void Update()

        if (!gameControllerScript.isPaused)
            /// PC Movement ///
            if (Time.timeScale > 0 && Health >= 25)
                if (PlayerNumber == playerNumber.PlayerOne && useKeyboardControls == true && Health >= 25)
                    float moveHorizontal;
                    float moveVertical;

                    // Keyboard input
                    if (Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") != 0 || Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") != 0)
                        moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
                        moveVertical = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");
                        // Mouse input
                        moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis ("Mouse X");
                        moveVertical = Input.GetAxis ("Mouse Y");

                    Vector3 movement = new Vector3 (moveHorizontal, moveVertical, 0.0f);
                    rb.velocity = movement * speed;

            if (SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount >= 1
                && Input.GetMouseButtonDown (1))
                // When the player presses altfire while bar is greater than 0
                if (SpecialAbility == ability.Emp)
                    AbilityActive = abilityActive.yes;
                    PlayerCollider.enabled = false;
                    SpecialAbilityActivateAudio.Play ();

            if (SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount <= 0)
                DeactivateSpecialAbilities ();
                SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount += 0.1f * Time.deltaTime;

                if (SpecialAbility == ability.Emp)
                    AbilityActive = abilityActive.no;
                    Shield.GetComponent<Animator> ().Play ("ShieldExit");
                    PlayerCollider.enabled = true;

            if (PlayerNumber == playerNumber.PlayerOne && useKeyboardControls == false && Health >= 25)
                float moveHorizontalA = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal P1");
                float moveVerticalA = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical P1");
                Vector3 movementA = new Vector3 (moveHorizontalA, moveVerticalA, 0.0f);
                rb.velocity = movementA * speed;

            if (PlayerNumber == playerNumber.PlayerTwo)
                float moveHorizontalB = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal P2");
                float moveVerticalB = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical P2");
                Vector3 movementB = new Vector3 (moveHorizontalB, moveVerticalB, 0.0f);
                rb.velocity = movementB * speed;

            rb.position = new Vector3 (rb.position.x, rb.position.y, 0);

            // Player boundaries
            GetComponent<Transform> ().position = new Vector3 (
                Mathf.Clamp (GetComponent<Transform> ().position.x, xBoundLower, xBoundUpper),
                Mathf.Clamp (GetComponent<Transform> ().position.y, yBoundLower, yBoundUpper),

            /// Shooting functionality ///

            // PC Controller Input.
            if ((Input.GetKey ("space") && Time.unscaledTime > nextFire && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > -1 && Health > minHealth) ||
                (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.LeftControl) && Time.unscaledTime > nextFire && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > -1 && Health > minHealth))
                nextFire = Time.unscaledTime + fireRate * (1/Time.timeScale);
                Instantiate(shot, shotSpawn.position, shotSpawn.rotation);

            if ((Input.GetKeyUp ("space") && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > -1 && Health > minHealth) ||
                (Input.GetKeyUp (KeyCode.LeftControl) && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > -1 && Health > minHealth))

            // Controller Input.
            if (PlayerNumber == playerNumber.PlayerOne && Health >= 25)
                if (Time.timeScale > 0) {
                    if (((Input.GetAxisRaw ("Fire P1") > 0.1f || Input.GetMouseButton (0)) && Time.unscaledTime > nextFire && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > -1 && Health > minHealth)) {
                        nextFire = Time.unscaledTime + fireRate * (1 / Time.timeScale);
                        Instantiate (shot, shotSpawn.position, shotSpawn.rotation);

                    if (((Input.GetAxisRaw ("Alt Fire P1") > 0.3f || Input.GetMouseButton (1)) && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > -1 && Health > minHealth && isClone == false) ||
                       (Input.GetKeyDown ("joystick 1 button 2") && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > 0 && Health > minHealth && isClone == false)) {
                        // When the player presses altfire while bar is greater than 0
                        if (SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount > 0.25f)
                            if (SpecialAbility == ability.Emp)
                                Shield.SetActive (true);
                                Shield.GetComponent<Animator> ().Play ("ShieldEntry");
                                AbilityActive = abilityActive.yes;
                                PlayerCollider.enabled = false;
                                SpecialAbilityActivateAudio.Play ();

