Exemple #1
    public void GreedyRead()
        using (SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort())
            using (SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1))
                char[] charXmitBuffer = TCSupport.GetRandomChars(128, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.Surrogates);
                byte[] byteXmitBuffer = new byte[1024];
                char   utf32Char      = TCSupport.GenerateRandomCharNonSurrogate();
                byte[] utf32CharBytes = Encoding.UTF32.GetBytes(new [] { utf32Char });
                int    numBytes;

                Debug.WriteLine("Verifying that ReadTo() will read everything from internal buffer and drivers buffer");

                //Put the first byte of the utf32 encoder char in the last byte of this buffer
                //when we read this later the buffer will have to be resized
                byteXmitBuffer[byteXmitBuffer.Length - 1] = utf32CharBytes[0];


                if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

                com2.Write(byteXmitBuffer, 0, byteXmitBuffer.Length);

                while (com1.BytesToRead < byteXmitBuffer.Length)

                //Read Every Byte except the last one. The last bye should be left in the last position of SerialPort's
                //internal buffer. When we try to read this char as UTF32 the buffer should have to be resized so
                //the other 3 bytes of the ut32 encoded char can be in the buffer
                com1.Read(new char[1023], 0, 1023);

                Assert.Equal(1, com1.BytesToRead);

                com1.Encoding = Encoding.UTF32;
                com2.Encoding = Encoding.UTF32;

                com2.Write(utf32CharBytes, 1, 3);
                com2.Write(charXmitBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length);

                numBytes = Encoding.UTF32.GetByteCount(charXmitBuffer);

                byte[] byteBuffer = Encoding.UTF32.GetBytes(charXmitBuffer);

                char[] expectedChars = new char[1 + Encoding.UTF32.GetCharCount(byteBuffer)];
                expectedChars[0] = utf32Char;

                Encoding.UTF32.GetChars(byteBuffer, 0, byteBuffer.Length, expectedChars, 1);

                while (com1.BytesToRead < 4 + numBytes)

                string rcvString = com1.ReadTo(com2.NewLine);

                Assert.Equal(expectedChars, rcvString.ToCharArray());

                Assert.Equal(0, com1.BytesToRead);
        public void GreedyRead()
            using (SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort())
                using (SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1))
                    Random rndGen         = new Random();
                    byte[] byteXmitBuffer = new byte[1024];
                    byte[] expectedBytes  = new byte[byteXmitBuffer.Length + 4];
                    byte[] byteRcvBuffer;
                    char   utf32Char      = (char)8169;
                    byte[] utf32CharBytes = Encoding.UTF32.GetBytes(new[] { utf32Char });
                    int    numBytesRead;

                        "Verifying that Read(byte[], int, int) will read everything from internal buffer and drivers buffer");
                    for (int i = 0; i < utf32CharBytes.Length; i++)
                        expectedBytes[i] = utf32CharBytes[i];

                    for (int i = 0; i < byteXmitBuffer.Length; i++)
                        byteXmitBuffer[i]    = (byte)rndGen.Next(0, 256);
                        expectedBytes[i + 4] = byteXmitBuffer[i];

                    //Put the first byte of the utf32 encoder char in the last byte of this buffer
                    //when we read this later the buffer will have to be resized
                    byteXmitBuffer[byteXmitBuffer.Length - 1]    = utf32CharBytes[0];
                    expectedBytes[byteXmitBuffer.Length + 4 - 1] = utf32CharBytes[0];


                    if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

                    com2.Write(byteXmitBuffer, 0, byteXmitBuffer.Length);

                    TCSupport.WaitForReadBufferToLoad(com1, byteXmitBuffer.Length);

                    //Read Every Byte except the last one. The last bye should be left in the last position of SerialPort's
                    //internal buffer. When we try to read this char as UTF32 the buffer should have to be resized so
                    //the other 3 bytes of the ut32 encoded char can be in the buffer
                    com1.Read(new char[1023], 0, 1023);

                    if (1 != com1.BytesToRead)
                        Fail("Err_9416sapz ExpectedByteToRead={0} actual={1}", 1, com1.BytesToRead);

                    com2.Write(utf32CharBytes, 1, 3);
                    com2.Write(byteXmitBuffer, 0, byteXmitBuffer.Length);

                    byteRcvBuffer = new byte[(int)(expectedBytes.Length * 1.5)];

                    TCSupport.WaitForReadBufferToLoad(com1, 4 + byteXmitBuffer.Length);

                    if (expectedBytes.Length != (numBytesRead = com1.Read(byteRcvBuffer, 0, byteRcvBuffer.Length)))
                        Fail("Err_6481sfadw Expected read to read {0} chars actually read {1}", expectedBytes.Length, numBytesRead);

                    for (int i = 0; i < expectedBytes.Length; i++)
                        if (expectedBytes[i] != byteRcvBuffer[i])
                            Fail("Err_70782apzh Expected to read {0} actually read {1} at {2}", (int)expectedBytes[i], (int)byteRcvBuffer[i], i);

                    if (0 != com1.BytesToRead)
                        Fail("Err_78028asdf ExpectedByteToRead={0} actual={1}", 0, com1.BytesToRead);
        public void Read_DataReceivedBeforeTimeout()
            using (SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort())
                using (SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1))
                    byte[]    byteXmitBuffer = TCSupport.GetRandomBytes(512);
                    byte[]    byteRcvBuffer  = new byte[byteXmitBuffer.Length];
                    ASyncRead asyncRead      = new ASyncRead(com1, byteRcvBuffer, 0, byteRcvBuffer.Length);
                    var       asyncReadTask  = new Task(asyncRead.Read);

