protected void Button1Click(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { SpacialDataSet sd = new SpacialDataSet(); sd.vehicule = vehicule.Text; sd.dateDepart = DateTime.Parse(dateDepart.Text) + TimeSpan.Parse(HD.Text); sd.dateArivee = DateTime.Parse(dateArivee.Text) + TimeSpan.Parse(HA.Text); if (pm.Checked == true) { SqlGeometry sqlG = SqlGeometry.Parse(trajet.Text); sd.trajet = DbGeometry.FromBinary(sqlG.STAsBinary().Buffer); } else if (pm.Checked == false) { SqlGeometry sqlG = SqlGeometry.Parse(trajet.Text); sd.trajet = DbGeometry.FromBinary(sqlG.STAsBinary().Buffer); } = (bool?)SqlBoolean.Parse(active.Text); db = new demoDB(); db.SpacialDataSets.Add(sd); db.SaveChanges(); X.Msg.Alert("INFO", "l'opération a été effectuée avec succès").Show(); ResetInputs(); Store1.Reload(); X.Call("resetMap"); }
protected void SavePattern(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { string day = e.ExtraParams["pattern"]; SchedulePattern b = JSON.Deserialize <SchedulePattern>(day); b.scId = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentSchedule.Text); PostRequest <SchedulePattern> request = new PostRequest <SchedulePattern>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <SchedulePattern> response = _branchService.ChildAddOrUpdate <SchedulePattern>(request); if (!response.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord, GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", response.ErrorCode) != null ? GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", response.ErrorCode).ToString() + "<br>" + GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", "ErrorLogId") + response.LogId : response.Summary).Show(); return; } else { Store1.Reload(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.PatternAppliedSucc }); this.patternWindow.Close(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!X.IsAjaxRequest && !IsPostBack) { try { AccessControlApplier.ApplyAccessControlOnPage(typeof(Model.Reports.RT107), null, null, null, null); } catch (AccessDeniedException exp) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorAccessDenied).Show(); Viewport1.Hidden = true; return; } SetExtLanguage(); HideShowButtons(); List <Model.System.XMLDictionary> activeStatusList = Common.XMLDictionaryList(_systemService, "16"); activeStatusList.Add(new Model.System.XMLDictionary { key = 0, value = Resources.Common.All }); activeStatusStore.DataSource = activeStatusList; activeStatusStore.DataBind(); inactivePref.Select("0"); Store1.Reload(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!X.IsAjaxRequest && !IsPostBack) { SetExtLanguage(); HideShowButtons(); HideShowColumns(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["_employeeId"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["_fromDayId"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["_toDayId"])) { dateRange1.DefaultStartDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["_fromDayId"]).Trim('\''), "yyyyMMdd", new CultureInfo("en")); dateRange1.DefaultEndDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["_toDayId"]).Trim('\''), "yyyyMMdd", new CultureInfo("en")); } //try //{ // AccessControlApplier.ApplyAccessControlOnPage(typeof(RT305), null, GridPanel1, null, null); //} //catch (AccessDeniedException exp) //{ // X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; // X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorAccessDenied).Show(); // Viewport1.Hidden = true; // return; //} if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["_employeeId"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["_fromDayId"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["_toDayId"])) { Store1.Reload(); } dateRange1.DefaultStartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-DateTime.Now.Day); FillStatus(); timeVariationType.Select(0); } }
public void RejectRecord(string index) { try { //Step 1 Code to delete the object from the database RecordRequest req = new RecordRequest(); req.RecordID = index; RecordResponse <DashBoardTimeVariation> r = _timeAttendanceService.ChildGetRecord <DashBoardTimeVariation>(req); //Step 1 Selecting the object or building up the object for update purpose if (!r.Success) { Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { RejectTimeVariationc rejectObject = new RejectTimeVariationc(); rejectObject.clockDuration = r.result.clockDuration; rejectObject.damageLevel = r.result.damageLevel; =; rejectObject.dayId = r.result.dayId; rejectObject.dtFrom = r.result.dtFrom; rejectObject.dtTo = r.result.dtTo; rejectObject.duration = r.result.duration; rejectObject.employeeId = r.result.employeeId; rejectObject.recordId = r.result.recordId; rejectObject.shiftId = r.result.shiftId; rejectObject.timeCode = r.result.timeCode; rejectObject.justification = r.result.justification; rejectObject.apId = r.result.apId; PostRequest <RejectTimeVariationc> rejReq = new PostRequest <RejectTimeVariationc>(); rejReq.entity = rejectObject; rejReq.entity.apStatus = -1; PostResponse <RejectTimeVariationc> rejResp = _timeAttendanceService.ChildAddOrUpdate <RejectTimeVariationc>(rejReq); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc }); } Store1.Reload(); } catch (Exception ex) { //In case of error, showing a message box to the user X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorDeletingRecord).Show(); } }
protected void Prev_Click(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { int index = int.Parse(e.ExtraParams["index"]); if ((index - 1) >= 0) { this.Viewport1.ActiveIndex = index - 1; Store1.Reload(); } }
public void DeleteShift(string index) { try { //Step 1 Code to delete the object from the database AttendanceShift s = new AttendanceShift(); s.recordId = index; s.dayId = CurrentDay.Text; s.employeeId = CurrentEmployee.Text; s.checkIn = "00:00"; s.checkOut = "00:00"; PostRequest <AttendanceShift> req = new PostRequest <AttendanceShift>(); req.entity = s; PostResponse <AttendanceShift> resp = _timeAttendanceService.ChildDelete <AttendanceShift>(req); if (!resp.Success) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(resp); return; } SynchronizeAttendanceDay GD = new SynchronizeAttendanceDay(); PostRequest <SynchronizeAttendanceDay> request = new PostRequest <SynchronizeAttendanceDay>(); GD.employeeId = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentEmployee.Text); GD.fromDayId = CurrentDay.Text; GD.toDayId = CurrentDay.Text; request.entity = GD; PostResponse <SynchronizeAttendanceDay> resp1 = _helpFunctionService.ChildAddOrUpdate <SynchronizeAttendanceDay>(request); //Step 2 : remove the object from the store if (!resp1.Success) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", resp1.ErrorCode) != null ? GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", resp1.ErrorCode).ToString() + "<br>" + GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", "ErrorLogId") + resp1.LogId : resp1.Summary).Show(); return; } attendanceShiftStore.Remove(index); //Step 3 : Showing a notification for the user Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordDeletedSucc }); Store1.Reload(); } catch (Exception ex) { //In case of error, showing a message box to the user X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorDeletingRecord).Show(); } }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string obj = e.ExtraParams["values"]; TimeCode b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TimeCode>(obj); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeCodeCombo.Value.ToString())) // b.timeCode = Convert.ToInt16(timeCodeCombo.Value.ToString()); // Define the object to add or edit as null try { //New Mode //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store PostRequest <TimeCode> request = new PostRequest <TimeCode>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <TimeCode> r = _payrollService.ChildAddOrUpdate <TimeCode>(request); //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r);; return; } else { //Add this record to the store Store1.Reload(); //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } }
protected void deleteRow(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { db = new demoDB(); string varID = e.ExtraParams["Id"]; var ID = int.Parse(varID); SpacialDataSet sd = (from i in db.SpacialDataSets where i.Id == ID select i).SingleOrDefault(); = false; db.SaveChanges(); //ChargeGridPanel(); Store1.Reload(); }
protected void cmdSAVE(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { string sSQL = ""; string GroupUsed = "N"; ChangeRecords <ITEM_GROUP> sdh = new StoreDataHandler(e.ExtraParams["data"]).BatchObjectData <ITEM_GROUP>(); foreach (ITEM_GROUP updated in sdh.Created) { if (updated.USED.ToString() == "true") { GroupUsed = "Y"; } sSQL = "INSERT INTO a_item_group "; sSQL += "(GROUP_CODE, GROUP_NAME, GROUP_NAME_E, GROUP_CLASS, GROUP_USED) "; sSQL += "VALUES ('" + updated.GROUP_CODE + "', "; sSQL += "'" + updated.GROUP_NAME + "', "; sSQL += "'" + updated.GROUP_NAME_E + "', "; sSQL += "'" + updated.GROUP_CLASS + "', "; sSQL += "'" + GroupUsed + "') "; db.Excute(sSQL); } foreach (ITEM_GROUP updated in sdh.Updated) { if (updated.USED.ToString() == "true") { GroupUsed = "Y"; } sSQL = "UPDATE a_item_group "; sSQL += "SET GROUP_NAME='" + updated.GROUP_NAME + "', "; sSQL += "GROUP_NAME_E='" + updated.GROUP_NAME_E + "', "; sSQL += "GROUP_CLASS='" + updated.GROUP_CLASS + "', "; sSQL += "GROUP_USED='" + GroupUsed + "' "; sSQL += "WHERE GROUP_CODE='" + updated.GROUP_CODE + "'; "; db.Excute(sSQL); } Store1.CommitChanges(); Store1.Reload(); btnCancel.Disabled = true; btnSave.Disabled = true; btnDelete.Disabled = true; btnAdd.Disabled = false; }
public void DeleteRecord(string index) { try { //Step 1 Code to delete the object from the database Service s = new Service(); s.recordId = index; = ""; PostRequest <Service> req = new PostRequest <Service>(); req.entity = s; PostResponse <Service> r = _taskScheduleService.ChildDelete <Service>(req); if (!r.Success) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { //Step 2 : remove the object from the store Store1.Remove(index); //Step 3 : Showing a notification for the user Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordDeletedSucc }); Store1.Reload(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //In case of error, showing a message box to the user X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorDeletingRecord).Show(); } }
public void DeleteRecord(string id, string employeeId, string returnType) { try { //Step 1 Code to delete the object from the database LeaveReturn s = new LeaveReturn(); s.leaveId = id; s.employeeId = employeeId; s.returnType = returnType; //s.reference = ""; PostRequest <LeaveReturn> req = new PostRequest <LeaveReturn>(); req.entity = s; PostResponse <LeaveReturn> r = _leaveManagementService.ChildDelete <LeaveReturn>(req); if (!r.Success) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { //Step 2 : remove the object from the store Store1.Reload(); //Step 3 : Showing a notification for the user Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordDeletedSucc }); } } catch (Exception ex) { //In case of error, showing a message box to the user X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorDeletingRecord).Show(); } }
public void DeleteRecord(string ruleId, string classId, string accessType, string seqNo) { try { //Step 1 Code to delete the object from the database RuleTrigger s = new RuleTrigger(); s.ruleId = ruleId; s.classId = classId; s.accessType = accessType; s.seqNo = seqNo; PostRequest <RuleTrigger> req = new PostRequest <RuleTrigger>(); req.entity = s; PostResponse <RuleTrigger> r = _companyStructureService.ChildDelete <RuleTrigger>(req); if (!r.Success) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { //Step 2 : remove the object from the store Store1.Reload(); //Step 3 : Showing a notification for the user Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordDeletedSucc }); } } catch (Exception ex) { //In case of error, showing a message box to the user X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorDeletingRecord).Show(); } }
protected void SaveAlerts(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { string values = e.ExtraParams["values"]; List <SystemAlert> alerts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <SystemAlert> >(values); alerts.ForEach(x => { if (x.isActive) { x.activeStatus = (Int16)ActiveStatus.ACTIVE; } else { x.activeStatus = (Int16)ActiveStatus.INACTIVE; } }); PostRequest <SystemAlert[]> req = new PostRequest <SystemAlert[]>(); req.entity = alerts.ToArray(); PostResponse <SystemAlert[]> resp = _systemService.ChildAddOrUpdate <SystemAlert[]>(req); if (!resp.Success) { Common.errorMessage(resp); return; } Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc }); Store1.Reload(); }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; string obj = e.ExtraParams["values"]; LetterSelfservice b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LetterSelfservice>(obj); b.employeeId = Convert.ToInt32(_systemService.SessionHelper.GetEmployeeId()); b.recordId = id; // Define the object to add or edit as null ApplyLetterRecordRequest req = new ApplyLetterRecordRequest(); req.ltId = Convert.ToInt32(ltId.