/// <summary>
    /// We want to receive drag events from the thumb.
    /// </summary>

    void Start()
        if (foreground != null)
            mWidget    = foreground.GetComponent <UIWidget>();
            mSprite    = (mWidget != null) ? mWidget as UIFilledSprite : null;
            mForeTrans = foreground.transform;
            if (fullSize == Vector2.zero)
                fullSize = foreground.localScale;
        else if (mCol != null)
            if (fullSize == Vector2.zero)
                fullSize = mCol.size;
            Debug.LogWarning("UISlider expected to find a foreground object or a box collider to work with", this);

        if (Application.isPlaying && thumb != null && thumb.collider != null)
            UIEventListener listener = UIEventListener.Add(thumb.gameObject);
            listener.onPress += OnPressThumb;
            listener.onDrag  += OnDragThumb;
Exemple #2
    /// <summary>
    /// We want to receive drag events from the thumb.
    /// </summary>

    void Start()
        if (Application.isPlaying && thumb != null && thumb.GetComponent <Collider>() != null)
            UIEventListener listener = UIEventListener.Add(thumb.gameObject);
            listener.onPress += OnPressThumb;
            listener.onDrag  += OnDragThumb;

Exemple #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Load and set the state of the checkboxes.
    /// </summary>

    void OnEnable()
        string s = PlayerPrefs.GetString("NGUI State: " + name);

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
            UICheckbox[] checkboxes = GetComponentsInChildren <UICheckbox>();

            foreach (UICheckbox ch in checkboxes)
                UIEventListener.Add(ch.gameObject).onClick -= Save;
                ch.isChecked = (ch.name == s);
                UIEventListener.Add(ch.gameObject).onClick += Save;
Exemple #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Display the drop-down list when the game object gets clicked on.
    /// </summary>

    void OnClick()
        if (mChild == null && atlas != null && font != null && items.Count > 1)

            // Disable the navigation script
            handleEvents = true;

            // Automatically locate the panel responsible for this object
            if (mPanel == null)
                mPanel = UIPanel.Find(transform, true);

            // Calculate the dimensions of the object triggering the popup list so we can position it below it
            Transform myTrans = transform;
            Bounds    bounds  = NGUIMath.CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(myTrans.parent, myTrans);

            // Create the root object for the list
            mChild       = new GameObject("Drop-down List");
            mChild.layer = gameObject.layer;

            Transform t = mChild.transform;
            t.parent        = myTrans.parent;
            t.localPosition = bounds.min;
            t.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            t.localScale    = Vector3.one;

            // Add a sprite for the background
            UISprite background = NGUITools.AddSprite(mChild, atlas, backgroundSprite);
            background.pivot = UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft;
            background.depth = NGUITools.CalculateNextDepth(mPanel.gameObject);
            background.color = backgroundColor;

            // Add a sprite used for the selection
            mHighlight       = NGUITools.AddSprite(mChild, atlas, highlightSprite);
            mHighlight.pivot = UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft;
            mHighlight.color = highlightColor;

            float          fontScale = textLabel.FontSize * textScale;
            float          x = 0f, y = -padding.y;
            List <UILabel> labels = new List <UILabel>();

            // Run through all items and create labels for each one
            foreach (string s in items)
                UILabel lbl = NGUITools.AddWidget <UILabel>(mChild);
                lbl.pivot = UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft;
                lbl.font  = font;
                lbl.text  = (isLocalized && Localization.instance != null) ? Localization.instance.Get(s) : s;
                lbl.color = textColor;
                lbl.cachedTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(padding.x, y, 0f);

                if (textScale != 1f)
                    Vector3 scale = lbl.cachedTransform.localScale;
                    lbl.cachedTransform.localScale = scale * textScale;

                y -= fontScale;
                x  = Mathf.Max(x, lbl.relativeSize.x * fontScale);

                // Add an event listener
                UIEventListener listener = UIEventListener.Add(lbl.gameObject);
                listener.onHover   = OnItemHover;
                listener.onPress   = OnItemPress;
                listener.parameter = s;

                // Move the selection here if this is the right label
                if (mSelectedItem == s)
                    Highlight(lbl, true);

                // Add this label to the list

            // The triggering widget's width should be the minimum allowed width
            x = Mathf.Max(x, bounds.size.x - padding.x * 2f);

            // Run through all labels and add colliders
            foreach (UILabel lbl in labels)
                BoxCollider bc = NGUITools.AddWidgetCollider(lbl.gameObject);
                bc.center = new Vector3((x * 0.5f) / fontScale, -0.5f, bc.center.z);
                bc.size   = new Vector3(x / fontScale, 1f, 1f);

            x += padding.x * 2f;
            y -= padding.y;

            // Scale the background sprite to envelop the entire set of items
            background.cachedTransform.localScale = new Vector3(x, -y, 1f);

            // Scale the highlight sprite to envelop a single item
            mHighlight.cachedTransform.localScale = new Vector3(x, fontScale + padding.y * 2f, 1f);

            bool placeAbove = (position == Position.Above);

            if (position == Position.Auto)
                UICamera cam = UICamera.FindCameraForLayer(gameObject.layer);

                if (cam != null)
                    Vector3 viewPos = cam.cachedCamera.WorldToViewportPoint(myTrans.position);
                    placeAbove = (viewPos.y < 0.5f);

            // If the list should be animated, let's animate it by expanding it
            if (isAnimated)
                float bottom = y + fontScale;
                Animate(mHighlight, placeAbove, bottom);
                foreach (UILabel lbl in labels)
                    Animate(lbl, placeAbove, bottom);
                AnimateScale(background, placeAbove, bottom);

            // If we need to place the popup list above the item, we need to reposition everything by the size of the list
            if (placeAbove)
                t.localPosition = new Vector3(bounds.min.x, bounds.max.y - y, bounds.min.z);