private byte[] Serialize(VisualObject parameters) { using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { using (var writer = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateTextWriter(stream)) { this.serializer.WriteObject(writer, parameters); writer.Flush(); return(stream.ToArray()); } } }
protected override void OnDataInitialize(VisualObject vObject) { CheckBoxObject checkBoxObject = vObject as CheckBoxObject; if (checkBoxObject != null) { if (this.NormalBackFileData != null && checkBoxObject.NormalBackFileData.GetResourceData().Type != this.NormalBackFileData.Type) { checkBoxObject.NormalBackFileData = null; } } }
protected override void OnDataInitialize(VisualObject vObject) { ImageViewObject imageViewObject = vObject as ImageViewObject; if (imageViewObject != null) { if (this.FileData != null && imageViewObject.FileData.GetResourceData().Type != this.FileData.Type) { imageViewObject.FileData = null; } } }
protected override void OnDataInitialize(VisualObject vObject) { LoadingBarObject loadingBarObject = vObject as LoadingBarObject; if (loadingBarObject != null) { if (this.ImageFileData != null && loadingBarObject.ImageFileData.GetResourceData().Type != this.ImageFileData.Type) { loadingBarObject.ImageFileData = null; } } }
protected override void OnDataInitialize(VisualObject vObject) { TextObject textObject = vObject as TextObject; if (textObject != null) { if ((this.IsCustomSize && this.FontResource != null && textObject.FontResource.GetResourceData().Type == this.FontResource.Type) || !this.IsCustomSize) { textObject.Size = base.Size; } } }
protected override void OnDataInitialize(VisualObject vObject) { GameMapObject gameMapObject = vObject as GameMapObject; if (gameMapObject != null) { if (this.FileData != null && gameMapObject.FileData.GetResourceData().Type != this.FileData.Type) { gameMapObject.FileData = null; } } }
protected override void OnDataInitialize(VisualObject vObject) { TextBMFontObject textBMFontObject = vObject as TextBMFontObject; if (textBMFontObject != null) { if (this.labelBMFontFile_CNB != null && textBMFontObject.LabelBMFontFile_CNB.GetResourceData().Type != this.labelBMFontFile_CNB.Type) { textBMFontObject.LabelBMFontFile_CNB = null; } } }
protected override void OnDataInitialize(VisualObject vObject) { SpriteObject spriteObject = vObject as SpriteObject; if (spriteObject != null) { if (this.FileData != null && spriteObject.FileData.GetResourceData().Type != this.FileData.Type) { spriteObject.FileData = null; } } }
protected override void OnDataInitialize(VisualObject vObject) { TextAtlasObject textAtlasObject = vObject as TextAtlasObject; if (textAtlasObject != null) { if ((this.LabelAtlasFileImage_CNB != null && textAtlasObject.LabelAtlasFileImage_CNB.GetResourceData().Type != this.LabelAtlasFileImage_CNB.Type) || textAtlasObject.LabelAtlasFileImage_CNB.GetResourceData().Type == EnumResourceType.Default) { textAtlasObject.LabelAtlasFileImage_CNB = null; } } }
public Aggregation(VisualObject from, VisualObject to, Canvas canvas) : base(from, to, canvas) { if (To.Object is Interface) { To.Relations.Remove(this); From.Relations.Remove(this); throw new OOPatternsException(this is Composition ? Properties.Resources.compositionException : Properties.Resources.aggregationException); } Name = $"{nameof(Relation)}_{nameof(Aggregation)}_{Id}"; AddVariable(); Draw(); }
public void OnSceneObjectSelected(VisualObject obj) { foreach (VisualObject vo in Host.SceneManager.CurrentScreen.VisualObjects) { vo.IsSelected = false; } if (obj != null) { obj.IsSelected = true; Globals.CurrentSelectedObject = obj; } }
