Scale() public static méthode

public static Scale ( Vector3D, a, Vector3D, b ) : Vector3D,
a Vector3D,
b Vector3D,
Résultat Vector3D,
        // Add a normal for a polygon.
        // Assumes the points are coplanar.
        // Assumes the points are outwardly oriented.
        public static void AddPolygonNormal(this MeshGeometry3D mesh,
                                            double length, double thickness, params Point3D[] points)
            // Find the "center" point.
            double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;

            foreach (Point3D point in points)
                x += point.X;
                y += point.Y;
                z += point.Z;
            Point3D endpoint1 = new Point3D(
                x / points.Length,
                y / points.Length,
                z / points.Length);

            // Get the polygon's normal.
            Vector3D n = FindTriangleNormal(
                points[0], points[1], points[2]);

            // Set the length.
            n = n.Scale(length);

            // Find the segment's other end point.
            Point3D endpoint2 = endpoint1 + n;

            // Create the segment.
            AddSegment(mesh, endpoint1, endpoint2, thickness);
        public static void AddSegment(this MeshGeometry3D mesh,
                                      Point3D point1, Point3D point2, Vector3D up, double thickness,
                                      bool extend)
            // Get the segment's vector.
            Vector3D v = point2 - point1;

            if (extend)
                // Increase the segment's length on both ends by thickness / 2.
                Vector3D n = v.Scale(thickness / 2.0);
                point1 -= n;
                point2 += n;
                v      += 2 * n;

            // Get the scaled up vector.
            Vector3D n1 = up.Scale(thickness / 2.0);

            // Get another scaled perpendicular vector.
            Vector3D n2 = Vector3D.CrossProduct(v, n1);

            n2 = n2.Scale(thickness / 2.0);

            // Make a skinny box.
            mesh.AddBox(point1 - n1 - n2, v, 2 * n1, 2 * n2);
        static HDCallbackCode GravityWellCallback(IntPtr pUserData)
            const double kStiffness            = 0.175; //(N/mm)
            const double kGravityWellInfluence = 50;    //Box Size:50x50x50(mm)

            Vector3D position      = new Vector3D();
            Vector3D force         = new Vector3D();
            Vector3D positionTwell = new Vector3D();

            uint hHD = HDAPI.hdGetCurrentDevice();

            HDAPI.hdGetDoublev(HDGetParameters.HD_CURRENT_POSITION, ref position);
            //Console.WriteLine("Vector3D:{0}  {1}  {2}", position.X, position.Y, position.Z);

            // positionTwell = wellPos - position
            Vector3D.Subtrace(ref positionTwell, ref wellPos, ref position);

            if (InForce && Vector3D.Magnitude(ref positionTwell) < kGravityWellInfluence)
                // F = k * x
                //k: 井的刚度(N / mm)
                //x: 从设备端点位置到井中心的向量。
                Vector3D.Scale(ref force, ref positionTwell, kStiffness);

            if (!InForce && Vector3D.Magnitude(ref positionTwell) >= kGravityWellInfluence)
                Vector3D.Scale(ref force, ref positionTwell, kStiffness);

            HDAPI.hdSetDoublev(HDSetParameters.HD_CURRENT_FORCE, ref force);
            //End haptics frame.

            //check error
            HDErrorInfo error = HDAPI.hdGetError();

            if (error.CheckedError())
                if (error.IsSchedulerError())

            public void can_get_scaled_vector()
                var actual   = new Vector3D(1, -2, 4);
                var expected = new Vector3D(3, -6, 12);


                Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Exemple #5
        public static void AddSegment(MeshGeometry3D mesh,
                                      Point3D point1, Point3D point2, Vector3D up, double thickness,
                                      bool extend)
            // Get the segment's vector.
            Vector3D v = point2 - point1;

            if (extend)
                // Increase the segment's length on both ends by thickness / 2.
                Vector3D n = v.Scale(thickness / 2.0);
                point1 -= n;
                point2 += n;

