxChannel++)
                this.SingleChannelImage.Add(new cSingleChannelImage(Source.Width, Source.Height, Source.Depth, new cPoint3D(Source.Resolution)));
                this.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Name = Source.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Name;
                this.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Data = new float[Source.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Data.Length];

                if (IsCopyData)
                    Array.Copy(Source.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Data, this.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Data, Source.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Data.Length);
Exemple #20
    } // end sub

    /// <summary>
    /// body for HQ2xSmart etc. as seen in SNES9x
    /// </summary>
    public static void ComplexFilterSmart(PixelWorker<sPixel> worker, byte scaleX, byte scaleY, cImage.NqKernel kernel) {
      var c0 = worker.SourceM1M1();
      var c2 = worker.SourceP1M1();
      var c4 = worker.SourceP0P0();
      var c6 = worker.SourceM1P1();
      var c8 = worker.SourceP1P1();
      if (c0.IsLike(c4) || c2.IsLike(c4) || c6.IsLike(c4) || c8.IsLike(c4))
        ComplexFilter(worker, scaleX, scaleY, kernel);
        ComplexFilterBold(worker, scaleX, scaleY, kernel);
    } // end sub
Exemple #21
        public cImage Crop(cPoint3D StartingPoint, cPoint3D EndingPoint)
            int RealXStartPt = (int)StartingPoint.X;
            if (RealXStartPt < 0) RealXStartPt = 0;
            else if (RealXStartPt >= this.Width) RealXStartPt = this.Width - 1;

            int RealXEndPt = (int)EndingPoint.X;
            if (RealXEndPt < 0) RealXEndPt = 0;
            else if (RealXEndPt >= this.Width) RealXEndPt = this.Width - 1;

            int RealYStartPt = (int)StartingPoint.Y;
            if (RealYStartPt < 0) RealYStartPt = 0;
            else if (RealYStartPt >= this.Height) RealYStartPt = this.Height - 1;

            int RealYEndPt = (int)EndingPoint.Y;
            if (RealYEndPt < 0) RealYEndPt = 0;
            else if (RealYEndPt >= this.Height) RealYEndPt = this.Height - 1;

            int RealZStartPt = (int)StartingPoint.Z;
            if (RealZStartPt < 0) RealZStartPt = 0;
            else if (RealZStartPt >= this.Depth) RealZStartPt = this.Depth - 1;

            int RealZEndPt = (int)EndingPoint.Z;
            if (RealZEndPt < 0) RealZEndPt = 0;
            else if (RealZEndPt >= this.Depth) RealZEndPt = this.Depth - 1;

            cImage CroppedImage = new cImage((int)(RealXEndPt - RealXStartPt + 1),
                                            (int)(RealYEndPt - RealYStartPt + 1),
                                            (int)(EndingPoint.Z - StartingPoint.Z + 1),

            CroppedImage.Resolution = new cPoint3D(this.Resolution);

            int RealPosZ;
            int RealPosY;
            int RealPosX;

            for (int Channel = 0; Channel < this.GetNumChannels(); Channel++)

                for (int z = (int)RealZStartPt; z <= (int)RealZEndPt; z++)
                    RealPosZ = (int)(z - RealZStartPt);
                    for (int y = (int)RealYStartPt; y <= (int)RealYEndPt; y++)
                        RealPosY = (int)(y - RealYStartPt);
                        for (int x = (int)RealXStartPt; x <= (int)RealXEndPt; x++)
                            RealPosX = (int)(x - RealXStartPt);
                            CroppedImage.SingleChannelImage[Channel].Data[RealPosX + RealPosY * CroppedImage.Width + RealPosZ * CroppedImage.SliceSize] =
                               this.SingleChannelImage[Channel].Data[x + y * this.Width + z * this.SliceSize];

                CroppedImage.SingleChannelImage[Channel].Resolution = new cPoint3D(this.Resolution);
            //   CroppedImage.Resolution = new cPoint3D(this.Resolution);

