private void ParseFullMap(Internal.CommunicationStream message) { UnityEngine.Vector3Int position = message.ReadPosition(); Player.StopAutowalk(true); CreatureStorage.MarkAllOpponentsVisible(false); MiniMapStorage.Position = position; WorldMapStorage.ResetMap(); WorldMapStorage.InvalidateOnscreenMessages(); WorldMapStorage.Position = position; ProtocolGameExtentions.ReadArea(message, 0, 0, Constants.MapSizeX - 1, Constants.MapSizeY - 1); WorldMapStorage.Valid = true; WorldMapStorage.CacheRefresh = true; }
private void ParseMissleEffect(Internal.CommunicationStream message) { var fromPosition = message.ReadPosition(); var toPosition = message.ReadPosition(); byte missleId = message.ReadUnsignedByte(); var missle = AppearanceStorage.CreateMissileInstance(missleId, fromPosition, toPosition); if (!missle) { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseMissleEffect: Unknown missle id: " + missleId); } WorldMapStorage.AppendEffect(fromPosition, missle); }
private void ParseMapBottomFloor(Internal.CommunicationStream message) { UnityEngine.Vector3Int position = WorldMapStorage.Position; position.x--; position.y--; position.z++; WorldMapStorage.Position = position; MiniMapStorage.Position = position; if (position.z > Constants.GroundLayer + 1) { WorldMapStorage.ScrollMap(0, 0, 1); if (position.z <= Constants.MapMaxZ - Constants.UndergroundLayer) { ProtocolGameExtentions.ReadFloor(message, 2 * Constants.UndergroundLayer, 0); } } else if (position.z == Constants.GroundLayer + 1) { WorldMapStorage.ScrollMap(0, 0, Constants.UndergroundLayer + 1); int skip = 0; for (int zposition = Constants.UndergroundLayer; zposition >= 0; zposition--) { skip = ProtocolGameExtentions.ReadFloor(message, zposition, skip); } } Player.StopAutowalk(true); WorldMapStorage.InvalidateOnscreenMessages(); var mapPosition = WorldMapStorage.ToMap(position); for (int x = 0; x < Constants.MapSizeX; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < Constants.MapSizeY; y++) { mapPosition.x = x; mapPosition.y = y; var absolutePosition = WorldMapStorage.ToAbsolute(mapPosition); WorldMapStorage.UpdateMiniMap(mapPosition); uint color = WorldMapStorage.GetMiniMapColour(mapPosition); int cost = WorldMapStorage.GetMiniMapCost(mapPosition); MiniMapStorage.UpdateField(absolutePosition, color, cost, false); } } WorldMapStorage.CacheRefresh = true; }
private void ParseWorldEntered(Internal.ByteArray message) { bool hasLoginPendingFeature = OpenTibiaUnity.GameManager.GetFeature(GameFeature.GameLoginPending); if ((hasLoginPendingFeature && m_ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Pending) || (!hasLoginPendingFeature && m_ConnectionState > ConnectionState.Disconnected && m_ConnectionState != ConnectionState.Game)) { MiniMapStorage.Position =; WorldMapStorage.Position =; WorldMapStorage.ResetMap(); CreatureStorage.Reset(); WorldMapStorage.Valid = false; } SetConnectionState(ConnectionState.Game); }
private void ParseMapBottomFloor(Internal.ByteArray message) { UnityEngine.Vector3Int position = WorldMapStorage.Position; position.x--; position.y--; position.z++; WorldMapStorage.Position = position; MiniMapStorage.Position = position; if (position.z > Constants.GroundLayer + 1) { WorldMapStorage.ScrollMap(0, 0, 1); if (position.z <= Constants.MapMaxZ - Constants.UndergroundLayer) { ReadFloor(message, 2 * Constants.UndergroundLayer, 0); } } else if (position.z == Constants.GroundLayer + 1) { WorldMapStorage.ScrollMap(0, 0, Constants.UndergroundLayer + 1); int skip = 0; for (int zposition = Constants.UndergroundLayer; zposition >= 0; zposition--) { skip = ReadFloor(message, zposition, skip); } } Player.StopAutowalk(true); WorldMapStorage.InvalidateOnscreenMessages(); UnityEngine.Vector3Int tmpPosition = WorldMapStorage.ToMap(position); for (int x = 0; x < Constants.MapSizeX; x++) { for (int y = 0; x < Constants.MapSizeY; y++) { tmpPosition.x = x; tmpPosition.y = y; UnityEngine.Vector3Int absolutePosition = WorldMapStorage.ToAbsolute(tmpPosition); WorldMapStorage.UpdateMiniMap(tmpPosition); uint color = WorldMapStorage.GetMiniMapColour(tmpPosition); int cost = WorldMapStorage.GetMiniMapCost(tmpPosition); MiniMapStorage.UpdateField(absolutePosition, color, cost, false); } } }
private void ParseFieldData(Internal.ByteArray message) { UnityEngine.Vector3Int absolutePosition = message.ReadPosition(); if (!WorldMapStorage.IsVisible(absolutePosition, true)) { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseFieldData: Co-ordinate " + absolutePosition + " is out of range."); } var mapPosition = WorldMapStorage.ToMap(absolutePosition); WorldMapStorage.ResetField(mapPosition, true, false); ReadField(message, mapPosition.x, mapPosition.y, mapPosition.z); if (absolutePosition.z == MiniMapStorage.PositionZ) { WorldMapStorage.UpdateMiniMap(mapPosition); uint color = WorldMapStorage.GetMiniMapColour(mapPosition); int cost = WorldMapStorage.GetMiniMapCost(mapPosition); MiniMapStorage.UpdateField(absolutePosition, color, cost, false); } }
private void ParseTextMessage(Internal.ByteArray message) { var mode = TranslateMessageModeFromServer(message.ReadUnsignedByte()); try { switch (mode) { case MessageModeType.ChannelManagement: int channelId = message.ReadUnsignedShort(); string text = message.ReadString(); // TODO name filter //var regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"^(.+?) invites you to |^You have been excluded from the channel ([^']+)'s Channel\.$"); //var match = regex.Match(text); //string speaker = match != null && match.Success ? match.Value : null; WorldMapStorage.AddOnscreenMessage(null, -1, null, 0, mode, text); ChatStorage.AddChannelMessage(channelId, -1, null, 0, mode, text); break; case MessageModeType.Guild: case MessageModeType.PartyManagement: case MessageModeType.Party: channelId = message.ReadUnsignedShort(); text = message.ReadString(); WorldMapStorage.AddOnscreenMessage(null, -1, null, 0, mode, text); ChatStorage.AddChannelMessage(channelId, -1, null, 0, mode, text); break; case MessageModeType.Login: case MessageModeType.Admin: case MessageModeType.Game: case MessageModeType.GameHighlight: case MessageModeType.Failure: case MessageModeType.Look: case MessageModeType.Status: case MessageModeType.Loot: case MessageModeType.TradeNpc: case MessageModeType.HotkeyUse: channelId = -1; text = message.ReadString(); WorldMapStorage.AddOnscreenMessage(null, -1, null, 0, mode, text); ChatStorage.AddChannelMessage(channelId, -1, null, 0, mode, text); break; case MessageModeType.Market: text = message.ReadString(); // TODO: market break; case MessageModeType.Report: // TODO //ReportWidget.s_ReportTimestampReset(); text = message.ReadString(); WorldMapStorage.AddOnscreenMessage(null, -1, null, 0, mode, text); ChatStorage.AddChannelMessage(-1, -1, null, 0, mode, text); break; case MessageModeType.DamageDealed: case MessageModeType.DamageReceived: case MessageModeType.DamageOthers: Vector3Int absolutePosition = message.ReadPosition(); int value = message.ReadInt(); int color = message.ReadUnsignedByte(); if (value > 0) { WorldMapStorage.AddOnscreenMessage(absolutePosition, -1, null, 0, mode, value, color); } value = message.ReadInt(); color = message.ReadUnsignedByte(); if (value > 0) { WorldMapStorage.AddOnscreenMessage(absolutePosition, -1, null, 0, mode, value, color); } text = message.ReadString(); ChatStorage.AddChannelMessage(-1, -1, null, 0, mode, text); break; case MessageModeType.Heal: case MessageModeType.Mana: case MessageModeType.Exp: case MessageModeType.HealOthers: case MessageModeType.ExpOthers: absolutePosition = message.ReadPosition(); value = message.ReadInt(); color = message.ReadUnsignedByte(); WorldMapStorage.AddOnscreenMessage(absolutePosition, -1, null, 0, mode, value, color); text = message.ReadString(); ChatStorage.AddChannelMessage(-1, -1, null, 0, mode, text); break; default: text = message.ReadString(); ChatStorage.AddChannelMessage(-1, -1, null, 0, mode, text); break; } } catch (System.Exception e) { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseTextMessage: Failed to add message of type " + mode + ": " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace); } }
private void ParseTalk(Internal.ByteArray message) { uint statementId = 0; if (OpenTibiaUnity.GameManager.GetFeature(GameFeature.GameMessageStatements)) { statementId = message.ReadUnsignedInt(); } string speaker = message.ReadString(); ushort speakerLevel = 0; if (OpenTibiaUnity.GameManager.GetFeature(GameFeature.GameMessageLevel)) { speakerLevel = message.ReadUnsignedShort(); } int rawMode = message.ReadUnsignedByte(); MessageModeType mode = TranslateMessageModeFromServer(rawMode); Vector3Int?absolutePosition = null; Utils.UnionStrInt channelId = null; switch (mode) { case MessageModeType.Say: case MessageModeType.Whisper: case MessageModeType.Yell: absolutePosition = message.ReadPosition(); channelId = Chat.ChatStorage.LocalChannelId; break; case MessageModeType.PrivateFrom: channelId = speaker; break; case MessageModeType.Channel: case MessageModeType.ChannelManagement: case MessageModeType.ChannelHighlight: channelId = message.ReadUnsignedShort(); break; case MessageModeType.Spell: absolutePosition = message.ReadPosition(); channelId = Chat.ChatStorage.LocalChannelId; break; case MessageModeType.NpcFromStartBlock: absolutePosition = message.ReadPosition(); break; case MessageModeType.NpcFrom: break; case MessageModeType.GamemasterBroadcast: break; case MessageModeType.GamemasterChannel: channelId = message.ReadUnsignedShort(); break; case MessageModeType.GamemasterPrivateFrom: channelId = speaker; break; case MessageModeType.BarkLow: case MessageModeType.BarkLoud: case MessageModeType.MonsterSay: case MessageModeType.MonsterYell: absolutePosition = message.ReadPosition(); channelId = -1; break; case MessageModeType.Game: break; case MessageModeType.RVRAnswer: case MessageModeType.RVRContinue: channelId = Chat.ChatStorage.RVRChannelId; break; case MessageModeType.RVRChannel: message.ReadUnsignedInt(); channelId = Chat.ChatStorage.RVRChannelId; break; default: throw new System.Exception(string.Format("ProtocolGame.ParseTalk: invalid message mode (raw = {0}, mode = {1})", rawMode, mode)); } string text = message.ReadString(); if (mode != MessageModeType.NpcFromStartBlock && mode != MessageModeType.NpcFrom) { try { WorldMapStorage.AddOnscreenMessage(absolutePosition, (int)statementId, speaker, speakerLevel, mode, text); ChatStorage.AddChannelMessage(channelId, (int)statementId, speaker, speakerLevel, mode, text); } catch (System.Exception e) { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseTalk: Failed to add message: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace); } } else if (mode == MessageModeType.NpcFromStartBlock) { MessageStorage.StartMessageBlock(speaker, absolutePosition, text); } else if (mode == MessageModeType.NpcFrom) { MessageStorage.AddTextToBlock(speaker, text); } }
