public void AddError(GameObject errorObject) { AppError appError = null; AppError appNewError = GetNewAppError(errorObject); int position = FindPositionOfGameObjectError(errorObject); if (position == -1) { appError = appNewError; errors.Add(appError); if (errors.Count == 1) { if (OnErrorChanged != null) { OnErrorChanged.Invoke(appError.errorName); } } } else { appError = errors[position]; bool updated = UpdateError(appError, appNewError); if (updated && position == 0) { if (OnErrorChanged != null) { OnErrorChanged.Invoke(appError.errorName); } } } Error = true; }
public void CallEvents() { switch (m_type.ToLower()) { case "int": case "integer": m_intEvent.Invoke(GetIntValue()); break; case "float": case "real": m_floatEvent.Invoke(GetFloatValue()); break; case "string": case "text": m_stringEvent.Invoke(GetStringValue()); break; case "bool": case "boolean": m_boolEvent.Invoke(GetBoolValue()); break; default: break; } m_optionEvent.Invoke(this); }
private void DeeplinkOnReceived(string deeplink) { Debug.Log("Received Deeplink: " + deeplink); var unEscapedDeeplink = WWW.UnEscapeURL(deeplink); deepLinkReceived.Invoke(unEscapedDeeplink); }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { if (collision.gameObject.tag == Constants.TagPlayer) { OnPlayerEnter.Invoke(TextToDisplay); } }
void EndMovement() { Debug.Log("End Movement"); isMoving = false; //Create the gesture from the position list Point[] pointArray = new Point[positionsList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < positionsList.Count; i++) { Vector2 screenPoint = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(positionsList[i]); pointArray[i] = new Point(screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y, 0); } Gesture newGesture = new Gesture(pointArray); if (creationMode) { newGesture.Name = newGestureName; traningSet.Add(newGesture); string fileName = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + newGestureName + ".xml"; GestureIO.WriteGesture(pointArray, newGestureName, fileName); } else { Result result = PointCloudRecognizer.Classify(newGesture, traningSet.ToArray()); Debug.Log(result.GestureClass + result.Score); if (result.Score > recognitionThreshold) { OnRecognized.Invoke(result.GestureClass); } } }
private void Update() { if (_inputField.isFocused && Input.GetKeyDown("return")) { _onSubmit.Invoke(_inputField.text); } }
//fonction qui termine le mouvement et essaie de reconnaître ou créer le glyphe donné par le joueur void endMove() { //on termine le mouvement inMotion = false; //creer un tableau qui a la grandeur du tableau de points créé en start+update Point[] pointsArray = new Point[positionList.Count]; //pour chaque point de la liste de positions for (int i = 0; i < positionList.Count; i++) { //le point dans l'ecran devient la position en i traduite du monde vers l'ecran Vector2 screenPoint = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(positionList[i]); //on ne veut garder que le x et y de ce point pour la reconnaissance pointsArray[i] = new Point(screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y, 0); } //le mouvement donné = aux points décrits dans la boucle ci-haut Gesture newGesture = new Gesture(pointsArray); //si on est en mode de creation de glyphe if (creationMode) { //le nom du glyph devient celui choisi dans la console newGesture.Name = newGestureName; //rajouter ce glyph à la liste de glyphes connus trainingSet.Add(newGesture); //créer un fichier xml qui aura le nom indiqué et qui contiendra la liste de points string fileName = Application.dataPath + "/gestures/" + newGestureName + ".xml"; GestureIO.WriteGesture(pointsArray, newGestureName, fileName); } //si on n'est pas en mode creatif else { //besoin de >1 pour faire le calcul, sinon crash (on peut pas calculer le chemin entre 2 points s'il n'y a pas 2 points!) if (pointsArray.Length > 1) { //Provient du code PDollar //fonction Classify de PointCloudRecognizer -> retourne la class du glyphe qui match le plus entre la gesture du joueur et celles dans la liste //transferer la liste en array avec toArray() Result result = PointCloudRecognizer.Classify(newGesture, trainingSet.ToArray()); //si le score de notre resultat est acceptable if (result.Score > recognitionThreshold) { //invoquer la fonction implémentée dans l'inspecteur de Unity OnRecognized.Invoke(result.GestureClass); } } } //detruit le tracé apres 3s Destroy(trailClone, 3f); //enlève le parent du tracé trailClone.transform.parent = null; }
