public void TwoBodysWithSpringPushAway() { World w = new World (); Rigid r1 = new Rigid (30, new Matrix (70, 70, 70)); r1.StartCenterOfMass = new Vector (); w.AddRigid (r1); w.AddEffect (new Force (new Vector (-30, 0, 0), r1)); Rigid r2 = new Rigid (30, new Matrix (70, 70, 70)); r2.StartCenterOfMass = new Vector (10, 0, 0); w.AddRigid (r2); w.AddEffect (new Force (new Vector (30, 0, 0), r2)); Vector v = new Vector (); Spring spring = new Spring (r1, v, r2, v, 300, 0); w.AddEffect (spring); State s1 = new State (w); s1.Simulate (5); Assert.AreEqual (-0.0966, s1.RigidStates [r1].CenterOfMass.X, 0.001); Assert.AreEqual (0.0808, s1.RigidStates [r1].LinearVelocity.X, 0.001); Assert.AreEqual (0.9324, s1.RigidStates [r1].LinearAcceleration.X, 0.001); Assert.AreEqual (10.0966, s1.RigidStates [r2].CenterOfMass.X, 0.001); Assert.AreEqual (-0.0808, s1.RigidStates [r2].LinearVelocity.X, 0.001); Assert.AreEqual (-0.9324, s1.RigidStates [r2].LinearAcceleration.X, 0.001); }
public void Init() { PositionSpring = new Spring (transform, Spring.TransformType.Position); PositionSpring.MinVelocity = 0.00001f; RotationSpring = new Spring (transform, Spring.TransformType.Rotation); RotationSpring.MinVelocity = 0.00001f; }
//Scripts void Start() { springObject = GameObject.Find("Spring"); springScript = springObject.GetComponent<Spring>(); /* * Grabs the GameObject that holds the 'Spring' script. * Now that we have our external script in our hands, we can make changes in it in this script. */ }
protected override void DoBegin(object transaction, Spring.Transaction.ITransactionDefinition definition) { PromotableTxScopeTransactionObject txObject = (PromotableTxScopeTransactionObject)transaction; try { DoTxScopeBegin(txObject, definition); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CannotCreateTransactionException("Transaction Scope failure on begin", e); } }
void Start() { spawner = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent<SpawnerScript>(); springs = new Spring[springCount]; triangles = new int[springCount * 6]; uvs = new Vector2[springCount * 4]; vertices = new Vector3[springCount * 4]; for (int i = 0; i < springCount; ++i) { springs[i] = new Spring(); } int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < springCount * 6; ) { triangles[i] = j; triangles[i + 1] = j + 1; triangles[i + 2] = j + 2; triangles[i + 3] = j; triangles[i + 4] = j + 2; triangles[i + 5] = j + 3; j += 4; i += 6; } for (int i = 0; i < springCount * 4; i += 4) { uvs[i] = new Vector2(1, 1); uvs[i + 1] = new Vector2(0, 1); uvs[i + 2] = new Vector2(1, 0); uvs[i + 3] = new Vector2(0, 0); } for (int i = 1; i < springCount; ++i) { vertices[(i - 1) * 4] = new Vector3(0 - ((float)springCount / 8.0f) + ((float)(i - 1) / 4.0f), springs[i - 1].height, 0); vertices[(i - 1) * 4 + 1] = new Vector3(0 - ((float)springCount / 8.0f) + ((float)(i) / 4.0f), springs[i].height, 0); vertices[(i - 1) * 4 + 2] = new Vector3(0 - ((float)springCount / 8.0f) + ((float)(i) / 4.0f), -5.5f, 0); vertices[(i - 1) * 4 + 3] = new Vector3(0 - ((float)springCount / 8.0f) + ((float)(i - 1) / 4.0f), -5.5f, 0); } mesh = new Mesh(); GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh; mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.uv = uvs; mesh.triangles = triangles; }
public static void Respond(TasClient tas, Spring spring, TasSayEventArgs e, string text) { var p = SayPlace.User; bool emote = false; if (e.Place == SayPlace.Battle) { p = SayPlace.BattlePrivate; emote = true; } if (e.Place == SayPlace.Game && spring.IsRunning) { spring.SayGame(text); } else { tas.Say(p, e.UserName, text, emote); } }
protected override void Initialize() { allSpring = new Spring[3]; allRectangle = new Rectangle[3]; allTracker = new EndPointTracker[2]; s1 = new Spring(new Vector2(100, 0), new Vector2(100, 50), 50, 50, 25f, 1f, 5f, 0.5f); allSpring[0] = s1; s2 = new Spring(new Vector2(100, 50), new Vector2(100, 200), 150, 50, 25f, 1f, 5f, 0.5f); allSpring[1] = s2; s3 = new Spring(new Vector2(250, 0), new Vector2(250, 200), 200, 50, 50f, 1f, 5, 0.5f); allSpring[2] = s3; sO = new SpringOperations(); sT = new SimulationTest(); //t1 = new EndPointTracker(s3, new Dictionary<Vector3, int>()); //allTracker[0] = t1; //t2 = new EndPointTracker(s2, new Dictionary<Vector3, int>()); // allTracker[1] = t2; base.Initialize(); }
