protected override void LoadProject()
            _projectLoaded = true;

            //Read Step5 Project into a Byte-Array
            Stream fsProject = _ziphelper.GetReadStream(_projectfilename);

            s5ProjectByteArray = new byte[_ziphelper.GetStreamLength(_projectfilename, fsProject)];
            fsProject.Read(s5ProjectByteArray, 0, s5ProjectByteArray.Length);

            //Read the Project Name
            ProjectName = System.Text.Encoding.UTF7.GetString(s5ProjectByteArray, 0x08, 8);

            //Read the Project Size
            Size = s5ProjectByteArray[0x14] + s5ProjectByteArray[0x15] * 0x100;

            //Create the main Project Folder
            ProjectStructure = new Step5ProgrammFolder()
                Project = this, Name = this.ToString()

            //int startpos = s5ProjectByteArray[0x12] * 0x80;

            int anz_sections = s5ProjectByteArray[0x16];

            List <int> sections_lst = new List <int>();

            for (int j = 0; j < anz_sections; j++)
                int pos = 0x44 + j * 19;
                sections_lst.Add(s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 15] + s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 16] * 0x100);

            Step5BlocksFolder blkFld = new Step5BlocksFolder()
                Name = "Blocks", Project = this, Parent = ProjectStructure

            BlocksFolder = blkFld;

            //int section_start = startpos;

            int n = 0;

            List <int> ByteAddressOFExistingBlocks = new List <int>();

            foreach (int secpos in sections_lst)
                int section_start = secpos * 0x80;
                /* The len for a Section is not always calculated right, so if the Section does not begin with the filename add 0x80 until it works */
                /* But I don't know why it's wrong */

                 * while (System.Text.Encoding.UTF7.GetString(s5ProjectByteArray, section_start, 8) != ProjectName)
                 * {
                 *  section_start += 0x80;
                 *  if (section_start>=s5ProjectByteArray.Length)
                 *      break;
                 * }

                if (section_start >= s5ProjectByteArray.Length)

                //if (section_start == 0x1580)  //only for debbuging
                //    section_start = section_start;

                //Don't know what this Byte means, maybe it describes wich Blocks are in the Section?
                int section_header_type = s5ProjectByteArray[section_start + 8];

                int akanz  = 0;
                int anzbst = s5ProjectByteArray[section_start + 22];

                List <byte[]> bstHeaders = new List <byte[]>();
                for (int j = 0; j < anzbst; j++)
                    byte[] tmp = new byte[15];
                    Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, section_start + 68 + j * 15, tmp, 0, 15);

                //int section_size = ((s5ProjectByteArray[section_start + 21] * 0x100) + s5ProjectByteArray[section_start + 20]) * 0x80;

                //if (section_size == 0)   //only for debbuging
                //    section_size = section_size;

                 * int section_header_size = anzbst * 15 + 68;
                 * section_header_size = (section_header_size / 0x80) * 0x80;
                 * if ((anzbst * 15 + 68) % 0x80 != 0)
                 *  section_header_size += 0x80;

                //Don't know wich Information is in the Section Header!
                int section_header_size = s5ProjectByteArray[section_start + 18] * 0x80;

                //Read the Block normaly (using the Section-Headers)
                    //for (int n = blkstart + blkheadersize; n < blkstart + blksize /* s5ProjectByteArray.Length - 2 */; n++)
                    n = section_start + section_header_size;
                    //while (s5ProjectByteArray[n] == 0x00 && s5ProjectByteArray[n + 1] == 0x00)
                    //    n += 0x80;

                    while (akanz < anzbst && n + 1 < s5ProjectByteArray.Length)
                    //n < section_start + section_size)
                        int len = 0;

                        var tmp = AddBlockInfo(s5ProjectByteArray, ref n, blkFld,
                                               bstHeaders[akanz - 1]);
                        if (tmp != null)