protected override async Task OnActivateAsync() { VisualObject newObject = VisualObject.CreateRandom(this.Id.ToString()); ActorEventSource.Current.ActorMessage(this, "StateCheck {0}", (await this.StateManager.ContainsStateAsync(StatePropertyName)).ToString()); VisualObject result = await this.StateManager.GetOrAddStateAsync <VisualObject>(StatePropertyName, newObject); this.jsonString = result.ToJson(); // ACTOR MOVEMENT REFRESH this.updateTimer = this.RegisterTimer(this.MoveObject, null, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10)); return; }
private void OnObjectUndo(VisualObject sprite) { if (sprite != this) { return; } if (PreviousState.Count > 0) { // Reset the position back Position = PreviousState[PreviousState.Count - 1]; PreviousState.RemoveAt(PreviousState.Count - 1); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> public ViewManipulationAdorner(ViewManipulationManager OwnerManager, VisualObject TargetObject, AdornerLayer TargetLayer) : base(OwnerManager.OwnerView.PresenterControl) { this.IsHitTestVisible = true; this.OwnerManager = OwnerManager; this.ManipulatedObject = TargetObject; this.BaseLayer = TargetLayer; this.Indicators = new VisualCollection(this); this.ExclusivePointingIndicators = new List <Visual>(); this.ContextControl = this.OwnerManager.OwnerView.PresenterControl; }
public static async Task WriteObjectAsync( IStateStore stateStore, VisualObject obj, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { await stateStore.WriteAsync(obj, cancellationToken); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Error in writing the object. {e.ToString()}"); } }
public void AddObject(VisualObject obj) { var frame = pnKeyFrameContainer.Controls[CurrentSelectedFrame] as conKeyFrame; if (frame != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Name)) { obj.Name = obj.GetType().ToString(); } frame.VisualObjects.Add(obj); } }
public void SetKeyFrames <T>(AbsoluteKeyFrameCollection <T> keyFrames) { Curves?.Destroy(); KeyFrames?.Destroy(); if (keyFrames == null) { Curves = null; KeyFrames = null; } else { var t = new TimelineKeyFrames <T> { KeyFrames = keyFrames }; var curves = new CurveVisualObject { Series = new TimelineCurveSeries <T> { KeyFrames = keyFrames }, IsSelectable = false }.Style(new Pen(Brushes.White, 1)); t.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => { if (e.OriginalSource is TimelineKeyFrame <T> tkf) { m_setting = true; var kf = tkf.Selection.IsEmpty ? null : tkf.Focus < 1 ? tkf.KeyFrame : tkf.NextKeyFrame; keyFramesEditor.Type = kf == null ? null : typeof(AbsoluteKeyFrame <T>); keyFramesEditor.Object = kf; m_setting = false; } }; t.Changed += (sender, e) => { plane.RenderdWithoutCache(t); plane.RenderdWithoutCache(curves); UpdateCursorPoint(PropertiesAnimation.GeneralTime); }; plane.Items.Insert(1, curves); plane.Items.Add(t); KeyFrames = t; Curves = curves; } m_keyFrames = keyFrames; UpdateCursorPoint(PropertiesAnimation.GeneralTime); }
/// <summary> /// 使场景变暗 /// </summary> /// <param name="excludeobjs"></param> public void DarkenScene(uint[] excludeobjs, float alpha = 0.7f) { GameObject cameraobj = CameraController.Instance.CurCamera.gameObject; //场景变暗 if (mSceneMask == null) { mSceneMask = cameraobj.AddComponent <SceenMask>(); } mSceneMask.enabled = true; mSceneMask.SetAlpha(alpha); //排除某些物体 SceneObjManager objMng = SceneManager.Instance.GetCurScene().GetSceneObjManager(); mDarkExcludeList.Clear(); foreach (uint instid in excludeobjs) { ObjectBase obj = objMng.FindObject(instid); if (obj == null) { continue; } VisualObject vObj = obj as VisualObject; if (vObj == null) { continue; } if (vObj.OriginalMtl == null) { continue; } DarkTask task = new DarkTask(); task.instID = instid; List <int> q = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < vObj.OriginalInstMtl.Length; ++i) { Material mtl = vObj.OriginalInstMtl[i]; if (mtl == null) { continue; } q.Add(mtl.renderQueue); mtl.renderQueue = 4000 + 1; } task.queue = q.ToArray(); mDarkExcludeList.Add(task); } }