private void ParseCreatureMove(Internal.ByteArray message) { int x = message.ReadUnsignedShort(); UnityEngine.Vector3Int oldAbsolutePosition; UnityEngine.Vector3Int oldMapPosition; int stackPos = -1; Appearances.ObjectInstance @object; Creatures.Creature creature; if (x != 65535) { oldAbsolutePosition = message.ReadPosition(x); if (!WorldMapStorage.IsVisible(oldAbsolutePosition, true)) { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseCreatureMove: Start Co-ordinate " + oldAbsolutePosition + " is out of range."); } oldMapPosition = WorldMapStorage.ToMap(oldAbsolutePosition); stackPos = message.ReadUnsignedByte(); @object = WorldMapStorage.GetObject(oldMapPosition, stackPos); if (!@object || [email protected] || !(creature = CreatureStorage.GetCreature(@object.Data))) { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseCreatureMove: No creature at position " + oldAbsolutePosition); } } else { uint creatureId = message.ReadUnsignedInt(); @object = AppearanceStorage.CreateObjectInstance(Appearances.AppearanceInstance.Creature, creatureId); if (!(creature = CreatureStorage.GetCreature(creatureId))) { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseCreatureMove: Creature " + creatureId + " not found"); } oldAbsolutePosition = creature.Position; if (!WorldMapStorage.IsVisible(oldAbsolutePosition, true)) { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseCreatureMove: Start Co-ordinate " + oldAbsolutePosition + " is out of range."); } oldMapPosition = WorldMapStorage.ToMap(oldAbsolutePosition); } var newAbsolutePosition = message.ReadPosition(); if (!WorldMapStorage.IsVisible(newAbsolutePosition, true)) { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseCreatureMove: Target Co-ordinate " + oldAbsolutePosition + " is out of range."); } var newMapPosition = WorldMapStorage.ToMap(newAbsolutePosition); var delta = newMapPosition - oldMapPosition; // if the movement is not actually a move (usually he is teleported) bool pushMovement = delta.z != 0 || System.Math.Abs(delta.x) > 1 || System.Math.Abs(delta.y) > 1; Appearances.ObjectInstance otherObj = null; if (!pushMovement && (!(otherObj = WorldMapStorage.GetObject(newMapPosition, 0)) || !otherObj.Type || !otherObj.Type.IsGround)) { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseCreatureMove: Target field " + newAbsolutePosition + " has no BANK."); } if (x != 65535) { WorldMapStorage.DeleteObject(oldMapPosition, stackPos); } WorldMapStorage.PutObject(newMapPosition, @object); creature.Position = newAbsolutePosition; if (pushMovement) { if (creature.Id == Player.Id) { Player.StopAutowalk(true); } if (delta.x > 0) { creature.Direction = Direction.East; } else if (delta.x < 0) { creature.Direction = Direction.West; } else if (delta.y < 0) { creature.Direction = Direction.North; } else if (delta.y > 0) { creature.Direction = Direction.South; } if (creature.Id != Player.Id) { creature.StopMovementAnimation(); } } else { creature.StartMovementAnimation(delta.x, delta.y, (int)otherObj.Type.GroundSpeed); } CreatureStorage.MarkOpponentVisible(creature, true); CreatureStorage.InvalidateOpponents(); if (oldAbsolutePosition.z == MiniMapStorage.PositionZ) { WorldMapStorage.UpdateMiniMap(oldMapPosition); uint color = WorldMapStorage.GetMiniMapColour(oldMapPosition); int cost = WorldMapStorage.GetMiniMapCost(oldMapPosition); MiniMapStorage.UpdateField(oldAbsolutePosition, color, cost, false); } if (newAbsolutePosition.z == MiniMapStorage.PositionZ) { WorldMapStorage.UpdateMiniMap(newMapPosition); uint color = WorldMapStorage.GetMiniMapColour(newMapPosition); int cost = WorldMapStorage.GetMiniMapCost(newMapPosition); MiniMapStorage.UpdateField(newAbsolutePosition, color, cost, false); } }