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); req.employeeId = b.employeeId; RecordResponse <ApplyLetter> res = _systemService.ChildGetRecord <ApplyLetter>(req); b.bodyText = res.result.bodyText; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { try { //New Mode //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store PostRequest <LetterSelfservice> request = new PostRequest <LetterSelfservice>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <LetterSelfservice> r = _selfServiceService.ChildAddOrUpdate <LetterSelfservice>(request); b.recordId = r.recordId; //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { //Add this record to the store //this.Store1.Insert(0, b); //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); //RowSelectionModel sm = this.GridPanel1.GetSelectionModel() as RowSelectionModel; //sm.DeselectAll(); //sm.Select(b.recordId.ToString()); Store1.Reload(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } } else { //Update Mode try { int index = Convert.ToInt32(id);//getting the id of the record PostRequest <LetterSelfservice> request = new PostRequest <LetterSelfservice>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <LetterSelfservice> r = _selfServiceService.ChildAddOrUpdate <LetterSelfservice>(request); //Step 1 Selecting the object or building up the object for update purpose //Step 2 : saving to store //Step 3 : Check if request fails if (!r.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); return; } else { //ModelProxy record = this.Store1.GetById(index); //BasicInfoTab.UpdateRecord(record); //record.Commit(); Store1.Reload(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } } }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { socialSetupStore.Reload(); //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string obj = e.ExtraParams["values"]; SocialSecuritySchedule b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SocialSecuritySchedule>(obj); string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; // Define the object to add or edit as null if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { try { //New Mode //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store PostRequest <SocialSecuritySchedule> request = new PostRequest <SocialSecuritySchedule>(); request.entity = b; request.entity.recordId = SocailSecurityrecordId.Text; PostResponse <SocialSecuritySchedule> r = _PayrollService.ChildAddOrUpdate <SocialSecuritySchedule>(request); //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SocailSecurityrecordId.Text)) { b.recordId = r.recordId; //Add this record to the store this.Store1.Insert(0, b); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); RowSelectionModel sm = this.GridPanel1.GetSelectionModel() as RowSelectionModel; sm.DeselectAll(); sm.Select(b.recordId.ToString()); socialSetupStore.Reload(); } Store1.Reload(); SocailSecurityrecordId.Text = r.recordId; socialSetupGrid.Disabled = false; //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } } else { //Update Mode try { //getting the id of the record PostRequest <SocialSecuritySchedule> request = new PostRequest <SocialSecuritySchedule>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <SocialSecuritySchedule> r = _PayrollService.ChildAddOrUpdate <SocialSecuritySchedule>(request); //Step 1 Selecting the object or building up the object for update purpose //Step 2 : saving to store //Step 3 : Check if request fails if (!r.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { ModelProxy record = this.Store1.GetById(id); BasicInfoTab.UpdateRecord(record); record.Commit(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc }); Store1.Reload(); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } } }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string obj = e.ExtraParams["values"]; PayrollConstant b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PayrollConstant>(obj); PostRequest <PayrollConstant> request = new PostRequest <PayrollConstant>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <PayrollConstant> r = _payrollService.ChildAddOrUpdate <PayrollConstant>(request); //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { //Add this record to the store Store1.Reload(); //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); // Define the object to add or edit as null // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) //{ // try // { // //New Mode // //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store // PostRequest<CertificateLevel> request = new PostRequest<CertificateLevel>(); // request.entity = b; // PostResponse<CertificateLevel> r = _employeeService.ChildAddOrUpdate<CertificateLevel>(request); // //check if the insert failed // if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition // { // //Show an error saving... // X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; // Common.errorMessage(r); // return; // } // else // { // b.recordId = r.recordId; // //Add this record to the store // this.Store1.Insert(0, b); // //Display successful notification // Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig // { // Title = Resources.Common.Notification, // Icon = Icon.Information, // Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc // }); // this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); // RowSelectionModel sm = this.GridPanel1.GetSelectionModel() as RowSelectionModel; // sm.DeselectAll(); // sm.Select(b.recordId.ToString()); // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // //Error exception displaying a messsage box // X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; // X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); // } //} //else //{ // //Update Mode // try // { // //getting the id of the record // PostRequest<CertificateLevel> request = new PostRequest<CertificateLevel>(); // request.entity = b; // PostResponse<CertificateLevel> r = _employeeService.ChildAddOrUpdate<CertificateLevel>(request); //Step 1 Selecting the object or building up the object for update purpose // //Step 2 : saving to store // //Step 3 : Check if request fails // if (!r.Success)//it maybe another check // { // X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; // Common.errorMessage(r); // return; // } // else // { // ModelProxy record = this.Store1.GetById(id); // BasicInfoTab.UpdateRecord(record); // record.Commit(); // Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig // { // Title = Resources.Common.Notification, // Icon = Icon.Information, // Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc // }); // this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; // X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); // } //} } }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { SystemDefaultRecordRequest req = new SystemDefaultRecordRequest(); //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. try { string obj = e.ExtraParams["values"]; string ldMethodParam = e.ExtraParams["ldMethod"]; string ldValueParam = e.ExtraParams["ldValue"]; loanSelfService b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <loanSelfService>(obj); string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ldValueParam)) { b.ldValue = Convert.ToDouble(ldValueParam); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ldMethodParam)) { b.ldMethod = Convert.ToInt16(ldMethodParam); } if (b.ldMethod == null) { req.Key = "ldMethod"; RecordResponse <KeyValuePair <string, string> > defaults = _systemService.ChildGetRecord <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(req); if (!defaults.Success) { Common.errorMessage(defaults); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaults.result.Value)) { b.ldMethod = Convert.ToInt16(defaults.result.Value); } } if (b.ldValue == null) { req.Key = "ldValue"; RecordResponse <KeyValuePair <string, string> > ldValueResponse = _systemService.ChildGetRecord <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(req); if (!ldValueResponse.Success) { Common.errorMessage(ldValueResponse); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ldValueResponse.result.Value)) { b.ldValue = Convert.ToInt16(ldValueResponse.result.Value); } } } if (b.ldMethod == null) { X.MessageBox.Alert(GetGlobalResourceObject("Common", "Error").ToString(), GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", "emptyLdMethod").ToString()).Show(); return; } //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ldMethod) //b.ldMethod =Convert.ToInt16( ldMethod); // Define the object to add or edit as null //if (ldMethodCom.SelectedItem != null) // b.ldMethod = ldMethodCom.SelectedItem.Value; if (date.ReadOnly) { = DateTime.Now; } //b.effectiveDate = new DateTime(b.effectiveDate.Year, b.effectiveDate.Month, b.effectiveDate.Day, 14, 0, 0); if (branchId.SelectedItem != null) { b.branchName = branchId.SelectedItem.Text; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { try { //New Mode //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store PostRequest <loanSelfService> request = new PostRequest <loanSelfService>(); request.entity = b; request.entity.employeeId = _systemService.SessionHelper.GetEmployeeId(); // request.entity.employeeName = new EmployeeName() { fullName="" }; = DateTime.Now; //request.entity.ltName = ""; //request.entity.currencyRef = ""; request.entity.apStatus = "1"; PostResponse <loanSelfService> r = _selfServiceService.ChildAddOrUpdate <loanSelfService>(request); //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { Store1.Reload(); //b.recordId = r.recordId; ////Add this record to the store //this.Store1.Insert(0, b); //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); recordId.Text = b.recordId; SetTabPanelEnable(true); currentCase.Text = b.recordId; RowSelectionModel sm = this.GridPanel1.GetSelectionModel() as RowSelectionModel; sm.DeselectAll(); sm.Select(b.recordId.ToString()); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } } else { //Update Mode try { //getting the id of the record PostRequest <loanSelfService> request = new PostRequest <loanSelfService>(); request.entity = b; request.entity.employeeId = _systemService.SessionHelper.GetEmployeeId(); PostResponse <loanSelfService> r = _selfServiceService.ChildAddOrUpdate <loanSelfService>(request); //Step 1 Selecting the object or building up the object for update purpose //Step 2 : saving to store //Step 3 : Check if request fails if (!r.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { Store1.Reload(); // ModelProxy record = this.Store1.GetById(id); // BasicInfoTab.UpdateRecord(record); // record.Set("currencyRef", b.currencyRef); // if (date.ReadOnly) // record.Set("date", null); // record.Set("employeeName", b.employeeName); //// record.Set("branchName", b.branchName); // record.Commit(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, ex.Message).Show(); } }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string obj = e.ExtraParams["values"]; LeavePayment b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LeavePayment>(obj); string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; // Define the object to add or edit as null // b.employeeName = new EmployeeName(); //if (ldMethodCom.SelectedItem != null) // b.ldMethod = ldMethodCom.SelectedItem.Value; if (employeeId.SelectedItem != null) { b.employeeName = employeeId.SelectedItem.Text; } if (date.ReadOnly) { = DateTime.Now; } //b.effectiveDate = new DateTime(b.effectiveDate.Year, b.effectiveDate.Month, b.effectiveDate.Day, 14, 0, 0); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { try { //New Mode //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store PostRequest <LeavePayment> request = new PostRequest <LeavePayment>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <LeavePayment> r = _payrollService.ChildAddOrUpdate <LeavePayment>(request); //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { b.recordId = r.recordId; //Add this record to the store //this.Store1.Insert(0, b); //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); recordId.Text = b.recordId; currentCase.Text = b.recordId; //RowSelectionModel sm = this.GridPanel1.GetSelectionModel() as RowSelectionModel; //sm.DeselectAll(); //sm.Select(b.recordId.ToString()); Store1.Reload(); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } } else { //Update Mode try { //getting the id of the record PostRequest <LeavePayment> request = new PostRequest <LeavePayment>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <LeavePayment> r = _payrollService.ChildAddOrUpdate <LeavePayment>(request); //Step 1 Selecting the object or building up the object for update purpose //Step 2 : saving to store //Step 3 : Check if request fails if (!r.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { ModelProxy record = this.Store1.GetById(id); BasicInfoTab.UpdateRecord(record); if (date.ReadOnly) { record.Set("date", null); } record.Set("employeeName", b.employeeName); record.Commit(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } } }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; string obj = e.ExtraParams["values"]; string addr = e.ExtraParams["address"]; Branch b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Branch>(obj); b.managerId = managerId.Value.ToString(); b.isInactive = isInactive.Checked; b.activeStatus = isInactive.Checked ? Convert.ToInt16(ActiveStatus.INACTIVE) : Convert.ToInt16(ActiveStatus.ACTIVE); b.recordId = id; // Define the object to add or edit as null CustomResolver res = new CustomResolver(); res.AddRule("naId", "countryId"); res.AddRule("stId", "stateId"); JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings(); settings.ContractResolver = res; b.caName = caId.SelectedItem.Text; AddressBook add = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AddressBook>(addr, settings); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( && string.IsNullOrEmpty(add.countryId) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(add.street1) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(add.stateId) && string.IsNullOrEmpty( { b.address = null; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( || string.IsNullOrEmpty(add.countryId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(add.street1) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(add.stateId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, GetLocalResourceObject("ErrorAddressMissing")).Show(); return; } b.address = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AddressBook>(addr, settings); b.address.recordId = address.Text; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(branchId.Text)) { try { //New Mode //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store PostRequest <Branch> request = new PostRequest <Branch>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <Branch> r = _branchService.ChildAddOrUpdate <Branch>(request); b.recordId = r.recordId; //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", r.ErrorCode) != null ? GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", r.ErrorCode).ToString() + "<br>" + GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", "ErrorLogId") + r.LogId :r.Summary).Show(); return; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(branchId.Text)) { //this.Store1.Insert(0, b); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); //RowSelectionModel sm = this.GridPanel1.GetSelectionModel() as RowSelectionModel; //sm.DeselectAll(); //sm.Select(b.recordId.ToString()); } Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); //Add this record to the store managerId.Disabled = false; //Display successful notification branchId.Text = b.recordId; Store1.Reload(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } } else { //Update Mode try { int index = Convert.ToInt32(branchId.Text);//getting the id of the record PostRequest <Branch> request = new PostRequest <Branch>(); b.recordId = branchId.Text; request.entity = b; PostResponse <Branch> r = _branchService.ChildAddOrUpdate <Branch>(request); //Step 1 Selecting the object or building up the object for update purpose //Step 2 : saving to store //Step 3 : Check if request fails if (!r.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { ModelProxy record = this.Store1.GetById(index); record.Set("caName", b.caName); BasicInfoTab.UpdateRecord(record); record.Commit(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc }); // this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } } }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; string obj = e.ExtraParams["values"]; Division b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Division>(obj); // b.isInactive = isInactive.Checked; b.recordId = id; // Define the object to add or edit as null if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { try { //New Mode //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store PostRequest <Division> request = new PostRequest <Division>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <Division> r = _branchService.ChildAddOrUpdate <Division>(request); b.recordId = r.recordId; //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", r.ErrorCode) != null ? GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", r.ErrorCode).ToString() + "<br>" + GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", "ErrorLogId") + r.LogId : r.Summary).Show(); return; } else { //Add this record to the store Store1.Reload(); //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); RowSelectionModel sm = this.GridPanel1.GetSelectionModel() as RowSelectionModel; sm.DeselectAll(); sm.Select(b.recordId.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } } else { //Update Mode try { int index = Convert.ToInt32(id);//getting the id of the record PostRequest <Division> request = new PostRequest <Division>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <Division> r = _branchService.ChildAddOrUpdate <Division>(request); //Step 1 Selecting the object or building up the object for update purpose //Step 2 : saving to store //Step 3 : Check if request fails if (!r.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); return; } else { Store1.Reload(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } } }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; string obj = e.ExtraParams["schedule"]; FiscalYear b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FiscalYear>(obj); // Define the object to add or edit as null try { //New Mode //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store PostRequest <FiscalYear> request = new PostRequest <FiscalYear>(); request.entity = b; if (b.startDate > b.endDate) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, GetLocalResourceObject("ErrorStartEnd").ToString()).Show(); return; } PostResponse <FiscalYear> r = _payrollService.ChildAddOrUpdate <FiscalYear>(request); //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { //Add this record to the store Store1.Reload(); //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); RowSelectionModel sm = this.GridPanel1.GetSelectionModel() as RowSelectionModel; sm.DeselectAll(); sm.Select(b.fiscalYear.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; string obj = e.ExtraParams["schedule"]; PayrollIndemnity b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PayrollIndemnity>(obj); string pers = e.ExtraParams["periods"]; string indemnities = e.ExtraParams["indemnities"]; b.recordId = id; // Define the object to add or edit as null List <PayrollIndemnityDetails> periods = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <PayrollIndemnityDetails> >(pers); List <PayrollIndemnityRecognition> indemnitiesList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <PayrollIndemnityRecognition> >(indemnities); if (periods == null || periods.Count == 0 || indemnitiesList == null || indemnitiesList.Count == 0) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", "Error_Empty_IndemnityDetails_IndemnityResignation")).Show(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { try { //New Mode //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store PostRequest <PayrollIndemnity> request = new PostRequest <PayrollIndemnity>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <PayrollIndemnity> r = _payrollService.ChildAddOrUpdate <PayrollIndemnity>(request); b.recordId = r.recordId; //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } PostResponse <PayrollIndemnityDetails[]> result = AddPeriodsList(b.recordId, periods); // AddPeriodsList1(b.recordId, periods); if (!result.Success) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", result.ErrorCode) != null ? GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", result.ErrorCode).ToString() : GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", result.ErrorCode) != null ? GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", result.ErrorCode).ToString() : result.Summary).Show(); return; } PostResponse <PayrollIndemnityRecognition[]> result1 = AddindemnitiesList(b.recordId, indemnitiesList); // AddPeriodsList1(b.recordId, periods); if (!result1.Success) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", result.ErrorCode) != null ? GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", result.ErrorCode).ToString() : GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", result.ErrorCode) != null ? GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", result.ErrorCode).ToString() : result.Summary).Show(); return; } else { //Add this record to the store this.Store1.Insert(0, b); //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); RowSelectionModel sm = this.GridPanel1.GetSelectionModel() as RowSelectionModel; sm.DeselectAll(); sm.Select(b.recordId.