Exemple #1
        // on start create ui
        protected override void Start()
            // set cursor stylesheet

            // create ui root
            _uiroot = UI.CreateRoot();

            // create button and list window
            var buttonAndListWindow = UI.CreateWindow("ui/window.ini", _uiroot, "Button, DropDown & List");

            buttonAndListWindow.AutoArrangeChildren = true;
            buttonAndListWindow.Offset = new PointI(40, 30);
            buttonAndListWindow.Grow(0, 50);

            // add into text and button
            UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", buttonAndListWindow, "This demo shows UI elements. \nFor example, here's a button:");
            var button      = UI.CreateButton("ui/button.ini", buttonAndListWindow, "Click Me!");
            int clickCounts = 1;

            button.OnMouseReleased((UIElement elem) =>
                button.Caption.Text = "Thanks! Clicks: " + clickCounts++;

            // add a dropdown
            var dropdownTitle = UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", buttonAndListWindow, "Here's a DropDown:");
            var dropdown      = UI.CreateDropDown("ui/dropdown.ini", buttonAndListWindow);

            dropdown.PlaceholderText = "Click to show options.";
            for (var i = 1; i <= 15; ++i)
                dropdown.AddItem("Item #" + i);

            // add a list
            var listTitle = UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", buttonAndListWindow, "And here's a List:");
            var list      = UI.CreateList("ui/list.ini", buttonAndListWindow);

            for (var i = 1; i <= 15; ++i)
                list.AddItem("Item #" + i);

            // add text to show selected
            var listSelected = UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", buttonAndListWindow, "Selected: ");

            list.OnValueChange((UIElement element) =>
                listSelected.Text = "Selected: " + list.SelectedItem;

            // create another window for checkboxes and slider
            var checkboxSliderWindow = UI.CreateWindow("ui/window.ini", _uiroot, "Checkbox, Radio & Slider");

            checkboxSliderWindow.Offset = new PointI(140, 60);
            checkboxSliderWindow.AutoArrangeChildren = true;

            // some checkboxes
            UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", checkboxSliderWindow, "Checkboxes: ");
            var checkbox1 = UI.CreateCheckBox("ui/checkbox.ini", checkboxSliderWindow, "This is a checkbox");

            _debugDrawCheckbox = UI.CreateCheckBox("ui/checkbox.ini", checkboxSliderWindow, "Debug draw UI");

            // some radio buttons
            var radioIntro = UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", checkboxSliderWindow, "Radio buttons: ");

            for (var i = 1; i <= 3; ++i)
                var radio = UI.CreateRadioButton("ui/radiobutton.ini", checkboxSliderWindow, "Radio Button #" + i);

            // add slider
            var sliderText = UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", checkboxSliderWindow, "Slider Input [value=0]:");
            var slider     = UI.CreateSlider("ui/slider.ini", checkboxSliderWindow);

            slider.OnValueChange((UIElement element) =>
                sliderText.Text = "Slider Input [value=" + slider.Value + "]:";

            // create another window for text inputs
            var textInputsWindow = UI.CreateWindow("ui/window.ini", _uiroot, "Text Inputs");

            textInputsWindow.Offset = new PointI(240, 90);
            textInputsWindow.AutoArrangeChildren = true;

            // add text input
            UITextInput textInput = UI.CreateTextInput("ui/textinput.ini", textInputsWindow, "", "Free text input..");

            textInput.MaxLength = 16;

            // add numbers input
            UITextInput numbersInput = UI.CreateTextInput("ui/textinput.ini", textInputsWindow, "", "Numbers input..");

            numbersInput.InputMode = UITextInputMode.NumbersOnly;
            numbersInput.MaxLength = 16;

            // add characters input
            UITextInput alphaInput = UI.CreateTextInput("ui/textinput.ini", textInputsWindow, "", "Alpha input..");

            alphaInput.InputMode = UITextInputMode.AlphaOnly;
            alphaInput.MaxLength = 16;

            // add numbers and alpha input
            UITextInput numbersAlphaInput = UI.CreateTextInput("ui/textinput.ini", textInputsWindow, "", "Numbers & alpha input..");

            numbersAlphaInput.InputMode = UITextInputMode.NumbersOnly | UITextInputMode.AlphaOnly;
            numbersAlphaInput.MaxLength = 16;

            // add upper input
            UITextInput upperInput = UI.CreateTextInput("ui/textinput.ini", textInputsWindow, "", "UPPERCASE INPUT..");

            upperInput.InputMode = UITextInputMode.Uppercase;
            upperInput.MaxLength = 16;

            // add lower input
            UITextInput lowerInput = UI.CreateTextInput("ui/textinput.ini", textInputsWindow, "", "lowercase input..");

            lowerInput.InputMode = UITextInputMode.Lowercase;
            lowerInput.MaxLength = 16;

            // add upper alpha input
            UITextInput upperAlphaInput = UI.CreateTextInput("ui/textinput.ini", textInputsWindow, "", "UPPERCASE ALPHA INPUT..");

            upperAlphaInput.InputMode = UITextInputMode.Uppercase | UITextInputMode.AlphaOnly;
            upperAlphaInput.MaxLength = 16;

            // create additional window for columns
            UIWindow columnsWindow = UI.CreateWindow("ui/window.ini", _uiroot, "Columns");

            columnsWindow.AutoArrangeChildren = true;
            columnsWindow.SizePixels          = new PointI(400, 450);
            columnsWindow.Offset = new PointI(340, 120);

            // create some test columns
                UIElement   column = columnsWindow.CreateColumn(null, 80);
                UIRectangle rect   = UI.CreateRectangle(null, column);
                rect.Color  = Color.Red;
                rect.Filled = false;
                UIElement   column = columnsWindow.CreateColumn(null, 70);
                UIRectangle rect   = UI.CreateRectangle(null, column);
                rect.Color  = Color.Orange;
                rect.Filled = false;
                UIElement   column = columnsWindow.CreateColumn(null, 80, alignment: UIAlignment.Right);
                UIRectangle rect   = UI.CreateRectangle(null, column);
                rect.Color  = Color.Blue;
                rect.Filled = false;
                UIElement   column = columnsWindow.CreateColumn(null, 70, alignment: UIAlignment.Right);
                UIRectangle rect   = UI.CreateRectangle(null, column);
                rect.Color  = Color.Teal;
                rect.Filled = false;
                UIElement   column = columnsWindow.CreateColumn(null, 50, alignment: UIAlignment.Center);
                UIRectangle rect   = UI.CreateRectangle(null, column);
                rect.Color  = Color.Black;
                rect.Filled = false;
            UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", columnsWindow,
                          "Columns allow you to divide containers into sections. Its useful when you need to place elements side by side.");

            // order windows