// Destroy a wall
    // (x, y) is the coordinate of the tile
    // direction is the direction from the tile where the wall should be destroyed
    public void DestroyWall(int x, int y, int direction)
        TileClass  tile      = GetTileAtCoordinate(x, y).GetComponent <TileClass>();
        GameObject obj       = GetNeighbouringTile(x, y, direction);
        TileClass  otherTile = null;

        if (obj != null)
            otherTile = obj.GetComponent <TileClass>();
        GameObject wall = null;

        int opposite = TileClass.getOppositeDirection(direction);

        if (otherTile != null && otherTile.HasWall(opposite))
            wall = otherTile.GetWall(opposite);
            otherTile.SetWall(opposite, null);
        if (tile.HasWall(direction))
            wall = tile.GetWall(direction);
            otherTile.SetWall(direction, null);

        if (wall != null)