Exemple #1
        public void ParityErrorOnLastByte()
            using (var com1 = new SerialPort(TCSupport.LocalMachineSerialInfo.FirstAvailablePortName))
                using (var com2 = new SerialPort(TCSupport.LocalMachineSerialInfo.SecondAvailablePortName))
                    var rndGen          = new Random(15);
                    var bytesToWrite    = new byte[numRndByte];
                    var expectedBytes   = new byte[numRndByte];
                    var actualBytes     = new byte[numRndByte + 1];
                    var actualByteIndex = 0;

                    /* 1 Additional character gets added to the input buffer when the parity error occurs on the last byte of a stream
                     * We are verifying that besides this everything gets read in correctly. See NDP Whidbey: 24216 for more info on this */
                    Debug.WriteLine("Verifying default ParityReplace byte with a parity error on the last byte");

                    // Generate random characters without an parity error
                    for (var i = 0; i < bytesToWrite.Length; i++)
                        var randByte = (byte)rndGen.Next(0, 128);

                        bytesToWrite[i]  = randByte;
                        expectedBytes[i] = randByte;

                    bytesToWrite[bytesToWrite.Length - 1] = (byte)(bytesToWrite[bytesToWrite.Length - 1] | 0x80);
                    // Create a parity error on the last byte
                    expectedBytes[expectedBytes.Length - 1] = com1.ParityReplace;
                    // Set the last expected byte to be the ParityReplace Byte

                    com1.Parity      = Parity.Space;
                    com1.DataBits    = 7;
                    com1.ReadTimeout = 250;


                    com2.Write(bytesToWrite, 0, bytesToWrite.Length);

                    TCSupport.WaitForReadBufferToLoad(com1, bytesToWrite.Length + 1);

                    while (true)
                        int byteRead;
                            byteRead = com1.ReadByte();
                        catch (TimeoutException)

                        actualBytes[actualByteIndex] = (byte)byteRead;

                    // Compare the chars that were written with the ones we expected to read
                    for (var i = 0; i < expectedBytes.Length; i++)
                        if (expectedBytes[i] != actualBytes[i])
                            Fail("ERROR!!!: Expected to read {0}  actual read  {1}", (int)expectedBytes[i],

                    if (1 < com1.BytesToRead)
                        Fail("ERROR!!!: Expected BytesToRead=0 actual={0}", com1.BytesToRead);
                        Fail("ByteRead={0}, {1}", com1.ReadByte(), bytesToWrite[bytesToWrite.Length - 1]);

                    bytesToWrite[bytesToWrite.Length - 1] = (byte)(bytesToWrite[bytesToWrite.Length - 1] & 0x7F);
                    // Clear the parity error on the last byte
                    expectedBytes[expectedBytes.Length - 1] = bytesToWrite[bytesToWrite.Length - 1];
                    VerifyRead(com1, com2, bytesToWrite, expectedBytes, Encoding.ASCII);
Exemple #2
        private void VerifyStopBits(SerialPort com1)
            Random    rndGen = new Random(-55);
            Stopwatch sw     = new Stopwatch();

            using (SerialPort com2 = new SerialPort(TCSupport.LocalMachineSerialInfo.SecondAvailablePortName))
                double expectedTime, actualTime, percentageDifference;
                int    numBytes  = 0;
                byte   shiftMask = 0xFF;
                double stopBits  = -1;

                switch ((int)com1.StopBits)
                case (int)StopBits.One:
                    stopBits = 1.0;

                case (int)StopBits.OnePointFive:
                    stopBits = 1.5;

                case (int)StopBits.Two:
                    stopBits = 2.0;

                int    numBytesToSend = (int)(((DEFAULT_TIME / 1000.0) * com1.BaudRate) / (stopBits + com1.DataBits + 1));
                byte[] xmitBytes      = new byte[numBytesToSend];
                byte[] expectedBytes  = new byte[numBytesToSend];
                byte[] rcvBytes       = new byte[numBytesToSend];

                //Create a mask that when logicaly and'd with the transmitted byte will
                //will result in the byte recievied due to the leading bits being chopped
                //off due to DataBits less then 8
                shiftMask >>= 8 - com1.DataBits;

