public void CompareBounds() { (double xMin, double xMax) = Zed.getAxisMinMax(X); (double yMin, double yMax) = Zed.getAxisMinMax(Y); (double zMin, double zMax) = Zed.getAxisMinMax(Z); if (xMin < GroupBounds.XMin) { GroupBounds.XMin = xMin; } if (xMax > GroupBounds.XMax) { GroupBounds.XMax = xMax; } if (yMin < GroupBounds.YMin) { GroupBounds.YMin = yMin; } if (yMax > GroupBounds.YMax) { GroupBounds.YMax = yMax; } if (zMin < GroupBounds.ZMin) { GroupBounds.ZMin = zMin; } if (zMax > GroupBounds.ZMax) { GroupBounds.ZMax = zMax; } }
public void AddCurve(CurveItem curve) { if (!IsCurveAdded(curve.Label.Text)) { PlanetId id = OwnerOf(curve.Label.Text[0]); int i = 0; for (; i < thePane.CurveList.Count; i++) { CurveItem existed = thePane.CurveList[i]; PlanetId starId = OwnerOf(existed); OrbitInfoType starKind = KindOf(existed); if (starId > id) { continue; } else if (starId < id) { break; } //else if (starKind < kind) // continue; //else if (starKind > kind) // break; } thePane.CurveList.Insert(i, curve); Zed.Invalidate(); } }
public void AddFilledCurve(String name, List <double> xItems, List <double> yItems, Color color) { if (yItems.Count != xItems.Count) { throw new Exception(); } Double max = yItems.Max(); Double min = yItems.Min(); max = gracefulOf(max, false); min = gracefulOf(min, true); double temp, range = max - min; List <double> converted = new List <double>(); for (int i = 0; i < yItems.Count; i++) { temp = (yItems[i] - min) * Frame.Range / range + Frame.Min; converted.Add(temp); } CurveItem curve = thePane.AddCurve(name, xItems.ToArray(), converted.ToArray(), color, SymbolType.None); Zed.Invalidate(); }
/// <summary> /// AutoPopulateSPL is used to add/update a graph for the SPL magnitude and phase curves of a driver. /// The system graph is updated as well. /// This one uses the text in the filename box to auto-populate the driver files on session file read. /// </summary> /// <param name="systemZGC"></param> /// <param name="filename"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool AutoPopulateSPL(ZedGraphControl systemZGC, string filename, double[] frequencies) { Zed zedObject = new Zed(); // Created only for access to the methods //ColorSymbolRotator splColor = new ColorSymbolRotator(); if (!File.Exists(filename)) { return(false); } zedObject.ImportSPLData(filename, frequencies); // Read the data, convert to double and interpolate zedObject.filename = filename; if (zedObject.splInterpolated == null) { MessageBox.Show("No valid data found, cannot continue.\nTry another file.", filename); return(false); // Can't go further, but don't need to stop. User can try another file. } systemZGC.ZoomOutAll(systemZGC.GraphPane); // Invoke the method to add the curves to the graph. Curves.AddComplexCurves(systemZGC, zedObject.splInterpolated, currentColor, filename, "Mag", "Phase", false); currentColor = splColor.NextColor; return(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Zed zed_cam = new Zed(); zed_cam.Start_Sequential(); int show_time = 10; for (int i = 0; i < show_time; i++) { zed_cam.GrabOnce(); Image <Bgra, byte> image_zed_left = zed_cam.Left; CvInvoke.cvShowImage("Left", image_zed_left); //CvInvoke.Imshow("Left", image_zed_left); Image <Bgra, byte> image_zed_right = zed_cam.Right; CvInvoke.cvShowImage("Right", image_zed_right); //CvInvoke.Imshow("Right", image_zed_right); //CvInvoke.WaitKey(25); CvInvoke.cvWaitKey(25); } zed_cam.GrabOnce(); Bitmap left_im = (Bitmap)zed_cam.Left.ToBitmap().Clone(); Console.WriteLine("left_im.Size:{0}", left_im.Size); left_im.Save("left_save_cv.png"); Image <Gray, ushort> depth_im = zed_cam.FetchDepth16U(); //CvInvoke.Imwrite("depth_save_cv.png", depth_im); depth_im.Save("depth_save_cv.png"); zed_cam.Close(); }
