Exemple #1
 public FileInfo(ProjectInfo project, string name, uint itemid)
     _name = name;
     _itemid = itemid;
     _icon = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_CHECKEDOUT;
     _project = project;
Exemple #2
 public FileInfo(ProjectInfo project, string name, uint itemid)
     _name    = name;
     _itemid  = itemid;
     _icon    = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_CHECKEDOUT;
     _project = project;
        //TODO Move TO Provider
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the glyphs of the specified hierarchy nodes
        /// </summary>
        public async Task RefreshNodesGlyphs(IList <VSITEMSELECTION> selectedNodes)
            foreach (VSITEMSELECTION vsItemSel in selectedNodes)
                await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

                IVsSccProject2 sccProject2 = vsItemSel.pHier as IVsSccProject2;
                if (vsItemSel.itemid == VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT)
                    if (sccProject2 == null)
                        // Note: The solution's hierarchy does not implement IVsSccProject2, IVsSccProject interfaces
                        // It may be a pain to treat the solution as special case everywhere; a possible workaround is
                        // to implement a solution-wrapper class, that will implement IVsSccProject2, IVsSccProject and
                        // IVsHierarhcy interfaces, and that could be used in provider's code wherever a solution is needed.
                        // This approach could unify the treatment of solution and projects in the provider's code.

                        // Until then, solution is treated as special case
                        string[] rgpszFullPaths = new string[1];
                        rgpszFullPaths[0] = await GetSolutionFileName();

                        VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs    = new VsStateIcon[1];
                        uint[]        rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];
                        GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                        // Set the solution's glyph directly in the hierarchy
                        IVsHierarchy solHier = await _sccProvider.GetServiceAsync(typeof(SVsSolution)) as IVsHierarchy;

                        solHier.SetProperty(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_StateIconIndex, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
                        // Refresh all the glyphs in the project; the project will call back GetSccGlyph()
                        // with the files for each node that will need new glyph
                        sccProject2.SccGlyphChanged(0, null, null, null);
                    // It may be easier/faster to simply refresh all the nodes in the project,
                    // and let the project call back on GetSccGlyph, but just for the sake of the demo,
                    // let's refresh ourselves only one node at a time
                    IList <string> sccFiles = await GetNodeFiles(sccProject2, vsItemSel.itemid);

                    // We'll use for the node glyph just the Master file's status (ignoring special files of the node)
                    if (sccFiles.Count > 0)
                        string[] rgpszFullPaths = new string[1];
                        rgpszFullPaths[0] = sccFiles[0];
                        VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs    = new VsStateIcon[1];
                        uint[]        rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];
                        GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                        uint[] rguiAffectedNodes = new uint[1];
                        rguiAffectedNodes[0] = vsItemSel.itemid;
                        sccProject2.SccGlyphChanged(1, rguiAffectedNodes, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
Exemple #4
        public void GlyphChanged(VsStateIcon icon)
            int hr;

            _icon = icon;
            if (ErrorHandler.Failed(hr = _project.SccProject.SccGlyphChanged(1, new[] { ItemId }, new[] { icon }, new uint[0])))
                TestSccProvider.Fail("Bad HR from SccGlyphChanged: {0}", hr);
Exemple #5
            public int SccGlyphChanged(int cAffectedNodes, uint[] rgitemidAffectedNodes, VsStateIcon[] rgsiNewGlyphs, uint[] rgdwNewSccStatus)
                IVsSccManager2 sccService = _context.GetService <IVsSccManager2>(typeof(SVsSccManager));

                string[] rgpszFullPaths = new string[1];
                rgpszFullPaths[0] = GetSolutionFileName(_context);
                VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs    = new VsStateIcon[1];
                uint[]        rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];
                sccService.GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                // Set the solution's glyph directly in the hierarchy
                IVsHierarchy solHier = (IVsHierarchy)_context.GetService(typeof(SVsSolution));

                return(solHier.SetProperty(VSItemId.Root, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_StateIconIndex, (int)rgsiGlyphs[0]));
 public int GetSccGlyph(int cFiles, string[] rgpszFullPaths, VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs, uint[] rgdwSccStatus) {
     for (int i = 0; i < cFiles; i++) {
         bool found = false;
         foreach (var proj in _loadedProjects.Values) {
             FileInfo fi;
             if (proj.Files.TryGetValue(rgpszFullPaths[i], out fi)) {
                 rgsiGlyphs[i] = fi.StateIcon;
                 found = true;
         if (!found) {
             rgsiGlyphs[i] = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_CHECKEDOUT;
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
Exemple #7
        private async Task RefreshSolutionGlyphs()
            await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.RunAsync(VsTaskRunContext.UIThreadBackgroundPriority,
                                                            async delegate
                // On caller's thread. Switch to main thread (if we're not already there).
                await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

                // Now on UI thread via background priority.
                await Task.Yield();
                string[] rgpszFullPaths  = new string[1];
                rgpszFullPaths[0]        = await GetSolutionFileName();
                VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs = new VsStateIcon[1];
                uint[] rgdwSccStatus     = new uint[1];
                GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                // Set the solution's glyph directly in the hierarchy
                IVsHierarchy solHier = (IVsHierarchy)_sccProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsSolution));
                solHier.SetProperty(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_StateIconIndex, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
Exemple #8
        internal void ForceGlyphChanges()

            uint[]   idsArray;
            string[] namesArray;
                List <uint>   ids   = new List <uint>(_files.Count);
                List <string> names = new List <string>(_files.Count);

                foreach (SccProjectFileReference r in _files)
                    uint id = r.ProjectItemId;
                    if (id == VSItemId.Nil)

                    string name = r.ProjectFile.FullPath;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))

                idsArray   = ids.ToArray();
                namesArray = names.ToArray();