                //Generate some random bytes to read/write for this StopBits setting
                for (int i = 0; i < xmitBytes.Length; i++)
                    xmitBytes[i]     = (byte)rndGen.Next(0, 256);
                    expectedBytes[i] = (byte)(xmitBytes[i] & shiftMask);

                com2.DataBits = com1.DataBits;
                com2.StopBits = com1.StopBits;
                actualTime = 0;

                Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;

                int initialNumBytes;

                for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRYS; i++)

                    IAsyncResult beginWriteResult = com1.BaseStream.BeginWrite(xmitBytes, 0, numBytesToSend, null, null);
                    while (0 == (initialNumBytes = com2.BytesToRead))

                    TCSupport.WaitForReadBufferToLoad(com2, numBytesToSend);

                    actualTime += sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    actualTime += ((initialNumBytes * (stopBits + com1.DataBits + 1)) / com1.BaudRate) * 1000;


                Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal;
                actualTime          /= NUM_TRYS;
                expectedTime         = ((xmitBytes.Length * (stopBits + com1.DataBits + 1)) / com1.BaudRate) * 1000;
                percentageDifference = Math.Abs((expectedTime - actualTime) / expectedTime);

                //If the percentageDifference between the expected time and the actual time is to high
                //then the expected baud rate must not have been used and we should report an error
                if (MAX_ACCEPTABEL_PERCENTAGE_DIFFERENCE < percentageDifference)
                    Fail("ERROR!!! StopBits not used Expected time:{0}, actual time:{1} percentageDifference:{2}", expectedTime, actualTime, percentageDifference, numBytes);

                com2.Read(rcvBytes, 0, rcvBytes.Length);

                //Verify that the bytes we sent were the same ones we received
                for (int i = 0; i < expectedBytes.Length; i++)
                    if (expectedBytes[i] != rcvBytes[i])
                        Fail("ERROR!!! Expected to read {0} actual read {1}", expectedBytes[i], rcvBytes[i]);
Exemple #3
        private void Verify_Handshake(Handshake handshake)
            using (SerialPort com1 = new SerialPort(TCSupport.LocalMachineSerialInfo.FirstAvailablePortName))
                using (SerialPort com2 = new SerialPort(TCSupport.LocalMachineSerialInfo.SecondAvailablePortName))
                    byte[] XOffBuffer = new byte[1];
                    byte[] XOnBuffer  = new byte[1];

                    XOffBuffer[0] = 19;
                    XOnBuffer[0]  = 17;

                    int numNewLineBytes;

                    Debug.WriteLine("Verifying Handshake={0}", handshake);

                    com1.WriteTimeout = 3000;
                    com1.Handshake    = handshake;

                    numNewLineBytes = com1.Encoding.GetByteCount(com1.NewLine.ToCharArray());

                    //Setup to ensure write will block with type of handshake method being used
                    if (Handshake.RequestToSend == handshake || Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff == handshake)
                        com2.RtsEnable = false;

                    if (Handshake.XOnXOff == handshake || Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff == handshake)
                        com2.Write(XOffBuffer, 0, 1);

                    //Write a random string asynchronously so we can verify some things while the write call is blocking
                    string randomLine      = TCSupport.GetRandomString(s_STRING_SIZE_HANDSHAKE, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.Surrogates);
                    byte[] randomLineBytes = com1.Encoding.GetBytes(randomLine);
                    Task   task            = Task.Run(() => com1.WriteLine(randomLine));


                    TCSupport.WaitForWriteBufferToLoad(com1, randomLineBytes.Length + numNewLineBytes);

                    //Verify that CtsHolding is false if the RequestToSend or RequestToSendXOnXOff handshake method is used
                    if ((Handshake.RequestToSend == handshake || Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff == handshake) && com1.CtsHolding)
                        Fail("ERROR!!! Expcted CtsHolding={0} actual {1}", false, com1.CtsHolding);

                    //Setup to ensure write will succeed
                    if (Handshake.RequestToSend == handshake || Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff == handshake)
                        com2.RtsEnable = true;

                    if (Handshake.XOnXOff == handshake || Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff == handshake)
                        com2.Write(XOnBuffer, 0, 1);

                    //Wait till write finishes

                    Assert.Equal(0, com1.BytesToWrite);

                    //Verify that CtsHolding is true if the RequestToSend or RequestToSendXOnXOff handshake method is used
                    if ((Handshake.RequestToSend == handshake || Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff == handshake) &&
                        Fail("ERROR!!! Expected CtsHolding={0} actual {1}", true, com1.CtsHolding);