void OnTerrainChunkVisibilityChanged(TerrainChunk chunk, bool isVisible) {
     if (isVisible) {
     } else {
    void UpdateVisibleChunks()
        foreach (var terrainChunk in terrainChunksVisibleLastUpdate)

        int currentChunkCoordX = Mathf.RoundToInt(viewerPosition.x / chunkSize);
        int currentChunkCoordY = Mathf.RoundToInt(viewerPosition.y / chunkSize);

        for (int yOffset = -chunksVisibleInViewDistance; yOffset <= chunksVisibleInViewDistance; yOffset++)
            for (int xOffset = -chunksVisibleInViewDistance; xOffset <= chunksVisibleInViewDistance; xOffset++)
                Vector2 viewedChunkCoord = new Vector2(currentChunkCoordX + xOffset, currentChunkCoordY + yOffset);

                if (terrainChunkDictionary.ContainsKey(viewedChunkCoord))
                    TerrainChunk chunk = terrainChunkDictionary [viewedChunkCoord];
                    TerrainChunk chunk = new TerrainChunk(viewedChunkCoord, chunkSize, detailLevels, transform, mapMaterial);
                    terrainChunkDictionary.Add(viewedChunkCoord, chunk);
		private IEnumerator UpdateVisibleChunks()
			while (true)
				var currentchunkCoordX = Mathf.FloorToInt(player.position.x / chunkSize);
				var currentchunkCoordY = Mathf.FloorToInt(player.position.z / chunkSize);

				for (var yOffset = -chunksVisibleInViewDist; yOffset <= chunksVisibleInViewDist; yOffset++)
				for (var xOffset = -chunksVisibleInViewDist; xOffset <= chunksVisibleInViewDist; xOffset++)
					var viewedChunkCoord = new Vector2(currentchunkCoordX + xOffset, currentchunkCoordY + yOffset);

					if (!terrainChunkDictionary.ContainsKey(viewedChunkCoord))
						var newTerrainChunk = new TerrainChunk(viewedChunkCoord, chunkSize);
						while (!newTerrainChunk.IsReady())
							yield return null;
						terrainChunkDictionary.Add(viewedChunkCoord, newTerrainChunk);

				foreach (var terrainChunk in terrainChunkDictionary.Values)

				canStart = true;
				yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
Exemple #4
 public void GenerateStartingChunks()
     int currentX = Mathf.RoundToInt(viewer.position.x / chunkSize.x);
     int currentY = Mathf.RoundToInt(viewer.position.y / chunkSize.y);
     int currentZ = Mathf.RoundToInt(viewer.position.z / chunkSize.z);
     int viewX = viewDist.x / 2;
     int viewY = viewDist.y / 2;
     int viewZ = viewDist.z / 2;
     for (int x = -viewX; x < viewX; x++)
         for (int y = -viewY; y < viewY; y++)
             for (int z = -viewZ; z < viewZ; z++)
                 Vector3 chunkCoord = new Vector3(currentX + x, currentY + y, currentZ + z);
                 if (chunks.ContainsKey(chunkCoord))
                     Vector3 worldPosition = new Vector3(chunkCoord.x * chunkSize.x, chunkCoord.y * chunkSize.y, chunkCoord.z * chunkSize.z);
                     TerrainChunk chunk = new TerrainChunk(this, worldPosition, chunkSize, terrainMat);
                     chunks.Add(chunkCoord, chunk);
Exemple #5
    private void UpdateVisibleChunks()
        lastVisibleChunks.ForEach(chunk => chunk.SetVisible(false));

        int currentXCoord = Mathf.RoundToInt(viewerPos.x / chunkSize);
        int currentYCoord = Mathf.RoundToInt(viewerPos.y / chunkSize);

        for (int yOffset = -chunksVisibleInViewDst; yOffset <= chunksVisibleInViewDst; yOffset++)
            for (int xOffset = -chunksVisibleInViewDst; xOffset <= chunksVisibleInViewDst; xOffset++)
                Vector2 viewedChunkCoord = new Vector2(currentXCoord + xOffset, currentYCoord + yOffset);

                if (posToChunk.ContainsKey(viewedChunkCoord))
                    var chunk = posToChunk[viewedChunkCoord];
                    posToChunk[viewedChunkCoord] = new TerrainChunk(viewedChunkCoord, chunkSize, detailLevels, mapMaterial);
Exemple #6
    public void DrawToMesh(float x, float y, ChunkMesh msh, TerrainChunk chunk, int xi, int yi)
        if (invisible)

        float xp = x * blockSize;
        float yp = y * blockSize;

        MakeFrontFace(xp, yp, msh);

        if (yi == TerrainChunk.ChunkHeight - 1 || chunk[xi, yi + 1].invisible)
            MakeTopFace(xp, yp, msh);
        if (yi == 0 || chunk[xi, yi - 1].invisible)
            MakeBottomFace(xp, yp, msh);
        if (xi == 0 || chunk[xi - 1, yi].invisible)
            MakeLeftFace(xp, yp, msh);
        if (xi == TerrainChunk.ChunkWidth - 1 || chunk[xi + 1, yi].invisible)
            MakeRightFace(xp, yp, msh);
    private void Update()
        lock (ChunksAwaitingMeshApplying)
            // When chunks are queued for re-generation run the below
            while (ChunksAwaitingMeshApplying.Count > 0)
                if (_update >= _updatesPerFrame)
                    _update = 0;
                TerrainChunk chunk = ChunksAwaitingMeshApplying.Dequeue();
                if (!IsMultiThreaded) chunk.GenerateChunkMesh(chunk.LODLevel, true);

                // Check if a chunk should generation or delete objects 
                if (MathUtility.CompareLodLevel(chunk.LODLevel, FarLodSize))
                    if (chunk.IsForcedObjectGeneration)
                        chunk.IsForcedObjectGeneration = false;
Exemple #8
        public static void SetChunkVert(TerrainChunk chunk, int id, float height)
            Vector3[] vertices = typeof(TerrainChunk).GetField("verticies", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(chunk) as Vector3[];
            vertices[id].y = height;

            typeof(TerrainChunk).GetField("verticies", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(chunk, vertices);
Exemple #9
    Transform GenerateNbackObjectInGrid(int x, int y, Grid grid, TerrainChunk tc)
        if (grid.containsObject(x, y))
        Vector3   spawnPos = grid.GridToWorld(x, y) + tc.transform.position;
        Transform t        = GenerateNbackObject(spawnPos.x, spawnPos.y);

