Exemple #1
        //THIS FUNCTION IS TEMPORARY. The function generates a box or a sweep. This determined by the linearity of the curve.
        public Brep MakeBrep()
            Brep Geometri = new Brep();

            double[] parameter = { 0.0, 2.2 };

            Plane tempPlane = new Plane(elemLine.PointAtStart, elemLine.TangentAtStart);

            Vector3d alignvector = Ali.Rotation;
            //Getting rotation angle
            double angle = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d.VectorAngle(tempPlane.XAxis, alignvector, tempPlane);

            tempPlane.Rotate(angle, tempPlane.Normal, tempPlane.Origin);
            tempPlane.Translate(tempPlane.XAxis * Ali.OffsetY);
            tempPlane.Translate(tempPlane.YAxis * Ali.OffsetZ);

            Interval iz = new Interval();
            Interval iy = new Interval();
            Interval ix = new Interval();

            double HalfWidth  = rectSec.Width / 2;
            double HalfHeight = rectSec.Height / 2;

            iz = new Interval(-HalfHeight, HalfHeight);
            iy = new Interval(-HalfWidth, HalfWidth);
            ix = new Interval(0, elemLine.GetLength());

            if (elemLine.IsLinear())
                Box boxen = new Box(tempPlane, iy, iz, ix);
                Geometri = boxen.ToBrep();
                SweepOneRail tempsweep = new SweepOneRail();
                Rectangle3d  rect      = new Rectangle3d(tempPlane, iy, iz);

                var sweep = tempsweep.PerformSweep(elemLine, rect.ToNurbsCurve());

                Geometri = sweep[0];

Exemple #2
        public static Brep [] Sweep(this Curve centreCrv, double thickness)
            Vector3d tan     = centreCrv.TangentAtStart;
            Vector3d projTan = new Vector3d(tan.X, tan.Y, 0);
            Vector3d norm    = Engine.Geometry.Compute.CrossProduct(projTan / projTan.Length, Vector3d.ZAxis);

            Line crossSection = new Line(centreCrv.PointAtStart - norm * thickness / 2, norm * thickness);

            Rhino.Geometry.SweepOneRail sweepOne = new SweepOneRail();
            Brep[] b = sweepOne.PerformSweep(centreCrv, crossSection.ToNurbsCurve());

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Curve  railCurve = null;
            double radius    = 0;
            int    segments  = 0;
            double angle     = 0;

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref railCurve))
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref radius))
            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref segments))
            if (!DA.GetData(3, ref angle))
            Curve    x   = railCurve;
            double   y   = radius;
            int      n   = segments;
            Vector3d vc  = x.TangentAtStart;
            Plane    pl  = new Plane(x.PointAtStart, vc);
            Polyline ply = ViperClass.CreatePolyline(pl, y, n);

            ply.Transform(Transform.Rotation(angle, pl.ZAxis, pl.Origin));
            NurbsCurve   nc  = ply.ToNurbsCurve();
            SweepOneRail swp = new SweepOneRail();

            Brep[] bs = swp.PerformSweep(x, nc);
            DA.SetDataList(0, bs);