public static List <DataPoint> TopK(WeightVector w, List <DataPoint> points, int rank) { List <DataPoint> buffer = points; buffer.Sort((x, y) => f(x, w).CompareTo(f(y, w))); return(buffer.GetRange(0, rank)); }
public decimal CalculateNormalizedScore(SawNormalizationMethod method, WeightVector weightVector, decimal[] rowValues, decimal[] minVector, decimal[] maxVector) { var score = 0.0m; for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfColumns; i++) { if (method == SawNormalizationMethod.LinearFirstType) { var isProfit = DecisionCriterias.First(x => x.Position == i).IsProfit; var weight = weightVector.GetValue(i); if (isProfit) { var denom = (maxVector[i] - minVector[i]); score += denom != 0 ? (((rowValues[i] - minVector[i]) / denom) * weight) : 0; } else { var denom = (maxVector[i] - minVector[i]); score += denom != 0 ? ((1 - ((rowValues[i] - minVector[i])) / denom) * weight) : 0; } } else { return(0.0m); } } return(score); }
// Classic Expectimax search public Move ExpectimaxAlgorithm(State state, int depth, WeightVector weights) { Move bestMove; if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver()) { if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) { bestMove = new PlayerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights); return bestMove; } else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) { bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights); return bestMove; } else throw new Exception(); } if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) // AI's turn { bestMove = new PlayerMove(); double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue; List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves(); foreach (Move move in moves) { State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); currentScore = ExpectimaxAlgorithm(resultingState, depth - 1, weights).Score; if (currentScore > highestScore) { highestScore = currentScore; bestMove = move; } } bestMove.Score = highestScore; return bestMove; } else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) // computer's turn (the random event node) { bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // return the weighted average of all the child nodes's scores double average = 0; List<Cell> availableCells = state.GetAvailableCells(); List<Move> moves = state.GetAllComputerMoves(availableCells); foreach (Move move in moves) { State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); average += StateProbability(((ComputerMove)move).Tile) * ExpectimaxAlgorithm(resultingState, depth - 1, weights).Score; } bestMove.Score = average / moves.Count; return bestMove; } else throw new Exception(); }
public MBRModel <WeightVector> getRoot() { //getTree(); //get root after add to tree RTree.Rectangle bounds = tree.getBounds(); WeightVector upperRight = new WeightVector(bounds.get(0).GetValueOrDefault().max, bounds.get(1).GetValueOrDefault().max); WeightVector lowerLeft = new WeightVector(bounds.get(0).GetValueOrDefault().min, bounds.get(1).GetValueOrDefault().min); //retrun root return(new MBRModel <WeightVector>(lowerLeft, upperRight)); }
/// <summary> /// Maps this datum's categories to weights. /// </summary> /// <returns>IWeights.</returns> public IWeights MapToWeights() { var weights = new[] { _color.R / 255.0, _color.G / 255.0, _color.B / 255.0 }; var vector = new WeightVector(weights); return(vector); }
public double max(List <DataPoint> list, WeightVector w) { double Max = Double.MinValue; if (w == null) { return(Max); } foreach (var item in list) { double temp = f(item, w); if (temp > Max) { Max = temp; } } return(Max); }
// Recursive part of iterative deepening Expectimax private Tuple<Move, Boolean> IterativeDeepeningExpectimax(State state, int depth, double timeLimit, Stopwatch timer, WeightVector weights) { Move bestMove; if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver()) { if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) { bestMove = new PlayerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights); return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); } else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) { bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights); return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); } else throw new Exception(); } if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) // AI's turn { bestMove = new PlayerMove(); double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue; List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves(); foreach (Move move in moves) { State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); currentScore = IterativeDeepeningExpectimax(resultingState, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score; if (currentScore > highestScore) { highestScore = currentScore; bestMove = move; } if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit) { bestMove.Score = highestScore; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false } } bestMove.Score = highestScore; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); } else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) // computer's turn (the random event node) { bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // return the weighted average of all the child nodes's scores double average = 0; List<Cell> availableCells = state.GetAvailableCells(); List<Move> moves = state.GetAllComputerMoves(availableCells); int moveCheckedSoFar = 0; foreach (Move move in moves) { State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); average += StateProbability(((ComputerMove)move).Tile) * IterativeDeepeningExpectimax(resultingState, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score; moveCheckedSoFar++; if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit) { bestMove.Score = average / moveCheckedSoFar; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false } } bestMove.Score = average / moves.Count; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); } else throw new Exception(); }
