protected override void runTestCase(XdmNode testCase, XPathCompiler xpath)
            TestOutcome outcome     = new TestOutcome(this);
            string      testName    = testCase.GetAttributeValue(new QName("name"));
            string      testSetName = testCase.Parent.GetAttributeValue(new QName("name"));

            if (testName.Equals("type-0174"))
                int num = 0;
                System.Console.WriteLine("Test driver" + num);

            if (exceptionsMap.ContainsKey(testName))
                resultsDoc.writeTestcaseElement(testName, "notRun", exceptionsMap[testName].GetAttributeValue(new QName("reason")));

            if (exceptionsMap.ContainsKey(testName) || isSlow(testName))
                resultsDoc.writeTestcaseElement(testName, "notRun", "requires excessive resources");

            XdmValue specAtt = (XdmValue)(xpath.EvaluateSingle("(/test-set/dependencies/spec/@value, ./dependencies/spec/@value)[last()]", testCase));
            string   spec    = specAtt.ToString();

            Environment env = getEnvironment(testCase, xpath);

            if (env == null)
                resultsDoc.writeTestcaseElement(testName, "notRun", "test catalog error");

            /*if(testName("environment-variable")) {
             *              EnvironmentVariableResolver resolver = new EnvironmentVariableResolver() {
             *          public Set<string> getAvailableEnvironmentVariables() {
             *              Set<string> strings = new HashSet<string>();
             *              strings.add("QTTEST");
             *              strings.add("QTTEST2");
             *              strings.add("QTTESTEMPTY");
             *              return strings;
             *          }
             *          public string getEnvironmentVariable(string name) {
             *              if (name.Equals("QTTEST")) {
             *                  return "42";
             *              } else if (name.Equals("QTTEST2")) {
             *                  return "other";
             *              } else if (name.Equals("QTTESTEMPTY")) {
             *                  return "";
             *              } else {
             *                  return null;
             *              }
             *          }
             *      }; //TODO
             *  } */
            //   env.processor.SetProperty(JFeatureKeys.ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_RESOLVER, resolver); //TODO

            XdmNode testInput  = (XdmNode)xpath.EvaluateSingle("test", testCase);
            XdmNode stylesheet = (XdmNode)xpath.EvaluateSingle("stylesheet", testInput);
            XdmNode pack       = (XdmNode)xpath.EvaluateSingle("package", testInput);

            foreach (XdmItem dep in xpath.Evaluate("(/test-set/dependencies/*, ./dependencies/*)", testCase))
                if (!dependencyIsSatisfied((XdmNode)dep, env))
                    resultsDoc.writeTestcaseElement(testName, "notRun", "dependency not satisfied");

            XsltExecutable sheet = env.xsltExecutable;
            //ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollector();
            string         baseOutputURI       = resultsDir + "/results/output.xml";
            ErrorCollector collector           = new ErrorCollector(outcome);
            IList          errorList           = new List <StaticError> ();
            XmlUrlResolver res                 = new XmlUrlResolver();
            string         xsltLanguageVersion = spec.Contains("XSLT30") || spec.Contains("XSLT20+") ? "3.0" : "2.0";

            if (stylesheet != null)
                XsltCompiler compiler = env.xsltCompiler;
                compiler.ErrorList = errorList;
                Uri    hrefFile = res.ResolveUri(stylesheet.BaseUri, stylesheet.GetAttributeValue(new QName("file")));
                Stream stream   = new FileStream(hrefFile.AbsolutePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                compiler.BaseUri             = hrefFile;
                compiler.XsltLanguageVersion = (spec.Contains("XSLT30") || spec.Contains("XSLT20+") ? "3.0" : "2.0");

                foreach (XdmItem param in xpath.Evaluate("param[@static='yes']", testInput))
                    String   name   = ((XdmNode)param).GetAttributeValue(new QName("name"));
                    String   select = ((XdmNode)param).GetAttributeValue(new QName("select"));
                    XdmValue value;
                    try {
                        value = xpath.Evaluate(select, null);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Console.WriteLine("*** Error evaluating parameter " + name + ": " + e.Message);
                        //throw e;
                    compiler.SetParameter(new QName(name), value);

                    sheet = compiler.Compile(stream);
                } catch (Exception err) {
                    IEnumerator enumerator = errorList.GetEnumerator();
                    bool        checkCur   = enumerator.MoveNext();

                    /*if (checkCur && enumerator.Current != null) {
                     *      outcome.SetException ((Exception)(enumerator.Current));
                     * } else {
                     *      Console.WriteLine ("Error: Unknown exception thrown");
                     * }*/