            VsStateIcon[] newGlyphs = new VsStateIcon[idsArray.Length];
            uint[]        sccState  = new uint[idsArray.Length];

            if (VSErr.Succeeded(Map.GetSccGlyph(namesArray, newGlyphs, sccState)))
                SccProject.SccGlyphChanged(idsArray.Length, idsArray, newGlyphs, sccState);
 private void getFileSscStatus(ProjectItems projectItems, IVsSccManager2 sscMgr)
     if (projectItems == null || projectItems.Count == 0)
     foreach (ProjectItem item in projectItems)
         if (item.Properties != null)
             Property fullName = item.Properties.Item("FullPath");
             if (fullName != null)
                 VsStateIcon[] icons  = new VsStateIcon[1];
                 uint[]        status = new uint[1];
                 if (VSConstants.S_OK == sscMgr.GetSccGlyph(1, new[] { fullName.Value.ToString() }, icons, status))
                     Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("status {0} - file {1}", status[0], fullName.Value));
         getFileSscStatus(item.ProjectItems, sscMgr);
Exemple #10
        public async Task QuickRefreshNodesGlyphs(IVsSccProject2 project, List <string> files)
                if (files.Count > 0)
                    string[] rgpszFullPaths = new string[files.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++)
                        rgpszFullPaths[i] = files[i];

                    VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs    = new VsStateIcon[files.Count];
                    uint[]        rgdwSccStatus = new uint[files.Count];
                    GetSccGlyph(files.Count, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                    uint[] rguiAffectedNodes = new uint[files.Count];

                    //TODO We could/Should cache this mapping !!!!
                    await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

                    IList <uint> subnodes = await SolutionExtensions.GetProjectItems((IVsHierarchy)project, VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT);

                    var dict = new Dictionary <string, uint>();
                    var proj = project as IVsProject2;

                    foreach (var id in subnodes)
                        string docname;
                        var    res = proj.GetMkDocument(id, out docname);

                        if (res == VSConstants.S_OK && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(docname))
                            dict[docname] = id;

                    for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; ++i)
                        uint id;
                        if (dict.TryGetValue(files[i], out id))
                            rguiAffectedNodes[i] = id;
                    await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

                    project.SccGlyphChanged(files.Count, rguiAffectedNodes, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

                IVsActivityLog log = _sccProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsActivityLog)) as IVsActivityLog;
                if (log == null)

                int hr = log.LogEntry((UInt32)__ACTIVITYLOG_ENTRYTYPE.ALE_ERROR,
                                                    "Called for: {0}", this.ToString()));
        int IVsSccManager2.GetSccGlyph(int cFiles, string[] rgpszFullPaths, VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs, uint[] rgdwSccStatus)
            if (cFiles == 0 || String.IsNullOrEmpty(rgpszFullPaths[0]))
                return VSConstants.S_OK;

            rgsiGlyphs[0] = GetStatusIcon(rgpszFullPaths[0]);

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
        public void TestFileStatus()
            SccProviderService target = GetSccProviderServiceInstance;

            solution.SolutionFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
            MockIVsProject project = new MockIVsProject(Path.GetTempFileName());


            VsStateIcon [] rgsiGlyphs           = new VsStateIcon[1];
            VsStateIcon [] rgsiGlyphsFromStatus = new VsStateIcon[1];
            uint[]         rgdwSccStatus        = new uint[1];
            int            result = 0;
            string         strTooltip;

            // Check glyphs and statuses for uncontrolled items
            IList <string> files = new string[] { solution.SolutionFile, project.ProjectFile, project.ProjectItems[0] };

            foreach (string file in files)
                Assert.AreEqual(SourceControlStatus.scsUncontrolled, target.GetFileStatus(file), "Incorrect status returned");

                result = target.GetSccGlyph(1, new string[] { file }, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                Assert.AreEqual <int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
                Assert.AreEqual <VsStateIcon>(VsStateIcon.STATEICON_BLANK, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual <uint>((uint)__SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_NOTCONTROLLED, rgdwSccStatus[0]);

                result = target.GetSccGlyphFromStatus(rgdwSccStatus[0], rgsiGlyphsFromStatus);
                Assert.AreEqual <int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
                Assert.AreEqual <VsStateIcon>(rgsiGlyphs[0], rgsiGlyphsFromStatus[0]);

            // Uncontrolled items should not have tooltips
            target.GetGlyphTipText(project as IVsHierarchy, VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, out strTooltip);
            Assert.IsTrue(strTooltip.Length == 0);

            Hashtable uncontrolled = new Hashtable();

            uncontrolled[project as IVsSccProject2] = true;
            target.AddProjectsToSourceControl(ref uncontrolled, true);

            foreach (string file in files)
                Assert.AreEqual(SourceControlStatus.scsCheckedIn, target.GetFileStatus(file), "Incorrect status returned");

                result = target.GetSccGlyph(1, new string[] { file }, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                Assert.AreEqual <int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
                Assert.AreEqual <VsStateIcon>(VsStateIcon.STATEICON_CHECKEDIN, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual <uint>((uint)__SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_CONTROLLED, rgdwSccStatus[0]);

                result = target.GetSccGlyphFromStatus(rgdwSccStatus[0], rgsiGlyphsFromStatus);
                Assert.AreEqual <int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
                Assert.AreEqual <VsStateIcon>(rgsiGlyphs[0], rgsiGlyphsFromStatus[0]);

            // Checked in items should have tooltips
            target.GetGlyphTipText(project as IVsHierarchy, VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, out strTooltip);
            Assert.IsTrue(strTooltip.Length > 0);

            foreach (string file in files)
                Assert.AreEqual(SourceControlStatus.scsCheckedOut, target.GetFileStatus(file), "Incorrect status returned");

                result = target.GetSccGlyph(1, new string[] { file }, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                Assert.AreEqual <int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
                Assert.AreEqual <VsStateIcon>(VsStateIcon.STATEICON_CHECKEDOUT, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual <uint>((uint)__SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_CHECKEDOUT, rgdwSccStatus[0]);

                result = target.GetSccGlyphFromStatus(rgdwSccStatus[0], rgsiGlyphsFromStatus);
                Assert.AreEqual <int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
                Assert.AreEqual <VsStateIcon>(rgsiGlyphs[0], rgsiGlyphsFromStatus[0]);