            CroppedImage.Name = "Crop(" + this.Name + ")";
            return CroppedImage;
Exemple #22
        public cImage GetColorImage()
            int IdxDesc = cGlobalInfo.CurrentScreening.ListDescriptors.GetDescriptorIndex(cGlobalInfo.CurrentScreening.ListDescriptors.GetActiveDescriptor());
            bool MissingWells;
            cImage ToReturn = new cImage(new cExtendedTable(this.GetAverageValueDescTable(IdxDesc, out MissingWells)));

            return ToReturn;
Exemple #23
        public bool Execute()
            var source = this._applyToTarget ? this.TargetImage : this.SourceImage;

            var width  = this.Width;
            var height = this.Height;

            // pverwrite dimensions from percentage if needed
            var percentage = this.Percentage;

            if (percentage > 0)
                width  = (word)Math.Round(source.Width * percentage / 100d);
                height = (word)Math.Round(source.Height * percentage / 100d);

            // correct aspect ratio if needed
            if (this.MaintainAspect)
                if (width == 0)
                    width = (word)Math.Round((double)height * source.Width / source.Height);
                    height = (word)Math.Round((double)width * source.Height / source.Width);

            sPixel.AllowThresholds           = this.UseThresholds;
            source.HorizontalOutOfBoundsMode = this.HorizontalBph;
            source.VerticalOutOfBoundsMode   = this.VerticalBph;

            cImage result          = null;
            var    method          = this.Manipulator;
            var    scaler          = method as AScaler;
            var    interpolator    = method as Interpolator;
            var    planeExtractor  = method as PlaneExtractor;
            var    resampler       = method as Resampler;
            var    radiusResampler = method as RadiusResampler;

            if (scaler != null)
                result = source;
                for (var i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
                    result = scaler.Apply(result);
                if (interpolator != null)
                    result = interpolator.Apply(source, width, height);
                else if (planeExtractor != null)
                    result = planeExtractor.Apply(source);
                else if (resampler != null)
                    result = resampler.Apply(source, width, height, this.UseCenteredGrid);
                else if (radiusResampler != null)
                    result = radiusResampler.Apply(source, width, height, this.Radius, this.UseCenteredGrid);

            this.TargetImage = result;
 public cImage Apply(cImage source, int width, int height)
     Contract.Requires(source != null);
     return(source.ApplyScaler(this._type, width, height));
Exemple #25
   public cImage Apply(cImage source, int width, int height, float radius, bool useCenteredGrid)
   => source == null
 ? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source))
 : source.ApplyScaler(this._type, width, height, radius, useCenteredGrid, default(Rectangle?))
Exemple #26
 public cImage Apply(cImage source) => this._planeExtractionFunction(source);
Exemple #27
        private void ToolStripMenuItem_DisplayImages(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if (cWell.cGlobalInfo.ImageAccessor.ImagingPlatformType == HCSAnalyzer.Classes.General_Types.eImagingPlatformType.OPERETTA) return;

            cGlobalInfo.ImageAccessor.Field = 1;// (int)this.numericUpDownField.Value;
            //string FileName = cWell.cGlobalInfo.ImageAccessor.GetImageFileName(this);

            foreach (cWell item in this.ListActiveWells)

                List<cImageMetaInfo> ListMetaInfo = cGlobalInfo.ImageAccessor.GetImageInfo(item);

                cImage Image = new cImage(ListMetaInfo);
                Image.Name = "Image [" + item.GetShortInfo() + "] - Field [" + cGlobalInfo.ImageAccessor.Field + "]";

                cImage FinaleImage = Image.Crop(new cPoint3D(400, 400, 0), new cPoint3D(800 + 400, 800 + 400, 0));

                //cImageGeometricResize IR = new cImageGeometricResize();
                //IR.InterpolationType = Emgu.CV.CvEnum.INTER.CV_INTER_LINEAR;
                //IR.ListProperties.UpdateValueByName("Scale", (double)0.25);

                //cImage FinaleImage = IR.GetOutPut();
                //FinaleImage.Name = "Image [" + item.GetShortInfo()+"] - Field ["+ cWell.cGlobalInfo.ImageAccessor.Field + "]";

                cDisplaySingleImage IV = new cDisplaySingleImage();


            //cImage IM = new cImage(this.Info);
            //if (IM == null) return;

            //cImageViewer IV = new cImageViewer();

            //cViewerImage3D VI3D = new cViewerImage3D();

