public virtual void SetOriginAndSize(Point origin, Size size) { text = new UIText( Caption, Parent.ItemTextCentered ? new Point(origin.X + size.Width / 2 + Parent.TextOffset.X, origin.Y + Parent.TextOffset.Y) : new Point(origin.X + Parent.TextOffset.X, origin.Y + Parent.TextOffset.Y), Parent.ItemTextScale, Parent.UnselectedTextColor, Parent.ItemFont, Parent.ItemTextCentered); button = new UIRectangle( origin, size, Parent.UnselectedItemColor); if (UnderlinedAbove) { underlineAbove = new UIRectangle( new Point(origin.X, origin.Y), new Size(size.Width, UnderlineHeight), UnderlineColor); } if (UnderlinedBelow) { underlineBelow = new UIRectangle( new Point(origin.X, origin.Y + size.Height - UnderlineHeight), new Size(size.Width, 2), UnderlineColor); } }
private void CreateUiContainer() { _uiContainer = new UIContainer(new Point(0, 0), new Size(40, 40), Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0)); var color = Color.FromArgb(220, 255, 50, 50); var crosshair1 = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(5, 2), color); _uiContainer.Items.Add(crosshair1); var crosshair2 = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 38), new Size(5, 2), color); _uiContainer.Items.Add(crosshair2); var crosshair3 = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 2), new Size(2, 3), color); _uiContainer.Items.Add(crosshair3); var crosshair4 = new UIRectangle(new Point(38, 2), new Size(2, 3), color); _uiContainer.Items.Add(crosshair4); var crosshair5 = new UIRectangle(new Point(35, 0), new Size(5, 2), color); _uiContainer.Items.Add(crosshair5); var crosshair6 = new UIRectangle(new Point(35, 38), new Size(5, 2), color); _uiContainer.Items.Add(crosshair6); var crosshair7 = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 35), new Size(2, 3), color); _uiContainer.Items.Add(crosshair7); var crosshair8 = new UIRectangle(new Point(38, 35), new Size(2, 3), color); _uiContainer.Items.Add(crosshair8); }
/// <summary> /// Draws the complete information of a ped. That includes name and health. /// </summary> /// <param name="Character">The ped to get the information.</param> /// <param name="Position">The position on the screen.</param> /// <param name="TotalSize">The full size of the information field.</param> public static void PedInfo(Configuration Config, Ped Character, Point Position) { // First, draw the black background UIRectangle Background = new UIRectangle(Position, Config.SquadInfoSize, CBackground); Background.Draw(); // Then, calculate the health bar: (Percentage / 100) * DefaultWidth float Width = (Character.HealthPercentage() / 100) * Config.SquadHealthSize.Width; // Create a Size with the required size Size NewHealthSize = new Size(Convert.ToInt32(Width), Config.SquadHealthSize.Height); // For the dividers, get the distance between each one of them int HealthSep = Config.SquadHealthSize.Width / 4; // Prior to drawing the health bar we need the separators for (int Count = 0; Count < 5; Count++) { // Calculate the position of the separator Point Pos = (Position + Config.SquadHealthPos) + new Size(HealthSep * Count, 0) + Config.DividerPosition; // And draw it on screen UIRectangle Divider = new UIRectangle(Pos, Config.DividerSize, CDivider); Divider.Draw(); } // After the separators are there, draw the health bar on the top UIRectangle HealthBar = new UIRectangle(Position + Config.SquadHealthPos, NewHealthSize, Character.HealthColor()); HealthBar.Draw(); // And finally, draw the ped name UIText Name = new UIText(Character.Name(Config), Position + Config.NamePosition, 0.3f); Name.Draw(); }
/// <summary> /// Draw entity heads up display. /// </summary> /// <param name="location"></param> /// <param name="color"></param> /// <param name="subText"></param> /// <param name="sizeMultiplier"></param> /// <param name="withText"></param> /// <param name="drawRect"></param> private static void DrawSquare(Point location, Color color, string subText, float sizeMultiplier, bool withText, bool drawRect = true) { if (drawRect) { UIRectangle rect; rect = new UIRectangle(new Point((int)((location.X - 25) * sizeMultiplier), (int)(location.Y * sizeMultiplier)), new Size((int)(4 * sizeMultiplier), (int)(54 * sizeMultiplier))); rect.Color = color; rect.Draw(); rect = new UIRectangle(new Point((int)((location.X + 25) * sizeMultiplier), (int)(location.Y * sizeMultiplier)), new Size((int)(4 * sizeMultiplier), (int)(54 * sizeMultiplier))); rect.Color = color; rect.Draw(); rect = new UIRectangle(new Point((int)((location.X - 25) * sizeMultiplier), (int)((location.Y + 54) * sizeMultiplier)), new Size((int)(52 * sizeMultiplier), (int)(4 * sizeMultiplier))); rect.Color = color; rect.Draw(); rect = new UIRectangle(new Point((int)((location.X - 25) * sizeMultiplier), (int)(location.Y * sizeMultiplier)), new Size((int)(52 * sizeMultiplier), (int)(4 * sizeMultiplier))); rect.Color = color; rect.Draw(); } if (withText) { var text = new UIText(subText, new Point((int)((location.X - 5) * sizeMultiplier), (int)((location.Y + 60) * sizeMultiplier)), 0.3f, Color.White, GTA.Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, false); text.Draw(); } }
private void SetupScoreboard(int numSlots) { if (numSlots > numAvailableSlots) { infoContainer = new UIContainer(new Point((int)0.00115f * Game.ScreenResolution.Width + 960, UI.HEIGHT / 6 - 20), new Size(180, numSlots * 31), Color.FromArgb(180, Color.Black)); UIRectangle[] containerItems = new UIRectangle[numSlots << 1]; for (int i = 0; i < numSlots; i++) { var color = (TeamColor)i; containerItems[i] = new UIRectangle(new Point(), new Size(0, 11), Color.FromArgb(180, Color.Orange)); containerItems[i + numSlots] = new UIRectangle(new Point(22, (30 * i) + 12), new Size(21, 13), Color.FromArgb(180, color.ToSystemColor())); } infoContainer.Items.AddRange(containerItems); Array.Resize(ref entries, numSlots); numAvailableSlots = numSlots; } }
private void Update() { UIRect = new UIRectangle(drawButton.Position, drawButton.Texture.width * drawButton.Scale, drawButton.Texture.height * drawButton.Scale); if (!UsingButtons) return; Check_Touch_Position_Within_ButtonRect(); }
/// <summary> /// Create the border around the console /// </summary> /// <param name="position"></param> /// <param name="size"></param> /// <param name="color"></param> /// <param name="width"></param> private void CreateFrame(Point position, Size size, Color color, int width) { color = Color.FromArgb(color.A + 80, color.R + 80, color.G + 80, color.B + 80); edges[0] = new UIRectangle(position, new Size(size.Width, width), color); edges[1] = new UIRectangle(position, new Size(width, size.Height), color); edges[2] = new UIRectangle(new Point(position.X + size.Width - width, position.Y), new Size(width, size.Height), color); edges[3] = new UIRectangle(new Point(position.X, position.Y + size.Height - width), new Size(size.Width, width), color); }
public GazeVisualization() { _uiContainerGaze = new UIContainer(new Point(0, 0), new Size(4, 4), Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0)); var crosshair1 = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(4, 4), Color.FromArgb(220, 255, 0, 0)); _uiContainerGaze.Items.Add(crosshair1); var crosshair2 = new UIRectangle(new Point(1, 1), new Size(2, 2), Color.FromArgb(220, 0, 255, 255)); _uiContainerGaze.Items.Add(crosshair2); }
private void CreateUiContainer(Color outerColor, Color innerColor) { _uiContainer = new UIContainer(new Point(0, 0), new Size(4, 4), Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0)); var crosshair1 = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(4, 4), outerColor); _uiContainer.Items.Add(crosshair1); var crosshair2 = new UIRectangle(new Point(1, 1), new Size(2, 2), innerColor); _uiContainer.Items.Add(crosshair2); }
private void CreateCrosshair() { _uiContainerCrosshair = new UIContainer(new Point(0, 0), new Size(4, 4), Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0)); var crosshair1 = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(4, 4), Color.FromArgb(220, 0, 0, 0)); _uiContainerCrosshair.Items.Add(crosshair1); var crosshair2 = new UIRectangle(new Point(1, 1), new Size(2, 2), Color.FromArgb(220, 255, 255, 255)); _uiContainerCrosshair.Items.Add(crosshair2); }
private void DrawChildren(TreeMapNode r, Transform parent, Vector2 anchorMin, Vector2 anchorMax, int level) { UIRectangle rc = parent.GetComponent <UIRectangle>(); Vector2 newAnchorMin = anchorMin; Vector2 newAnchorMax = anchorMax; if (Invert) { // Invert the anchors newAnchorMin = new Vector2(anchorMin.x, 1 - anchorMax.y); newAnchorMax = new Vector2(anchorMax.x, 1 - anchorMin.y); } PickableRect rect = new PickableRect() { rect = new CustomRect { anchorMin = newAnchorMin, anchorMax = newAnchorMax }, color = controller.LookUp(r.Data.ColorByWeight), rowID = r.Data.rowID }; parent.GetComponent <TreeMapCellSelectionHandler>().Rects.Add(rect); rc.AddCellToDraw(rect); cellRects.Add(r.Data.rowID, new RectWithParentTransform() { rect = rect.rect, parent = parent as RectTransform }); if (RejectNode(parent, anchorMin, anchorMax)) { SkippedDraw.Add(r.ID); ++Rejected; } else { ++Drawn; } }
/// <summary> /// Draws an icon with it's respective background. /// </summary> public static void Icon(Configuration Config, string ImageFile, Point Position) { // Draw the rectangle on the background UIRectangle Rect = new UIRectangle(Position, Config.IconBackgroundSize, CBackground); Rect.Draw(); // Calculate the position of the image Point ImagePos = Position + Config.IconPosition; // And finally, add the image on top UI.DrawTexture(ImageFile, 0, 0, 200, ImagePos, Config.IconImageSize); }
public virtual void SetOriginAndSize(Point origin, Size size) { text = new UIText( Caption, Parent.ItemTextCentered ? new Point(origin.X + size.Width / 2 + Parent.TextOffset.X, origin.Y + Parent.TextOffset.Y) : new Point(origin.X + Parent.TextOffset.X, origin.Y + Parent.TextOffset.Y), Parent.ItemTextScale, Parent.UnselectedTextColor, Parent.ItemFont, Parent.ItemTextCentered); button = new UIRectangle( origin, size, Parent.UnselectedItemColor); }
/* * private void LogToFile(string text) * { * using (StreamWriter w = File.AppendText("log.txt")) * { * w.Write(text + "\n"); * } * }*/ private void StartAmbulanceMissions() { Ped player = Game.Player.Character; _onAmbulanceMission = true; _missionState = 1; _critical = false; _cprAppliedThisMission = false; _cprBeingApplied = false; _reanimationFailed = false; _headsup = new UIText("Level: ~b~" + _level, new Point(2, 320), 0.7f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.HouseScript, false); _headsupRectangle = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 320), new Size(215, 65), Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0)); /*Function.Call(Hash._0xB87A37EEB7FAA67D, "STRING"); * Function.Call(Hash._ADD_TEXT_COMPONENT_STRING, "Pick up the ~g~patient~w~."); * Function.Call(Hash._0x9D77056A530643F6, 0.5f, 1);*/ UI.ShowSubtitle("Pick up the ~g~patient~w~.", 9999999); Vector3 pedSpawnPoint = GetRandomVictim(); _victimPed = Function.Call <Ped>(Hash.CREATE_RANDOM_PED, pedSpawnPoint.X, pedSpawnPoint.Y, pedSpawnPoint.Z); _victimPed.IsPersistent = true; _victimPed.AlwaysDiesOnLowHealth = false; //this.victimPed.IsPersistent = true; //this.victimPed.AlwaysDiesOnLowHealth = false; _victimPed.Health = _level >= 14 ? 30 : _difficultyScale[_level - 1]; player.IsEnemy = false; _victimPed.IsEnemy = false; Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_MOVEMENT_CLIPSET, _victimPed.Handle, _victimPed.Gender == Gender.Male ? "move_m@injured" : "move_f@injured"); if (_blip != null) { if (_blip.Exists()) { _blip.Remove(); } } _blip = _victimPed.AddBlip(); Function.Call(Hash.SET_BLIP_AS_FRIENDLY, _blip.Handle, true); _blip.Color = BlipColor.Green; _blip.ShowRoute = true; }
public static void DrawHUD(Point location, Color color) { var rect = new UIRectangle(new Point(location.X - 30, location.Y), new Size(7, 67)); rect.Color = color; rect.Draw(); rect = new UIRectangle(new Point(location.X + 30, location.Y), new Size(7, 67)); rect.Color = color; rect.Draw(); rect = new UIRectangle(new Point(location.X - 30, location.Y + 60), new Size(67, 7)); rect.Color = color; rect.Draw(); rect = new UIRectangle(new Point(location.X - 30, location.Y), new Size(67, 7)); rect.Color = color; rect.Draw(); }