            // Get the scaled up vector.
            Vector3D n1 = up.Scale(thickness / 2.0);

            // Get another scaled perpendicular vector.
            Vector3D n2 = Vector3D.CrossProduct(v, n1);

            n2 = n2.Scale(thickness / 2.0);

            // Make a skinny box.
            // p1pm means point1 PLUS n1 MINUS n2.
            Point3D p1pp = point1 + n1 + n2;
            Point3D p1mp = point1 - n1 + n2;
            Point3D p1pm = point1 + n1 - n2;
            Point3D p1mm = point1 - n1 - n2;
            Point3D p2pp = point2 + n1 + n2;
            Point3D p2mp = point2 - n1 + n2;
            Point3D p2pm = point2 + n1 - n2;
            Point3D p2mm = point2 - n1 - n2;

            // Sides.
            AddTriangle(mesh, p1pp, p1mp, p2mp);
            AddTriangle(mesh, p1pp, p2mp, p2pp);

            AddTriangle(mesh, p1pp, p2pp, p2pm);
            AddTriangle(mesh, p1pp, p2pm, p1pm);

            AddTriangle(mesh, p1pm, p2pm, p2mm);
            AddTriangle(mesh, p1pm, p2mm, p1mm);

            AddTriangle(mesh, p1mm, p2mm, p2mp);
            AddTriangle(mesh, p1mm, p2mp, p1mp);

            // Ends.
            AddTriangle(mesh, p1pp, p1pm, p1mm);
            AddTriangle(mesh, p1pp, p1mm, p1mp);

            AddTriangle(mesh, p2pp, p2mp, p2mm);
            AddTriangle(mesh, p2pp, p2mm, p2pm);
Exemple #6
        public void Scale_MultipliedByVector_ExpectCorrectNewPoint()
            var scalars = new Vector3D(2.0d, 3.0d, 4.0d);
            var point   = new Vector3D(-4.0d, 6.0d, 8.0d);

            var newPoint = point.Scale(scalars);

            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3D(-8.0d, 18.0d, 32.0d), newPoint);
        // Add a segment representing the triangle's normal to the normals mesh.
        private static void AddTriangleNormal(MeshGeometry3D mesh,
                                              MeshGeometry3D normals, Point3D point1, Point3D point2, Point3D point3,
                                              double length, double thickness)
            // Get the triangle's normal.
            Vector3D n = FindTriangleNormal(point1, point2, point3);

            // Set the length.
            n = n.Scale(length);

            // Find the center of the triangle.
            Point3D endpoint1 = new Point3D(
                (point1.X + point2.X + point3.X) / 3.0,
                (point1.Y + point2.Y + point3.Y) / 3.0,
                (point1.Z + point2.Z + point3.Z) / 3.0);

            // Find the segment's other end point.
            Point3D endpoint2 = endpoint1 + n;

            // Create the segment.
            AddSegment(normals, endpoint1, endpoint2, thickness);
Exemple #8
        // Move the point to the indicated distance away from the center.
        private static void NormalizePoint(ref Point3D point, Point3D center, double radius)
            Vector3D vector = point - center;

            point = center + vector.Scale(radius);
    public override void Update(float deltaTime, uint tick)
        for (int i = 0; i < _pathToPositionComponentArray.Length; i++)
            //C'mon. If the dude isn't active you shouldn't do a damn thing. Get out of herer
            if (!_entityManager.IsEntityActive(i))

            //Now that we know this is an active Entity, does it even have a path?
            if (_pathToPositionComponentArray[i].IsActive)
                //There's a path. Now, what to do?
                //This function should use the entities move speed to move them along the path.
                //It should move along the path segment by segment.

