public override void Load() { OnLoadProgressed(0); var temp = new SpriteObject(device); OnLoadProgressed(10); this.AddChild((controllerSprite = new SpriteObject(device))); movieController = new MovieController(device, resourceManager, null); controllerSprite.AddChild(movieController); OnLoadProgressed(20); this.AddChild(temp); OnLoadProgressed(30); temp.AddChild((selection = new LineRectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Selection) { RectangleWidth = 180, RectangleHeight = 100, Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(10, 190) })); OnLoadProgressed(50); temp.AddChild((thumbSprite = new SpriteObject(device))); OnLoadProgressed(60); temp.AddChild(new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("leftmenu.png")) { Alpha = 0.5f, Scale = new SharpDX.Vector2(1.2f, 1) }); OnLoadProgressed(80); this.AddChild((movieSprite = new SpriteObject(device))); OnLoadProgressed(90); GotFocused += MoviePanel_GotFocused; Inputed += MoviePanel_Inputed; OnLoadProgressed(100); }
public OpenBrowserDialog(PPDDevice device, PPDFramework.Resource.ResourceManager resourceManager, ISound sound) : base(device) { this.sound = sound; confirm = new EffectObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("tweetconfirm.etd")) { Position = new Vector2(400, 225) }; black = new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Black) { RectangleHeight = 450, RectangleWidth = 800, Alpha = 0.5f }; sprite = new SpriteObject(device); text = new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["NotHaveScoreDownload"], 16, 300, 200, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(240, 120) }; buttons = new Button[2]; for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++) { string str = ""; switch (i) { case 0: str = Utility.Language["OK"]; break; case 1: str = Utility.Language["Cancel"]; break; } buttons[i] = new Button(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path, str) { Position = new Vector2(300 + i * 200, 315) }; buttons[i].Selected = false; this.AddChild(buttons[i]); } buttons[0].Selected = true; this.AddChild(sprite); sprite.AddChild(text); sprite.AddChild(buttons[0]); sprite.AddChild(buttons[1]); this.AddChild(confirm); this.AddChild(black); confirm.PlayType = Effect2D.EffectManager.PlayType.Once; confirm.Play(); confirm.Seek(EffectObject.SeekPosition.End); Inputed += OpenBrowserDialog_Inputed; }
public void AddUser(UserPlayState userPlayState) { var playUserIcon = new PlayUserIcon(device, resourceManager, userPlayState) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(0, ChildrenCount * ItemHeight) }; iconSprite.AddChild(playUserIcon); }
public ReplayListComponent(PPDDevice device, IGameHost gameHost, PPDFramework.Resource.ResourceManager resourceManager, ISound sound) : base(device) { this.gameHost = gameHost; this.resourceManager = resourceManager; this.sound = sound; PictureObject back; waitSprite = new SpriteObject(device) { Hidden = true }; this.AddChild(waitSprite); waitSprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["LoadingReplays"], 20, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(400, 220) }); waitSprite.AddChild(new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Black) { RectangleHeight = 450, RectangleWidth = 800, Alpha = 0.65f }); rectangle = new LineRectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Selection) { Hidden = true, RectangleWidth = 700, RectangleHeight = ItemHeight }; this.AddChild(rectangle); mainSprite = new SpriteObject(device) { Position = new Vector2(50, SpriteY), Clip = new ClipInfo(gameHost) { PositionX = 40, PositionY = ClipY, Width = 750, Height = ClipHeight } }; this.AddChild(mainSprite); this.AddChild(back = new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("dialog_back.png"))); this.AddChild(new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Black) { RectangleHeight = 450, RectangleWidth = 800, Alpha = 0.80f }); back.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["ReplayList"], 30, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(35, 30) }); Inputed += ReplayListComponent_Inputed; GotFocused += ReplayListComponent_GotFocused; }
public BezierDrawer(Control control) : base(PPDExecuteArg.Empty, control) { InitializeDirectX(control.Width, control.Height, control.Width, control.Height, 1); Initialize(); ResourceManager = new ResourceManager(); spriteObject = new SpriteObject(device); spriteObject.AddChild(DrawTarget = new SpriteObject(device)); spriteObject.AddChild(Background = new SpriteObject(device)); spriteObject.AddChild(back = new RectangleComponent(device, ResourceManager, PPDColors.White) { RectangleHeight = control.Height, RectangleWidth = control.Width }); }
