public async Task <CompletionList> Handle(CompletionParams request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var text = _workspaceService.GetMarineFileBuffer(request.TextDocument.Uri.Path); var tokens = new LexicalAnalyzer().GetTokens(text); var result = new SyntaxAnalyzer().Parse(tokens); var tasks = new List <Task <IEnumerable <CompletionItem> > >(); FuncDefinitionAst currentFuncDefAst = null; if (result.programAst != null) { currentFuncDefAst = await Task.Run(() => GetCurrentFunctionAst(result.programAst, request.Position), cancellationToken); if (currentFuncDefAst != null) { tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => CreateFunctions(result.programAst), cancellationToken)); tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => CreateFunctionParamaters(currentFuncDefAst), cancellationToken)); tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => CreateVariables(currentFuncDefAst, request.Position), cancellationToken)); tasks.Add(Task.Run(CreateKeywords, cancellationToken)); } } tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => CreateSnippets(currentFuncDefAst), cancellationToken)); return(new CompletionList((await Task.WhenAll(tasks)).SelectMany(e => e))); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //String text = "2*(2+4)"; String text = "/*my program*/" + "\n" + "var mystring = \"some text\";" + "var i = 1234;" + "i = 0;" + "while(i < 5) { print(i); i = i + 1; }"; //String text = "(2*(4+5)-(2*(2+1)))*2"; LexycalAnalyzer la = new LexycalAnalyzer(); SyntaxAnalyzer sa = new SyntaxAnalyzer(); List<Token> result = la.Parse(text); //Console.WriteLine(sa.ParseExpressionDev(result).GetValue()); Console.WriteLine(); //Console.WriteLine(new SyntaxAnalyzer().FindClosingBracket(result, 24)); la.WriteTokens(result); foreach (Token t in result) { Console.Write(; } Command commands = new SyntaxAnalyzer().Analyze(result); while (commands.nextCommand != null) { commands.execute(); commands = commands.nextCommand; } Console.Read(); }
public void GivenANewSyntaxComponent() { var lexer = ScenarioContext.Current.Get <ILexer>("newLexer"); var parser = new SyntaxAnalyzer(lexer); ScenarioContext.Current.Add("parser", parser); }
//REGEX; @"^(\'|\~)([a-zA-Z]+) ([a-zA-Z]+) (\d+)$" void Start() { parser = FindObjectOfType <SyntaxAnalyzer>(); input = ""; dictionary = new Dictionary <int, string>(); }
public static void Analyze( SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context, InvocationExpressionSyntax invocation, MemberAccessExpressionSyntax memberAccess, string methodName) { if (memberAccess.Expression?.IsKind(SyntaxKind.InvocationExpression) == true) { var invocation2 = (InvocationExpressionSyntax)memberAccess.Expression; if (invocation2.ArgumentList?.Arguments.Count == 1 && invocation2.Expression?.IsKind(SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression) == true) { var memberAccess2 = (MemberAccessExpressionSyntax)invocation2.Expression; if (memberAccess2.Name?.Identifier.ValueText == "Where" && SyntaxAnalyzer.IsEnumerableExtensionMethod(invocation, methodName, 1, context.SemanticModel, context.CancellationToken) && (SyntaxAnalyzer.IsEnumerableWhereOrImmutableArrayWhereMethod(invocation2, context.SemanticModel, context.CancellationToken))) { TextSpan span = TextSpan.FromBounds(memberAccess2.Name.Span.Start, invocation.Span.End); if (!invocation.ContainsDirectives(span)) { context.ReportDiagnostic( DiagnosticDescriptors.SimplifyLinqMethodChain, Location.Create(invocation.SyntaxTree, span)); } } } } }
