Exemple #1
        public Questor(frmMain form1)
            m_Parent   = form1;
            _lastPulse = DateTime.MinValue;

            _random = new Random();

            _salvage          = new Salvage();
            _defense          = new Defense();
            _combat           = new Combat();
            _traveler         = new Traveler();
            _unloadLoot       = new UnloadLoot();
            _agentInteraction = new AgentInteraction();
            _arm = new Arm();
            _missionController = new MissionController();
            _drones            = new Drones();
            _panic             = new Panic();
            _storyline         = new Storyline();

            Settings.Instance.SettingsLoaded += SettingsLoaded;

            // State fixed on ExecuteMission
            State = QuestorState.Idle;

            _directEve = new DirectEve();
            Cache.Instance.DirectEve = _directEve;

            Cache.Instance.StopTimeSpecified = Program.stopTimeSpecified;

            _directEve.OnFrame += OnFrame;
    public static StorylineEditor OpenWindow(Storyline target, string title, bool focus, params System.Type[] desiredDockNextTo)
        StorylineEditor window = GetWindow <StorylineEditor>(title, focus, desiredDockNextTo);

        window.target = target;
Exemple #3
        public Questor()
            _lastPulse = DateTime.MinValue;

            _random = new Random();

            _salvage = new Salvage();
            _defense = new Defense();
            _combat = new Combat();
            _traveler = new Traveler();
            _unloadLoot = new UnloadLoot();
            _agentInteraction = new AgentInteraction();
            _arm = new Arm();
            _missionController = new MissionController();
            _drones = new Drones();
            _panic = new Panic();
            _storyline = new Storyline();

            Settings.Instance.SettingsLoaded += SettingsLoaded;

            // State fixed on ExecuteMission
            State = QuestorState.Idle;

            _directEve = new DirectEve();
            Cache.Instance.DirectEve = _directEve;

            _directEve.OnFrame += OnFrame;
 protected override void AssertStoryline(Storyline model, StorylineNode node)
     var(testStoryline, testNode) = GetTestStoryline();
     AssertPropertiesAreEqual(testStoryline, model, nameof(model.Name),
     AssertPropertiesAreEqual(testNode, node, nameof(node.XPosition),
    private void OnSelectionChange()
        Storyline selection = Selection.activeObject as Storyline;

        if (selection != null)
            target = selection;
    public static bool OnOpenAsset(int instanceID, int line)
        Storyline asset = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(instanceID) as Storyline;

        if (asset != null)
        public void SetUp()
            storyline   = new GameStoryline();
            simpleQuest = new CleanseTheCellarsQuest();

            // Simulate the existence of 10 rats
            GetRidOfRatsObjective.rats = 10;

            // Simulate the possession of 0 herbs
            Find10HerbsObjective.herbs = 0;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will show detail of selected storyline.
        /// </summary>
        private void ShowStoryline(Storyline storyline)
            if (storyline != null)
                StoriesListBox.DataContext = storyline.Stories;
                StorylineGrid.DataContext  = storyline;

            StorylinesGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            StorylineGrid.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;
            StoryGrid.Visibility      = Visibility.Collapsed;
            StoriesGrid.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
            WallGrid.Visibility       = Visibility.Collapsed;
        protected override (Storyline model, StorylineNode node) GetTestStoryline()
            var storyline = new Storyline()
                Name        = "StorylineName",
                Description = "StorylineDescription"

            var node = new StorylineNode()
                Storyline = storyline,
                XPosition = 10,
                YPosition = 20

            return(storyline, node);
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Storyline"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="storyline">The <see cref="Storyline"/> for which to create this viewmodel.</param>
 /// <param name="xPosition">The X position of the viewmodel in the diagram.</param>
 /// <param name="yPosition">The Y position of the viewmodel in the diagram.</param>
 /// <param name="getIdForModelFunc">A function returning the Id for the provided model.</param>
 public StorylineViewModel(Storyline storyline, float xPosition, float yPosition, Func <object, Guid> getIdForModelFunc = null)
     : this(storyline, getIdForModelFunc)
     XPosition = xPosition;
     YPosition = yPosition;
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the provided model with the values in this viewmodel.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model">The model to update.</param>
 public void UpdateModel(Storyline model)
     // Only set the properties we can set, so don't set shadow properties like the Id.
     model.Name        = Name;
     model.Description = Description;
Exemple #12
        public Questor(frmMain form1)
            m_Parent = form1;
            _lastPulse = DateTime.MinValue;