private bool _tmpWorkaround; //OH GOD SOMEONE SHOOTME #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Vigilante() { KeyDown += OnKeyDown; Tick += OnTick; //this._debug = new UIText("debug goes here", new Point(10, 10), 0.5f, Color.White, 0, false); //CriminalGroup = World.AddRelationShipGroup("CRIMINALS_MOD"); //Wont work //OutputArgument outArg = new OutputArgument(); //Function.Call(Hash.ADD_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP, "CRIMINALS_MOD", outArg); //CriminalGroup = outArg.GetResult<int>(); _headsup = new UIText("Level: ~b~" + _level, new Point(2, 325), 0.7f, Color.WhiteSmoke, 1, false); _headsupRectangle = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 320), new Size(200, 110), Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0)); //World.SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(Relationship.Hate, CriminalGroup, PlayerGroup); }
public Vigilante() { KeyDown += OnKeyDown; Tick += OnTick; //this._debug = new UIText("debug goes here", new Point(10, 10), 0.5f, Color.White, 0, false); //CriminalGroup = World.AddRelationShipGroup("CRIMINALS_MOD"); //Wont work //OutputArgument outArg = new OutputArgument(); //Function.Call(Hash.ADD_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP, "CRIMINALS_MOD", outArg); //CriminalGroup = outArg.GetResult<int>(); _headsup = new UIText("Level: ~b~" + _level, new Point(2, 325), 0.7f, Color.WhiteSmoke, 1, false); _headsupRectangle = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 320), new Size(200, 110), Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0)); //World.SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(Relationship.Hate, CriminalGroup, PlayerGroup); }
/*void DrawScrollArrows(bool up, bool down, Size offset) * { * if (!up && !down) * { * return; * } * * if (Function.Call<bool>(Hash.HAS_STREAMED_TEXTURE_DICT_LOADED, "CommonMenu")) * { * Vector2 Resolution = Function.Call<Vector2>(Hash.GET_TEXTURE_RESOLUTION, "CommonMenu", "arrowright"); * if (up) * { * float xscale = Resolution.X / WIDTH; * float yscale = Resolution.Y / HEIGHT; * float xpos = (Width + offset.Width) / WIDTH - xscale * 0.5f; * float ypos = (HeaderHeight + offset.Height + ItemHeight / 2) / HEIGHT; * Function.Call(Hash.DRAW_SPRITE, "CommonMenu", "arrowright", xpos, ypos, xscale, yscale, -90.0f, 255, 255, 255, 255); * } * if (down) * { * float xscale = Resolution.X / WIDTH; * float yscale = Resolution.Y / HEIGHT; * float xpos = (Width + offset.Width) / WIDTH - xscale * 0.5f; * float ypos = (HeaderHeight + offset.Height + ItemHeight * ItemDrawCount - ItemHeight / 2) / HEIGHT; * Function.Call(Hash.DRAW_SPRITE, "CommonMenu", "arrowright", xpos, ypos, xscale, yscale, 90.0f, 255, 255, 255, 255); * } * } * else * { * Function.Call(Hash.REQUEST_STREAMED_TEXTURE_DICT, "CommonMenu", 0); * } * }*/ public override void Initialize() { int currentY = HeaderHeight; var itemSize = new Size(Width, ItemHeight); for (int i = 0; i < ItemDrawCount; i++) { Items[i + CurrentScrollOffset].SetOriginAndSize(new Point(0, currentY), itemSize); currentY += ItemHeight; } selectedIndex = 0; footerDescription = Items[selectedIndex].Description; Items[selectedIndex].Select(); int itemsHeight = ItemDrawCount * ItemHeight; rectHeader = new UIRectangle(default, new Size(Width, HeaderHeight), HeaderColor);
public override IEnumerable <UIRenderData> ConstructVertexData( ) { string textureDomain = "btn_" + (Clicked ? "p" : "i"); float w = EDGE_WIDTH_HEIGHT_RATIO * Layout.Size.Y; yield return(new UIRenderData(UIRectangle.GetVerticies(Layout.GlobalPosition.X, Layout.GlobalPosition.Y, w, Layout.Size.Y), textureDomain + "l", Color, Depth)); yield return(new UIRenderData(UIRectangle.GetVerticies(Layout.GlobalPosition.X + w, Layout.GlobalPosition.Y, Layout.Size.X - 2 * w, Layout.Size.Y), textureDomain + "c", Color, Depth)); yield return(new UIRenderData(UIRectangle.GetVerticies(Layout.GlobalPosition.X + Layout.Size.X - w, Layout.GlobalPosition.Y, w, Layout.Size.Y), textureDomain + "r", Color, Depth)); Vector2 textPosition = new Vector2(Layout.GlobalPosition.X + Layout.Size.X * 0.5f, Layout.GlobalPosition.Y - (Layout.Size.Y - lines.Length * charSize) * 0.5f); foreach (UIRenderData d in UILabel.GetVertexData(new string[] { Text }, UILabel.TextAlignment.Center, textPosition, charSize, Depth, Color.White)) { yield return(d); } }
//-------------------------------------------------- Unity Standard Functions private void Start() { drawButton = GetComponent<DrawButton>(); switch (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Controller_Type")) { case 0: UsingButtons = false; break; case 1: case 2: case 3: UsingButtons = true; break; } UIRect = new UIRectangle(drawButton.Position, drawButton.Texture.width * drawButton.Scale, drawButton.Texture.height * drawButton.Scale); }
private static void DrawSquare(Point location, Color color, string subText) { rect = new UIRectangle(new Point(location.X - 25, location.Y), new Size(4, 52)); rect.Color = color; rect.Draw(); rect = new UIRectangle(new Point(location.X + 25, location.Y), new Size(4, 52)); rect.Color = color; rect.Draw(); rect = new UIRectangle(new Point(location.X - 25, location.Y + 50), new Size(52, 4)); rect.Color = color; rect.Draw(); rect = new UIRectangle(new Point(location.X - 25, location.Y), new Size(52, 4)); rect.Color = color; rect.Draw(); entityText = new UIText(subText, new Point(location.X - 5, location.Y + 70), 0.3f, Color.White, Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, false); entityText.Draw(); // entityText = new UIText(subText1, new Point(location.X - 30, location.Y + 70), 0.22f); // entityText.Draw(); }
protected override void Setup() { var screenResolution = NativeFunctions.GetScreenResolution(); ScreenHeight = (int)screenResolution.Y; ScreenWidth = (int)screenResolution.X; _mContainer = new UIContainer( new Point(0, 0), new Size(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight)); OnDrawingTickAsObservable .Subscribe(_ => _mContainer.Draw()); var harlThinned = CreateTickAsObservable(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50)); harlThinned .Where(_ => PlayerPed.IsSafeExist() && PlayerPed.Health < alertHelthValue && PlayerPed.IsAlive) .Subscribe(_ => { //体力が減ったら画面を点滅させる time += 1; var alpha = offset + amplitude * Math.Abs(Math.Sin(omega * time)); _mContainer.Items.Clear(); var rect = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight), Color.FromArgb((int)alpha, 255, 0, 0)); _mContainer.Items.Add(rect); }); harlThinned .Select(_ => PlayerPed.IsSafeExist() && PlayerPed.Health < alertHelthValue) .DistinctUntilChanged() .Where(x => !x) .Subscribe(_ => { time = 0; _mContainer.Items.Clear(); }); }
void intial() { Game.Player.WantedLevel = 0; Game.Player.Character.Weapons.RemoveAll(); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Hate, 2124571506, -183807561); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Hate, -183807561, 2124571506); Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Pedestrians, 2124571506, -183807561); Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Pedestrians, -183807561, 2124571506); escape_Ped = World.CreatePed(PedHash.Prisoner01, new Vector3(1625.474f, 2491.485f, 45.62026f)); escape_Ped.Task.StandStill(-1); escape_Ped.Heading = 320.5151f; Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENTITY_AS_MISSION_ENTITY, escape_Ped, true, true); Game.Player.WantedLevel = 0; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 0); Game.Player.Character.Task.PlayAnimation("RANDOM@ARRESTS", "idle_2_hands_up", 2f, -1, false, 0); Script.Wait(500); Game.FadeScreenIn(2500); // while (Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_PLAYING_ANIM, Game.Player.Character, "RANDOM@ARRESTS", "idle_2_hands_up", 3)) Script.Wait(0); while (!Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_SCREEN_FADED_OUT)) Script.Wait(0); Game.FadeScreenIn(0); int group = 2124571506; int player_group = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, Game.Player.Character); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Pedestrians, group, player_group); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Pedestrians, player_group, group); Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, 1, group, player_group); // Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, 1, player_group, group); // Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_AREA_OF_PEDS, 1637.856f, 2608.986f, 45.56487f, 1000f, true); clothes_changer(); bail = World.CreateBlip(new Vector3(1691.709f, 2565.036f, 45.56487f)); bail.Color = BlipColor.White; Function.Call(Hash.SET_CLOCK_TIME, 13, 00, 0); roit = World.CreateBlip(escape_Ped.Position); roit.Sprite = BlipSprite.DollarSign; _headsup = new UIText("Time: ~b~" + hours + ":" + minit, new Point(2, 520), 0.7f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.HouseScript, false); _headsupRectangle = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 520), new Size(215, 65), Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0)); _headsup.Draw(); _headsupRectangle.Draw(); arrested = true; escape = false; Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1617.643f, 2523.981f, 45.56489f); Game.FadeScreenOut(1); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); Game.Player.Character.Heading = 264.718f; Game.FadeScreenOut(0); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); Game.FadeScreenIn(3000); }
public UIForm(string caption, string desc, int x, int y, int width, int height) { mBackRectangle = new UIRectangle(new Point(x, y), new Size(width, height), Color.Black); mCaptionText = new UIText(caption, new Point(x, y), 0.50f, Color.White, 1, false); mDescriptionText = new UIText(desc, new Point(x, y + 20), 0.35f, Color.White, 4, false); }
void Onkeyup(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F12 && Game.Player.WantedLevel > 1) { hours = 10 + Game.Player.WantedLevel *10; Game.Player.WantedLevel = 0; intial1(); } /* if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F11) { Ped[] test = World.GetNearbyPeds(Game.Player.Character, 100f); int player_group = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, test[0]); GTA.UI.ShowSubtitle(player_group + " "); } */ if (e.KeyCode == Keys.E && arrested) { if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1691.709f, 2565.036f, 45.56487f))<2f) { // bail if (Game.Player.Money > 5000000) { bail.Remove(); roit.Remove(); Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1849.555f, 2586.085f, 45.67202f); Game.Player.Character.Heading = 258.4564f; Game.Player.Money -= 5000000; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 5); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_DEFAULT_COMPONENT_VARIATION, Game.Player.Character); arrested = false; _headsup = null; _headsupRectangle = null; } else { } } if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1625.474f, 2491.485f, 45.62026f)) < 4f && !escape) { Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); bail.Remove(); roit.Remove(); Game.Player.Money -= 5000000; Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); // 182.3307f , -885.7198f , 31.11671f :=> 51.15437f Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); // -1083,942 : -2915,736 : 13,23366 :=> 285,5021 if (help_veh == null) help_veh = World.CreateVehicle(VehicleHash.Maverick, new Vector3(1649.463f, 2619.634f, 45.56486f)); else { help_veh.Delete(); help_veh = World.CreateVehicle(VehicleHash.Maverick, new Vector3(1649.463f, 2619.634f, 45.56486f)); } Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENTITY_AS_MISSION_ENTITY, help_veh, true, true); help_veh.Heading = 10.83339f; Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); bail = World.CreateBlip(help_veh.Position); bail.Color = BlipColor.Blue; Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); GiveAllWeapons(Game.Player.Character); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); Function.Call(Hash.PAUSE_CLOCK, false); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); arrested = false; _headsup = null; _headsupRectangle = null; Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); Function.Call(Hash.SET_CLOCK_TIME, 13, 00, 0); Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 5); Game.Player.WantedLevel = 4; escape = true; } } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Y && arrested) { // prisoner groupe 2124571506 // garde groupe -183807561 if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(escape_Ped.Position) < 4f ) { for (int i = 0; i < prisoner.Count; i++) { GiveAllWeapons1(prisoner[i]); prisoner[i].CanSwitchWeapons = true; } for (int i = 0; i < garde.Count; i++) { GiveAllWeapons2(garde[i]); garde[i].CanSwitchWeapons = true; } GiveAllWeapons1(Game.Player.Character); Game.Player.Money -= 5000000; Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Hate, 2124571506, -183807561); Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Hate, -183807561, 2124571506); } } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.U) { Function.Call(Hash.ENABLE_ALL_CONTROL_ACTIONS, 1); Game.Player.CanControlCharacter = true; Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENABLE_HANDCUFFS, Game.Player.Character, false); Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENABLE_BOUND_ANKLES, Game.Player.Character, false); } if(e.KeyCode == Keys.Y) Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 5); if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F6) { // PBUS // VehicleHash.PBus // 1971.267f , 2635.439f , 46.17389f :=> 120.792f // 1608.376f , 2685.54f , 45.32081f :=> 143.341f testt = true; if (test_veh == null) { test_veh = World.CreateVehicle(VehicleHash.PBus, new Vector3(1971.267f, 2635.439f, 46.17389f)); test_veh.Heading = 120.792f; } else { test_veh.Delete(); test_veh = World.CreateVehicle(VehicleHash.PBus, new Vector3(1971.267f, 2635.439f, 46.17389f)); test_veh.Heading = 120.792f; } if (driver == null) { driver = World.CreatePed(PedHash.Prisguard01SMM, new Vector3(1971.267f, 2635.439f, 46.17389f)); driver.Heading = 120.792f; } else { driver.Delete(); driver = World.CreatePed(PedHash.Prisguard01SMM, new Vector3(1971.267f, 2635.439f, 46.17389f).Around(5f)); driver.Heading = 120.792f; } driver.Task.WarpIntoVehicle(test_veh, VehicleSeat.Driver); // Game.Player.CanControlCharacter = false; Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1971.267f, 2635.439f, 46.17389f).Around(10f); // Function.Call(Hash.DISABLE_ALL_CONTROL_ACTIONS, 1); Game.Player.Character.Task.WarpIntoVehicle(test_veh, VehicleSeat.Passenger); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_AS_GROUP_MEMBER, driver, -1533126372); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_AS_COP, driver, true); // 1 1858,746 : 2609,113 : 45,29342 // 2 1831,064 : 2607,884 : 45,20006 // 3 1754,864 : 2605,129 : 45,18484 while (!Game.Player.Character.IsInVehicle(test_veh)) Script.Wait(0); TaskSequence task = new TaskSequence(); // task.AddTask.DriveTo(test_veh, new Vector3(1900.457f, 2609.054f, 46.00166f), 3f, 10f, (int)DrivingStyle.Normal); // task.AddTask.StandStill(5000); task.AddTask.DriveTo(test_veh, new Vector3(1855.855f, 2606.756f, 45.9304f), 3f, 10f, (int)DrivingStyle.Normal); task.AddTask.StandStill(5000); task.AddTask.DriveTo(test_veh, new Vector3(1831.152f, 2606.738f, 45.83254f), 3f, 10f, (int)DrivingStyle.Normal); task.AddTask.StandStill(5000); task.AddTask.DriveTo(test_veh, new Vector3(1754.018f, 2604.271f, 45.82404f), 3f, 10f, (int)DrivingStyle.Normal); task.AddTask.StandStill(50000); driver.Task.PerformSequence(task); task.Close(); // new Vector3(1858.746f, 2609.113f, 45.29342f) // new Vector3(1831.064f, 2607.884f, 45.20006f) // new Vector3(1754.864f, 2605.129f, 45.18484f) // int t = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY,"prop_gate_prison_01"); // Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1845.0f, 2605.0f, 45.0f, 0, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); // Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1819.27f, 2608.53f, 44.61f, 0, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.O) { Function.Call(Hash.IGNORE_NEXT_RESTART, true); } /* if (e.KeyCode == Keys.O) { int t = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, "prop_gate_prison_01"); Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1845.0f, 2605.0f, 45.0f, 0, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1819.27f, 2608.53f, 44.61f, 0, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.P) { int t = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, "prop_gate_prison_01"); Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1845.0f, 2605.0f, 45.0f, 1, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1819.27f, 2608.53f, 44.61f, 1, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); } */ }
/// <summary> /// Initialize the class. /// </summary> public FrontendInput() { _backsplash = new UIContainer(new Point(630, 670), new Size(600, 30), Color.Empty); _backsplash.Items.Add(_cursor = new UIRectangle(new Point(14, 5), new Size(1, 15), Color.Empty)); _backsplash.Items.Add(_uitext = new UIText("", new Point(14, 5), 0.3f)); }
private UIElement GetRightElement(PropertyInfo info, UIElement element, ref int maxHeight) { object value = info.GetValue(element); if (info.PropertyType == typeof(bool)) { var check = new UICheckBox() { AnchorPoint = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), Pivot = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), Value = (bool)value, }; check.OnCheckedChange += (e, s) => { info.SetValue(element, e.Value); Editor.NotifyElementPropertyChange(this); }; return(check); } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(string)) { var changer = new UITextBox() { AnchorPoint = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), Pivot = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), SizeFactor = new Vector2(1, 1), Text = value.ToString(), Size = new Vector2(-8, 0), }; if (info.SetMethod == null) { changer.Editable = false; } changer.OnTextChange += (e, s) => { info.SetValue(element, e.NewString); Editor.NotifyElementPropertyChange(this); }; return(changer); } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(Color)) { var color = new UIColorIdentifier(info, element) { AnchorPoint = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), Pivot = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), SizeFactor = new Vector2(1, 1), Color = (Color)value, Size = new Vector2(-8, 0), }; color.OnClick += (e, s) => { Editor.OpenColorChooser(info, element, color); }; return(color); } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(Vector2)) { var vector2 = new UIVector2(element, info) { AnchorPoint = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), Pivot = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), SizeFactor = new Vector2(1, 1), }; if (info.SetMethod == null) { vector2.Editable = false; } vector2.OnValueChanged += (e, s) => { info.SetValue(element, vector2.Value); Editor.NotifyElementPropertyChange(this); }; return(vector2); } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(Rectangle)) { var rect = new UIRectangle(element, info) { AnchorPoint = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), Pivot = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), SizeFactor = new Vector2(1, 1), }; if (info.SetMethod == null) { rect.Editable = false; } rect.OnValueChanged += (e, s) => { info.SetValue(element, rect.Value); Editor.NotifyElementPropertyChange(this); }; maxHeight = 65; return(rect); } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(float)) { var textF = new UIValueTextBoxEx <float>(element, info) { AnchorPoint = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), Pivot = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), SizeFactor = new Vector2(1, 1), Size = new Vector2(-8, 0), }; if (info.SetMethod == null) { textF.Editable = false; } textF.OnValueChanged += (e, s) => { info.SetValue(element, textF.Value); Editor.NotifyElementPropertyChange(this); }; return(textF); } else if (info.PropertyType.IsEnum) { var instance = new UIEnumSelector(element, info) { AnchorPoint = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), Pivot = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), SizeFactor = new Vector2(1, 1), Size = new Vector2(-8, 0), }; instance.HangElement = this; instance.OnValueChange += (e, s) => { info.SetValue(element, instance.Value); Editor.NotifyElementPropertyChange(this); }; return(instance); } var text = new UILabel() { AnchorPoint = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), Pivot = new Vector2(0, 0.5f), Text = (value == null) ? "null" : value.ToString(), }; return(text); }
void Ontick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // prisoner groupe 2124571506 // garde groupe -183807561 // police groupe -1533126372 // SOLARITe 1651,726 : 2568,254 : 51,51672 :=> 348,7881 // 1 1858,746 : 2609,113 : 45,29342 // 2 1831,064 : 2607,884 : 45,20006 // 3 1754,864 : 2605,129 : 45,18484 if (Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PLAYER_BEING_ARRESTED, Game.Player, true)) { hours = 20; intial1(); } #region escape if (escape) { roit.Remove(); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); if (Game.Player.Character.IsInVehicle()) { if (Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle == help_veh) { bail.Remove(); if (Game.Player.WantedLevel == 0) { GTA.UI.ShowSubtitle("you have escape", 1000); escape = false; escape_Ped.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); help_veh.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); arrested = false; } else GTA.UI.ShowSubtitle("escape the police", 10); } else { GTA.UI.ShowSubtitle("get to the ~b~ MAVERICK", 10); bail.Remove(); bail = World.CreateBlip(help_veh.Position); bail.Color = BlipColor.Blue; bail.ShowRoute = true; } } else { GTA.UI.ShowSubtitle("get to the ~b~ MAVERICK", 10); bail.Remove(); bail = World.CreateBlip(help_veh.Position); bail.Color = BlipColor.Blue; bail.ShowRoute = true; } if (Game.Player.IsDead) { escape = false; arrested = false; bail.Remove(); help_veh.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); } } #endregion //================================================================================================================================================= if (arrested) { Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); } if (inprison) { Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1752.894f, 2592.242f, 45.56502f)) < 1f) { arrested = true; escape = false; Function.Call(Hash.ENABLE_ALL_CONTROL_ACTIONS, 1); Game.FadeScreenOut(2500); Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1617.643f, 2523.981f, 45.56489f); clothes_changer(); Game.Player.CanControlCharacter = true; Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENABLE_HANDCUFFS, Game.Player.Character, false); Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENABLE_BOUND_ANKLES, Game.Player.Character, false); Game.FadeScreenIn(2500); int group = 2124571506; int player_group = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, Game.Player.Character); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Pedestrians, group, player_group); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Pedestrians, player_group, group); Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, 1, group, player_group); bail = World.CreateBlip(new Vector3(1691.709f, 2565.036f, 45.56487f)); bail.Color = BlipColor.White; Function.Call(Hash.SET_CLOCK_TIME, 13, 00, 0); roit = World.CreateBlip(escape_Ped.Position); roit.Sprite = BlipSprite.DollarSign; _headsup = new UIText("Time: ~b~" + hours + ":" + minit, new Point(2, 520), 0.7f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.HouseScript, false); _headsupRectangle = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 520), new Size(215, 65), Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0)); inprison = false; } if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1754.864f, 2605.129f, 45.18484f)) < 5f) { Game.Player.Character.Task.GoTo(new Vector3(1752.894f, 2592.242f, 45.56502f)); } } if (testt) { Function.Call(Hash.DISABLE_ALL_CONTROL_ACTIONS, 1); if (open1) { int t = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, "prop_gate_prison_01"); Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1845.0f, 2605.0f, 45.0f, 0, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); } else { int t = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, "prop_gate_prison_01"); Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1845.0f, 2605.0f, 45.0f, 1, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); } if (open2) { int t = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, "prop_gate_prison_01"); Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1819.27f, 2608.53f, 44.61f, 0, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); } else { int t = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, "prop_gate_prison_01"); Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1819.27f, 2608.53f, 44.61f, 1, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); } if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1855.855f, 2606.756f, 45.9304f)) < 4f) { open1 = true; open2 = false; } if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1831.152f, 2606.738f, 45.83254f)) < 3f && open1) { open1 = false; open2 = true; Game.Player.WantedLevel = 0; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 0); } if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1754.018f, 2604.271f, 45.82404f)) < 4f && open2) { open1 = false; open2 = false; testt = false; Game.Player.WantedLevel = 0; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 0); inprison = true; } Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); } if (arrested) { if (Game.Player.Character.IsDead) Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 5); Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 0); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); Function.Call(Hash.STOP_ALARM, "PRISON_ALARMS", 0); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_AMBIENT_ZONE_STATE, "AZ_COUNTRYSIDE_PRISON_01_ANNOUNCER_GENERAL", 0); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_AMBIENT_ZONE_STATE, "AZ_COUNTRYSIDE_PRISON_01_ANNOUNCER_WARNING", 0); int hh = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_CLOCK_HOURS); int mm = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_CLOCK_MINUTES); if (hh == 14 && mm == 0) { Function.Call(Hash.SET_CLOCK_TIME, 13, 00, 0); } if (mm == 0 && !hhh ) { minit = 00; hours -= 1; hhh = true; } else if (mm>0) { minit = 60 - mm; hhh = false; } test = World.GetNearbyPeds(Game.Player.Character,150f); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); for (int i = 0; i < test.Length; i++) { Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); if (Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, test[i]) == 2124571506 || Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, test[i]) == -86095805) { bool trouve = false; for (int m = 0; m < prisoner.Count; m++) if (prisoner[m] == test[i]) { trouve = true; break; } if (!trouve) prisoner.Add(test[i]); } else if (Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, test[i]) == -183807561) { bool trouve = false; for (int m = 0; m < garde.Count; m++) if (garde[m] == test[i]) { trouve = true; break; } if (!trouve) garde.Add(test[i]); } Ped[] test2 = World.GetNearbyPeds(test[i], 150f); for (int j = 0 ;j<test2.Length;j++) { Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); if (Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, test2[j]) == 2124571506 || Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, test2[j]) == -86095805) { bool trouve = false; for (int m = 0; m < prisoner.Count; m++) if (prisoner[m] == test2[j]) { trouve = true; break; } if (!trouve) prisoner.Add(test2[j]); } else if (Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, test2[j]) == -183807561) { bool trouve = false; for (int m = 0; m < garde.Count; m++) if (garde[m] == test2[j]) { trouve = true; break; } if (!trouve) garde.Add(test2[j]); } } } //=================================================================================================== Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); _headsup = new UIText("Time: ~b~" + hours + ":" + minit, new Point(2, 520), 0.7f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, false); _headsupRectangle = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 520), new Size(215, 65), Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0)); _headsup.Draw(); _headsupRectangle.Draw(); if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1691.709f, 2565.036f, 45.56487f)) < 2f) { GTA.UI.Notify("press [E] to bail : ~g~ " + 5000000 + "~w~$"); } else if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1625.474f, 2491.485f, 45.62026f)) < 4f) { GTA.UI.Notify("press [E] to escape for : ~g~ " + 5000000 + "~w~$"); GTA.UI.Notify("press [Y] to make roit for : ~g~ " + 5000000 + "~w~$"); } if( hours == 0 && minit == 0) { bail.Remove(); Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1849.555f, 2586.085f, 45.67202f); Game.Player.Character.Heading = 258.4564f; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 5); Function.Call(Hash.PAUSE_CLOCK, false); arrested = false; _headsup = null; _headsupRectangle = null; } } }
public void prison_controle_Tick() { if (arrested) { stop_scripts(); } if (inprison) { stop_scripts(); if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1752.894f, 2592.242f, 45.56502f)) < 1f) { arrested = true; escape = false; Function.Call(Hash.ENABLE_ALL_CONTROL_ACTIONS, new InputArgument[] { 1 }); Game.FadeScreenOut(0x9c4); Game.Player.Character.Weapons.RemoveAll(); while (!Function.Call <bool>(Hash.IS_SCREEN_FADED_OUT, new InputArgument[0])) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1617.643f, 2523.981f, 45.56489f); Game.Player.Character.Heading = 264.718f; clothes_changer(); Game.FadeScreenIn(0x9c4); Game.Player.CanControlCharacter = true; Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENABLE_HANDCUFFS, new InputArgument[] { Game.Player.Character, 0 }); Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENABLE_BOUND_ANKLES, new InputArgument[] { Game.Player.Character, 0 }); int num = 0x7ea26372; int num2 = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, new InputArgument[] { Game.Player.Character }); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, new InputArgument[] { 0xff, num, num2 }); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, new InputArgument[] { 0xff, num2, num }); Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, new InputArgument[] { 1, num, num2 }); bail = World.CreateBlip(new Vector3(1691.709f, 2565.036f, 45.56487f)); bail.Color = BlipColor.White; Function.Call(Hash.SET_CLOCK_TIME, new InputArgument[] { 13, 0, 0 }); roit = World.CreateBlip(escape_Ped.Position); roit.Sprite = BlipSprite.DollarSign; _headsup = new UIText(string.Concat(new object[] { "Time: ~b~", hours, ":", minit }), new Point(2, 520), 0.7f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.HouseScript, false); _headsupRectangle = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 520), new Size(0xd7, 0x41), Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0)); if (police != null) { police.Delete(); } if (policecar != null) { policecar.Delete(); } inprison = false; } if ((Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1764.323f, 2604.595f, 45.56498f)) < 5f) && (Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle == policecar)) { Game.Player.Character.Task.GoTo(new Vector3(1752.894f, 2592.242f, 45.56502f)); } } if (arrested) { if (Game.Player.Character.IsDead) { respawn.RespawnPlayer(new Vector3(1617.643f, 2523.981f, 45.56489f), 264.718f); } if (player_status == status.In_roit && Game.GameTime > time + 1000) { Model mod = new Model(PedHash.Prisoner01); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } Ped[] allped = World.GetAllPeds(mod); for (int i = 0; i < allped.Length; i++) { bool find = false; for (int j = 0; j < prisoner.Count; j++) { if (prisoner[j] == allped[i]) { find = true; } } if (!find) { prisoner.Add(allped[i]); } } mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); //=================================================== mod = new Model(PedHash.Prisoner01SMY); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } allped = World.GetAllPeds(mod); for (int i = 0; i < allped.Length; i++) { bool find = false; for (int j = 0; j < prisoner.Count; j++) { if (prisoner[j] == allped[i]) { find = true; } } if (!find) { prisoner.Add(allped[i]); } } mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); //=================================================== mod = new Model(PedHash.Prisguard01SMM); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } allped = World.GetAllPeds(mod); for (int i = 0; i < allped.Length; i++) { bool find = false; for (int j = 0; j < garde.Count; j++) { if (garde[j] == allped[i]) { find = true; } } if (!find) { garde.Add(allped[i]); } } mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); for (int j = 0; j < prisoner.Count; j++) { GiveWeapons_prisoner(prisoner[j]); prisoner[j].CanSwitchWeapons = true; //Function.Call(Hash.SET_BLOCKING_OF_NON_TEMPORARY_EVENTS, prisoner[j], true); } for (int j = 0; j < garde.Count; j++) { GiveWeapons_Garde(garde[j]); garde[j].CanSwitchWeapons = true; // Function.Call(Hash.SET_BLOCKING_OF_NON_TEMPORARY_EVENTS, garde[j], true); } time = Game.GameTime; } Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, new InputArgument[] { 0 }); stop_scripts(); int hh = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_CLOCK_HOURS, new InputArgument[0]); int mm = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_CLOCK_MINUTES, new InputArgument[0]); if ((hh == 14) && (mm == 0)) { Function.Call(Hash.SET_CLOCK_TIME, new InputArgument[] { 13, 0, 0 }); time = Game.GameTime; } if (!((mm != 0) || hhh)) { minit = 0; hours--; hhh = true; } else if (mm > 0) { minit = 60 - mm; hhh = false; } if ((mm == 0 || mm == 5 || mm == 10 || mm == 15 || mm == 20 || mm == 25 || mm == 30 || mm == 35 || mm == 40 || mm == 45 || mm == 50 || mm == 55 || mm == 60) && !doit) { Model mod = new Model(PedHash.Prisoner01); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } Ped[] allped = World.GetAllPeds(mod); for (int i = 0; i < allped.Length; i++) { bool find = false; for (int j = 0; j < prisoner.Count; j++) { if (prisoner[j] == allped[i]) { find = true; } } if (!find) { prisoner.Add(allped[i]); } } mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); //=================================================== mod = new Model(PedHash.Prisoner01SMY); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } allped = World.GetAllPeds(mod); for (int i = 0; i < allped.Length; i++) { bool find = false; for (int j = 0; j < prisoner.Count; j++) { if (prisoner[j] == allped[i]) { find = true; } } if (!find) { prisoner.Add(allped[i]); } } mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); //=================================================== mod = new Model(PedHash.Prisguard01SMM); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } allped = World.GetAllPeds(mod); for (int i = 0; i < allped.Length; i++) { bool find = false; for (int j = 0; j < garde.Count; j++) { if (garde[j] == allped[i]) { find = true; } } if (!find) { garde.Add(allped[i]); } } mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); doit = true; } else if ((mm != 0 && mm != 5 && mm != 10 && mm != 15 && mm != 20 && mm != 25 && mm != 30 && mm != 35 && mm != 40 && mm != 45 && mm != 50 && mm != 55 && mm != 60) && doit) { doit = false; } stop_scripts(); _headsup = new UIText(string.Concat(new object[] { "Time: ~b~", hours, ":", minit }), new Point(2, 520), 0.7f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, false); _headsupRectangle = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 520), new Size(0xd7, 0x41), Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0)); _headsup.Draw(); _headsupRectangle.Draw(); if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1691.709f, 2565.036f, 45.56487f)) < 2f) { UI.Notify("press [E] to bail : ~g~ " + 0x4c4b40 + "~w~$"); } else if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1625.474f, 2491.485f, 45.62026f)) < 4f) { UI.Notify("press [E] to escape for : ~g~ " + 0x4c4b40 + "~w~$"); UI.Notify("press [Y] to make roit for : ~g~ " + 0x4c4b40 + "~w~$"); } if ((hours == 0) && (minit == 0)) { bail.Remove(); roit.Remove(); escape_Ped.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1849.555f, 2586.085f, 45.67202f); Game.Player.Character.Heading = 258.4564f; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, new InputArgument[] { 5 }); Function.Call(Hash.PAUSE_CLOCK, new InputArgument[] { 0 }); arrested = false; _headsup = null; _headsupRectangle = null; } } }