internal static bool EvalExpression([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string expr, IntPtr opaque, out IntPtr errorText, out int typeId, out int size, out IntPtr result) { SyntaxAnalyzer sa = new SyntaxAnalyzer(expr); StringBuilder scriptText = new StringBuilder("#line hidden\n"); // Generate prefix with variables assignment to __context members foreach (string us in sa.unresolvedSymbols) { scriptText.AppendFormat("var {0} = __context.{0};\n", us); } scriptText.Append("#line 1\n"); scriptText.Append(expr); errorText = IntPtr.Zero; result = IntPtr.Zero; typeId = 0; size = 0; try { var scriptOptions = ScriptOptions.Default .WithImports("System") .WithReferences(typeof(Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.CSharpArgumentInfo).Assembly); var script = CSharpScript.Create(scriptText.ToString(), scriptOptions, globalsType: typeof(Globals)); script.Compile(); var returnValue = script.RunAsync(new Globals { __context = new ContextVariable(opaque, IntPtr.Zero) }).Result.ReturnValue; if (returnValue is ContextVariable) { typeId = -1; result = (returnValue as ContextVariable).m_corValue; } else { if (returnValue is null) { typeId = 0; return(true); } for (int i = 1; i < basicTypes.Length; i++) { if (returnValue.GetType() == Type.GetType(basicTypes[i])) { typeId = i; MarshalValue(returnValue, out size, out result); return(true); } } return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { errorText = Marshal.StringToBSTR(e.ToString()); return(false); } return(true); }
public TelemetryFilter() { List <TraceAggregationConfig> traceAggregationConfigs; List <ParseResult> parseResults = SyntaxAnalyzer.Parse(ConfigFileName, new string[] { }, Utility.TraceSource.WriteError, false, out traceAggregationConfigs); foreach (var telConfig in traceAggregationConfigs) { try { // including the aggregator to white-list this.whiteListedEventsFromConfigFile.Add(new Tuple <string, string>(telConfig.TaskName, telConfig.EventName), telConfig); } catch (ArgumentNullException e) { Utility.TraceSource.WriteError(LogSourceId, "Unexpected null value parsed from config file: {0} - Exception: {1}.", ConfigFileName, e); } catch (ArgumentException e) { if (telConfig.DifferentiatorFieldName == this.whiteListedEventsFromConfigFile[new Tuple <string, string>(telConfig.TaskName, telConfig.EventName)].DifferentiatorFieldName) { Utility.TraceSource.WriteWarning(LogSourceId, "Conflicting trace white-listing (trace already white-listed) -Trace: {0} - Exception : {1}.", telConfig, e); } } } // Tracing any errors that may have occured during parsing foreach (var parseRes in parseResults) { if (parseRes.ParseCode != ParseCode.Success) { Utility.TraceSource.WriteError(LogSourceId, "{0}({1},{2}) : Error : {3}", ConfigFileName, parseRes.LineNumber, parseRes.ColumnPos + 1, parseRes.ErrorMsg); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { f = false; richTextBox6.Text = null; TokenList2 = new LinkList(); LineNo = 1; BreakWordList = new LinkList(); BreakWordList_Clear = new LinkList(); // richTextBox2.Text = null; // richTextBox3.Text = null; allText = richTextBox1.Text; StringLenght = allText.Length; //BreakWordFunction(allText); break_words(allText); // richTextBox2.Text = BreakWordList_Clear.DisplayList(); AddItemsInToken(); // richTextBox3.Text = TokenList.DisplayTokens(); //SyntaxAnalyzer SA = new SyntaxAnalyzer(TokenList); CurrentNode123 = TokenList.GetHead(); OutNextLine(); richTextBox5.Text = TokenList2.DisplayTokens(); SyntaxAnalyzer SA = new SyntaxAnalyzer(TokenList2); Do pa = new Do(); pa = SA.ABS(); if (pa.cppp == "Valid Syntax") { richTextBox4.Text = pa.cppp; } else { richTextBox4.Text = pa.cppp + "\n" + "Syntax Error on Line" + pa.cpline; } int i = 1; while (i < 100) { richTextBox6.Text += i + "\n"; i++; } //StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\Mahad Khan\source\repos\BreakWord\BreakWord\TokensFile.txt"); //streamWriter.WriteLine(richTextBox3.Text); //streamWriter.Close(); BreakWordList = null; TokenList = null; TokenList2 = null; }
public AnalyzerLEDEER(string xsentences) { //Set sentencias sentences = xsentences; //Construir análisis lexan = new LexicalAnalyzer(); //Analizador léxico synan = new SyntaxAnalyzer(lexan.createTableSymbol(sentences)); //Crear tabla de símbolo }