private void AddPointsAndSprings(List <TriangleVertexIndices> indices, List <JVector> vertices) { for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++) { MassPoint point = new MassPoint(sphere, this, material); point.Position = vertices[i]; point.Mass = 0.1f; points.Add(point); } for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++) { TriangleVertexIndices index = indices[i]; Triangle t = new Triangle(this); t.indices = index; triangles.Add(t); t.boundingBox = JBBox.SmallBox; t.boundingBox.AddPoint(points[t.indices.I0].position); t.boundingBox.AddPoint(points[t.indices.I1].position); t.boundingBox.AddPoint(points[t.indices.I2].position); t.dynamicTreeID = dynamicTree.AddProxy(ref t.boundingBox, t); } HashSet <Edge> edges = GetEdges(indices); int count = 0; foreach (Edge edge in edges) { Spring spring = new Spring(points[edge.Index1], points[edge.Index2]); spring.Softness = 0.01f; spring.BiasFactor = 0.1f; spring.SpringType = SpringType.EdgeSpring; springs.Add(spring); count++; } }
/** * Creations a new motion object. * * @param spring * the spring to use * @param motionProperties * the properties of the event to track * @param springListeners * additional spring listeners to add * @param trackStrategy * the tracking strategy * @param followStrategy * the follow strategy * @param restValue * the spring rest value * @return a motion object */ private Motion CreateMotionFromProperties(Spring spring, MotionProperty[] motionProperties, ISpringListener[] springListeners, int trackStrategy, int followStrategy, int restValue) { MotionImitator[] motionImitators = new MotionImitator[motionProperties.Length]; Performer[] performers = new Performer[motionProperties.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < motionProperties.Length; i++) { MotionProperty property = motionProperties[i]; motionImitators[i] = new MotionImitator(spring, property, restValue, trackStrategy, followStrategy); performers[i] = new Performer(mView, property.ViewProperty); } return(new Motion(spring, motionImitators, performers, springListeners)); }
public static void Respond(TasClient tas, Spring spring, TasSayEventArgs e, string text) { TasClient.SayPlace p = TasClient.SayPlace.User; bool emote = false; if (e.Place == TasSayEventArgs.Places.Battle) { p = TasClient.SayPlace.Battle; emote = true; } if (e.Place == TasSayEventArgs.Places.Game) { spring.SayGame(text); } else { tas.Say(p, e.UserName, text, emote); } }
/// <summary> /// Шпилька с шагом по ширине распределения и кол рядов /// </summary> /// <param name="propDiam">Диаметр</param> /// <param name="propPos">Значение атр позиции</param> /// <param name="propStep">Параметр шага</param> /// <param name="thickness">Толщина бетона</param> /// <param name="a">Защ слой до центра раб арм</param> /// <param name="width">Ширина распределения (по бетону)</param> /// <param name="propCount">Параметр рядов шпилек</param> protected Spring defineSpring(string propDiam, string propPos, string propStep, int thickness, int a, int width, string propCount) { int diam = Block.GetPropValue <int>(propDiam); if (diam == 0) { return(null); } string pos = Block.GetPropValue <string>(propPos); int step = Block.GetPropValue <int>(propStep); var rows = Block.GetPropValue <int>(propCount); // ширина распределения шпилек по горизонтале var lRabSpring = thickness - 2 * a; Spring sp = new Spring(diam, lRabSpring, step, width - 100, rows, pos, this); sp.Calc(); return(sp); }
public override void OnHandleCollision(ActorBase other) { base.OnHandleCollision(other); if (!canJump && state != StateDead) { // It can only die by collision with spring in the air Spring spring = other as Spring; if (spring != null) { // Collide only with hitbox if (spring.Hitbox.Intersects(ref currentHitbox)) { Vector2 force = spring.Activate(); int sign = ((force.X + force.Y) > float.Epsilon ? 1 : -1); if (Math.Abs(force.X) > float.Epsilon) { speedX = (4 + Math.Abs(force.X)) * sign; externalForceX = force.X; } else if (Math.Abs(force.Y) > float.Epsilon) { speedY = (4 + Math.Abs(force.Y)) * sign; externalForceY = -force.Y; } else { return; } canJump = false; SetAnimation(AnimState.Fall); PlaySound("Spring"); api.BroadcastLevelText(endText); state = StateDead; stateTime = 50f; } } } }