                        "Verifying that Read(byte[], int, int) will read characters that have been received after the call to Read was made");

                    com1.Encoding    = Encoding.UTF8;
                    com2.Encoding    = Encoding.UTF8;
                    com1.ReadTimeout = 20000; // 20 seconds


                    if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

                    //This only tells us that the thread has started to execute code in the method
                    Thread.Sleep(2000); //We need to wait to guarentee that we are executing code in SerialPort
                    com2.Write(byteXmitBuffer, 0, byteXmitBuffer.Length);


                    if (null != asyncRead.Exception)
                        Fail("Err_04448ajhied Unexpected exception thrown from async read:\n{0}", asyncRead.Exception);
                    else if (asyncRead.Result < 1)
                        Fail("Err_0158ahei Expected Read to read at least one character {0}", asyncRead.Result);
                        Thread.Sleep(1000); //We need to wait for all of the bytes to be received
                        int readResult = com1.Read(byteRcvBuffer, asyncRead.Result, byteRcvBuffer.Length - asyncRead.Result);

                        if (asyncRead.Result + readResult != byteXmitBuffer.Length)
                            Fail("Err_051884ajoedo Expected Read to read {0} characters actually read {1}",
                                 byteXmitBuffer.Length - asyncRead.Result, readResult);
                            for (int i = 0; i < byteXmitBuffer.Length; ++i)
                                if (byteRcvBuffer[i] != byteXmitBuffer[i])
                                        "Err_05188ahed Characters differ at {0} expected:{1}({1:X}) actual:{2}({2:X}) asyncRead.Result={3}",
                                        i, byteXmitBuffer[i], byteRcvBuffer[i], asyncRead.Result);

Exemple #4
        private void VerifyRead(char[] buffer, int offset, int count, Encoding encoding, int numberOfBytesToRead,
                                ReadDataFromEnum readDataFrom)
            using (SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort())
                using (SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1))
                    Random rndGen = new Random(-55);
                    char[] charsToWrite;
                    char[] expectedChars = new char[numberOfBytesToRead];
                    byte[] bytesToWrite  = new byte[numberOfBytesToRead];

                    if (1 < count)
                        charsToWrite = TCSupport.GetRandomChars(numberOfBytesToRead, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.Surrogates);
                        charsToWrite = TCSupport.GetRandomChars(numberOfBytesToRead, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None);

                    //Genrate some random chars in the buffer
                    for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
                        char randChar = (char)rndGen.Next(0, ushort.MaxValue);

                        buffer[i] = randChar;

                    TCSupport.SetHighSpeed(com1, com2);

                        "Verifying read method buffer.Length={0}, offset={1}, count={2}, endocing={3} with {4} random chars",
                        buffer.Length, offset, count, encoding.EncodingName, bytesToWrite.Length);
                    com1.ReadTimeout = 500;
                    com1.Encoding    = encoding;

                    if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

                    bytesToWrite  = com1.Encoding.GetBytes(charsToWrite, 0, charsToWrite.Length);
                    expectedChars = com1.Encoding.GetChars(bytesToWrite, 0, bytesToWrite.Length);

                    switch (readDataFrom)
                    case ReadDataFromEnum.NonBuffered:
                        VerifyReadNonBuffered(com1, com2, bytesToWrite, buffer, offset, count);

                    case ReadDataFromEnum.Buffered:
                        VerifyReadBuffered(com1, com2, bytesToWrite, buffer, offset, count);

                    case ReadDataFromEnum.BufferedAndNonBuffered:
                        VerifyReadBufferedAndNonBuffered(com1, com2, bytesToWrite, buffer, offset, count);

                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(readDataFrom), readDataFrom, null);
Exemple #5
        private void VerifyBytesFollowedByChars(Encoding encoding)
            using (SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort())
                using (SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1))
                    char[] xmitCharBuffer = TCSupport.GetRandomChars(numRndBytesToRead, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.Surrogates);
                    char[] rcvCharBuffer  = new char[xmitCharBuffer.Length];
                    byte[] xmitByteBuffer = new byte[numRndBytesToRead];
                    byte[] rcvByteBuffer  = new byte[xmitByteBuffer.Length];
                    Random rndGen         = new Random(-55);

                    int numRead;

                    Debug.WriteLine("Verifying read method does not alter stream of bytes after chars have been read with {0}",

                    for (int i = 0; i < xmitByteBuffer.Length; i++)
                        xmitByteBuffer[i] = (byte)rndGen.Next(0, 256);

                    com1.Encoding    = encoding;
                    com2.Encoding    = encoding;
                    com1.ReadTimeout = 500;


                    if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

                    com2.Write(xmitCharBuffer, 0, xmitCharBuffer.Length);
                    com2.Write(xmitByteBuffer, 0, xmitByteBuffer.Length);

                        (((xmitByteBuffer.Length + com2.Encoding.GetByteCount(xmitCharBuffer) * 10.0) / com1.BaudRate) * 1000) +

                    if (xmitCharBuffer.Length != (numRead = com1.Read(rcvCharBuffer, 0, rcvCharBuffer.Length)))
                        Fail("ERROR!!!: Expected to read {0} chars actually read {1}", xmitCharBuffer.Length, numRead);

                    if (encoding.EncodingName == Encoding.UTF7.EncodingName)
                        //If UTF7Encoding is being used we we might leave a - in the stream
                        if (com1.BytesToRead == xmitByteBuffer.Length + 1)
                            int byteRead;

                            if ('-' != (char)(byteRead = com1.ReadByte()))
                                Fail("Err_29282naie Expected '-' to be left in the stream with UTF7Encoding and read {0}", byteRead);

                    if (xmitByteBuffer.Length != (numRead = com1.Read(rcvByteBuffer, 0, rcvByteBuffer.Length)))
                        Fail("ERROR!!!: Expected to read {0} bytes actually read {1}", xmitByteBuffer.Length, numRead);

                    for (int i = 0; i < xmitByteBuffer.Length; i++)
                        if (xmitByteBuffer[i] != rcvByteBuffer[i])
                            Fail("ERROR!!!: Expected to read {0}  actual read  {1} at {2}", (int)xmitByteBuffer[i], (int)rcvByteBuffer[i], i);

                    Assert.Equal(0, com1.BytesToRead);

