Exemple #1
        public static async Task <object> WriteVar(int node, KeyValuePair <string, object>[] ValuesToSet)
                WriteValue[] valuesToWrite = new WriteValue[ValuesToSet.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < ValuesToSet.Length; i++)
                    valuesToWrite[i] = new WriteValue
                        // you can parse the nodeId from a string.
                        NodeId = NodeId.Parse("ns=" + node.ToString() + ";s=" + ValuesToSet[i].Key),
                        // variable class nodes have a Value attribute.
                        AttributeId = AttributeIds.Value,
                        Value       = new DataValue(ValuesToSet[i].Value)

                var writeRequest = new WriteRequest
                    NodesToWrite = valuesToWrite
                // send the ReadRequest to the server.
                var writeResult = await channel.WriteAsync(writeRequest);

            catch (Exception ex)
                //await channel.AbortAsync();
Exemple #2
        public async Task DatapoolReadOpcWriteAsync(OpcDatapoolModel dataModel, UaTcpSessionChannel channel)
            // Read the Thermo tag value and write to the OPC Server
            DataValue value;

            switch (dataModel.TagInfo.Type)
            case Thermo.Datapool.Datapool.dpTypes.FLOAT:
                value = new DataValue(new Variant(dataModel.TagInfo.AsDouble), sourceTimestamp: DateTime.Now, serverTimestamp: DateTime.Now);

            case Thermo.Datapool.Datapool.dpTypes.INT:
                value = new DataValue(new Variant(dataModel.TagInfo.AsInt), sourceTimestamp: DateTime.Now);

            case Thermo.Datapool.Datapool.dpTypes.STRING:
                value = new DataValue(new Variant(dataModel.TagInfo.AsString), sourceTimestamp: DateTime.Now);

            case Thermo.Datapool.Datapool.dpTypes.BOOL:
                value = new DataValue(new Variant(dataModel.TagInfo.AsBoolean), sourceTimestamp: DateTime.Now);

                throw new InvalidCastException($"Cannot write {dataModel.TagInfo.Type} data type to OPC.");
            var writeRequest = new WriteRequest {
                NodesToWrite = new WriteValue[] { new WriteValue {
                                                      NodeId = dataModel.NodeId, Value = value, AttributeId = AttributeIds.Value
                                                  } }
            var response = await channel.WriteAsync(writeRequest);
Exemple #3
        public async Task StructureTest()
            var channel = new UaTcpSessionChannel(
                new AnonymousIdentity(),
                loggerFactory: loggerFactory);

            await channel.OpenAsync();

            var readRequest = new ReadRequest
                NodesToRead = new[]
                    new ReadValueId {
                        AttributeId = AttributeIds.Value, NodeId = NodeId.Parse("ns=2;s=Demo.Static.Arrays.Structure")

            var readResponse = await channel.ReadAsync(readRequest);

            foreach (var result in readResponse.Results)

            // reading this node returns an array of ExtensionObjects
            var obj = readResponse.Results[0].Value;

            // create new DataValue for writing.  Most servers reject writing values with timestamps.
            var newValue = new DataValue(obj);

            var writeRequest = new WriteRequest
                NodesToWrite = new[]
                    new WriteValue {
                        AttributeId = AttributeIds.Value, NodeId = NodeId.Parse("ns=2;s=Demo.Static.Arrays.Structure"), Value = newValue
            var writeResponse = await channel.WriteAsync(writeRequest);

            foreach (var result in writeResponse.Results)

            logger.LogInformation($"Closing session '{channel.SessionId}'.");
            await channel.CloseAsync();
Exemple #4
        public async Task WriteBool(string name, bool value)
            var writeRequest = new Workstation.ServiceModel.Ua.WriteRequest
                NodesToWrite = new[]
                    new Workstation.ServiceModel.Ua.WriteValue
                        NodeId      = Workstation.ServiceModel.Ua.NodeId.Parse("ns=4;s=|var|" + serverName + "." + name),
                        AttributeId = AttributeIds.Value,
                        Value       = new Workstation.ServiceModel.Ua.DataValue(value)

                var writeResult = await channel.WriteAsync(writeRequest);
            catch (Exception ex)
            { }
Exemple #5
        private static async Task Write(List <NodeId> nodesIds, DataValue dataval)
            // setup logger
            var loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory();


            // Describe this app.
            var appDescription = new ApplicationDescription()
                ApplicationName = "DataLoggingConsole",
                ApplicationUri  = $"urn:{System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()}:DataLoggingConsole",
                ApplicationType = ApplicationType.Client,

            // Create a certificate store on disk.