            _random = new Random();

            //_debugmodule = new DebugModule();

            //_scoop = new Scoop();
            _salvage = new Salvage();
            _defense = new Defense();
            _localwatch = new LocalWatch();
            _scanInteraction = new ScanInteraction();
            _combat = new Combat();
            _traveler = new Traveler();
            _unloadLoot = new UnloadLoot();
            _agentInteraction = new AgentInteraction();
            _arm = new Arm();
            _courier = new CourierMission();
            _switch = new SwitchShip();
            _missionController = new MissionController();
            _drones = new Drones();
            _panic = new Panic();
            _storyline = new Storyline();

            Settings.Instance.SettingsLoaded += SettingsLoaded;

            // State fixed on ExecuteMission
            State = QuestorState.Idle;

            _directEve = new DirectEve();
            Cache.Instance.DirectEve = _directEve;

            Cache.Instance.StopTimeSpecified = Program.stopTimeSpecified;
            Cache.Instance.MaxRuntime = Program.maxRuntime;
            Cache.Instance.StopTime = Program._stopTime;
            _questorStarted = DateTime.Now;

            _directEve.OnFrame += OnFrame;
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a collection of report rows based on the data content and the templates that describes the row.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iContent">The content to be displayed in the row.</param>
        /// <param name="rowTemplate">The template that describes how the data is presented.</param>
        private void RecursivelyUpdateRow(IContent iContent, RowTemplate rowTemplate)
            // Each IContent object has a unique key used to associate it with a report row.  If a given report row has already has been mapped to the
            // IContent's key, then the contents of that row will be updated.  Otherwise, a new row is created and associated with the IContent.
            ReportRow reportRow = null;

            if (iContent.Key != null && this.dictionary.TryGetValue(iContent.Key, out reportRow))
                // Any change to the location or the height of the row will be animated so long as the current or target location is visible.  There is no
                // sense in animating the movement of invisible elements of the report.
                if (reportRow.Top != this.height || reportRow.Height != rowTemplate.Height)
                    // At this point it has been determined that the row has moved.  An animation sequence will be created for those rows that appear in or
                    // disappear from the viewport.
                    Boolean isRowVisible = (this.viewport.Top <= reportRow.Top && reportRow.Top < this.viewport.Bottom) ||
                                           (this.viewport.Top <= reportRow.Top + reportRow.Height && reportRow.Top + reportRow.Height < this.viewport.Bottom);
                    Boolean willRowBeVisible = (this.viewport.Top <= this.height && this.height < this.viewport.Bottom) ||
                                               (this.viewport.Top <= this.height + rowTemplate.Height && this.height + rowTemplate.Height < this.viewport.Bottom);

                    // This creates a list of rows who's ZIndex must be set for the animation sequence.
                    if (isRowVisible || willRowBeVisible)
                        // At this point the report row either is currently visible or will be visible and has been moved or resized.  This means that the
                        // visible part of the virtual document should be measured.  Items that have become visible will need to be instantiated and items that
                        // are no longer visible need to be recycled.
                        this.isMeasurementRequired = true;

                        // The ZIndex of this row is set such that the rows that move the greatest distance will appear to float above the ones that only move a little.  This scheme
                        // makes the movement appear more natural.
                        reportRow.ZIndex = Math.Abs(reportRow.Ordinal - this.ordinal);

                        // When all the report rows have been examined and the Z order of the visible rows set, this list is used to set the ZIndex of all the
                        // graphical elements associated with this row.