public static bool CanRefactor( InvocationExpressionSyntax invocation, SemanticModel semanticModel, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (SyntaxAnalyzer.IsEnumerableExtensionOrImmutableArrayExtensionMethod(invocation, "Select", 2, semanticModel, cancellationToken)) { ArgumentListSyntax argumentList = invocation.ArgumentList; if (argumentList?.IsMissing == false) { SeparatedSyntaxList <ArgumentSyntax> arguments = argumentList.Arguments; if (arguments.Count == 1) { ArgumentSyntax argument = arguments.First(); ExpressionSyntax expression = argument.Expression; if (expression?.IsMissing == false) { SyntaxKind expressionKind = expression.Kind(); if (expressionKind == SyntaxKind.SimpleLambdaExpression) { var lambda = (SimpleLambdaExpressionSyntax)expression; if (CanRefactor(lambda.Parameter, lambda.Body)) { return(true); } } else if (expressionKind == SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedLambdaExpression) { var lambda = (ParenthesizedLambdaExpressionSyntax)expression; ParameterListSyntax parameterList = lambda.ParameterList; if (parameterList != null) { SeparatedSyntaxList <ParameterSyntax> parameters = parameterList.Parameters; if (parameters.Count == 1 && CanRefactor(parameters.First(), lambda.Body)) { return(true); } } } } } } } return(false); }
public Compiler(LexicalAnalyzer lexicalAnalyzer, SyntaxAnalyzer syntaxAnalyer, SemanticsAnalyzer semanticsAnalyzer, ObjectCodeGenerator objCodeGenerator) { this._lexicalAnalyzer = lexicalAnalyzer; this._syntaxAnalyer = syntaxAnalyer; this._semanticsAnalyer = semanticsAnalyzer; this._objCodeGenerator = objCodeGenerator; }
private void buttonAnalyze_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Очищаем поле сообщений и таблицу распознанных токенов. richTextBoxMessages.Clear(); dataGridViewRecognizedTokens.Rows.Clear(); treeViewSyntaxTree.Nodes.Clear(); // Очищаем дерево. try { lexAn = GetMethod(richTextBoxInput.Lines); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message); return; } try { if (comboBoxTypeAnalyzer.SelectedIndex == 1) { SyntaxAnalyzer syntaxAnalyzer = new SyntaxAnalyzer(lexAn); syntaxAnalyzer.ParseText(out SyntaxTreeNode treeRoot); richTextBoxMessages.AppendText("Текст правильный"); VisualizeSyntaxTree(treeRoot); // Визуализируем синтаксическое дерево в компоненте treeViewSyntaxTree. Generator generator = new Generator(treeRoot); generator.GenerateStructuredText(); ShowOutputText(generator.OutputText); } else { int k = 0; // Инициализируем счетчик распознанных токенов. // Цикл чтения текста от начала до конца. do { lexAn.RecognizeNextToken(); // Распознаем очередной токен в тексте. k++; dataGridViewRecognizedTokens.Rows.Add(k, lexAn.Token.Value, lexAn.Token.Type, lexAn.Token.LineIndex + 1, lexAn.Token.SymStartIndex + 1); // Добавляем распознанный токен в таблицу. }while (lexAn.Token.Type != TokenKind.EndOfText); // Цикл работает до тех пор, пока не будет возвращен токен "Конец текста". richTextBoxMessages.AppendText("Текст правильный"); } } catch (AnalyzerException analyzerException) { richTextBoxMessages.AppendText(analyzerException.ToString()); // Добавляем описание ошибки в поле сообщений. LocateCursorAtErrorPosition(analyzerException.LineIndex, analyzerException.SymIndex); // Располагаем курсор в исходном тексте на позиции ошибки. } }
private void AnalizeText() { lexAnalyzer.Source = tbCondition.Text; syntaxAnalyzer = new SyntaxAnalyzer(lexAnalyzer, tbCondition.Dictionary.Keys.ToList()); listLexic.Items.Clear(); foreach (SyntaxToken token in syntaxAnalyzer.Tokens) { listLexic.Items.Add(token.ToString()); } lexFormater = new LexicalFormater(lexAnalyzer); tbResult.Text = lexFormater.Text; if (syntaxAnalyzer == null) { return; } if (listMessages.Items.Count > 0) { listMessages.Items.Clear(); } errors = new List <SyntaxToken>(); foreach (SyntaxToken token in syntaxAnalyzer.Tokens) { if (token.Qualifier != SyntaxToken.Qualifiers.Correct) { listMessages.Items.Add(token.ToString()); errors.Add(token); if (errors.Count == 1) { lbMsg.Text = token.ToString(); lbMsg.