public static void PopulateZedList() { for (var i = 0; i < ZedSpawner.ZedQuantity; i++) { var zed = new Zed { Position = ZedSpawner.ZedSpawnPoint(), IsSpawned = true, IsAlive = true, CurrentHealth = 100, MaxHealth = 100, Speed = 0.5f, Texture = Textures.ZedTexture, ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Description = "A zombie. Grr, argh", AlertRange = 400, AttackPower = 1, AttackSpeed = 4, NextAttack = 4 }; zed.CurrentPoint = zed.Position; zed.DestinationPoint = zed.Position; zed.BRec.X = (int)zed.Position.X; zed.BRec.Y = (int)zed.Position.Y; zed.BRec.Width = Textures.ZedTexture.Width; zed.BRec.Height = Textures.ZedTexture.Height; ZedSpawner.StopZedsBunching(); EntityLists.ZedList.Add(zed); } }
public void Disconnected() { lock (this) { camera = null; isConnected = false; Debug.WriteLine("Disconnected from Camera"); } }
private void Create1DCal(double[] A, double[] B, string axis, int range) { (double b, double m) = Zed.linearFit(A, B); RTBOutput.Text += $":START {ZAxis} MASTER={axis} POSUNIT=METRIC CORUNIT=METRIC/1000 SAMPLEDIST=-{range}\n" + $"{(m * range) + b:f3}\t{b:f3}\t0.000\n" + $":END\n"; RTBOutput.Text += $":START {ZCAxis} MASTER={axis} POSUNIT=METRIC CORUNIT=METRIC/1000 SAMPLEDIST=-{range}\n" + $"{(m * range) + b:f3}\t{b:f3}\t0.000\n" + $":END\n"; }
void Start() { BaseHero zed = new Zed(); Debug.Log(zed.GetType()); PlaySkill(zed); Debug.Log("---------------------------"); BaseHeroVersionTwo lebanc = new Lebanc(); PlaySkill2(lebanc); }
private void AcquireImages(Zed zed) { try { imageBox1.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { // you can use method FetchImage or any of the helper methods // e.g. zed.Left, zed.Right, zed.Depth ... var image = zed.FetchImage(view); imageBox1.Image = image; }); } catch { } }
public static void CheckZedHumanCollision(Zed zed) { foreach (var human in EntityLists.HumanList) { if (zed.BRec.Intersects(human.BRec)) { if (zed.NextAttack <= 0) { human.CurrentHealth -= zed.AttackPower; zed.NextAttack = zed.AttackSpeed; } else { zed.NextAttack--; } if (human.NextAttack <= 0) { zed.CurrentHealth -= human.AttackPower; human.NextAttack = human.AttackSpeed; } else { human.NextAttack--; } if (zed.Position.X >= human.Position.X) { zed.Position.X += 1; } if (zed.Position.X <= human.Position.X) { zed.Position.X -= 1; } else if (zed.Position.Y >= human.Position.Y) { zed.Position.Y += 1; } if (zed.Position.Y <= human.Position.Y) { zed.Position.Y -= 1; } } } }
public PlotData(Scan scan, Zed.Axes xAxis, Zed.Axes yAxis, Zed.Axes zAxis, bool compare = true) { Name = scan.Name; Zed.Position[] data = ApplyFilters((Zed.Position[])scan.Data.ToArray().Clone()); X = Zed.getAxis(data, (int)xAxis, FlipX); Y = Zed.getAxis(data, (int)yAxis, FlipY); Z = Zed.getAxis(data, (int)zAxis, FlipZ); if (compare) { CompareBounds(); } SelectedPoint = scan.SelectedIdx == -1 ? null : new Zed.Position( data[scan.SelectedIdx].Time, xAxis == Zed.Axes.None ? 0 : X[scan.SelectedIdx], yAxis == Zed.Axes.None ? 0 : Y[scan.SelectedIdx], zAxis == Zed.Axes.None ? 0 : Z[scan.SelectedIdx], 0, 0); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the player can go to the selected Shadow. /// </summary> /// <param name="shadow">The shadow</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool CanGoToShadow(Shadow shadow) //TODO safety Checks lel { if (Zed.getCheckBoxItem(Zed.miscMenu, "safetyChecks") && (!Zed.getKeyBindItem(Zed.fleeMenu, "fleeActive") || !Orbwalker.ActiveModesFlags.HasFlag(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Flee))) { if (shadow.State == ShadowState.Created) { if (ObjectManager.Player.HealthPercent < 35 || shadow.Position.UnderTurret(true) || (shadow.ShadowObject.CountEnemiesInRange(1200f) > 1 && shadow.ShadowObject.CountEnemiesInRange(1200f) < 2)) { return(false); } } } return(shadow.State == ShadowState.Created); }