void Onkeyup(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if ((e.KeyCode == Keys.F12) && (Game.Player.WantedLevel > 1)) { hours = 10 + (Game.Player.WantedLevel * 10); Game.Player.WantedLevel = 0; intial1(); } if ((e.KeyCode == Keys.E) && arrested) { if ((Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1691.709f, 2565.036f, 45.56487f)) < 2f) && (Game.Player.Money > 0x4c4b40)) { bail.Remove(); roit.Remove(); Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1849.555f, 2586.085f, 45.67202f); Game.Player.Character.Heading = 258.4564f; Player player = Game.Player; player.Money -= 0x4c4b40; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 5); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_DEFAULT_COMPONENT_VARIATION, Game.Player.Character); arrested = false; _headsup = null; _headsupRectangle = null; } if ((Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1625.474f, 2491.485f, 45.62026f)) < 4f) && !escape) { stop_scripts(); bail.Remove(); roit.Remove(); Player player2 = Game.Player; player2.Money -= 0x4c4b40; stop_scripts(); arrested = false; _headsup = null; _headsupRectangle = null; Model mod = new Model(VehicleHash.Valkyrie); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_veh3 = World.CreateVehicle(mod, new Vector3(-1179.25f, -2845.386f, 13.5665f)); escape_veh3.Heading = 325.6199f; escape_veh3.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); //============================================================================================================ mod = new Model(VehicleHash.Comet2); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_veh1 = World.CreateVehicle(mod, new Vector3(-1729.416f, -1109.523f, 12.7468f)); escape_veh1.Heading = 321.1888f; escape_veh1.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); //=========================================================================================================== mod = new Model(VehicleHash.Insurgent2); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_veh2 = World.CreateVehicle(mod, new Vector3(1373.179f, -2077.577f, 51.6181f)); escape_veh2.Heading = 332.3142f; escape_veh2.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); int hash = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_MODEL, new InputArgument[] { Game.Player.Character }); if (hash == Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, new InputArgument[] { "player_zero" })) //m { mod = new Model(PedHash.Franklin); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_ped1 = World.CreatePed(mod, new Vector3(-1726.644f, -1112.538f, 13.2474f)); escape_ped1.Heading = 42.1536f; escape_ped1.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); mod = new Model(PedHash.Trevor); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_ped2 = World.CreatePed(mod, new Vector3(1376.8f, -2076.873f, 51.9985f)); escape_ped2.Heading = 47.19263f; escape_ped2.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); } else if (hash == Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, new InputArgument[] { "player_one" })) //f { mod = new Model(PedHash.Michael); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_ped1 = World.CreatePed(mod, new Vector3(-1726.644f, -1112.538f, 13.2474f)); escape_ped1.Heading = 42.1536f; escape_ped1.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); mod = new Model(PedHash.Trevor); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_ped2 = World.CreatePed(mod, new Vector3(1376.8f, -2076.873f, 51.9985f)); escape_ped2.Heading = 47.19263f; escape_ped2.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); } else if (hash == Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, new InputArgument[] { "player_two" }))//tr { mod = new Model(PedHash.Michael); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_ped1 = World.CreatePed(mod, new Vector3(-1726.644f, -1112.538f, 13.2474f)); escape_ped1.Heading = 42.1536f; escape_ped1.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); mod = new Model(PedHash.Franklin); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_ped2 = World.CreatePed(mod, new Vector3(1376.8f, -2076.873f, 51.9985f)); escape_ped2.Heading = 47.19263f; escape_ped2.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); } original_ped = Game.Player.Character; Game.FadeScreenOut(3000); while (!Function.Call <bool>(Hash.IS_SCREEN_FADED_OUT)) { Script.Wait(0); } Function.Call(Hash.CHANGE_PLAYER_PED, Game.Player, escape_ped1, 1, 0); Game.FadeScreenIn(3000); while (!Function.Call <bool>(Hash.IS_SCREEN_FADED_IN)) { Script.Wait(0); } current_ped = 1; vehb = escape_veh1.AddBlip(); vehb.Color = BlipColor.Blue; UI.ShowSubtitle("Get in the ~b~ Vehicle", 3000); steps = 0; player_status = status.In_escape; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 5); escape = true; } } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.E && steps == 5) { if (current_ped == 1) { Function.Call(Hash.CHANGE_PLAYER_PED, Game.Player, escape_ped2, 1, 0); //drive task current_ped = 2; } else { Function.Call(Hash.CHANGE_PLAYER_PED, Game.Player, escape_ped1, 1, 0); //shot task escape_ped2.Task.FightAgainstHatedTargets(150f); escape_ped2.AlwaysKeepTask = true; current_ped = 1; } } if (((e.KeyCode == Keys.Y) && arrested) && (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(escape_Ped.Position) < 4f)) { time = Game.GameTime; int i; for (i = 0; i < prisoner.Count; i++) { GiveWeapons_prisoner(prisoner[i]); prisoner[i].CanSwitchWeapons = true; } for (i = 0; i < garde.Count; i++) { GiveWeapons_Garde(garde[i]); garde[i].CanSwitchWeapons = true; //Function.Call(Hash.SET_BLOCKING_OF_NON_TEMPORARY_EVENTS, garde[i], true); } GiveWeapons_prisoner(Game.Player.Character); Player player3 = Game.Player; player3.Money -= 0x4c4b40; Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, new InputArgument[] { 5, 0x7ea26372, -183807561 }); Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, new InputArgument[] { 5, -183807561, 0x7ea26372 }); } if (((e.KeyCode == Keys.E) && (player_status == status.In_road)) && !sciped) { try { Game.FadeScreenOut(3000); while (!Function.Call <bool>(Hash.IS_SCREEN_FADED_OUT)) { Script.Wait(0); } policecar.Position = new Vector3(2124.503f, 2760.919f, 49.1893f); policecar.Heading = 130.5902f; Game.FadeScreenIn(3000); sciped = true; } catch (Exception ex) { SimpleLog.Error(ex); throw; } } }
void Onkeyup(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F12 && Game.Player.WantedLevel > 1) { hours = 10 + Game.Player.WantedLevel * 10; Game.Player.WantedLevel = 0; intial1(); } /* if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F11) * { * Ped[] test = World.GetNearbyPeds(Game.Player.Character, 100f); * int player_group = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, test[0]); * GTA.UI.ShowSubtitle(player_group + " "); * } */ if (e.KeyCode == Keys.E && arrested) { if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1691.709f, 2565.036f, 45.56487f)) < 2f) { // bail if (Game.Player.Money > 5000000) { bail.Remove(); roit.Remove(); Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1849.555f, 2586.085f, 45.67202f); Game.Player.Character.Heading = 258.4564f; Game.Player.Money -= 5000000; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 5); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_DEFAULT_COMPONENT_VARIATION, Game.Player.Character); arrested = false; _headsup = null; _headsupRectangle = null; } else { } } if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1625.474f, 2491.485f, 45.62026f)) < 4f && !escape) { Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); bail.Remove(); roit.Remove(); Game.Player.Money -= 5000000; Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); // 182.3307f , -885.7198f , 31.11671f :=> 51.15437f Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); // -1083,942 : -2915,736 : 13,23366 :=> 285,5021 if (help_veh == null) { help_veh = World.CreateVehicle(VehicleHash.Maverick, new Vector3(1649.463f, 2619.634f, 45.56486f)); } else { help_veh.Delete(); help_veh = World.CreateVehicle(VehicleHash.Maverick, new Vector3(1649.463f, 2619.634f, 45.56486f)); } Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENTITY_AS_MISSION_ENTITY, help_veh, true, true); help_veh.Heading = 10.83339f; Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); bail = World.CreateBlip(help_veh.Position); bail.Color = BlipColor.Blue; Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); GiveAllWeapons(Game.Player.Character); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); Function.Call(Hash.PAUSE_CLOCK, false); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); arrested = false; _headsup = null; _headsupRectangle = null; Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); Function.Call(Hash.SET_CLOCK_TIME, 13, 00, 0); Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 5); Game.Player.WantedLevel = 4; escape = true; } } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Y && arrested) { // prisoner groupe 2124571506 // garde groupe -183807561 if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(escape_Ped.Position) < 4f) { for (int i = 0; i < prisoner.Count; i++) { GiveAllWeapons1(prisoner[i]); prisoner[i].CanSwitchWeapons = true; } for (int i = 0; i < garde.Count; i++) { GiveAllWeapons2(garde[i]); garde[i].CanSwitchWeapons = true; } GiveAllWeapons1(Game.Player.Character); Game.Player.Money -= 5000000; Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Hate, 2124571506, -183807561); Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Hate, -183807561, 2124571506); } } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.U) { Function.Call(Hash.ENABLE_ALL_CONTROL_ACTIONS, 1); Game.Player.CanControlCharacter = true; Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENABLE_HANDCUFFS, Game.Player.Character, false); Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENABLE_BOUND_ANKLES, Game.Player.Character, false); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Y) { Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 5); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F6) { // PBUS // VehicleHash.PBus // 1971.267f , 2635.439f , 46.17389f :=> 120.792f // 1608.376f , 2685.54f , 45.32081f :=> 143.341f testt = true; if (test_veh == null) { test_veh = World.CreateVehicle(VehicleHash.PBus, new Vector3(1971.267f, 2635.439f, 46.17389f)); test_veh.Heading = 120.792f; } else { test_veh.Delete(); test_veh = World.CreateVehicle(VehicleHash.PBus, new Vector3(1971.267f, 2635.439f, 46.17389f)); test_veh.Heading = 120.792f; } if (driver == null) { driver = World.CreatePed(PedHash.Prisguard01SMM, new Vector3(1971.267f, 2635.439f, 46.17389f)); driver.Heading = 120.792f; } else { driver.Delete(); driver = World.CreatePed(PedHash.Prisguard01SMM, new Vector3(1971.267f, 2635.439f, 46.17389f).Around(5f)); driver.Heading = 120.792f; } driver.Task.WarpIntoVehicle(test_veh, VehicleSeat.Driver); // Game.Player.CanControlCharacter = false; Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1971.267f, 2635.439f, 46.17389f).Around(10f); // Function.Call(Hash.DISABLE_ALL_CONTROL_ACTIONS, 1); Game.Player.Character.Task.WarpIntoVehicle(test_veh, VehicleSeat.Passenger); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_AS_GROUP_MEMBER, driver, -1533126372); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_AS_COP, driver, true); // 1 1858,746 : 2609,113 : 45,29342 // 2 1831,064 : 2607,884 : 45,20006 // 3 1754,864 : 2605,129 : 45,18484 while (!Game.Player.Character.IsInVehicle(test_veh)) { Script.Wait(0); } TaskSequence