        // Used to spawn randomly placed obstacles from floor to ceiling in levels 4 and 5
        int r  = Random.Range(-7, 5);
        int r2 = Random.Range(-7, 0);

        if (timer >= 360f && timer < 480f)
            Transform i = GenerateObstacles(spawnPos.x + 5, r);
        else if (timer >= 480)
            Transform i = GenerateObstacles(spawnPos.x + 5, r2);
        t.parent = tc.gameObject.transform;
        grid.MarkGrid(x, y);
Exemple #10
 public NeighboringChunks(TerrainChunk left, TerrainChunk right, TerrainChunk above, TerrainChunk below)
     Left  = left;
     Right = right;
     Above = above;
     Below = below;
    void GenerateMissingChunks()
        // positions of existing chunks
        List <Vector3> posns = new List <Vector3>();

        // populate existing chunk positions
        foreach (TerrainChunk t in spawnedChunks)

        List <Vector3> toSpawn = new List <Vector3>();

        // generate chunks that are missing
        foreach (Vector3 pos in validChunkPosns)
            if (!posns.Contains(pos))

        foreach (Vector3 s in toSpawn)
            GameObject   spawnedChunk = Instantiate(chunkPrefab, s, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            TerrainChunk firstChunk   = spawnedChunk.GetComponent <TerrainChunk>();
Exemple #12
    public void PopulateChunk(TerrainChunk chunk)
        bool activeState = chunk.gameObject.activeSelf;

        if (!activeState)

        float   scale    = endlessTerrain.Scale;
        Vector2 areaSize = ((Vector2)chunk.terrainData.settings.unitSize) * scale;

        int successes = 0;

        for (int i = maxAttempts; i > 0; i--)
            if (RandomlySpawnObject(chunk.gameObject, areaSize))

            if (successes >= entitiesPerChunk)

        if (!activeState)
Exemple #13
    void UpdateVisibleChunks(int updatedistance)
        //Reset all chunks
        foreach (TerrainChunk chunk in loaded)

        Vector2 viewerChunkCoord = new Vector2(Mathf.RoundToInt(viewer_pos.x / chunkSize), Mathf.RoundToInt(viewer_pos.y / chunkSize));

        for (int j = -updatedistance; j <= updatedistance; j++)
            for (int i = -updatedistance; i <= updatedistance; i++)
                Vector2 newChunkPos = new Vector2((int)(viewerChunkCoord.x + i), (int)(viewerChunkCoord.y + j));

                if (loaded_chunks.ContainsKey(newChunkPos))   //if the chunk has already been generated

                    TerrainChunk chunk = loaded_chunks[newChunkPos];

                    if (chunk.getDistanceToEdge(viewer_pos) < view_distance)
                    loaded_chunks.Add(newChunkPos, new TerrainChunk(newChunkPos)); //Generate a new chunk
Exemple #14
    // Converts the top cell to sand if certain criteria are met
    // This modifies terrain based on neighbor stacks
    // Thus it should only be called after all cell stacks are generated
    void AddSand(CellStack cellStack)
        if (cellStack.Count() == terrain.waterLevel)
            HexCoordinates[] neighbors = cellStack.coordinates.GetNeighbors();
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                CellStack neighbor = GetCellStackFromWorldCoords(neighbors[i]);

                // The neighbor cell stack might not be in this chunk
                if (neighbor == null)
                    TerrainChunk neighborChunk = terrain.GetChunkFromWorldCoords(neighbors[i]);
                    if (neighborChunk != null)
                        neighbor = neighborChunk.GetCellStackFromWorldCoords(neighbors[i]);

                if (neighbor != null)
                    if (neighbor.Count() < terrain.waterLevel)
Exemple #15
    TerrainChunkObject LoadChunk(ChunkPos cp, bool instant)
        if (chunks.ContainsKey(cp))

        TerrainChunk chunk = TerrainChunkGenerator.request(cp, instant);

        if (chunk == null)

        int                xPos        = cp.x;
        int                zPos        = cp.z;
        GameObject         chunkGO     = Instantiate(terrainChunkPrefab, new Vector3(xPos, 0, zPos), Quaternion.identity);
        TerrainChunkObject chunkObject = chunkGO.GetComponent <TerrainChunkObject>();

        chunkObject.transform.parent = transform;
        chunkObject.name             = "Chunk:" + cp;


        WaterChunk wat = chunkObject.transform.GetComponentInChildren <WaterChunk>();

        wat.SetLocs(chunk.blocks, chunkObject.Chunk);


        chunks.Add(cp, chunkObject);

Exemple #16
    public Transform GenerateWideGround(int x, int y, int wide, Grid grid, TerrainChunk tc)
        for (int i = x; i < x + wide; ++i) {
            if (grid.containsObject(i, y)) {
                return null;

        Vector3 spawnPos = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0);
        for (int i = x; i < x + wide; ++i) {
            spawnPos += grid.GridToWorld(i, y);

        spawnPos /= wide;
        spawnPos += tc.transform.position;

        //Vector3 spawnPos = grid.GridToWorld (x, y) + tc.transform.position;
        spawnPos.z = 0;
        Transform piece = wide == 3 ? ground3wide : (wide == 2 ? ground2wide : ground1wide);
        Transform t = GameObject.Instantiate (piece, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity) as Transform;

        for (int i = x; i < x + wide; ++i) {
            grid.MarkGrid(i, y);

        Debug.Log ("Created in grid: " + x + ", " + y + "width: " + wide);

        return t;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        TerrainChunk chunk = new TerrainChunk();

        List <Vector3> data = new List <Vector3>();

        for (int x = -3; x < 3; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < 5; z++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
                    if (y == 0 || x == -3 || x == 2 || z == 4)
                        data.Add(new Vector3(x, y, z));

        chunk.children = data;

Exemple #18
    void UpdateVisibleChunks()
        HashSet <Vector2> alreadyUpdatedChunkCoords = new HashSet <Vector2>();

        for (int i = visibleTerrainChunks.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

        int currentChunkCoordX = Mathf.RoundToInt(viewerPosition.x / meshWorldSize);
        int currentChunkCoordY = Mathf.RoundToInt(viewerPosition.y / meshWorldSize);

        for (int yOffset = -chunksVisibleInViewDst; yOffset < chunksVisibleInViewDst; yOffset++)
            for (int xOffset = -chunksVisibleInViewDst; xOffset < chunksVisibleInViewDst; xOffset++)
                Vector2 viewedChunkCoord = new Vector2(currentChunkCoordX + xOffset, currentChunkCoordY + yOffset);
                if (!alreadyUpdatedChunkCoords.Contains(viewedChunkCoord))
                    if (terrainChunkDictionary.ContainsKey(viewedChunkCoord))
                        TerrainChunk newChunk = new TerrainChunk(viewedChunkCoord, heightMapSettings, meshSettings, detailLevels, colliderLODIndex, transform, viewer, mapMaterial);
                        terrainChunkDictionary.Add(viewedChunkCoord, newChunk);
                        newChunk.onVisibilityChanged += OnTerrainChunkVisibilityChanged;
Exemple #19
    //FOR N_Back!
    public void GenerateGrounds(Grid grid, TerrainChunk tc, int y = 0, 
	                             bool ceiling = false)
        // Generate ground and potholes
        //First and last cannot be a hole.
        for (int i = 0; i < grid.numCellsX; ++i) {
            if (grid.containsObject(i, y)) {