                    if (Input.GetAxisRaw ("Alt Fire P1") <= 0.3f) {

                    if (((Input.GetAxisRaw ("Alt Fire P1") <= 0 || Input.GetMouseButtonUp (1)) && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > 0 && Health > minHealth && isClone == false) ||
                       (Input.GetKeyDown ("joystick 1 button 2") && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > 0 && Health > minHealth && isClone == false)) {

            CheckPowerupTime ();

            if (AbilityActive == abilityActive.no && SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount > 0 && SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount < 1)
                SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount += 0.1f * Time.unscaledDeltaTime;

            if (AbilityActive == abilityActive.yes && SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount <= 1)
                SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount -= 0.2f * Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
                PlayerCollider.enabled = false;

            if (AbilityActive == abilityActive.yes && SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount <= 0)
                AbilityActive = abilityActive.no;
                Shield.GetComponent<Animator> ().Play ("ShieldExit");
                SpecialAbilityDeactivateAudio.Play ();
                PlayerCollider.enabled = true;

            ComboN = Mathf.RoundToInt (ComboTime);

            if (ComboTime > 11)
                ComboTime = 11;

            if (ComboTime < 0)
                ComboTime = 0;

            if (ComboN > 10)
                ComboN = 10;

            if (collisionCooldown > 0)
                collisionCooldown -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
                PlayerCollider.enabled = false;

            if (collisionCooldown <= 0 && AbilityActive == abilityActive.no)
                collisionCooldown = 0;
                PlayerCollider.enabled = true;

            if (isClone == false && Health >= 25)

            if (Health < 25)
                //Camera.main.transform.position = new Vector3 (PlayerMesh.transform.position.x, PlayerMesh.transform.position.y, -100);

            CheckIfClone ();
Exemple #2
    void Update()

        if (!gameControllerScript.isPaused)
            /// PC Movement ///
            if (Time.timeScale > 0 && Health >= 25)
                if (PlayerNumber == playerNumber.PlayerOne && useKeyboardControls == true && Health >= 25)
                    float moveHorizontal;
                    float moveVertical;

                    // Keyboard input
                    if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") != 0 || Input.GetAxis("Vertical") != 0)
                        moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
                        moveVertical   = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
                        // Mouse input
                        moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
                        moveVertical   = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");

                    Vector3 movement = new Vector3(moveHorizontal, moveVertical, 0.0f);
                    rb.velocity = movement * speed;

            if (SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount >= 1 &&
                // When the player presses altfire while bar is greater than 0
                if (SpecialAbility == ability.Emp)
                    AbilityActive          = abilityActive.yes;
                    PlayerCollider.enabled = false;

            if (SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount <= 0)
                SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount += 0.1f * Time.deltaTime;

                if (SpecialAbility == ability.Emp)
                    AbilityActive = abilityActive.no;
                    Shield.GetComponent <Animator> ().Play("ShieldExit");
                    PlayerCollider.enabled = true;

            if (PlayerNumber == playerNumber.PlayerOne && useKeyboardControls == false && Health >= 25)
                float   moveHorizontalA = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal P1");
                float   moveVerticalA   = Input.GetAxis("Vertical P1");
                Vector3 movementA       = new Vector3(moveHorizontalA, moveVerticalA, 0.0f);
                rb.velocity = movementA * speed;

            if (PlayerNumber == playerNumber.PlayerTwo)
                float   moveHorizontalB = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal P2");
                float   moveVerticalB   = Input.GetAxis("Vertical P2");
                Vector3 movementB       = new Vector3(moveHorizontalB, moveVerticalB, 0.0f);
                rb.velocity = movementB * speed;

            rb.position = new Vector3(rb.position.x, rb.position.y, 0);