                     * if(!retValue) {
                     * for(int i=0; i<xmitCharBuffer.Length; ++i) {
                     *  Debug.WriteLine("(char){0}, ", (int)xmitCharBuffer[i]);
                     * }
                     * for(int i=0; i<xmitCharBuffer.Length; ++i) {
                     *  Debug.WriteLine("{0}, ", (int)xmitByteBuffer[i]);
                     * }
                     * }*/
Exemple #6
    private void VerifyRead(Encoding encoding, string newLine, int numBytesRead, int numNewLines, ReadDataFromEnum readDataFrom)
        using (SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort())
            using (SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1))
                Random        rndGen = new Random(-55);
                StringBuilder strBldrToWrite;
                int           numNewLineChars = newLine.ToCharArray().Length;
                int           minLength       = (1 + numNewLineChars) * numNewLines;

                if (minLength < numBytesRead)
                    strBldrToWrite = TCSupport.GetRandomStringBuilder(numBytesRead, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None);
                    strBldrToWrite = TCSupport.GetRandomStringBuilder(rndGen.Next(minLength, minLength * 2),

                //We need place the newLine so that they do not write over eachother
                int divisionLength = strBldrToWrite.Length / numNewLines;
                int range          = divisionLength - numNewLineChars;

                for (int i = 0; i < numNewLines; i++)
                    int newLineIndex = rndGen.Next(0, range + 1);

                    strBldrToWrite.Insert(newLineIndex + (i * divisionLength) + (i * numNewLineChars), newLine);

                Debug.WriteLine("Verifying ReadTo encoding={0}, newLine={1}, numBytesRead={2}, numNewLines={3}", encoding,
                                newLine, numBytesRead, numNewLines);

                com1.ReadTimeout = 500;
                com1.Encoding    = encoding;

                TCSupport.SetHighSpeed(com1, com2);


                if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

                switch (readDataFrom)
                case ReadDataFromEnum.NonBuffered:
                    VerifyReadNonBuffered(com1, com2, strBldrToWrite.ToString(), newLine);

                case ReadDataFromEnum.Buffered:
                    VerifyReadBuffered(com1, com2, strBldrToWrite.ToString(), newLine);

                case ReadDataFromEnum.BufferedAndNonBuffered:
                    VerifyReadBufferedAndNonBuffered(com1, com2, strBldrToWrite.ToString(), newLine);

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(readDataFrom), readDataFrom, null);
Exemple #7
    public bool Read_DataReceivedBeforeTimeout()
        SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort();
        SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1);

        char[]    charXmitBuffer = TCSupport.GetRandomChars(512, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None);
        char[]    charRcvBuffer;
        ASyncRead asyncRead = new ASyncRead(com1);

        System.Threading.Thread asyncReadThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(asyncRead.Read));
        bool retValue       = true;
        char endLineChar    = com1.NewLine[0];
        char notEndLineChar = TCSupport.GetRandomOtherChar(endLineChar, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None);

        Console.WriteLine("Verifying that Read(char[], int, int) will read characters that have been received after the call to Read was made");

        //Ensure the new line is not in charXmitBuffer
        for (int i = 0; i < charXmitBuffer.Length; ++i)
        {//Se any appearances of a character in the new line string to some other char
            if (endLineChar == charXmitBuffer[i])
                charXmitBuffer[i] = notEndLineChar;

        com1.Encoding    = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
        com2.Encoding    = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
        com1.ReadTimeout = 20000; // 20 seconds


        if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

        asyncRead.ReadStartedEvent.WaitOne(); //This only tells us that the thread has started to execute code in the method
        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000);  //We need to wait to guarentee that we are executing code in SerialPort
        com2.Write(charXmitBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length);


        if (null != asyncRead.Exception)
            retValue = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Err_04448ajhied Unexpected exception thrown from async read:\n{0}", asyncRead.Exception);
        else if (null == asyncRead.Result || 0 == asyncRead.Result.Length)
            retValue = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Err_0158ahei Expected Read to read at least one character");
            charRcvBuffer = asyncRead.Result.ToCharArray();

            if (charRcvBuffer.Length != charXmitBuffer.Length)
                retValue = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Err_051884ajoedo Expected Read to read {0} cahracters actually read {1}",
                                  charXmitBuffer.Length, charRcvBuffer.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < charXmitBuffer.Length; ++i)
                    if (charRcvBuffer[i] != charXmitBuffer[i])
                        retValue = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("Err_018956ahiaz Characters differ at {0} expected:{1}({2:X}) actual:{3}({4:X})",
                                          i, charXmitBuffer[i], (int)charXmitBuffer[i], charRcvBuffer[i], (int)charRcvBuffer[i]);

        if (!VerifyReadLine(com1, com2, new string(charXmitBuffer)))
            Console.WriteLine("Err_05188ajied Verify ReadLine after read failed");
            retValue = false;

        if (!retValue)
            Console.WriteLine("Err_018068ajkid Verifying that Read(char[], int, int) will read characters that have been received after the call to Read was made failed");


Exemple #8
    public bool Read_DataReceivedBeforeTimeout()
        SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort();
        SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1);

        byte[]    byteXmitBuffer = TCSupport.GetRandomBytes(512);
        byte[]    byteRcvBuffer  = new byte[byteXmitBuffer.Length];
        ASyncRead asyncRead      = new ASyncRead(com1);

        System.Threading.Thread asyncReadThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(asyncRead.Read));
        bool retValue = true;