task = new TaskSequence(); // task.AddTask.DriveTo(test_veh, new Vector3(1900.457f, 2609.054f, 46.00166f), 3f, 10f, (int)DrivingStyle.Normal); // task.AddTask.StandStill(5000); task.AddTask.DriveTo(test_veh, new Vector3(1855.855f, 2606.756f, 45.9304f), 3f, 10f, (int)DrivingStyle.Normal); task.AddTask.StandStill(5000); task.AddTask.DriveTo(test_veh, new Vector3(1831.152f, 2606.738f, 45.83254f), 3f, 10f, (int)DrivingStyle.Normal); task.AddTask.StandStill(5000); task.AddTask.DriveTo(test_veh, new Vector3(1754.018f, 2604.271f, 45.82404f), 3f, 10f, (int)DrivingStyle.Normal); task.AddTask.StandStill(50000); driver.Task.PerformSequence(task); task.Close(); // new Vector3(1858.746f, 2609.113f, 45.29342f) // new Vector3(1831.064f, 2607.884f, 45.20006f) // new Vector3(1754.864f, 2605.129f, 45.18484f) // int t = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY,"prop_gate_prison_01"); // Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1845.0f, 2605.0f, 45.0f, 0, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); // Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1819.27f, 2608.53f, 44.61f, 0, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.O) { Function.Call(Hash.IGNORE_NEXT_RESTART, true); } /* if (e.KeyCode == Keys.O) * { * int t = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, "prop_gate_prison_01"); * Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1845.0f, 2605.0f, 45.0f, 0, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); * Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1819.27f, 2608.53f, 44.61f, 0, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); * } * * if (e.KeyCode == Keys.P) * { * int t = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, "prop_gate_prison_01"); * Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1845.0f, 2605.0f, 45.0f, 1, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); * Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1819.27f, 2608.53f, 44.61f, 1, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); * } */ }
void Onkeyup(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if ((e.KeyCode == Keys.F12) && (Game.Player.WantedLevel > 1)) { hours = 10 + (Game.Player.WantedLevel * 10); Game.Player.WantedLevel = 0; intial1(); } if ((e.KeyCode == Keys.E) && arrested) { if ((Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1691.709f, 2565.036f, 45.56487f)) < 2f) && (Game.Player.Money > 0x4c4b40)) { bail.Remove(); roit.Remove(); Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1849.555f, 2586.085f, 45.67202f); Game.Player.Character.Heading = 258.4564f; Player player = Game.Player; player.Money -= 0x4c4b40; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 5 ); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_DEFAULT_COMPONENT_VARIATION, Game.Player.Character); arrested = false; _headsup = null; _headsupRectangle = null; } if ((Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1625.474f, 2491.485f, 45.62026f)) < 4f) && !escape) { stop_scripts(); bail.Remove(); roit.Remove(); Player player2 = Game.Player; player2.Money -= 0x4c4b40; stop_scripts(); arrested = false; _headsup = null; _headsupRectangle = null; Model mod = new Model(VehicleHash.Valkyrie); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_veh3 = World.CreateVehicle(mod, new Vector3(-1179.25f, -2845.386f, 13.5665f)); escape_veh3.Heading = 325.6199f; escape_veh3.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); //============================================================================================================ mod = new Model(VehicleHash.Comet2); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_veh1 = World.CreateVehicle(mod, new Vector3(-1729.416f, -1109.523f, 12.7468f)); escape_veh1.Heading = 321.1888f; escape_veh1.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); //=========================================================================================================== mod = new Model(VehicleHash.Insurgent2); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_veh2 = World.CreateVehicle(mod, new Vector3(1373.179f, -2077.577f, 51.6181f)); escape_veh2.Heading = 332.3142f; escape_veh2.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); int hash = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_MODEL, new InputArgument[] { Game.Player.Character }); if (hash == Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, new InputArgument[] { "player_zero" })) //m { mod = new Model(PedHash.Franklin); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_ped1 = World.CreatePed(mod, new Vector3(-1726.644f, -1112.538f, 13.2474f)); escape_ped1.Heading = 42.1536f; escape_ped1.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); mod = new Model(PedHash.Trevor); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_ped2 = World.CreatePed(mod, new Vector3(1376.8f, -2076.873f, 51.9985f)); escape_ped2.Heading = 47.19263f; escape_ped2.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); } else if (hash == Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, new InputArgument[] { "player_one" })) //f { mod = new Model(PedHash.Michael); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_ped1 = World.CreatePed(mod, new Vector3(-1726.644f, -1112.538f, 13.2474f)); escape_ped1.Heading = 42.1536f; escape_ped1.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); mod = new Model(PedHash.Trevor); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_ped2 = World.CreatePed(mod, new Vector3(1376.8f, -2076.873f, 51.9985f)); escape_ped2.Heading = 47.19263f; escape_ped2.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); } else if (hash == Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, new InputArgument[] { "player_two" }))//tr { mod = new Model(PedHash.Michael); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_ped1 = World.CreatePed(mod, new Vector3(-1726.644f, -1112.538f, 13.2474f)); escape_ped1.Heading = 42.1536f; escape_ped1.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); mod = new Model(PedHash.Franklin); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } escape_ped2 = World.CreatePed(mod, new Vector3(1376.8f, -2076.873f, 51.9985f)); escape_ped2.Heading = 47.19263f; escape_ped2.IsPersistent = true; mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); } original_ped = Game.Player.Character; Game.FadeScreenOut(3000); while (!Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_SCREEN_FADED_OUT)) Script.Wait(0); Function.Call(Hash.CHANGE_PLAYER_PED, Game.Player, escape_ped1, 1, 0); Game.FadeScreenIn(3000); while (!Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_SCREEN_FADED_IN)) Script.Wait(0); current_ped = 1; vehb = escape_veh1.AddBlip(); vehb.Color = BlipColor.Blue; UI.ShowSubtitle("Get in the ~b~ Vehicle",3000); steps = 0; player_status = status.In_escape; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 5); escape = true; } } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.E && steps == 5) { if (current_ped == 1) { Function.Call(Hash.CHANGE_PLAYER_PED, Game.Player, escape_ped2, 1, 0); //drive task current_ped = 2; } else { Function.Call(Hash.CHANGE_PLAYER_PED, Game.Player, escape_ped1, 1, 0); //shot task escape_ped2.Task.FightAgainstHatedTargets(150f); escape_ped2.AlwaysKeepTask = true; current_ped = 1; } } if (((e.KeyCode == Keys.Y) && arrested) && (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(escape_Ped.Position) < 4f)) { time = Game.GameTime; int i; for (i = 0; i < prisoner.Count; i++) { GiveWeapons_prisoner(prisoner[i]); prisoner[i].CanSwitchWeapons = true; } for (i = 0; i < garde.Count; i++) { GiveWeapons_Garde(garde[i]); garde[i].CanSwitchWeapons = true; //Function.Call(Hash.SET_BLOCKING_OF_NON_TEMPORARY_EVENTS, garde[i], true); } GiveWeapons_prisoner(Game.Player.Character); Player player3 = Game.Player; player3.Money -= 0x4c4b40; Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, new InputArgument[] { 5, 0x7ea26372, -183807561 }); Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, new InputArgument[] { 5, -183807561, 0x7ea26372 }); } if (((e.KeyCode == Keys.E) && (player_status == status.In_road)) && !sciped) { try { Game.FadeScreenOut(3000); while (!Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_SCREEN_FADED_OUT)) { Script.Wait(0); } policecar.Position = new Vector3(2124.503f, 2760.919f, 49.1893f); policecar.Heading = 130.5902f; Game.FadeScreenIn(3000); sciped = true; } catch (Exception ex) { SimpleLog.Error(ex); throw; } } }
public void prison_controle_Tick() { if (arrested) { stop_scripts(); } if (inprison) { stop_scripts(); if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1752.894f, 2592.242f, 45.56502f)) < 1f) { arrested = true; escape = false; Function.Call(Hash.ENABLE_ALL_CONTROL_ACTIONS, new InputArgument[] { 1 }); Game.FadeScreenOut(0x9c4); Game.Player.Character.Weapons.RemoveAll(); while (!Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_SCREEN_FADED_OUT, new InputArgument[0])) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1617.643f, 2523.981f, 45.56489f); Game.Player.Character.Heading = 264.718f; clothes_changer(); Game.FadeScreenIn(0x9c4); Game.Player.CanControlCharacter = true; Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENABLE_HANDCUFFS, new InputArgument[] { Game.Player.Character, 0 }); Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENABLE_BOUND_ANKLES, new InputArgument[] { Game.Player.Character, 0 }); int num = 0x7ea26372; int num2 = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, new InputArgument[] { Game.Player.Character }); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, new InputArgument[] { 0xff, num, num2 }); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, new InputArgument[] { 0xff, num2, num }); Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, new InputArgument[] { 1, num, num2 }); bail = World.CreateBlip(new Vector3(1691.709f, 2565.036f, 45.56487f)); bail.Color = BlipColor.White; Function.Call(Hash.SET_CLOCK_TIME, new InputArgument[] { 13, 0, 0 }); roit = World.CreateBlip(escape_Ped.Position); roit.Sprite = BlipSprite.DollarSign; _headsup = new UIText(string.Concat(new object[] { "Time: ~b~", hours, ":", minit }), new Point(2, 520), 0.7f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.HouseScript, false); _headsupRectangle = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 520), new Size(0xd7, 0x41), Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0)); if (police != null) { police.Delete(); } if (policecar != null) { policecar.Delete(); } inprison = false; } if ((Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1764.323f, 2604.595f, 45.56498f)) < 5f) && (Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle == policecar)) { Game.Player.Character.Task.GoTo(new Vector3(1752.894f, 2592.242f, 45.56502f)); } } if (arrested) { if (Game.Player.Character.IsDead) { respawn.RespawnPlayer(new Vector3(1617.643f, 2523.981f, 45.56489f), 264.718f); } if (player_status == status.In_roit && Game.GameTime > time +1000) { Model mod = new Model(PedHash.Prisoner01); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } Ped[] allped = World.GetAllPeds(mod); for (int i = 0; i < allped.Length; i++) { bool find = false; for (int j = 0; j < prisoner.Count; j++) if (prisoner[j] == allped[i]) find = true; if (!find) prisoner.Add(allped[i]); } mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); //=================================================== mod = new Model(PedHash.Prisoner01SMY); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } allped = World.GetAllPeds(mod); for (int i = 0; i < allped.Length; i++) { bool find = false; for (int j = 0; j < prisoner.Count; j++) if (prisoner[j] == allped[i]) find = true; if (!find) prisoner.Add(allped[i]); } mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); //=================================================== mod = new Model(PedHash.Prisguard01SMM); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } allped = World.GetAllPeds(mod); for (int i = 0; i < allped.Length; i++) { bool find = false; for (int j = 0; j < garde.Count; j++) if (garde[j] == allped[i]) find = true; if (!find) garde.Add(allped[i]); } mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); for (int j = 0; j < prisoner.Count; j++) { GiveWeapons_prisoner(prisoner[j]); prisoner[j].CanSwitchWeapons = true; //Function.Call(Hash.SET_BLOCKING_OF_NON_TEMPORARY_EVENTS, prisoner[j], true); } for (int j = 0; j < garde.Count; j++) { GiveWeapons_Garde(garde[j]); garde[j].CanSwitchWeapons = true; // Function.Call(Hash.SET_BLOCKING_OF_NON_TEMPORARY_EVENTS, garde[j], true); } time = Game.GameTime; } Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, new InputArgument[] { 0 }); stop_scripts(); int hh = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_CLOCK_HOURS, new InputArgument[0]); int mm = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_CLOCK_MINUTES, new InputArgument[0]); if ((hh == 14) && (mm == 0)) { Function.Call(Hash.SET_CLOCK_TIME, new InputArgument[] { 13, 0, 0 }); time = Game.GameTime; } if (!