// Runs a parallel expectimax search to speed up search // A search is started in a separate thread for each child of the given root node // This method should only be called for the the root, where depth will always // be > 0 and player will always be GameEngine.PLAYER - the recursion is started // for the children of the root using standard Expectimax algorithm private Move ParallelExpectimax(State state, int depth, WeightVector weights) { Move bestMove = new PlayerMove(); List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves(); ConcurrentBag<Tuple<double, Move>> scores = new ConcurrentBag<Tuple<double, Move>>(); if (moves.Count == 0) { // game over return bestMove; } // create the resulting states before starting the threads List<State> resultingStates = new List<State>(); foreach (Move move in moves) { State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); resultingStates.Add(resultingState); } // start a thread for each child Parallel.ForEach(resultingStates, resultingState => { double score = ExpectimaxAlgorithm(resultingState, depth - 1, weights).Score; scores.Add(new Tuple<double, Move>(score, resultingState.GeneratingMove)); }); // find the best score double highestScore = Double.MinValue; foreach (Tuple<double, Move> score in scores) { PlayerMove move = (PlayerMove)score.Item2; if (score.Item1 > highestScore) { highestScore = score.Item1; bestMove = score.Item2; } } return bestMove; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Iterative Deepening Expectimax-Star1 with Transposition Table and Move Ordering // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Runs an entire game using iterative deepening expectimax with star1 pruning, // transposition table and move ordering to decide on moves public State RunTTStar1(bool print, int timeLimit, WeightVector weights) { transposition_table = new ConcurrentDictionary<long, TableRow>(); InitializeZobristTable(); while (true) { // update state currentState = new State(BoardHelper.CloneBoard(gameEngine.board), scoreController.getScore(), GameEngine.PLAYER); if (print) { Program.PrintState(currentState); } // run algorithm and send action choice to game engine Move move = TTStar1(currentState, timeLimit, weights); if (((PlayerMove)move).Direction == (DIRECTION)(-1)) { // game over return currentState; } gameEngine.SendUserAction((PlayerMove)move); } }
// Runs the iterative deepening part of ^^ public Move TTStar1(State state, double timeLimit, WeightVector weights) { long zob_hash = GetHash(state); int depth = 1; Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); Move bestMove = null; // start the search timer.Start(); while (true) { if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit) { if (bestMove == null) // workaround to overcome problem with timer running out too fast with low limits { timeLimit += 10; timer.Restart(); } else break; } Tuple<Move, Boolean> result = RecursiveTTStar1(state, Double.MinValue, Double.MaxValue, depth, timeLimit, timer, weights); if (result.Item2) { bestMove = result.Item1; // only update bestMove if full recursion } depth++; } timer.Stop(); TableRow row = new TableRow((short)depth, ((PlayerMove)bestMove).Direction, bestMove.Score); transposition_table.AddOrUpdate(zob_hash, row, (key, oldValue) => row); return bestMove; }
// Recursive part of iterative deepening Expectimax with transposition table private Tuple<Move, Boolean> RecursiveTTExpectimax(State state, int depth, double timeLimit, Stopwatch timer, WeightVector weights) { Move bestMove; if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver()) { if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) { bestMove = new PlayerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights); return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); } else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) { bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights); return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); } else throw new Exception(); } if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) // AI's turn { // transposition table look-up long zob_hash = GetHash(state); if (transposition_table.ContainsKey(zob_hash) && transposition_table[zob_hash].depth > depth) { Move move = new PlayerMove(transposition_table[zob_hash].direction); move.Score = transposition_table[zob_hash].value; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(move, true); } bestMove = new PlayerMove(); double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue; List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves(); foreach (Move move in moves) { State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); currentScore = RecursiveTTExpectimax(resultingState, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score; if (currentScore > highestScore) { highestScore = currentScore; bestMove = move; } if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit) { bestMove.Score = highestScore; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false } } bestMove.Score = highestScore; // add result to