                    // The order of the row in the report is used for setting graphical cues such as shading and Z order.
                    reportRow.Ordinal = this.ordinal;

                    // If the location occupied by this row has changed then an animation sequence is constructed to move a row from one place to another.  If
                    // the row isn't visible or is not going to be visible, then just the location is modified.
                    if (reportRow.Top != this.height)
                        // This will move the row to its proper position in the virtual document.
                        reportRow.Top = this.height;

                        // The starting location is clipped by the visible part of the report.  This prevents a row that is moved to a far distant place from
                        // moving too fast to be seen on the screen.
                        // HACK - This should be repaired when time permits.
//						Double startLocation = (reportRow.ActualTop < viewport.Top) ? viewport.Top - reportRow.Height :
//							(reportRow.ActualTop > viewport.Bottom) ? viewport.Bottom : reportRow.ActualTop;
                        Double startLocation = reportRow.ActualTop;

                        // The ending location is also clipped by the visible part of the report for the same reason.  Without this code, rows appear to
                        // disappear instantly from the screen instead of moving smoothly to the nearest edge.
                        // HACK - This should be repaired when time permits.
//						Double endLocation = (reportRow.Top + reportRow.Height < viewport.Top) ? viewport.Top - reportRow.Height :
//							(reportRow.Top > viewport.Bottom) ? viewport.Bottom : reportRow.Top;
                        Double endLocation = reportRow.Top;

                        // This animates the movement of the row from its current position to the new position.  If the row is no longer visible then any
                        // animation that was associated with that row will be terminated.
                        if (isRowVisible || willRowBeVisible)
                            DoubleAnimation topAnimation = new DoubleAnimation();
                            Storyline.SetTargetObject(topAnimation, reportRow);
                            Storyline.SetTargetProperty(topAnimation, ReportRow.ActualTopProperty);
                            topAnimation.From     = startLocation;
                            topAnimation.To       = endLocation;
                            topAnimation.Duration = this.reportGrid.Duration;
                            if (reportRow.HasAnimatedProperties)
                                reportRow.ApplyAnimationClock(ReportRow.ActualTopProperty, null);
                            reportRow.ActualTop = reportRow.Top;

                    // If the height occupied by this row has changed then an animation sequence is constructed to resize the row.  If the row isn't visible or
                    // is not going to be visible, then the property is modified without an animation sequence. This saves the processor from doing work when
                    // an element isn't visible.
                    if (reportRow.Height != rowTemplate.Height)
                        // This sets the height of the row.
                        reportRow.Height = rowTemplate.Height;

                        // This will animate the change in the row's height from the current height to the new target height.
                        if (isRowVisible || willRowBeVisible)
                            DoubleAnimation heightAnimation = new DoubleAnimation();
                            Storyline.SetTargetObject(heightAnimation, reportRow);
                            Storyline.SetTargetProperty(heightAnimation, ReportRow.ActualHeightProperty);
                            heightAnimation.From     = reportRow.ActualHeight;
                            heightAnimation.To       = reportRow.Height;
                            heightAnimation.Duration = this.reportGrid.Duration;
                            if (reportRow.HasAnimatedProperties)
                                reportRow.ApplyAnimationClock(ReportRow.ActualHeightProperty, null);
                            reportRow.ActualHeight = reportRow.Height;

                // A virtual method is used to copy the current content over the existing content.  The event handlers will take
                // care of propagating the content and properties of the data to the screen elements.

                // This indicates that the row is still in use and shouldn't be purged.
                reportRow.IsObsolete = false;
                // This is where new rows are created to hold the given content and added to the report.
                reportRow          = new ReportRow();
                reportRow.IContent = iContent;
                this.dictionary.Add(iContent.Key, reportRow);

                // The order of the row in the report drives visual cues such as alternate line shading and Z order properties.
                reportRow.Ordinal = this.ordinal;

                // The target location and height are initialized here without animation.
                reportRow.Top    = this.height;
                reportRow.Height = rowTemplate.Height;

                // The actual top and height used when rendering the rows.
                reportRow.ActualTop    = reportRow.Top;
                reportRow.ActualHeight = reportRow.Height;