protected override void inputDispatch_BeforeMouseMove(MouseEventArgsExtend args, IEnumerable <VisualObject> selectedParentObject) { base.inputDispatch_BeforeMouseMove(args, selectedParentObject); VisualObject visualObject = (VisualObject)null; if (args != null && args.HitResult != null) { visualObject = args.HitResult.HitVisual; } if (this.bMouseValid) { selectedParentObject.ForEach <VisualObject>((System.Action <VisualObject>)(a => a.MouseMove(args))); } args.Handled = true; }
public void StatboardShouldCopyProperly() { StatboardDefinition chartDefinition = new StatboardDefinition { Name = "Statboard" }; Statboard chart = new Statboard(chartDefinition); VisualObject copy = chart.Copy("Copied Statboard"); copy.Should().BeOfType <Statboard>(); Statboard copiedChart = ( Statboard )copy; copiedChart.ChartDefinition.Should().BeOfType <StatboardDefinition>(); copiedChart.Name.Should().Be("Copied Statboard"); }
public void OnObjectRemoved(VisualObject obj) { CurrentSelectedObject = null; RenderWindow.RemoveVisualObject(obj); if (Globals.Paths.Contains(obj)) { LedgeBuilder b = obj as LedgeBuilder; if (b != null) { Globals.Paths.Remove(b); } } }
public void MultiChartShouldCopyProperly() { MultiChartDefinition chartDefinition = new MultiChartDefinition { Name = "MultiChart" }; MultiChart chart = new MultiChart(chartDefinition); VisualObject copy = chart.Copy("Copied MultiChart"); copy.Should().BeOfType <MultiChart>(); MultiChart copiedChart = ( MultiChart )copy; copiedChart.ChartDefinition.Should().BeOfType <MultiChartDefinition>(); copiedChart.Name.Should().Be("Copied MultiChart"); }
protected override void inputDispatch_BeforeMouseMove(MouseEventArgsExtend args, IEnumerable <VisualObject> selectedParentObject) { base.inputDispatch_BeforeMouseMove(args, selectedParentObject); if (args != null && args.HitResult != null) { VisualObject hitVisual = args.HitResult.HitVisual; } if (this.bMouseValid) { selectedParentObject.ForEach(delegate(VisualObject a) { a.MouseMove(args); }); } args.Handled = true; }
public override bool Parse(Mpeg4Parser parser) { if (!base.Parse(parser)) { return(false); } // in the parse end method the DataBlock property is set to the correct value. // until that time, the DataBlock hold the previous header. VisualObject visualObject = Parent as VisualObject; uint verId = 0; if (visualObject != null) { verId = visualObject.VersionId; } else { if ((parser.ShowBits(19) & 1) == 1) { verId = 0; } } if (verId != 1) { /*bool tilingDisable = */ parser.GetBit(); parser.GetBit(); } /*uint textureObjectId = */ parser.GetBits(16, Attribute.TextureObjectID); if (!parser.GetMarkerBit()) { return(false); } /*bool waveletFilterType = */ parser.GetBit(); /*bool waveletDownload = */ parser.GetBit(); /*byte waveletDecompositionLevels = (byte)*/ parser.GetBits(4); /*bool scanDirection = */ parser.GetBit(); /*bool startCodeEnabled = */ parser.GetBit(); /*byte textureObjectLayerShape = (byte)*/ parser.GetBits(2, Attribute.TextureObjectLayerShape); /*byte quantisationType = (byte)*/ parser.GetBits(2); return(true); }
private void HandlePosition(PointF point) { if (!TimelineActionManager.Instance.OnionSkinEnable || TimelineActionManager.Instance.AutoKey) { VisualObject visualObject = this.selectedParentObjects.FirstOrDefault <VisualObject>(); if (visualObject != null) { PointF pointF = visualObject.TransformToParent(this.lastMousePoint); PointF pointF2 = visualObject.TransformToParent(point); PointF position = this.Position; PointF pointF3 = new PointF(position.X + pointF2.X - pointF.X, position.Y + pointF2.Y - pointF.Y); if (this.isShiftDown) { switch (this.moveDirection) { case MoveDirection.NONE: this.Position = pointF3; break; case MoveDirection.X: this.Position = new PointF(pointF3.X, this.Position.Y); break; case MoveDirection.Y: this.Position = new PointF(this.Position.X, pointF3.Y); break; } if (this.moveDirection == MoveDirection.NONE) { if (pointF2.X - pointF.X != 0f) { this.moveDirection = MoveDirection.X; } else { this.moveDirection = MoveDirection.Y; } } } else { this.Position = pointF3; } } } }