transposition table TableRow row = new TableRow((short)depth, ((PlayerMove)bestMove).Direction, bestMove.Score); transposition_table.AddOrUpdate(zob_hash, row, (key, oldValue) => row); return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); } else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) // computer's turn (the random event node) { bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // return the weighted average of all the child nodes's scores double average = 0; List<Cell> availableCells = state.GetAvailableCells(); List<Move> moves = state.GetAllComputerMoves(availableCells); int moveCheckedSoFar = 0; foreach (Move move in moves) { State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); average += StateProbability(((ComputerMove)move).Tile) * RecursiveTTExpectimax(resultingState, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score; moveCheckedSoFar++; if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit) { bestMove.Score = average / moveCheckedSoFar; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false } } bestMove.Score = average / moves.Count; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); } else throw new Exception(); }
public static double f(DataPoint q, WeightVector w) { return( * + q.rating.Value + w.rating.Value); }
// Evaluation function public static double EvaluateWithWeights(State state, WeightVector weights) { if (state.IsGameOver()) return GetLowerBound(weights) - 10; else { double corner = 0, emptycells = 0, highestvalue = 0, monotonicity = 0, points = 0, smoothness = 0, snake = 0, trappedpenalty = 0; // Only do the heuristic calculation if the weight is not 0 (avoid unnescessary work) if(((WeightVectorAll)weights).Corner != 0) corner = Corner(state); if(((WeightVectorAll)weights).Empty_cells != 0) emptycells = EmptyCells(state); if(((WeightVectorAll)weights).Highest_tile != 0) highestvalue = HighestValue(state); if(((WeightVectorAll)weights).Monotonicity != 0) monotonicity = Monotonicity(state); if(((WeightVectorAll)weights).Points != 0) points = Points(state); if(((WeightVectorAll)weights).Smoothness != 0) smoothness = Smoothness(state); if(((WeightVectorAll)weights).Snake != 0) snake = WeightSnake(state); if(((WeightVectorAll)weights).Trapped_penalty != 0) trappedpenalty = TrappedPenalty(state); // evaluation function is a linear combination of heuristic values and their weights double eval = ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Corner * corner + ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Empty_cells * emptycells + ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Highest_tile * highestvalue + ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Monotonicity * monotonicity + ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Points * points + ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Smoothness * smoothness + ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Snake * snake - ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Trapped_penalty * trappedpenalty; if (state.IsWin()) { return eval + 10; } else return eval; } }
// Recursive part of iterative deepening Expectimax with star 1 pruning private Tuple<Move, Boolean> RecursiveIterativeDeepeningExpectimaxWithStar1(State state, double alpha, double beta, int depth, int timeLimit, Stopwatch timer, WeightVector weights) { Move bestMove; if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver()) { if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) { bestMove = new PlayerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights); return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); } else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) { bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights); return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); ; } else throw new Exception(); } if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) { bestMove = new PlayerMove(); double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue; List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves(); foreach (Move move in moves) { State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); currentScore = RecursiveIterativeDeepeningExpectimaxWithStar1(resultingState, alpha, beta, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score; if (currentScore > highestScore) { highestScore = currentScore; bestMove = move; } alpha = Math.Max(alpha, highestScore); if (beta <= alpha) { // beta cut-off break; } if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit) { bestMove.Score = highestScore; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false } } bestMove.Score = highestScore; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); } else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) // computer's turn (the random event node) { bestMove = new ComputerMove(); List<Cell> availableCells = state.GetAvailableCells(); List<Move> moves = state.GetAllComputerMoves(availableCells); int numSuccessors = moves.Count; double upperBound = AI.GetUpperBound(weights); double lowerBound = AI.GetLowerBound(weights); double curAlpha = numSuccessors * (alpha - upperBound) + upperBound; double curBeta = numSuccessors * (beta - lowerBound) + lowerBound; double scoreSum = 0; int i = 1; foreach (Move move in moves) { double sucAlpha = Math.Max(curAlpha, lowerBound); double sucBeta = Math.Min(curBeta, upperBound); State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); double score = StateProbability(((ComputerMove)move).Tile) * RecursiveIterativeDeepeningExpectimaxWithStar1(resultingState, sucAlpha, sucBeta, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score; scoreSum += score; if (score <= curAlpha) { scoreSum += upperBound * (numSuccessors - i); bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); // pruning } if (score >= curBeta) { scoreSum += lowerBound * (numSuccessors - i); bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); // pruning } if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit) { bestMove.Score = scoreSum / i; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false } curAlpha += upperBound - score; curBeta += lowerBound - score; i++; } bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); } else throw new Exception(); }
