Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Credits to enohka for this code.
        /// See more at: http://github.com/enohka/moddingSuite
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual TgvImage Read(String filePath)
            var file = new TgvImage();

            byte[] rawDDSData = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(rawDDSData))
                var buffer = new byte[4];
                ms.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0) != DDSFormat.MagicHeader)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Wrong DDS magic");

                buffer = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DDSFormat.Header))];
                ms.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                var header = MiscUtilities.ByteArrayToStructure <DDSFormat.Header>(buffer);
                header.MipMapCount = 1;

                DDSHelper.ConversionFlags conversionFlags;
                var format = DDSHelper.GetDXGIFormat(ref header.PixelFormat, out conversionFlags);

                //read only the main content mipmap
                uint minMipByteLength = DDSMipMapUilities.GetMinimumMipMapSizeForFormat(header.PixelFormat);
                uint mipByteLength    = (uint)DDSMipMapUilities.GetMipMapBytesCount((int)header.Width, (int)header.Height, format);
                mipByteLength = Math.Max(minMipByteLength, mipByteLength);

                buffer = new byte[mipByteLength];
                ms.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                var mip = new TgvMipMap();
                mip.Content   = buffer;
                mip.Length    = mipByteLength;
                mip.MipSize   = header.Width * header.Height;
                mip.MipWidth  = header.Width;
                mip.MipHeight = header.Height;

                file.MipMapCount = (ushort)header.MipMapCount;
                file.Height            = header.Height;
                file.ImageHeight       = header.Height;
                file.Width             = header.Width;
                file.ImageWidth        = header.Width;
                file.Format            = format;
                file.PixelFormatString = TgvUtilities.GetTgvFromPixelFormat(format);

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Credits to enohka for this code.
        /// See more at: http://github.com/enohka/moddingSuite
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual byte[] Write(TgvImage file)
            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                file.PixelFormatString = TgvUtilities.GetTgvFromPixelFormat(file.Format); //"DXT5_SRGB"

                var buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(VersionMagic);
                stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(file.IsCompressed ? 1 : 0);
                stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(file.Width);
                stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(file.Height);
                stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(file.Width);
                stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(file.Height);
                stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)file.MipMapCount);
                stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                var fmtLen = (short)file.PixelFormatString.Length;
                buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(fmtLen);
                stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(file.PixelFormatString);
                stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                stream.Seek(MathUtilities.RoundToNextDivBy4(fmtLen) - fmtLen, SeekOrigin.Current);

                stream.Write(file.SourceChecksum, 0, file.SourceChecksum.Length);

                var mipOffset = (uint)(stream.Position);

                stream.Seek(8 * file.MipMapCount, SeekOrigin.Current);

                var sortedMipMaps = file.MipMaps.OrderBy(x => x.MipSize).ToList();

                // Create the content and write all MipMaps,
                // since we compress on this part its the first part where we know the size of a MipMap
                foreach (var sortedMipMap in sortedMipMaps)
                    sortedMipMap.Offset = (uint)stream.Position;
                    if (file.IsCompressed)
                        var zipoMagic = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("ZIPO");
                        stream.Write(zipoMagic, 0, zipoMagic.Length);

                        //buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(mipImgsizes[sortedMipMaps.IndexOf(sortedMipMap)]);
                        //To Ÿle dzia³a. W orygianlnym pliku bajty s¹ w innej kolejnoœci. Pozatym to zak³ada ze potêg¹ jest indeks,
                        //a w przypadku ma³ej liczby bitmap to nie ma sensu
                        uint mipSize = sortedMipMap.MipSize; //GetMipMapSize(file.Width, file.Height, sortedMipMaps.IndexOf(sortedMipMap), sortedMipMaps.Count);
                        buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(mipSize);
                        stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                        ICompressor comp = new ZlibCompressor();
                        buffer = comp.Compress(sortedMipMap.Content);
                        stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                        sortedMipMap.Length = (uint)buffer.Length;
                        stream.Write(sortedMipMap.Content, 0, sortedMipMap.Content.Length);
                        sortedMipMap.Length = (uint)sortedMipMap.Content.Length;

                    //Wygl¹da na to ¿e mipMapy musza mieæ offset wzglêden pocz¹tku pliku podzielny przez 4.
                    //Trzeba dope³niæ do liczby podzielnej przez 4 przed zapisem nastêpnego
                    //To dope³nienie zak³ada ¿e nag³ówek ma d³ugoœæ podzielna przez 4, tak ¿e pierwsza MipMapa nie jest przesuniêta.

                    //Plik Edata wie o tym poszerzeniu rozmiaru, bo odczytuje d³ugoœæ pliku z rozmiaru contentu.

                    bool multiMipMaps      = file.MipMaps.Count > 1;
                    bool needSupplementTo4 = (stream.Position % 4) != 0;
                    if (multiMipMaps && needSupplementTo4)
                        int    supplementSize   = (int)(MathUtilities.RoundToNextDivBy4(stream.Position) - stream.Position);
                        byte[] supplementBuffer = new byte[supplementSize];
                        stream.Write(supplementBuffer, 0, supplementBuffer.Length);

                stream.Seek(mipOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                // Write the offset collection in the header.
                for (int i = 0; i < file.MipMapCount; i++)
                    buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(sortedMipMaps[i].Offset);
                    stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                // Write the size collection into the header.
                for (int i = 0; i < file.MipMapCount; i++)
                    buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(sortedMipMaps[i].Length + 8); //+ 4 magii i + 4 rozmiaru mapy
                    stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

        public virtual TgvImage Read(String filePath)
            var file = new TgvImage();

            byte[] rawDDSData = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(rawDDSData))
                var buffer = new byte[4];
                ms.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0) != DDSFormat.MagicHeader)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Wrong DDS magic");

                buffer = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DDSFormat.Header))];
                ms.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                var header = MiscUtilities.ByteArrayToStructure <DDSFormat.Header>(buffer);

                DDSHelper.ConversionFlags conversionFlags;
                var format = DDSHelper.GetDXGIFormat(ref header.PixelFormat, out conversionFlags);

                if (header.MipMapCount == 0)
                    header.MipMapCount = 1;

                for (int i = 0; i < header.MipMapCount; i++)
                    uint mipScale  = (uint)Math.Max(1, 2 << (i - 1));
                    uint mipWidth  = Math.Max(1, header.Width / mipScale);
                    uint mipHeight = Math.Max(1, header.Height / mipScale);

                    if (mipWidth < MinMipMapWidth || mipHeight < MinMipMapHeight)

                    uint minMipByteLength = DDSMipMapUilities.GetMinimumMipMapSizeForFormat(header.PixelFormat);
                    uint mipByteLength    = (uint)DDSMipMapUilities.GetMipMapBytesCount((int)mipWidth, (int)mipHeight, format);
                    mipByteLength = Math.Max(minMipByteLength, mipByteLength);

                    buffer = new byte[mipByteLength];
                    ms.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                    var mip = new TgvMipMap();
                    mip.Content   = buffer;
                    mip.Length    = mipByteLength;
                    mip.MipSize   = mipWidth * mipHeight;//(int)mipSize; //spr. czy to jest równe size czy width * height;
                    mip.MipWidth  = mipWidth;
                    mip.MipHeight = mipHeight;


                file.Height            = header.Height;
                file.ImageHeight       = header.Height;
                file.Width             = header.Width;
                file.ImageWidth        = header.Width;
                file.MipMapCount       = (ushort)file.MipMaps.Count;
                file.Format            = format;
                file.PixelFormatString = TgvUtilities.GetTgvFromPixelFormat(format);