            //foreach (cWell item in this.ListActiveWells)
            //    vtkJPEGReader JPEGReader = vtkJPEGReader.New();
            //    JPEGReader.SetFileName(item.Info);
            //    JPEGReader.Update();
            //    vtkImageData ID0 = JPEGReader.GetOutput();
            //    VI3D.SetInputData(ID0);

            ////    cVolume3D Volume3D0 = new cVolume3D(ID0, new HCSAnalyzer.Classes._3D.cPoint3D(0, 0, 0));


            //cDisplayToWindow DTW = new cDisplayToWindow();
Exemple #28
 public override cImage Apply(cImage source)
     Contract.Requires(source != null);
     return(source.ApplyScaler(this._type, this._allowAlphaBlending));
        /// <summary>
        /// Filters the image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
        /// <param name="method">The method.</param>
        /// <param name="targetWidth">Width of the target.</param>
        /// <param name="targetHeight">Height of the target.</param>
        /// <param name="horizontalBh">The horizontal bounds handling.</param>
        /// <param name="verticalBh">The vertical bounds handling.</param>
        /// <param name="useThresholds">if set to <c>true</c> [use thresholds].</param>
        /// <param name="useCenteredGrid">if set to <c>true</c> [use centered grid].</param>
        /// <param name="repetitionCount">The repetition count.</param>
        /// <param name="radius">The radius.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static cImage FilterImage(cImage source, IImageManipulator method, ushort targetWidth, ushort targetHeight, OutOfBoundsMode horizontalBh, OutOfBoundsMode verticalBh, bool useThresholds, bool useCenteredGrid, byte repetitionCount, float radius)
            Contract.Requires(source != null);
            sPixel.AllowThresholds           = useThresholds;
            source.HorizontalOutOfBoundsMode = horizontalBh;
            source.VerticalOutOfBoundsMode   = verticalBh;

            cImage result          = null;
            var    scaler          = method as AScaler;
            var    interpolator    = method as Interpolator;
            var    planeExtractor  = method as PlaneExtractor;
            var    resampler       = method as Resampler;
            var    radiusResampler = method as RadiusResampler;

            if (scaler != null)
                result = source;
                for (var i = 0; i < repetitionCount; i++)
                    result = scaler.Apply(result);
            else if (interpolator != null)
                if (targetWidth <= 0 || targetHeight <= 0)
                    MessageBox.Show(Resources.txNeedWidthAndHeightAboveZero, Resources.ttNeedWidthAndHeightAboveZero, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
                    result = interpolator.Apply(source, targetWidth, targetHeight);
            else if (planeExtractor != null)
                result = planeExtractor.Apply(source);
            else if (resampler != null)
                if (targetWidth <= 0 || targetHeight <= 0)
                    MessageBox.Show(Resources.txNeedWidthAndHeightAboveZero, Resources.ttNeedWidthAndHeightAboveZero, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
                    result = resampler.Apply(source, targetWidth, targetHeight, useCenteredGrid);
            else if (radiusResampler != null)
                if (targetWidth <= 0 || targetHeight <= 0)
                    MessageBox.Show(Resources.txNeedWidthAndHeightAboveZero, Resources.ttNeedWidthAndHeightAboveZero, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
                    result = radiusResampler.Apply(source, targetWidth, targetHeight, radius, useCenteredGrid);

Exemple #30
        public cImage GetClassColorImage()
            cImage ToReturn = new cImage(cGlobalInfo.CurrentScreening.Columns, cGlobalInfo.CurrentScreening.Rows, 1, 3);

            for (int j = 0; j < ToReturn.Height; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < ToReturn.Width; i++)
                    cWell TmpWell = this.GetWell(i , j , true);
                    if(TmpWell==null) continue;

                    Color C = TmpWell.GetClassColor();