        Console.WriteLine("Verifying that ReadByte() will read bytes that have been received after the call to Read was made");

        com1.Encoding    = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
        com2.Encoding    = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
        com1.ReadTimeout = 20000; // 20 seconds


        if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

        asyncRead.ReadStartedEvent.WaitOne(); //This only tells us that the thread has started to execute code in the method
        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000);  //We need to wait to guarentee that we are executing code in SerialPort
        com2.Write(byteXmitBuffer, 0, byteXmitBuffer.Length);


        if (null != asyncRead.Exception)
            retValue = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Err_04448ajhied Unexpected exception thrown from async read:\n{0}", asyncRead.Exception);
        else if (asyncRead.Result != byteXmitBuffer[0])
            retValue = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Err_0158ahei Expected ReadChar to read {0}({0:X}) actual {1}({1:X})", byteXmitBuffer[0], asyncRead.Result);
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); //We need to wait for all of the bytes to be received
            byteRcvBuffer[0] = (byte)asyncRead.Result;
            int readResult = com1.Read(byteRcvBuffer, 1, byteRcvBuffer.Length - 1);

            if (1 + readResult != byteXmitBuffer.Length)
                retValue = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Err_051884ajoedo Expected Read to read {0} bytes actually read {1}",
                                  byteXmitBuffer.Length - 1, readResult);
                for (int i = 0; i < byteXmitBuffer.Length; ++i)
                    if (byteRcvBuffer[i] != byteXmitBuffer[i])
                        retValue = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("Err_05188ahed Characters differ at {0} expected:{1}({1:X}) actual:{2}({2:X}) asyncRead.Result={3}",
                                          i, byteXmitBuffer[i], byteRcvBuffer[i], asyncRead.Result);

        if (!retValue)
            Console.WriteLine("Err_018068ajkid Verifying that ReadByte() will read bytes that have been received after the call to Read was made failed");


Exemple #9
        public void GreedyRead()
            using (SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort())
                using (SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1))
                    Random rndGen         = new Random(-55);
                    char[] charXmitBuffer = TCSupport.GetRandomChars(512, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.Surrogates);
                    byte[] byteXmitBuffer = new byte[1024];
                    char   utf32Char      = (char)8169;
                    byte[] utf32CharBytes = Encoding.UTF32.GetBytes(new[] { utf32Char });
                    int    numCharsRead;

                        "Verifying that Read(char[], int, int) will read everything from internal buffer and drivers buffer");

                    for (int i = 0; i < byteXmitBuffer.Length; i++)
                        byteXmitBuffer[i] = (byte)rndGen.Next(0, 256);

                    //Put the first byte of the utf32 encoder char in the last byte of this buffer
                    //when we read this later the buffer will have to be resized
                    byteXmitBuffer[byteXmitBuffer.Length - 1] = utf32CharBytes[0];

                    TCSupport.SetHighSpeed(com1, com2);


                    if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

                    com2.Write(byteXmitBuffer, 0, byteXmitBuffer.Length);

                    TCSupport.WaitForReadBufferToLoad(com1, byteXmitBuffer.Length);

                    //Read Every Byte except the last one. The last bye should be left in the last position of SerialPort's
                    //internal buffer. When we try to read this char as UTF32 the buffer should have to be resized so
                    //the other 3 bytes of the ut32 encoded char can be in the buffer
                    com1.Read(new char[1023], 0, 1023);
                    Assert.Equal(1, com1.BytesToRead);

                    com1.Encoding = Encoding.UTF32;
                    com2.Encoding = Encoding.UTF32;

                    com2.Write(utf32CharBytes, 1, 3);
                    com2.Write(charXmitBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length);

                    int numBytes = Encoding.UTF32.GetByteCount(charXmitBuffer);

                    byte[] byteBuffer = Encoding.UTF32.GetBytes(charXmitBuffer);

                    var expectedChars = new char[1 + Encoding.UTF32.GetCharCount(byteBuffer)];
                    expectedChars[0] = utf32Char;

                    Encoding.UTF32.GetChars(byteBuffer, 0, byteBuffer.Length, expectedChars, 1);
                    var charRcvBuffer = new char[(int)(expectedChars.Length * 1.5)];

                    TCSupport.WaitForReadBufferToLoad(com1, 4 + numBytes);

                    if (expectedChars.Length != (numCharsRead = com1.Read(charRcvBuffer, 0, charRcvBuffer.Length)))
                        Fail("Err_6481sfadw Expected read to read {0} chars actually read {1}", expectedChars.Length,

                    Assert.Equal(expectedChars, charRcvBuffer.Take(expectedChars.Length).ToArray());

                    Assert.Equal(0, com1.BytesToRead);
Exemple #10
    public bool GreedyRead()
        SerialPort com1   = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort();
        SerialPort com2   = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1);
        Random     rndGen = new Random(-55);

        char[] charXmitBuffer = TCSupport.GetRandomChars(128, true);
        byte[] byteXmitBuffer = new byte[1024];
        char[] expectedChars;
        string rcvString;

        char[] actualChars;
        char   utf32Char = TCSupport.GenerateRandomCharNonSurrogate();

        byte[] utf32CharBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF32.GetBytes(new char[] { utf32Char });
        int    numBytes;
        bool   retValue = true;

        Console.WriteLine("Verifying that ReadExisting() will read everything from internal buffer and drivers buffer");

        //Put the first byte of the utf32 encoder char in the last byte of this buffer
        //when we read this later the buffer will have to be resized
        byteXmitBuffer[byteXmitBuffer.Length - 1] = utf32CharBytes[0];


        if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

        com2.Write(byteXmitBuffer, 0, byteXmitBuffer.Length);

        while (com1.BytesToRead < byteXmitBuffer.Length)

        //Read Every Byte except the last one. The last bye should be left in the last position of SerialPort's
        //internal buffer. When we try to read this char as UTF32 the buffer should have to be resized so
        //the other 3 bytes of the ut32 encoded char can be in the buffer
        com1.Read(new char[1023], 0, 1023);
        if (1 != com1.BytesToRead)
            Console.WriteLine("Err_9416sapz ExpectedByteToRead={0} actual={1}", 1, com1.BytesToRead);
            retValue = false;

        com1.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF32;
        com2.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF32;

        com2.Write(utf32CharBytes, 1, 3);
        com2.Write(charXmitBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length);

        numBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF32.GetByteCount(charXmitBuffer);

        byte[] byteBuffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF32.GetBytes(charXmitBuffer);

        expectedChars    = new char[1 + System.Text.Encoding.UTF32.GetCharCount(byteBuffer)];
        expectedChars[0] = utf32Char;