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } } if (errors.Count == 0) { if (syntaxAnalyzer.Tokens.Count == 0 || syntaxAnalyzer.Tokens.Last().Type == Token.Types.Id || (syntaxAnalyzer.Tokens.Last().Type == Token.Types.None && (syntaxAnalyzer.Tokens.Count == 1 || syntaxAnalyzer.Tokens[syntaxAnalyzer.Tokens.Count - 2].Type == Token.Types.Id))) { lbMsg.Text = "Ready."; lbMsg.ForeColor = Color.Black; } else { lbMsg.Text = "Incomplete condition."; lbMsg.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } btOk.Enabled = lbMsg.ForeColor == Color.Black; SyntaxTree syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree(); syntaxTree.CreateTree(syntaxAnalyzer); }
private void CheckVariablesUsage() { LexicalAnalyzer lexAnalyzer = new LexicalAnalyzer(); SyntaxAnalyzer syntaxAnalyzer; foreach (Transition trans in TransitionsList) { if (trans is SimpleTransition strans) { lexAnalyzer.Source = strans.Condition; syntaxAnalyzer = new SyntaxAnalyzer(lexAnalyzer, VariableCollection.GetConditionDictionary(trans.OwnerDraw.OwnerSheet).Keys.ToList()); foreach (SyntaxToken token in syntaxAnalyzer.Tokens) { if (token.Qualifier != SyntaxToken.Qualifiers.Correct) { MessagesList.Add(new CheckMessage(CheckMessage.MessageTypes.Error, string.Format("{0}: {1}.", trans.Name, token.ToString()), trans)); } } foreach (string outputOperation in strans.OutputsList) { string outputName = LexicalRules.GetOutputId(outputOperation); if (!trans.OwnerDraw.OwnerSheet.Variables.InternalOutputs.Exists(output => output.Name == outputName)) { MessagesList.Add(new CheckMessage(CheckMessage.MessageTypes.Error, "Output " + outputName + " is not defined in variables list.", trans)); } } } } foreach (DrawableObject obj in ObjectsTable) { if (obj is State state) { //state.EnterOutputsList.RemoveAll(str => !state.OwnerDraw.OwnerSheet.Variables.InternalOutputs.Exists(var => var.Name == LexicalAnalyzer.GetId(str))); foreach (string outputOperation in state.EnterOutputsList) { string outputName = LexicalRules.GetOutputId(outputOperation); if (!state.OwnerDraw.OwnerSheet.Variables.InternalOutputs.Exists(var => var.Name == LexicalAnalyzer.GetId(outputName))) { MessagesList.Add(new CheckMessage(CheckMessage.MessageTypes.Error, "Output " + outputName + " is not defined in variables list.", state)); } } //state.ExitOutputsList.RemoveAll(str => !state.OwnerDraw.OwnerSheet.Variables.InternalOutputs.Exists(var => var.Name == LexicalAnalyzer.GetId(str))); foreach (string outputOperation in state.ExitOutputsList) { string outputName = LexicalRules.GetOutputId(outputOperation); if (!state.OwnerDraw.OwnerSheet.Variables.InternalOutputs.Exists(var => var.Name == LexicalAnalyzer.GetId(outputName))) { MessagesList.Add(new CheckMessage(CheckMessage.MessageTypes.Error, "Output " + outputName + " is not defined in variables list.", state)); } } } } }
public void TestCodeGenerated() { const string expression = "1+2+3"; var lexicalAnalyser = new LexicalAnalyzer(expression, 0); var syntaxAnalyzer = new SyntaxAnalyzer(lexicalAnalyser); var node = syntaxAnalyzer.Expression(0); var fileWriter = new FileWriter(""); var semanticAnalyzer = new SemanticAnalyzer(syntaxAnalyzer); var codeGenerator = new CodeGenerator(semanticAnalyzer, fileWriter); codeGenerator.GenerateCode(node); Assert.True(File.Exists(path) && new FileInfo(path).Length != 0); }
/************************ * INTERPRET CODE! *************************/ private void Interpret() { clearConsole(); List <Token> tokens = lexAnalyze(); if (tokens != null) { SyntaxAnalyzer.analyze(tokens, this); } else { print("Error!"); } }
