private static void RenderToGraphics(Render.RenderContext ctx, int rot, float translateX, float translateY, XGraphics graphics) { graphics.TranslateTransform(translateX, translateY); graphics.RotateTransform(rot * 90); using (Maps.Rendering.RenderUtil.SaveState(graphics)) { if (ctx.clipPath != null) { XMatrix m = ctx.ImageSpaceToWorldSpace; graphics.MultiplyTransform(m); graphics.IntersectClip(ctx.clipPath); m.Invert(); graphics.MultiplyTransform(m); } = graphics; Maps.Rendering.Render.RenderTile(ctx); } if (ctx.border && ctx.clipPath != null) { using (Maps.Rendering.RenderUtil.SaveState(graphics)) { // Render border in world space XMatrix m = ctx.ImageSpaceToWorldSpace; graphics.MultiplyTransform(m); XPen pen = new XPen(ctx.styles.imageBorderColor, 0.2f); // PdfSharp can't ExcludeClip so we take advantage of the fact that we know // the path starts on the left edge and proceeds clockwise. We extend the // path with a counterclockwise border around it, then use that to exclude // the original path's region for rendering the border. ctx.clipPath.Flatten(); RectangleF bounds = PathUtil.Bounds(ctx.clipPath); bounds.Inflate(2 * (float)pen.Width, 2 * (float)pen.Width); List <byte> types = new List <byte>(ctx.clipPath.Internals.GdiPath.PathTypes); List <PointF> points = new List <PointF>(ctx.clipPath.Internals.GdiPath.PathPoints); PointF key = points[0]; points.Add(new PointF(bounds.Left, key.Y)); types.Add(1); points.Add(new PointF(bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom)); types.Add(1); points.Add(new PointF(bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom)); types.Add(1); points.Add(new PointF(bounds.Right, bounds.Top)); types.Add(1); points.Add(new PointF(bounds.Left, bounds.Top)); types.Add(1); points.Add(new PointF(bounds.Left, key.Y)); types.Add(1); points.Add(new PointF(key.X, key.Y)); types.Add(1); XGraphicsPath path = new XGraphicsPath(points.ToArray(), types.ToArray(), XFillMode.Winding); graphics.IntersectClip(path); graphics.DrawPath(pen, ctx.clipPath); } } }
public static void DrawLabel(XGraphics g, string text, PointF labelPos, XFont font, XBrush brush, LabelStyle labelStyle) { using (RenderUtil.SaveState(g)) { XTextFormatter tf = new XTextFormatter(g); tf.Alignment = XParagraphAlignment.Center; XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix(); matrix.TranslatePrepend(labelPos.X, labelPos.Y); matrix.ScalePrepend(1.0f / Astrometrics.ParsecScaleX, 1.0f / Astrometrics.ParsecScaleY); if (labelStyle.Uppercase) { text = text.ToUpper(); } if (labelStyle.Wrap) { text = text.Replace(' ', '\n'); } matrix.TranslatePrepend(labelStyle.Translation.X, labelStyle.Translation.Y); matrix.RotatePrepend(labelStyle.Rotation); matrix.ScalePrepend(labelStyle.Scale.Width, labelStyle.Scale.Height); g.MultiplyTransform(matrix, XMatrixOrder.Prepend); XSize size = g.MeasureString(text, font); size.Width *= 2; // prevent cut-off e.g. when rotated XRect bounds = new XRect(-size.Width / 2, -size.Height / 2, size.Width, size.Height); tf.DrawString(text, font, brush, bounds); } }
/// <summary> /// Resets the clipping. /// </summary> private void RestoreInitialClip() { //Get back to the initial state _graphics.Restore(_initialState); _initialState = _graphics.Save(); //Restore transform _graphics.MultiplyTransform(_transform); _clippingRegion = new Region(); }
/// <summary> /// Resets the clipping. /// </summary> private void RestoreInitialClip() { //Get back to the initial state graphics.Restore(initialState); initialState = graphics.Save(); //Restore transform graphics.MultiplyTransform(transform); clippingRegion = new Region(); }
public override void PutText(string text, double x, double y, int fontSize, bool isBold) { var font = new XFont(FontFamily, XUnit.FromPoint(fontSize).Millimeter, isBold ? XFontStyle.Bold : XFontStyle.Regular); // With our transformation to mirror the y axis, text printed using DrawString also gets mirrored. // As a workaround we move our current transformation to the x/y position and then mirror the y axis again, and then restore the previous transformation. XGraphics.Save(); XGraphics.TranslateTransform(x, y); XGraphics.MultiplyTransform(new XMatrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); XGraphics.DrawString(text, font, XBrushes.Black, 0.0, 0.0); XGraphics.Restore(); }