                         * if (s5ProjectByteArray[n] == 0x70 && s5ProjectByteArray[n + 1] == 0x70) //Step5 Block
                         * // && s5ProjectByteArray[n - 1] == 0x00)
                         * {
                         *  len = (s5ProjectByteArray[n + 8] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[n + 9]) * 2;
                         *  Step5ProjectBlockInfo tmpBlk = new Step5ProjectBlockInfo();
                         *  //S5Block tmpBlk = new S5Block();
                         *  //if (((IList<int>)Enum.GetValues(typeof(PLCBlockType))).Contains((s5ProjectByteArray[n + 2] | 0xf00))) //only for debbuging
                         *  tmpBlk.BlockType = (PLCBlockType)(s5ProjectByteArray[n + 2] | 0xf00);
                         *  //else
                         *  //    tt_nr = tt_nr;
                         *  tmpBlk.BlockNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[n + 3];
                         *  tmpBlk._blkHeaderByte = bstHeaders[akanz - 1];
                         *  //byte n+4 -> kennungen für das programiergerät
                         *  //byte n+5,6,7 -> bib nummer
                         *  byte[] code = new byte[len];
                         *  Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, n, code, 0, len);
                         *  tmpBlk._blkByte = code;
                         *  tmpBlk.ParentFolder = blkFld;
                         *  blkFld.step5BlocksinfoList.Add(tmpBlk);
                         *  //string aa = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetString(code);
                         * }
                         * else if (s5ProjectByteArray[n] == 0x06) //DB - Vorkopf
                         * {
                         *  len = (s5ProjectByteArray[n + 4] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[n + 5]) * 2;
                         *  Step5ProjectBlockInfo tmpBlk = new Step5ProjectBlockInfo();
                         *  //S5Block tmpBlk = new S5Block();
                         *  tmpBlk.BlockType = PLCBlockType.S5_DV;
                         *  tmpBlk.BlockNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[n + 1];
                         *  byte[] code = new byte[len];
                         *  Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, n, code, 0, len);
                         *  tmpBlk._blkByte = code;
                         *  tmpBlk.ParentFolder = blkFld;
                         *  blkFld.step5BlocksinfoList.Add(tmpBlk);
                         * }
                         * else if (s5ProjectByteArray[n] == 0x11) //DX - Vorkopf
                         * {
                         *  len = (s5ProjectByteArray[n + 4] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[n + 5]) * 2;
                         *  Step5ProjectBlockInfo tmpBlk = new Step5ProjectBlockInfo();
                         *  //S5Block tmpBlk = new S5Block();
                         *  tmpBlk.BlockType = PLCBlockType.S5_DVX;
                         *  tmpBlk.BlockNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[n + 1];
                         *  byte[] code = new byte[len];
                         *  Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, n, code, 0, len);
                         *  tmpBlk._blkByte = code;
                         *  tmpBlk.ParentFolder = blkFld;
                         *  blkFld.step5BlocksinfoList.Add(tmpBlk);
                         * }
                         * else if (s5ProjectByteArray[n] == 0x0D) //FB - Vorkopf
                         * {
                         *  len = (s5ProjectByteArray[n + 4] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[n + 5]) * 2;
                         *  Step5ProjectBlockInfo tmpBlk = new Step5ProjectBlockInfo();
                         *  //S5Block tmpBlk = new S5Block();
                         *  tmpBlk.BlockType = PLCBlockType.S5_FV;
                         *  tmpBlk.BlockNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[n + 1];
                         *  byte[] code = new byte[len];
                         *  Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, n, code, 0, len);
                         *  tmpBlk._blkByte = code;
                         *  tmpBlk.ParentFolder = blkFld;
                         *  blkFld.step5BlocksinfoList.Add(tmpBlk);
                         * }
                         * else if (s5ProjectByteArray[n] == 0x0A) //FX - Vorkopf
                         * {
                         *  len = (s5ProjectByteArray[n + 4] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[n + 5]) * 2;
                         *  Step5ProjectBlockInfo tmpBlk = new Step5ProjectBlockInfo();
                         *  //S5Block tmpBlk = new S5Block();
                         *  tmpBlk.BlockType = PLCBlockType.S5_FVX;
                         *  tmpBlk.BlockNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[n + 1];
                         *  byte[] code = new byte[len];
                         *  Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, n, code, 0, len);
                         *  tmpBlk._blkByte = code;
                         *  tmpBlk.ParentFolder = blkFld;
                         *  blkFld.step5BlocksinfoList.Add(tmpBlk);
                         * }
                         * else
                         * {
                         *  //Here are the $ Blocks woch are not yet implemented!
                         *  //akanz--;
                         *  len = 0x80;
                         * }
                         * n += (len / 0x80) * 0x80;
                         * if (len % 0x80 != 0)
                         *  n += 0x80;
                section_start = n;
                //section_start += section_size;

            if (_showDeleted)
                //Read also the deleted Blocks, that means, don't use the Section Headers ...
                int akpos = s5ProjectByteArray[0x12] * 0x80;