public AutoHost(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHostConfig conf) { banList = new BanList(this, tas); if (conf == null) { LoadConfig(); } else { config = conf; } SaveConfig(); this.tas = tas; this.spring = spring; tas.Said += new EventHandler <TasSayEventArgs>(tas_Said); pollTimer = new Timer(PollTimeout * 1000); pollTimer.Enabled = false; pollTimer.AutoReset = false; pollTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(pollTimer_Elapsed); spring.SpringExited += new EventHandler(spring_SpringExited); spring.GameOver += new EventHandler <SpringLogEventArgs>(spring_GameOver); tas.BattleUserLeft += new EventHandler <TasEventArgs>(tas_BattleUserLeft); tas.UserStatusChanged += new EventHandler <TasEventArgs>(tas_UserStatusChanged); tas.BattleUserJoined += new EventHandler <TasEventArgs>(tas_BattleUserJoined); tas.BattleMapChanged += new EventHandler <TasEventArgs>(tas_BattleMapChanged); tas.BattleUserStatusChanged += new EventHandler <TasEventArgs>(tas_BattleUserStatusChanged); tas.BattleLockChanged += new EventHandler <TasEventArgs>(tas_BattleLockChanged); tas.BattleOpened += new EventHandler <TasEventArgs>(tas_BattleOpened); linker = new UnknownFilesLinker(spring); fileDownloader = new FileDownloader(spring); fileDownloader.DownloadCompleted += new EventHandler <FileDownloader.DownloadEventArgs>(fileDownloader_DownloadCompleted); //fileDownloader.DownloadProgressChanged += new EventHandler<TasEventArgs>(fileDownloader_DownloadProgressChanged); tas.BattleFound += new EventHandler <TasEventArgs>(tas_BattleFound); }
private void DrawSprings(DxRenderContext renderContext, Cell cell, SimParams parameters, float normalizer) { SlimDX.Direct3D11.Device device = DeviceContext.Device; DxMesh tube = parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Int.Spring_Type) == 0 ? Meshes.GetMesh("rod") : Meshes.GetMesh("spring"); SetMesh(device, tube); var prevMode = DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology; PrimitiveTopology[] modes = { PrimitiveTopology.LineList, PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList }; for (int j = 0; j < modes.Length; j++) { DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = modes[j]; foreach (ChromosomePair pair in cell.ChromosomePairs) { Spring spring = pair.Spring; if (spring != null) { SpringStyle springStyle = renderContext.StyleAspect.Resolve <SpringStyle>(spring); ConstBuffer.Material = springStyle.Spring; float scale = (float)spring.Length * normalizer; Matrix transform = Matrix.Scaling((float)springStyle.Width, (float)springStyle.Width, scale); transform *= RotationVectors(new Vector3(0, 0, -1), new Vector3((float)(spring.RightJoint.X - spring.LeftJoint.X), (float)(spring.RightJoint.Y - spring.LeftJoint.Y), (float)(spring.RightJoint.Z - spring.LeftJoint.Z))); transform *= Matrix.Translation((float)spring.LeftJoint.X * normalizer, (float)spring.LeftJoint.Y * normalizer, (float)spring.LeftJoint.Z * normalizer); ConstBuffer.World = Matrix.Transpose(transform); SetBuffer(device, ConstBuffer); DrawMesh(device, tube); } } } DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = prevMode; }
public override void OnHandleCollision(ActorBase other) { base.OnHandleCollision(other); if (state != StateDead) { // It can only die by collision with spring in the air Spring spring = other as Spring; if (spring != null) { // Collide only with hitbox if (AABB.TestOverlap(ref spring.AABBInner, ref AABBInner)) { Vector2 force = spring.Activate(); int sign = ((force.X + force.Y) > float.Epsilon ? 1 : -1); if (Math.Abs(force.X) > float.Epsilon) { speedX = (4 + Math.Abs(force.X)) * sign; externalForceX = force.X; } else if (Math.Abs(force.Y) > float.Epsilon) { speedY = (4 + Math.Abs(force.Y)) * sign; externalForceY = -force.Y; } else { return; } canJump = false; SetAnimation(AnimState.Fall); PlaySound(Transform.Pos, "Spring"); levelHandler.BroadcastLevelText(levelHandler.GetLevelText(endText)); state = StateDead; stateTime = 50f; } } } }
public void SpraySprings() { base.Use(); Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit rayHit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out rayHit, 10.0f, hitMask)) { Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(rayHit.point, SprayRadius, hitMask); for (int i = 0; i < colliders.Length; i++) { SpringTemp = Instantiate(SpringType.gameObject, rayHit.point, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; Spring spring = SpringTemp.GetComponent <Spring>(); spring.FirstNodeAt(rayHit); spring.SecondNodeAt(colliders[i].transform); = true; SpringShooter.ConnectedSprings.Add(spring); } } }