public void Connect(Zed camera) { lock (this) { if (camera == null) { Debug.WriteLine("Connecting a null Camera."); return; } if (isConnected == true) { Disconnected(); } = camera; isConnected = true; Debug.WriteLine("Connected to a Camera"); } }
void Start() { // start with stored SVO //var zed = new Zed(@"c:\Projects\files\HD720_SN17600_11-04-52.svo"); // start with live feed // zed = new Zed(); zed = new Zed(RESOLUTION.HD1080); // You need to assign the listener that will execute in each camera loop // in this case I named it AcquireImages and implemented it below zed.FrameTick += this.AcquireImages; zed.RuntimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters { sensingMode = SENSING_MODE.FILL, enableDepth = true }; //zed.Start(); //zed.Start_Sequential(); zed.Start_with_Thread(); }
private Zed.Position[] ApplyFilters(Zed.Position[] data) { if (RemoveAngle) { Zed.Plane plane = Zed.getPlane(data); for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { Zed.Position p = data[i]; data[i] = new Zed.Position(p.Time, p.X, p.Y, p.Z, p.H - Zed.projectPlane(plane, Zed.posToVec3(data[i])).Z, p.I); } } if (Equalize) { double equalizer = Zed.getAxis(data, 4, false).Min(); for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { data[i] = new Zed.Position(data[i].Time, data[i].X, data[i].Y, data[i].Z, data[i].H - equalizer, data[i].I); } } return(data); }
public bool RemoveCurveOf(String label) { CurveItem toBeDropped = null; foreach (CurveItem curve in thePane.CurveList) { if (curve.Label.Text != label) { continue; } toBeDropped = curve; break; } if (toBeDropped == null) { return(false); } else { thePane.CurveList.Remove(toBeDropped); if (toBeDropped.IsY2Axis) { int index = toBeDropped.GetYAxisIndex(thePane); if (index == 0) { SetY2Scale(); } else if (index == 1) { SetY3Scale(); } } Zed.Invalidate(); return(true); } }
private bool VerifyPath(string path, int idx) { int result = -1; switch (idx) { case 0: result = Metro.verify(path); break; case 1: result = Zed.verify(path); break; case 2: result = Report.verify(path); break; default: break; } if (result == -1) { return(false); } switch (result) { case 0: MessageBox.Show("Insufficient data in file", "XferSuite"); return(false); case 1: case 2: return(true); default: MessageBox.Show("Invalid file", "XferSuite"); return(false); } }
public static void CheckZedBuildingCollision(Zed zed) { foreach (var building in EntityLists.BuildingList) { if (zed.BRec.Intersects(building.BRec)) { if (zed.NextAttack <= 0) { building.CurrentHealth -= zed.AttackPower; zed.NextAttack = zed.AttackSpeed; } else { zed.NextAttack--; } if (zed.Position.X >= building.Position.X) { zed.Position.X += 1; } if (zed.Position.X <= building.Position.X) { zed.Position.X -= 1; } else if (zed.Position.Y >= building.Position.Y) { zed.Position.Y += 1; } if (zed.Position.Y <= building.Position.Y) { zed.Position.Y -= 1; } } } }