            // Player boundaries
            GetComponent <Transform> ().position = new Vector3(
                Mathf.Clamp(GetComponent <Transform> ().position.x, xBoundLower, xBoundUpper),
                Mathf.Clamp(GetComponent <Transform> ().position.y, yBoundLower, yBoundUpper),

            /// Shooting functionality ///

            // PC Controller Input.
            if ((Input.GetKey("space") && Time.unscaledTime > nextFire && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > -1 && Health > minHealth) ||
                (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) && Time.unscaledTime > nextFire && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > -1 && Health > minHealth))
                nextFire = Time.unscaledTime + fireRate * (1 / Time.timeScale);
                Instantiate(shot, shotSpawn.position, shotSpawn.rotation);

            if ((Input.GetKeyUp("space") && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > -1 && Health > minHealth) ||
                (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.LeftControl) && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > -1 && Health > minHealth))

            // Controller Input.
            if (PlayerNumber == playerNumber.PlayerOne && Health >= 25)
                if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                    if (((Input.GetAxisRaw("Fire P1") > 0.1f || Input.GetMouseButton(0)) && Time.unscaledTime > nextFire && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > -1 && Health > minHealth))
                        nextFire = Time.unscaledTime + fireRate * (1 / Time.timeScale);
                        Instantiate(shot, shotSpawn.position, shotSpawn.rotation);

                    if (((Input.GetAxisRaw("Alt Fire P1") > 0.3f || Input.GetMouseButton(1)) && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > -1 && Health > minHealth && isClone == false) ||
                        (Input.GetKeyDown("joystick 1 button 2") && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > 0 && Health > minHealth && isClone == false))
                        // When the player presses altfire while bar is greater than 0
                        if (SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount > 0.25f)
                            if (SpecialAbility == ability.Emp)
                                Shield.GetComponent <Animator> ().Play("ShieldEntry");
                                AbilityActive          = abilityActive.yes;
                                PlayerCollider.enabled = false;

                    if (Input.GetAxisRaw("Alt Fire P1") <= 0.3f)

                    if (((Input.GetAxisRaw("Alt Fire P1") <= 0 || Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1)) && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > 0 && Health > minHealth && isClone == false) ||
                        (Input.GetKeyDown("joystick 1 button 2") && gameControllerScript.CurrentScore > 0 && Health > minHealth && isClone == false))


            if (AbilityActive == abilityActive.no && SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount > 0 && SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount < 1)
                SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount += 0.1f * Time.unscaledDeltaTime;

            if (AbilityActive == abilityActive.yes && SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount <= 1)
                SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount -= 0.2f * Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
                PlayerCollider.enabled          = false;

            if (AbilityActive == abilityActive.yes && SpecialAbilityImage.fillAmount <= 0)
                AbilityActive = abilityActive.no;
                Shield.GetComponent <Animator> ().Play("ShieldExit");
                PlayerCollider.enabled = true;

            ComboN = Mathf.RoundToInt(ComboTime);

            if (ComboTime > 11)
                ComboTime = 11;

            if (ComboTime < 0)
                ComboTime = 0;

            if (ComboN > 10)
                ComboN = 10;

            if (collisionCooldown > 0)
                collisionCooldown     -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
                PlayerCollider.enabled = false;

            if (collisionCooldown <= 0 && AbilityActive == abilityActive.no)
                collisionCooldown      = 0;
                PlayerCollider.enabled = true;

            if (isClone == false && Health >= 25)

            if (Health < 25)
                //Camera.main.transform.position = new Vector3 (PlayerMesh.transform.position.x, PlayerMesh.transform.position.y, -100);

 void DeactivateSpecialAbilities()
     AbilityActive = abilityActive.no;
     SpecialAbilityDeactivateAudio.Play ();
Exemple #4
 void DeactivateSpecialAbilities()
     AbilityActive = abilityActive.no;