// Expectimax with Star2 pruning // NB: DO NOT USE - way too slow private Move Star2Expectimax(State state, double alpha, double beta, int depth, WeightVector weights) { Move bestMove; if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver()) { if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) { bestMove = new PlayerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move bestMove.Score = AI.Evaluate(state); return bestMove; } else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) { bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move bestMove.Score = AI.Evaluate(state); return bestMove; } else throw new Exception(); } if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) { bestMove = new PlayerMove(); double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue; List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves(); foreach (Move move in moves) { State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); currentScore = Star2Expectimax(resultingState, alpha, beta, depth - 1, weights).Score; if (currentScore > highestScore) { highestScore = currentScore; bestMove = move; } alpha = Math.Max(alpha, highestScore); if (beta <= alpha) { // beta cut-off break; } } bestMove.Score = highestScore; return bestMove; } else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) // computer's turn (the random event node) { bestMove = new ComputerMove(); List<Cell> availableCells = state.GetAvailableCells(); List<Move> moves = state.GetAllComputerMoves(availableCells); int numSuccessors = moves.Count; double upperBound = AI.GetUpperBound(weights); double lowerBound = AI.GetLowerBound(weights); double curAlpha = numSuccessors * (alpha - upperBound); double curBeta = numSuccessors * (beta - lowerBound); double sucAlpha = Math.Max(curAlpha, lowerBound); double[] probeValues = new double[numSuccessors]; // probing phase double vsum = 0; int i = 1; foreach (Move move in moves) { curBeta += lowerBound; double sucBeta = Math.Min(curBeta, upperBound); State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); probeValues[i - 1] = Probe(resultingState, sucAlpha, sucBeta, depth - 1, weights); vsum += probeValues[i - 1]; if (probeValues[i - 1] >= curBeta) { vsum += lowerBound * (numSuccessors - i); bestMove.Score = vsum / numSuccessors; return bestMove; // pruning } curBeta -= probeValues[i - 1]; i++; } // search phase vsum = 0; i = 1; foreach (Move move in moves) { curAlpha += upperBound; curBeta += probeValues[i - 1]; sucAlpha = Math.Max(curAlpha, lowerBound); double sucBeta = Math.Min(curBeta, upperBound); State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); double score = StateProbability(((ComputerMove)move).Tile) * Star2Expectimax(resultingState, sucAlpha, sucBeta, depth - 1, weights).Score; vsum += score; if (score <= curAlpha) { vsum += upperBound * (numSuccessors - i); bestMove.Score = vsum / numSuccessors; return bestMove; // pruning } if (score >= curBeta) { vsum += lowerBound * (numSuccessors - i); bestMove.Score = vsum / numSuccessors; return bestMove; // pruning } curAlpha -= score; curBeta -= score; i++; } bestMove.Score = vsum / numSuccessors; return bestMove; } else { throw new Exception(); } }
public async Task <IList <PlanElementCandidate> > GetCandidates(Plan plan, WeightVector weightVector) { var test = true; var candidates = new List <PlanElementCandidate>(); PlanElementType[] planElementTypes = new PlanElementType[] { PlanElementType.Entertainment, PlanElementType.Relax, PlanElementType.Activity, PlanElementType.Culture, PlanElementType.Sightseeing, PlanElementType.Partying, PlanElementType.Shopping, }; foreach (var planElementType in planElementTypes) { var googlePlaceTypes = GooglePlaceTypes.Table.Where(x => x.PlanElementType == planElementType).ToList(); foreach (var type in googlePlaceTypes) { var nearbySearchInput = _googlePlaceNearbySearchInputFactory.Create(plan.StartLocation, (int)MaximumDistanceToAccomodation, type); var nearbyResults = await _googlePlaceNearbySearchApiClient.GetAsync(nearbySearchInput); int counter = 1; foreach (var nr in nearbyResults.results) { var details = await _googlePlaceDetailsApiClient.GetAsync(_googlePlaceDetailsInputFactory.CreateAllUseful(nr.place_id)); if (details.IsOk) { var candidate = new PlanElementCandidate(, details.Result.place_id, details.Result.formatted_address, details.Result.geometry.location, details.Result.opening_hours, details.Result.types, details.Result.rating, details.Result.price_level, details.Result.user_ratings_total); if (!candidates.Any(x => x.PlaceId == candidate.PlaceId)) { candidates.Add(candidate); } } ++counter; } if (test && candidates.Count > 15) { return(candidates); } WeightVectorLabel weightVectorLabel = WeightVector.TranslateLabel(planElementType); if ((plan.PlanForm.IsOverOneWeek || weightVector.GetLabelValue(weightVectorLabel) >= 