            //level is chance that there is a hole! Do not spawnground!
            //int rand = Random.Range (0, 101);

            //if(!(i ==0 || i == grid.numCellsX))
            if (initCeiling == 0) {

            // Generate random width ground pieces varying from 1-3
            int cap, roll;
            do {
                //cap = Mathf.Min (4, grid.numCellsX - i + 1);
                roll = 3;
            } while (!GenerateWideGround(i, y, roll, grid, tc, ceiling));
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a chunk
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="postion"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public TerrainChunk GenerateChunk(Vector3 position)
     TerrainChunk chunk = Instantiate(ChunkPrefab, position, Quaternion.identity, ChunksParent).GetComponent<TerrainChunk>();
     chunk.gameObject.transform.localScale = ChunkScale;
     chunk.Scale = ChunkScale;
     return chunk;
Exemple #21
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="terrainData"></param>
    private void ApplyTrees(TerrainData terrainData)
        if (Setting.Trees.Count > 0)
            int maxCounts = 5;
            int treeIndex = Random.Range(0, Setting.Trees.Count - 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < ChopPoint.Count; i++)
                Vector3 treePoint = ChopPoint[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < maxCounts; j++)
                    Vector3 random = new Vector3(Random.Range(treePoint.x - 0.1f, treePoint.x + 0.1f),
                                                 -0.1f, Random.Range(treePoint.y - 0.1f, treePoint.y + 0.1f));

                    Vector3 position = Vector3.Scale(random, TerrainChunk.terrainData.size) + TerrainChunk.transform.position;
                    position.y = TerrainChunk.SampleHeight(position);

                    GameObject tree = GameObject.Instantiate(Setting.Trees[treeIndex]);
                    tree.transform.position = position;
                    tree.transform.parent   = TerrainChunk.transform;

            List <TreePrototype> trees = new List <TreePrototype>();
            for (int i = 0; i < Setting.Trees.Count; i++)
                TreePrototype tree = new TreePrototype();
                tree.prefab = Setting.Trees[i];


            terrainData.treePrototypes = trees.ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < TreePoint.Count; i++)
                Vector3 vpos = TreePoint[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    TreeInstance tmpTreeInstances = new TreeInstance();
                    tmpTreeInstances.prototypeIndex = 3;
                    tmpTreeInstances.position       = new Vector3(Random.Range(vpos.x - 0.1f, vpos.x + 0.1f), -0.1f, Random.Range(vpos.y - 0.1f, vpos.y + 0.1f));
                    tmpTreeInstances.color          = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
                    tmpTreeInstances.lightmapColor  = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);

                    float scale = Random.Range(0.8f, 1f);
                    tmpTreeInstances.heightScale = scale;
                    tmpTreeInstances.widthScale  = scale;

            TerrainCollider tc = TerrainChunk.GetComponent <TerrainCollider>();
            tc.enabled = false;
            tc.enabled = true;
Exemple #22
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the terrain.
    /// </summary>
    public void     CreateTerrain()
        Data = new TerrainData();

        Data.heightmapResolution = Setting.HeightmapResolution;
        Data.alphamapResolution  = Setting.AlphamapResolution;
        Data.SetHeights(0, 0, Heightmap);


        Data.size = new Vector3(Setting.Length, Setting.Height, Setting.Length);
        GameObject newTerrainGameObject = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(Data);

        newTerrainGameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(Position.X * Setting.Length, 0, Position.Z * Setting.Length);

        // create a new terrain chunk
        TerrainChunk = newTerrainGameObject.GetComponent <Terrain>();
        TerrainChunk.heightmapPixelError  = 8;
        TerrainChunk.materialType         = UnityEngine.Terrain.MaterialType.Custom;
        TerrainChunk.materialTemplate     = Setting.TerrainMaterial;
        TerrainChunk.reflectionProbeUsage = UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage.Off;

    public void SetLocs(BlockType[,,] blocks, TerrainChunk terrainChunk)
        int y;

        for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++)
                locs[x, z] = 0;

                y = TerrainChunk.chunkHeight - 1;

                //find the ground
                while (y > 0 && blocks[x + 1, y, z + 1] == BlockType.Air)

                if (y + 1 < waterHeight)
                    locs[x, z] = 1;
                    //blocks[x+1, y+1, z+1] = BlockType.Water;

                    while (y + 1 < waterHeight)
                        blocks[x + 1, y + 1, z + 1] = BlockType.Water;
Exemple #24
        private void ExpandTerrainFromChunk(TerrainChunk chunk)
            if (!chunk.canExpandToNeighbours)

            foreach (var side in EnumUtil <CubeSide> .intValues)
                if (chunk.hasNeighbourOnSide[side])

                // Skip expansions to sides that don't contain a surface, but only
                // when there already is a chunk with a surface in the terrain
                if (!chunk.hasSignChangeOnSide[side] && chunksWithSignChange > 0)

                var newChunkOrigin = GetNeighbourChunkOrigin(chunk, (CubeSide)side);

                if (math.distance(playerTransform.position, (float3)newChunkOrigin * (TerrainChunk.CHUNK_SIZE * voxelSize)) >
                    chunkDrawDistance * (TerrainChunk.CHUNK_SIZE * voxelSize))