private void OnLanguageChanged(int langId) { string locText = localizedText.GetLocalizedText((SystemLanguage)langId); if (label != null) { label.text = locText; } onLocalizedText.Invoke(locText); }
public void SetCount(int value) { _init = true; if (value != _count) { _count = value; if (_count > maxValue) { _count = minValue; } if (_count < minValue) { _count = maxValue; } onCounterStringChanged.Invoke(_count.ToString()); onCountChanged.Invoke(_count); } }
public void UpdateTextAndSize() { var rgbColour = new Color(KWData.colorR, KWData.colorG, KWData.colorB); var hexColour = ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(rgbColour); // Add the Sprite to the display if the index is higher than 0 textfield.text = KWData.spriteIndex > 0 ? "<color=#" + hexColour + ">" + "<sprite name=\"Custom_" + KWData.spriteIndex + "\" tint></color>" : ""; textfield.text += (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(KWData.label)) ? "custom" : KWData.label; // Update keyword format full text textUpdate.Invoke(textfield.text); }
protected string ExecuteCommandInternal(string commandString) { // notify any listeners that a command was entered OnCommandEntered.Invoke(commandString); // add the new command to the history and ensure the length remains below the maximum CommandHistory.Add(commandString); while (CommandHistory.Count > MaxHistory) { CommandHistory.RemoveAt(0); } // update the history index HistoryIndex = CommandHistory.Count - 1; // tokenise the command string List <string> tokens = TokeniseString(commandString); // early out if there was no data if (tokens.Count == 0) { return("[Error] Tried to execute a blank command."); } // extract the command string commandId = tokens[0].ToLower(); tokens.RemoveAt(0); // does the command exist? if (AlternateCommandNames.ContainsKey(commandId)) { CommandInterface command = Commands[AlternateCommandNames[commandId]]; if (command.IsAvailable) { return(command.Execute(tokens)); } } return("[Error] The command \'" + commandId + "\' could not be found."); }
public void SendContent() { switch (contentType) { case ParseTarget.Int: IntEvent.Invoke(int.Parse(buttonText.text)); break; case ParseTarget.Float: FloatEvent.Invoke(float.Parse(buttonText.text)); break; case ParseTarget.String: StringEvent.Invoke(buttonText.text); break; default: break; } }
private void OnLoginFailure(PlayFabError error) { isLoggedIn = false; error.GenerateErrorReport(); string errorMessage = string.Empty; switch (error.Error) { // Recognize and handle the error case PlayFabErrorCode.InvalidTitleId: // Handle invalid title id error errorMessage = "User already logged in"; break; case PlayFabErrorCode.AccountNotFound: // Handle account not found error errorMessage = "Email address not found, Do you need to register for an account?"; break; case PlayFabErrorCode.InvalidEmailOrPassword: // Handle invalid email or password error errorMessage = "Email address or Password is incorrect"; break; case PlayFabErrorCode.RequestViewConstraintParamsNotAllowed: // Handle not allowed view params error errorMessage = "Invalid login parameters"; break; default: // Handle unexpected error break; } // Show error message onLoginFail.Invoke(errorMessage); if (onSOLoginFail != null) { onSOLoginFail.Raise(errorMessage); } }
public void Dispatch(string stringValue) { m_stringEvent.Invoke(stringValue); }
public void OnEventRaised(string message) { response.Invoke(message); }
private void DeeplinkOnReceived(string arg0) { Debug.Log("Received Deeplink: " + arg0); deepLinkReceived.Invoke(arg0); }
protected override void Callback(string value) { _response.Invoke(value); }
public virtual void OnEventRaised(string s1) { Response.Invoke(s1); }
public void OnEventRaised(string payload) { response.Invoke(payload); }
private void SceneLoaderScriptableOnLoadPercentage(float obj) { OnPercentage.Invoke(obj * multiplier); OnPercentageFormat.Invoke(string.Format(percentageFormat, obj * multiplier)); }