                while (akpos <= s5ProjectByteArray.Length - 0x80)
                    while (!IsCurrentPosABlockStart(s5ProjectByteArray, akpos) &&
                           akpos <= s5ProjectByteArray.Length - 0x80)
                        akpos += 0x80;

                    if (akpos <= s5ProjectByteArray.Length - 0x80)
                        bool blkExists = ByteAddressOFExistingBlocks.Contains(akpos);
                        var  tmp       = AddBlockInfo(s5ProjectByteArray, ref akpos, blkFld, null);
                        if (!blkExists)
                            tmp.Deleted = true;

            if (_projectfilename.ToLower().Contains("st.s5d") && _ziphelper.FileExists(_projectfilename.ToLower().Replace("st.s5d", "z0.seq")))
                Stream symTabStream = _ziphelper.GetReadStream(_projectfilename.ToLower().Replace("st.s5d", "z0.seq"));

                SymbolTable symtab = new SymbolTable();
                symtab.Parent  = ProjectStructure;
                symtab.Project = this;

            var refFld = new ReferenceData((Step5ProgrammFolder)ProjectStructure, this);

            ProjectStructure.SubItems.Add(refFld); // { Parent = ProjectStructure, Project = this });
Exemple #2
        private static List <FunctionBlockRow> GetMC5Rows(byte[] code, int codestart, List <S5Parameter> parameters, Step5BlocksFolder blkFld, S5FunctionBlock block)
            List <FunctionBlockRow> retVal = new List <FunctionBlockRow>();
            int codepos = codestart;

            retVal.Add(new S5FunctionBlockRow()
                Command = "BLD", Parameter = "255", Parent = block
            });                                                                                          //Command for first Network does not exist!
                                                                                                         //This needs to be removen when written back to S5D!

            while (codepos < code.Length)
                byte mc = code[codepos];

                // finde Befehle in der Symbol Tabelle
                int index = find_mc5_code(code, codepos);

                S5FunctionBlockRow newRow = new S5FunctionBlockRow()
                    Parent = block

                if (index >= 0)
                    newRow.MC5LIB_SYMTAB_Row = (object[])sym[index];

                    bool fb = false;
                    newRow.Command = (string)((object[])sym[index])[operation];

                    string oper = (string)((object[])sym[index])[operand];

                    if (oper == "PAR")
                        int paridx = find_mc5_param(code, codepos, index);

                        if (parameters != null && parameters.Count > paridx - 1)
                            newRow.Parameter = "=" + parameters[paridx - 1].Name;
                            newRow.Parameter = "$$error$$ -> invalid Parameter, idx:" + (paridx - 1);

                        if (oper != null)
                            newRow.Parameter = oper;

                        fb = IsCall(newRow);    //false;

                        /*if ((newRow.Command=="SPA" && newRow.Parameter=="FB") ||
                         *  (newRow.Command=="SPB" && newRow.Parameter=="FB") ||
                         *  (newRow.Command=="BA" && newRow.Parameter=="FX") ||
                         *  (newRow.Command=="BAB" && newRow.Parameter=="FX"))
                         * {
                         *  fb = true;
                         * }*/

                        int par = find_mc5_param(code, codepos, index);

                        switch ((string)((object[])sym[index])[printpar])
                        case null:

                        case "PrintNummer":
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newRow.Parameter))
                                newRow.Parameter += " ";
                            Int16 wrt = (Int16)par;
                            if (wrt >= 0 && newRow.Parameter == "KF ")
                                newRow.Parameter += " +";
                            newRow.Parameter += wrt.ToString();

                        case "PrintKY":
                            newRow.Parameter += BitConverter.GetBytes(par)[1].ToString() + "," +

                        case "PrintChar":
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newRow.Parameter))
                                newRow.Parameter += " ";
                            newRow.Parameter += ((char)(BitConverter.GetBytes((Int16)par)[0])).ToString() + ((char)(BitConverter.GetBytes((Int16)par)[1]));

                        case "PrintHEX4":
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newRow.Parameter))
                                newRow.Parameter += " ";
                            newRow.Parameter += par.ToString("X").PadLeft(4, '0');

                        case "PrintGleitpunkt":
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newRow.Parameter))
                                newRow.Parameter += " ";
                            newRow.Parameter += "gleit";

                        case "PrintHEX8":
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newRow.Parameter))
                                newRow.Parameter += " ";
                            newRow.Parameter += par.ToString("X").PadLeft(4, '0');

                        case "PrintMerkerBit":
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newRow.Parameter))
                                newRow.Parameter += " ";
                            newRow.Parameter += (par & 0x00FF).ToString() + "." + (par >> 8).ToString();