public static void Analyze(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context, AssignmentExpressionSyntax assignment) { ExpressionSyntax right = assignment.Right; if (right?.IsKind(SyntaxKind.ObjectCreationExpression) == true) { var objectCreation = (ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax)right; SemanticModel semanticModel = context.SemanticModel; CancellationToken cancellationToken = context.CancellationToken; if (SyntaxAnalyzer.IsEventHandlerOrGenericEventHandler(objectCreation, semanticModel, cancellationToken)) { ArgumentListSyntax argumentList = objectCreation.ArgumentList; if (argumentList != null) { SeparatedSyntaxList <ArgumentSyntax> arguments = argumentList.Arguments; if (arguments.Count == 1) { ArgumentSyntax argument = arguments.First(); ExpressionSyntax expression = argument.Expression; if (expression != null) { IMethodSymbol methodSymbol = semanticModel.GetMethodSymbol(expression, cancellationToken); if (methodSymbol != null) { ExpressionSyntax left = assignment.Left; if (left?.IsMissing == false && SyntaxAnalyzer.IsEvent(left, semanticModel, cancellationToken) && !objectCreation.SpanContainsDirectives()) { context.ReportDiagnostic(DiagnosticDescriptors.RemoveRedundantDelegateCreation, right.GetLocation()); context.FadeOutToken(DiagnosticDescriptors.RemoveRedundantDelegateCreationFadeOut, objectCreation.NewKeyword); context.FadeOutNode(DiagnosticDescriptors.RemoveRedundantDelegateCreationFadeOut, objectCreation.Type); context.FadeOutParentheses(DiagnosticDescriptors.RemoveRedundantDelegateCreationFadeOut, objectCreation.ArgumentList); } } } } } } } }
private bool Compile() { CompileStatus.Text = "Compiling..."; if (Parser.Parse(MyTextEditor.Text.ToCharArray())) { try { SyntaxTree syntaxtree = SyntaxAnalyzer.GetTree(Parser.Tokens); ArrayList InstructionCode = new ArrayList(); NumberAndIdentifierTable nids = new NumberAndIdentifierTable(); CodeGenerator.GenerateCode(InstructionCode, nids, syntaxtree); if (CurrentFile == "") { CodeGenerator.SaveFile(InstructionCode, nids, Application.StartupPath + "\\Tempfile.imc"); } else { FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(CurrentFile); CodeGenerator.SaveFile( InstructionCode, nids, Path.ChangeExtension(CurrentFile, "imc")); } CompileStatus.Text = "Compilation process completed successfully."; return(true); } catch (Exception exc) { MyTextEditor.Select((int)SyntaxAnalyzer.CurrentToken.startpointer, (int)(SyntaxAnalyzer.CurrentToken.endpointer - SyntaxAnalyzer.CurrentToken.startpointer)); CompileStatus.Text = "Error occured, compilation failed."; } } else { foreach (Token tkn in Parser.Tokens) { if (tkn.TType == TokenType.ERROR) { MyTextEditor.Select((int)tkn.startpointer, (int)(tkn.endpointer - tkn.startpointer)); CompileStatus.Text = "Error occured, compilation failed."; break; } } } return(false); }
public static void Load(string block, Canvas canvas, Point upperLeftCorner) { LexicalAnalyzer la = new LexicalAnalyzer(block); SyntaxAnalyzer sa = new SyntaxAnalyzer(la); if (sa.IsValid) { BlockCreator bc = new BlockCreator(sa, upperLeftCorner); foreach (TextBlock tb in bc.Blocks) { canvas.Children.Add(tb); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { do { Console.Write("Введите выражение: "); string str = Console.ReadLine(); bool flag = false; string buf1 = str; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < buf1.Length; i++) { if (buf1[i] == ',' || buf1[i] == ' ') { string buf; buf = buf1.Substring(0, i); if (buf.EndsWith(".")) { Console.WriteLine("Лексема не должна заканчиваться точкой, исправьте"); buf1 = ""; flag = true; break; } buf = buf + str[i]; buf1 = buf1.Replace(buf, ""); i = -1; } k++; if (k == str.Length) { break; } } if (flag == false) { //Console.WriteLine("Lexer: "); //foreach (var lexem in lexems) //Цикл по полученному списку //{ // Console.WriteLine(lexem.TokType + " " + lexem.Value); //} var lexems = LexicalAnalyzer.getLex(str); //Запуск лексического анализатора SyntaxAnalyzer.getParse(lexems); } } while (end_enter() != "Да"); }
public static void AnalyzeSyntax(Token root) { SyntaxAnalyzer analyzer = new SyntaxAnalyzer(); Token srcs = root.Find("Sources"); Token syntax = root.Find("Syntax"); List<Token> synflw = new List<Token>(); foreach (Token f in srcs.Follows) { if (f.Group == "SourcePath") { continue; } if (f.Group == "SourceText") { synflw.Add(analyzer.Run(f.Value, f.First.Value)); } } syntax.Follows = synflw.ToArray(); }