                //  compiler.setErrorListener(collector);
            else if (pack != null)
                Uri    hrefFile = res.ResolveUri(pack.BaseUri, pack.GetAttributeValue(new QName("file")));
                Stream stream   = new FileStream(hrefFile.AbsolutePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                XsltCompiler compiler = env.xsltCompiler;
                compiler.ErrorList           = errorList;
                compiler.XsltLanguageVersion = (spec.Contains("XSLT30") || spec.Contains("XSLT20+") ? "3.0" : "2.0");

                try {
                    XsltPackage xpack = compiler.CompilePackage(stream);
                    sheet = xpack.Link();
                } catch (Exception err) {
                    IEnumerator enumerator = errorList.GetEnumerator();

            if (sheet != null)
                XdmItem contextItem     = env.contextItem;
                XdmNode initialMode     = (XdmNode)xpath.EvaluateSingle("initial-mode", testInput);
                XdmNode initialFunction = (XdmNode)xpath.EvaluateSingle("initial-function", testInput);
                XdmNode initialTemplate = (XdmNode)xpath.EvaluateSingle("initial-template", testInput);

                QName initialModeName     = GetQNameAttribute(xpath, testInput, "initial-mode/@name");
                QName initialTemplateName = GetQNameAttribute(xpath, testInput, "initial-template/@name");

                if (useXslt30Transformer)
                    try {
                        bool    assertsSerial         = xpath.Evaluate("result//(assert-serialization|assert-serialization-error|serialization-matches)", testCase).Count > 0;
                        bool    resultAsTree          = env.outputTree;
                        bool    serializationDeclared = env.outputSerialize;
                        XdmNode needsTree             = (XdmNode)xpath.EvaluateSingle("output/@tree", testInput);
                        if (needsTree != null)
                            resultAsTree = needsTree.StringValue.Equals("yes");
                        XdmNode needsSerialization = (XdmNode)xpath.EvaluateSingle("output/@serialize", testInput);
                        if (needsSerialization != null)
                            serializationDeclared = needsSerialization.StringValue.Equals("yes");
                        bool resultSerialized = serializationDeclared || assertsSerial;

                        if (assertsSerial)
                            String comment = outcome.GetComment();
                            comment = (comment == null ? "" : comment) + "*Serialization " + (serializationDeclared ? "declared* " : "required* ");

                        Xslt30Transformer transformer = sheet.Load30();
                        transformer.InputXmlResolver = env;
                        if (env.unparsedTextResolver != null)

                        Dictionary <QName, XdmValue> caseGlobalParams = GetNamedParameters(xpath, testInput, false, false);
                        Dictionary <QName, XdmValue> caseStaticParams = GetNamedParameters(xpath, testInput, true, false);
                        Dictionary <QName, XdmValue> globalParams     = new Dictionary <QName, XdmValue>(env.params1);

                        foreach (KeyValuePair <QName, XdmValue> entry in caseGlobalParams)
                            globalParams.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);

                        foreach (KeyValuePair <QName, XdmValue> entry in caseStaticParams)
                            globalParams.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);


                        if (contextItem != null)
                            transformer.GlobalContextItem = contextItem;

                        transformer.MessageListener = collector;

                        transformer.BaseOutputURI = baseOutputURI;

                        transformer.MessageListener = new TestOutcome.MessageListener(outcome);

                        XdmValue result = null;

                        TextWriter sw = new StringWriter();

                        Serializer serializer = env.processor.NewSerializer();

                        //serializer.setOutputProperty(Serializer.Property.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");

                        OutputResolver          serializingOutput = new OutputResolver(env.processor, outcome, true);
                        net.sf.saxon.Controller controller        = transformer.GetUnderlyingController;

                        XmlDestination dest = null;
                        if (resultAsTree)
                            // If we want non-serialized, we need to accumulate any result documents as trees too
                                new OutputResolver(env.processor, outcome, false));
                            dest = new XdmDestination();
                        if (resultSerialized)
                            dest = serializer;

                        Stream          src        = null;
                        Uri             srcBaseUri = new Uri("http://uri");
                        XdmNode         srcNode    = null;
                        DocumentBuilder builder2   = env.processor.NewDocumentBuilder();

                        if (env.streamedPath != null)
                            src        = new FileStream(env.streamedPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                            srcBaseUri = new Uri(env.streamedPath);
                        else if (env.streamedContent != null)
                            byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(env.streamedContent);
                            src = new MemoryStream(byteArray);                            //, "inlineDoc");
                            builder2.BaseUri = new Uri("http://uri");
                        else if (initialTemplate == null && contextItem != null)
                            srcNode = (XdmNode)(contextItem);

