Exemple #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //set up tiles
        tiles = new bool[dimension, dimension];
        for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
                tiles[i, j] = true;

        Rectangle        allSpace    = new Rectangle(1, 1, dimension - 1, dimension - 1);
        Tree <Rectangle> binarySpace = RecurseCreateTree(allSpace, iterations);

        //now that we have made a BSP tree, carve out the dungeon.
        //hmm... maybe we only want 1 or 2 thickness wall

        tiles = RecurseCarveOutDungeon(binarySpace, tiles);

        //lets debug

        //for (int i = 0; i < 96; i++)
        //    string line = "";
        //    for (int j = 0; j < 96; j++)
        //    {

        //        if (tiles[i, j] == true)
        //        {
        //            line += "#";
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            line += ".";
        //        }
        //    }
        //    Debug.Log(line);


        //spawn the walls.

        for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
                if (tiles[i, j] == true)
                    GameObject p = GameObject.Instantiate(pillar);
                    p.transform.position = new Vector3(i - dimension / 2, 0, j - dimension / 2);

        //spawn players

        List <Point> playerPositions = new List <Point>();

        while (true)
            //find 4 adjacent squares
            int x = Random.Range(0, dimension);
            int y = Random.Range(0, dimension - 7);

            if (!tiles[x, y] && !tiles[x, y + 1] && !tiles[x, y + 2] && !tiles[x, y + 3] && !tiles[x, y + 4] && !tiles[x, y + 5] && !tiles[x, y + 6] && !tiles[x, y + 7])
                GameObject a = GameObject.Instantiate(alpha);
                a.transform.position = new Vector3(x - dimension / 2, 0, y - dimension / 2);
                playerPositions.Add(new Point(x, y));
                a.name = "Alpha";
                GameObject b = GameObject.Instantiate(bravo);
                b.transform.position = new Vector3(x - dimension / 2, 0, y + 3 - dimension / 2);
                playerPositions.Add(new Point(x, y + 3));
                b.name = "Bravo";
                GameObject c = GameObject.Instantiate(charlie);
                c.transform.position = new Vector3(x - dimension / 2, 0, y + 6 - dimension / 2);
                playerPositions.Add(new Point(x, y + 5));
                c.name = "Charlie";
                GameObject d = GameObject.Instantiate(delta);
                d.transform.position = new Vector3(x - dimension / 2, 0, y + 7 - dimension / 2);
                playerPositions.Add(new Point(x, y + 7));
                d.name = "Delta";
                //set up command controller

                GameObject        turnManagerObj = GameObject.Find("Turn Manager");
                CommandController cc             = turnManagerObj.GetComponent <CommandController>();
                cc.SoldierList.Add(a.GetComponent <SoldierInfo>());
                cc.SoldierList.Add(b.GetComponent <SoldierInfo>());
                cc.SoldierList.Add(c.GetComponent <SoldierInfo>());
                cc.SoldierList.Add(d.GetComponent <SoldierInfo>());

                TurnManager turnManagerComponent = turnManagerObj.GetComponent <TurnManager>();
                turnManagerComponent.SoldierList[0] = (a.GetComponent <SoldierCommands>());
                turnManagerComponent.SoldierList[1] = (b.GetComponent <SoldierCommands>());
                turnManagerComponent.SoldierList[2] = (c.GetComponent <SoldierCommands>());
                turnManagerComponent.SoldierList[3] = (d.GetComponent <SoldierCommands>());

                UIIOMan uIIOMan = GameObject.Find("UIIOManager").GetComponent <UIIOMan>();
                uIIOMan.alphasp   = a.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
                uIIOMan.bravosp   = b.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
                uIIOMan.charliesp = c.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
                uIIOMan.deltasp   = d.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;


        //spawn ayys

        List <Point> alienPositions = new List <Point>();
        int          tries          = Random.Range(minAlienTries, maxAlienTries);

        GameObject     turnManager = GameObject.Find("Turn Manager");
        TurnManager    tm          = turnManager.GetComponent <TurnManager>();
        List <AlienAI> ais         = new List <AlienAI>();

        for (int i = tries; i > 0; i--)
            //try to place an ayy
            int x = Random.Range(1, dimension - 1);
            int y = Random.Range(1, dimension - 1);

            if (tiles[x, y] == false)
                //ayy lamoas dont start too close to player start position
                if (playerPositions.Find(p => Mathf.Sqrt(((p.x - x) ^ 2) + ((p.y - y) ^ 2)) < maxAlienSpawnPlayerSpacing) == null)
                    if (alienPositions.Find(p => Mathf.Sqrt(((p.x - x) ^ 2) + ((p.y - y) ^ 2)) < maxAlienSpawnSpacing) == null)
                    { //make sure ayy lmaos srent spawned to close to each other
                        GameObject p = GameObject.Instantiate(alien);

                        ais.Add(p.GetComponent <AlienAI>());
                        alienPositions.Add(new Point(x, y));
                        p.transform.position = new Vector3(x - dimension / 2, 2, y - dimension / 2);

        tm.AlienList = new AlienAI[ais.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < ais.Count; i++)
            tm.AlienList[i] = ais[i];
Exemple #2
 void Start()
     uiioMan = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <UIIOMan>();
     grid    = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GridScript>();
     health  = GetComponent <Health>();