                    ToReturn.SingleChannelImage[0].Data[i + j * ToReturn.Width] = C.R;
                    ToReturn.SingleChannelImage[1].Data[i + j * ToReturn.Width] = C.G;
                    ToReturn.SingleChannelImage[2].Data[i + j * ToReturn.Width] = C.B;

            return ToReturn;
 public override cImage Apply(cImage source)
     Contract.Requires(source != null);
Exemple #32
 /// <summary>
 /// creates a new FilterImage form a Hawkynt cImage
 /// </summary>
 public static FilterImage FromCImage(cImage cimage)
     return(new FilterImage(cimage));
Exemple #33
        public void AddInto(cImage SubImage, int Dest_PosX, int Dest_PosY, int Dest_PosZ, int Dest_Channel)
            if (SubImage.GetNumChannels() > 1) return;

            for (int Z = 0; Z < SubImage.Depth; Z++)
                int OriginalPosZ = Dest_PosZ + Z;
                if ((OriginalPosZ < 0) || (OriginalPosZ > this.Depth - 1)) continue;

                for (int Y = 0; Y < SubImage.Height; Y++)
                    int OriginalPosY = Dest_PosY + Y;
                    if ((OriginalPosY < 0) || (OriginalPosY > this.Height - 1)) continue;

                    for (int X = 0; X < SubImage.Width; X++)
                        int OriginalPosX = Dest_PosX + X;
                        if ((OriginalPosX < 0) || (OriginalPosX > this.Width - 1)) continue;

                        this.SingleChannelImage[Dest_Channel].Data[OriginalPosX + OriginalPosY * this.Width + OriginalPosZ * this.SliceSize] += SubImage.SingleChannelImage[0].Data[X + Y * SubImage.Width + Z * SubImage.SliceSize];
Exemple #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts a given image into a floating point one.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="image">The image.</param>
 /// <param name="filterRegion">The filter region.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static FloatImage FromImage(cImage image, Rect?filterRegion) => FromImage(image, filterRegion?.ToRectangle());
Exemple #35
 public override cImage Apply(cImage source) => source.ApplyScaler(this._type, this._mode, default(Rectangle?));
Exemple #36
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts this floating point image to a normal image.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public cImage ToImage() {
      var width = this.Width;
      var height = this.Height;
      var result = new cImage(width, height) {
        HorizontalOutOfBoundsMode = this.HorizontalOutOfBoundsMode,
        VerticalOutOfBoundsMode = this.VerticalOutOfBoundsMode

      // copy image data
        Partitioner.Create(0, height),
        () => 0,
        (range, _, threadStorage) => {
          var i = range.Item1 * width;
          for (var y = range.Item1; y < range.Item2; ++y) {
            for (var x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
              result[x, y] = sPixel.FromFloat(
          return (threadStorage);
        _ => { }

      return (result);
Exemple #37
 public abstract cImage Apply(cImage source);
Exemple #38
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts a given image into a floating point one.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="image">The image.</param>
    /// <param name="filterRegion">The filter region.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static FloatImage FromImage(cImage image, Rectangle? filterRegion) {
      Contract.Requires(image != null);

      var startX = filterRegion == null ? 0 : Math.Max(0, filterRegion.Value.Left);
      var startY = filterRegion == null ? 0 : Math.Max(0, filterRegion.Value.Top);

      var endX = filterRegion == null ? image.Width : Math.Min(image.Width, filterRegion.Value.Right);
      var endY = filterRegion == null ? image.Height : Math.Min(image.Height, filterRegion.Value.Bottom);

      var width = endX - startX;
      var height = endY - startY;

      var result = new FloatImage(width, height, image.HorizontalOutOfBoundsMode, image.VerticalOutOfBoundsMode);

      // copy image data
        Partitioner.Create(startY, endY),
        () => 0,
        (range, _, threadStorage) => {
          var i = (range.Item1 - startY) * width;
          for (var y = range.Item1; y < range.Item2; ++y) {
            for (var x = startX; x < endX; ++x) {
              var color = image[x, y];
              result._redPlane[i] = color.SingleRed;
              result._greenPlane[i] = color.SingleGreen;
              result._bluePlane[i] = color.SingleBlue;
              result._alphaPlane[i] = color.SingleAlpha;
          return (threadStorage);
        _ => { }
      return (result);
Exemple #39
 public override cImage Apply(cImage source) => source.ApplyScaler(this._type, this._allowAlphaBlending, default(Rectangle?));
Exemple #40
 public cImage Apply(cImage source, int width, int height) => source.ApplyScaler(this._type, width, height);