            // Checked out items should have tooltips, too
            target.GetGlyphTipText(project as IVsHierarchy, VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, out strTooltip);
            Assert.IsTrue(strTooltip.Length > 0);

            foreach (string file in files)
                Assert.AreEqual(SourceControlStatus.scsCheckedIn, target.GetFileStatus(file), "Incorrect status returned");

                result = target.GetSccGlyph(1, new string[] { file }, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                Assert.AreEqual <int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
                Assert.AreEqual <VsStateIcon>(VsStateIcon.STATEICON_CHECKEDIN, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual <uint>((uint)__SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_CONTROLLED, rgdwSccStatus[0]);

            // Add a new file to the project (don't worry about TPD events for now)
            string pendingAddFile = Path.GetTempFileName();

            Assert.AreEqual(SourceControlStatus.scsUncontrolled, target.GetFileStatus(pendingAddFile), "Incorrect status returned");

            result = target.GetSccGlyph(1, new string[] { pendingAddFile }, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
            Assert.AreEqual <int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
            Assert.AreEqual <VsStateIcon>(VsStateIcon.STATEICON_CHECKEDOUT, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual <uint>((uint)__SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_CHECKEDOUT, rgdwSccStatus[0]);

            // Pending add items should have tooltips, too
            target.GetGlyphTipText(project as IVsHierarchy, 1, out strTooltip);
            Assert.IsTrue(strTooltip.Length > 0);

            // Checkin the pending add file
            Assert.AreEqual(SourceControlStatus.scsCheckedIn, target.GetFileStatus(pendingAddFile), "Incorrect status returned");

            result = target.GetSccGlyph(1, new string[] { pendingAddFile }, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
            Assert.AreEqual <int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
            Assert.AreEqual <VsStateIcon>(VsStateIcon.STATEICON_CHECKEDIN, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual <uint>((uint)__SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_CONTROLLED, rgdwSccStatus[0]);
Exemple #13
            public int SccGlyphChanged(int cAffectedNodes, uint[] rgitemidAffectedNodes, VsStateIcon[] rgsiNewGlyphs, uint[] rgdwNewSccStatus)
                IVsSccManager2 sccService = _context.GetService<IVsSccManager2>(typeof(SVsSccManager));

                string[] rgpszFullPaths = new string[1];
                rgpszFullPaths[0] = GetSolutionFileName(_context);
                VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs = new VsStateIcon[1];
                uint[] rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];
                sccService.GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                // Set the solution's glyph directly in the hierarchy
                IVsHierarchy solHier = (IVsHierarchy)_context.GetService(typeof(SVsSolution));
                return solHier.SetProperty(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_StateIconIndex, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
 public int GetSccGlyphFromStatus(uint dwSccStatus, VsStateIcon[] psiGlyph)
     psiGlyph[0] = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_BLANK;
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
        //TODO Move TO Provider
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the glyphs of the specified hierarchy nodes
        /// </summary>
        public async Task RefreshNodesGlyphs(IList<VSITEMSELECTION> selectedNodes)
            foreach (VSITEMSELECTION vsItemSel in selectedNodes)
                await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();
                IVsSccProject2 sccProject2 = vsItemSel.pHier as IVsSccProject2;
                if (vsItemSel.itemid == VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT)
                    if (sccProject2 == null)
                        // Note: The solution's hierarchy does not implement IVsSccProject2, IVsSccProject interfaces
                        // It may be a pain to treat the solution as special case everywhere; a possible workaround is 
                        // to implement a solution-wrapper class, that will implement IVsSccProject2, IVsSccProject and
                        // IVsHierarhcy interfaces, and that could be used in provider's code wherever a solution is needed.
                        // This approach could unify the treatment of solution and projects in the provider's code.

                        // Until then, solution is treated as special case
                        string[] rgpszFullPaths = new string[1];
                        rgpszFullPaths[0] = await GetSolutionFileName();
                        VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs = new VsStateIcon[1];
                        uint[] rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];
                        GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                        // Set the solution's glyph directly in the hierarchy
                        IVsHierarchy solHier = (IVsHierarchy)_sccProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsSolution));
                        solHier.SetProperty(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_StateIconIndex, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
                        // Refresh all the glyphs in the project; the project will call back GetSccGlyph() 
                        // with the files for each node that will need new glyph
                        sccProject2.SccGlyphChanged(0, null, null, null);
                    // It may be easier/faster to simply refresh all the nodes in the project, 
                    // and let the project call back on GetSccGlyph, but just for the sake of the demo, 
                    // let's refresh ourselves only one node at a time
                    IList<string> sccFiles = await GetNodeFiles(sccProject2, vsItemSel.itemid);

