protected void Dispose(bool _disposing) { if (mDisposed) { return; } mDisposed = true; UpdateObj.UnRegToOwner(); UpdateObj = null; mThreadRuning = false; if (mSendThread != null) { mSendThread.Join(); } mSendThread = null; CloseHttpClient(); mDelgate = null; RecBuffer = null; mSending = false; }
// c'tor public TextLineEditor(AABB2D location, string original, string iconName = null) { TextLineEditor.Instance = this; shared = new Shared(this); shared.location = location; // Set the hit box for the text area. shared.textAreaHitBox.Set(shared.location); // Create the RenderObject and UpdateObject parts of this mode. updateObj = new UpdateObj(this, shared); renderObj = new RenderObj(shared); shared.blob = new TextBlob(renderObj.Font, (null != original) ? original : "", shared.textWidth); shared.blob.Justification = UIGridElement.Justification.Left; shared.blob.End(); shared.topLine = 0; shared.textOffset = 0; shared.iconName = iconName; // We use the updateObj for this deserialization since the text callbacks // belong to it. Otherwise nothing will ever hook up right. //commandMap = CommandMap.Deserialize(updateObj, @"TextEditor.Xml"); } // end of TextEditor c'tor
// c'tor public TitleScreen() { shared = new Shared(); renderObj = new RenderObj(ref shared); updateObj = new UpdateObj(ref shared); } // end of TitleScreen c'tor
// c'tor public VideoOutput() { VideoOutput.Instance = this; shared = new Shared(this); // Create the RenderObject and UpdateObject parts of this mode. updateObj = new UpdateObj(this, shared); renderObj = new RenderObj(this, shared); } // end of VideoOutput c'tor
public Fireball(Classification.Colors color) { updateObj = new UpdateObj(this); classification = new Classification("fireball", color, Classification.Shapes.Ball, Classification.Tastes.NotApplicable, Classification.Smells.Stinky, Classification.Physicalities.NotApplicable); } // end of Fireball c'tor
// c'tor public HelpScreens() { HelpScreens.Instance = this; shared = new Shared(this); // Create the RenderObject and UpdateObject parts of this mode. updateObj = new UpdateObj(this, shared); renderObj = new RenderObj(shared); } // end of HelpScreens c'tor
// c'tor public AddItemHelpCard() { AddItemHelpCard.Instance = this; shared = new Shared(this); // Create the RenderObject and UpdateObject parts of this mode. updateObj = new UpdateObj(this, shared); renderObj = new RenderObj(shared); } // end of AddItemHelpCard c'tor
// c'tor public MessageBox(String message, Color color) { MessageBox.Instance = this; shared = new Shared(this, message, color); // Create the RenderObject and UpdateObject parts of this mode. updateObj = new UpdateObj(this, shared); renderObj = new RenderObj(shared); Init(); } // end of MessageBox c'tor
public LightColumn(GraphicsDevice device, Vector2 position, Vector4 color) { shared = new Shared(); shared.Position = new Vector3(position.X, position.Y, 0.0f); // Z is set during update to match terrain. renderObj = new RenderObj(device, ref shared, color); updateObj = new UpdateObj(ref shared); } // end of LightColumn c'tor
public NotPieSelector(Object parent, string uiMode) : base() { this.parentSelector = parent as UiSelector; this.parent = parent; SelectWater = uiMode.Contains("waters"); SetWater = uiMode.Contains("setwater"); this.updateObj = new UpdateObj(this); this.renderObj = new RenderObj(this); }
// c'tor public OldLoadLevelMenu() { OldLoadLevelMenu.Instance = this; shared = new Shared(this); // Create the RenderObject and UpdateObject parts of this mode. updateObj = new UpdateObj(this, shared); renderObj = new RenderObj(shared); Init(); } // end of LoadLevelMenu c'tor
List <GameObject> childList = null; // List of children, must be of type GameObject // c'tor public UIShim(AddChildren addChildren, out UiSelector uiSelector, bool ignorePaths) { shared = new Shared(); renderObj = new RenderObj(ref shared); InGame.inGame.SetUIShim(renderObj); updateObj = new UpdateObj(ref shared); childList = new List <GameObject>(); this.ignorePaths = ignorePaths; addChildren(childList, out uiSelector, ignorePaths); } // end of UIShim c'tor