void slideSprite_Selected(object sender, EventArgs e) { var slideSprite = sender as SlideSprite; switch (slideSprite.CurrentSelection) { case 0: GameHost.Exit(); break; case 1: GameHost.CancelExit(); break; case 2: currentIndex++; RemoveNext(); var keyButtonSprite = new SlideSprite(device, ResourceManager, Sound) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(800 * currentIndex, 0) }; keyButtonSprite.Selected += keyButtonSprite_Selected; keyButtonSprite.LostFocused += slideSprite_LostFocused; keyButtonSprite.AddSelection(Utility.Language["ChangeCurrentController"]); keyButtonSprite.AddSelection(Utility.Language["ChangeCurrentSetting"]); allSlideSprite.AddChild(keyButtonSprite); focusManager.Focus(keyButtonSprite); break; case 3: currentIndex++; RemoveNext(); var changeVolumeSprite = new ChangeVolumeSprite(device, ResourceManager, myGame, Sound) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(800 * currentIndex, 0) }; changeVolumeSprite.LostFocused += slideSprite_LostFocused; allSlideSprite.AddChild(changeVolumeSprite); focusManager.Focus(changeVolumeSprite); break; case 4: GameHost.GoHome(); break; } }
public override bool Load() { myGame = GameHost as MyGame; this.AddChild((allSlideSprite = new SpriteObject(device))); firstSprite = new SlideSprite(device, ResourceManager, Sound) { FirstSlide = true }; firstSprite.AddSelection(Utility.Language["Exit"]); firstSprite.AddSelection(Utility.Language["Back"]); firstSprite.AddSelection(Utility.Language["KeyAndButtonSetting"]); firstSprite.AddSelection(Utility.Language["VolumeSetting"]); firstSprite.AddSelection(Utility.Language["GoHome"]); allSlideSprite.AddChild(firstSprite); focusManager = new FocusManager(); focusManager.Focus(firstSprite); firstSprite.Selected += slideSprite_Selected; this.MouseRightClick += CloseOverlay_MouseRightClick; this.AddChild(new RectangleComponent(device, ResourceManager, PPDColors.Black) { Alpha = 0.65f, RectangleHeight = 450, RectangleWidth = 800 }); return(true); }
public UserSelectComponent(PPDDevice device, PPDFramework.Resource.ResourceManager resourceManager, ISound sound, ChangableList <User> users) : base(device) { this.resourceManager = resourceManager; this.sound = sound; this.AddChild(back = new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("dialog_back.png"))); back.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["PlayerManager"], 30, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(35, 30) }); back.AddChild(userSprite = new SpriteObject(device) { Position = new Vector2(40, 80) }); this.AddChild(new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Black) { RectangleHeight = 450, RectangleWidth = 800, Alpha = 0.75f }); Inputed += ItemSettingComponent_Inputed; GotFocused += ItemSettingComponent_GotFocused; foreach (var user in users) { if (user.IsSelf) { continue; } userSprite.AddChild(new UserComponent(device, resourceManager, user)); } AdjustPosition(); users.ItemChanged += users_ItemChanged; }
public void AddItem() { if (queue.Count < MaxItemCount) { var r = new Random(); var rand = r.Next(0, itemWeight[itemWeight.Length - 1] + 1); int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < itemWeight.Length; i++) { if (rand <= itemWeight[i]) { index = i; break; } } if (index >= 0) { itemSprite.AddChild(new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("item", String.Format("{0}.png", (ItemType)(index + 1))), true) { Position = new Vector2(11 + queue.Count * 19, 11), Scale = new Vector2(0), Alpha = 0 }); queue.Add((ItemType)(index + 1)); } else { // error Console.WriteLine("Error"); } } }
public override bool Load() { this.AddChild((allSlideSprite = new SpriteObject(device))); LoadLastCreatedRoom(); firstSprite = new SlideSprite(device, ResourceManager, Sound) { FirstSlide = true }; firstSprite.AddSelection(Utility.Language["CreateRoom"]); firstSprite.AddSelection(Utility.Language["EnterRoom"]); firstSprite.AddSelection(Utility.Language["WaitPlayerAsHost"]); firstSprite.AddSelection(Utility.Language["ConnectToHost"]); allSlideSprite.AddChild(firstSprite); focusManager = new FocusManager(); focusManager.Focus(firstSprite); this.AddChild(new PictureObject(device, ResourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("background.png"))); firstSprite.Selected += slideSprite_Selected; return(true); }