                        if (initialMode != null)
                            QName name = GetQNameAttribute(xpath, initialMode, "@name");
                            try {
                                if (name != null)
                                    transformer.InitialMode = name;
                                    controller.getInitialMode();                                       /// has the side effect of setting to the unnamed
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                if (e.InnerException is net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException)
                                    //throw new SaxonApiException(e.getCause());
                                    throw e;
                        if (initialMode != null || initialTemplate != null)
                            XdmNode init = (XdmNode)(initialMode == null ? initialTemplate : initialMode);
                            Dictionary <QName, XdmValue> params1         = GetNamedParameters(xpath, init, false, false);
                            Dictionary <QName, XdmValue> tunnelledParams = GetNamedParameters(xpath, init, false, true);
                            if (xsltLanguageVersion.Equals("2.0"))
                                if (!(params1.Count == 0 && tunnelledParams.Count == 0))
                                    Console.WriteLine("*** Initial template parameters ignored for XSLT 2.0");
                                transformer.SetInitialTemplateParameters(params1, false);
                                transformer.SetInitialTemplateParameters(tunnelledParams, true);

                        if (initialTemplate != null)
                            QName name = GetQNameAttribute(xpath, initialTemplate, "@name");
                            transformer.GlobalContextItem = contextItem;
                            if (dest == null)
                                result = transformer.CallTemplate(name);
                                transformer.CallTemplate(name, dest);
                        else if (initialFunction != null)
                            QName      name    = getQNameAttribute(xpath, initialFunction, "@name");
                            XdmValue[] params2 = getParameters(xpath, initialFunction);
                            if (dest == null)
                                result = transformer.CallFunction(name, params2);
                                transformer.CallFunction(name, params2, dest);
                            if (dest == null)
                                if (src != null)
                                    result = transformer.ApplyTemplates(src, srcBaseUri);
                                    result = transformer.ApplyTemplates(srcNode);
                                if (src != null)
                                    transformer.ApplyTemplates(src, dest);
                                    transformer.ApplyTemplates(srcNode, dest);

                        if (resultAsTree && !resultSerialized)
                            result = ((XdmDestination)(dest)).XdmNode;
                        if (resultSerialized)

                        if (saveResults)
                            String s = sw.ToString();
                            // If a transform result is entirely xsl:result-document, then result will be null
                            if (!resultSerialized && result != null)
                                StringWriter sw2 = new StringWriter();
                                Serializer   se  = env.processor.NewSerializer(sw2);
                                se.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
                                env.processor.WriteXdmValue(result, se);
                                s = sw2.ToString();
                            // currently, only save the principal result file in the result directory
                            saveResultsToFile(s, resultsDir + "/results/" + testSetName + "/" + testName + ".out");
                            Dictionary <Uri, TestOutcome.SingleResultDoc> xslResultDocuments = outcome.GetSecondaryResultDocuments();
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <Uri, TestOutcome.SingleResultDoc> entry in xslResultDocuments)
                                Uri    key           = entry.Key;
                                String path          = key.AbsolutePath;
                                String serialization = outcome.Serialize(env.processor, entry.Value);

                                saveResultsToFile(serialization, path);
                    } catch (Exception err) {
                        //if (err.getCause() is XPathException &&
                        //!((XPathException) err.getCause()).hasBeenReported()) {
                        //System.err.println("Unreported ERROR: " + err.getCause());
                        if (collector.getErrorCodes().Count > 0)

                        /*if(err.getErrorCode() == null) {
                         *  int b = 3 + 4;  }
                         * if(err.getErrorCode() != null)
                         * outcome.AddReportedError(err.getErrorCode().getLocalName());
                         * } else {
                         * outcome.SetErrorsReported(collector.getErrorCodes());
                         * }*/
                    }                     /*catch (Exception err) {
                                           *    err.printStackTrace();
                                           *    failures++;
                                           *    resultsDoc.writeTestcaseElement(testName, "fail", "*** crashed " + err.getClass() + ": " + err.getMessage());
                                           *    return;
                                           * }*/
                    try {
                        XsltTransformer transformer = sheet.Load();

