Exemple #1
        public List <CoordinateStructure> ExtractCoordinates(List <string> listPathNodes)
            // an array of arrays (which contain point coordinates, which are constructed from the list of offsets in the SVG
            List <CoordinateStructure> listCoordinateStructures = new List <CoordinateStructure>();

            Console.WriteLine($"Parsing nodes...");
            foreach (var pathNode in listPathNodes)
                var coordinateStructure = new CoordinateStructure();

                var listWords = pathNode.Split(" ");

                // extract start coordinates
                int coordStartX = int.Parse(Regex.Replace(listWords[0], "[^0-9.+-]", ""));
                int coordStartY = int.Parse(Regex.Replace(listWords[1], "[^0-9.+-]", ""));
                coordinateStructure.ListPoints.Add(new Point(coordStartX, coordStartY));

                int i = 2; // don't start at very beginning, skip over the first pair of values as these are always the "starting position"
                SvgPathVariantEnum currentSvgPathVariantEnum = SvgPathVariantEnum.Unset;

                while (i < listWords.Length)
                    //check to see if the "variant" has changed (is this a line or curve, or are we carrying on from the last previously set variant?)
                    var newPathVariant = GetCurrentPathVariant(listWords, i);
                    if (newPathVariant != SvgPathVariantEnum.Unset)
                        currentSvgPathVariantEnum = newPathVariant;

                    // depending on the "variant" extract the appropriate coordinates and add this to "coordinateStructure.ListPoints" collection.
                    Point previousPoint = coordinateStructure.ListPoints[coordinateStructure.ListPoints.Count - 1];

                    Point?nextPoint = ExtractCoordinate(previousPoint, listWords, i, currentSvgPathVariantEnum);

                    if (nextPoint is null)
                        // skip over, as point was a "MoveTo" command.

                    //depending on the current variant, increment the current index appropriately (either by 2 for a line, or 6 for a curve)
                    i = i + IncrementCurrentPathIndex(currentSvgPathVariantEnum);


Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Selectively return an int, , which is used to increment the index used to parse the
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i"></param>
        /// <param name="currentSvgPathVariantEnum"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int IncrementCurrentPathIndex(SvgPathVariantEnum currentSvgPathVariantEnum)
            // in an SVG path, this code accounts for two "variants".
            // a "line variant" has coordinate values that come in just pairs, therefore we increment the index by 2
            // a "curve variant" has coordinate values that comprise of 3 pairs.  The first two pairs are "bezier control points", whilst the last is the coordinate of wherethe curve ends.  So we increment by 6.

            // push the "index" forward, depending on the current variant
            switch (currentSvgPathVariantEnum)
            case SvgPathVariantEnum.Line:

            case SvgPathVariantEnum.Curve:

            case SvgPathVariantEnum.MoveTo:

                throw new Exception("Encountered 'SvgPathVariantEnum.Unset'");
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the appropriate coordinates from a list SVG path string values
        /// Coordinate to use, changes depending on the SvgPathVariant (i.e. line or curve)
        /// adds extracted coordinate to previous trailing value (because coordinates are not absolutes, but instead deltas)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="previousPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="listWords"></param>
        /// <param name="i"></param>
        /// <param name="currentSvgPathVariantEnum"></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Nullable Point, which represents the next *Absolute* coordinate.
        /// </returns>
        public Point?ExtractCoordinate(Point previousPoint, string[] listWords, int i, SvgPathVariantEnum currentSvgPathVariantEnum)
            string coordX;
            string coordY;

            switch (currentSvgPathVariantEnum)
            case SvgPathVariantEnum.Line:
                coordX = Regex.Replace(listWords[i], "[^0-9.+-]", "");
                coordY = Regex.Replace(listWords[i + 1], "[^0-9.+-]", "");

            case SvgPathVariantEnum.Curve:
                // n.b. in an SVG curve, there are 3 pairs of coordinates (the first two are bezier control points), where the last pair is the coordinates where the curve ends (we want these coordinates!)
                coordX = Regex.Replace(listWords[i + 4], "[^0-9.+-]", "");
                coordY = Regex.Replace(listWords[i + 5], "[^0-9.+-]", "");

            case SvgPathVariantEnum.MoveTo:
                // we simply don't need to deal with a move-to command in this code (because we're not drawing proper curves)

                throw new Exception("Encountered 'SvgPathVariantEnum.Unset'");

            int offsetX = int.Parse(coordX);
            int offsetY = int.Parse(coordY);

            return(new Point(previousPoint.X + offsetX, previousPoint.Y + offsetY));