public ConfirmControl(PPDDevice device, PPDFramework.Resource.ResourceManager resourceManager) : base(device) { state = State.notappeared; confirm = new EffectObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("confirm.etd")) { Position = new Vector2(400, 225) }; confirm.Finish += confirm_Finish; black = new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Black) { RectangleHeight = 450, RectangleWidth = 800, Alpha = 0 }; sprite = new SpriteObject(device); songname = new TextureString(device, "", 20, 210, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(400, 150) }; difficulty = new TextureString(device, "", 20, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(400, 190) }; this.AddChild(sprite); sprite.AddChild(songname); sprite.AddChild(difficulty); sprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["IsGoingToBePlayed"], 20, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(400, 230) }); sprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["Yes"], 20, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(352, 262) }); sprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["No"], 20, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(466, 262) }); this.AddChild(confirm); this.AddChild(black); }
public override bool Load() { SpriteObject sprite; AddChild(sprite = new SpriteObject(device) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(100, 100), Alpha = 0.5f }); sprite.AddChild(new PictureObject(device, ResourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("confirm.png")) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(100, 100), Alpha = 0.5f }); sprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", 20, 200, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(0, 200) }); return(true); }
private void ChangeResultTableDifficulty() { currentDifficultyRecults.Clear(); sprite.ClearChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++) { if (selectedDifficulty == results[i].Difficulty) { currentDifficultyRecults.Add(results[i]); } } int iter = 0; foreach (PPDFramework.ResultInfo result in currentDifficultyRecults) { var tempSprite = new SpriteObject(device) { Position = new Vector2(0, iter * 19) }; tempSprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, result.Difficulty.ToString(), 12, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(35, 2) }); tempSprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, String.Format("{0:D7}", result.Score), 12, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(105, 2) }); tempSprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, result.ResultEvaluate.ToString(), 12, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(180, 2) }); tempSprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, result.Date.ToShortDateString(), 12, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(270, 2) }); tempSprite.AddChild(new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("playrecord", "recordcontent.png"))); sprite.AddChild(tempSprite); } }
public UserMenuDialog(PPDDevice device, PPDFramework.Resource.ResourceManager resourceManager) : base(device) { this.resourceManager = resourceManager; this.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["Menu"], 14, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(10, 7) }); this.AddChild(textSprite = new SpriteObject(device) { Position = new Vector2(5, 35) }); this.AddChild(selectRectangle = new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.White) { RectangleWidth = 100, RectangleHeight = 22 }); this.AddChild(back = new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("small_dialog_back.png"))); this.AddChild(new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Black) { RectangleWidth = back.Width, RectangleHeight = back.Height, Alpha = 0.75f }); textSprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["ChangeLeader"], 16, 80, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(10, 0) }); textSprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["KickPlayer"], 16, 80, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(10, 25) }); index = 0; ChangeSelect(); Inputed += DifficultyDialog_Inputed; }
public void AddMenu(MenuItem menuItem) { menuSprite.AddChild(menuItem); if (menuSprite.ChildrenCount == 1) { menuItem.Selected = true; } else { menuItem.Selected = false; } menuItem.Position = new Vector2(0, (menuSprite.ChildrenCount - 1) * 22); }
public override void Initialize(CreateMarkFunc createMark, GetScriptAllowedButtonsFunc getScriptAllowedButtons) { base.Initialize(createMark, getScriptAllowedButtons); if (!isMarkCreated) { var markIndex = -1; markIndex = this.IndexOf(mark); this.RemoveChild(mark); mark.Dispose(); mark = new SpriteObject(device) { Scale = Vector2.Zero }; filenames.GetHoldInfo(out PathObject fn, out float x, out float y); mark.AddChild(new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, fn, true) { Position = new Vector2(x, y) }); mark.AddChild(new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, filenames.GetMarkImagePath(ButtonType), true)); this.InsertChild(mark, markIndex); } }