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } } else { //Update Mode try { int index = Convert.ToInt32(id);//getting the id of the record PostRequest <PayrollIndemnity> modifyHeaderRequest = new PostRequest <PayrollIndemnity>(); modifyHeaderRequest.entity = b; PostResponse <PayrollIndemnity> r = _payrollService.ChildAddOrUpdate <PayrollIndemnity>(modifyHeaderRequest); //Step 1 Selecting the object or building up the object for update purpose if (!r.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); return; } //List<PayrollIndemnityDetails> periods = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<PayrollIndemnityDetails>>(pers); //List<PayrollIndemnityRecognition> indemnitiesList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<PayrollIndemnityRecognition>>(indemnities); //if (periods == null || periods.Count == 0 || indemnitiesList == null || indemnitiesList.Count == 0) //{ // X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; // X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", "Error_Empty_IndemnityDetails_IndemnityResignation")).Show(); // return; //} //_payrollService.DeleteVacationSchedulePeriods(Convert.ToInt32(b.recordId)); DeleteVacationSchedulePeriods(Convert.ToInt32(b.recordId)); //if (!deleteDesponse.Success)//it maybe another check // { // X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; // X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", deleteDesponse.ErrorCode) != null ? GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", deleteDesponse.ErrorCode).ToString() : deleteDesponse.Summary).Show(); // return; // } PostResponse <PayrollIndemnityDetails[]> result = AddPeriodsList(b.recordId, periods); //Step 2 : saving to store //Step 3 : Check if request fails if (!result.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", result.ErrorCode) != null ? GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", result.ErrorCode).ToString() : result.Summary).Show(); return; } PostResponse <PayrollIndemnityRecognition[]> result1 = AddindemnitiesList(b.recordId, indemnitiesList); // AddPeriodsList1(b.recordId, periods); if (!result1.Success) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", result.ErrorCode) != null ? GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", result.ErrorCode).ToString() : GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", result.ErrorCode) != null ? GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", result.ErrorCode).ToString() : result.Summary).Show(); return; } else { ModelProxy record = this.Store1.GetById(index); BasicInfoTab.UpdateRecord(record); record.Commit(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } } Store1.Reload(); }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string obj = e.ExtraParams["values"]; PenaltyType b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PenaltyType>(obj); List <PenaltyDetail> PD = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <PenaltyDetail> >(e.ExtraParams["codes"]); string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; // Define the object to add or edit as null if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentPenaltyType.Text)) { id = currentPenaltyType.Text; b.recordId = currentPenaltyType.Text; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { try { //New Mode //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store PostRequest <PenaltyType> request = new PostRequest <PenaltyType>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <PenaltyType> r = _PayrollService.ChildAddOrUpdate <PenaltyType>(request); //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r);; return; } else { currentPenaltyType.Text = r.recordId; //PostRequest<PenaltyDetail> codesReq = new PostRequest<PenaltyDetail>(); //PD.ForEach(x => //{ // DeletePenaltyDetailsRecord(x); // codesReq.entity = x; // codesReq.entity.recordId = null; // PostResponse<PenaltyDetail> codesResp = _PayrollService.ChildAddOrUpdate<PenaltyDetail>(codesReq); // if (!codesResp.Success)//it maybe be another condition //{ // //Show an error saving... // X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; // X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", codesResp.ErrorCode) != null ? GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", codesResp.ErrorCode).ToString() : codesResp.Summary).Show(); // throw new Exception(); // } //}); Store1.Reload(); penaltyDetailGrid.Disabled = false; //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); //RowSelectionModel sm = this.GridPanel1.GetSelectionModel() as RowSelectionModel; //sm.DeselectAll(); //sm.Select(b.recordId.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message != null) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, ex.Message).Show(); } } } else { penaltyDetailGrid.Disabled = false; //Update Mode try { //getting the id of the record PostRequest <PenaltyType> request = new PostRequest <PenaltyType>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <PenaltyType> r = _PayrollService.ChildAddOrUpdate <PenaltyType>(request); //Step 1 Selecting the object or building up the object for update purpose //Step 2 : saving to store //Step 3 : Check if request fails if (!r.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r);; return; } else { DeleteAllPenaltyDetailsRecords(damage.Value.ToString()); PostRequest <PenaltyDetail> codesReq = new PostRequest <PenaltyDetail>(); PD.ForEach(x => { codesReq.entity = x; codesReq.entity.recordId = null; PostResponse <PenaltyDetail> codesResp = _PayrollService.ChildAddOrUpdate <PenaltyDetail>(codesReq); if (!codesResp.