static void Main()
        //  Create a SpringODE object that represents
        //  a 1.0 kg spring with a spring constant of
        //  20 N/m and a damping coefficient of 1.5 N-s/m
        double mass = 1.0;
        double mu   = 1.5;
        double k    = 20.0;
        double x0   = -0.2;

        SpringODE ode = new SpringODE(mass, mu, k, x0);

        //  Solve the ODE over a range of 7 seconds
        //  using a 0.1 second time increment.
        double dt = 0.1;

        Console.WriteLine("t   x   v");
        Console.WriteLine("" + ode.GetTime() + "  " + (float)ode.GetX() +
                          "  " + (float)ode.GetVx());

        while (ode.GetTime() <= 7.0)
            Console.WriteLine("" + ode.GetTime() + "  " + (float)ode.GetX() +
                              "  " + (float)ode.GetVx());

Exemple #2
    //  This method redraws the GUI display.
    private void UpdateDisplay()
        Graphics g      = drawingPanel.CreateGraphics();
        int      width  = drawingPanel.Width - 1;
        int      height = drawingPanel.Height - 1;

        //  Clear the current display.

        Pen blackPen = new Pen(Color.Black, 2);

        g.DrawLine(blackPen, 0, 20, width, 20);

        //  Update the position of the box and
        //  ball on the screen.
        SolidBrush brush     = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
        int        zPosition = (int)(125 - 100.0 * spring.GetX());

        g.FillRectangle(brush, 65, zPosition, 20, 20);
        g.DrawLine(blackPen, 75, 20, 75, zPosition + 10);

        //  Clean up the Graphics object.