private void ParseDeleteOnMap(Internal.ByteArray message) { int x = message.ReadUnsignedShort(); Appearances.ObjectInstance objectInstance; Creatures.Creature creature = null; UnityEngine.Vector3Int absolutePosition; UnityEngine.Vector3Int mapPosition; if (x != 65535) { absolutePosition = message.ReadPosition(x); if (!WorldMapStorage.IsVisible(absolutePosition, true)) { throw new System.Exception($"ProtocolGame.ParseDeleteOnMap: Co-oridnate ({absolutePosition.x}, {absolutePosition.y}, {absolutePosition.z}) is out of range."); } mapPosition = WorldMapStorage.ToMap(absolutePosition); int stackPos = message.ReadUnsignedByte(); if (!(objectInstance = WorldMapStorage.GetObject(mapPosition, stackPos))) { throw new System.Exception($"ProtocolGame.ParseDeleteOnMap: Object not found."); } if (objectInstance.IsCreature && (creature = CreatureStorage.GetCreature(objectInstance.Data)) == null) { throw new System.Exception($"ProtocolGame.ParseDeleteOnMap: Creature not found."); } WorldMapStorage.DeleteObject(mapPosition, stackPos); } else { uint creatureId = message.ReadUnsignedInt(); if ((creature = CreatureStorage.GetCreature(creatureId)) == null) { throw new System.Exception($"ProtocolGame.ParseDeleteOnMap: Object not found."); } absolutePosition = creature.Position; if (!WorldMapStorage.IsVisible(absolutePosition, true)) { throw new System.Exception($"ProtocolGame.ParseDeleteOnMap: Co-oridnate ({absolutePosition.x}, {absolutePosition.y}, {absolutePosition.z}) is out of range."); } mapPosition = WorldMapStorage.ToMap(absolutePosition); } if (!!creature) { CreatureStorage.MarkOpponentVisible(creature, false); } if (absolutePosition.z == MiniMapStorage.Position.z) { WorldMapStorage.UpdateMiniMap(mapPosition); uint color = WorldMapStorage.GetMiniMapColour(mapPosition); int cost = WorldMapStorage.GetMiniMapCost(mapPosition); MiniMapStorage.UpdateField(absolutePosition, color, cost, false); } }
private void ParseChangeOnMap(Internal.ByteArray message) { int x = message.ReadUnsignedShort(); Appearances.ObjectInstance objectInstance; Creatures.Creature creature = null; UnityEngine.Vector3Int absolutePosition; UnityEngine.Vector3Int mapPosition; if (x != 65535) { absolutePosition = message.ReadPosition(x); if (!WorldMapStorage.IsVisible(absolutePosition, true)) { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseChangeOnMap: Co-ordinate " + absolutePosition + " is out of range."); } mapPosition = WorldMapStorage.ToMap(absolutePosition); int stackPos = message.ReadUnsignedByte(); if (!(objectInstance = WorldMapStorage.GetObject(mapPosition, stackPos))) { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseChangeOnMap: Object not found."); } if (objectInstance.IsCreature && !(creature = CreatureStorage.GetCreature(objectInstance.Data))) { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseChangeOnMap: Creature not found: " + objectInstance.Data); } if (!!creature) { CreatureStorage.MarkOpponentVisible(creature, false); } int typeOrId = message.ReadUnsignedShort(); if (typeOrId == Appearances.AppearanceInstance.UnknownCreature || typeOrId == Appearances.AppearanceInstance.OutdatedCreature || typeOrId == Appearances.AppearanceInstance.Creature) { creature = ReadCreatureInstance(message, typeOrId, absolutePosition); objectInstance = AppearanceStorage.CreateObjectInstance(Appearances.AppearanceInstance.Creature, creature.Id); } else { objectInstance = ReadObjectInstance(message, typeOrId); } WorldMapStorage.ChangeObject(mapPosition, stackPos, objectInstance); } else { uint creatureId = message.ReadUnsignedInt(); if (!