public void ChangeData(Vector2[] positions, float[] angles) { positionSprite.ClearChildren(); angleSprite.ClearChildren(); for (var i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++) { positionSprite.AddChild(new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("assist", "circle.png"), true) { Position = positions[i] }); angleSprite.AddChild(new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("assist", "arrow.png"), true) { Rotation = -angles[i], Position = positions[i] }); var str = $"{i + 1}"; positionSprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, str, FontHeight, PPDColors.Black) { Position = positions[i] - new Vector2(FontHeight * str.Length / 4, FontHeight / 2) }); } }
public void AddSelection(string text) { var textureString = new TextureString(device, text, 18, PPDColors.White) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(400, 0) }; textureString.MouseEnter += textureString_MouseEnter; textureString.MouseLeftClick += textureString_MouseLeftClick; textSprite.AddChild(textureString); modified = true; menuEnabled.Add(true); selectCount++; currentIndex = 0; }
public void CreateOnpu(int num) { var r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { var po = new OnpuObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("lifegage", "onpu", String.Format("{0}.png", r.Next(1, 6))), 5 + i * 3, 12, true); var scale = (float)(r.NextDouble() / 2 + 0.5); po.Scale = new Vector2(scale, scale); var rotation = (float)((r.NextDouble() - 0.5) * Math.PI / 8); po.Rotation = rotation; po.VelX = (float)((r.NextDouble() + 0.5) * 2); onpus.Add(po); onpuSprite.AddChild(po); } }
public static void UpdateButton(LoadScreen __instance, ref SpriteObject ____creditsButton) { if (!BaseHunieModPlugin.newVersionAvailable) { return; } SpriteObject spr = GameUtil.ImageFileToSprite("update.png", "updatesprite"); if (spr != null) { ____creditsButton.SetLightness(0f); ____creditsButton.AddChild(spr); updateSprite = ____creditsButton.GetChildren(true)[____creditsButton.GetChildren().Length - 1] as SpriteObject; updateSprite.SetLocalPosition(-83, 24); updateSprite.SetOwnChildIndex(3); updateSprite.spriteAlpha = 0f; } }
public MenuSelectSong(PPDDevice device, PPDFramework.Resource.ResourceManager resourceManager, Menu menu) : base(device) { = menu; state = State.NotAppeared; pictureobjects = new ArrayList(); mode = new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("modeselect.png")) { Position = new Vector2(-10, 20) }; modeStringLeft = new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["List"], 16, true, PPDColors.Gray) { Position = new Vector2(50, 25) }; modeStringCenter = new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["Score"], 16, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(170, 25) }; modeStringRight = new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["Link"], 16, true, PPDColors.Gray) { Position = new Vector2(290, 25) }; songNameSprite = new SpriteObject(device) { Position = new Vector2(0, ItemsDefaultY) }; songNames = new SongNameComponent[ItemCount]; for (var i = 0; i < songNames.Length; i++) { songNames[i] = new SongNameComponent(device, resourceManager, i == (ItemCount / 2)) { Position = new Vector2(0, (SongNameComponent.ItemHeight + 5) * i + (i > (ItemCount / 2) ? 10 : 0)), ItemAlpha = (float)1 / (Math.Abs(i - (ItemCount / 2)) + 1) }; songNameSprite.AddChild(songNames[i]); } this.AddChild(songNameSprite); this.AddChild(modeStringLeft); this.AddChild(modeStringCenter); this.AddChild(modeStringRight); this.AddChild(mode); }
public override void Load() { OnLoadProgressed(0); this.AddChild((allSlideSprite = new SpriteObject(device))); OnLoadProgressed(10); firstSprite = new SlideSprite(device, resourceManager, sound) { FirstSlide = true }; OnLoadProgressed(40); firstSprite.AddSelection(Utility.Language["KeyAndButtonSetting"]); OnLoadProgressed(60); firstSprite.AddSelection(Utility.Language["AccountSetting"]); firstSprite.AddSelection(Utility.Language["VolumeSetting"]); allSlideSprite.AddChild(firstSprite); OnLoadProgressed(90); firstSprite.Selected += slideSprite_Selected; GotFocused += SettingPanel_GotFocused; OnLoadProgressed(100); }
public ChatComponent(PPDDevice device, PPDFramework.Resource.ResourceManager resourceManager, IGameHost gameHost) : base(device) { this.resourceManager = resourceManager; this.gameHost = gameHost; SpriteObject scrollSprite; this.AddChild((messageSprite = new SpriteObject(device) { Clip = new ClipInfo(gameHost) { PositionX = 450, PositionY = 0, Width = 340, Height = 374 } })); this.AddChild(scrollSprite = new SpriteObject(device) { Position = new Vector2(352, 5) }); scrollSprite.AddChild((scrollBar = new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("chat_scrollbar.png")))); this.AddChild((back = new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("chat_back.png")))); }