public static void InterpretingInConsole(this SSScope scope) { var w = new Stopwatch(); var file = new CodeFile(); var syntax = new SyntaxAnalyzer(); while (true) { file.ReSet(); syntax.ReSet(); try { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write(">>> "); String code; if ((code = Console.ReadLine()).NotEmpty()) { file.SourceCode = code; file.Parse(); if (file.ErrorList.NotEmpty()) { file.PrintErrors(Console.Out); } syntax.Take(file.TokenList); if (syntax.ErrorList.NotEmpty()) { syntax.PrintErrors(Console.Out); } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; w.Reset(); w.Start(); Console.WriteLine(">>> " + syntax.Expressions.First().Evaluate(scope)); w.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(w.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); // ex.StackTrace.Split("at".ToCharArray()).Take(3).ForEach(a => scope.Output.WriteLine(a)); } } }
private Container <Diagnostic> Validate(string text) { var tokens = new LexicalAnalyzer().GetTokens(text); var result = new SyntaxAnalyzer().Parse(tokens); if (result.IsError) { return (new Container <Diagnostic>(result.parseErrorInfos.Select(e => new Diagnostic() { Range = ToRange(e.ErrorRangePosition), Message = e.FullErrorMessage, }))); } return(new Container <Diagnostic>()); }
/// <summary> /// 执行更新命令 /// </summary> /// <param name="cmd">Command对象</param> /// <param name="oql">对象查询语句</param> /// <param name="parameters">参数列表</param> /// <returns>影响的记录行数</returns> internal static int ExcuteUpdateCommand(SqlCommand cmd, string oql, ParameterList parameters) { //解析过滤部份Sql语句 string updateString = SyntaxAnalyzer.ParseSql(oql, new JCUserMap()); cmd.CommandText = "update JC_User set " + updateString; cmd.Parameters.Clear(); //添加参数 if (parameters != null) { foreach (string key in parameters.Keys) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(key, parameters[key])); } } return(cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()); }
public BlockCreator(SyntaxAnalyzer syntaxAnalyzer, Point upperLeft) { this.syntaxAnalyzer = syntaxAnalyzer; this.upperLeft = upperLeft; x = upperLeft.X; y = 0; blocks = new List<TextBlock>(); tokens = new Stack<Token>(); rows = new List<List<TextBlock>>(); rows.Add(new List<TextBlock>()); toCenter = new List<BlockSpan>(); Start(); CenterBlocks(); }
public static void Analyze(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context, InvocationExpressionSyntax invocation, MemberAccessExpressionSyntax memberAccess) { if (SyntaxAnalyzer.IsEnumerableExtensionMethod(invocation, "Count", 1, context.SemanticModel, context.CancellationToken)) { string propertyName = SyntaxHelper.GetCountOrLengthPropertyName(memberAccess.Expression, context.SemanticModel, allowImmutableArray: true, cancellationToken: context.CancellationToken); if (propertyName != null) { TextSpan span = TextSpan.FromBounds(memberAccess.Name.Span.Start, invocation.Span.End); if (invocation .DescendantTrivia(span) .All(f => f.IsWhitespaceOrEndOfLineTrivia())) { Diagnostic diagnostic = Diagnostic.Create( DiagnosticDescriptors.ReplaceCountMethodWithCountOrLengthProperty, Location.Create(context.Node.SyntaxTree, span), ImmutableDictionary.CreateRange(new KeyValuePair <string, string>[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("PropertyName", propertyName) }), propertyName); context.ReportDiagnostic(diagnostic); } } else if (invocation.Parent?.IsKind( SyntaxKind.EqualsExpression, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanExpression, SyntaxKind.LessThanExpression) == true) { var binaryExpression = (BinaryExpressionSyntax)invocation.Parent; if (IsFixableBinaryExpression(binaryExpression)) { TextSpan span = TextSpan.FromBounds(invocation.Span.End, binaryExpression.Span.End); if (binaryExpression .DescendantTrivia(span) .All(f => f.IsWhitespaceOrEndOfLineTrivia())) { context.ReportDiagnostic( DiagnosticDescriptors.ReplaceCountMethodWithAnyMethod, binaryExpression.GetLocation()); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Revisa si la sintaxis del escenario es correcta, recibe como parámetro las sentencias /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool CheckSyntaxB(string xsentences) { if (xsentences.CompareTo(String.Empty) != 0) { sentences = xsentences; lexan = new LexicalAnalyzer(); //Analizador léxico nuevo synan = new SyntaxAnalyzer(lexan.createTableSymbol(sentences)); //Crear tabla de símbolo nueva ResultAnalysis ra = synan.checkSyntax(); if (ra.Error.Count == 0) { return(true); } return(false); } return(true); }
