/// <summary> /// Parse goalString and yield for each Goal, setting VariableList to a list of /// (variableAtom = Var). /// </summary> /// <param name="goalString"></param> /// <param name="Goal"></param> /// <param name="VariableList"></param> /// <returns></returns> static IEnumerable <bool> parseGoal(string goalString, object Goal, object VariableList) { // The parser requires a newline at the end. YP.see(new StringReader(goalString + "\n")); object TermList = new Variable(); // parseInput set TermList to a list of f(Goal, VariableList). foreach (bool l1 in Parser.parseInput(TermList)) { // Close the input now before yielding. YP.seen(); // Iterate through each member of TermList. for (TermList = YP.getValue(TermList); TermList is Functor2 && ((Functor2)TermList)._name == Atom.DOT; TermList = YP.getValue(((Functor2)TermList)._arg2)) { // Unify the head of the list with f(Goal, VariableList). foreach (bool l2 in YP.unify (((Functor2)TermList)._arg1, new Functor2(Atom.F, Goal, VariableList))) { yield return(false); } } yield break; } // Close the input in case parseInput failed. YP.seen(); }
static void compileAndWrite(string prologCode) { YP.tell(Console.Out); YP.see(new StringReader(prologCode)); Variable TermList = new Variable(); Variable PseudoCode = new Variable(); foreach (bool l1 in Parser.parseInput(TermList)) { foreach (bool l2 in Compiler.makeFunctionPseudoCode (TermList, PseudoCode)) { Compiler.convertFunctionCSharp(PseudoCode); } } YP.seen(); }
/// <summary> /// Traduit le code Prolog d'une clause de Horn en fonction en C# et l'exécute à partir des prédicats contenus dans la base de données. /// A utiliser uniquement dans un nouveau <see cref="AppDomain"/> sous peine de fuite de mémoire. /// </summary> /// <returns> Un objet <see cref="YP.IClause"/>, qui peut être manipulé pour obtenir une liste de concordance <see cref="IEnumerable{bool}"/> de la clause par rapport aux prédicats dans la base de données. </returns> public void YPwriteAndCompile() { string codeToCorrect; using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()) { //Console.WriteLine("// Compiled code:" + ToPrologCode()); YP.tell(sw); YP.see(new StringReader(ToPrologCode())); Variable TermList = new Variable(); Variable PseudoCode = new Variable(); foreach (bool l1 in Parser.parseInput(TermList)) { foreach (bool l2 in Compiler.makeFunctionPseudoCode (TermList, PseudoCode)) { Compiler.convertFunctionCSharp(PseudoCode); } } YP.seen(); codeToCorrect = sw.ToString(); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(codeToCorrect); sb.Remove(0, 115); int i = 0; while (!sb.ToString().ToCharArray()[i].Equals('(')) { i++; } sb.Remove(0, i); sb.Insert(0, "public static IEnumerable<bool> function"); sb.Replace(head.name, "function"); string finalCode = sb.ToString(); clause = Compiler.compileAnonymousFunction(finalCode, head.arity, null); }
static string GenCode(string myCode) { Variable TermList = new Variable(); Variable FunctionCode = new Variable(); string CS_code = ""; int cs_pointer = myCode.IndexOf("\n//cs"); if (cs_pointer > 0) { CS_code = myCode.Substring(cs_pointer); // CS code comes after myCode = myCode.Substring(0, cs_pointer); } myCode.Replace("//yp", "%YPCode"); StringWriter myCS_SW = new StringWriter(); StringReader myCode_SR = new StringReader(" yp_nop_header_nop. \n " + myCode + "\n"); YP.see(myCode_SR); YP.tell(myCS_SW); //m_log.Debug("Mycode\n ===================================\n" + myCode+"\n"); // disable warning: don't see how we can code this differently short // of rewriting the whole thing #pragma warning disable 0168, 0219 foreach (bool l1 in Parser.parseInput(TermList)) { foreach (bool l2 in YPCompiler.makeFunctionPseudoCode(TermList, FunctionCode)) { // ListPair VFC = new ListPair(FunctionCode, new Variable()); //m_log.Debug("-------------------------") //m_log.Debug(FunctionCode.ToString()) //m_log.Debug("-------------------------") YPCompiler.convertFunctionCSharp(FunctionCode); //YPCompiler.convertStringCodesCSharp(VFC); } } #pragma warning restore 0168, 0219 YP.seen(); myCS_SW.Close(); YP.told(); StringBuilder bu = myCS_SW.GetStringBuilder(); string finalcode = "//YPEncoded\n" + bu.ToString(); // FIX script events (we're in the same script) // 'YP.script_event(Atom.a(@"sayit"),' ==> 'sayit(' finalcode = Regex.Replace(finalcode, @"YP.script_event\(Atom.a\(\@\""(.*?)""\)\,", @"this.$1(", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline); finalcode = Regex.Replace(finalcode, @"YP.script_event\(Atom.a\(\""(.*?)""\)\,", @"this.$1(", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline); finalcode = Regex.Replace(finalcode, @" static ", @" ", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline); finalcode = CS_code + "\n\r" + finalcode; finalcode = Regex.Replace(finalcode, @"PrologCallback", @"public IEnumerable<bool> ", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline); return(finalcode); }