                        //transformer.SetURIResolver(env); //TODO
                        if (env.unparsedTextResolver != null)
                        if (initialTemplate != null)
                            transformer.InitialTemplate = initialTemplateName;
                        if (initialMode != null)
                            transformer.InitialMode = initialModeName;
                        foreach (XdmItem param in xpath.Evaluate("param", testInput))
                            string   name   = ((XdmNode)param).GetAttributeValue(new QName("name"));
                            string   select = ((XdmNode)param).GetAttributeValue(new QName("select"));
                            XdmValue value  = xpath.Evaluate(select, null);
                            transformer.SetParameter(new QName(name), value);
                        if (contextItem != null)
                            transformer.InitialContextNode = (XdmNode)contextItem;
                        if (env.streamedPath != null)
                            transformer.SetInputStream(new FileStream(env.streamedPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), testCase.BaseUri);
                        foreach (QName varName in env.params1.Keys)
                            transformer.SetParameter(varName, env.params1[varName]);
                        transformer.BaseOutputUri = new Uri(resultsDir + "/results/output.xml");

                        /*transformer.MessageListener = (new MessageListener() {
                         *  public void message(XdmNode content, bool terminate, SourceLocator locator) {
                         *      outcome.addXslMessage(content);
                         *  }
                         * });*/

                        // Run the transformation twice, once for serialized results, once for a tree.
                        // TODO: we could be smarter about this and capture both

                        // run with serialization
                        StringWriter sw         = new StringWriter();
                        Serializer   serializer = env.processor.NewSerializer(sw);
                        transformer.Implementation.setOutputURIResolver(new OutputResolver(driverProc, outcome, true));


                        if (saveResults)
                            // currently, only save the principal result file
                                              resultsDir + "/results/" + testSetName + "/" + testName + ".out");
                        transformer.MessageListener = new TestOutcome.MessageListener(outcome);

                        // run without serialization
                        if (env.streamedPath != null)
                            transformer.SetInputStream(new FileStream(env.streamedPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), testCase.BaseUri);
                        XdmDestination destination = new XdmDestination();
                            new OutputResolver(env.processor, outcome, false));

                        //transformer. .transform();
                    } catch (Exception err) {
                        // err.printStackTrace();
                        // failures++;
                        //resultsDoc.writeTestcaseElement(testName, "fail", "*** crashed " + err.Message);
                XdmNode assertion = (XdmNode)xpath.EvaluateSingle("result/*", testCase);
                if (assertion == null)
                    resultsDoc.writeTestcaseElement(testName, "fail", "No test assertions found");
                XPathCompiler assertionXPath = env.processor.NewXPathCompiler();
                bool success = outcome.TestAssertion(assertion, outcome.GetPrincipalResultDoc(), assertionXPath, xpath, debug);
                if (success)
                    if (outcome.GetWrongErrorMessage() != null)
                    resultsDoc.writeTestcaseElement(testName, "pass", outcome.GetComment());
                    resultsDoc.writeTestcaseElement(testName, "fail", outcome.GetComment());
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Make available a set of functions defined in an XSLT 3.0 package. All functions
 /// defined with <c>visibility="public"</c>
 /// (or exposed as public using <c>xsl:expose</c>
 /// become part of the static context for an XPath expression created using this
 /// <c>XPathCompiler</c>. The functions are added to the search path after all existing
 /// functions, including functions added using a previous call on this method.
 /// <p>Note that if the library package includes functions that reference stylesheet parameters
 /// (or global variables that depend on the context item), then there is no way of supplying
 /// values for such parameters; calling such functions will cause a run-time error.</p>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="libraryPackage">the XSLT compiled library package whose functions are to be made available</param>
 public void AddXsltFunctionLibrary(XsltPackage libraryPackage)
Exemple #3
         * Construct an Environment
         * @param xpc          the XPathCompiler used to process the catalog file
         * @param env          the Environment element in the catalog file
         * @param environments the set of environments to which this one should be added (may be null)
         * @return the constructed Environment object
         * @throws SaxonApiException

        public static Environment processEnvironment(TestRunner.TestDriver driver,
                                                     XPathCompiler xpc, XdmItem env, Dictionary <string, Environment> environments, Environment defaultEnvironment)
            Environment environment = new Environment();
            String      name        = ((XdmNode)env).GetAttributeValue(new QName("name"));

