public static VisioAutomation.Models.Text.Element AddElementEx(this VisioAutomation.Models.Text.Element p, string text,
                                                                       int?font, double?size, int?color,
            var el = p.AddElement(text);

            if (font != null)
                el.CharacterFormatting.Font = font.Value;

            if (size.HasValue)
                el.CharacterFormatting.Size = string.Format("{0}pt", size.Value);

            if (color.HasValue)
                var c = new VisioAutomation.Color.ColorRgb(color.Value);
                el.CharacterFormatting.Color = c.ToFormula();

            if (halign.HasValue)
                el.ParagraphFormatting.HorizontalAlign = (int)halign.Value;

            if (cs.HasValue)
                el.CharacterFormatting.Style = (int)cs;

        public static void GradientTransparencies()
            int num_cols = 1;
            int num_rows = 10;
            var color1   = new VisioAutomation.Color.ColorRgb(0xff000);
            var color2   = new VisioAutomation.Color.ColorRgb(0x000ff);

            var page_size = new VA.Geometry.Size(num_rows / 2.0, num_rows);
            var upperleft = new VA.Geometry.Point(0, page_size.Height);

            var page    = SampleEnvironment.Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.Add();
            var app     = page.Application;
            var docs    = app.Documents;
            var stencil = docs.OpenStencil("basic_U.vss");
            var master  = stencil.Masters["Rectangle"];

            SampleEnvironment.SetPageSize(page, page_size);

            var layout = new GridLayout(num_cols, num_rows, new VA.Geometry.Size(6.0, 1.0), master);

            layout.RowDirection = RowDirection.TopToBottom;
            layout.Origin       = upperleft;
            layout.CellSpacing  = new VA.Geometry.Size(0.1, 0.1);

            double[] trans = EffectsSamples.RangeSteps(0.0, 1.0, num_rows).ToArray();

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var node in layout.Nodes)
                double transparency = trans[i];

                var fmt = new ShapeCells();
                node.Cells = fmt;

                fmt.FillPattern                = 25; // Linear pattern left to right
                fmt.FillForeground             = color1.ToFormula();
                fmt.FillBackground             = color2.ToFormula();
                fmt.FillForegroundTransparency = 0;
                fmt.FillBackgroundTransparency = transparency;
                fmt.LinePattern                = 0;

                node.Text = string.Format("bg trans = {0}%", transparency);


Exemple #3
        public static void TextMarkup11()
            var page = SampleEnvironment.Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.Add();

            // Create the Shapes that will hold the text
            var s1  = page.DrawRectangle(0, 0, 8.5, 11);
            var tnr = page.Document.Fonts["Times New Roman"];

            var e1        = new VisioAutomation.Models.Text.Element();
            var color_red = new VisioAutomation.Color.ColorRgb(0xff0000);

            e1.CharacterFormatting.Color = color_red.ToFormula();
            e1.CharacterFormatting.Font  = tnr.ID;
            e1.CharacterFormatting.Font  = "20pt";
            e1.AddText("Hello World");
        public static void DrawAllGradients()
            var app     = SampleEnvironment.Application;
            var docs    = app.Documents;
            var stencil = docs.OpenStencil("basic_u.vss");
            var master  = stencil.Masters["Rectangle"];
            var page    = SampleEnvironment.Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.Add();

            int num_cols = 7;
            int num_rows = 7;

            var page_size = new VA.Geometry.Size(5, 5);

            SampleEnvironment.SetPageSize(page, page_size);

            var lowerleft        = new VA.Geometry.Point(0, 0);
            var actual_page_size = SampleEnvironment.GetPageSize(page);
            var page_rect        = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(lowerleft, actual_page_size);

            var layout = new GridLayout(num_cols, num_rows, new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 1), master);

            layout.RowDirection = RowDirection.TopToBottom;
            layout.Origin       = page_rect.UpperLeft;
            layout.CellSpacing  = new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 0);

            int max_grad_id = 40;
            int n           = 0;

            foreach (var node in layout.Nodes)
                int grad_id = n % max_grad_id;
                node.Text = grad_id.ToString();


            var color1 = new VA.Color.ColorRgb(0xffdddd);
            var color2 = new VA.Color.ColorRgb(0x00ffff);

            var format = new VA.Shapes.ShapeFormatCells();

            var writer = new SidSrcWriter();

            string color1_formula = color1.ToFormula();
            string color2_formula = color2.ToFormula();

            n = 0;

            foreach (var node in layout.Nodes)
                short shapeid = node.ShapeID;
                int   grad_id = n % max_grad_id;

                format.FillPattern    = grad_id;
                format.FillForeground = color1_formula;
                format.FillBackground = color2_formula;
                format.LinePattern    = 0;
                format.LineWeight     = 0;
                format.SetFormulas(writer, shapeid);



            var bordersize = new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 1);