                        case "PrintSMerkerBit":
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newRow.Parameter))
                                newRow.Parameter += " ";
                            newRow.Parameter += (par & 0x0FFF).ToString() + "." + (par >> 12).ToString();

                    int _parlen  = (int)((object[])sym[index])[parlen];
                    int _codelen = (int)((object[])sym[index])[codelen];

                    int btSize = (_codelen + _parlen) / 8;

                    codepos += btSize; // Schleifenzähler

                    if (fb)
                        index = find_mc5_code(code, codepos);
                        if (index < 0 || (string)((object[])sym[index])[operation] != "SPA=")
                            newRow.Command = "Error reading Jump after FB/FX Call!";
                        int spa = find_mc5_param(code, codepos, index);

                        newRow.ExtParameter = new List <S5Parameter>();

                        //newRow.ExtParameter = new List<string>();

                        byte[] calledfb = blkFld.GetBlockInByte(/* "S5_" + */ newRow.Parameter.Replace(" ", ""));
                        if (calledfb != null)
                            S5Parameter newPar = new S5Parameter();

                            string fbNM = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetString(calledfb, 12, 8);
                            //newRow.ExtParameter.Add("Name :" + fbNM);

                            newPar.Name  = "Name :";
                            newPar.Value = fbNM;

                            List <S5Parameter> par = GetParameters(calledfb);
                            int j = 0;

                            foreach (var s5Parameter in par)
                                newPar = new S5Parameter();

                                string akOper = "";

                                int pos = codepos + j * 2;

                                switch (s5Parameter.S5ParameterType)
                                case S5ParameterType.A:
                                case S5ParameterType.E:
                                    int ber = code[pos];
                                    switch (s5Parameter.S5ParameterFormat)
                                    case S5ParameterFormat.BI:
                                        switch (ber & 0xf0)
                                        case 0x80:
                                            akOper += "M";
                                        akOper += code[pos + 1].ToString();
                                        akOper += "." + (code[pos] & 0x0f).ToString();

                                    case S5ParameterFormat.BY:
                                        switch (ber)
                                        case 0x0a:
                                            akOper += "MB";

                                        case 0x2a:
                                            akOper += "DR";

                                        case 0x22:
                                            akOper += "DL";

                                            akOper += "";
                                        akOper += code[pos + 1].ToString();

                                    case S5ParameterFormat.W:
                                        switch (ber)
                                        case 0x12:
                                            akOper += "MW";

                                        case 0x32:
                                            akOper += "DW";

                                        akOper += code[pos + 1].ToString();

                                    case S5ParameterFormat.D:

                                case S5ParameterType.D:
                                    int wrt = code[pos] * 0x100 + code[pos + 1];
                                    akOper += s5Parameter.S5ParameterFormat.ToString() + " ";
                                    switch (s5Parameter.S5ParameterFormat)
                                    case S5ParameterFormat.KF:
                                        if (((Int16)wrt) > 0)
                                            akOper += "+";
                                        akOper += ((Int16)wrt).ToString();

                                    case S5ParameterFormat.KT:
                                        //code[pos + 1]
                                        // Bit      4-7       0-3    4-7   0-3
                                        //Format: Zeitbasis, 100er, 10er, 1er
                                        akOper += wrt.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + ".0";

                                    case S5ParameterFormat.KC:
                                        akOper += (char)code[pos] + (char)code[pos + 1];

                                    case S5ParameterFormat.KM:
                                        akOper += libnodave.dec2bin(code[pos]) + " ";
                                        akOper += libnodave.dec2bin(code[pos + 1]);

                                    case S5ParameterFormat.KY:
                                        akOper += code[pos].ToString() + "," + code[pos + 1].ToString();

                                        akOper += ((Int16)wrt).ToString("X").PadLeft(4, '0');

                                case S5ParameterType.B:
                                    int bst = code[pos];
                                    switch (bst)
                                    case 0x20:
                                        akOper += "DB";
                                    akOper += code[pos + 1].ToString();


                                case S5ParameterType.T:
                                    //int abst = code[pos];
                                    akOper += "T " + code[pos + 1].ToString();