0.1m) && nearbyResults.IsMoreResults) { var nearbyResults2 = await _googlePlaceNearbySearchApiClient.GetNextPageTokenAsync(nearbyResults.next_page_token); foreach (var nr in nearbyResults2.results) { var details = await _googlePlaceDetailsApiClient.GetAsync(_googlePlaceDetailsInputFactory.CreateAllUseful(nr.place_id)); if (details.IsOk) { var candidate = new PlanElementCandidate(, details.Result.place_id, details.Result.formatted_address, details.Result.geometry.location, details.Result.opening_hours, details.Result.types, details.Result.rating, details.Result.price_level, details.Result.user_ratings_total); if (!candidates.Any(x => x.PlaceId == candidate.PlaceId)) { candidates.Add(candidate); } } ++counter; } } if (test && candidates.Count > 15) { return(candidates); } } if (test && candidates.Count > 15) { break; } } if (candidates.Count == 0) { throw new UserFriendlyException($"Nie znaleziono żadnych potencjalnych kandydatów na elementy planu"); } return(candidates); }
// Expectimax search with Star1 pruning and forward pruning private Move Star1WithUnlikelyPruning(State state, double alpha, double beta, int depth, int lastSpawn, WeightVector weights) { Move bestMove; if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver()) { if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) { bestMove = new PlayerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights); return bestMove; } else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) { bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights); return bestMove; } else throw new Exception(); } if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) { bestMove = new PlayerMove(); double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue; List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves(); foreach (Move move in moves) { State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); currentScore = Star1WithUnlikelyPruning(resultingState, alpha, beta, depth - 1, lastSpawn, weights).Score; if (currentScore > highestScore) { highestScore = currentScore; bestMove = move; } alpha = Math.Max(alpha, highestScore); if (beta <= alpha) { // beta cut-off break; } } bestMove.Score = highestScore; return bestMove; } else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) // computer's turn (the random event node) { bestMove = new ComputerMove(); List<Cell> availableCells = state.GetAvailableCells(); List<Move> moves = state.GetAllComputerMoves(availableCells); int numSuccessors = moves.Count; double upperBound = AI.GetUpperBound(weights); double lowerBound = AI.GetLowerBound(weights); double curAlpha = numSuccessors * (alpha - upperBound) + upperBound; double curBeta = numSuccessors * (beta - lowerBound) + lowerBound; double scoreSum = 0; int i = 1; foreach (Move move in moves) { int value = ((ComputerMove)move).Tile; if (value == 4 && lastSpawn == 4) continue; // unlikely event pruning (2 4-spawns in sequence only has 1% chance) double sucAlpha = Math.Max(curAlpha, lowerBound); double sucBeta = Math.Min(curBeta, upperBound); State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); double score = StateProbability(((ComputerMove)move).Tile) * Star1WithUnlikelyPruning(resultingState, sucAlpha, sucBeta, depth - 1, value, weights).Score; scoreSum += score; if (score <= curAlpha) { scoreSum += upperBound * (numSuccessors - i); bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors; return bestMove; // pruning } if (score >= curBeta) { scoreSum += lowerBound * (numSuccessors - i); bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors; return bestMove; // pruning } curAlpha += upperBound - score; curBeta += lowerBound - score; i++; } bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors; return bestMove; } else throw new Exception(); }
// Recursive part of ^^ iterative deepening Expectimax with Star1, move ordering and transposition table private Tuple<Move, Boolean> RecursiveTTStar1(State state, double alpha, double beta, int depth, double timeLimit, Stopwatch timer, WeightVector weights) { Move bestMove; if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver()) { if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) { bestMove = new PlayerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights); return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); } else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) { bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights); return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); } else throw new Exception(); } if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) // AI's turn { DIRECTION bestDirection = (DIRECTION)(-1); bestMove = new PlayerMove(); double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue; // transposition table look-up long zob_hash = GetHash(state); if (transposition_table.ContainsKey(zob_hash) && transposition_table[zob_hash].depth > depth) { Move move = new PlayerMove(transposition_table[zob_hash].direction); move.Score = transposition_table[zob_hash].value; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(move, true); } // move ordering - make sure we first check the move we believe to be best based on earlier searches else if (transposition_table.ContainsKey(zob_hash)) { bestDirection = transposition_table[zob_hash].direction; State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(new PlayerMove(bestDirection)); currentScore = RecursiveTTStar1(resultingState, alpha, beta, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score; if (currentScore > highestScore) { highestScore = currentScore; bestMove = new PlayerMove(bestDirection); } if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit) { bestMove.Score = highestScore; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false } } // now check the rest of moves List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves(); foreach (Move move in moves) { if (((PlayerMove)move).Direction != bestDirection) { State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); currentScore = RecursiveTTStar1(resultingState, alpha, beta, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score; if (currentScore > highestScore) { highestScore = currentScore; bestMove = move; } alpha = Math.Max(alpha, highestScore); if (beta <= alpha) { // beta cut-off break; } if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit) { bestMove.Score = highestScore; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false } } } bestMove.Score = highestScore; // add result to transposition table TableRow row = new TableRow((short)depth, ((PlayerMove)bestMove).Direction, bestMove.Score); transposition_table.AddOrUpdate(zob_hash, row, (key, oldValue) => row); return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); } else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) // computer's turn (the random event node) { bestMove = new ComputerMove(); int moveCheckedSoFar = 0; List<Cell> availableCells = state.GetAvailableCells(); List<Move> moves = state.GetAllComputerMoves(availableCells); int numSuccessors = moves.Count; double upperBound = AI.GetUpperBound(weights); double lowerBound = AI.GetLowerBound(weights); double curAlpha = numSuccessors * (alpha - upperBound) + upperBound; double curBeta = numSuccessors * (beta - lowerBound) + lowerBound; double scoreSum = 0; int i = 1; foreach (Move move in moves) { double sucAlpha = Math.Max(curAlpha, lowerBound); double sucBeta = Math.Min(curBeta, upperBound); State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); double score = StateProbability(((ComputerMove)move).Tile) * RecursiveTTStar1(resultingState, sucAlpha, sucBeta, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score; scoreSum += score; moveCheckedSoFar++; if (score <= curAlpha) { scoreSum += upperBound * (numSuccessors - i); bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors; return new Tuple<Move,bool>(bestMove, true); // pruning } if (score >= curBeta) { scoreSum += lowerBound * (numSuccessors - i); bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors; return new Tuple<Move, bool>(bestMove, true); // pruning } if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit) { bestMove.Score = scoreSum / moveCheckedSoFar; return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false } curAlpha += upperBound - score; curBeta += lowerBound - score; i++; } bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors; return new Tuple<Move, bool>(bestMove, true); } else throw new Exception(); }
// Iterative Deepening Expectimax search with star1 and forward pruning public Move IterativeDeepeningExpectimaxWithStar1andForwardPruning(State state, double alpha, double beta, int lastSpawn, int timeLimit, WeightVector weights) { int depth = 1; Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); Move bestMove = null; // start the search timer.Start(); while (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds < timeLimit) { Tuple<Move, Boolean> result = RecursiveIterativeDeepeningExpectimaxWithStar1andForwardPruning(state,alpha, beta, depth, lastSpawn, timeLimit, timer, weights); if (result.Item2) bestMove = result.Item1; // only update bestMove if full recursion depth++; } Console.WriteLine(depth); return bestMove; }
// Runs a parallel version of iterative deepening // A search is started in a separate thread for each child of root node private Move ParallelIterativeDeepeningExpectimaxWithStar1andForwardPruning(State state, double alpha, double beta, int lastSpawn, int timeLimit, WeightVector weights) { Move bestMove = new PlayerMove(); List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves(); ConcurrentBag<Tuple<double, Move>> scores = new ConcurrentBag<Tuple<double, Move>>(); if (moves.Count == 0) { // game over return bestMove; } // create the resulting states before starting the threads List<State> resultingStates = new List<State>(); foreach (Move move in moves) { State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move); resultingStates.Add(resultingState); } Parallel.ForEach(resultingStates, resultingState => { double score = IterativeDeepeningExpectimaxWithStar1andForwardPruning(resultingState, alpha, beta, lastSpawn, timeLimit, weights).Score; scores.Add(new Tuple<double, Move>(score, resultingState.GeneratingMove)); }); // find the best score double highestScore = Double.MinValue; foreach (Tuple<double, Move> score in scores) { PlayerMove move = (PlayerMove)score.Item2; if (score.Item1 > highestScore) { highestScore = score.Item1; bestMove = score.Item2; } } return bestMove; }
public bool contains(WeightVector e, MBRModel <WeightVector> MBR) { return( >= && <= && e.rating >= MBR.lowerLeft.rating && e.rating <= MBR.upperRight.rating); }
