public void UpdateFrame() { // If texture is not created, create and assign them to quads. if (!preapared) { // Check whether the native plugin has Direct3D textures that // can be connected to Unity textures. if (textureGroup.IsInitialized()) { // TextureGroup includes Y, U, V, and a depth texture. azureKinectScreenMaterial.SetTexture("_YTex", textureGroup.GetYTexture()); azureKinectScreenMaterial.SetTexture("_UTex", textureGroup.GetUTexture()); azureKinectScreenMaterial.SetTexture("_VTex", textureGroup.GetVTexture()); azureKinectScreenMaterial.SetTexture("_DepthTex", textureGroup.GetDepthTexture()); preapared = true; UnityEngine.Debug.Log("textureGroup intialized"); } } if (udpSocket == null) { return; } UpdateTextureGroup(); }