public static void StartDownloadedMission(ScriptMissionData profile, string modInternalName) { var spring = new Spring(Program.SpringPaths); var name = Program.Conf.LobbyPlayerName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { name = "Player"; } if (Utils.VerifySpringInstalled()) { spring.StartGame(Program.TasClient, null, null, profile.StartScript.Replace("%MOD%", modInternalName).Replace("%MAP%", profile.MapName).Replace("%NAME%", name), Program.Conf.UseSafeMode, Program.Conf.UseMtEngine); var serv = GlobalConst.GetContentService(); serv.NotifyMissionRun(Program.Conf.LobbyPlayerName, profile.Name); } }
private void defineFields() { Length = Block.GetPropValue <int>(PropNameLength); Height = Block.GetPropValue <int>(PropNameHeight); Thickness = Block.GetPropValue <int>(PropNameThickness); Outline = Block.GetPropValue <int>(PropNameOutline); var concrete = Block.GetPropValue <string>(PropNameConcrete); Concrete = new ConcreteH(concrete, Length, Thickness, Height, this); Concrete.Calc(); // Определние вертикальной арматуры int widthVerticArm = Length; ArmVertic = defineVerticArm(widthVerticArm, PropNameArmVerticDiam, PropNameArmVerticStep, PropNameArmVerticPos); // Определние горизонтальной арматуры ArmHor = defineArmHor(Length, PropNameArmHorDiam, PropNameArmHorPos, PropNameArmHorStep); // Шпильки Spring = defineSpring(PropNameSpringDiam, PropNamePosSpring, PropNameSpringStepHor, PropNameSpringStepVertic, Thickness, a, Length, Height); }
public void OnSpringUpdate(Spring spring) { if (mSpring != null) { double restPosition = CalculateRestPosition(); if (mSpring.SpringConfig.Equals(SPRING_CONFIG_FRICTION)) { if (mSpring.CurrentValue > mMaxValue && restPosition > mMaxValue) { mSpring.SetSpringConfig(mOriginalConfig); mSpring.SetEndValue(mMaxValue); } else if (mSpring.CurrentValue < mMinValue && restPosition < mMinValue) { mSpring.SetSpringConfig(mOriginalConfig); mSpring.SetEndValue(mMinValue); } } } }
private static int FilterMaps(string[] words, TasClient tas, Spring spring, Ladder ladder, out string[] vals, out int[] indexes) { string[] temp = new string[spring.UnitSync.MapList.Keys.Count]; int cnt = 0; foreach (string s in spring.UnitSync.MapList.Keys) { if (ladder != null) { if (ladder.Maps.Contains(s.ToLower())) { temp[cnt++] = s; } } else { string[] limit = Program.main.AutoHost.config.LimitMaps; if (limit != null && limit.Length > 0) { bool allowed = false; for (int i = 0; i < limit.Length; ++i) { if (s.ToLower().Contains(limit[i].ToLower())) { allowed = true; break; } } if (allowed) { temp[cnt++] = s; } } else { temp[cnt++] = s; } } } return(Filter(temp, words, out vals, out indexes)); }
public bool Start() { if (config.AttemptToRecconnect) { recon = new Timer(config.AttemptReconnectInterval * 1000); recon.Elapsed += recon_Elapsed; } recon.Enabled = false; spring = new Spring(); tas = new TasClient(); tas.ConnectionLost += tas_ConnectionLost; tas.Connected += tas_Connected; tas.LoginDenied += tas_LoginDenied; tas.LoginAccepted += tas_LoginAccepted; tas.Said += tas_Said; tas.MyStatusChangedToInGame += tas_MyStatusChangedToInGame; tas.ChannelUserAdded += tas_ChannelUserAdded; spring.SpringExited += spring_SpringExited; spring.SpringStarted += spring_SpringStarted; spring.PlayerSaid += spring_PlayerSaid; autoHost = new AutoHost(tas, spring, null); if (config.PlanetWarsEnabled) { InitializePlanetWarsServer(); } autoUpdater = new AutoUpdater(spring, tas); if (config.StatsEnabledReal) { stats = new Stats(tas, spring); } try { tas.Connect(config.ServerHost, config.ServerPort); } catch { recon.Start(); } return(true); }
public Stats(TasClient tas, Spring spring) { this.tas = tas; this.spring = spring; LoadAccounts(); tas.LoginAccepted += new EventHandler <TasEventArgs>(tas_LoginAccepted); if (Program.main.config.GargamelMode) { tas.UserRemoved += new EventHandler <TasEventArgs>(tas_UserRemoved); tas.BattleUserIpRecieved += new EventHandler <TasEventArgs>(tas_BattleUserIpRecieved); tas.UserStatusChanged += new EventHandler <TasEventArgs>(tas_UserStatusChanged); } spring.SpringStarted += new EventHandler(spring_SpringStarted); spring.PlayerJoined += new EventHandler <SpringLogEventArgs>(spring_PlayerJoined); spring.PlayerLeft += new EventHandler <SpringLogEventArgs>(spring_PlayerLeft); spring.PlayerLost += new EventHandler <SpringLogEventArgs>(spring_PlayerLost); spring.PlayerDisconnected += new EventHandler <SpringLogEventArgs>(spring_PlayerDisconnected); spring.GameOver += new EventHandler <SpringLogEventArgs>(spring_GameOver); }