public static void Analyze(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context, InvocationExpressionSyntax invocation, MemberAccessExpressionSyntax memberAccess) { if (invocation.Parent?.IsKind(SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression) == false && SyntaxAnalyzer.IsEnumerableExtensionMethod(invocation, "Any", 1, context.SemanticModel, context.CancellationToken)) { string propertyName = SyntaxHelper.GetCountOrLengthPropertyName(memberAccess.Expression, context.SemanticModel, allowImmutableArray: false, cancellationToken: context.CancellationToken); if (propertyName != null) { string messageArg = null; TextSpan span = TextSpan.FromBounds(memberAccess.Name.Span.Start, invocation.Span.End); if (invocation.DescendantTrivia(span).All(f => f.IsWhitespaceOrEndOfLineTrivia())) { if (invocation.Parent?.IsKind(SyntaxKind.LogicalNotExpression) == true) { var logicalNot = (PrefixUnaryExpressionSyntax)invocation.Parent; if (logicalNot.OperatorToken.TrailingTrivia.All(f => f.IsWhitespaceOrEndOfLineTrivia()) && logicalNot.Operand.GetLeadingTrivia().All(f => f.IsWhitespaceOrEndOfLineTrivia())) { messageArg = $"{propertyName} == 0"; } } else { messageArg = $"{propertyName} > 0"; } } if (messageArg != null) { Diagnostic diagnostic = Diagnostic.Create( DiagnosticDescriptors.ReplaceAnyMethodWithCountOrLengthProperty, Location.Create(context.Node.SyntaxTree, span), ImmutableDictionary.CreateRange(new KeyValuePair <string, string>[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("PropertyName", propertyName) }), messageArg); context.ReportDiagnostic(diagnostic); } } } }
private static bool IsEnumerableElementAtMethod( InvocationExpressionSyntax invocation, SemanticModel semanticModel) { var methodSymbol = semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(invocation).Symbol as IMethodSymbol; if (methodSymbol?.ReducedFrom != null) { methodSymbol = methodSymbol.ReducedFrom; return(methodSymbol.MetadataName == "ElementAt" && methodSymbol.Parameters.Length == 2 && methodSymbol.ContainingType?.Equals(semanticModel.Compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.Linq.Enumerable")) == true && SyntaxAnalyzer.IsGenericIEnumerable(methodSymbol.Parameters[0].Type) && methodSymbol.Parameters[1].Type.IsInt32()); } return(false); }
public static async Task ComputeRefactoringAsync(RefactoringContext context, ThrowStatementSyntax throwStatement) { ExpressionSyntax expression = throwStatement.Expression; if (expression?.IsMissing == false && context.Span.IsContainedInSpanOrBetweenSpans(throwStatement)) { SemanticModel semanticModel = await context.GetSemanticModelAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); ITypeSymbol typeSymbol = semanticModel.GetTypeSymbol(expression, context.CancellationToken); if (typeSymbol?.IsErrorType() == false && SyntaxAnalyzer.IsException(typeSymbol, semanticModel)) { MemberDeclarationSyntax member = GetContainingMember(throwStatement); if (member != null) { SyntaxTrivia trivia = member.GetSingleLineDocumentationComment(); if (trivia.IsSingleLineDocumentationCommentTrivia()) { var comment = trivia.GetStructure() as DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax; if (comment?.IsKind(SyntaxKind.SingleLineDocumentationCommentTrivia) == true) { string exceptionName = typeSymbol .ToMinimalDisplayString(semanticModel, trivia.FullSpan.End) .Replace('<', '{') .Replace('>', '}'); if (!ContainsException(comment, typeSymbol, semanticModel, context.CancellationToken)) { context.RegisterRefactoring( "Add exception to documentation comment", cancellationToken => RefactorAsync(context.Document, trivia, exceptionName, cancellationToken)); } } } } } } }
