internal static void SpawnPlayer(int client_id) { int spawnIndex = 0; lock (my_lock) { bool isSpawned = false; while (!isSpawned) { for (int i = 0; i < spawnPoints.Count; i++) { if (map[spawnPoints[i].Key, spawnPoints[i].Value] < 0) { map[spawnPoints[i].Key, spawnPoints[i].Value] = client_id; isSpawned = true; spawnIndex = i; break; } } Thread.Sleep(1000); } } SwayTCP.SendSpawnPoint(client_id, spawnIndex); SwayStation.station.GetInterface().Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { SwayStation.station.UpdateLog("Spawned player: " + client_id + " to spawn point: " + spawnIndex + "\n"); }); }
private static void Packet_LeftGame(long index, byte[] data) { SwayStation.station.GetInterface().Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { SwayStation.station.ClientLeftGame((int)index); }); SwayTCP.SendPlayerRemoval(index); }
internal void GrantClientManagingPrivilages(int index) { SwayTCP.Clients[index]._player._role = Player_role.manager; UpdateLog("Privilage granted to " + SwayTCP.Clients[index]._player._username + " to manage game.\n"); SwayTCP.SendManagementPrivilage(index); UpdateClientList(); UpdateNeedle(); }
private static void Packet_CLogout(long index, byte[] data) { SwayStation.station.GetInterface().Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { SwayStation.station.UpdateLog(SwayTCP.Clients[index]._player._username + " logged out.\n"); SwayStation.station.DeleteClientPairing((int)index); }); SwayTCP.SendLogoutSuccess(index); }
private static void Packet_CManage(long index, byte[] data) { SwayStation.station.GetInterface().Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { SwayStation.station.UpdateLog(SwayTCP.Clients[index]._player._username + " has requested game privilages.\n"); SwayStation.station.AddClientManagingWaitingList((int)index); }); SwayTCP.SendManagingRequestRecieved(index); }
static void SetupServer() { for (int i = 0; i < Constants.MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { SwayTCP.Clients[i] = new Client(); Types.TempPlayer[i] = new Types.TempPlayerRec(); } ServerHandleData.InitPackets(); SwayTCP.InitializeNetwork(); }
private static void Packet_CShoot(long index, byte[] data) { ByteBuffer buffer = new ByteBuffer(); buffer.WriteBytes(data); buffer.ReadLong(); float direction = buffer.ReadFloat(); //handle logic SwayTCP.SendRealtimeDirectionToAll(index, direction); }
private static void WaitForBlockVacancy(long index, int x, int y) { while (map[x, y] > -1) { Console.WriteLine("waiting for free block at: " + map[x, y]); Thread.Sleep(500); } //send unblock to tile x,y SwayTCP.Clients[index]._player._blockages.Remove(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(x, y)); SwayTCP.SendUnblock(index, x, y); }
private static void Packet_CRealtimePosition(long index, byte[] data) { ByteBuffer buffer = new ByteBuffer(); buffer.WriteBytes(data); buffer.ReadLong(); float x = buffer.ReadFloat(); float y = buffer.ReadFloat(); float rotation = buffer.ReadFloat(); buffer = null; SwayTCP.SendRealtimeUpdateToAll((int)index, x, y, rotation); }
private static void Packet_CUnblock(long index, byte[] data) { ByteBuffer buffer = new ByteBuffer(); buffer.WriteBytes(data); buffer.ReadLong(); long opponentIndex = buffer.ReadLong(); SwayStation.station.gameLogic.RemoveBlockHash(index, opponentIndex); int x = buffer.ReadInteger(); int y = buffer.ReadInteger(); SwayTCP.SendUnblock(opponentIndex, x, y); }
private static void Packet_CInput(long index, byte[] data) { ByteBuffer buffer = new ByteBuffer(); buffer.WriteBytes(data); buffer.ReadLong(); ClientInput input = (ClientInput)buffer.ReadInteger(); int isKeyPressed = buffer.ReadInteger(); float x = buffer.ReadFloat(); float y = buffer.ReadFloat(); float rotation = buffer.ReadFloat(); //handle logic SwayTCP.SendRealtimeInputToAll(index, input, isKeyPressed, x, y, rotation); buffer = null; }
private void CloseSocket() { _player.Clear(); _socket.Close(); _socket = null; SwayStation.station.GetInterface().Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { SwayTCP.ClientCount--; SwayStation.station.gameLogic.Remove(SwayTCP.Clients[_index]); SwayStation.station.UpdateLog("Connection from ip: " + _ip + " has been terminated!\n"); SwayStation.station.UpdateClientNumber(SwayTCP.ClientCount); }); if (_player._isGaming) { SwayTCP.SendPlayerRemoval(_index); } }