private void UpdatePoints() { float omega = 2 * Mathf.PI * freq; float zeta = Mathf.Log(percDecay) / (-omega * timeDecay); CycleThroughPoints((index, point) => { var springPoint = springPoints[index]; if (!(grabbing && inRadiusPoints.Contains(index))) { springPoint.Position = Spring.Vector3Spring(springPoint.Position, ref springPoint.Velocity, springPoint.Anchor, zeta, omega, Time.deltaTime); } if (hasPolygonShape) { polygonShape.SetPointPosition(index, springPoint.Position); } }); }
public Stats(TasClient tas, Spring spring) { this.tas = tas; this.spring = spring; LoadAccounts(); tas.LoginAccepted += tas_LoginAccepted; if (Program.main.config.GargamelMode) { tas.UserRemoved += tas_UserRemoved; tas.BattleUserIpRecieved += tas_BattleUserIpRecieved; tas.UserStatusChanged += tas_UserStatusChanged; } spring.SpringStarted += spring_SpringStarted; spring.PlayerJoined += spring_PlayerJoined; spring.PlayerLeft += spring_PlayerLeft; spring.PlayerLost += spring_PlayerLost; spring.PlayerDisconnected += spring_PlayerDisconnected; spring.GameOver += spring_GameOver; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Rope. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">The ID of the Rope.</param> /// <param name="drawLayer">The layer to draw the Rope on.</param> /// <param name="smoothness">The smoothnes of the Rope.</param> /// <param name="springsMass">The mass of each individual Spring in the Rope.</param> /// <param name="springsStiffness">The stiffness of each Spring.</param> /// <param name="springsFriction">The friction that each spring applies.</param> /// <param name="totalSpringLenght">The total lenght of the Rope.</param> /// <param name="pointOfConnection">The point from where the Rope will swing from.</param> /// <param name="textureFilepath">The texture filepath fgor each segment of the Rope.</param> /// <param name="normalMapFilepath">The normal map texture filepath for each segement of the Rope.</param> /// <param name="ropeThickness">The thickness of the Rope.</param> public Rope(string id, int drawLayer, int smoothness, float springsMass, float springsStiffness, float springsFriction, float totalSpringLenght, Vector2 pointOfConnection, string textureFilepath, string normalMapFilepath, float ropeThickness) { = id; this.drawLayer = drawLayer; this.textureFilepath = textureFilepath; this.normalMapFilepath = normalMapFilepath; this.ropeThickness = ropeThickness; this.pointOfConnection = pointOfConnection; lenght = new Vector2(0, totalSpringLenght / smoothness); springs = new Spring[smoothness]; sprites = new Sprite[smoothness]; for (int i = 0; i < springs.Length; i++) { Spring spring; if (i == 0) { ParticleObject start = new ParticleObject(pointOfConnection, Vector2.Zero, springsMass); ParticleObject end = new ParticleObject(pointOfConnection + lenght, Vector2.Zero, springsMass); spring = new Spring(start, end, springsStiffness, lenght.Y, springsFriction); } else { ParticleObject end = new ParticleObject(springs[i - 1].EndParticle.Position + lenght, Vector2.Zero, springsMass); spring = new Spring(springs[i - 1].EndParticle, end, springsStiffness, lenght.Y, springsFriction); } springs[i] = spring; } }
public void TestGetForce1() { var p0s = new[] { new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 0), new Point(0, 1), }; var p1s = new[] { new Point(1, 0), new Point(2, 0), new Point(1, 1), }; var spring = new Spring(_rng, 1, 1, 1); for (int i = 0; i < p0s.Length; ++i) { spring.GetForce(p0s[i], p1s[i], new Vector(0, 0)).Should().Be(new Vector(0, 0), "because a spring with its vertices at rest length should not be under any stress"); } }
public override void Read(AssetStream stream) { base.Read(stream); DynamicFriction = stream.ReadSingle(); StaticFriction = stream.ReadSingle(); Bounciness = stream.ReadSingle(); FrictionCombine = stream.ReadInt32(); BounceCombine = stream.ReadInt32(); if (IsReadFrictionDirection2(stream.Version)) { FrictionDirection2.Read(stream); DynamicFriction2 = stream.ReadSingle(); StaticFriction2 = stream.ReadSingle(); } if (IsReadUseSpring(stream.Version)) { UseSpring = stream.ReadBoolean(); Spring.Read(stream); } }