public ModSettingPanel(PPDDevice device, IGameHost gameHost, PPDFramework.Resource.ResourceManager resourceManager, ISound sound, ModInfo modInfo) : base(device) { this.gameHost = gameHost; this.sound = sound; this.resourceManager = resourceManager; this.modInfo = modInfo; back = new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("dialog_back.png")); black = new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Black) { RectangleHeight = 450, RectangleWidth = 800, Alpha = 0.65f }; back.AddChild(new TextureString(device, String.Format("{0}-{1}", Utility.Language["ModSetting"], modInfo.FileName), 30, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(35, 30) }); StackObject stackObject; back.AddChild(stackObject = new StackObject(device, new StackObject(device, new SpaceObject(device, 0, 2), new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("circle.png"))) { IsHorizontal = false }, new TextureString(device, String.Format(":{0}", Utility.Language["ChangeSetting"]), 18, PPDColors.White)) { IsHorizontal = true }); stackObject.Update(); stackObject.Position = new Vector2(760 - stackObject.Width, 50); settingSprite = new SpriteObject(device) { Position = new Vector2(50, SpriteY) }; settingSprite.AddChild(settingListSprite = new SpriteObject(device) { Clip = new ClipInfo(gameHost) { PositionX = 40, PositionY = ClipY, Width = 750, Height = ClipHeight } }); float height = 0; foreach (ModSetting modSetting in modInfo.Settings) { var component = new ModSettingComponent(device, resourceManager, modSetting, modSetting.GetStringValue(modInfo.ModSettingManager[modSetting.Key])) { Position = new Vector2(0, height) }; component.Update(); settingListSprite.AddChild(component); height += component.Height + 10; } CurrentComponent.IsSelected = true; settingSprite.AddChild(rectangle = new LineRectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Selection) { RectangleWidth = 700, RectangleHeight = 100 }); this.AddChild(settingSprite); this.AddChild(back); this.AddChild(black); UpdateBorderPosition(true); Inputed += ModSettingPanel_Inputed; }
public StartPanel(PPDDevice device, MyGame myGame, PPDFramework.Resource.ResourceManager resourceManager) : base(device) { this.myGame = myGame; this.resourceManager = resourceManager; contentSprite = new SpriteObject(device); this.AddChild(contentSprite); var sprite = new SpriteObject(device); sprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["WelcomeToPPD"], 20, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(400, 200) }); sprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["StartInitialSetting"], 16, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(400, 240) }); Add(sprite); sprite = new SpriteObject(device); sprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["StartKeyButtonSetting"], 20, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(400, 200) }); sprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["InsertKeyboardAndController"], 16, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(400, 240) }); Add(sprite); sprite = new SpriteObject(device); sprite.AddChild((controllerNameText = new TextureString(device, "", 14, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(400, 10) })); reload = new FadableButton(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("reload.png"), Utility.Path.Combine("reload_select.png"), ""); reload.MouseLeftClick += reload_MouseLeftClick; up = new FadableButton(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("up.png"), Utility.Path.Combine("up_select.png"), ""); up.MouseLeftClick += up_MouseLeftClick; down = new FadableButton(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("down.png"), Utility.Path.Combine("down_select.png"), ""); down.MouseLeftClick += down_MouseLeftClick; sprite.AddChild(up); sprite.AddChild(down); sprite.AddChild(reload); up.Position = down.Position = reload.Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(400, 225); sprite.AddChild(new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("keysettinggrid.png")) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(290, 30) }); sprite.AddChild(new TextButton(device, resourceManager) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(320, 390), Text = Utility.Language["Start"] }); sprite.AddChild(new TextButton(device, resourceManager) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(320, 420), Text = Utility.Language["Home"] }); keys = new TextureString[ButtonUtility.Array.Length]; buttons = new TextureString[ButtonUtility.Array.Length]; if (myGame.KeyConfigManager.Configs.Length > 0) { keyConfig = myGame.KeyConfigManager[0]; } for (int i = 0; i < ButtonUtility.Array.Length; i++) { var textButton = new TextButton(device, resourceManager) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(530, 90 + i * 30), Text = Utility.Language["Change"], Index = i }; textButton.MouseLeftDown += textButton_MouseLeftDown; keys[i] = new TextureString(device, keyConfig.GetKeyMap((ButtonType)i).ToString(), 14, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(388, 82 + i * 30) }; buttons[i] = new TextureString(device, keyConfig.GetButtonMap((ButtonType)i).ToString(), 14, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(460, 82 + i * 30) }; sprite.AddChild(textButton); sprite.AddChild(keys[i]); sprite.AddChild(buttons[i]); } Add(sprite); sprite = new SpriteObject(device); sprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["SettingCompleted"], 20, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(400, 200) }); sprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["UserKeyboardOrController"], 16, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(400, 240) }); Add(sprite); right = new FadableButton(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("right.png"), Utility.Path.Combine("right_select.png"), "Next") { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(770, 225) }; this.AddChild(right); left = new FadableButton(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("left.png"), Utility.Path.Combine("left_select.png"), "Back") { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(30, 225) }; this.AddChild(left); left.MouseLeftClick += left_MouseLeftClick; right.MouseLeftClick += right_MouseLeftClick; focusManager = new FocusManager(); focusManager.Focus(this); left.Alpha = 0; this.Alpha = 0; }
private void Add(GameComponent gc) { gc.Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(contentSprite.ChildrenCount * 800, 0); contentSprite.AddChild(gc); }
public ItemListComponent(PPDDevice device, IGameHost gameHost, PPDFramework.Resource.ResourceManager resourceManager, ISound sound) : base(device) { this.gameHost = gameHost; this.resourceManager = resourceManager; this.sound = sound; PictureObject back; waitSprite = new SpriteObject(device) { Hidden = true }; this.AddChild(waitSprite); waitSprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["LoadingItems"], 20, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(400, 220) }); waitSprite.AddChild(new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Black) { RectangleHeight = 450, RectangleWidth = 800, Alpha = 0.65f }); this.AddChild(stackObject = new StackObject(device, new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("delta.png")), new TextureString(device, String.Format(":{0}", Utility.Language["CancelUsingItem"]), 15, PPDColors.White) ) { IsHorizontal = true }); stackObject.Update(); stackObject.Position = new Vector2(760 - stackObject.Width, 50); rectangle = new LineRectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Selection) { Hidden = true, RectangleWidth = 700, RectangleHeight = ItemHeight }; this.AddChild(rectangle); mainSprite = new SpriteObject(device) { Position = new Vector2(50, SpriteY), Clip = new ClipInfo(gameHost) { PositionX = 40, PositionY = ClipY, Width = 750, Height = ClipHeight } }; this.AddChild(mainSprite); this.AddChild(back = new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("dialog_back.png"))); this.AddChild(new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Black) { RectangleHeight = 450, RectangleWidth = 800, Alpha = 0.80f }); back.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["ItemList"], 30, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(35, 30) }); Inputed += ItemComponent_Inputed; GotFocused += ItemComponent_GotFocused; }
public GameRuleComponent(PPDDevice device, PPDFramework.Resource.ResourceManager resourceManager, ISound sound) : base(device) { this.resourceManager = resourceManager; this.sound = sound; this.AddChild(back = new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("dialog_back.png"))); this.AddChild(new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Black) { RectangleHeight = 450, RectangleWidth = 800, Alpha = 0.75f }); back.AddChild(ruleSprite = new SpriteObject(device)); ruleSprite.AddChild(itemSupplyTypeSprite = new SpriteObject(device)); back.