                    // We'll use for the node glyph just the Master file's status (ignoring special files of the node)
                    if (sccFiles.Count > 0)
                        string[] rgpszFullPaths = new string[1];
                        rgpszFullPaths[0] = sccFiles[0];
                        VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs = new VsStateIcon[1];
                        uint[] rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];
                        GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                        uint[] rguiAffectedNodes = new uint[1];
                        rguiAffectedNodes[0] = vsItemSel.itemid;
                        sccProject2.SccGlyphChanged(1, rguiAffectedNodes, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
Exemple #16
 public int GetSccGlyphFromStatus(uint dwSccStatus, VsStateIcon[] psiGlyph)
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
Exemple #17
        private void UpdateNode(VSITEMSELECTION vsItemSel)
                var sccProject2 = vsItemSel.pHier as IVsSccProject2;
                var rgpszFullPaths = new string[1];
                vsItemSel.pHier.GetCanonicalName(vsItemSel.itemid, out rgpszFullPaths[0]);
                var rgsiGlyphs = new VsStateIcon[1];
                var rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];

                this.GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                var rguiAffectedNodes = new uint[] { vsItemSel.itemid };
                sccProject2.SccGlyphChanged(1, rguiAffectedNodes, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
            catch (Exception e)
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called by projects to discover the source control glyphs 
        /// to use on files and the files' source control status; this is the only way to get status.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cFiles">The c files.</param>
        /// <param name="rgpszFullPaths">The RGPSZ full paths.</param>
        /// <param name="rgsiGlyphs">The rgsi glyphs.</param>
        /// <param name="rgdwSccStatus">The RGDW SCC status.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int GetSccGlyph(int cFiles, string[] rgpszFullPaths, VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs, uint[] rgdwSccStatus)
            if (rgpszFullPaths == null || rgsiGlyphs == null)
                return VSConstants.E_POINTER; // Documented as impossible

            if (!_active)
                for (int i = 0; i < cFiles; i++)
                    rgsiGlyphs[i] = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_NOSTATEICON;
                    if(rgdwSccStatus != null)
                        rgdwSccStatus[i] = (uint)SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_NOTCONTROLLED;
                return VSConstants.S_OK;

            for (int i = 0; i < cFiles; i++)
                string file = rgpszFullPaths[i];
                if (!IsSafeSccPath(file))
                    rgsiGlyphs[i] = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_BLANK;
                    if (rgdwSccStatus != null)
                        rgdwSccStatus[i] = (uint)SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_NOTCONTROLLED;

                AnkhGlyph glyph = GetPathGlyph(file);

                if (rgsiGlyphs != null)
                    rgsiGlyphs[i] = (VsStateIcon)glyph;

                if (rgdwSccStatus != null)
                    // This will make VS use the right texts on refactor, replace, etc.
                    rgdwSccStatus[i] = GlyphToStatus(glyph);

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called by the source control portion of the environment to inform the project of changes to the source control glyph on various nodes. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="affectedNodes">Count of changed nodes.</param>
        /// <param name="itemidAffectedNodes">An array of VSITEMID identifiers of the changed nodes.</param>
        /// <param name="newGlyphs">An array of VsStateIcon glyphs representing the new state of the corresponding item in rgitemidAffectedNodes.</param>
        /// <param name="newSccStatus">An array of status flags from SccStatus corresponding to rgitemidAffectedNodes. </param>
        /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code. </returns>
        public virtual int SccGlyphChanged(int affectedNodes, uint[] itemidAffectedNodes, VsStateIcon[] newGlyphs, uint[] newSccStatus)
            // if all the paramaters are null adn the count is 0, it means scc wants us to updated everything
            if (affectedNodes == 0 && itemidAffectedNodes == null && newGlyphs == null && newSccStatus == null)
            else if (affectedNodes > 0 && itemidAffectedNodes != null && newGlyphs != null && newSccStatus != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < affectedNodes; i++)
                    HierarchyNode n = this.NodeFromItemId(itemidAffectedNodes[i]);
                    if (n == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.InvalidParameter, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture), "itemidAffectedNodes");

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
 public void GlyphChanged(VsStateIcon icon) {
     int hr;
     _icon = icon;
     if (ErrorHandler.Failed(hr = _project.SccProject.SccGlyphChanged(1, new[] { ItemId }, new[] { icon }, new uint[0]))) {
         TestSccProvider.Fail("Bad HR from SccGlyphChanged: {0}", hr);
 int IVsSccManager2.GetSccGlyphFromStatus(uint dwSccStatus, VsStateIcon[] psiGlyph)
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
        public int GetSccGlyph(int cFiles, string[] rgpszFullPaths, VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs, uint[] rgdwSccStatus)
            if (!_active)
                if (rgdwSccStatus != null)

                return VSConstants.S_OK;

            // TODO: Set the status to something more meaningful
            if (rgdwSccStatus != null)
                rgdwSccStatus[0] = (uint)(_active ? __SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_CONTROLLED : __SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_NOTCONTROLLED);

            var status = _repositoryService.Status.GetStatusOf(rgpszFullPaths[0]);
            var fileStatus = status == null ? FileStatus.NotModified : status.FileStatus;

            // TODO: Handle status combinations properly
            // For now, if a file status is a combination of modified and something else,
            // we treat it as modified
            if ((fileStatus & FileStatus.Modified) != 0)
                fileStatus = FileStatus.Modified;

            switch (fileStatus)
                case FileStatus.Untracked:
                    rgsiGlyphs[0] = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_BLANK;

                case FileStatus.NotModified:
                    rgsiGlyphs[0] = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_CHECKEDIN;

                case FileStatus.Added:
                    rgsiGlyphs[0] = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_EDITABLE;

                case FileStatus.Modified:
                    rgsiGlyphs[0] = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_CHECKEDOUT;

                case FileStatus.Ignored:
                    rgsiGlyphs[0] = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_EXCLUDEDFROMSCC;

                case FileStatus.Removed:
                    rgsiGlyphs[0] = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_ORPHANED;

                case FileStatus.Conflicted:
                    rgsiGlyphs[0] = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_DISABLED;

                    if (rgdwSccStatus != null)
                        rgdwSccStatus[0] = (uint)__SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_NOTCONTROLLED;

                    rgsiGlyphs[0] = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_NOSTATEICON;

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
        public void TestFileStatus()
            SccProviderService target = GetSccProviderServiceInstance;
            solution.SolutionFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
            MockIVsProject project = new MockIVsProject(Path.GetTempFileName());

            VsStateIcon [] rgsiGlyphs = new VsStateIcon[1];
            VsStateIcon [] rgsiGlyphsFromStatus = new VsStateIcon[1];
            uint[] rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];
            int result = 0;
            string strTooltip;