public AutoHost(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHostConfig conf) { banList = new BanList(this, tas); if (conf == null) { LoadConfig(); } else { config = conf; } SaveConfig(); this.tas = tas; this.spring = spring; tas.Said += tas_Said; pollTimer = new Timer(PollTimeout * 1000); pollTimer.Enabled = false; pollTimer.AutoReset = false; pollTimer.Elapsed += pollTimer_Elapsed; spring.SpringExited += spring_SpringExited; spring.GameOver += spring_GameOver; spring.NotifyModsChanged += spring_NotifyModsChanged; tas.BattleUserLeft += tas_BattleUserLeft; tas.UserStatusChanged += tas_UserStatusChanged; tas.BattleUserJoined += tas_BattleUserJoined; tas.BattleMapChanged += tas_BattleMapChanged; tas.BattleUserStatusChanged += tas_BattleUserStatusChanged; tas.BattleLockChanged += tas_BattleLockChanged; tas.BattleOpened += tas_BattleOpened; linkProvider = new ResourceLinkProvider(); spring.UnitSyncWrapper.Downloader.LinksRecieved += linkProvider.Downloader_LinksRecieved; }
public override void Read(AssetReader reader) { base.Read(reader); DynamicFriction = reader.ReadSingle(); StaticFriction = reader.ReadSingle(); Bounciness = reader.ReadSingle(); FrictionCombine = reader.ReadInt32(); BounceCombine = reader.ReadInt32(); if (HasFrictionDirection2(reader.Version)) { FrictionDirection2.Read(reader); DynamicFriction2 = reader.ReadSingle(); StaticFriction2 = reader.ReadSingle(); } if (HasUseSpring(reader.Version)) { UseSpring = reader.ReadBoolean(); Spring.Read(reader); } }
//float walkOffsetMagnitude = 0f; //float extraPitch = 0f; void Awake() { instance = this; this.fpCamera = Camera.main; this.fpCamera.fieldOfView = CAMERA_HIP_FOV; this.movementProbe = this.transform.parent; this.positionSpring = new Spring(POSITION_SPRING, POSITION_DRAG, * MAX_POSITION_OFFSET, * MAX_POSITION_OFFSET, POSITION_SPRING_ITERAIONS); this.rotationSpring = new Spring(ROTATION_SPRING, ROTATION_DRAG, * MAX_ROTATION_OFFSET, * MAX_ROTATION_OFFSET, ROTATION_SPRING_ITERAIONS); this.weaponParent = this.transform; //this.weaponParentOrigin = this.weaponParent.transform.localPosition; //this.fpCameraParent = this.fpCamera.transform.parent; this.movementProbe = this.transform; this.localOrigin = this.transform.localPosition; this.lastPosition = this.movementProbe.position; this.lastRotation = this.movementProbe.eulerAngles; SetupHorizontalFov(90f); SetAimFov(CAMERA_AIM_FOV); }
public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View rootView = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.fragment_scale, container, false); View rect = rootView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.rect); SpringSystem springSystem = SpringSystem.Create(); Spring spring = springSystem.CreateSpring(); spring.AddListener(new Performer(rect, View.ScaleXs)); spring.AddListener(new Performer(rect, View.ScaleYs)); spring.SetCurrentValue(1.0f); ScaleGestureDetector scaleGestureDetector = new ScaleGestureDetector(this.Activity, new OnScaleGestureListener(spring)); rootView.Touch += (sender, e) => { e.Handled = scaleGestureDetector.OnTouchEvent(e.Event); }; return(rootView); }
public override void Awake(Scene scene) { base.Awake(scene); Color color = Calc.HexToColor("667da5"); Color disabledColor = new Color(color.R / 255f * (color.R / 255f), color.G / 255f * (color.G / 255f), color.B / 255f * (color.B / 255f), 1f); foreach (var mover in staticMovers) { Spikes spikes = mover.Entity as Spikes; if (spikes != null) { spikes.EnabledColor = Color.White; spikes.DisabledColor = disabledColor; spikes.VisibleWhenDisabled = true; } Spring spring = mover.Entity as Spring; if (spring != null) { spring.DisabledColor = disabledColor; spring.VisibleWhenDisabled = true; } } }
private static void createCircle(Context context, ViewGroup rootView, SpringSystem springSystem, SpringConfig coasting, SpringConfig gravity, int diameter, Drawable backgroundDrawable) { Spring xSpring = springSystem.CreateSpring().SetSpringConfig(coasting); Spring ySpring = springSystem.CreateSpring().SetSpringConfig(gravity); // create view View view = new View(context); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams paramss = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(diameter, diameter); paramss.AddRule(LayoutRules.CenterInParent); view.LayoutParameters = paramss; view.Background = backgroundDrawable; rootView.AddView(view); // generate random direction and magnitude double magnitude = new Random().NextDouble() * 1000 + 3000; double angle = new Random().NextDouble() * System.Math.PI / 2 + System.Math.PI / 4; xSpring.SetVelocity(magnitude * System.Math.Cos(angle)); ySpring.SetVelocity(-magnitude * System.Math.Sin(angle)); int maxX = rootView.MeasuredWidth / 2 + diameter; xSpring.AddListener(new Destroyer(rootView, view, -maxX, maxX)); int maxY = rootView.MeasuredHeight / 2 + diameter; ySpring.AddListener(new Destroyer(rootView, view, -maxY, maxY)); xSpring.AddListener(new Performer(view, ViewHelper.TranslationX)); ySpring.AddListener(new Performer(view, ViewHelper.TranslationY)); // set a different end value to cause the animation to play xSpring.SetEndValue(2); ySpring.SetEndValue(9001); }