((mm != 0) || hhh)) { minit = 0; hours--; hhh = true; } else if (mm > 0) { minit = 60 - mm; hhh = false; } if ((mm == 0 || mm == 5 || mm == 10 || mm == 15 || mm == 20 || mm == 25 || mm == 30 || mm == 35 || mm == 40 || mm == 45 || mm == 50 || mm == 55 || mm == 60) && !doit) { Model mod = new Model(PedHash.Prisoner01); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } Ped[] allped = World.GetAllPeds(mod); for (int i = 0; i < allped.Length;i++ ) { bool find = false; for (int j = 0; j < prisoner.Count; j++) if (prisoner[j] == allped[i]) find = true; if (!find) prisoner.Add(allped[i]); } mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); //=================================================== mod = new Model(PedHash.Prisoner01SMY); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } allped = World.GetAllPeds(mod); for (int i = 0; i < allped.Length; i++) { bool find = false; for (int j = 0; j < prisoner.Count; j++) if (prisoner[j] == allped[i]) find = true; if (!find) prisoner.Add(allped[i]); } mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); //=================================================== mod = new Model(PedHash.Prisguard01SMM); mod.Request(); while (!mod.IsLoaded) { stop_scripts(); Script.Wait(0); } allped = World.GetAllPeds(mod); for (int i = 0; i < allped.Length; i++) { bool find = false; for (int j = 0; j < garde.Count; j++) if (garde[j] == allped[i]) find = true; if (!find) garde.Add(allped[i]); } mod.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); doit = true; } else if ((mm != 0 && mm != 5 && mm != 10 && mm != 15 && mm != 20 && mm != 25 && mm != 30 && mm != 35 && mm != 40 && mm != 45 && mm != 50 && mm != 55 && mm != 60) && doit) { doit = false; } stop_scripts(); _headsup = new UIText(string.Concat(new object[] { "Time: ~b~", hours, ":", minit }), new Point(2, 520), 0.7f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, false); _headsupRectangle = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 520), new Size(0xd7, 0x41), Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0)); _headsup.Draw(); _headsupRectangle.Draw(); if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1691.709f, 2565.036f, 45.56487f)) < 2f) { UI.Notify("press [E] to bail : ~g~ " + 0x4c4b40 + "~w~$"); } else if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1625.474f, 2491.485f, 45.62026f)) < 4f) { UI.Notify("press [E] to escape for : ~g~ " + 0x4c4b40 + "~w~$"); UI.Notify("press [Y] to make roit for : ~g~ " + 0x4c4b40 + "~w~$"); } if ((hours == 0) && (minit == 0)) { bail.Remove(); roit.Remove(); escape_Ped.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1849.555f, 2586.085f, 45.67202f); Game.Player.Character.Heading = 258.4564f; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, new InputArgument[] { 5 }); Function.Call(Hash.PAUSE_CLOCK, new InputArgument[] { 0 }); arrested = false; _headsup = null; _headsupRectangle = null; } } }
// on start create ui protected override void Start() { // set cursor stylesheet UI.SetCursor("ui/cursor.ini"); // create ui root _uiroot = UI.CreateRoot(); // create button and list window var buttonAndListWindow = UI.CreateWindow("ui/window.ini", _uiroot, "Button, DropDown & List"); buttonAndListWindow.AutoArrangeChildren = true; buttonAndListWindow.Offset = new PointI(40, 30); buttonAndListWindow.Grow(0, 50); // add into text and button UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", buttonAndListWindow, "This demo shows UI elements. \nFor example, here's a button:"); var button = UI.CreateButton("ui/button.ini", buttonAndListWindow, "Click Me!"); int clickCounts = 1; button.OnMouseReleased((UIElement elem) => { button.Caption.Text = "Thanks! Clicks: " + clickCounts++; }); // add a dropdown var dropdownTitle = UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", buttonAndListWindow, "Here's a DropDown:"); var dropdown = UI.CreateDropDown("ui/dropdown.ini", buttonAndListWindow); dropdown.PlaceholderText = "Click to show options."; for (var i = 1; i <= 15; ++i) { dropdown.AddItem("Item #" + i); } // add a list var listTitle = UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", buttonAndListWindow, "And here's a List:"); var list = UI.CreateList("ui/list.ini", buttonAndListWindow); for (var i = 1; i <= 15; ++i) { list.AddItem("Item #" + i); } // add text to show selected var listSelected = UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", buttonAndListWindow, "Selected: "); list.OnValueChange((UIElement element) => { listSelected.Text = "Selected: " + list.SelectedItem; }); // create another window for checkboxes and slider var checkboxSliderWindow = UI.CreateWindow("ui/window.ini", _uiroot, "Checkbox, Radio & Slider"); checkboxSliderWindow.Offset = new PointI(140, 60); checkboxSliderWindow.AutoArrangeChildren = true; // some checkboxes UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", checkboxSliderWindow, "Checkboxes: "); var checkbox1 = UI.CreateCheckBox("ui/checkbox.ini", checkboxSliderWindow, "This is a checkbox"); _debugDrawCheckbox = UI.CreateCheckBox("ui/checkbox.ini", checkboxSliderWindow, "Debug draw UI"); // some radio buttons var radioIntro = UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", checkboxSliderWindow, "Radio buttons: "); for (var i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) { var radio = UI.CreateRadioButton("ui/radiobutton.ini", checkboxSliderWindow, "Radio Button #" + i); } // add slider var sliderText = UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", checkboxSliderWindow, "Slider Input [value=0]:"); var slider = UI.CreateSlider("ui/slider.ini", checkboxSliderWindow); slider.OnValueChange((UIElement element) => { sliderText.Text = "Slider Input [value=" + slider.Value + "]:"; }); // create another window for text inputs var textInputsWindow = UI.CreateWindow("ui/window.ini", _uiroot, "Text Inputs"); textInputsWindow.Offset = new PointI(240, 90); textInputsWindow.AutoArrangeChildren = true; // add text input UITextInput textInput = UI.CreateTextInput("ui/textinput.ini", textInputsWindow, "", "Free text input.."); textInput.MaxLength = 16; // add numbers input UITextInput numbersInput = UI.CreateTextInput("ui/textinput.ini", textInputsWindow, "", "Numbers input.."); numbersInput.InputMode = UITextInputMode.NumbersOnly; numbersInput.MaxLength = 16; // add characters input UITextInput alphaInput = UI.CreateTextInput("ui/textinput.ini", textInputsWindow, "", "Alpha input.."); alphaInput.InputMode = UITextInputMode.AlphaOnly; alphaInput.MaxLength = 16; // add numbers and alpha input UITextInput numbersAlphaInput = UI.CreateTextInput("ui/textinput.ini", textInputsWindow, "", "Numbers & alpha input.."); numbersAlphaInput.InputMode = UITextInputMode.NumbersOnly | UITextInputMode.AlphaOnly; numbersAlphaInput.MaxLength = 16; // add upper input UITextInput upperInput = UI.CreateTextInput("ui/textinput.ini", textInputsWindow, "", "UPPERCASE INPUT.."); upperInput.InputMode = UITextInputMode.Uppercase; upperInput.MaxLength = 16; // add lower input UITextInput lowerInput = UI.CreateTextInput("ui/textinput.ini", textInputsWindow, "", "lowercase input.."); lowerInput.InputMode = UITextInputMode.Lowercase; lowerInput.MaxLength = 16; // add upper alpha input UITextInput upperAlphaInput = UI.CreateTextInput("ui/textinput.ini", textInputsWindow, "", "UPPERCASE ALPHA INPUT.."); upperAlphaInput.InputMode = UITextInputMode.Uppercase | UITextInputMode.AlphaOnly; upperAlphaInput.MaxLength = 16; // create additional window for columns UIWindow columnsWindow = UI.CreateWindow("ui/window.ini", _uiroot, "Columns"); columnsWindow.AutoArrangeChildren = true; columnsWindow.SizePixels = new PointI(400, 450); columnsWindow.Offset = new PointI(340, 120); // create some test columns { UIElement column = columnsWindow.CreateColumn(null, 80); UIRectangle rect = UI.CreateRectangle(null, column); rect.SetSizeToMax(); rect.Color = Color.Red; rect.Filled = false; } { UIElement column = columnsWindow.CreateColumn(null, 70); UIRectangle rect = UI.CreateRectangle(null, column); rect.SetSizeToMax(); rect.Color = Color.Orange; rect.Filled = false; } { UIElement column = columnsWindow.CreateColumn(null, 80, alignment: UIAlignment.Right); UIRectangle rect = UI.CreateRectangle(null, column); rect.SetSizeToMax(); rect.Color = Color.Blue; rect.Filled = false; } { UIElement column = columnsWindow.CreateColumn(null, 70, alignment: UIAlignment.Right); UIRectangle rect = UI.CreateRectangle(null, column); rect.SetSizeToMax(); rect.Color = Color.Teal; rect.Filled = false; } { UIElement column = columnsWindow.CreateColumn(null, 50, alignment: UIAlignment.Center); UIRectangle rect = UI.CreateRectangle(null, column); rect.SetSizeToMax(); rect.Color = Color.Black; rect.Filled = false; } UI.CreateText("ui/small_text.ini", columnsWindow, "Columns allow you to divide containers into sections. Its useful when you need to place elements side by side."); // order windows textInputsWindow.MoveToFront(); checkboxSliderWindow.MoveToFront(); buttonAndListWindow.MoveToFront(); }
/// <summary> /// This will fire at the targeted ped and will handle changing targets /// </summary> /// <param name="firstButton">The first (aiming) button which needs to pressed before handling this update</param> /// <param name="secondButton">The second (firing) button which needs to pressed before the actual shooting</param> private void UpdateCombat(Func <bool> firstButton, Func <bool> secondButton) { if (Input.isPressed(DeviceButton.DPadLeft)) { foreach (WeaponHash projectile in throwables) { Function.Call(Hash.EXPLODE_PROJECTILES, Ped, new InputArgument(projectile), true); } } if (firstButton.Invoke()) { if (!secondButton.Invoke()) { Targets = GetTargets(); } if (CanDoAction(PlayerPedAction.SelectTarget, 500)) { Direction dir = Input.GetDirection(DeviceButton.RightStick); if (Input.IsDirectionLeft(dir)) { TargetIndex--; UpdateLastAction(PlayerPedAction.SelectTarget); } if (Input.IsDirectionRight(dir)) { TargetIndex++; UpdateLastAction(PlayerPedAction.SelectTarget); } } Ped target = Targets.ElementAtOrDefault(TargetIndex); if (target == null) { return; } if (!target.IsAlive) { Targets = GetTargets(); } if (target != null) { World.DrawMarker(MarkerType.UpsideDownCone, target.GetBoneCoord(Bone.SKEL_Head) + new Vector3(0, 0, 1), GameplayCamera.Direction, GameplayCamera.Rotation, new Vector3(1, 1, 1), Color.OrangeRed); if (secondButton.Invoke()) { SelectWeapon(Ped, weapons[WeaponIndex]); if (IsThrowable(weapons[WeaponIndex])) { if (CanDoAction(PlayerPedAction.ThrowTrowable, 1500)) { Function.Call(Hash.TASK_THROW_PROJECTILE, Ped, target.Position.X, target.Position.Y, target.Position.Z); UpdateLastAction(PlayerPedAction.ThrowTrowable); } } else if (CanDoAction(PlayerPedAction.Shoot, 750)) { if (Ped.IsInVehicle()) { Function.Call(Hash.TASK_DRIVE_BY, Ped, target, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50.0f, 100, 1, (uint)FiringPattern.FullAuto); } else if (IsMelee(weapons[WeaponIndex])) { // Ped.Task.ShootAt(target, 750, FiringPattern.FullAuto); // UI.ShowSubtitle("Melee weapons are not supported yet."); Ped.Task.FightAgainst(target, -1); } else { Ped.Task.ShootAt(target, 750, FiringPattern.FullAuto); } UpdateLastAction(PlayerPedAction.Shoot); } } else { Ped.Task.AimAt(target, 100); } } if (Ped.IsOnScreen) { Vector3 headPos = Ped.GetBoneCoord(Bone.SKEL_Head); headPos.Z += 0.3f; headPos.X += 0.1f; UIRectangle rect = new UIRectangle(UI.WorldToScreen(headPos), new Size(MaxHealth / 2, 5), Color.LimeGreen); rect.Draw(); rect.Size = new Size(Ped.Health / 2, 5); rect.Color = Color.IndianRed; rect.Draw(); } } else { TargetIndex = 0; } }