        System.Text.Encoding.UTF32.GetChars(byteBuffer, 0, byteBuffer.Length, expectedChars, 1);

        while (com1.BytesToRead < 4 + numBytes)

        if (null == (rcvString = com1.ReadExisting()))
            Console.WriteLine("Err_6481sfadw ReadExisting returned null");
            retValue = false;
            actualChars = rcvString.ToCharArray();

            if (actualChars.Length != expectedChars.Length)
                Console.WriteLine("Err_0872watr Expected to read {0} chars actually read {1} chars", expectedChars.Length, actualChars.Length);
                retValue = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < expectedChars.Length; i++)
                    if (expectedChars[i] != actualChars[i])
                        Console.WriteLine("Err_70782apzh Expected to read {0} actually read {1}", (int)expectedChars[i], (int)actualChars[i]);
                        retValue = false;

        if (0 != com1.BytesToRead)
            Console.WriteLine("Err_78028asdf ExpectedByteToRead={0} actual={1}", 0, com1.BytesToRead);
            retValue = false;

        if (!retValue)
            Console.WriteLine("Err_1389 Verifying that ReadExisting() will read everything from internal buffer and drivers buffer failed");

Exemple #11
        public void WriteChars()
            using (SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort())
                using (SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1))
                    char[]        xmitCharBuffer = TCSupport.GetRandomChars(TRANSMIT_BUFFER_SIZE, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None);
                    char[]        rcvCharBuffer  = new char[RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE];
                    Random        random         = new Random(-55);
                    Stopwatch     sw             = new Stopwatch();
                    Buffer <char> buffer         = new Buffer <char>(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);

                    com1.Encoding = Encoding.Unicode;
                    com2.Encoding = Encoding.Unicode;

                    com1.BaudRate = 115200;
                    com2.BaudRate = 115200;


                    if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

                    while (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < s_testDuration.TotalMilliseconds)
                        switch (random.Next(0, 2))
                        case 0: //Write
                            if (com2.BytesToRead < MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
                                int maxNumberOfCharactes = (MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - com2.BytesToRead) / 2;
                                int numberOfCharacters   = random.Next(0,
                                                                       Math.Min(xmitCharBuffer.Length, maxNumberOfCharactes) + 1);
                                int expectedBytesToRead = com2.BytesToRead + 2 * numberOfCharacters;

                                //                        Debug.WriteLine("Writing {0,5} characters BytesToRead={1,5}", numberOfCharacters, com2.BytesToRead);
                                com1.Write(xmitCharBuffer, 0, numberOfCharacters);
                                buffer.Append(xmitCharBuffer, 0, numberOfCharacters);

                                TCSupport.WaitForPredicate(delegate() { return(com2.BytesToRead == expectedBytesToRead); },
                                                           "Err_29829haie Expected to received {0} bytes actual={1}", expectedBytesToRead,

                        case 1: //Read
                            if (0 < com2.BytesToRead)
                                int maxNumberOfCharactes = com2.BytesToRead / 2;
                                int numberOfCharacters   = random.Next(0,
                                                                       Math.Min(rcvCharBuffer.Length, maxNumberOfCharactes) + 1);
                                int actualNumberOfCharactersRead;
                                int expectedBytesToRead = com2.BytesToRead - (2 * numberOfCharacters);

                                //                        Debug.WriteLine("Reading {0,5} characters BytesToRead={1,5}", numberOfCharacters, com2.BytesToRead);
                                actualNumberOfCharactersRead = com2.Read(rcvCharBuffer, 0, numberOfCharacters);

                                if (actualNumberOfCharactersRead == numberOfCharacters)
                                    buffer.CompareAndRemove(rcvCharBuffer, 0, numberOfCharacters);

                                    if (com2.BytesToRead != expectedBytesToRead)
                                        Fail("Err_895879uhedbuz Expected to BytesToRead={0} actual={1}",
                                             expectedBytesToRead, com2.BytesToRead);
                                    Fail("Err_895879uhedbuz Expected to read {0} chars actual {1}",
                                         numberOfCharacters, actualNumberOfCharactersRead);
Exemple #12
    public bool Read_Timeout()
        SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort();
        SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1);

        char[] charXmitBuffer = TCSupport.GetRandomChars(512, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None);
        char[] charRcvBuffer;
        string endString  = "END";
        bool   retValue   = true;
        char   endChar    = endString[0];
        char   notEndChar = TCSupport.GetRandomOtherChar(endChar, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None);
        string result;

        Console.WriteLine("Verifying that ReadTo(string) works appropriately after TimeoutException has been thrown");

        //Ensure the new line is not in charXmitBuffer
        for (int i = 0; i < charXmitBuffer.Length; ++i)
        {//Se any appearances of a character in the new line string to some other char
            if (endChar == charXmitBuffer[i])
                charXmitBuffer[i] = notEndChar;

        com1.Encoding    = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode;
        com2.Encoding    = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode;
        com1.ReadTimeout = 500; // 20 seconds


        if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

        com2.Write(charXmitBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length);

            Console.WriteLine("Err_29299aize Expected ReadTo to throw TimeoutException");
            retValue = false;
        catch (TimeoutException) { }//Expected

        if (2 * charXmitBuffer.Length != com1.BytesToRead)
            Console.WriteLine("Err_0585haieidp Expected BytesToRead: {0} actual: {1}", 2 * charXmitBuffer.Length, com1.BytesToRead);
            retValue = false;

        result        = com1.ReadTo(endString);
        charRcvBuffer = result.ToCharArray();

        if (charRcvBuffer.Length != charXmitBuffer.Length)
            retValue = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Err_051884ajoedo Expected Read to read {0} cahracters actually read {1}",
                              charXmitBuffer.Length, charRcvBuffer.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < charXmitBuffer.Length; ++i)
                if (charRcvBuffer[i] != charXmitBuffer[i])
                    retValue = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("Err_8988auzobn Characters differ at {0} expected:{1}({2:X}) actual:{3}({4:X})",
                                      i, charXmitBuffer[i], (int)charXmitBuffer[i], charRcvBuffer[i], (int)charRcvBuffer[i]);

        if (!VerifyReadTo(com1, com2, new string(charXmitBuffer), endString))
            Console.WriteLine("Err_05188ajied Verify ReadTo after read failed");
            retValue = false;

        if (!retValue)
            Console.WriteLine("Err_05498352aiiueid Verifying that ReadTo(string) works appropriately after TimeoutException has been thrown failed");