                GetOrCreateChunkByKey(new ChunkKey {
                    origin = newChunkOrigin
Exemple #25
        void Start()
            TerrainChunk chunk = new TerrainChunk(Vector2.zero, settings.mapSize, settings, tilemap);

            chunk.onTerrainChunkLoaded += OnTerrainChunkLoaded;
Exemple #26
        public Chunk CreateChunk(int x, int z, bool unLimited = false)
            int          chunkX      = x >> 4;
            int          chunkY      = z >> 4;
            TerrainChunk chunkAtCell = subsystemTerrain.Terrain.GetChunkAtCoords(chunkX, chunkY);

            if (chunkAtCell == null)
                if (!unLimited)
                chunkAtCell = subsystemTerrain.Terrain.AllocateChunk(chunkX, chunkY);
                while (chunkAtCell.ThreadState < TerrainChunkState.Valid)
                    subsystemTerrain.TerrainUpdater.UpdateChunkSingleStep(chunkAtCell, 15);
            Chunk chunk1 = new Chunk(chunkX, chunkY);

            chunk1.Cells = new int[chunkAtCell.Cells.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < chunkAtCell.Cells.Length; i++)
                chunk1.Cells[i] = chunkAtCell.Cells[i];
            //chunk1.Cells = chunkAtCell.Cells;
Exemple #27
    public void GenerateTerrain(Vector3 spawnPos)
        TerrainChunk tc = GameObject.Instantiate(terrainChunk, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity) as TerrainChunk;

        // Generate ground
        // Experimental: Generate ground separately for Nback
        // groundGen.GenerateGrounds(grid, tc);

        // Generate For Pattern
        if (gameMngr.Modes().Contains(GameModes.Pattern))
            //Platforms should also be spawned in cloud format!

             * {
             *      platformGen.GeneratePlatforms (grid, tc);
             * }
             * if(genPlants)
             * {
             *      collectibleGen.GenerateCollectibles (grid, tc);
             * }*/

        // Generate For Nback
        if (gameMngr.Modes().Contains(GameModes.Nback))
            nbackGen.GenerateNbackInGrid(grid, tc, groundGen);
            groundGen.GenerateGrounds(grid, tc);
Exemple #28
    void UpdateVisibleChunks()
        HashSet <Vector2> updatedChunks = new HashSet <Vector2>();

        for (int i = _visibleTerrainChunks.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

        int currentChunkX = Mathf.RoundToInt(viewerPos.x / chunkSize);
        int currentChunkY = Mathf.RoundToInt(viewerPos.y / chunkSize);

        for (int yOffset = -chunksInViewDistance; yOffset <= chunksInViewDistance; yOffset++)
            for (int xOffset = -chunksInViewDistance; xOffset <= chunksInViewDistance; xOffset++)
                Vector2 viewChunkCoord = new Vector2(currentChunkX + xOffset, currentChunkY + yOffset);

                if (!updatedChunks.Contains(viewChunkCoord))
                    if (!_chunks.ContainsKey(viewChunkCoord))
                        _chunks[viewChunkCoord] = new TerrainChunk(viewChunkCoord, chunkSize, detailLevels,
                                                                   colliderLODIndex, transform, material);
    private void Update()
        Ray ray = new Ray(transform.position, transform.forward);

        hasSth = Physics.Raycast(ray, maxDistance, modifyLayer);

        bool leftClick = Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0);

        if (leftClick)
            RaycastHit hitInfo;
            if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, out hitInfo, maxDistance, modifyLayer))
                Vector3 pointInTargetBlock = hitInfo.point + transform.forward * .01f; //move a little inside the block

                int cubePosX = Mathf.FloorToInt(pointInTargetBlock.x);
                int cubePosY = Mathf.FloorToInt(pointInTargetBlock.y);
                int cubePosZ = Mathf.FloorToInt(pointInTargetBlock.z);
                Debug.LogFormat("cubePosX:{0},PosY:{1},PosZ:{2}", cubePosX, cubePosY, cubePosZ);

                int chunkPosX = Mathf.FloorToInt(pointInTargetBlock.x / TerrainChunk.chunkWidth) * TerrainChunk.chunkWidth;
                int chunkPosZ = Mathf.FloorToInt(pointInTargetBlock.z / TerrainChunk.chunkWidth) * TerrainChunk.chunkWidth;
                Debug.LogFormat("ChunkPosX:{0},ChunkPosZ:{1}", cubePosX, cubePosZ);

                TerrainChunk chunk = TerrainGenerator.chunks[new ChunkPos(chunkPosX, chunkPosZ)];
                chunk.blocks[cubePosX - chunkPosX, cubePosY, cubePosZ - chunkPosZ] = BlockType.Air;
    public void SetLocs(BlockType[,,] blocks, TerrainChunk terrainChunk)
        int y;
        var chunkHeight = SettingsHolder.Instance.currentGenerationSettings.chunkHeight;
        var seaLevel    = SettingsHolder.Instance.currentGenerationSettings.seaLevel;

        for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++)
                locs[x, z] = 0;

                y = chunkHeight - 1;

                //find the ground
                while (y > 0 && blocks[x + 1, y, z + 1] == BlockType.Air)

                if (y + 1 < seaLevel)
                    locs[x, z] = 1;
                    //blocks[x+1, y+1, z+1] = BlockType.Water;

                    while (y + 1 < seaLevel)
                        blocks[x + 1, y + 1, z + 1] = BlockType.Water;
    // Find targeted voxel, check its toughness points, remove voxel and create loot object
    void Dig(Vector3 p)
        Voxel        vox   = null;
        TerrainChunk chunk = null;

        Terrain.instance.FindVoxel(p, ref vox, ref chunk);

        if (vox.IsSolid() && chunk != null)
             * GameObject loot = Instantiate (pfLoot);
             * loot.transform.parent = chunk.transform;
             * loot.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(vox.position.x, vox.position.y, 0f)
             + new Vector3(VOXEL_SIZE * .5f, VOXEL_SIZE * .5f, 0f);
             + loot.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, Random.Range(0f, 90f));
            var itemPresetId = vox.GetBlockItemPresetId();
            if (itemPresetId != Item.PresetId.Void)
    void UpdateVisibleChunks()
        // deactivate all previous chunks to avoid leaving active chunks behind
        foreach (TerrainChunk chunk in terrainChunksVisibleLastUpdate)

        int currentChunkCoordX = Mathf.RoundToInt(viewerPosition.x / chunkSize);
        int currentChunkCoordY = Mathf.RoundToInt(viewerPosition.y / chunkSize);

        for (int yOffset = -chunksVisibleInViewDst; yOffset <= chunksVisibleInViewDst; yOffset++)
            for (int xOffset = -chunksVisibleInViewDst; xOffset <= chunksVisibleInViewDst; xOffset++)
                Vector2 viewedChunkCoord = new Vector2(currentChunkCoordX + xOffset, currentChunkCoordY + yOffset);
                //Debug.Log("Generating chunks on " + viewedChunkCoord.x + ":" + viewedChunkCoord.y);

                if (terrainChunks.ContainsKey(viewedChunkCoord))
                    TerrainChunk terrainChunk = terrainChunks[viewedChunkCoord];