private static string GetCountOrLengthPropertyName( ExpressionSyntax expression, SemanticModel semanticModel, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { ITypeSymbol typeSymbol = semanticModel .GetTypeInfo(expression, cancellationToken) .Type; if (typeSymbol?.IsErrorType() == false && !SyntaxAnalyzer.IsGenericIEnumerable(typeSymbol)) { if (typeSymbol.BaseType?.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Array) { return("Length"); } if (SyntaxAnalyzer.IsGenericImmutableArray(typeSymbol, semanticModel)) { return("Length"); } ImmutableArray <INamedTypeSymbol> allInterfaces = typeSymbol.AllInterfaces; for (int i = 0; i < allInterfaces.Length; i++) { if (allInterfaces[i].ConstructedFrom.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Collections_Generic_ICollection_T) { foreach (ISymbol members in typeSymbol.GetMembers("Count")) { if (members.IsProperty() && members.IsPublic()) { return("Count"); } } } } } return(null); }
public static void BulkEval(this SSScope scope, string src) { if (!src.NotEmpty()) { return; } var file = new CodeFile(); var syntax = new SyntaxAnalyzer(); file.SourceCode = src; file.Parse(); if (file.ErrorList.Count > 0) { scope.Output.WriteLine("Errors:"); syntax.ErrorList.ForEach(a => scope.Output.WriteLine(a.ToString())); return; } syntax.Take(file.TokenList); if (syntax.ErrorList.NotEmpty()) { scope.Output.WriteLine("Errors:"); syntax.ErrorList.ForEach(a => scope.Output.WriteLine(a.ToString())); return; } try { // prevent lazy eval foreach (var exp in syntax.Expressions) { exp.Evaluate(scope); //); } }// catch (Exception ex) { scope.Output.WriteLine("Failed to evaluate"); scope.Output.WriteLine(ex); ex.StackTrace.Split('\r').Take(3).ForEach(a => scope.Output.WriteLine(a)); } // scope.VariableTable.ForEach(a => scope.Output.WriteLine(">>> Added {0} : {1} " // .Fmt(a.Key, a.Value.GetType()))); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string sourcePath = ""; if (args.Any()) { sourcePath = args[0]; } else { Console.Write($"Paste source file need to compile:{Environment.NewLine}" + "> "); sourcePath = Console.ReadLine(); } try { LexicalAnalyzer.Parse(sourcePath); SyntaxAnalyzer.Parse(); Console.WriteLine("Синтаксический анализ окончен"); SemanticAnalyzer.Parse(); Console.WriteLine("Семантический анализ окончен"); if (!(IsSyntaxCorrect && Root.IsSemanticCorrect)) { Console.WriteLine("Возникли ошибки сборки. Ассемблерный код не будет сгенерирован"); } else { Root.GenerateIntermediateCode(); GeneratingAssembleCode.Generate(); Console.WriteLine("Ассемблерный код сгенерирован"); } } catch (CompilerException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to finish..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
private static bool IsImmutableArrayExtensionMethod( InvocationExpressionSyntax invocation, string methodName, SemanticModel semanticModel) { var methodSymbol = semanticModel .GetSymbolInfo(invocation) .Symbol as IMethodSymbol; if (methodSymbol?.ReducedFrom != null) { methodSymbol = methodSymbol.ReducedFrom; return(methodSymbol.MetadataName == methodName && methodSymbol.Parameters.Length == 1 && methodSymbol.ContainingType?.Equals(semanticModel.Compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.Linq.ImmutableArrayExtensions")) == true && SyntaxAnalyzer.IsGenericImmutableArray(methodSymbol.Parameters[0].Type, semanticModel)); } return(false); }
public SyntaxAnalyzerFxt() { Analyzer = new SyntaxAnalyzer(); }
public static void Tokenize(string[] args, Box<bool> quit, LineEditMode lem) { string src; src = Cty.ToText(lem.Lines); SyntaxAnalyzer p = new SyntaxAnalyzer(); p.Init(src, ""); ITokenEnumerator tkz = p.Tokens; while (tkz.EOF == false) { lem.CW.WN(tkz.Cur.ToString()); tkz.Next(); } }