(creature = CreatureStorage.GetCreature(creatureId))) { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseChangeOnMap: Creature " + creatureId + " not found"); } absolutePosition = creature.Position; if (!WorldMapStorage.IsVisible(absolutePosition, true)) { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseChangeOnMap: Co-ordinate " + absolutePosition + " is out of range."); } mapPosition = WorldMapStorage.ToMap(absolutePosition); CreatureStorage.MarkOpponentVisible(creature, false); int otherType = message.ReadUnsignedShort(); if (otherType == Appearances.AppearanceInstance.Creature || otherType == Appearances.AppearanceInstance.OutdatedCreature || otherType == Appearances.AppearanceInstance.UnknownCreature) { creature = ReadCreatureInstance(message, otherType); } else { throw new System.Exception("ProtocolGame.ParseChangeOnMap: Received object of type " + otherType + " when a creature was expected."); } } if (absolutePosition.z == MiniMapStorage.PositionZ) { WorldMapStorage.UpdateMiniMap(mapPosition); uint color = WorldMapStorage.GetMiniMapColour(mapPosition); int cost = WorldMapStorage.GetMiniMapCost(mapPosition); MiniMapStorage.UpdateField(absolutePosition, color, cost, false); } }
public void ParseMapRightRow(Internal.CommunicationStream message) { UnityEngine.Vector3Int position = WorldMapStorage.Position; position.x++; //NewGameManager.inst.RenderGroundRow(NewGameManager.rowType.right); var allFields = WorldMapStorage.GetFields(); /* * int x = allFields[0].ObjectsNetwork[0]._lastPatternX; * int y = allFields[0].ObjectsNetwork[0]._lastPatternY; * int z = allFields[0].ObjectsNetwork[0]._lastPatternZ; */ for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) { for (int o = 0; o < 20; o++) { try { WorldMap.Field _field = WorldMapStorage.GetField(new Vector3Int(i, j, o)); int countItem = _field.ObjectsNetwork.Where(c => c != null).Count(); if (countItem > 4) { Debug.Log(WorldMapStorage.Position); Debug.Log(Player.Position); Debug.Log("not null" + i + " " + j + " " + o); } break; } catch (Exception ex) { //Debug.Log("null"); } } } } /////////////// /* * int last_index = 0; * int count = 0; * for(int i=0; i<allFields.Length; i++) * { * for(int j=0; j<allFields[i].ObjectsNetwork.Length; j++) * { * if (allFields[i].ObjectsNetwork[j] != null) * { * last_index = j; * count++; * } * * } * if (count > 2) * { * int posX = allFields[i].ObjectsNetwork[last_index]._lastPatternX; * int posY = allFields[i].ObjectsNetwork[last_index]._lastPatternY; * int posZ = allFields[i].ObjectsNetwork[last_index]._lastPatternZ; * Debug.Log(count +" "+posX+ " "+posY+" "+posZ); * } * // * count = 0; * } * */ //List<ObjItem> RightMapObj = new List<ObjItem>(); /* * for(int i=0; i<5; i++) * { * UnityEngine.Vector3Int pos = new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, position.z); * WorldMap.Field _field = (WorldMapStorage.GetField(pos)); * _field.ObjectsNetwork[0].las * } */ //////// // var fields = WorldMapStorage.GetFields(); // foreach(var field in fields) // { /// var cos = field.ObjectsNetwork; /// foreach (var tmp1 in cos) // { // if (tmp1 == null) // Debug.Log("null"); /// else // Debug.Log("not null"); //UnityEngine.Vector3 pos = new UnityEngine.Vector3(tmp1._lastPatternX, tmp1._lastPatternY, tmp1._lastPatternZ); //ObjItem item = new ObjItem((int)tmp1.Id, pos); //NewGameManager.AddObjToList(item); // } // } ///// WorldMapStorage.Position = position; MiniMapStorage.Position = position; WorldMapStorage.ScrollMap(-1, 0); WorldMapStorage.InvalidateOnscreenMessages(); ProtocolGameExtentions.ReadArea(message, Constants.MapSizeX - 1, 0, Constants.MapSizeX - 1, Constants.MapSizeY - 1); WorldMapStorage.CacheRefresh = true; }