Exemple #1
        public void Vector2f_InvertY_Converts()
            var input    = new Vector2f(1, 2);
            var expected = new Vector2f(1, -2);

            var result = input.InvertY();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates and returns a track piece shape.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position"></param>
 /// <param name="rotation"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static RectangleShape CreateShape(Vector2f position, float rotation)
     return(new RectangleShape
         FillColor = FillColor,
         OutlineColor = OutlineColor,
         OutlineThickness = OutlineSize,
         Size = PieceSize,
         // invert the position and rotation for SFML
         Position = position.InvertY(),
         Rotation = rotation * -1f
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the graphics and physics objects for the body of the car.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateBody()
            m_bodyShape = new ConvexShape((uint)Definition.NumBodyPoints)
                OutlineColor     = OutlineColor,
                OutlineThickness = OutlineThickness,
                Position         = Car.StartPosition.ToVector2f().InvertY()

            // build the vertex list for the polygon
            var vertices  = new Vertices(Definition.NumBodyPoints);
            var angleStep = 360f / Definition.NumBodyPoints;
            var angle     = 0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < Definition.NumBodyPoints; i++)
                // the distance this point is from the center
                var distance = m_definition.CalcBodyPoint(i);
                // turn the distance into a point centered around (0,0)
                var point = new Vector2f
                    X = distance * (float)Math.Cos(MathExtensions.DegToRad(angle)),
                    Y = distance * (float)Math.Sin(MathExtensions.DegToRad(angle))
                m_bodyShape.SetPoint((uint)i, point.InvertY());

                angle += angleStep;

            // build the physics shape
            m_bodyBody = BodyFactory.CreatePolygon(
                m_physicsManager.World, vertices, m_definition.CalcBodyDensity(),
            m_bodyBody.BodyType            = BodyType.Dynamic;
            m_bodyBody.Friction            = 1;
            m_bodyBody.CollidesWith        = ~CollisionCategory;
            m_bodyBody.CollisionCategories = CollisionCategory;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Randomly generates a new track, replacing an existing track.
        /// </summary>
        public void Generate()
            Debug.Assert(Random != null);

            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            float maxX = 0;
            float minX = 0;
            float maxY = 0;
            float minY = 0;

            // first an invisible physics piece to block cars from running off the
            // track to the left
            var start = new Vector2f(-10, 0);

            minX = start.X;
            var body = BodyFactory.CreateEdge(
                m_world, start.ToVector2(), start.ToVector2() + new Vector2(0, 10));

            body.CollidesWith        = Category.All;
            body.CollisionCategories = CollisionCategory;

            // the first visible piece is the starting pad and is positioned so that
            // the random track starts at (0,0)
            var rot   = 0f;
            var shape = new RectangleShape
                FillColor        = FillColor,
                OutlineColor     = OutlineColor,
                OutlineThickness = OutlineSize,
                Position         = start.InvertY(),
                Size             = new Vector2f(10, PieceSize.Y),
                Rotation         = rot
            var end = CalcEndPoint(start, shape.Size, rot);

            body = CreateBody(start, end);
            m_startingLine = (start / 2f).X;
            m_trackOutline.Append(new Vertex(start.InvertY(), FillColor));
            m_trackOutline.Append(new Vertex(end.InvertY(), FillColor));

            // place the rest of the pieces
            for (int i = 0; i < NumPieces; i++)
                start = end;
                // the angle of the piece is randomized
                var maxAngle = CalcMaxAngle(i);
                var minAngle = CalcMinAngle(i);
                var rotSign  = rot < 0 ? -1f : 1f;
                rot = (float)Random.NextDouble() * (maxAngle - minAngle) + minAngle;
                // with a 40% chance to flip the sign from the last piece
                if (Random.NextDouble() < 0.4)
                    rot *= -rotSign;
                    rot *= rotSign;

                shape = CreateShape(start, rot);
                end   = CalcEndPoint(start, shape.Size, rot);
                body  = CreateBody(start, end);
                m_trackOutline.Append(new Vertex(end.InvertY(), FillColor));


                maxY = Math.Max(maxY, end.Y);
                minY = Math.Min(minY, end.Y);

            // the finish line sensor is halfway down the finish line piece
            var sensor = BodyFactory.CreateEdge(m_world,
                                                (end + new Vector2f(5, 0)).ToVector2(),
                                                (end + new Vector2f(5, 10)).ToVector2()

            sensor.IsSensor            = true;
            sensor.CollisionCategories = FinishLineCategory;
            sensor.CollidesWith        = Car.Entity.CollisionCategory;
            sensor.OnCollision        += FinishLineOnCollision;

            // create a landing pad at the end of the track
            start = end;
            shape = new RectangleShape
                FillColor        = FillColor,
                OutlineColor     = OutlineColor,
                OutlineThickness = OutlineSize,
                Position         = start.InvertY(),
                Size             = new Vector2f(10, PieceSize.Y),
                Rotation         = 0f
            end  = start + new Vector2f(shape.Size.X, 0);
            body = CreateBody(start, end);
            m_trackOutline.Append(new Vertex(end.InvertY(), FillColor));
            maxX = end.X;

            // create a holder so cars don't go off the end of the track
            start = end;
            end   = start + new Vector2f(0, 10);
            body  = CreateBody(start, end);

            Dimensions = new Vector2(maxX - minX, maxY - minY + 10);
            Center     = new Vector2(
                minX + (Dimensions.X / 2f), minY + (Dimensions.Y / 2f));

            m_generated = true;
//       Log.DebugFormat("Generated {0} track pieces in {1} ms",
//         m_trackShapes.Count, stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);