private void JSONView_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string heartBeatURI = uri; string json = UtilitiesJSON.BuildJSON().ToString(); string jsonFormatted = JValue.Parse(json).ToString(Formatting.Indented); //textBox1.Text = jsonFormatted; txtJSON.Text = jsonFormatted; }
private void processRouteFile() { string msg = ""; string RouteLine = ""; //string heartBeatURI = txtHeartbeatURI.Text; //string heartBeatURI = cmbHeartbeatURL.Text; int counter = 0; try { var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(RouteFile)); //"Lat,Lon,Avionics Bat,Alt(ASL),Alt(AGL),RSSI,Speed,Bearing,Yaw,Pitch,Roll,Servo,Status"; while (!reader.EndOfStream && TCPThread) { //sleepTime = (int)numSleepTime.Value; sleepTime = GetValue(); if (chkPause.Checked != true) { //reader.ReadLine(); string line = reader.ReadLine(); var values = line.Split(','); //array to hold values from each line in the file Heartbeat.Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(values[0]); Heartbeat.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(values[1]); Heartbeat.Bat1 = Convert.ToDouble(values[2]); Heartbeat.Alt_ASL = Convert.ToDouble(values[3]); Heartbeat.Alt_AGL = Convert.ToDouble(values[4]); Heartbeat.RSSI = Convert.ToInt16(values[5]); Heartbeat.Speed = Convert.ToDouble(values[6]); Heartbeat.Bearing = Convert.ToDouble(values[7]); Heartbeat.Yaw = Convert.ToDouble(values[8]); Heartbeat.Pitch = Convert.ToDouble(values[9]); Heartbeat.Roll = Convert.ToDouble(values[10]); Heartbeat.Bat2 = Convert.ToDouble(values[11]); //Heartbeat.Status = Convert.ToByte(values[12], 16); Heartbeat.Status = Convert.ToInt16(values[12]); Heartbeat.UAVSerial = txtUAV_SN.Text; Heartbeat.SecretKey = txtSecretKey.Text; Heartbeat.Count = counter; Heartbeat.Sensor1 = 21.4; Heartbeat.Sensor2 = -19.2; Heartbeat.Sensor3 = 6.2; Heartbeat.Sensor4 = 12.3; Heartbeat.Sensor5 = 48.2; JObject JSONPostData = UtilitiesJSON.BuildJSON(); if (radTCP.Checked) { SetResponseText(UtilitiesJSON.JSONPost(JSONPostData, false, heartbeatURL, null)); } else { ////// Test UDP code using zLib /////////// byte[] bIV = Utilities.generateInitVector(); //generate a random initialization vector string JSONString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(JSONPostData); byte[] bJSON = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(JSONString); byte[] zLibEncoded = Utilities.Zip(JSONString); byte[] encrypted = Utilities.Encrypt(zLibEncoded, bEncryptionKey, bIV); //prefix the encrypted code with the IV byte[] encWithIV = AppendTwoByteArrays(bIV, encrypted); //prefix encWithIV code with the session ID byte[] encWithIVandSessionID = AppendTwoByteArrays(bSessionID, encWithIV); Utilities.SendUDPData(encWithIVandSessionID, heartbeatURL, 11000); //byte[] decrypted = Utilities.Decrypt(encrypted, bEncryptionKey, bInitVector); //string JSON = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(decrypted); //SetResponseText(JSON); ///////////////// ////// Test UDP code using GZip /////////// //byte[] bIV = Utilities.generateInitVector(); //generate a random initialization vector //string JSONString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(JSONPostData); //byte[] bJSON = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(JSONString); //byte[] gzipEncoded = Utilities.Zip(JSONString); //byte[] encrypted = Utilities.Encrypt(gzipEncoded, bEncryptionKey, bIV); ////prefix the encrypted code with the IV //byte[] encWithIV = AppendTwoByteArrays(bIV, encrypted); ////prefix encWithIV code with the session ID //byte[] encWithIVandSessionID = AppendTwoByteArrays(bSessionID, encWithIV); //Utilities.SendUDPData(encWithIVandSessionID, heartbeatURL, 11000); //byte[] decrypted = Utilities.Decrypt(encrypted, bEncryptionKey, bInitVector); //string JSON = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(decrypted); //SetResponseText(JSON); ///////////////// } RouteLine = values[0] + ", " + values[1] + ", " + values[2] + ", " + values[3] + ", " + values[4] + ", " + values[4] + ", " + values[5] + ", " + values[6] + ", " + values[7] + ", " + values[8] + ", " + values[9]; if (txtMsgText.Text.Length < 1) { SetMsgText(RouteLine); } else { SetMsgText(txtMsgText.Text + Environment.NewLine + RouteLine); } //MessageBox.Show(values[0] + "," + values[1] + "," + values[2] + "," + values[3]); counter++; } Thread.Sleep(sleepTime); } SetButtonText("Start"); SetGrpBoxState(true); } catch (Exception ex) { SetMsgText(ex.Message); } }