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["ChangeRule"], 30, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(35, 30) }); ruleSprite.AddChild(resultSort = new ListBoxComponent(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path, Utility.Language["RankOrder"], Utility.Language["Score"], Utility.Language["Accuracy"]) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(80, 80), Selected = true }); ruleSprite.AddChild(itemAvailable = new CheckBoxComponent(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path, Utility.Language["ItemAvailable"]) { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(50, 120) }); ruleSprite.AddChild(okButton = new ButtonComponent(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path, Utility.Language["OK"]) { Position = new Vector2(270, 380) }); ruleSprite.AddChild(cancelButton = new ButtonComponent(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path, Utility.Language["Cancel"]) { Position = new Vector2(470, 380) }); ruleSprite.AddChild(maxItemCount = new ListBoxComponent(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path, Utility.Language["MaxItemCount"], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) { Position = new Vector2(110, 160) }); itemSupplyTypeSprite.AddChild(comboSupply = new RadioBoxComponent(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path, Utility.Language["DependentOnComboOrWorst"]) { Position = new Vector2(80, 200) }); ruleSprite.AddChild(comboSupplyCount = new ListBoxComponent(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path, Utility.Language["ItemPerCombo"], 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100) { Position = new Vector2(130, 240) }); ruleSprite.AddChild(worstSupplyCount = new ListBoxComponent(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path, Utility.Language["ItemPerWorst"], 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100) { Position = new Vector2(130, 280) }); itemSupplyTypeSprite.AddChild(rankSupply = new RadioBoxComponent(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path, Utility.Language["DependentOnRank"]) { Position = new Vector2(80, 320) }); selectList = new SelectableComponent[] { resultSort, itemAvailable, maxItemCount, comboSupply, comboSupplyCount, worstSupplyCount, rankSupply, okButton, cancelButton }; gridSelection = new GridSelection(); foreach (SelectableComponent comp in selectList) { gridSelection.Add(comp.Position); } resultSort.SelectedItem = Utility.Language[gameRule.ResultSortType.ToString()]; itemAvailable.Checked = gameRule.ItemAvailable; comboSupply.Checked = gameRule.ItemSupplyType == ItemSupplyType.ComboWorstCount; rankSupply.Checked = gameRule.ItemSupplyType == ItemSupplyType.Rank; comboSupplyCount.SelectedItem = gameRule.ItemSupplyComboCount; worstSupplyCount.SelectedItem = gameRule.ItemSupplyWorstCount; maxItemCount.SelectedItem = gameRule.MaxItemCount; Inputed += ItemSettingComponent_Inputed; GotFocused += ItemSettingComponent_GotFocused; }
private void AddEffect(ItemType itemType, int userID) { ItemEffect itemEffect = null; if (itemManagerComponent.ContainEffect(ItemType.Barrier)) { // Reflect to person client.Write(MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(new AddEffectToPlayerNetworkData { UserId = userID, ItemType = itemType })); } else if (itemManagerComponent.ContainEffect(ItemType.Stealth)) { // Nothing to do } else { switch (itemType) { case ItemType.DoubleBPM: if (itemManagerComponent.ContainEffect(ItemType.DoubleBPM)) { var effect = itemManagerComponent.GetEffect(ItemType.DoubleBPM); effect.AddEffect(); } else { itemEffect = new DoubleBPMEffect(); } break; case ItemType.FogFilter: if (itemManagerComponent.ContainEffect(ItemType.FogFilter)) { var effect = itemManagerComponent.GetEffect(ItemType.FogFilter); effect.AddEffect(); } else { var fogComponent = new FogEffectComponent(device, ResourceManager); itemEffect = new FogFilterEffect(fogComponent); filterSprite.AddChild(fogComponent); } break; case ItemType.HalfScore: itemEffect = new HalfScoreEffect(); break; case ItemType.Hidden: itemEffect = new HiddenEffect(); break; case ItemType.StripeFilter: if (itemManagerComponent.ContainEffect(ItemType.StripeFilter)) { var effect = itemManagerComponent.GetEffect(ItemType.StripeFilter); effect.AddEffect(); } else { var stripeComponent = new StripeEffectComponent(device, ResourceManager); itemEffect = new StripeFilterEffect(stripeComponent); filterSprite.AddChild(stripeComponent); } break; case ItemType.Sudden: itemEffect = new SuddenEffect(); break; case ItemType.PingPong: if (itemManagerComponent.ContainEffect(ItemType.PingPong)) { var effect = itemManagerComponent.GetEffect(ItemType.PingPong); effect.AddEffect(); } else { var pingPongComponent = new PingPongEffectComponent(device, ResourceManager); itemEffect = new PingPongEffect(pingPongComponent); filterSprite.AddChild(pingPongComponent); } break; case ItemType.Stealth: itemEffect = new StealthEffect(); var userPlayState = FindUserPlayState(userID); if (userPlayState != null) { userPlayState.IsStealth = true; } itemEffect.Removed += (sender, e) => { userPlayState.IsStealth = false; }; itemManagerComponent.AddOthersEffect(itemEffect); itemEffect = null; break; } } if (itemEffect != null) { itemManagerComponent.AddEffect(itemEffect); } if (expansionClient != null) { expansionClient.Send(new ItemInfo { CurrentTime = mainGameComponent.MoviePosition, ItemType = itemType, PlayerId = userID }); } }