            // Check glyphs and statuses for uncontrolled items
            IList<string> files = new string[] { solution.SolutionFile, project.ProjectFile, project.ProjectItems[0] };
            foreach (string file in files)
                Assert.AreEqual(SourceControlStatus.scsUncontrolled, target.GetFileStatus(file), "Incorrect status returned");

                result = target.GetSccGlyph(1, new string[] { file }, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                Assert.AreEqual<int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
                Assert.AreEqual<VsStateIcon>(VsStateIcon.STATEICON_BLANK, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual<uint>((uint) __SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_NOTCONTROLLED, rgdwSccStatus[0]);

                result = target.GetSccGlyphFromStatus(rgdwSccStatus[0], rgsiGlyphsFromStatus);
                Assert.AreEqual<int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
                Assert.AreEqual<VsStateIcon>(rgsiGlyphs[0], rgsiGlyphsFromStatus[0]);

            // Uncontrolled items should not have tooltips
            target.GetGlyphTipText(project as IVsHierarchy, VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, out strTooltip);
            Assert.IsTrue(strTooltip.Length == 0);

            Hashtable uncontrolled = new Hashtable();
            uncontrolled[project as IVsSccProject2] = true;
            target.AddProjectsToSourceControl(ref uncontrolled, true);

            foreach (string file in files)
                Assert.AreEqual(SourceControlStatus.scsCheckedIn, target.GetFileStatus(file), "Incorrect status returned");

                result = target.GetSccGlyph(1, new string[] { file }, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                Assert.AreEqual<int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
                Assert.AreEqual<VsStateIcon>(VsStateIcon.STATEICON_CHECKEDIN, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual<uint>((uint) __SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_CONTROLLED, rgdwSccStatus[0]);

                result = target.GetSccGlyphFromStatus(rgdwSccStatus[0], rgsiGlyphsFromStatus);
                Assert.AreEqual<int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
                Assert.AreEqual<VsStateIcon>(rgsiGlyphs[0], rgsiGlyphsFromStatus[0]);

            // Checked in items should have tooltips
            target.GetGlyphTipText(project as IVsHierarchy, VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, out strTooltip);
            Assert.IsTrue(strTooltip.Length > 0);

            foreach (string file in files)
                Assert.AreEqual(SourceControlStatus.scsCheckedOut, target.GetFileStatus(file), "Incorrect status returned");

                result = target.GetSccGlyph(1, new string[] { file }, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                Assert.AreEqual<int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
                Assert.AreEqual<VsStateIcon>(VsStateIcon.STATEICON_CHECKEDOUT, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual<uint>((uint) __SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_CHECKEDOUT, rgdwSccStatus[0]);

                result = target.GetSccGlyphFromStatus(rgdwSccStatus[0], rgsiGlyphsFromStatus);
                Assert.AreEqual<int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
                Assert.AreEqual<VsStateIcon>(rgsiGlyphs[0], rgsiGlyphsFromStatus[0]);

            // Checked out items should have tooltips, too
            target.GetGlyphTipText(project as IVsHierarchy, VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, out strTooltip);
            Assert.IsTrue(strTooltip.Length > 0);

            foreach (string file in files)
                Assert.AreEqual(SourceControlStatus.scsCheckedIn, target.GetFileStatus(file), "Incorrect status returned");

                result = target.GetSccGlyph(1, new string[] { file }, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                Assert.AreEqual<int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
                Assert.AreEqual<VsStateIcon>(VsStateIcon.STATEICON_CHECKEDIN, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual<uint>((uint) __SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_CONTROLLED, rgdwSccStatus[0]);

            // Add a new file to the project (don't worry about TPD events for now)
            string pendingAddFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
            Assert.AreEqual(SourceControlStatus.scsUncontrolled, target.GetFileStatus(pendingAddFile), "Incorrect status returned");

            result = target.GetSccGlyph(1, new string[] { pendingAddFile }, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
            Assert.AreEqual<int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
            Assert.AreEqual<VsStateIcon>(VsStateIcon.STATEICON_CHECKEDOUT, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual<uint>((uint) __SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_CHECKEDOUT, rgdwSccStatus[0]);

            // Pending add items should have tooltips, too
            target.GetGlyphTipText(project as IVsHierarchy, 1, out strTooltip);
            Assert.IsTrue(strTooltip.Length > 0);

            // Checkin the pending add file
            Assert.AreEqual(SourceControlStatus.scsCheckedIn, target.GetFileStatus(pendingAddFile), "Incorrect status returned");

            result = target.GetSccGlyph(1, new string[] { pendingAddFile }, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
            Assert.AreEqual<int>(VSConstants.S_OK, result);
            Assert.AreEqual<VsStateIcon>(VsStateIcon.STATEICON_CHECKEDIN, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual<uint>((uint) __SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_CONTROLLED, rgdwSccStatus[0]);
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the glyphs of the specified hierarchy nodes
        /// </summary>
        private void SyncAsyncRefreshNodesGlyphs(object parm)
            RefreshNodesGlyphsArgs parms = parm as RefreshNodesGlyphsArgs;

            if (parms == null)

            IList <VSITEMSELECTION> selectedNodes = parms.selectedNodes;
            IList <string>          files         = parms.files;

            if (SccService.IsSolutionSelected)
                selectedNodes = null;

            if (!P4VsProvider.Instance.IsThereASolution())
            // make sure the context menus update for the new state

            if (selectedNodes == null)
                bool TreatProjectsAsFolders = Preferences.LocalSettings.GetBool("TreatProjectsAsFolders", true);
                if (TreatProjectsAsFolders)
                    string slnPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(P4VsProvider.Instance.GetSolutionFileName());
                    slnPath = string.Format("{0}\\...", slnPath);
                    files   = new List <string>();
                    files = P4VsProvider.Instance.GetSolutionFiles();
                selectedNodes = new List <VSITEMSELECTION>();