                // Rows that are added to the visible portion of the display will trigger the 'MeasureOverride' which will instantiate the new report elements.
                if ((this.viewport.Top <= reportRow.Top && reportRow.Top < this.viewport.Bottom) ||
                    (this.viewport.Top <= reportRow.Top + reportRow.Height && reportRow.Top + reportRow.Height < this.viewport.Bottom))
                    this.isMeasurementRequired = true;

                // The report row is really just a container for report cells.  The System.Reflection library is used to rip apart the content and create
                // columns that are tightly bound to the type of data found in the incoming record.
                foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in iContent.GetType().GetProperties())
                    IContent childContent = propertyInfo.GetValue(iContent, null) as IContent;
                    if (childContent != null)
                        string columnId;
                        if (this.reportGrid.reportFieldCollection.ColumnIdMap.TryGetValue(childContent.GetType(), out columnId))
                            ReportColumn reportColumn;
                            if (this.reportGrid.reportColumnCollection.TryGetValue(columnId, out reportColumn))
                                reportRow.Add(reportColumn, new ReportCell(childContent, reportColumn, reportRow));

            // This is used to keep track of the order of the row in the report.

            // This moves the virtual cursor up to the next available row in the virtual space.
            this.height += reportRow.Height;

            // The report can have any number of levels in the hierarchical arrangment or the rows.  This will recurse into the template that defines the
            // outline of the report and generate any rows that can be matched to the templates that are children of the current template.  The 'Path' property
            // on the template rows indicate which properties of the content row to follow when recursing.
            foreach (RowTemplate childRowDefinition in rowTemplate.Children)
                PropertyInfo propertyInfo = iContent.GetType().GetProperty(childRowDefinition.Path);
                if (propertyInfo != null)
                    Object property = propertyInfo.GetValue(iContent, null);
                    if (property is IEnumerable)
                        IEnumerable iEnumerable = property as IEnumerable;
                        foreach (IContent childContent in iEnumerable)
                            RecursivelyUpdateRow(childContent, childRowDefinition);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the content that is displayed in the report.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iContent">The data that is displayed in this report.</param>
        private Storyline FirstSegmentSetContent(Object sender, GenericEventArgs genericEventArgs)
            // Extract the arguments for this animation from the current command on the queue.
            IContent iContent = (IContent)genericEventArgs.Arguments[0];
            Duration duration = (Duration)genericEventArgs.Arguments[1];

            // These fields keeps track of all the things that can change while recursing into the report hierarchy.
            this.animatedRows          = new List <ReportRow>();
            this.height                = 0.0;
            this.isMeasurementRequired = false;
            this.ordinal               = 0;
            this.viewport              = this.reportGrid.reportCanvases[3].Viewport;

            // Updating a report can generate many animation effects: moving rows from one place to another, resizing them, etc.  All these effects must be
            // driven of the same clock or the effect gets jumpy and hard to follow.  The Storyline is nearly identical to a ParallelTimeline except that it
            // has some Attached properties to specify the target object and property and some methods to synchronize them all.
            this.storyline = new Storyline();

            // This will find the root template for the report and start the recursive process that will expand the report hierarchy according to the structure
            // found in the XAML source.
            if (this.reportGrid.RowTemplates.Count > 0)
                RecursivelyUpdateRow(iContent, this.reportGrid.RowTemplates[0]);

            // When animating a large group of objects it is important to bring the objects to the front of the ZIndex that move the farthest.  The ones that
            // move the least can appear behind the others.  This allows the eye to follow the objects with the greatest amount of movement.
            foreach (ReportCanvas reportCanvas in this.reportGrid.reportCanvases)

            // When the recursion is finished and the report has been completely expanded, the running height variable that was used for the location of each
            // row can now be used as the height of the entire collection.  Note that an internal method is used to set the value.  Anyone can get the value of
            // the virtual height, but only this object can set it.
            this.SetValue(ReportRowCollection.HeightProperty, this.height);