                //Move the motherf*@!cker

                //Grab a short hand name for this array element, other wise the following code would be waaaaay longer
                PathToPositionComponent ptpc = _pathToPositionComponentArray[i];

                //Get this doods move speed
                float moveSpeed = _combatStatsComponents[i].MovementSpeed;

                //Grab ye olde vector from this entity to the target position
                Vector3D moveDeltaVector = ptpc.Path[ptpc.CurrentPathSegmentIndex] - _positionComponentArray[i].Position;

                //Normalize the vector, then scale it according to the move speed

                //This is cool. This normalized vector is our direction, so just go ahead and record that
                _positionComponentArray[i].Direction = moveDeltaVector;

                moveDeltaVector.Scale(moveSpeed * deltaTime);

                //Now add the delta vector to our position

                _logger.Log(string.Format("Entity {0} moved to {1}, {2}, {3}", i, _positionComponentArray[i].Position.X, _positionComponentArray[i].Position.Y, _positionComponentArray[i].Position.Z));

                //We should check to see if we're at the end point of a path segment OR we've moved beyond our target point

                //First, get the distance
                float dist = _positionComponentArray[i].Position.DistanceTo(ptpc.Path[ptpc.CurrentPathSegmentIndex]);

                //Now get the dot product to know if we're beyond our target point
                Vector3D postMoveVector = ptpc.Path[ptpc.CurrentPathSegmentIndex] - _positionComponentArray[i].Position;

                float dotProd = Vector3D.DotProduct(postMoveVector, _positionComponentArray[i].Direction);

                //Now, we can compare this squared distance to our squared epsilon. This saves us from having to perform a square root calculation
                if (dist <= _combatStatsComponents[i].AttackRange || dotProd <= 0.0f)
                    //We can now consider ourselves "arrived" at this point
                    //Set the current position to this point, and then up the current path index. We also need to check to see if this was the last path segment
                    //and if so, consider our travel along this path as complete.


                    if (ptpc.CurrentPathSegmentIndex == ptpc.Path.Length - 1)
                        //Oh boy, we're at the end. What a treat.
                        //Lets remove the path component, because that's within our power
                        _pathToPositionComponentArray[i].Path     = null;
                        _pathToPositionComponentArray[i].IsActive = false;

                        _logger.Log(string.Format("Entity {0} arrived at end of path!", i));
                        //Not the end mf. Press on.
                        //Update our index to the next segment... and that's cool.
        // Draw a branch in the indicated direction.
        private void DrawBranch(MeshGeometry3D mesh,
                                int depth, double length, double radius, double angle,
                                double lengthFactor, double radiusFactor, int numBranches,
                                Point3D startPoint, Vector3D axis, int numSides)
            // Set the branch's length.
            axis = axis.Scale(length);

            // Get two vectors perpendicular to the axis.
            Vector3D v1;

            if (Vector3D.AngleBetween(axis, D3.ZVector()) > 0.1)
                v1 = Vector3D.CrossProduct(axis, D3.ZVector());
                v1 = Vector3D.CrossProduct(axis, D3.XVector());
            Vector3D v2 = Vector3D.CrossProduct(axis, v1);

            v1 = v1.Scale(radius);
            v2 = v2.Scale(radius);

            // Make the cone's base.
            Point3D[] pgon = G3.MakePolygonPoints(numSides, startPoint, v1, v2);

            // Make the branch.
            mesh.AddCylinder(pgon, axis, true);

            // Draw child branches.
            if (depth <= 0)

            // Move to the end of this segment.
            startPoint += axis;
            length     *= lengthFactor;
            if (length < 0.01)
                length = 0.01;
            radius *= radiusFactor;
            if (radius < 0.001)
                radius = 0.001;

            // Find child vectors.
            List <Vector3D> children = axis.MakeFlowerVectors(
                D3.YVector(), D3.ZVector(), angle, numBranches);

            // Draw the child branches.
            foreach (Vector3D child in children)
                DrawBranch(mesh, depth, length,
                           radius, angle, lengthFactor, radiusFactor, numBranches,
                           startPoint, child, numSides);