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", codesResp.ErrorCode) != null ? GetGlobalResourceObject("Errors", codesResp.ErrorCode).ToString() : codesResp.Summary).Show(); throw new Exception(); } }); Store1.Reload(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } } }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; string obj = e.ExtraParams["values"]; AssetManagementPurchaseOrder b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AssetManagementPurchaseOrder>(obj); b.supplierId = supplierId.GetSupplierId() == "0" ? null : supplierId.GetSupplierId(); b.categoryId = categoryId.GetCategoryId(); b.currencyId = CurrencyControl.getCurrency() == "0"?null : CurrencyControl.getCurrency(); b.apStatus = apStatus.GetApprovalStatus() == "0" ? null : apStatus.GetApprovalStatus(); b.recordId = id; // Define the object to add or edit as null if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { try { //New Mode //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store PostRequest <AssetManagementPurchaseOrder> request = new PostRequest <AssetManagementPurchaseOrder>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <AssetManagementPurchaseOrder> resp = _assetManagementService.ChildAddOrUpdate <AssetManagementPurchaseOrder>(request); b.recordId = resp.recordId; //check if the insert failed if (!resp.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(resp); return; } else { Store1.Reload(); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); //Add this record to the store } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } } else { //Update Mode try { PostRequest <AssetManagementPurchaseOrder> request = new PostRequest <AssetManagementPurchaseOrder>(); b.recordId = id; request.entity = b; PostResponse <AssetManagementPurchaseOrder> r = _assetManagementService.ChildAddOrUpdate <AssetManagementPurchaseOrder>(request); //Step 1 Selecting the object or building up the object for update purpose //Step 2 : saving to store //Step 3 : Check if request fails if (!r.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { Store1.Reload(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc }); // this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); } AssetPOReception POReception = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AssetPOReception>(obj); POReception.recordId = id; POReception.supplierId = supplierId.GetSupplierId() == "0" ? null : supplierId.GetSupplierId(); POReception.categoryId = categoryId.GetCategoryId(); POReception.currencyId = CurrencyControl.getCurrency() == "0" ? null : CurrencyControl.getCurrency(); POReception.apStatus = apStatus.GetApprovalStatus() == "0" ? null : apStatus.GetApprovalStatus(); if (b.status == 2) { PostRequest <AssetPOReception> req = new PostRequest <AssetPOReception>(); req.entity = POReception; PostResponse <AssetPOReception> resp = _assetManagementService.ChildAddOrUpdate <AssetPOReception>(req); if (!resp.Success)//it maybe another check { Common.errorMessage(resp); return; } AssetManagementAssetListRequest request1 = new AssetManagementAssetListRequest(); request1.branchId = "0"; request1.departmentId = "0"; request1.positionId = "0"; request1.categoryId = "0"; request1.employeeId = "0"; request1.supplierId = "0"; request1.PurchaseOrderId = b.poRef; request1.Filter = ""; ListResponse <AssetManagementAsset> resp1 = _assetManagementService.ChildGetAll <AssetManagementAsset>(request1); if (!resp1.Success)//it maybe another check { Common.errorMessage(resp1); return; } FillCondition(); AssetPOReceptionStore.DataSource = resp1.Items; AssetPOReceptionStore.DataBind(); AssetPOReceptionWindow.Show(); } } catch (Exception ex) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } } }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { try { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; string obj = e.ExtraParams["values"]; AssetManagementLoan b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AssetManagementLoan>(obj); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(apId.GetApprovalStatus())) { b.status = Convert.ToInt16(apId.GetApprovalStatus()); } b.assetId = assetId.GetAssetId(); // Define the object to add or edit as null if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { try { //New Mode //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store PostRequest <AssetManagementLoan> request = new PostRequest <AssetManagementLoan>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <AssetManagementLoan> r = _assetManagementService.ChildAddOrUpdate <AssetManagementLoan>(request); b.recordId = r.recordId; //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { //Add this record to the store //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); Store1.Reload(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } } else { //Update Mode try { int index = Convert.ToInt32(id);//getting the id of the record PostRequest <AssetManagementLoan> request = new PostRequest <AssetManagementLoan>(); request.entity = b; request.entity.recordId = index.ToString(); PostResponse <AssetManagementLoan> r = _assetManagementService.ChildAddOrUpdate <AssetManagementLoan>(request); //Step 1 Selecting the object or building up the object for update purpose //Step 2 : saving to store //Step 3 : Check if request fails if (!r.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); return; } else { Store1.Reload(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } } } catch (Exception exp) { X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string obj = e.ExtraParams["values"]; Model.Company.Structure.Rule b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Model.Company.Structure.Rule>(obj); string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; // Define the object to add or edit as null if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentRuId.Text)) { try { //New Mode //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store PostRequest <Model.Company.Structure.Rule> request = new PostRequest <Model.Company.Structure.Rule>(); request.entity = b; request.entity.expressionId = expressionCombo1.getExpression(); PostResponse <Model.Company.Structure.Rule> r = _companyStructureService.ChildAddOrUpdate <Model.Company.Structure.Rule>(request); //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { b.recordId = r.recordId; //Add this record to the store Store1.Reload(); currentRuId.Text = b.recordId; conditionsGrid.Disabled = false; messagesGrid.Disabled = false; //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } } else { //Update Mode try { //getting the id of the record PostRequest <Model.Company.Structure.Rule> request = new PostRequest <Model.Company.Structure.Rule>(); request.entity = b; request.entity.recordId = currentRuId.Text; PostResponse <Model.Company.Structure.Rule> r = _companyStructureService.ChildAddOrUpdate <Model.Company.Structure.Rule>(request); //Step 1 Selecting the object or building up the object for update purpose //Step 2 : saving to store //Step 3 : Check if request fails if (!r.