                    //Debug.Log("Adding new chunk on " + viewedChunkCoord.x + ":" + viewedChunkCoord.y);
                    terrainChunks.Add(viewedChunkCoord, new TerrainChunk(viewedChunkCoord, chunkSize, detailLevels, transform, mapMaterial));
Exemple #33
	private void OnChunkAdded(TerrainChunk chunk) {
		if (chunk.hasFloor) {
			if (UnityEngine.Random.value < 0.1f) {
				if (terrainChunks.Count >= 2) CreateForestWarningSign(terrainChunks[terrainChunks.Count - 2]);
Exemple #34
	private void CreateForest(TerrainChunk chunk) {
		PolydrawObject floor = chunk.GetFirstFloor();
		List<Vector2> points = floor.GetWorldBorderPoints();
		foreach (Vector2 point in points) {
			GameObject tree = Instantiate(treePrefab);
			tree.transform.position = point;
Exemple #35
    public void GenerateNbackInGrid(Grid grid, TerrainChunk tc, GroundGenerator ggen)
        int difficulty = navigationDifficulty;
        int scale = 10;

        // Generate beginning so character doesnt fall
        if (generateCount == 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
                ggen.GenerateGround (i, 0, grid, tc);
                ggen.GenerateGround (i, 7, grid, tc);

        // Entry for prototype platforms generation
        if (platforms) {
            GenerateNbackInGridPlatforms(grid, tc, ggen);

        // Generate Nback collectibles
        int x = lastGridOffset;
        for ( ; x < grid.numCellsX; x += rate) {
            int rand = Random.Range(0, 2);
            int y = rand == 0 ? 1 : 6;
            Transform h = GenerateNbackObjectInGrid(x, y, grid, tc);

        // Generate ground and potholes
        for (int i = 0; i < grid.numCellsX; ++i) {
            // For floor
            // Generate ground (NOT pothole) by scale and difficulty
            if (grid.containsObject(i, 0)) {
                Debug.Log ("Grid Contains at: " + i);
            int cap = Mathf.Min (4, grid.numCellsX - i + 1);
            int roll = Random.Range (1, cap);

            while (!ggen.GenerateWideGround(i, 0, roll, grid, tc)) {
                roll = Random.Range (1, 4);

        //			int rand = Random.Range(0, 100);
        //			if (rand > difficulty * scale) {
        //				ggen.GenerateGround (i, 0, grid, tc);
        //			}
        //			// For Ceiling
        //			rand = Random.Range(0, 100);
        //			if (rand > difficulty * scale) {
        //				//ggen.GenerateGround (i, 7, grid, tc);
        //			}
        lastGridOffset = x - grid.numCellsX;
Exemple #36
 public Transform GenerateGround(int x, int y, Grid grid, TerrainChunk tc)
     if (grid.containsObject(x, y)) {
         return null;
     Vector3 spawnPos = grid.GridToWorld (x,y) + tc.transform.position;
     Transform t = GenerateGround (spawnPos.x, spawnPos.y);
     t.parent = tc.gameObject.transform;
     grid.MarkGrid (x, y);
     return t;
Exemple #37
 public void GenerateGrounds(Grid grid, TerrainChunk tc)
     for (int x = 0; x < grid.numCellsX; x++) {
         if (Random.value < pitSpawnChance && !previousHasPit) {
             previousHasPit = !grid.containsObject(x,0);
         GenerateGround (x, 0, grid, tc);
         if (Random.value < hillSpawnChance && !previousHasPit) {
             Transform h = GenerateGround (x, 1, grid, tc);
             h.tag = "Hill";
         previousHasPit = false;
Exemple #38
 // Generates platform of the specified type at the grid location (x,y)
 public Transform GeneratePlatform(int x, int y, int type, Grid grid, TerrainChunk tc)
     for (int i = 0; i < platforms[type].numCells; i++) {
         if (grid.containsObject(x + i, y)) {
             return null;
     Vector3 offset =  new Vector3 (((float)(platforms[type].numCells - 1)) * 0.5f * grid.cellSizeX, 0f, 0f);
     Vector3 spawnPos = grid.GridToWorld (x, y) + offset + tc.transform.position;
     for (int i = 0; i < platforms[type].numCells; i++) {
         grid.MarkGrid (x + i, y);
     Transform t = GeneratePlatform (spawnPos.x, spawnPos.y, type);
     t.parent = tc.gameObject.transform;
     return t;
Exemple #39
    public Transform GenerateWideGround(int x, int y, int wide, Grid grid, TerrainChunk tc, bool ceiling = false)
        // Check grid spaces aren't currently occupied
        for (int i = x; i < x + wide; ++i) {
            if (grid.containsObject(i, y)) {
                return null;

        // Position piece by averaging the grid space positions
        Vector3 spawnPos = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0);
        for (int i = x; i < x + wide; ++i) {
            spawnPos += grid.GridToWorld(i, y);
        spawnPos /= wide;
        spawnPos += tc.transform.position;
        //spawnPos.y = 0;
        spawnPos.z = 0;
        //Vector3 spawnPos = grid.GridToWorld (x, y) + tc.transform.position;

        // Create piece
        Transform piece;

        if (ceiling) {
            piece = ceiling3wide;

            if (y == 7) {
                float topY = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, Camera.main.pixelHeight, 0)).y;
                spawnPos.y = topY - (grid.cellSizeY / 2.0f) + 0.2f;
                Vector3 newPos = spawnPos;
                newPos.y = y-1.3f;
                Transform test = GameObject.Instantiate (ceiling3big, newPos, Quaternion.identity) as Transform;
        } else {
            piece = ground3wide;
        Transform t = GameObject.Instantiate (piece, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity) as Transform;

        // Mark grid spaces
        for (int i = x; i < x + wide; ++i) {
            grid.MarkGrid(i, y);
        Destroy (t.gameObject, 15);

        return t;
Exemple #40
    public void DrawToMesh(float x, float y, ChunkMesh msh, TerrainChunk chunk, int xi, int yi)

        float xp = x * blockSize;
        float yp = y * blockSize;