public PdfSharpCanvas(PdfPage page, string fontFamily) { FontFamily = fontFamily; SetupFontMetrics(FontFamily); XGraphics = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page, XGraphicsPdfPageOptions.Append, XGraphicsUnit.Millimeter, XPageDirection.Downwards); // The origin of an XGraphics canvas is in the top left corner, with the y axis pointing downwards. // This transform mirrors the y axis. Unfortunately this also mirrors text output (see workaround in PutText). // XGraphics.FromPdfPage can be called with XPageDirection.Upwards, which is marked as obsolete because it is not implemented properly // it suffers from the same problem as our matrix below. XGraphics.MultiplyTransform(new XMatrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, XGraphics.PageSize.Height)); // Save the current state so that we can always revert any transformations we apply. XGraphics.Save(); }
public void DrawName(XGraphics graphics, RectangleF rect, MapOptions options, XFont font, XBrush textBrush, LabelStyle labelStyle) { if (graphics == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("graphics"); } RectangleF bounds = TransformedBounds; if (bounds.IntersectsWith(rect)) { if (Name != null) { string str = Name; if (labelStyle.Uppercase) { str = str.ToUpperInvariant(); } PointF pos = NamePosition;// PointF( bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2 ); using (RenderUtil.SaveState(graphics)) { XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix(); matrix.TranslatePrepend(pos.X, pos.Y); matrix.ScalePrepend(1.0f / Astrometrics.ParsecScaleX, 1.0f / Astrometrics.ParsecScaleY); matrix.RotatePrepend(-labelStyle.Rotation); // Rotate it graphics.MultiplyTransform(matrix, XMatrixOrder.Prepend); // TODO: Accomodate wrapping //SizeF size = graphics.MeasureString( str, font, bounds.Size); XSize size = graphics.MeasureString(str, font); graphics.TranslateTransform(-size.Width / 2, -size.Height / 2); // Center the text //graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; RectangleF textBounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, (float)size.Width, (float)size.Height * 2); // *2 or it gets cut off at high sizes graphics.DrawString(str, font, textBrush, textBounds, RenderUtil.StringFormatTopCenter); } } } }
public void Fill(XGraphics graphics, RectangleF rect, Brush fillBrush) { if (graphics == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("graphics"); } RectangleF bounds = TransformedBounds; if (bounds.IntersectsWith(rect)) { XGraphicsPath path = Path; using (RenderUtil.SaveState(graphics)) { XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix(); matrix.ScalePrepend(ScaleX, ScaleY); matrix.TranslatePrepend(-OriginX, -OriginY); graphics.MultiplyTransform(matrix); graphics.DrawPath(fillBrush, path); } } }
public void Draw(XGraphics graphics, RectangleF rect, MapOptions options, XPen pen) { if (graphics == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("graphics"); } RectangleF bounds = TransformedBounds; //graphics.DrawRectangle( new XPen(XColors.Yellow, 1), bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height ); if (bounds.IntersectsWith(rect)) { XGraphicsPath path = Path; using (RenderUtil.SaveState(graphics)) { XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix(); matrix.ScalePrepend(ScaleX, ScaleY); matrix.TranslatePrepend(-OriginX, -OriginY); graphics.MultiplyTransform(matrix, XMatrixOrder.Prepend); graphics.DrawPath(pen, path); } } }
public override void RenderPage(XGraphics gfx) { base.RenderPage(gfx); PointF[] origins = new PointF[] { new PointF(100, 200), new PointF(300, 200), new PointF(100, 400), new PointF(300, 400), new PointF(100, 600), new PointF(350, 600), }; PointF origin; XGraphicsContainer container; float length = 100; // Not transformed origin = origins[0]; DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.Black, origin, length); gfx.DrawString(,,, origin); // Translation container = gfx.BeginContainer(new RectangleF(10, 10, 1, 1), new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1), XGraphicsUnit.Point); origin = origins[1]; DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.Black, origin, length); gfx.TranslateTransform(20, -30); DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.DarkGray, origin, length); gfx.DrawString(,,, origin); gfx.EndContainer(container); // Scaling