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { Store1.Reload(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); currentRuId.Text = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } } }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { try { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string obj = e.ExtraParams["values"]; JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings(); CustomResolver res = new CustomResolver(); // res.AddRule("leaveRequest1_employeeId", "employeeId"); //res.AddRule("leaveRequest1_ltId", "ltId"); // res.AddRule("leaveRequest1_status", "status"); settings.ContractResolver = res; LeaveReplacementApproval b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LeaveReplacementApproval>(obj, settings); b.apStatus = Convert.ToInt16(LeaveApprovalStatusControl.GetApprovalStatus()); // b.leaveDays = Convert.ToDouble(leaveDaysField.Text); //b.status = Convert.ToInt16(status1); string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; // Define the object to add or edit as null if (!b.isPaid.HasValue) { b.isPaid = false; } if (employeeId.SelectedItem != null) { b.employeeName = employeeId.SelectedItem.Text; } if (ltId.SelectedItem != null) { b.ltName = ltId.SelectedItem.Text; } //List<LeaveDay> days = GenerateLeaveDays(e.ExtraParams["days"]); try { LeaveReturnRecordRequest rec = new LeaveReturnRecordRequest(); rec.leaveId = CurrentLeaveId.Text; RecordResponse <LeaveReplacementApproval> recordResponse = _selfServiceService.ChildGetRecord <LeaveReplacementApproval>(rec); if (!recordResponse.Success) { Common.errorMessage(recordResponse); return; } PostRequest <LeaveReplacementApproval> request = new PostRequest <LeaveReplacementApproval>(); request.entity = recordResponse.result; request.entity.replApStatus = apStatus.GetApprovalStatus(); PostResponse <LeaveReplacementApproval> r = _selfServiceService.ChildAddOrUpdate <LeaveReplacementApproval>(request); //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success) //it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r);; return; } else { b.recordId = r.recordId; Store1.Reload(); //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); //RecordRequest rec = new RecordRequest(); //rec.RecordID = b.recordId; //RecordResponse<LeaveRequest> recordResponse = _leaveManagementService.ChildGetRecord<LeaveRequest>(rec); //if (!recordResponse.Success) //{ // X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, recordResponse.Summary).Show(); // return; //} //leaveRef.Text = recordResponse.result.leaveRef; //this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); //SetTabPanelEnabled(true); //////RowSelectionModel sm = this.GridPanel1.GetSelectionModel() as RowSelectionModel; //////sm.DeselectAll(); //////sm.Select(b.recordId.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } } catch (Exception exp) { X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, exp.Message).Show(); } }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { try { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; string disposedDate = e.ExtraParams["disposedDate"]; string obj = e.ExtraParams["values"]; AssetManagementAsset b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AssetManagementAsset>(obj); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(disposedDate)) { b.depreciationDate = DateTime.Parse(disposedDate); } b.recordId = id; b.supplierId = supplierId.GetSupplierId() == "0"?null: supplierId.GetSupplierId(); // Define the object to add or edit as null if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { try { //New Mode //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store PostRequest <AssetManagementAsset> request = new PostRequest <AssetManagementAsset>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <AssetManagementAsset> r = _assetManagementService.ChildAddOrUpdate <AssetManagementAsset>(request); b.recordId = r.recordId; //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { //Add this record to the store //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); Store1.Reload(); Panel8.Disabled = false; currentAsset.Text = r.recordId; X.Call("setUrlAfterNewAsset"); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } } else { //Update Mode try { int index = Convert.ToInt32(id);//getting the id of the record PostRequest <AssetManagementAsset> request = new PostRequest <AssetManagementAsset>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <AssetManagementAsset> r = _assetManagementService.ChildAddOrUpdate <AssetManagementAsset>(request); //Step 1 Selecting the object or building up the object for update purpose //Step 2 : saving to store //Step 3 : Check if request fails if (!r.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); return; } else { ModelProxy record = this.Store1.GetById(index); BasicInfoTab.UpdateRecord(record); record.Commit(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc }); this.EditRecordWindow.Close(); Store1.Reload(); } } catch (Exception ex) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } } } catch (Exception exp) { X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } }
protected void SaveShift(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string id = e.ExtraParams["recordId"]; string day = e.ExtraParams["dayId"]; string emp = e.ExtraParams["EmployeeId"]; string obj = e.ExtraParams["values"]; AttendanceShift b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AttendanceShift>(obj); b.recordId = id; b.dayId = day; b.employeeId = emp; // Define the object to add or edit as null if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { try { //New Mode //Step 1 : Fill The object and insert in the store PostRequest <AttendanceShift> request = new PostRequest <AttendanceShift>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <AttendanceShift> r = _selfServiceService.ChildAddOrUpdate <AttendanceShift>(request); b.recordId = r.recordId; //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { //Add this record to the store this.attendanceShiftStore.Insert(0, b); //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc }); this.EditShiftWindow.Close(); RowSelectionModel sm = this.GridPanel1.GetSelectionModel() as RowSelectionModel; sm.DeselectAll(); sm.Select(b.recordId.ToString()); Store1.Reload(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } } else { //Update Mode try { int index = Convert.ToInt32(id);//getting the id of the record PostRequest <AttendanceShift> request = new PostRequest <AttendanceShift>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <AttendanceShift> r = _selfServiceService.ChildAddOrUpdate <AttendanceShift>(request); //Step 1 Selecting the object or building up the object for update purpose //Step 2 : saving to store //Step 3 : Check if request fails if (!r.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r);; return; } else { ModelProxy record = this.attendanceShiftStore.GetById(index); EditShiftForm.UpdateRecord(record); record.Commit(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc }); this.EditShiftWindow.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } Store1.Reload(); } }