        MakeFrontFace(xp, yp, msh);

        if(yi == TerrainChunk.ChunkHeight - 1 || chunk[xi, yi + 1].invisible)
            MakeTopFace(xp, yp, msh);
        if(yi == 0 || chunk[xi, yi - 1].invisible)
            MakeBottomFace(xp, yp, msh);
        if(xi == 0 || chunk[xi - 1, yi].invisible)
            MakeLeftFace(xp, yp, msh);
        if(xi == TerrainChunk.ChunkWidth - 1 || chunk[xi + 1, yi].invisible)
            MakeRightFace(xp, yp, msh);
Exemple #41
    // Entry for prototype platforms generation
    public void GenerateNbackInGridPlatforms(Grid grid, TerrainChunk tc, GroundGenerator ggen)
        int x = lastGridOffset;
        int topY = grid.numCellsY - 2;
        int midY = topY / 2;
        for ( ; x < grid.numCellsX; x += rate) {
            int roll = Random.Range (0, 4);
            int placement = roll == 0 ? 1 : (roll == 1 ? midY + 1: topY + 1);
            Transform h = GenerateNbackObjectInGrid(x, placement, grid, tc);
        lastGridOffset = x - grid.numCellsX;

        for (int y = 0; y <= grid.numCellsY; ++y) {
            ggen.GenerateGround(y, topY, grid, tc);
            ggen.GenerateGround(y, midY, grid, tc);
            ggen.GenerateGround(y, 0, grid, tc);

Exemple #42
 public void SetRightChunk(TerrainChunk next)
     nextChunk = next;
Exemple #43
	private void OnLastChunkInSetAdded(TerrainChunk chunk) {
		if (chunk.hasFloor) CreateFloorArrowSign(chunk);
		else if (chunk.hasCeiling) CreateCeilingArrowSign(chunk);
 /// <summary>
 /// Attempt to deserialise the point data of the chunk.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chunk">The chunk.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the terrain chunk was deserialised.</returns>
 public bool TryDeserialisePoints(TerrainChunk chunk)
     // TODO: This is not yet implemented
     return false;
Exemple #45
 public static TerrainChunk MakeShaftChunk(int diameter, float depth) {
   TerrainChunk output = new TerrainChunk(diameter, diameter);
   int center_x = diameter / 2;
   int center_y = diameter / 2;
   output.Map((x, y) => {
     int dx = (center_x - x);
     int dy = (center_y - y);
     float distance = Mathf.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
     distance = 1 - (distance / (diameter / 2));
     return 1 - (Mathf.Clamp(distance, 0, 1) * depth);
   return output;
Exemple #46
 public TerrainChunk Clone() {
   TerrainChunk output = new TerrainChunk(0, 0);
   output.data = (float[,])this.data.Clone();
   output.textureData = (float[,,])this.textureData.Clone();
   return output;
 /// <summary>
 /// Serialise the point data of the chunk.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chunk">The chunk.</param>
 public void SerialisePointData(TerrainChunk chunk)
     // TODO
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #48
 public void SetLeftChunk(TerrainChunk prev)
     previousChunk = prev;
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the foreground density if the given density is larger than the point's.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chunk">The chunk.</param>
 /// <param name="x">The x position.</param>
 /// <param name="y">The y position.</param>
 /// <param name="density">The foreground density.</param>
 private void UpdateForegroundIfGreaterDensity(TerrainChunk chunk, int x, int y, byte density)
     TerrainPoint point = chunk.Points[x, y];
     if (point.Foreground < density)
         point.Foreground = density;
Exemple #50
    public void GenerateNbackInGrid(Grid grid, TerrainChunk tc, GroundGenerator ggen)
        //Called from Terrainen
        int difficulty = navigationDifficulty;
        int scale = 10;

        // Generate beginning so character doesnt fall
        if (generateCount == 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
                //ggen.GenerateGround (i, 0, grid, tc);
                //ggen.GenerateGround (i, 7, grid, tc);

        //Entry for prototype platforms generation
        /*if (platforms) {
            GenerateNbackInGridPlatforms(grid, tc, ggen);

        // Generate Nback collectibles on floor,ceiling, and random
        int x = lastGridOffset;
        int y = 3;
        for ( ; x < grid.numCellsX; x += rate) {
            int rand = Random.Range(0, 2);
            //int y = rand == 0 ? 1 : 6;
            if(timer >= 0f && timer < 40f){
                y = 3;
            } else if (timer >= 40f && timer < 80f) {
                y = 5;
            } else if (timer >= 80f && timer < 120f) {
                y = 6;
            } else if (timer >= 120f && timer < 240f) {
                y = 1;
            } else if (timer >= 240f && timer < 280) {
                y = rand == 0 ? 1 : 5;
            } else if ((timer >= 280f && timer < 320f) || (timer >= 360f && timer < 480f)) {
                y = rand == 0 ? 1 : 6;
            } else if ((timer >= 320f && timer < 360f) || timer >= 480f) {
                y = rand == 0 ? 1 : 4;

            // Used to create empty space between levels and updates current level
            int emptyspace = 0;
            if(timer >= 120 && timer < 125){
                currentLevel = 2;
                emptyspace = 1;
            }else if(timer >= 240 && timer < 245){
                currentLevel = 3;
                emptyspace = 1;
            }else if(timer >= 360 && timer < 365){
                currentLevel = 4;
                emptyspace = 1;
            }else if(timer >= 480 && timer < 485){
                currentLevel = 5;
                emptyspace = 1;
            }else if(timer >= 0 && timer < 120){
                currentLevel = 1;
                emptyspace = 0;
                emptyspace = 0;

            if(emptyspace == 0){
            Transform h = GenerateNbackObjectInGrid(x, y, grid, tc);

        ggen.GenerateGrounds (grid, tc, 0, false);

        //Generate Ceilings depending on timer

        if ((timer >= 0 && timer < 40) || (timer >= 200f && timer < 240f) || (timer >= 320f && timer < 360f) || timer >= 480f) {
            ggen.GenerateGrounds (grid, tc, 5, true);
        } else if ((timer >= 40f && timer < 80f) || (timer >= 160f && timer < 200f) || (timer >= 240f && timer < 280f)) {
            ggen.GenerateGrounds (grid, tc, 6, true);
        } else if ((timer >= 80f && timer < 160f) || (timer >= 280f && timer < 320f) || (timer >= 360f && timer < 480f)) {
            ggen.GenerateGrounds (grid, tc, 7, true);
        lastGridOffset = x - grid.numCellsX;
        public TerrainChunk GenerateChunk(XZPair id)
            int offsetX = id.X*_blockWidth*(_chunkWidthInBlocks);
            int offsetZ = id.Z*_blockWidth*(_chunkWidthInBlocks);

            var rawGeometry = new float[_chunkWidthInVerts*_chunkWidthInVerts*4];
            var rawNormals = new ushort[_chunkWidthInVerts * _chunkWidthInVerts * 4];
            var rawBinormals = new byte[_chunkWidthInVerts*_chunkWidthInVerts*4];
            var rawTangents = new byte[_chunkWidthInVerts*_chunkWidthInVerts*4];
            var rawUVCoords = new float[_chunkWidthInVerts*_chunkWidthInVerts*2];
            var indicies = new int[(_chunkWidthInBlocks)*(_chunkWidthInBlocks)*8];
            var activeVerts = new byte[_chunkWidthInVerts*_chunkWidthInVerts];