                                case S5ParameterType.Z:
                                    akOper += "Z " + code[pos + 1].ToString();
                                newPar.Name  = s5Parameter.Name;
                                newPar.Value = akOper;
                                //newRow.ExtParameter.Add(s5Parameter.Name.PadRight(5, ' ') + ":  " + akOper);
                            for (int j = 1; j < spa; j++)
                                int myPar = (code[codepos + j * 2] << 8) | code[codepos + j * 2 + 1];
                                S5Parameter newPar = new S5Parameter();
                                newPar.Name = myPar.ToString();

                        btSize += spa * 2;

                        codepos += spa * 2;
                        fb       = false;

                    byte[] MC5 = new byte[btSize];

                    Array.Copy(code, codepos - btSize, MC5, 0, btSize);

                    newRow.MC5 = MC5;
                    newRow.Command = "Error converting command!";
                    codepos       += 2;
                    //throw new Exception("Code nicht in Symtab!");

            #region Build the Jumpsmarks....
            int JumpCount = 1;
            int akBytePos = 0;
            Dictionary <int, S5FunctionBlockRow> ByteAdressNumerPLCFunctionBlocks = new Dictionary <int, S5FunctionBlockRow>();
            foreach (S5FunctionBlockRow tmp in retVal)
                if (tmp.ByteSize > 0)
                    ByteAdressNumerPLCFunctionBlocks.Add(akBytePos, tmp);
                    akBytePos += tmp.ByteSize;

            akBytePos = 0;
            foreach (S5FunctionBlockRow tmp in retVal)
                if (tmp.Command == "SPA=" || tmp.Command == "SPB=" || tmp.Command == "SPZ=" || tmp.Command == "SPN=" || tmp.Command == "SPP=" || tmp.Command == "SPM=" || tmp.Command == "SPO=")
                    int jmpBytePos = 0;

                    byte[] backup = tmp.MC5;

                    tmp.Command = tmp.Command.Substring(0, tmp.Command.Length - 1);

                    tmp.JumpWidth = (SByte)Convert.ToInt32(tmp.Parameter);

                    jmpBytePos = akBytePos + (tmp.JumpWidth * 2);

                    if (ByteAdressNumerPLCFunctionBlocks.ContainsKey(jmpBytePos))
                        var target = ByteAdressNumerPLCFunctionBlocks[jmpBytePos];
                        if (target.Label.Trim() == "")
                            target.Label = "M" + JumpCount.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');

                        //Backup the MC7 Code, because the MC7 Code is always deleted when the command or parameter changes!

                        tmp.Parameter = "=" + target.Label;
                        tmp.MC5       = backup;
                        tmp.Parameter = "Error! JumpWidth :" + tmp.JumpWidth;
                        tmp.MC5       = backup;
                akBytePos += tmp.ByteSize;

        private S5ProjectBlockInfo AddBlockInfo(byte[] s5ProjectByteArray, ref int pos, Step5BlocksFolder blkFld, byte[] header)
            int len = 0;
            S5ProjectBlockInfo tmpBlk = new S5ProjectBlockInfo();

            tmpBlk._blkHeaderByte = header;

            if (s5ProjectByteArray[pos] == 0x70 && s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 1] == 0x70) //Step5 Block
            // && s5ProjectByteArray[n - 1] == 0x00)
                len = (s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 8] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 9]) * 2;

                tmpBlk.BlockType = (PLCBlockType)(s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 2] | 0xf00);

                tmpBlk.BlockNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 3];

                //byte n+4 -> kennungen für das programiergerät
                //byte n+5,6,7 -> bib nummer

                byte[] code = new byte[len];
                Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, pos, code, 0, len);
                tmpBlk._blkByte     = code;
                tmpBlk.ParentFolder = blkFld;

                //string aa = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetString(code);
            else if (s5ProjectByteArray[pos] == 0x06) //DB - Vorkopf
                len = (s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 4] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 5]) * 2;

                tmpBlk.BlockType = PLCBlockType.S5_DV;

                tmpBlk.BlockNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 1];

                byte[] code = new byte[len];
                Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, pos, code, 0, len);
                tmpBlk._blkByte     = code;
                tmpBlk.ParentFolder = blkFld;

            else if (s5ProjectByteArray[pos] == 0x11) //DX - Vorkopf
                len = (s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 4] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 5]) * 2;

                tmpBlk.BlockType = PLCBlockType.S5_DVX;

                tmpBlk.BlockNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 1];

                byte[] code = new byte[len];
                Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, pos, code, 0, len);
                tmpBlk._blkByte     = code;
                tmpBlk.ParentFolder = blkFld;

            else if (s5ProjectByteArray[pos] == 0x0D) //FB - Vorkopf
                len = (s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 4] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 5]) * 2;