public bool HitSpring(Spring spring) { if (!Hold.IsHeld) { if (spring.Orientation == Spring.Orientations.Floor && Speed.Y >= 0f) { Speed.X *= 0.5f; Speed.Y = -160f; noGravityTimer = 0.15f; return(true); } if (spring.Orientation == Spring.Orientations.WallLeft && Speed.X <= 0f) { MoveTowardsY(spring.CenterY + 5f, 4f); Speed.X = 220f; Speed.Y = -80f; noGravityTimer = 0.1f; return(true); } if (spring.Orientation == Spring.Orientations.WallRight && Speed.X >= 0f) { MoveTowardsY(spring.CenterY + 5f, 4f); Speed.X = -220f; Speed.Y = -80f; noGravityTimer = 0.1f; return(true); } } return(false); }
private Spring GetFakeSpring() { Spring spring; switch (Orientation) { default: case Orientations.WallLeftUp: case Orientations.WallRightUp: spring = new Spring(Position, Spring.Orientations.Floor, true); break; case Orientations.WallLeftDown: case Orientations.FloorLeft: spring = new Spring(Position, Spring.Orientations.WallLeft, true); break; case Orientations.WallRightDown: case Orientations.FloorRight: spring = new Spring(Position, Spring.Orientations.WallRight, true); break; } return(spring); }
public LinkThem(Spring.Data.NHibernate.HibernateTemplate ht, Spring.Web.UI.Page page, Common.Logging.ILog log) { = ht; = page; this.log = log; }
private void DoTxScopeBegin(PromotableTxScopeTransactionObject txObject, Spring.Transaction.ITransactionDefinition definition) { TransactionScopeOption txScopeOption = CreateTransactionScopeOptions(definition); TransactionOptions txOptions = CreateTransactionOptions(definition); txObject.TxScopeAdapter.CreateTransactionScope(txScopeOption, txOptions, definition.EnterpriseServicesInteropOption); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a 2D-Cloth. Connects Nearest Neighbours (4x, called EdgeSprings) and adds additional /// shear/bend constraints (4xShear+4xBend). /// </summary> /// <param name="sizeX"></param> /// <param name="sizeY"></param> /// <param name="scale"></param> public SoftBody(int sizeX,int sizeY, float scale) { List<TriangleVertexIndices> indices = new List<TriangleVertexIndices>(); List<JVector> vertices = new List<JVector>(); for (int i = 0; i < sizeY; i++) { for (int e = 0; e < sizeX; e++) { vertices.Add(new JVector(i, 0, e) *scale); } } for (int i = 0; i < sizeX-1; i++) { for (int e = 0; e < sizeY-1; e++) { TriangleVertexIndices index = new TriangleVertexIndices(); { index.I0 = (e + 0) * sizeX + i + 0; index.I1 = (e + 0) * sizeX + i + 1; index.I2 = (e + 1) * sizeX + i + 1; indices.Add(index); index.I0 = (e + 0) * sizeX + i + 0; index.I1 = (e + 1) * sizeX + i + 1; index.I2 = (e + 1) * sizeX + i + 0; indices.Add(index); } } } EdgeSprings = new ReadOnlyCollection<Spring>(springs); VertexBodies = new ReadOnlyCollection<MassPoint>(points); Triangles = new ReadOnlyCollection<Triangle>(triangles); AddPointsAndSprings(indices, vertices); for (int i = 0; i < sizeX - 1; i++) { for (int e = 0; e < sizeY - 1; e++) { Spring spring = new Spring(points[(e + 0) * sizeX + i + 1], points[(e + 1) * sizeX + i + 0]); spring.Softness = 0.01f; spring.BiasFactor = 0.1f; springs.Add(spring); } } foreach (Spring spring in springs) { JVector delta = spring.body1.position - spring.body2.position; if (delta.Z != 0.0f && delta.X != 0.0f) spring.SpringType = SpringType.ShearSpring; else spring.SpringType = SpringType.EdgeSpring; } for (int i = 0; i < sizeX - 2; i++) { for (int e = 0; e < sizeY - 2; e++) { Spring spring1 = new Spring(points[(e + 0) * sizeX + i + 0], points[(e + 0) * sizeX + i + 2]); spring1.Softness = 0.01f; spring1.BiasFactor = 0.1f; Spring spring2 = new Spring(points[(e + 0) * sizeX + i + 0], points[(e + 2) * sizeX + i + 0]); spring2.Softness = 0.01f; spring2.BiasFactor = 0.1f; spring1.SpringType = SpringType.BendSpring; spring2.SpringType = SpringType.BendSpring; springs.Add(spring1); springs.Add(spring2); } } }