                IList <IVsHierarchy> controlledProjects = SccService.GetControlledProjects();
                if (controlledProjects != null)
                    foreach (IVsHierarchy node in controlledProjects)
                        VSITEMSELECTION vsItem;
                        vsItem.itemid = VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT;
                        vsItem.pHier  = node;

            if (SccService.ScmProvider != null)
                if ((files != null) && (files.Count > 0))
                    if (Preferences.LocalSettings.GetBool("LazyLoadStatus", false) == false)
                        SccService.ScmProvider.UpdateFiles(files, true);
                    foreach (string file in files)
                        if ((file.EndsWith("\\...")) || (file.EndsWith("\\*")))
            foreach (VSITEMSELECTION vsItemSel in selectedNodes)
                IVsSccProject2 sccProject2 = vsItemSel.pHier as IVsSccProject2;
                if (vsItemSel.itemid == VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT)
                    string name = "";
                    if (vsItemSel.pHier != null)
                        vsItemSel.pHier.GetCanonicalName(vsItemSel.itemid, out name);
                    if (sccProject2 == null)
                        // Note: The solution's hierarchy does not implement IVsSccProject2, IVsSccProject interfaces
                        // It may be a pain to treat the solution as special case everywhere; a possible workaround is
                        // to implement a solution-wrapper class, that will implement IVsSccProject2, IVsSccProject and
                        // IVsHierarhcy interfaces, and that could be used in provider's code wherever a solution is needed.
                        // This approach could unify the treatment of solution and projects in the provider's code.

                        // Until then, solution is treated as special case
                        string[] rgpszFullPaths = new string[1];
                        rgpszFullPaths[0] = P4VsProvider.Instance.GetSolutionFileName();
                        VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs    = new VsStateIcon[1];
                        uint[]        rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];

                        if (SccService.ScmProvider != null)
                            SccService.ScmProvider.UpdateFileInCache(rgpszFullPaths[0], true);
                        SccService.GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                        // Set the solution's glyph directly in the hierarchy
                        solHier.SetProperty(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_StateIconIndex, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
                        if ((SccService.UiDispatcher != null) &&
                            (SccService.UiDispatcher.Thread.ManagedThreadId != Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId))
                                new SccGlyphChangedDelegate(SccGlyphChanged), sccProject2, 0, null, null, null);
                            sccProject2.SccGlyphChanged(0, null, null, null);
                    // Refresh all the glyphs in the project; the project will call back GetSccGlyphs()
                    // with the files for each node that will need new glyph

                    // It may be easier/faster to simply refresh all the nodes in the project,
                    // and let the project call back on GetSccGlyphs, but just for the sake of the demo,
                    // let's refresh ourselves only one node at a time
                    IList <string> sccFiles = P4VsProvider.Instance.GetNodeFiles(sccProject2, vsItemSel.itemid);

                    //// We'll use for the node glyph just the Master file's status (ignoring special files of the node)
                    if (sccFiles.Count > 0)
                        for (int idx = 0; idx < sccFiles.Count; idx++)
                            string[] rgpszFullPaths = new string[1];
                            rgpszFullPaths[0] = sccFiles[idx];
                            VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs    = new VsStateIcon[1];
                            uint[]        rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];
                            if ((SccService.ScmProvider != null) && (files == null) || (files.Count <= 0))
                                // update if not already updated
                                SccService.ScmProvider.UpdateFileInCache(sccFiles[idx], true);
                            SccService.GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                            uint[] rguiAffectedNodes = new uint[1];
                            if (idx == 0)
                                rguiAffectedNodes[0] = vsItemSel.itemid;
                                if (sccProject2 != null)
                                    // Don't async update the node's glyph if the new status is deleted
                                    // The mode might not exist anymore when the update is actually run
                                    if ((SccService.UiDispatcher != null) &&
                                        (SccService.UiDispatcher.Thread.ManagedThreadId != Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId) &&
                                        ((rgdwSccStatus[0] & (uint)__SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_DELETED) == 0))
                                            new SccGlyphChangedDelegate(SccGlyphChanged), sccProject2,
                                            1, rguiAffectedNodes, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                                        sccProject2.SccGlyphChanged(1, rguiAffectedNodes, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                                uint       itemid;
                                int        fFound;
                                IVsProject pscp = sccProject2 as IVsProject;

                                VSDOCUMENTPRIORITY[] prio = new VSDOCUMENTPRIORITY[1];
                                if (pscp != null && pscp.IsDocumentInProject(sccFiles[idx], out fFound, prio, out itemid) == VSConstants.S_OK && fFound != 0)
                                    rguiAffectedNodes[0] = itemid;
                                    // Don't async update the node's glyph if the new status is deleted
                                    // The mode might not exist anymore when the update is actually run
                                    if ((SccService.UiDispatcher != null) &&
                                        (SccService.UiDispatcher.Thread.ManagedThreadId != Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId) &&
                                        ((rgdwSccStatus[0] & (uint)__SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_DELETED) == 0))
                                            new SccGlyphChangedDelegate(SccGlyphChanged), sccProject2,
                                            1, rguiAffectedNodes, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                                        sccProject2.SccGlyphChanged(1, rguiAffectedNodes, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                        // could not find files based on the nodes selected, so use the list of files passed in
                        SccService.RefreshProjectGlyphs(files, true);
        private void RefreshSourceControlGlyphs(VSITEMSELECTION node)
            var project = node.pHier as IVsSccProject2;
            if (project != null)
                // Refresh all the glyphs in the project; the project will call back GetSccGlyphs()
                // with the files for each node that will need new glyph
                project.SccGlyphChanged(0, null, null, null);
            else if (node.itemid == VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT)
                // Note: The solution's hierarchy does not implement IVsSccProject2, IVsSccProject interfaces
                // It may be a pain to treat the solution as special case everywhere; a possible workaround is
                // to implement a solution-wrapper class, that will implement IVsSccProject2, IVsSccProject and
                // IVsHierarhcy interfaces, and that could be used in provider's code wherever a solution is needed.
                // This approach could unify the treatment of solution and projects in the provider's code.