void initialize() { brick = Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/Brick"); cherry = Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/Cherry"); createGrid(); scoreText = score.GetComponent <Text>(); player = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/Player")); playerController = player.GetComponent <PlayerController>(); playerController.setSize(grid.getCellSize()); playerController.setSpawnPoint(grid.spawnPoint, grid.gridPosToRealPos(grid.spawnPoint)); VisualObject playerVS = player.GetComponent <VisualObject>(); grid.add(playerVS, playerController.pos); }
private async Task MoveObject(object obj) { VisualObject visualObject = await this.StateManager.GetStateAsync <VisualObject>(StatePropertyName); //alternate which lines are commented out //then do an upgrade to cause the //visual objects to start rotating visualObject.Move(false); //visualObject.Move(true); await this.StateManager.SetStateAsync <VisualObject>(StatePropertyName, visualObject); this.jsonString = visualObject.ToJson(); return; }
private void rlSceneObjects_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Deselect all scene objects foreach (VisualObject vo in SceneObjects) { vo.IsSelected = false; } // Loop thru and select all the ones we have highlighted in the list box foreach (var i in rlSceneObjects.SelectedItems) { if (i is VisualObject) { VisualObject o = i as VisualObject; o.IsSelected = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns current anchor for the "first" object /// </summary> /// <param name="first">From object</param> /// <param name="second">To object</param> /// <returns></returns> protected AnchorType GetAnchor(VisualObject first, VisualObject second) { if (first.X > second.X + second.Width) { if (first.Y > second.Y + second.Y) { return(AnchorType.Top); } else if (first.Y + first.Height < second.Y) { return(AnchorType.Bottom); } else { return(AnchorType.Left); } } else if (first.X + first.Width < second.X) { if (first.Y > second.Y + second.Y) { return(AnchorType.Top); } else if (first.Y + first.Height < second.Y) { return(AnchorType.Bottom); } else { return(AnchorType.Right); } } else { if (first.Y > second.Y + second.Height) { return(AnchorType.Top); } else { return(AnchorType.Bottom); } } }
private void HandlePosition(PointF point) { if (TimelineActionManager.Instance.OnionSkinEnable && !TimelineActionManager.Instance.AutoKey) { return; } VisualObject visualObject = this.selectedParentObjects.FirstOrDefault <VisualObject>(); if (visualObject == null) { return; } PointF parent1 = visualObject.TransformToParent(this.lastMousePoint); PointF parent2 = visualObject.TransformToParent(point); PointF position = this.Position; PointF pointF = new PointF(position.X + parent2.X - parent1.X, position.Y + parent2.Y - parent1.Y); if (this.isShiftDown) { switch (this.moveDirection) { case MoveDirection.NONE: this.Position = pointF; break; case MoveDirection.X: this.Position = new PointF(pointF.X, this.Position.Y); break; case MoveDirection.Y: this.Position = new PointF(this.Position.X, pointF.Y); break; } if (this.moveDirection != MoveDirection.NONE) { return; } this.moveDirection = (double)parent2.X - (double)parent1.X == 0.0 ? MoveDirection.Y : MoveDirection.X; } else { this.Position = pointF; } }