            _terrainGenKernel.SetValueArgument(1, offsetX);
            _terrainGenKernel.SetValueArgument(2, offsetZ);
            _normalGenKernel.SetValueArgument(1, offsetX);
            _normalGenKernel.SetValueArgument(2, offsetZ);

            _cmdQueue.WriteToBuffer(_emptyVerts, _activeVerts, true, null);
            _cmdQueue.WriteToBuffer(_emptyIndices, _indicies, true, null);
            _cmdQueue.Execute(_terrainGenKernel, null, new long[]{_chunkWidthInVerts, _chunkWidthInVerts}, null, null);
            _cmdQueue.Execute(_normalGenKernel, null, new long[]{_chunkWidthInVerts, _chunkWidthInVerts}, null, null);

            for (int depth = 0; depth < 5; depth++){
                _qTreeKernel.SetValueArgument(0, depth);
                _crossCullKernel.SetValueArgument(0, depth);
                int cellWidth = (int) Math.Pow(2, depth)*2;
                int qTreeWidth = _chunkWidthInBlocks/(cellWidth);
                _cmdQueue.Execute(_qTreeKernel, null, new long[]{(qTreeWidth) - 1, (qTreeWidth*2)}, null, null);
                _cmdQueue.Execute(_crossCullKernel, null, new long[]{_chunkWidthInBlocks/cellWidth, _chunkWidthInBlocks/cellWidth}, null, null);
            _cmdQueue.Execute(_winderKernel, null, new long[]{(_chunkWidthInBlocks), (_chunkWidthInBlocks*2)}, null, null);

            _cmdQueue.ReadFromBuffer(_geometry, ref rawGeometry, true, null);
            _cmdQueue.ReadFromBuffer(_normals, ref rawNormals, true, null);
            _cmdQueue.ReadFromBuffer(_binormals, ref rawBinormals, true, null);
            _cmdQueue.ReadFromBuffer(_tangents, ref rawTangents, true, null);
            _cmdQueue.ReadFromBuffer(_uvCoords, ref rawUVCoords, true, null);
            _cmdQueue.ReadFromBuffer(_indicies, ref indicies, true, null);
            _cmdQueue.ReadFromBuffer(_activeVerts, ref activeVerts, true, null);


            for (int v = 3; v < rawNormals.Length; v += 4){
                rawNormals[v] = 1;
            for (int v = 3; v < rawBinormals.Length; v += 4){
                rawBinormals[v] = 1;
            for (int v = 3; v < rawTangents.Length; v += 4){
                rawTangents[v] = 1;

            var texNormal = new Texture2D(Gbl.Device, _chunkWidthInVerts, _chunkWidthInVerts, false, SurfaceFormat.Rgba64);
            var texBinormal = new Texture2D(Gbl.Device, _chunkWidthInVerts, _chunkWidthInVerts, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);
            var texTangent = new Texture2D(Gbl.Device, _chunkWidthInVerts, _chunkWidthInVerts, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);


            //var maxHeight = verts.Aggregate((agg, next) => next.Y > agg.Y ? next : agg).Y;
            //var minHeight = verts.Aggregate((agg, next) => next.Y < agg.Y ? next : agg).Y;

            //these functions take the raw buffer data from opencl and remove stride and empty fields
            var parsedUV = ParseUV(rawUVCoords);
            var parsedGeometry = ParseGeometry(rawGeometry);
            var parsedIndicies = ParseIndicies(indicies);

            var sw = new Stopwatch();

            int[] culledIndexes;
            VertexPositionTexture[] culledVertexes;

            CullVertexes(activeVerts, parsedIndicies.ToList(), parsedGeometry, parsedUV, out culledIndexes, out culledVertexes);
            double elapsed = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            var chunkData = new TerrainChunk(id, culledVertexes, culledIndexes, texNormal, texBinormal, texTangent);

            return chunkData;
Exemple #52
    void Update()
        timeOfDay += Time.deltaTime;
        float dayProgress = timeOfDay / dayLength;
        float dayPeriod = (Mathf.PI * 2.0f) * dayProgress;
        float intensityPct = (Mathf.Cos(dayPeriod) + 1.0f) / 2.0f;

        sunLight.intensity = (intensityPct * maxSunIntensity) + minSunIntensity;

        Vector3 dayColor = new Vector3(daylightColor.r, daylightColor.g, daylightColor.b);
        Vector3 setColor = new Vector3(sunsetColor.r, sunsetColor.g, sunsetColor.b);

        Vector3 interpColor = Vector3.Lerp(dayColor, setColor, 1.0f - intensityPct);

        Color currentColor = new Color(interpColor.x, interpColor.y, interpColor.z);
        sunLight.color = currentColor;

        if(timeOfDay > dayLength) {

        // Which chunk is the player currently in
        foreach(TerrainChunk chunk in worldGenerator.ChunkList()) {
            if(chunk.ContainsPoint(playerCharacter.transform.position)) {
                if(chunk != relevantChunk) {
                    if(chunk.GetRightChunk() != null) {

                relevantChunk = chunk;
Exemple #53
    public void AddChunk(TerrainChunk chunk, int start_x, int start_y, AddMode mode = AddMode.Add) {
      int minWidth = Mathf.Min(chunk.data.GetLength(0), this.data.GetLength(0) - start_x);
      int minHeight = Mathf.Min(chunk.data.GetLength(1), this.data.GetLength(1) - start_y);
      float centerValue = this.data[start_x + chunk.GetWidth() / 2, start_y + chunk.GetHeight() / 2];
      for (int x = 0; x < minWidth; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < minHeight; y++) {
          int xc = start_x + x;
          int yc = start_y + y;
          if (xc < 0 || yc < 0) {

          switch (mode) {
            case AddMode.Add:
              this.data[xc, yc] = this.data[xc, yc] + chunk.data[x, y];

              if (chunk.data[x, y] != 0) {
                for (int layer = 0; layer < TEXTURE_COUNT; layer++) {
                  this.textureData[xc, yc, layer] = this.textureData[xc, yc, layer] + chunk.textureData[x, y, layer] * 4;
            case AddMode.Max:
              if (chunk.data[x, y] != 0 && chunk.data[x, y] > this.data[xc, yc]) {
                for (int layer = 0; layer < TEXTURE_COUNT; layer++) {
                  this.textureData[xc, yc, layer] = chunk.textureData[x, y, layer];