            if (name != null)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Loading environment " + name);
            environment.processor = new Processor(true);
            if (defaultEnvironment != null)
            // AutoActivate.activate(environment.processor);
            if (driver.GenerateByteCode == 1)
                environment.processor.SetProperty(JFeatureKeys.GENERATE_BYTE_CODE, "true");
                environment.processor.SetProperty(JFeatureKeys.DEBUG_BYTE_CODE, "false");
            else if (driver.GenerateByteCode == 2)
                environment.processor.SetProperty(JFeatureKeys.GENERATE_BYTE_CODE, "true");
                environment.processor.SetProperty(JFeatureKeys.DEBUG_BYTE_CODE, "true");
                //environment.processor.SetProperty(JFeatureKeys.DEBUG_BYTE_CODE_DIR, "debugByteCode");
                environment.processor.SetProperty(JFeatureKeys.GENERATE_BYTE_CODE, "false");
                environment.processor.SetProperty(JFeatureKeys.DEBUG_BYTE_CODE, "false");
            environment.xpathCompiler          = environment.processor.NewXPathCompiler();
            environment.xpathCompiler.BaseUri  = ((XdmNode)env).BaseUri.ToString();
            environment.xqueryCompiler         = environment.processor.NewXQueryCompiler();
            environment.xqueryCompiler.BaseUri = ((XdmNode)env).BaseUri.AbsolutePath;
            if (driver.Spec.ToString().Contains("XT"))
                environment.xsltCompiler = environment.processor.NewXsltCompiler();
                environment.xsltCompiler.XsltLanguageVersion = ((SpecAttr)(driver.Spec.GetAttr())).version;
            if (driver.Unfolded)
                // environment.xqueryCompiler.Implementation.setCodeInjector(new LazyLiteralInjector()); //TODO
            DocumentBuilder builder = environment.processor.NewDocumentBuilder();

            builder.TreeModel      = driver.TreeModel;
            environment.sourceDocs = new Dictionary <string, XdmNode>();
            if (environments != null && name != null)
                    environments.Add(name, environment);
                catch (Exception) { }
            foreach (XdmItem dependency in xpc.Evaluate("dependency", env))
                if (!driver.dependencyIsSatisfied((XdmNode)dependency, environment))
                    environment.usable = false;

            // set the base URI if specified

            SetBaseUri(driver, xpc, env, environment);

            // set any requested collations

            RegisterCollations(xpc, env, environment);

            // declare the requested namespaces

            DeclareNamespaces(xpc, env, environment);

            // load the requested schema documents

            SchemaManager manager         = environment.processor.SchemaManager;
            bool          validateSources = LoadSchemaDocuments(xpc, env, manager);

            // load the requested source documents

            LoadSourceDocuments(driver, xpc, env, environment, builder, manager, validateSources);

            // create a collection URI resolver to handle the requested collections

            CreateCollectionUriResolver(driver, xpc, env, environment, builder);

            // create an unparsed text resolver to handle any unparsed text resources

            CreateUnparsedTextResolver(driver, xpc, env, environment);

            // register any required decimal formats

            // registerDecimalFormats(driver, xpc, env, environment);

            // declare any variables

            DeclareExternalVariables(driver, xpc, env, environment);

            // declare any output controls
            DeclareOutputControls(driver, xpc, env, environment);

            // handle requested context item
            foreach (XdmItem param in xpc.Evaluate("context-item", env))
                String   select = ((XdmNode)param).GetAttributeValue(new QName("select"));
                XdmValue value  = xpc.Evaluate(select, null);
                environment.contextItem = (XdmItem)value;

            XmlUrlResolver res = new XmlUrlResolver();
            // compile any stylesheet defined as part of the environment (only one allowed)
            DocumentBuilder builder1 = environment.processor.NewDocumentBuilder();

            foreach (XdmItem stylesheet in xpc.Evaluate("stylesheet[not(@role='secondary')]", env))
                string fileName = ((XdmNode)stylesheet).GetAttributeValue(new QName("file"));
                    XdmNode styleSource = builder1.Build(res.ResolveUri(((XdmNode)env).BaseUri, fileName));
                    environment.xsltExecutable = environment.xsltCompiler.Compile(styleSource);
                catch (Exception e)
                    driver.println("**** failure while compiling environment-defined stylesheet " + fileName);

            // compile any stylesheet packages defined as part of the environment
            // Support this only in EE - an unusable environment in PE/HE
            foreach (XdmItem stylesheet in xpc.Evaluate("package[@role='secondary']", env))
                if (!"EE".Equals(environment.processor.Edition))
                    environment.usable = false;
                string     fileName = ((XdmNode)stylesheet).GetAttributeValue(new QName("file"));
                Uri        uri      = res.ResolveUri(((XdmNode)env).BaseUri, fileName);
                FileStream file     = new FileStream(uri.AbsolutePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    XsltPackage pkg = environment.xsltCompiler.CompilePackage(file);
                catch (Exception e)
                    driver.println("**** failure while compiling environment-defined stylesheet package " + fileName);
                    driver.println("****Failure " + e.Message + " in compiling environment " + name);
                    environment.usable = false;