                tmpBlk.BlockType = PLCBlockType.S5_FV;

                tmpBlk.BlockNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 1];

                byte[] code = new byte[len];
                Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, pos, code, 0, len);
                tmpBlk._blkByte     = code;
                tmpBlk.ParentFolder = blkFld;

            else if (s5ProjectByteArray[pos] == 0x0A) //FX - Vorkopf
                len = (s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 4] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 5]) * 2;

                tmpBlk.BlockType = PLCBlockType.S5_FVX;

                tmpBlk.BlockNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 1];

                byte[] code = new byte[len];
                Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, pos, code, 0, len);
                tmpBlk._blkByte     = code;
                tmpBlk.ParentFolder = blkFld;

                //Here are the $ Blocks woch are not yet implemented!
                len    = 0x80;
                tmpBlk = null;

            if (len == 0)
                len = 0x80;

            pos += (len / 0x80) * 0x80;
            if (len % 0x80 != 0)
                pos += 0x80;

Exemple #4
        private S5ProjectBlockInfo AddBlockInfo(byte[] s5ProjectByteArray, ref int pos, Step5BlocksFolder blkFld, byte[] header)
            int len = 0;
            S5ProjectBlockInfo tmpBlk = new S5ProjectBlockInfo();

            tmpBlk._blkHeaderByte = header;

            if (s5ProjectByteArray[pos] == 0x70 && s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 1] == 0x70) //Step5 Block
            // && s5ProjectByteArray[n - 1] == 0x00)
                len = (s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 8] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 9]) * 2;

                tmpBlk.BlockType = (PLCBlockType)(s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 2] | 0xf00);

                tmpBlk.BlockNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 3];

                var bits = s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 4];     //siehe:

                tmpBlk.Assembler = (bits & 0b00001000) > 0; // -> Assembler
                var bibNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 5] * 0x10000 + s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 6] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 7];

                //Console.WriteLine(tmpBlk.BlockType.ToString() + " - " + tmpBlk.BlockNumber + " - " + bibNumber);
                //byte n+4 -> kennungen für das programiergerät
                //byte n+5,6,7 -> bib nummer

                byte[] code = new byte[len];
                Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, pos, code, 0, len);
                tmpBlk._blkByte     = code;
                tmpBlk.ParentFolder = blkFld;

                //string aa = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetString(code);
            else if (s5ProjectByteArray[pos] == 0x06) //DB - Vorkopf
                len = (s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 4] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 5]) * 2;

                tmpBlk.BlockType = PLCBlockType.S5_DV;

                tmpBlk.BlockNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 1];

                byte[] code = new byte[len];
                Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, pos, code, 0, len);
                tmpBlk._blkByte     = code;
                tmpBlk.ParentFolder = blkFld;

            else if (s5ProjectByteArray[pos] == 0x11) //DX - Vorkopf
                len = (s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 4] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 5]) * 2;

                tmpBlk.BlockType = PLCBlockType.S5_DVX;

                tmpBlk.BlockNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 1];

                byte[] code = new byte[len];
                Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, pos, code, 0, len);
                tmpBlk._blkByte     = code;
                tmpBlk.ParentFolder = blkFld;

            else if (s5ProjectByteArray[pos] == 0x0D) //FB - Vorkopf
                len = (s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 4] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 5]) * 2;

                tmpBlk.BlockType = PLCBlockType.S5_FV;

                tmpBlk.BlockNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 1];

                byte[] code = new byte[len];
                Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, pos, code, 0, len);
                tmpBlk._blkByte     = code;
                tmpBlk.ParentFolder = blkFld;

            else if (s5ProjectByteArray[pos] == 0x0A) //FX - Vorkopf
                len = (s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 4] * 0x100 + s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 5]) * 2;

                tmpBlk.BlockType = PLCBlockType.S5_FVX;

                tmpBlk.BlockNumber = s5ProjectByteArray[pos + 1];

                byte[] code = new byte[len];
                Array.Copy(s5ProjectByteArray, pos, code, 0, len);
                tmpBlk._blkByte     = code;
                tmpBlk.ParentFolder = blkFld;

            else if (s5ProjectByteArray[pos] == 0x6E) //?????
                len    = 0x80;
                tmpBlk = null;
                //Here are the $ Blocks woch are not yet implemented!
                len    = 0x80;
                tmpBlk = null;

            if (len == 0)
                len = 0x80;

            pos += (len / 0x80) * 0x80;
            if (len % 0x80 != 0)
                pos += 0x80;