public ModPanel(PPDDevice device, IGameHost gameHost, PPDFramework.Resource.ResourceManager resourceManager, ISound sound, AllowedModList allowedModList) : base(device) { this.gameHost = gameHost; this.sound = sound; this.resourceManager = resourceManager; this.allowedModList = allowedModList; waitSprite = new SpriteObject(device); this.AddChild(waitSprite); waitSprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["InitializingMod"], 20, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(400, 220) }); waitSprite.AddChild(new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Black) { RectangleHeight = 450, RectangleWidth = 800, Alpha = 0.65f }); updateSprite = new SpriteObject(device) { Hidden = true }; this.AddChild(updateSprite); updateSprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["UpdatingMod"], 20, true, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(400, 220) }); updateSprite.AddChild(new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Black) { RectangleHeight = 450, RectangleWidth = 800, Alpha = 0.65f }); back = new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("dialog_back.png")); black = new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.Black) { RectangleHeight = 450, RectangleWidth = 800, Alpha = 0.65f }; back.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["Mod"], 30, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(35, 30) }); var stackObject = new StackObject(device, updateMenu = new StackObject(device, new StackObject(device, new SpaceObject(device, 0, 2), new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("square.png"))) { IsHorizontal = false }, new TextureString(device, String.Format(":{0}", Utility.Language["Update"]), 18, PPDColors.White)) { IsHorizontal = true }, new SpaceObject(device, 20, 0), settingMenu = new StackObject(device, new StackObject(device, new SpaceObject(device, 0, 2), new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("delta.png"))) { IsHorizontal = false }, new TextureString(device, String.Format(":{0}", Utility.Language["Setting"]), 18, PPDColors.White)) { IsHorizontal = true }, new SpaceObject(device, 20, 0), new StackObject(device, new SpaceObject(device, 0, 2), new PictureObject(device, resourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("checkgreen.png"))) { Position = new Vector2(0, 50), IsHorizontal = false }, new TextureString(device, String.Format(":{0}", Utility.Language["Available"]), 18, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(35, 50) }) { IsHorizontal = true }; back.AddChild(stackObject); stackObject.Update(); stackObject.Position = new Vector2(760 - stackObject.Width, 50); var sprite = new SpriteObject(device) { Position = new Vector2(50, 80) }; modListSprite = new SpriteObject(device); sprite.AddChild(modListSprite); sprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, String.Format("{0}:", Utility.Language["Author"]), 20, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(425, 0) }); sprite.AddChild(author = new TextureString(device, "", 20, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(450, 30) }); sprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, String.Format("{0}:", Utility.Language["Version"]), 20, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(425, 60) }); sprite.AddChild(version = new TextureString(device, "", 20, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(450, 90) }); sprite.AddChild(new TextureString(device, String.Format("{0}:", Utility.Language["Filename"]), 20, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(425, 120) }); sprite.AddChild(filename = new TextureString(device, "", 20, 240, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(450, 150) }); sprite.AddChild(notAvailable = new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["ModWarning"], 20, 280, 280, true, PPDColors.Red) { Position = new Vector2(425, 180), Hidden = true }); this.AddChild(scrollBar = new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(456, 80), RectangleHeight = 330, RectangleWidth = 5 }); this.AddChild(new RectangleComponent(device, resourceManager, PPDColors.White) { Position = new Vector2(465, 80), RectangleHeight = 330, RectangleWidth = 1 }); this.AddChild(sprite); this.AddChild(back); this.AddChild(black); Inputed += ModPanel_Inputed; GotFocused += ModPanel_GotFocused; }