              this.data[xc, yc] = Mathf.Max(this.data[xc, yc], chunk.data[x, y]);
            case AddMode.Min:
              this.data[xc, yc] = Mathf.Min(this.data[xc, yc], chunk.data[x, y]);
            case AddMode.RelaMin:
              this.data[xc, yc] = Mathf.Min(this.data[xc, yc], centerValue - chunk.data[x, y]);
Exemple #54
 public void AddChunkAtPoints(TerrainPoint[] points, TerrainChunk chunk, AddMode mode = AddMode.Add) {
   for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) {
     int x = points[i].x;
     int y = points[i].y;
     this.AddChunk(chunk, x - chunk.GetWidth() / 2, y - chunk.GetHeight() / 2, mode);
Exemple #55
	private void CreateForestWarningSign(TerrainChunk chunk) {
		if (chunk.hasFloor) CreateFloorWarningSign(chunk);
		else if (chunk.hasCeiling) CreateCeilingWarningSign(chunk);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new chunk.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chunk">The chunk.</param>
        /// <param name="surfaceHeights">The surface heights.</param>
        public void GeneratePoints(TerrainChunk chunk, float[] surfaceHeights)
            int originX = chunk.Index.X * Metrics.ChunkWidth;
            int originY = chunk.Index.Y * Metrics.ChunkHeight;

            SurfacePosition? surfacePosition = null;
            for (int x = 0; x < Metrics.ChunkWidth; x++)
                // Determine where the surface lies for this x position
                float surface = surfaceHeights[x];

                // Update the on-going check for the surface position
                surfacePosition = this.CheckSurfacePosition(surfacePosition, surface, originY);

                for (int y = 0; y < Metrics.ChunkHeight; y++)
                    int worldX = originX + x;
                    int worldY = originY + y;

                    // Calculate the background and foreground densities
                    byte background = this.GetBackgroundDensity(worldX, worldY, surface);

                    // Get the cave densities for this point
                    PointDensities densities = this.GetCaveDensitiesForPoint(worldX, worldY);
                    if (densities.Origin < background)
                        // The density cannot be less than the background (ie. if the background is dug out, the
                        // foreground cannot be filled in)
                        densities.Origin = background;

                    // Update the densities
                    byte foreground = densities.Origin > background ? densities.Origin : background;
                    this.UpdateForegroundIfGreaterDensity(chunk, x, y, foreground);
                    if (x < Metrics.ChunkWidth - 1)
                        this.UpdateForegroundIfGreaterDensity(chunk, x + 1, y, densities.Right);

                    if (y < Metrics.ChunkHeight - 1)
                        this.UpdateForegroundIfGreaterDensity(chunk, x, y + 1, densities.Up);

                    // Determine the material
                    TerrainMaterial material = this.GetMaterial(worldX, worldY, surface);

                    // TODO: Remove this
                    int val = 255 - (int)(System.Math.Abs((float)worldY) * 8);
                    byte lightTest = val > 0 ? (byte)val : (byte)0;
                    var light = new Colour(lightTest, lightTest, lightTest);
                    // TODO: Remove this

                    // Update the point
                    TerrainPoint point = chunk.Points[x, y];
                    point.Background = background;
                    point.Material = material;
                    point.Light = light;

            chunk.SurfacePosition = surfacePosition.Value;
Exemple #57
    Transform GenerateNbackObjectInGrid(int x, int y, Grid grid, TerrainChunk tc)
        if (grid.containsObject(x, y)) {
            return null;
        Vector3 spawnPos = grid.GridToWorld (x,y) + tc.transform.position;
        Transform t = GenerateNbackObject (spawnPos.x, spawnPos.y);

        // Used to spawn randomly placed obstacles from floor to ceiling in levels 4 and 5
        int r = Random.Range (-7, 5);
        int r2 = Random.Range (-7, 0);
        if (timer >= 360f && timer < 480f) {
            Transform i = GenerateObstacles (spawnPos.x+5, r);
        } else if (timer >= 480) {
            Transform i = GenerateObstacles (spawnPos.x+5, r2);
        t.parent = tc.gameObject.transform;
        grid.MarkGrid (x, y);
        return t;
Exemple #58
    /*public void Simplify(float amount) {
      int resolution = this.GetWidth() / amount;
      for (int x = 0; x < this.GetWidth(); x += resolution) {
        for (int y = 0; y < this.GetHeight(); y += resolution) {
          float ul = this.data[x, y];
          float lr = this.data[x + resolution, y + resolution];

          for (int x2 = x; x2 < x + resolution; x2++) {
            for (int y2 = y; y2 < y + resolution; y2++) {
              float xv = (x2 - x) / resolution;
              float yv = (y2 - y) / resolution;
              this.data[x2, y2] = this.data

    public void HeightBlend(TerrainChunk other) {
      float[] flat = this.data.Cast<float>().ToArray();
      float min = Mathf.Min(flat);
      float max = Mathf.Max(flat);
      float v = Mathf.Clamp(max - min, 0.01f, 1.0f);

      for (int x = 0; x < this.GetWidth(); x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < this.GetHeight(); y++) {
          float f = (this.data[x, y] - min) / v;
          this.data[x, y] = (this.data[x, y] * (1 - f)) + (other.data[x, y] * f);

          for (int layer = 0; layer < TEXTURE_COUNT; layer++) {
            this.textureData[x, y, layer] = (this.textureData[x, y, layer] * (1 - f)) + (other.textureData[x, y, layer] * f);
Exemple #59
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     rend = GetComponent<ChunkRenderer>();
     rend.chunk = chunk = new TerrainChunk(fill);
Exemple #60
    /******************************************* Polygon Utilities ***********************************************/
    /** Gets a totally random point that is almost garunteed to be in the chunk */
    public Vector2 RandomPointInChunk(TerrainChunk chunk)
        int segmentIdx = Random.Range(0, chunk.NumTriangles());
        Vector2[] tri = chunk.GetTriangle(segmentIdx);
        if(tri == null) {
            return chunk.GetCenter();

        // this 0 - 0.5 range actually seems to give the most even distribution, with some nice natural looking clumping
        float posA = Random.Range(0.0f, 0.5f);
        float posB = Random.Range(0.0f, 0.5f);
        Vector2 mirroredPoint = tri[0] + posA * (tri[1] - tri[0]) + posB * (tri[2] - tri[0]);

        Vector2 invertedV0 = tri[0] + (tri[1] - tri[0]) + (tri[2] - tri[0]);
        Vector2 pointInTri = tri[0] - (mirroredPoint - invertedV0);

        bool bInTriAlready = PointInTriangle(tri, mirroredPoint);
        Vector2 finalPos =  bInTriAlready? mirroredPoint : pointInTri;

        return finalPos;