private void AddPointsAndSprings(List<TriangleVertexIndices> indices, List<JVector> vertices) { for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++) { MassPoint point = new MassPoint(sphere, this,material); point.Position = vertices[i]; point.Mass = 0.1f; points.Add(point); } for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++) { TriangleVertexIndices index = indices[i]; Triangle t = new Triangle(this); t.indices = index; triangles.Add(t); t.boundingBox = JBBox.SmallBox; t.boundingBox.AddPoint(points[t.indices.I0].position); t.boundingBox.AddPoint(points[t.indices.I1].position); t.boundingBox.AddPoint(points[t.indices.I2].position); t.dynamicTreeID = dynamicTree.AddProxy(ref t.boundingBox, t); } HashSet<Edge> edges = GetEdges(indices); int count = 0; foreach (Edge edge in edges) { Spring spring = new Spring(points[edge.Index1], points[edge.Index2]); spring.Softness = 0.01f; spring.BiasFactor = 0.1f; spring.SpringType = SpringType.EdgeSpring; springs.Add(spring); count++; } }
public static double SpringAttraction(Node a, Spring p) { if (!a.Links.Contains (p)) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Node is not attached to this spring"); double r = Point.Distance (a.Location , p.Other(a).Location); double x = r - p.NaturalLength; double F = (-1 * SpringConstant * x); return F; }
public Spring Join(Node a, Node b) { Spring p = new Spring () { NaturalLength = SpringNatualLength, NodeA = a, NodeB = b }; a.Links.Add( p ); b.Links.Add( p ); springs.Add( p ); return p; }
/* public static IBasicProperties ExtractBasicProperties(IClientSession channel, Message message) { MessageProperties properties = (MessageProperties) message.MessageProperties; return properties.BasicProperties; }*/ public static DeliveryProperties ExtractDeliveryProperties(Spring.Messaging.Amqp.Core.Message message) { Spring.Messaging.Amqp.Qpid.Core.MessageProperties properties = (Spring.Messaging.Amqp.Qpid.Core.MessageProperties)message.MessageProperties; return properties.DeliveryProperites; }
// Init Functions void InitPhysicsEngine() { pemitter = new ParticleEmmiter(PhysicsManager, new Vector2(1f, .5f), Vector2.One, 10f, 50f, 3f); var ground = new PolyBody(1, 4); ground.MakeRect(20, 1, (new Vector2(size.Width / 2, 0))); ground.IsFixed = true; AddAndInit(ground); /*var polybody = new PolyBody(1f, (new Random()).Next(5, 5)); //3,8 polybody.MakeRegularFromRad(.8f); polybody.Mass = 1f; polybody.Position = new Vector2(size.Width / 2, size.Height / 2); polybody.Restitution = 0.0f; AddAndInit(polybody);*/ var rotPlat = new PolyBody(1f, 4); rotPlat.MakeRect(8, 1); rotPlat.Mass = 4f; rotPlat.Position = new Vector2(size.Width / 2, size.Height / 2); rotPlat.Restitution = 0.0f; rotPlat.IsPivot = true; AddAndInit(rotPlat); #region bouncer float width1 = 4f; float width2 = 2f; float height = .5f; var p1 = new PolyBody(3, 4); p1.MakeRect(width1, height); p1.Position = new Vector2(size.Width / 2, 1); var p1_con1 = -(Vector2.UnitX * width1 / 2 * 3 / 4); var p1_con2 = (Vector2.UnitX * width1 / 2 * 3 / 4); var p2 = new PolyBody(1, 4); p2.MakeRect(width2, height); p2.Position = new Vector2(size.Width / 2, 3.5f); var p2_con1 = -(Vector2.UnitX * width2 / 2 * 3 / 4) - (Vector2.UnitY * height/2 * 2 / 3); var p2_con2 = (Vector2.UnitX * width2 / 2 * 3 / 4) - (Vector2.UnitY * height/2 * 2 / 3); Spring s1 = new Spring(p1, p2, p1_con1, p2_con1, 3f, 30f, 1.0f); Spring s2 = new Spring(p1, p2, p1_con2, p2_con2, 3f, 30f, 1.0f); Spring s3 = new Spring(p1, p2, p1_con1, p2_con2, 3f, 30f, 1.0f); Spring s4 = new Spring(p1, p2, p1_con2, p2_con1, 3f, 30f, 1.0f); s1.SetLengthToCurrent(); s2.SetLengthToCurrent(); PhysicsManager.AddBinaryForceComponent(s1); PhysicsManager.AddBinaryForceComponent(s2); PhysicsManager.AddBinaryForceComponent(s3); PhysicsManager.AddBinaryForceComponent(s4); AddAndInit(p1); AddAndInit(p2); #endregion bouncer }
public void AfterCompletion(Spring.Transaction.Support.TransactionSynchronizationStatus status) { // TODO: Add MockTxnSync.AfterCompletion implementation }
void AddLooseBullet( bool spring ) { loose_bullets.Add(Instantiate(casing_with_bullet)); var new_spring= new Spring(0.3f,0.3f,kAimSpringStrength,kAimSpringDamping); loose_bullet_spring.Add(new_spring); if(spring){ new_spring.vel = 3.0f; picked_up_bullet_delay = 2.0f; } }
private void AddParticle(string label, Particle newParticle) { var constraint = new Spring(this._center, newParticle, 0, 0.01); this._particles.Add(label, newParticle); this._engine.Add(constraint); this._engine.AddEntity(newParticle); }