// Star2 probing private double Probe(State state, double alpha, double beta, int depth, WeightVector weights) { if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver()) { return AI.Evaluate(state); } else { State choice = PickSuccessor(state); return Star2Expectimax(choice, alpha, beta, depth - 1, weights).Score; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // FINAL COMBINATION OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS WITH TRANSPOSITION TABLE AND NO PARALLELIZATION //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public State RunTTIterativeDeepeningExpectimaxWithStar1andForwardPruning(bool print, int timeLimit, WeightVector weights) { int lastSpawn = 0; // dont consider last spawn values at first move transposition_table = new ConcurrentDictionary<long, TableRow>(); InitializeZobristTable(); while (true) { // update state currentState = new State(BoardHelper.CloneBoard(gameEngine.board), scoreController.getScore(), GameEngine.PLAYER); if (print) { Program.PrintState(currentState); } // run algorithm and send action choice to game engine Move move = TTIterativeDeepeningExpectimaxWithStar1andForwardPruning(currentState, Double.MinValue, Double.MaxValue, lastSpawn, timeLimit, weights); if (((PlayerMove)move).Direction == (DIRECTION)(-1)) { // game over return currentState; } lastSpawn = gameEngine.SendUserAction((PlayerMove)move); } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Parallel Iterative Deepening Expectimax Search // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Runs an entire game using parallelized iterative deepening expectimax search // to decide on moves public State RunParallelIterativeDeepeningExpectimax(bool print, int timeLimit, WeightVector weights) { while (true) { // update state currentState = new State(BoardHelper.CloneBoard(gameEngine.board), scoreController.getScore(), GameEngine.PLAYER); if (print) { Program.PrintState(currentState); } // run algorithm and send action choice to game engine Move move = ParallelIterativeDeepeningExpectimax(currentState, timeLimit, weights); if (((PlayerMove)move).Direction == (DIRECTION)(-1)) { // game over return currentState; } gameEngine.SendUserAction((PlayerMove)move); } }
// Iterative Deepening Expectimax search public Move IterativeDeepening(State state, double timeLimit, WeightVector weights) { int depth = 0; Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); Move bestMove = null; // start the search timer.Start(); while (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds < timeLimit) { Tuple<Move, Boolean> result = IterativeDeepeningExpectimax(state, depth, timeLimit, timer, weights); if (result.Item2) bestMove = result.Item1; // only update bestMove if full recursion depth++; } return bestMove; }
//0. Price //1. Rating //2. Distance //3. Popularity //4.Entertainment //5. Relax //6. Activity //7. Culture //8. Sightseeing //9. Partying //10. Shopping public WeightVector Generate(PlanForm planForm) { var weightVector = new WeightVector(); //-----------Dajemy na typy elementów planu 0.5m--------------- var allPreferedStep = Math.Round(0.3m / (planForm.PreferedPlanElements.Count()), 2);//max 0.3/14 decimal totalSecondCategory = 0.5m; //PreferedPlanElements moze mieć po maks. 2 elementy nalezace do typów od 4 do 10 -> licz.el * allPreferedStep weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Entertainment, allPreferedStep * planForm.PreferedPlanElements.Count(x => x == PlanElementType.Entertainment)); weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Sightseeing, allPreferedStep * planForm.PreferedPlanElements.Count(x => x == PlanElementType.Sightseeing)); weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Activity, allPreferedStep * planForm.PreferedPlanElements.Count(x => x == PlanElementType.Activity)); weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Culture, allPreferedStep * planForm.PreferedPlanElements.Count(x => x == PlanElementType.Culture)); weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Relax, allPreferedStep * planForm.PreferedPlanElements.Count(x => x == PlanElementType.Relax)); weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Partying, allPreferedStep * planForm.PreferedPlanElements.Count(x => x == PlanElementType.Partying)); weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Shopping, allPreferedStep * planForm.PreferedPlanElements.Count(x => x == PlanElementType.Shopping)); var allSortedStep = Math.Round((totalSecondCategory - weightVector.GetTotalSum()) / 9, 2); var remainingRest = (totalSecondCategory - weightVector.GetTotalSum()) - 9 * allSortedStep; //SortedPlanElements - punkty za miejsca : 3,2,2,1,1,0,0 for (int i = 0; i < planForm.SortedPlanElements.Count; i++) { decimal bonus = 0; switch (i) { case 0: bonus = allSortedStep * 3 + remainingRest; break; case 1: case 2: bonus = allSortedStep * 2; break; case 3: case 4: bonus = allSortedStep * 1; break; default: break; } if (planForm.SortedPlanElements[i] == PlanElementType.Entertainment) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Entertainment, bonus); } else if (planForm.SortedPlanElements[i] == PlanElementType.Sightseeing) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Sightseeing, bonus); } else if (planForm.SortedPlanElements[i] == PlanElementType.Activity) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Activity, bonus); } else if (planForm.SortedPlanElements[i] == PlanElementType.Culture) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Culture, bonus); } else if (planForm.SortedPlanElements[i] == PlanElementType.Relax) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Relax, bonus); } else if (planForm.SortedPlanElements[i] == PlanElementType.Partying) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Partying, bonus); } else if (planForm.SortedPlanElements[i] == PlanElementType.Shopping) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Shopping, bonus); } } //-----------Dajemy