Exemple #13
    private bool VerifyReadToWithWriteLine(System.Text.Encoding encoding, string newLine)
        SerialPort com1   = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort();
        SerialPort com2   = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1);
        Random     rndGen = new Random(-55);

        System.Text.StringBuilder strBldrToWrite = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
        string strRead, strWrite;
        string strExpected;
        bool   retValue = true;
        bool   isUTF7Encoding = encoding.EncodingName == System.Text.Encoding.UTF7.EncodingName;

        Console.WriteLine("Verifying ReadTo with WriteLine encoding={0}, newLine={1}", encoding, newLine);

        com1.ReadTimeout = 500;
        com2.NewLine     = newLine;
        com1.Encoding    = encoding;
        com2.Encoding    = encoding;

        //Genrate random characters
            strBldrToWrite = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_NUM_CHARS_TO_READ; i++)
                strBldrToWrite.Append((char)rndGen.Next(0, 128));
        } while (-1 != TCSupport.OrdinalIndexOf(strBldrToWrite.ToString(), newLine));//SerialPort does a Ordinal comparison

        strWrite    = strBldrToWrite.ToString();
        strExpected = new string(com1.Encoding.GetChars(com1.Encoding.GetBytes(strWrite.ToCharArray())));


        if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

        strRead = com1.ReadTo(newLine);

        if (0 != strBldrToWrite.ToString().CompareTo(strRead))
            Console.WriteLine("ERROR!!! The string written: \"{0}\" and the string read \"{1}\" differ", strBldrToWrite, strRead);
            retValue = false;

        if (0 != com1.BytesToRead && (!isUTF7Encoding || 1 != com1.BytesToRead))
            Console.WriteLine("ERROR!!! BytesToRead={0} expected 0", com1.BytesToRead);
            retValue = false;

        if (com1.IsOpen)

        if (com2.IsOpen)

Exemple #14
    public bool Read_LargeBuffer()
        SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort();
        SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1);

        char[] charXmitBuffer = TCSupport.GetRandomChars(512, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None);
        string stringRcvBuffer;
        bool   retValue = true;

        bool continueRunning    = true;
        int  numberOfIterations = 0;

        System.Threading.Thread writeToCom2Thread = new System.Threading.Thread(delegate()
            while (continueRunning)
                com1.Write(charXmitBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length);

        char endChar    = com1.NewLine[0];
        char notEndChar = TCSupport.GetRandomOtherChar(endChar, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None);

        //Ensure the new line is not in charXmitBuffer
        for (int i = 0; i < charXmitBuffer.Length; ++i)
        {//Se any appearances of a character in the new line string to some other char
            if (endChar == charXmitBuffer[i])
                charXmitBuffer[i] = notEndChar;

        com1.BaudRate = 115200;
        com2.BaudRate = 115200;

        com1.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode;
        com2.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode;

        com2.ReadTimeout = 10000;


        if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback


            retValue = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Err_2928aneieud Expected ReadLine() to throw timeoutException()");
        catch (TimeoutException) { };

        continueRunning = false;


        stringRcvBuffer = com2.ReadLine();

        if (charXmitBuffer.Length * numberOfIterations == stringRcvBuffer.Length)
            for (int i = 0; i < charXmitBuffer.Length * numberOfIterations; ++i)
                if (stringRcvBuffer[i] != charXmitBuffer[i % charXmitBuffer.Length])
                    retValue = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("Err_292aneid Expected to read {0} actually read {1}", charXmitBuffer[i % charXmitBuffer.Length], stringRcvBuffer[i]);
            retValue = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Err_292haie Expected to read {0} characters actually read {1}", charXmitBuffer.Length * numberOfIterations, stringRcvBuffer.Length);


Exemple #15
    public void Read_DataReceivedBeforeTimeout()
        using (SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort())
            using (SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1))
                char[]    charXmitBuffer = TCSupport.GetRandomChars(512, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None);
                string    endString      = "END";
                ASyncRead asyncRead      = new ASyncRead(com1, endString);
                System.Threading.Thread asyncReadThread =
                    new System.Threading.Thread(asyncRead.Read);

                char endChar    = endString[0];
                char notEndChar = TCSupport.GetRandomOtherChar(endChar, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None);

                    "Verifying that ReadTo(string) will read characters that have been received after the call to Read was made");

                //Ensure the new line is not in charXmitBuffer
                for (int i = 0; i < charXmitBuffer.Length; ++i)
//Se any appearances of a character in the new line string to some other char
                    if (endChar == charXmitBuffer[i])
                        charXmitBuffer[i] = notEndChar;

                com1.Encoding    = Encoding.UTF8;
                com2.Encoding    = Encoding.UTF8;
                com1.ReadTimeout = 20000; // 20 seconds


                if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

                //This only tells us that the thread has started to execute code in the method
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); //We need to wait to guarentee that we are executing code in SerialPort
                com2.Write(charXmitBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length);


                if (null != asyncRead.Exception)
                    Fail("Err_04448ajhied Unexpected exception thrown from async read:\n{0}", asyncRead.Exception);
                else if (null == asyncRead.Result || 0 == asyncRead.Result.Length)
                    Fail("Err_0158ahei Expected Read to read at least one character");
                    char[] charRcvBuffer = asyncRead.Result.ToCharArray();

                    if (charRcvBuffer.Length != charXmitBuffer.Length)
                        Fail("Err_051884ajoedo Expected Read to read {0} characters actually read {1}", charXmitBuffer.Length, charRcvBuffer.Length);
                        for (int i = 0; i < charXmitBuffer.Length; ++i)
                            if (charRcvBuffer[i] != charXmitBuffer[i])
                                    "Err_0518895akiezp Characters differ at {0} expected:{1}({2:X}) actual:{3}({4:X})", i,
                                    charXmitBuffer[i], (int)charXmitBuffer[i], charRcvBuffer[i], (int)charRcvBuffer[i]);
                VerifyReadTo(com1, com2, new string(charXmitBuffer), endString);
Exemple #16
        public void Read_ResizeBuffer()
            using (SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort())
                using (SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1))
                    char[] charXmitBuffer = TCSupport.GetRandomChars(1023, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.ASCII);
                    int    readResult;