container = gfx.BeginContainer(new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1), new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1), XGraphicsUnit.Point); origin = origins[2]; DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.Black, origin, length); gfx.TranslateTransform(origin.X, origin.Y); gfx.ScaleTransform(1.3f, 1.5f); DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.DarkGray, new PointF(), length); gfx.DrawString(,,, 0, 0); gfx.EndContainer(container); // Rotation container = gfx.BeginContainer(new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1), new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1), XGraphicsUnit.Point); origin = origins[3]; DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.Black, origin, length); gfx.TranslateTransform(origin.X, origin.Y); gfx.RotateTransform(-45); DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.DarkGray, new PointF(), length); gfx.DrawString(,,, 0, 0); gfx.EndContainer(container); // Skewing (or shearing) container = gfx.BeginContainer(new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1), new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1), XGraphicsUnit.Point); origin = origins[4]; DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.Black, origin, length); gfx.TranslateTransform(origin.X, origin.Y); gfx.MultiplyTransform(new Matrix(1, -0.3f, -0.4f, 1, 0, 0)); DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.DarkGray, new PointF(), length); gfx.DrawString(,,, 0, 0); gfx.EndContainer(container); // Reflection container = gfx.BeginContainer(new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1), new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1), XGraphicsUnit.Point); origin = origins[5]; DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.Black, origin, length); gfx.TranslateTransform(origin.X, origin.Y); gfx.MultiplyTransform(new Matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0)); DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.DarkGray, new PointF(), length); gfx.DrawString(,,, 0, 0); gfx.EndContainer(container); }
public override void RenderPage(XGraphics gfx) { //base.RenderPage(gfx); XPoint[] origins = new XPoint[] { new XPoint(100, 200), new XPoint(300, 200), new XPoint(100, 400), new XPoint(300, 400), new XPoint(100, 600), new XPoint(350, 600), }; XPoint origin; XGraphicsState state; float length = 100; // Not transformed origin = origins[0]; DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.Black, origin, length); gfx.DrawString(,,, origin); // Translation state = gfx.Save(); origin = origins[1]; DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.Black, origin, length); gfx.TranslateTransform(20, -30); DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.DarkGray, origin, length); gfx.DrawString(,,, origin); gfx.Restore(state); #if true // Scaling state = gfx.Save(); origin = origins[2]; DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.Black, origin, length); gfx.TranslateTransform(origin.X, origin.Y); gfx.ScaleTransform(1.3, 1.5); DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.DarkGray, new XPoint(), length); gfx.DrawString(,,, 0, 0); gfx.Restore(state); // Rotation state = gfx.Save(); origin = origins[3]; DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.Black, origin, length); gfx.TranslateTransform(origin.X, origin.Y); gfx.RotateTransform(-45); DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.DarkGray, new XPoint(), length); gfx.DrawString(,,, 0, 0); gfx.Restore(state); // Skewing (or shearing) state = gfx.Save(); origin = origins[4]; DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.Black, origin, length); gfx.TranslateTransform(origin.X, origin.Y); gfx.MultiplyTransform(new Matrix(1, -0.3f, -0.4f, 1, 0, 0)); DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.DarkGray, new XPoint(), length); gfx.DrawString(,,, 0, 0); gfx.Restore(state); // Reflection state = gfx.Save(); origin = origins[5]; DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.Black, origin, length); gfx.TranslateTransform(origin.X, origin.Y); gfx.MultiplyTransform(new Matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0)); DrawAxes(gfx, XPens.DarkGray, new XPoint(), length); gfx.DrawString(,,, 0, 0); gfx.Restore(state); #endif }