na te 0.5--------------- decimal totalFirstCategory = 0.5m; weightVector.SetPriority(WeightVectorLabel.Rating, 0.2m); totalFirstCategory -= 0.2m; var partsToDivide = 1; //Price if (planForm.PricePreference == PricePreference.Cheapest) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Price, 0.1m); totalFirstCategory -= 0.1m; partsToDivide += 2; } else if (planForm.PricePreference == PricePreference.MediumPrices) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Price, 0.05m); totalFirstCategory -= 0.05m; partsToDivide += 1; } //Popularity if (planForm.AtractionPopularityPreference == AtractionPopularityPreference.MostPopular) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Popularity, 0.1m); totalFirstCategory -= 0.1m; partsToDivide += 2; } else if (planForm.AtractionPopularityPreference == AtractionPopularityPreference.MixedPopular) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Popularity, 0.05m); totalFirstCategory -= 0.05m; partsToDivide += 1; } else if (planForm.AtractionPopularityPreference == AtractionPopularityPreference.NotWellKnown) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Popularity, 0m); totalFirstCategory -= 0.00m; } //Distance - im blizej tym bardziej wazne if (planForm.DistanceTypePreference == DistanceTypePreference.OnlyClosest) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Distance, 0.1m); totalFirstCategory -= 0.1m; partsToDivide += 2; } else if (planForm.DistanceTypePreference == DistanceTypePreference.MediumDistances) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Distance, 0.05m); totalFirstCategory -= 0.05m; partsToDivide += 1; } else if (planForm.DistanceTypePreference == DistanceTypePreference.LongDistances) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Distance, 0m); totalFirstCategory -= 0.00m; } if (totalFirstCategory > 0) { var totalFirstCategoryStep = Math.Round(totalFirstCategory / partsToDivide, 2); if (planForm.PricePreference == PricePreference.Cheapest) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Price, 2 * totalFirstCategoryStep); } else if (planForm.PricePreference == PricePreference.MediumPrices) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Price, 1 * totalFirstCategoryStep); } if (planForm.AtractionPopularityPreference == AtractionPopularityPreference.MostPopular) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Popularity, 2 * totalFirstCategoryStep); } else if (planForm.AtractionPopularityPreference == AtractionPopularityPreference.MixedPopular) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Popularity, 1 * totalFirstCategoryStep); } if (planForm.DistanceTypePreference == DistanceTypePreference.OnlyClosest) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Distance, 2 * totalFirstCategoryStep); } else if (planForm.DistanceTypePreference == DistanceTypePreference.MediumDistances) { weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Distance, 1 * totalFirstCategoryStep); } weightVector.AddValue(WeightVectorLabel.Rating, 1.0m - weightVector.GetTotalSum()); } var test = weightVector.Total; return(weightVector); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Expectimax with Star1 pruning // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Runs an entire game using expectimax with star1 pruning to decide on moves public State RunStar1Expectimax(bool print, WeightVector weights) { while (true) { // update state currentState = new State(BoardHelper.CloneBoard(gameEngine.board), scoreController.getScore(), GameEngine.PLAYER); if (print) { Program.PrintState(currentState); } // run algorithm and send action choice to game engine Move move = Star1Expectimax(currentState, Double.MinValue, Double.MaxValue, chosenDepth, weights); if (((PlayerMove)move).Direction == (DIRECTION)(-1)) { // game over return currentState; } gameEngine.SendUserAction((PlayerMove)move); } }
// for Expectimax Star1 pruning internal static double GetUpperBound(WeightVector weights) { double bound = ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Corner * upper_corner + ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Empty_cells * upper_emptycells + ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Highest_tile * upper_highestvalue + ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Monotonicity * upper_monotonicity + ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Points * upper_points + ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Smoothness * upper_smoothness + ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Snake * upper_snake + ((WeightVectorAll)weights).Trapped_penalty * upper_trappedpenalty; return bound + 10; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Expectimax with Star1 and forward pruning // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Runs an entire game using expectimax search with star1 and forward pruning // to decide on moves public State RunStar1WithUnlikelyPruning(bool print, WeightVector weights) { int lastSpawn = 0; // dont consider last spawn values at first move while (true) { // update state currentState = new State(BoardHelper.CloneBoard(gameEngine.board), scoreController.getScore(), GameEngine.PLAYER); if (print) { Program.PrintState(currentState); } // run algorithm and send action choice to game engine Move move = Star1WithUnlikelyPruning(currentState, Double.MinValue, Double.MaxValue, chosenDepth, lastSpawn, weights); if (((PlayerMove)move).Direction == (DIRECTION)(-1)) { // game over return currentState; } lastSpawn = gameEngine.SendUserAction((PlayerMove)move); } }