                    Debug.WriteLine("Verifying that Read(char[], int, int) will compact data in the buffer buffer");

                    com1.Encoding = Encoding.ASCII;
                    com2.Encoding = Encoding.ASCII;


                    if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

                    //[] Fill the buffer up then read in all but one of the chars
                    var expectedChars = new char[charXmitBuffer.Length - 1];
                    var charRcvBuffer = new char[charXmitBuffer.Length - 1];
                    Array.Copy(charXmitBuffer, 0, expectedChars, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length - 1);

                    com2.Write(charXmitBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length);
                    TCSupport.WaitForPredicate(() => com1.BytesToRead == charXmitBuffer.Length, 2000,
                                               "Err_29829haie Expected to received {0} bytes actual={1}", charXmitBuffer.Length, com1.BytesToRead);

                    if (charXmitBuffer.Length - 1 != (readResult = com1.Read(charRcvBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length - 1)))
                        Fail("Err_55084aheid Expected to read {0} chars actual {1}", charXmitBuffer.Length - 1,

                    TCSupport.VerifyArray(expectedChars, charRcvBuffer);

                    //[] Write 16 more cahrs and read in 16 chars
                    expectedChars    = new char[16];
                    charRcvBuffer    = new char[16];
                    expectedChars[0] = charXmitBuffer[charXmitBuffer.Length - 1];
                    Array.Copy(charXmitBuffer, 0, expectedChars, 1, 15);

                    com2.Write(charXmitBuffer, 0, 16);
                    TCSupport.WaitForPredicate(() => com1.BytesToRead == 17, 2000,
                                               "Err_0516848aied Expected to received {0} bytes actual={1}", 17, com1.BytesToRead);

                    if (16 != (readResult = com1.Read(charRcvBuffer, 0, 16)))
                        Fail("Err_650848ahide Expected to read {0} chars actual {1}", 16, readResult);

                    Assert.Equal(expectedChars, charRcvBuffer);

                    //[] Write more chars and read in all of the chars
                    expectedChars    = new char[charXmitBuffer.Length + 1];
                    charRcvBuffer    = new char[charXmitBuffer.Length + 1];
                    expectedChars[0] = charXmitBuffer[15];
                    Array.Copy(charXmitBuffer, 0, expectedChars, 1, charXmitBuffer.Length);

                    com2.Write(charXmitBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length);
                    TCSupport.WaitForPredicate(() => com1.BytesToRead == charXmitBuffer.Length + 1, 2000,
                                               "Err_41515684 Expected to received {0} bytes actual={1}", charXmitBuffer.Length + 2, com1.BytesToRead);

                    if (charXmitBuffer.Length + 1 != (readResult = com1.Read(charRcvBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length + 1)))
                        Fail("Err_460574ajied Expected to read {0} chars actual {1}", charXmitBuffer.Length + 1, readResult);
                    Assert.Equal(expectedChars, charRcvBuffer);
Exemple #17
    public void Read_LargeBuffer()
        using (SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort())
            using (SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1))
                char[] charXmitBuffer = TCSupport.GetRandomChars(512, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None);

                bool continueRunning    = true;
                int  numberOfIterations = 0;
                System.Threading.Thread writeToCom2Thread = new System.Threading.Thread(delegate()
                    while (continueRunning)
                        com1.Write(charXmitBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length);

                char endChar    = TCSupport.GenerateRandomCharNonSurrogate();
                char notEndChar = TCSupport.GetRandomOtherChar(endChar, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None);

                //Ensure the new line is not in charXmitBuffer
                for (int i = 0; i < charXmitBuffer.Length; ++i)
//Se any appearances of a character in the new line string to some other char
                    if (endChar == charXmitBuffer[i])
                        charXmitBuffer[i] = notEndChar;

                com1.BaudRate = 115200;
                com2.BaudRate = 115200;

                com1.Encoding = Encoding.Unicode;
                com2.Encoding = Encoding.Unicode;

                com2.ReadTimeout = 10000;


                if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback


                Assert.Throws <TimeoutException>(() => com2.ReadTo(new string(endChar, 1)));

                continueRunning = false;

                com1.Write(new string(endChar, 1));

                string stringRcvBuffer = com2.ReadTo(new string(endChar, 1));

                if (charXmitBuffer.Length * numberOfIterations == stringRcvBuffer.Length)
                    for (int i = 0; i < charXmitBuffer.Length * numberOfIterations; ++i)
                        if (stringRcvBuffer[i] != charXmitBuffer[i % charXmitBuffer.Length])
                            Fail("Err_292aneid Expected to read {0} actually read {1}",
                                 charXmitBuffer[i % charXmitBuffer.Length], stringRcvBuffer[i]);
                    Fail("Err_292haie Expected to read {0} characters actually read {1}", charXmitBuffer.Length * numberOfIterations, stringRcvBuffer.Length);
Exemple #18
        public void Read_SurrogateBoundary()
            using (SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort())
                using (SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1))
                    char[] charXmitBuffer = new char[32];

                    int result;

                    Debug.WriteLine("Verifying that Read(char[], int, int) works with reading surrogate characters");