void intial() { Game.Player.WantedLevel = 0; Game.Player.Character.Weapons.RemoveAll(); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Hate, 2124571506, -183807561); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Hate, -183807561, 2124571506); Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Pedestrians, 2124571506, -183807561); Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Pedestrians, -183807561, 2124571506); escape_Ped = World.CreatePed(PedHash.Prisoner01, new Vector3(1625.474f, 2491.485f, 45.62026f)); escape_Ped.Task.StandStill(-1); escape_Ped.Heading = 320.5151f; Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENTITY_AS_MISSION_ENTITY, escape_Ped, true, true); Game.Player.WantedLevel = 0; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 0); Game.Player.Character.Task.PlayAnimation("RANDOM@ARRESTS", "idle_2_hands_up", 2f, -1, false, 0); Script.Wait(500); Game.FadeScreenIn(2500); // while (Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_PLAYING_ANIM, Game.Player.Character, "RANDOM@ARRESTS", "idle_2_hands_up", 3)) Script.Wait(0); while (!Function.Call <bool>(Hash.IS_SCREEN_FADED_OUT)) { Script.Wait(0); } Game.FadeScreenIn(0); int group = 2124571506; int player_group = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, Game.Player.Character); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Pedestrians, group, player_group); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Pedestrians, player_group, group); Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, 1, group, player_group); // Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, 1, player_group, group); // Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_AREA_OF_PEDS, 1637.856f, 2608.986f, 45.56487f, 1000f, true); clothes_changer(); bail = World.CreateBlip(new Vector3(1691.709f, 2565.036f, 45.56487f)); bail.Color = BlipColor.White; Function.Call(Hash.SET_CLOCK_TIME, 13, 00, 0); roit = World.CreateBlip(escape_Ped.Position); roit.Sprite = BlipSprite.DollarSign; _headsup = new UIText("Time: ~b~" + hours + ":" + minit, new Point(2, 520), 0.7f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.HouseScript, false); _headsupRectangle = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 520), new Size(215, 65), Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0)); _headsup.Draw(); _headsupRectangle.Draw(); arrested = true; escape = false; Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1617.643f, 2523.981f, 45.56489f); Game.FadeScreenOut(1); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); Game.Player.Character.Heading = 264.718f; Game.FadeScreenOut(0); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); Game.FadeScreenIn(3000); }
void Ontick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // prisoner groupe 2124571506 // garde groupe -183807561 // police groupe -1533126372 // SOLARITe 1651,726 : 2568,254 : 51,51672 :=> 348,7881 // 1 1858,746 : 2609,113 : 45,29342 // 2 1831,064 : 2607,884 : 45,20006 // 3 1754,864 : 2605,129 : 45,18484 if (Function.Call <bool>(Hash.IS_PLAYER_BEING_ARRESTED, Game.Player, true)) { hours = 20; intial1(); } #region escape if (escape) { roit.Remove(); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); if (Game.Player.Character.IsInVehicle()) { if (Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle == help_veh) { bail.Remove(); if (Game.Player.WantedLevel == 0) { GTA.UI.ShowSubtitle("you have escape", 1000); escape = false; escape_Ped.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); help_veh.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); arrested = false; } else { GTA.UI.ShowSubtitle("escape the police", 10); } } else { GTA.UI.ShowSubtitle("get to the ~b~ MAVERICK", 10); bail.Remove(); bail = World.CreateBlip(help_veh.Position); bail.Color = BlipColor.Blue; bail.ShowRoute = true; } } else { GTA.UI.ShowSubtitle("get to the ~b~ MAVERICK", 10); bail.Remove(); bail = World.CreateBlip(help_veh.Position); bail.Color = BlipColor.Blue; bail.ShowRoute = true; } if (Game.Player.IsDead) { escape = false; arrested = false; bail.Remove(); help_veh.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); } } #endregion //================================================================================================================================================= if (arrested) { Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); } if (inprison) { Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1752.894f, 2592.242f, 45.56502f)) < 1f) { arrested = true; escape = false; Function.Call(Hash.ENABLE_ALL_CONTROL_ACTIONS, 1); Game.FadeScreenOut(2500); Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1617.643f, 2523.981f, 45.56489f); clothes_changer(); Game.Player.CanControlCharacter = true; Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENABLE_HANDCUFFS, Game.Player.Character, false); Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENABLE_BOUND_ANKLES, Game.Player.Character, false); Game.FadeScreenIn(2500); int group = 2124571506; int player_group = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, Game.Player.Character); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Pedestrians, group, player_group); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, (int)Relationship.Pedestrians, player_group, group); Function.Call(Hash.SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS, 1, group, player_group); bail = World.CreateBlip(new Vector3(1691.709f, 2565.036f, 45.56487f)); bail.Color = BlipColor.White; Function.Call(Hash.SET_CLOCK_TIME, 13, 00, 0); roit = World.CreateBlip(escape_Ped.Position); roit.Sprite = BlipSprite.DollarSign; _headsup = new UIText("Time: ~b~" + hours + ":" + minit, new Point(2, 520), 0.7f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.HouseScript, false); _headsupRectangle = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 520), new Size(215, 65), Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0)); inprison = false; } if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1754.864f, 2605.129f, 45.18484f)) < 5f) { Game.Player.Character.Task.GoTo(new Vector3(1752.894f, 2592.242f, 45.56502f)); } } if (testt) { Function.Call(Hash.DISABLE_ALL_CONTROL_ACTIONS, 1); if (open1) { int t = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, "prop_gate_prison_01"); Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1845.0f, 2605.0f, 45.0f, 0, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); } else { int t = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, "prop_gate_prison_01"); Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1845.0f, 2605.0f, 45.0f, 1, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); } if (open2) { int t = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, "prop_gate_prison_01"); Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1819.27f, 2608.53f, 44.61f, 0, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); } else { int t = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, "prop_gate_prison_01"); Function.Call(Hash._0x9B12F9A24FABEDB0, t, 1819.27f, 2608.53f, 44.61f, 1, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0f); } if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1855.855f, 2606.756f, 45.9304f)) < 4f) { open1 = true; open2 = false; } if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1831.152f, 2606.738f, 45.83254f)) < 3f && open1) { open1 = false; open2 = true; Game.Player.WantedLevel = 0; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 0); } if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1754.018f, 2604.271f, 45.82404f)) < 4f && open2) { open1 = false; open2 = false; testt = false; Game.Player.WantedLevel = 0; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 0); inprison = true; } Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); } if (arrested) { if (Game.Player.Character.IsDead) { Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 5); } Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 0); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); Function.Call(Hash.STOP_ALARM, "PRISON_ALARMS", 0); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_AMBIENT_ZONE_STATE, "AZ_COUNTRYSIDE_PRISON_01_ANNOUNCER_GENERAL", 0); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_AMBIENT_ZONE_STATE, "AZ_COUNTRYSIDE_PRISON_01_ANNOUNCER_WARNING", 0); int hh = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_CLOCK_HOURS); int mm = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_CLOCK_MINUTES); if (hh == 14 && mm == 0) { Function.Call(Hash.SET_CLOCK_TIME, 13, 00, 0); } if (mm == 0 && !hhh) { minit = 00; hours -= 1; hhh = true; } else if (mm > 0) { minit = 60 - mm; hhh = false; } test = World.GetNearbyPeds(Game.Player.Character, 150f); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); for (int i = 0; i < test.Length; i++) { Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); if (Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, test[i]) == 2124571506 || Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, test[i]) == -86095805) { bool trouve = false; for (int m = 0; m < prisoner.Count; m++) { if (prisoner[m] == test[i]) { trouve = true; break; } } if (!trouve) { prisoner.Add(test[i]); } } else if (Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, test[i]) == -183807561) { bool trouve = false; for (int m = 0; m < garde.Count; m++) { if (garde[m] == test[i]) { trouve = true; break; } } if (!trouve) { garde.Add(test[i]); } } Ped[] test2 = World.GetNearbyPeds(test[i], 150f); for (int j = 0; j < test2.Length; j++) { Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); if (Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, test2[j]) == 2124571506 || Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, test2[j]) == -86095805) { bool trouve = false; for (int m = 0; m < prisoner.Count; m++) { if (prisoner[m] == test2[j]) { trouve = true; break; } } if (!trouve) { prisoner.Add(test2[j]); } } else if (Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, test2[j]) == -183807561) { bool trouve = false; for (int m = 0; m < garde.Count; m++) { if (garde[m] == test2[j]) { trouve = true; break; } } if (!trouve) { garde.Add(test2[j]); } } } } //=================================================================================================== Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "respawn_controller"); Function.Call(Hash.TERMINATE_ALL_SCRIPTS_WITH_THIS_NAME, "re_prison"); _headsup = new UIText("Time: ~b~" + hours + ":" + minit, new Point(2, 520), 0.7f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, false); _headsupRectangle = new UIRectangle(new Point(0, 520), new Size(215, 65), Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0)); _headsup.Draw(); _headsupRectangle.Draw(); if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1691.709f, 2565.036f, 45.56487f)) < 2f) { GTA.UI.Notify("press [E] to bail : ~g~ " + 5000000 + "~w~$"); } else if (Game.Player.Character.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(1625.474f, 2491.485f, 45.62026f)) < 4f) { GTA.UI.Notify("press [E] to escape for : ~g~ " + 5000000 + "~w~$"); GTA.UI.Notify("press [Y] to make roit for : ~g~ " + 5000000 + "~w~$"); } if (hours == 0 && minit == 0) { bail.Remove(); Game.Player.Character.Position = new Vector3(1849.555f, 2586.085f, 45.67202f); Game.Player.Character.Heading = 258.4564f; Function.Call(Hash.SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL, 5); Function.Call(Hash.PAUSE_CLOCK, false); arrested = false; _headsup = null; _headsupRectangle = null; } } }
public void PushUIRectangle(UIRectangle rectangle) { rectangle.AlignVertically(); rectangle.AlignHorizontally(); _drawingObjects.Add(rectangle); }