            // A unique key is used to identify each row so it can persist from one update to the next.  Purging rows that are no longer part of the content is
            // done by marking all of the persistent rows with an 'IsObsolete' flag. If a row persists from one update to the next, then this flag will be
            // reset as the data is transferred from the new content. If this flag is still set after the recursive update, it means that there is no
            // corresponding row in the new content and it should be removed from the report.  Note that after the test is made for obsolescence, the flag
            // is reset for the next pass.  This saves doing an extra iteration through all the rows on the next full content set.
            List <ReportRow> deletedRows = new List <ReportRow>();

            foreach (ReportRow reportRow in this)
                if (reportRow.IsObsolete)
                    if ((this.viewport.Top <= reportRow.Top && reportRow.Top < this.viewport.Bottom) ||
                        (this.viewport.Top <= reportRow.Top + reportRow.Height && reportRow.Top + reportRow.Height < this.viewport.Bottom))
                        this.isMeasurementRequired = true;
                    reportRow.IsObsolete = true;

            // The dictionary that holds the mappings between the content keys and the report rows can't be purged in the loop abovce because that would modify
            // the collection, so they need to be put into a temporary buffer and then they can be removed.
            foreach (ReportRow reportRow in deletedRows)
                foreach (ReportCanvas reportCanvas in this.reportGrid.reportCanvases)

            // If any rows are added or removed from the viewport then the "MeasureOverride" will need to remove the obsolete graphic elements and add the new
            // ones using the virtual space layout computed here.
            if (this.isMeasurementRequired)

            // The next TimelineSegment in the queue will be executed when this Timeline is finished.  In this way, actions that
            // take a finite amount of time can be executed in an orderly sequence.
 public static StorylineEditor OpenWindow(Storyline target)
     return(OpenWindow(target, "Storyline", true, typeof(SceneView)));
Exemple #16
        public Task <DiagramViewModel> GetDiagramViewModelAsync(Guid id)
            var dumas = new Author()
                Name = "Alexandre Dumas"

            var edmond = new Character()
                Name = "Edmond Dantés"

            edmond.Aliases.Add(new Alias()
                Name = "Count of Monte Christo"
            edmond.Aliases.Add(new Alias()
                Name = "Sinbad the Sailor"
            edmond.Aliases.Add(new Alias()
                Name = "Abbé Busoni"
            edmond.Aliases.Add(new Alias()
                Name = "Lord Wilmore"

            var louis = new Character()
                Name = "Louis Dantés"


            var mercedes = new Character()
                Name = "Mercédès"

            mercedes.Aliases.Add(new Alias()
                Name = "Countess Mercédès Mondego"
            mercedes.Aliases.Add(new Alias()
                Name = "Mlle de Morcerf"

            var fernand = new Character {
                Name = "Fernand Mondego"

            fernand.Aliases.Add(new Alias()
                Name = "Count de Morcerf"

            var albert = new Character {
                Name = "Albert de Morcerf"


            var haydee = new Character {
                Name = "Haydée"


            edmond.RelateTo(louis, "son of", true);
            edmond.RelateTo(mercedes, "engaged");
            edmond.RelateTo(haydee, "owns", true);
            edmond.RelateTo(haydee, "loves");

            mercedes.RelateTo(fernand, "married");

            mercedes.RelateTo(albert, "mother of", true);
            fernand.RelateTo(albert, "father of", true);
            albert.RelateTo(edmond, "challenges to a duel", true);

            haydee.RelateTo(fernand, "exposes", true);

            var betrayal = new Storyline()
                Name        = "The Betrayal of Ali Pasha",
                Description = "Lorem Ipsum etc.",


            var haydeesIdentity = new PlotElement()
                Name        = "Haydée is Ali Pasha's daughter",
                Description = "Ali Pasha's daughter was sold into slavery and, after the death of her mother, the only surviving person to know of Ali's betrayer."


            var alisBetrayer = new PlotElement()
                Name        = "Fernand betrayed and murdered Ali Pasha.",
                Description = "Fernand was the officer who betrayed and murdered Ali Pasha. If this became public, it would cause a scandal."



            var diagram = new Diagram()
                Name = "The Count of Monte Cristo"


            return(Task.FromResult(new DiagramViewModel(diagram)));