Exemple #1
        public void Test_TAGProcessor_TestZeroValuesInvalid()
            var          SiteModel = new SiteModel(StorageMutability.Immutable);
            var          Machine   = new Machine();
            var          SiteModelGridAggregator             = new ServerSubGridTree(SiteModel.ID, StorageMutability.Mutable);
            var          MachineTargetValueChangesAggregator = new ProductionEventLists(SiteModel, MachineConsts.kNullInternalSiteModelMachineIndex);
            TAGProcessor processor = new TAGProcessor(SiteModel, Machine, SiteModelGridAggregator, MachineTargetValueChangesAggregator);

            Assert.True(processor.ICMDPValues.GetLatest() == CellPassConsts.NullMDP, "MDP Initial value incorrect");
            Assert.True(processor.ICCCVValues.GetLatest() == CellPassConsts.NullCCV, "CCV Initial value incorrect");
            Assert.True(processor.ICCCAValues.GetLatest() == CellPassConsts.NullCCA, "CCA Initial value incorrect");
            Assert.True(processor.ICMDPValues.GetLatest() == CellPassConsts.NullMDP, "Zero should not be a valid for MDP");
            Assert.True(processor.ICCCVValues.GetLatest() == CellPassConsts.NullCCV, "Zero should not be a valid for CCV");
            Assert.True(processor.ICCCAValues.GetLatest() == CellPassConsts.NullCCA, "Zero should not be a valid for CCA");
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the context of a Volvo earthworks CSV file using the provided sink to send data to
        /// Note: LastEDV value is not handled as it has no corresponding value in TRex
        /// </summary>
        public TAGReadResult Read(TAGValueSinkBase sink, TAGProcessor processor)
            using var streamReader = new StreamReader(_stream, Encoding.ASCII);

            var headerLine  = streamReader.ReadLine();
            var headerIndex = 0;

            _headerLocations = headerLine.Split(',').Select(x => new KeyValuePair <string, int>(x, headerIndex++)).ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value);

            // Read all remaining lines into an array for easy access
            var lines = ReadLines(streamReader).ToList();

            var swather = new VolvoEarthworksCSVGridSwather(processor,
                ProcessedEpochNumber = processor.ProcessedEpochCount

            var currentTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(DateTime.MinValue, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            //var firstDataTime =
            // For each line, locate the TRex cell that fall within the cell and add a cell pass for it
            lines.ForEach(line =>
                var cellPass = ParseLine(line);

                if (!cellPass.lineParsedOK)
                    // Each cell is parsed independently, so we can short circuit processing if a line did not parse

                processor.DataTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(cellPass.Time, DateTimeKind.Utc);

                // There is no RMV in the CSV file - set on ground to be true all the time.

                // Default Volvo machine to MC024 sensor returning CMV values
                // TODO: understand if this is a special sensor for Volvo
                // TODO: understand meaning of the ICMVType field
                processor.ICSensorType = CompactionSensorType.MC024;

                // TODO: Understand the relationship of Volvo CMV value to internal CMV value

                processor.MachineType = VolvoEarthworksCSVRecord.MachineTypeFromString(cellPass.Machine);

                if (processor.MachineType == MachineType.Unknown)
                    _log.LogDebug($"Machine type name {cellPass.Machine} generated an unknown machine type");

                // Add the events for this line
                if (currentTime < processor.DataTime)
                    // Fill in the machine events for this epoch
                    processor.Design = cellPass.DesignName;

                // Convert mph to cs/s. 44.704 is the magic mph to cm/s conversion factor
                var speedInCentimetersPerSecond = (int)Math.Round(cellPass.Speed_mph * 44.704);

                processor.ICPassTargetValue = (ushort)cellPass.TargetPassCount;
                processor.ValidPosition     = cellPass.ValidPos ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;

                processor.ICLayerIDValue = (ushort)cellPass.Lift;

                processor.SetICAmplitude(cellPass.LastAmp_mm == -1000 ? CellPassConsts.NullAmplitude : (ushort)Math.Round(cellPass.LastAmp_mm * 100));

                processor.ICTargetLiftThickness = (float)(cellPass.TargThickness_FT / 3.048);
                processor.ICGear = VolvoEarthworksCSVRecord.MachineGearFromString(cellPass.MachineGear);

                if (processor.ICGear == MachineGear.Null)
                    _log.LogDebug($"Machine gear name {cellPass.MachineGear} generated a null machine gear");

                processor.ICMode = (byte)((cellPass.VibeState == "On" ? 1 : 0) << ICModeFlags.IC_TEMPERATURE_VIBRATION_STATE_SHIFT);

                // Add the cell pass for this line.
                // Note: Half pass is hardwired to false, and pass type is hardwired to front drum/blade
                swather.SwathSingleCell(false, PassType.Front, cellPass.CellE_m, cellPass.CellN_m, VOLVO_EARTHWORKS_GRID_CELL_SIZE, cellPass);

                processor.ProcessedEpochCount = swather.ProcessedEpochNumber;