public void SendAsync() { if (mSending) { return; } mSending = true; mThreadRuning = true; UpdateObj.RegToOwner(); mSendThread = new Thread(SendRequest); mSendThread.IsBackground = true; mSendThread.Start(); }
// c'tor public TitleScreenMode() { // Create the RenderObject and UpdateObject parts of this mode. shared = new Shared(); updateObj = new UpdateObj(this, ref shared); renderObj = new RenderObj(this, ref shared); logonDialog.OnButtonPressed += OnTextDialogButton; logonDialog.UserText = Auth.CreatorName; logonDialog.Prompt = Strings.Localize("textDialog.logonPrompt"); logonDialog.SetButtonText(TextDialog.TextDialogButtons.Accept, Strings.Localize("textDialog.continue")); Init(); } // end of TitleScreenMode c'tor
// c'tor public TextDialog(Color color, TextDialogButtons buttons) { this.buttons = buttons; // Create sub objects shared = new Shared(this); // Create the RenderObject and UpdateObject parts of this mode. updateObj = new UpdateObj(this, shared); renderObj = new RenderObj(shared); // Set default button labels SetButtonText(TextDialogButtons.Accept, Strings.Localize("textDialog.accept")); SetButtonText(TextDialogButtons.Cancel, Strings.Localize("textDialog.cancel")); SetButtonText(TextDialogButtons.Discard, Strings.Localize("textDialog.discard")); } // end of TextDialog c'tor
public ShareHub() { ShareHub.Instance = this; shared = new Shared(this); // Create the RenderObject and UpdateObject parts of this mode. updateObj = new UpdateObj(this, shared); renderObj = new RenderObj(this, shared); openingSharingRoomMessage = new ModularMessageDialog( Strings.Localize("shareHub.messageOpeningSharingRoom"), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); openingInviteGuideMessage = new ModularMessageDialog( Strings.Localize("shareHub.messageOpeningInviteGuide"), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } // end of MainMenu c'tor
// c'tor public MiniHub() { MiniHub.Instance = this; shared = new Shared(this); // Create the RenderObject and UpdateObject parts of this mode. updateObj = new UpdateObj(this, shared); renderObj = new RenderObj(this, shared); saveLevelDialog.OnButtonPressed += OnSaveLevelDialogButton; // // Set up SaveChangesDialogs // { ModularMessageDialog.ButtonHandler handlerA = delegate(ModularMessageDialog dialog) { // User chose "save" // Deactivate dialog. dialog.Deactivate(); // Activate saveLevelDialog. saveLevelDialog.Activate(); }; ModularMessageDialog.ButtonHandler handlerB = delegate(ModularMessageDialog dialog) { // User chose "back" // Deactivate dialog. dialog.Deactivate(); // Clear the flag since the user backed out. This way if they // try again the save changes message will be displayed again. saveChangesActivated = false; // Reactivate the mini-hub grid. = true; }; ModularMessageDialog.ButtonHandler handlerX = delegate(ModularMessageDialog dialog) { // User chose "discard" // Deactivate self and go wherever we were going... dialog.Deactivate(); // Deactivate mini-hub. //Deactivate(); // We gave the user the opportunity to save changes and he chose // not to so call OnSelect() once more to get them on their way. if (saveChangesActivated) { OnSelect(; saveChangesActivated = false; } }; saveChangesMessage = new ModularMessageDialog( Strings.Localize("textDialog.saveChangesPrompt"), handlerA, Strings.Localize(""), handlerB, Strings.Localize("textDialog.back"), null, null, null, null ); saveChangesWithDiscardMessage = new ModularMessageDialog( Strings.Localize("textDialog.saveChangesPrompt"), handlerA, Strings.Localize(""), handlerB, Strings.Localize("textDialog.back"), handlerX, Strings.Localize("textDialog.discard"), null, null ); } // // Set up ShareSuccessDialog // { ModularMessageDialog.ButtonHandler handlerB = delegate(ModularMessageDialog dialog) { // User chose "back" // Deactivate dialog. dialog.Deactivate(); // Make sure grid is still active. = true; }; shareSuccessMessage = new