            // Create array of NodeIds to log.
            var nodeIds = nodesIds.ToArray();

                // Discover endpoints.
                var getEndpointsRequest = new GetEndpointsRequest
                    EndpointUrl = discoveryUrl,
                    ProfileUris = new[] { TransportProfileUris.UaTcpTransport }
                var getEndpointsResponse = await UaTcpDiscoveryService.GetEndpointsAsync(getEndpointsRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (getEndpointsResponse.Endpoints == null || getEndpointsResponse.Endpoints.Length == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"'{discoveryUrl}' returned no endpoints.");

                // Choose the endpoint with highest security level.
                var remoteEndpoint = getEndpointsResponse.Endpoints.OrderBy(e => e.SecurityLevel).Last();
                // Create a session with the server.
                var session = new UaTcpSessionChannel(appDescription, certificateStore, async e => GetIUserIdentity(remoteEndpoint).GetAwaiter().GetResult(), remoteEndpoint, loggerFactory);
                    await session.OpenAsync();

                    RegisterNodesResponse registerNodesResponse = null;

                    if (true)     // True registers the nodeIds to improve performance of the server.
                        // Register array of nodes to read.
                        var registerNodesRequest = new RegisterNodesRequest
                            NodesToRegister = nodeIds
                        registerNodesResponse = await session.RegisterNodesAsync(registerNodesRequest);

                    WriteRequest writeRequest = new WriteRequest();
                    writeRequest.NodesToWrite = new WriteValue[1]
                        new WriteValue()
                            NodeId      = nodeIds[0],
                            AttributeId = AttributeIds.Value,
                            Value       = dataval
                    WriteRequest request = writeRequest;
                    StatusCode   statusCode;
                    // write the nodes.
                    statusCode = (await session.WriteAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false)).Results[0];;
                    await session.AbortAsync();

                await session.AbortAsync();

            catch (Exception e)
                // ignored
Exemple #6
        public async Task CreateEventSubscription()
            // describe this client application.
            var clientDescription = new ApplicationDescription
                ApplicationName = "Workstation.UaClient.FeatureTests",
                ApplicationUri  = $"urn:{System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()}:Workstation.UaClient.FeatureTests",
                ApplicationType = ApplicationType.Client

            // place to store certificates
            var certificateStore = new DirectoryStore("./pki");

            // create a 'UaTcpSessionChannel', a client-side channel that opens a 'session' with the server.
            var channel = new UaTcpSessionChannel(
                new AnonymousIdentity(),      // the anonymous identity
                "opc.tcp://localhost:48010"); // the endpoint of Unified Automation's UaCPPServer.

                // try opening a session and reading a few nodes.
                await channel.OpenAsync();

                Console.WriteLine($"Opened session with endpoint '{channel.RemoteEndpoint.EndpointUrl}'.");
                Console.WriteLine($"SecurityPolicy: '{channel.RemoteEndpoint.SecurityPolicyUri}'.");
                Console.WriteLine($"SecurityMode: '{channel.RemoteEndpoint.SecurityMode}'.");
                Console.WriteLine($"UserIdentityToken: '{channel.UserIdentity}'.");

                // build a CreateSubscriptionRequest. See 'OPC UA Spec Part 4' paragraph 5.13.2
                var req = new CreateSubscriptionRequest
                    RequestedPublishingInterval = 500.0, // intervals are in milliseconds
                    RequestedMaxKeepAliveCount  = 30,
                    RequestedLifetimeCount      = 30 * 3,
                    PublishingEnabled           = true,
                var res = await channel.CreateSubscriptionAsync(req);

                // the result will return the server's subscription id. You will needs this to
                // add monitored items.
                var id = res.SubscriptionId;
                Console.WriteLine($"Created subscription '{id}'.");

                // build a CreateMonitoredItemsRequest. See 'OPC UA Spec Part 4' paragraph 5.12.2
                var req2 = new CreateMonitoredItemsRequest
                    SubscriptionId     = id,
                    TimestampsToReturn = TimestampsToReturn.Both,
                    ItemsToCreate      = new MonitoredItemCreateRequest[]
                        new MonitoredItemCreateRequest
                            ItemToMonitor = new ReadValueId {
                                AttributeId = AttributeIds.EventNotifier, NodeId = NodeId.Parse(ObjectIds.Server)
                            MonitoringMode = MonitoringMode.Reporting,
                            // specify a unique ClientHandle. The ClientHandle is returned in the PublishResponse
                            RequestedParameters = new MonitoringParameters {
                                ClientHandle = 42, SamplingInterval = -1.0, QueueSize = 1000, DiscardOldest = true,
                                // events require an EventFilter with a SelectClause (a list of fields to receive)
                                Filter = new EventFilter {
                                    SelectClauses = EventHelper.GetSelectClauses <BaseEvent>()
                var res2 = await channel.CreateMonitoredItemsAsync(req2);

                Console.WriteLine("\nSubscribe to PublishResponse stream.");

                // when the session is open, the client sends a stream of PublishRequests to the server.
                // You can subscribe to all the PublishResponses -or- subscribe to the responses from
                // a single subscription.
                var token = channel
                            // receive responses for the subscription we just created
                            .Where(pr => pr.SubscriptionId == id)
                            // subscribe with an 'OnNext' function, and an 'OnError' function
                    pr =>
                    // loop thru all the event notifications and write them out.
                    var enls = pr.NotificationMessage.NotificationData.OfType <EventNotificationList>();
                    foreach (var enl in enls)
                        foreach (var efl in enl.Events)
                            var ev = EventHelper.Deserialize <BaseEvent>(efl.EventFields);
                            Console.WriteLine($"time: {ev.Time}, src: {ev.SourceName}, msg: {ev.Message}, sev: {ev.Severity}");
                    ex => Console.WriteLine("Exception in publish response handler: {0}", ex.GetBaseException().Message)