public PluginLoader() { if (!_loaded) { switch (ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName.ToLower()) { case "ahri": var ahri = new Ahri(); _loaded = true; break; case "akali": var akali = new Akali(); _loaded = true; break; case "anivia": var anivia = new Anivia(); break; case "cassiopeia": var cassiopeia = new Cassiopeia(); _loaded = true; break; case "ashe": var ashe = new Ashe(); _loaded = true; break; case "azir": var azir = new Azir(); _loaded = true; break; case "chogath": var chogath = new Chogath(); _loaded = true; break; case "corki": var corki = new Corki(); _loaded = true; break; case "ekko": var ekko = new Ekko(); _loaded = true; break; case "ezreal": var ezreal = new Ezreal(); _loaded = true; break; case "irelia": var irelia = new Irelia(); _loaded = true; break; case "jinx": var jinx = new Jinx(); _loaded = true; break; case "karthus": var karthus = new Karthus(); _loaded = true; break; case "katarina": var katarina = new Katarina(); _loaded = true; break; case "kogmaw": var kogMaw = new KogMaw(); _loaded = true; break; case "lissandra": var lissandra = new Lissandra(); _loaded = true; break; case "lucian": var lucian = new Lucian(); _loaded = true; break; case "jayce": var jayce = new Jayce(); _loaded = true; break; case "orianna": var orianna = new Orianna(); _loaded = true; break; case "rumble": var rumble = new Rumble(); _loaded = true; break; case "syndra": var syndra = new Syndra(); _loaded = true; break; case "vayne": var vayne = new Vayne(); _loaded = true; break; case "viktor": var viktor = new Viktor(); _loaded = true; break; case "vladimir": var vladimir = new Vladimir(); _loaded = true; break; case "urgot": var urgot = new Urgot(); _loaded = true; break; case "zyra": var zyra = new Zyra(); _loaded = true; break; //case "veigar": // var veigar = new Veigar(); // _loaded = true; // break; case "zed": var zed = new Zed(); _loaded = true; break; default: Notifications.AddNotification(ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName + " not supported!!", 10000); break; } } }
public ZEDCommonSettingPage(Zed camera) { InitializeComponent(); setCamera(camera.Camera); }
public void AddCurve(String name) { if (IsCurveAdded(name)) { RemoveCurveOf(name); } switch (name[0]) { case 'A': if (Clock != null) { LineItem clockLine = Frame.CurveOf(Clock, Orbits.Start, Orbits.End); if (clockLine != null) { AddCurve(clockLine); } } break; case '$': if (PriceTranslator != null) { LineItem priceLine; if (PriceTranslator.Rule != PriceMappingRules.Filled) { priceLine = Frame.CurveOf(PriceTranslator, History.CurrentOutline.PivotDates, History.CurrentOutline.PivotValues, CycleMapper, true); } else { priceLine = Frame.CurveOf(PriceTranslator, History.Dates, History.OutlineValues, CycleMapper, true); } if (priceLine != null) { AddCurve(priceLine); } } break; case '+': if (Shift != null) { LineItem shiftLine = Frame.CurveOf("+", timeScope, new List <double> { Shift.Degrees, Shift.Degrees }, Color.DarkCyan, SymbolType.None); AddCurve(shiftLine); } break; case '*': if (Shift == null) { break; } else if (MinusOrbits.Count != 0 || PlusOrbits.Count != 0) { List <Double> xList = getCombinedDateValues(); if (xList != null) { CurveItem curve = combinedCurveOf(xList); AddCurve(curve); } else { throw new Exception(); } } break; default: PlanetId id = OwnerOf(name[0]); OrbitInfoType kind = kindOf(name.Substring(1, name.Length - 1)); AddCurve(id, kind); break; } Zed.Invalidate(); }
private static void GameEvents_GameStart() { if (Valid.All(x => Global.Player.ChampionName != x)) { return; } SummonerSpells.Init(); GameObjects.Init(); Global.Init(); GetRandom.Init(); switch (Global.Player.ChampionName) { case "Ezreal": Ezreal.Init(); break; case "Azir": Azir.Init(); break; case "Irelia": Irelia.Init(); break; case "Jax": Jax.Init(); break; case "Jinx": var jinx = new Jinx(); jinx.Init(); break; case "Kayn": Kayn.Init(); break; case "LeeSin": var lee = new LeeSin(); lee.Init(); break; case "Rengar": Rengar.Init(); break; case "Riven": Riven.Init(); break; case "Tristana": var tristana = new Tristana(); tristana.Init(); break; case "Yasuo": Yasuo.Init(); break; case "Zed": Zed.Init(); break; } }