ModularMessageDialog( Strings.Localize("miniHub.shareSuccessMessage"), null, null, handlerB, Strings.Localize("textDialog.back"), null, null, null, null ); } // // Set up NoCommunityDialog // { ModularMessageDialog.ButtonHandler handlerB = delegate(ModularMessageDialog dialog) { // User chose "back" // Deactivate dialog. dialog.Deactivate(); // Make sure grid is still active. = true; }; noCommunityMessage = new ModularMessageDialog( Strings.Localize("miniHub.noCommunityMessage"), null, null, handlerB, Strings.Localize("textDialog.back"), null, null, null, null ); } // // Set up NewWorld dialog. // NewWorldDialog.OnAction OnSelectWorld = delegate(string level) { // Deactivate main menu and go into editor with empty level. string levelFilename = Path.Combine(BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath, BokuGame.BuiltInWorldsPath, level + ".Xml"); if (BokuGame.bokuGame.inGame.LoadLevelAndRun(levelFilename, keepPersistentScores: false, newWorld: true, andRun: false)) { Deactivate(); InGame.inGame.Activate(); InGame.inGame.CurrentUpdateMode = InGame.UpdateMode.ToolMenu; } else { = true; } }; NewWorldDialog.OnAction OnCancel = delegate(string level) { = true; }; newWorldDialog = new NewWorldDialog(OnSelectWorld, OnCancel); } // end of MiniHub c'tor
// c'tor public MainMenu() { MainMenu.Instance = this; shared = new Shared(this); // Create the RenderObject and UpdateObject parts of this mode. updateObj = new UpdateObj(this, shared); renderObj = new RenderObj(this, shared); NewWorldDialog.OnAction OnSelectWorld = delegate(string level) { // Deactivate main menu and go into editor with empty level. string levelFilename = Path.Combine(BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath, BokuGame.BuiltInWorldsPath, level + ".Xml"); if (BokuGame.bokuGame.inGame.LoadLevelAndRun(levelFilename, keepPersistentScores: false, newWorld: true, andRun: false)) { Deactivate(); InGame.inGame.Activate(); InGame.inGame.CurrentUpdateMode = InGame.UpdateMode.ToolMenu; } else { = true; } }; NewWorldDialog.OnAction OnCancel = delegate(string level) { = true; }; newWorldDialog = new NewWorldDialog(OnSelectWorld, OnCancel); // Set up the NoCommunity, NoSharing and PrevCrash dialogs. ModularMessageDialog.ButtonHandler handlerA = delegate(ModularMessageDialog dialog) { // User chose "resume" // Deactivate dialog. dialog.Deactivate(); if (InGame.CurrentWorldId == Guid.Empty) { if (InGame.UnDoStack.Resume()) { // Deactivate MainMenu. Deactivate(); } else { //Debug.Assert(false, "Resume should not be enabled unless there is something to resume from"); // We had some error in trying to resume. So, remove the resume // option from the menu and soldier on."mainMenu.resume")); = true; XmlOptionsData.LastAutoSave = -1; } } else { // Deactivate MainMenu. Deactivate(); // Just reactivate the existing game. BokuGame.bokuGame.inGame.Activate(); } }; ModularMessageDialog.ButtonHandler handlerB = delegate(ModularMessageDialog dialog) { // User chose "back" // Deactivate dialog. dialog.Deactivate(); // Only needed for corruptStorageMessage but shouldn't hurt for all. }; ModularMessageDialog.ButtonHandler handlerX = delegate(ModularMessageDialog dialog) { // User chose to quit Kodu // Deactivate dialog. dialog.Deactivate(); // Wave bye, bye. #if NETFX_CORE Windows.UI.Xaml.Application.Current.Exit(); #else BokuGame.bokuGame.Exit(); #endif exitingKodu = true; }; noCommunityMessage = new ModularMessageDialog(Strings.Localize("miniHub.noCommunityMessage"), null, null, handlerB, Strings.Localize("textDialog.back"), null, null, null, null ); noSharingMessage = new ModularMessageDialog(Strings.Localize("miniHub.noSharingMessage"), null, null, handlerB, Strings.Localize("textDialog.back"), null, null, null, null ); prevSessionCrashedMessage = new ModularMessageDialog(Strings.Localize("mainMenu.prevSessionCrashedMessage"), handlerA, Strings.Localize("textDialog.resume"), handlerB, Strings.Localize("textDialog.back"), null, null, null, null ); } // end of MainMenu c'tor