                // Until then, solution is treated as special case
                var sccService = _serviceProvider.GetService<SourceControlProvider>();

                string directory, fileName, userFile;
                ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(_vsSolution.GetSolutionInfo(out directory, out fileName, out userFile));

                var rgpszFullPaths = new[] {fileName};
                var rgsiGlyphs = new VsStateIcon[1];
                sccService.GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, new uint[1]);

                // Set the solution's glyph directly in the hierarchy
                ((IVsHierarchy)_vsSolution).SetProperty(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_StateIconIndex, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
Exemple #26
 public int SccGlyphChanged(int cAffectedNodes, uint[] rgitemidAffectedNodes, VsStateIcon[] rgsiNewGlyphs, uint[] rgdwNewSccStatus) {
   if (cAffectedNodes == 0 || rgitemidAffectedNodes == null || rgsiNewGlyphs == null || rgdwNewSccStatus == null){
     // This means VS wants us to call StateIconIndex property change listeners for all nodes in the hierarchy.
     this.OnPropertyChanged(this, (int) __VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_StateIconIndex, 0);
     // Walk the project node's descendants depth-first
     HierarchyNode n = this.firstChild;
     for (;;){
       if (n is HierarchyItemNode)
         n.OnPropertyChanged(n, (int) __VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_StateIconIndex, 0);
       if (n.firstChild != null)
         n = n.firstChild;
         for (;;){
           if (n == this)
             goto done;
           if (n.nextSibling != null){
             n = n.nextSibling;
           n = n.parentNode;
     for (int i = 0; i < cAffectedNodes; i++){
       HierarchyNode node = this.NodeFromItemId(rgitemidAffectedNodes[i]);
       node.OnPropertyChanged(node, (int) __VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_StateIconIndex, 0);
   return (int)HResult.S_OK;
        /// <summary>
        /// This function determines which glyph to display, given a combination of status flags.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dwSccStatus">The dw SCC status.</param>
        /// <param name="psiGlyph">The psi glyph.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int GetSccGlyphFromStatus(uint dwSccStatus, VsStateIcon[] psiGlyph)
            // This method is called when some user (e.g. like classview) wants to combine icons
            // (Unfortunately classview uses a hardcoded mapping)
            psiGlyph[0] = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_BLANK;

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
 public int SccGlyphChanged(int cAffectedNodes, uint[] rgitemidAffectedNodes, VsStateIcon[] rgsiNewGlyphs, uint[] rgdwNewSccStatus)
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
Exemple #29
 public int GetSccGlyph(int cFiles, string[] rgpszFullPaths, VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs, uint[] rgdwSccStatus)
     rgsiGlyphs[0] = (VsStateIcon)GetGlyphFromPath(rgpszFullPaths[0]);
     rgdwSccStatus[0] = (uint)SccStatus.SccStatusControlled;
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the glyphs of the specified hierarchy nodes
        /// </summary>
        public void RefreshNodesGlyphs(IList <VSITEMSELECTION> selectedNodes)
            foreach (VSITEMSELECTION vsItemSel in selectedNodes)
                var sccProject2 = vsItemSel.pHier as IVsSccProject2;
                if (vsItemSel.itemid == VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT)
                    if (sccProject2 == null)
                        // Note: The solution's hierarchy does not implement IVsSccProject2, IVsSccProject interfaces
                        // It may be a pain to treat the solution as special case everywhere; a possible workaround is
                        // to implement a solution-wrapper class, that will implement IVsSccProject2, IVsSccProject and
                        // IVsHierarhcy interfaces, and that could be used in provider's code wherever a solution is needed.
                        // This approach could unify the treatment of solution and projects in the provider's code.

                        // Until then, solution is treated as special case
                        var rgpszFullPaths = new string[1];
                        rgpszFullPaths[0] = GetSolutionFileName();
                        var rgsiGlyphs    = new VsStateIcon[1];
                        var rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];
                        _sccService.GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                        // Set the solution's glyph directly in the hierarchy
                        var solHier = (IVsHierarchy)GetService(typeof(SVsSolution));
                        solHier.SetProperty(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_StateIconIndex, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
                        // Refresh all the glyphs in the project; the project will call back GetSccGlyphs()
                        // with the files for each node that will need new glyph
                        sccProject2.SccGlyphChanged(0, null, null, null);
                    // DAB 12/2/11: For some reason the example code commented out below stopped working for subordinate files,
                    //  such as a windows form and its designer file. The form would be affected but not the designer

                    // Refresh all the glyphs in the project; the project will call back GetSccGlyphs()
                    // with the files for each node that will need new glyph
                    sccProject2.SccGlyphChanged(0, null, null, null);

                    // DAB 12/2/11: The original code, from the sample:
                    //// It may be easier/faster to simply refresh all the nodes in the project,
                    //// and let the project call back on GetSccGlyphs, but just for the sake of the demo,
                    //// let's refresh ourselves only one node at a time
                    //IList<string> sccFiles = GetNodeFiles(sccProject2, vsItemSel.itemid);