                // publish for 5 seconds and then close.
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    // trigger an event on the Unified Automation server.
                    var writeResult = await channel.WriteAsync(
                        new WriteRequest
                        // Write true, false, true, false, ...
                        NodesToWrite = new[] {
                            new WriteValue {
                                NodeId      = NodeId.Parse("ns=2;s=Demo.Events.Trigger_BaseEvent"),
                                AttributeId = AttributeIds.Value,
                                Value       = new DataValue(i % 2 == 0)

                    await Task.Delay(500);

                Console.WriteLine($"\nClosing session '{channel.SessionId}'.");
                await channel.CloseAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                await channel.AbortAsync();

Exemple #7
        public override async Task <WriteDataItemsResult> WriteDataItems(string group, IList <DataItemValue> values, Duration?timeout)
            int N = values.Count;

            bool connected = await TryConnect();

            if (!connected)
                var failed = new FailedDataItemWrite[N];
                for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
                    DataItemValue request = values[i];
                    failed[i] = new FailedDataItemWrite(request.ID, "No connection to OPC UA server");

            List <FailedDataItemWrite> listFailed = null;

            var dataItemsToWrite = new List <WriteValue>(N);

            for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
                DataItemValue request = values[i];
                string        id      = request.ID;
                if (mapId2Info.ContainsKey(id))
                    ItemInfo info = mapId2Info[request.ID];
                    NodeId   di   = info.Node ?? NodeId.Null;
                    try {
                        //if (!di.IsWriteable) throw new Exception($"OPC item '{di.Name}' is not writeable");
                        dataItemsToWrite.Add(MakeWriteValue(di, request.Value.V, info.Type, info.Dimension));
                    catch (Exception exp) {
                        if (listFailed == null)
                            listFailed = new List <FailedDataItemWrite>();
                        listFailed.Add(new FailedDataItemWrite(id, exp.Message));
                    if (listFailed == null)
                        listFailed = new List <FailedDataItemWrite>();
                    listFailed.Add(new FailedDataItemWrite(id, $"No data item with id '{id}' found."));

            if (dataItemsToWrite.Count > 0)
                WriteRequest req = new WriteRequest()
                    NodesToWrite = dataItemsToWrite.ToArray()
                WriteResponse resp = await connection.WriteAsync(req);

                // TODO: Check result?

            if (listFailed == null)
        public async Task WriteIndexRange()
            // describe this client application.
            var clientDescription = new ApplicationDescription
                ApplicationName = "Workstation.UaClient.FeatureTests",
                ApplicationUri  = $"urn:{System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()}:Workstation.UaClient.FeatureTests",
                ApplicationType = ApplicationType.Client

            // place to store certificates
            var certificateStore = new DirectoryStore("./pki");

            // create a 'UaTcpSessionChannel', a client-side channel that opens a 'session' with the server.
            var channel = new UaTcpSessionChannel(
                new AnonymousIdentity(),      // the anonymous identity
                "opc.tcp://localhost:48010"); // the endpoint of Unified Automation's UaCPPServer.

                // try opening a session and reading a few nodes.
                await channel.OpenAsync();

                Console.WriteLine($"Opened session with endpoint '{channel.RemoteEndpoint.EndpointUrl}'.");
                Console.WriteLine($"SecurityPolicy: '{channel.RemoteEndpoint.SecurityPolicyUri}'.");
                Console.WriteLine($"SecurityMode: '{channel.RemoteEndpoint.SecurityMode}'.");
                Console.WriteLine($"UserIdentityToken: '{channel.UserIdentity}'.");

                // build a WriteRequest. See 'OPC UA Spec Part 4' paragraph 5.10.4
                var writeRequest = new WriteRequest
                    // set the NodesToWrite to an array of WriteValues.
                    NodesToWrite = new[] {
                        // construct a WriteValue from a NodeId, AttributeId and DataValue.
                        new WriteValue {
                            // use a saved NodeId or Parse the nodeId from a string.
                            // e.g. "ns=2;s=Demo.Static.Scalar.Double"
                            NodeId = NodeId.Parse("ns=2;s=Demo.CTT.AllProfiles.Arrays.Double"),
                            // variable class nodes have a Value attribute.
                            AttributeId = AttributeIds.Value,
                            // ask to write an slice of the underlying array
                            IndexRange = "1:2",
                            // the DataValue type has to match the underlying array type exactly.
                            Value = new DataValue(new double[] { 41.0, 42.0 }),
                // send the WriteRequest to the server.
                var writeResult = await channel.WriteAsync(writeRequest);

                // 'Results' will be a array of status codes, one for every WriteValue.
                var result = writeResult.Results[0];

                Console.WriteLine($"Write result: {result}");

                Console.WriteLine($"Closing session '{channel.SessionId}'.");
                await channel.CloseAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                await channel.AbortAsync();