private static void Packet_CRegister(long index, byte[] data) { long packetNum; ByteBuffer buffer = new ByteBuffer(); buffer.WriteBytes(data); packetNum = buffer.ReadLong(); string username = buffer.ReadString(); string password = buffer.ReadString(); string playerName = buffer.ReadString(); List <string>[] check = SwayStation.station.UpdatePlayerDataBase(username); if (check[0].Count > 0) { string message = "The username is already taken"; SwayTCP.SendRegisterFail(index, message); SwayStation.station.GetInterface().Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { SwayStation.station.UpdateLog("Username taken error: " + username + "\n"); }); } else { SwayStation.station.AddPlayer(username, playerName, password, "" + 1000, "" + 100, "no"); check = SwayStation.station.UpdatePlayerDataBase(username); SwayStation.station.GetInterface().Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { SwayStation.station.AddClientPairing((int)index, check[0][0], username); }); string playerData = index + "/" + check[(int)Sql_playerData.playername][0] + "/" + check[(int)][0] + "/" + check[(int)Sql_playerData.ammo][0] + "/" + check[(int)Sql_playerData.rank][0] + "/" + check[(int)Sql_playerData.score][0]; string message = "Registration successful, " + check[3][0]; SwayTCP.SendRegisterSuccess(index, message, playerData); } buffer = null; }
private void AllowMovementFunction() { int deltaX; int deltaY; int i; int j; string blockHash; while (true) { for (int client1 = 0; client1 < GameClients.Count; client1++) { for (int client2 = client1 + 1; client2 < GameClients.Count; client2++) { deltaX = Math.Abs(GameClients[client1]._player.x - GameClients[client2]._player.x); deltaY = Math.Abs(GameClients[client1]._player.y - GameClients[client2]._player.y); i = GameClients[client1]._index; j = GameClients[client2]._index; blockHash = (((i + j) * (i + j + 1) / 2) + j) + ""; if (!(deltaX == 0 & deltaY == 0)) { if (deltaX < 2) { if (deltaY < 2) { if (!blockQueue.Contains(blockHash)) { blockQueue.Add((((i + j) * (i + j + 1) / 2) + j) + ""); SwayTCP.SendBlock(GameClients[client1]._index, GameClients[client2]._index, GameClients[client1]._player.x, GameClients[client1]._player.y, GameClients[client2]._player.x, GameClients[client2]._player.y); } } } } } } } }
private static void Packet_CLogin(long index, byte[] data) { long packetNum; ByteBuffer buffer = new ByteBuffer(); buffer.WriteBytes(data); packetNum = buffer.ReadLong(); string username = buffer.ReadString(); string password = buffer.ReadString(); Console.WriteLine("Login Packet recieved: " + username + " " + password); List <string>[] check = SwayStation.station.UpdatePlayerDataBase(username); if (check[0].Count > 0) { if (check[(int)Sql_playerData.password][0].Contains(password)) { if (check[(int)Sql_playerData.isbanned][0].Equals("yes")) { string message = "You cannot log in, " + check[(int)Sql_playerData.username][0] + " is currently banned"; SwayTCP.SendBanMessage(index, message); SwayStation.station.GetInterface().Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { SwayStation.station.UpdateLog(username + " attempted to log in but is banned\n"); }); } else { //array of random welcome messages here string playerData = index + "/" + check[(int)Sql_playerData.playername][0] + "/" + check[(int)][0] + "/" + check[(int)Sql_playerData.ammo][0] + "/" + check[(int)Sql_playerData.rank][0] + "/" + check[(int)Sql_playerData.score][0]; string message = "Welcome to Space Fight, " + check[(int)Sql_playerData.playername][0]; SwayTCP.SendLoginSuccess(index, message, playerData); SwayStation.station.GetInterface().Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { SwayStation.station.AddClientPairing((int)index, check[0][0], check[1][0]); SwayStation.station.UpdateLog(username + " successfully logged in.\n"); }); } } else { //array of random welcome messages here string message = "Wrong password."; SwayTCP.SendLoginFail(index, message); SwayStation.station.GetInterface().Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { SwayStation.station.UpdateLog(username + " entered wrong password.\n"); }); } } else { SwayTCP.SendCredentialsFail(index); } buffer = null; }
public void SendToEveryone() { UpdateLog("Sending Message to Everyone: \"" + serverInterface.GetTypedMessage() + "\"\n"); SwayTCP.SendMessageToAll(serverInterface.GetTypedMessage()); }
public void SendToSelectedClients() { UpdateLog("Sending Message to Selected: \"" + serverInterface.GetTypedMessage() + "\"\n"); SwayTCP.SendMessageToSelected(serverInterface.GetTypedMessage()); }