                    //// We'll use for the node glyph just the Master file's status (ignoring special files of the node)
                    //if (sccFiles.Count > 0)
                    //    var rgpszFullPaths = new string[1];
                    //    rgpszFullPaths[0] = sccFiles[0];
                    //    var rgsiGlyphs = new VsStateIcon[1];
                    //    var rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];
                    //    _sccService.GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                    //    var rguiAffectedNodes = new uint[1];
                    //    rguiAffectedNodes[0] = vsItemSel.itemid;
                    //    sccProject2.SccGlyphChanged(1, rguiAffectedNodes, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
Exemple #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the glyphs of the specified hierarchy nodes
        /// </summary>
        public void RefreshGlyphs(IList<VSITEMSELECTION> selectedNodes)
            foreach (VSITEMSELECTION vsItemSel in selectedNodes)
                var sccProject2 = vsItemSel.pHier as IVsSccProject2;
                if (vsItemSel.itemid == VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT)
                    if (sccProject2 == null)
                        // Note: The solution's hierarchy does not implement IVsSccProject2, IVsSccProject interfaces
                        // It may be a pain to treat the solution as special case everywhere; a possible workaround is
                        // to implement a solution-wrapper class, that will implement IVsSccProject2, IVsSccProject and
                        // IVsHierarhcy interfaces, and that could be used in provider's code wherever a solution is needed.
                        // This approach could unify the treatment of solution and projects in the provider's code.

                        // Until then, solution is treated as special case
                        var rgpszFullPaths = new[] { GetSolutionFileName() };
                        var rgsiGlyphs = new VsStateIcon[1];
                        var rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];
                        this.GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                        // Set the solution's glyph directly in the hierarchy
                        var solHier = (IVsHierarchy)this.Package.GetService<SVsSolution>();
                        solHier.SetProperty(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_StateIconIndex, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
                        // Refresh all the glyphs in the project; the project will call back GetSccGlyphs()
                        // with the files for each node that will need new glyph
                        sccProject2.SccGlyphChanged(0, null, null, null);
                    // It may be easier/faster to simply refresh all the nodes in the project,
                    // and let the project call back on GetSccGlyphs, but just for the sake of the demo,
                    // let's refresh ourselves only one node at a time
                    //IList<string> sccFiles = GetNodeFiles(sccProject2, vsItemSel.itemid);

                    // We'll use for the node glyph just the Master file's status (ignoring special files of the node)
                    //if (sccFiles.Count > 0)
        public async Task QuickRefreshNodesGlyphs(IVsSccProject2 project, List<string> files)
                if (files.Count > 0)
                    string[] rgpszFullPaths = new string[files.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++)
                        rgpszFullPaths[i] = files[i];

                    VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs = new VsStateIcon[files.Count];
                    uint[] rgdwSccStatus = new uint[files.Count];
                    GetSccGlyph(files.Count, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                    uint[] rguiAffectedNodes = new uint[files.Count];

                    //TODO We could/Should cache this mapping !!!! 
                    await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();
                    IList<uint> subnodes = await SolutionExtensions.GetProjectItems((IVsHierarchy)project, VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT);

                    var dict = new Dictionary<string, uint>();
                    var proj = project as IVsProject2;

                    foreach (var id in subnodes)
                        string docname;
                        var res = proj.GetMkDocument(id, out docname);

                        if (res == VSConstants.S_OK && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(docname))
                            dict[docname] = id;

                    for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; ++i)
                        uint id;
                        if (dict.TryGetValue(files[i], out id))
                            rguiAffectedNodes[i] = id;
                    await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();
                    project.SccGlyphChanged(files.Count, rguiAffectedNodes, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();
                IVsActivityLog log = _sccProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsActivityLog)) as IVsActivityLog;
                if (log == null) return;

                int hr = log.LogEntry((UInt32)__ACTIVITYLOG_ENTRYTYPE.ALE_ERROR,
                    "Called for: {0}", this.ToString()));

Exemple #33
        [CLSCompliant(false)] // Implements 2 interfaces
        public int GetSccGlyph(int cFiles, string[] rgpszFullPaths, VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs, uint[] rgdwSccStatus)
                if (rgpszFullPaths == null || rgsiGlyphs == null)
                    return(VSErr.E_POINTER); // Documented as impossible
                if (!IsActive)
                    for (int i = 0; i < cFiles; i++)
                        if (rgsiGlyphs != null)
                            rgsiGlyphs[i] = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_NOSTATEICON;
                        if (rgdwSccStatus != null)
                            rgdwSccStatus[i] = (uint)SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_NOTCONTROLLED;

                for (int i = 0; i < cFiles; i++)
                    string file = rgpszFullPaths[i];
                    if (!IsSafeSccPath(file))
                        rgsiGlyphs[i] = VsStateIcon.STATEICON_BLANK;
                        if (rgdwSccStatus != null)
                            rgdwSccStatus[i] = (uint)SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_NOTCONTROLLED;

                    AnkhGlyph glyph = GetPathGlyph(file);

                    if (rgsiGlyphs != null)
                        VsStateIcon icon = (VsStateIcon)glyph;

                        if (icon == VsStateIcon.STATEICON_BLANK || icon == VsStateIcon.STATEICON_NOSTATEICON)
                            rgsiGlyphs[i] = icon;
                            rgsiGlyphs[i] = (VsStateIcon)((int)icon + _glyphOffset);

                    if (rgdwSccStatus != null)
                        // This will make VS use the right texts on refactor, replace, etc.
                        rgdwSccStatus[i] = GlyphToStatus(glyph);

            catch (Exception e)
        private async Task RefreshSolutionGlyphs()
            await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.RunAsync(VsTaskRunContext.UIThreadBackgroundPriority,
                    async delegate
                    // On caller's thread. Switch to main thread (if we're not already there).
                    await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

                    // Now on UI thread via background priority.
                    await Task.Yield();
                    string[] rgpszFullPaths = new string[1];
                    rgpszFullPaths[0] = await GetSolutionFileName();
                    VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs = new VsStateIcon[1];
                    uint[] rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];
                    GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                    // Set the solution's glyph directly in the hierarchy
                    IVsHierarchy solHier = (IVsHierarchy)_sccProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsSolution));
                    solHier.SetProperty(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_StateIconIndex, rgsiGlyphs[0]);