                    TCSupport.GetRandomChars(charXmitBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length - 2, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.Surrogates);
                    charXmitBuffer[charXmitBuffer.Length - 2] = TCSupport.GenerateRandomHighSurrogate();
                    charXmitBuffer[charXmitBuffer.Length - 1] = TCSupport.GenerateRandomLowSurrogate();

                    com1.Encoding    = Encoding.Unicode;
                    com2.Encoding    = Encoding.Unicode;
                    com1.ReadTimeout = 500;


                    if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

                    //[] First lets try with buffer size that is larger then what we are asking for
                    com2.Write(charXmitBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length);
                    TCSupport.WaitForExpected(() => com1.BytesToRead, charXmitBuffer.Length * 2,
                                              5000, "Err_018158ajid BytesToRead");

                    var charRcvBuffer = new char[charXmitBuffer.Length];

                    result = com1.Read(charRcvBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length - 1);

                    Assert.Equal(charXmitBuffer.Length - 2, result);

                    char[] actualChars = new char[charXmitBuffer.Length];

                    Array.Copy(charRcvBuffer, 0, actualChars, 0, result);
                    result = com1.Read(actualChars, actualChars.Length - 2, 2);

                    Assert.Equal(2, result);
                    Assert.Equal(charXmitBuffer, actualChars);

                    //[] Next lets try with buffer size that is the same size as what we are asking for
                    com2.Write(charXmitBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length);
                    TCSupport.WaitForExpected(() => com1.BytesToRead, charXmitBuffer.Length * 2,
                                              5000, "Err_018158ajid BytesToRead");

                    charRcvBuffer = new char[charXmitBuffer.Length - 1];

                    result = com1.Read(charRcvBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length - 1);

                    Assert.Equal(charXmitBuffer.Length - 2, result);

                    actualChars = new char[charXmitBuffer.Length];

                    Array.Copy(charRcvBuffer, 0, actualChars, 0, result);
                    result = com1.Read(actualChars, actualChars.Length - 2, 2);

                    Assert.Equal(2, result);
                    Assert.Equal(charXmitBuffer, actualChars);
Exemple #19
        public void Read_Timeout()
            using (SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort())
                using (SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1))
                    char[] charXmitBuffer = TCSupport.GetRandomChars(512, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None);
                    byte[] byteXmitBuffer = new UTF32Encoding().GetBytes(charXmitBuffer);
                    char[] charRcvBuffer  = new char[charXmitBuffer.Length];

                    int result;

                        "Verifying that Read(char[], int, int) works appropriately after TimeoutException has been thrown");

                    com1.Encoding    = new UTF32Encoding();
                    com2.Encoding    = new UTF32Encoding();
                    com1.ReadTimeout = 500; // 20 seconds


                    if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

                    //Write the first 3 bytes of a character
                    com2.Write(byteXmitBuffer, 0, 3);

                    Assert.Throws <TimeoutException>(() => com1.ReadChar());

                    Assert.Equal(3, com1.BytesToRead);

                    com2.Write(byteXmitBuffer, 3, byteXmitBuffer.Length - 3);

                    TCSupport.WaitForExpected(() => com1.BytesToRead, byteXmitBuffer.Length,
                                              5000, "Err_91818aheid BytesToRead");

                    result = com1.ReadChar();

                    if (result != charXmitBuffer[0])
                        Fail("Err_0158ahei Expected ReadChar to read {0}({0:X}) actual {1}({1:X})", charXmitBuffer[0], result);
                        charRcvBuffer[0] = (char)result;
                        int readResult = com1.Read(charRcvBuffer, 1, charRcvBuffer.Length - 1);

                        if (readResult + 1 != charXmitBuffer.Length)
                            Fail("Err_051884ajoedo Expected Read to read {0} characters actually read {1}", charXmitBuffer.Length - 1, readResult);
                            for (int i = 0; i < charXmitBuffer.Length; ++i)
                                if (charRcvBuffer[i] != charXmitBuffer[i])
                                    Fail("Err_05188ahed Characters differ at {0} expected:{1}({1:X}) actual:{2}({2:X})", i, charXmitBuffer[i], charRcvBuffer[i]);

                    VerifyBytesReadOnCom1FromCom2(com1, com2, byteXmitBuffer, charXmitBuffer);
Exemple #20
    public void Read_DataReceivedBeforeTimeout()
        using (SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort())
            using (SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1))
                char[]    charXmitBuffer = TCSupport.GetRandomChars(512, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None);
                char[]    charRcvBuffer  = new char[charXmitBuffer.Length];
                ASyncRead asyncRead      = new ASyncRead(com1);
                System.Threading.Thread asyncReadThread =
                    new System.Threading.Thread(asyncRead.Read);

                    "Verifying that ReadChar will read characters that have been received after the call to Read was made");

                com1.Encoding    = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                com2.Encoding    = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                com1.ReadTimeout = 20000; // 20 seconds


                if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback

                //This only tells us that the thread has started to execute code in the method
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); //We need to wait to guarentee that we are executing code in SerialPort
                com2.Write(charXmitBuffer, 0, charXmitBuffer.Length);



                if (asyncRead.Result != charXmitBuffer[0])
                    Fail("Err_0158ahei Expected ReadChar to read {0}({0:X}) actual {1}({1:X})", charXmitBuffer[0], asyncRead.Result);
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); //We need to wait for all of the bytes to be received
                    charRcvBuffer[0] = (char)asyncRead.Result;
                    int readResult = com1.Read(charRcvBuffer, 1, charRcvBuffer.Length - 1);

                    if (readResult + 1 != charXmitBuffer.Length)
                        Fail("Err_051884ajoedo Expected Read to read {0} characters actually read {1}",
                             charXmitBuffer.Length - 1, readResult);
                        for (int i = 0; i < charXmitBuffer.Length; ++i)
                            if (charRcvBuffer[i] != charXmitBuffer[i])
                                Fail("Err_05188ahed Characters differ at {0} expected:{1}({1:X}) actual:{2}({2:X}) asyncRead.Result={3}",
                                     i, charXmitBuffer[i], charRcvBuffer[i], asyncRead.Result);