void UpdateTick(TrackedDevicePose_t[] devicePoses) { //If this is the first measurement, find and initialize the controller references if (CurMeasurementCount == 0) { // Get Controller ids for left/right hand var leftId = OpenVR.System.GetTrackedDeviceIndexForControllerRole(ETrackedControllerRole.LeftHand); if (leftId == OpenVR.k_unTrackedDeviceIndexInvalid) { FloorFixStatus.Invoke("No left controller found."); FloorFixEnded.Invoke(); CurState = State.Inactive; return; } var rightId = OpenVR.System.GetTrackedDeviceIndexForControllerRole(ETrackedControllerRole.RightHand); if (rightId == OpenVR.k_unTrackedDeviceIndexInvalid) { FloorFixStatus.Invoke("No right controller found."); FloorFixEnded.Invoke(); CurState = State.Inactive; return; } // Get poses TrackedDevicePose_t leftPose = devicePoses[leftId]; TrackedDevicePose_t rightPose = devicePoses[rightId]; if (!leftPose.bPoseIsValid || !leftPose.bDeviceIsConnected || leftPose.eTrackingResult != ETrackingResult.Running_OK) { FloorFixStatus.Invoke("Left controller tracking problems."); FloorFixEnded.Invoke(); CurState = State.Inactive; return; } else if (!rightPose.bPoseIsValid || !rightPose.bDeviceIsConnected || rightPose.eTrackingResult != ETrackingResult.Running_OK) { FloorFixStatus.Invoke("Right controller tracking problems."); FloorFixEnded.Invoke(); CurState = State.Inactive; return; } else { // The controller with the lowest y-pos is the floor fix reference if (leftPose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking.m7 < rightPose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking.m7) { ReferenceController = leftId; } else { ReferenceController = rightId; } var m = devicePoses[ReferenceController].mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking; TempOffsetY = (double)m.m7; TempRoll = Math.Atan2(m.m4, m.m5); //Causes if to go to else statement on the next run CurMeasurementCount = 1; } } else //Not the first measurement. Start Calculating the offset { CurMeasurementCount++; var m = devicePoses[ReferenceController].mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking; double rollDiff = Math.Atan2(m.m4, m.m5) - TempRoll; if (rollDiff > Math.PI) { rollDiff -= 2.0 * Math.PI; } else if (rollDiff < -Math.PI) { rollDiff += 2.0 * Math.PI; } TempRoll += rollDiff / (double)CurMeasurementCount; if (TempRoll > Math.PI) { TempRoll -= 2.0 * Math.PI; } else if (TempRoll < -Math.PI) { TempRoll += 2.0 * Math.PI; } if (CurMeasurementCount >= 25) { float FloorOffset; //The Calculated Floor Offset if (Math.Abs(TempRoll) <= Math.PI / 2) { FloorOffset = (float)(TempOffsetY - ControllerUpOffsetCorrection); } else { FloorOffset = (float)(TempOffsetY - ControllerDownOffsetCorrection); } AddOffsetToCenter(FloorOffset); FloorFixStatus.Invoke("Fixed Floor: " + FloorOffset); FloorFixEnded.Invoke(); CurState = State.Inactive; } } }
public void RaiseDragonSelectedEvent() { DragonSelectedEvent.Invoke(; }
public void Instruct(string instruction) { instructionListeners.Invoke(instruction); }
public void OnEventRaised(string value) { StringResponce.Invoke(value); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { InputHelpers.IsPressed(InputDevices.GetDeviceAtXRNode(inputSource), button, out bool isPressed, inputThreshold); //Start Movement if (!isMoving && isPressed) { StartMovement(); } //End Movement else if (isMoving && !isPressed) { EndMovement(); } //Update Movement else if (isMoving && isPressed) { UpdateMovement(); } void StartMovement() { isMoving = true; positionList.Clear(); var position = movementSource.position; positionList.Add(position); if (debugCubePrefab) { Destroy(Instantiate(debugCubePrefab, position, Quaternion.identity), 2); } } void EndMovement() { isMoving = false; //Create the gesture from the pos list Point[] pointArray = new Point[positionList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < positionList.Count; i++) { Vector2 screenPoint = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(positionList[i]); pointArray[i] = new Point(screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y, 0); } Gesture newGesture = new Gesture(pointArray); if (creationMode) { newGesture.Name = newGestureName; trainingSet.Add(newGesture); string fileName = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + newGestureName + ".xml"; GestureIO.WriteGesture(pointArray, newGestureName, fileName); } else { Result result = PointCloudRecognizer.Classify(newGesture, trainingSet.ToArray()); Debug.Log(result.GestureClass + ": " + result.Score); if (result.Score > recognitionThreshold) { onRecognize?.Invoke(result.GestureClass); } } } void UpdateMovement() { Vector3 lastPosition = positionList[positionList.Count - 1]; if (Vector3.Distance(movementSource.position, lastPosition) > newPositionThresholdDistance) { positionList.Add(movementSource.position); if (debugCubePrefab) { Destroy(Instantiate(debugCubePrefab, movementSource.position, Quaternion.identity), 2); } } } }