Exemple #1
 public static void SaveViewportInfo(Worksheet sheet, CopyMoveCellsInfo cellsInfo, int baseRow, int baseColumn, CopyToOption option)
     if ((option & CopyToOption.All) > ((CopyToOption)0))
         int rowCount    = cellsInfo.RowCount;
         int columnCount = cellsInfo.ColumnCount;
         for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
             for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++)
                 if ((option & CopyToOption.Value) > ((CopyToOption)0))
                     cellsInfo.SaveValue(i, j, sheet.GetValue(baseRow + i, baseColumn + j, SheetArea.Cells));
                 if (((option & CopyToOption.Value) > ((CopyToOption)0)) || ((option & CopyToOption.Formula) > ((CopyToOption)0)))
                     cellsInfo.SaveFormula(i, j, sheet.GetFormula(baseRow + i, baseColumn + j));
                     object[,] arrayFormulas = Excel.GetsArrayFormulas(sheet, baseRow, baseColumn, rowCount, columnCount);
                 if ((option & CopyToOption.Sparkline) > ((CopyToOption)0))
                     Sparkline sparkline              = sheet.GetSparkline(baseRow + i, baseColumn + j);
                     CellRange sparklineDataRange     = sheet.Cells[baseRow + i, baseColumn + j].SparklineDataRange;
                     CellRange sparklineDateAxisRange = sheet.Cells[baseRow + i, baseColumn + j].SparklineDateAxisRange;
                     if ((sparkline != null) && (sparklineDataRange != null))
                         cellsInfo.SaveSparkline(i, j, new SparklineInfo(sparkline, sparklineDataRange, sparklineDateAxisRange));
                         cellsInfo.SaveSparkline(i, j, null);
                 if ((option & CopyToOption.Style) > ((CopyToOption)0))
                     cellsInfo.SaveStyle(i, j, GetStyleObject(sheet, baseRow + i, baseColumn + j, SheetArea.Cells));
                 if ((option & CopyToOption.Tag) > ((CopyToOption)0))
                     cellsInfo.SaveTag(i, j, sheet.GetTag(baseRow + i, baseColumn + j, SheetArea.Cells));
         if ((option & CopyToOption.Span) > ((CopyToOption)0))
             IEnumerator enumerator = sheet.SpanModel.GetEnumerator(baseRow, baseColumn, rowCount, columnCount);
             while (enumerator.MoveNext())
Exemple #2
 BaseSparklineView CreateSparkline(Sparkline info)
     if (info.SparklineType == SparklineType.Column)
         return(new ColumnSparklineView(new ColumnSparklineViewInfo(info)));
     if (info.SparklineType == SparklineType.Line)
         return(new LineSparklineView(new LineSparklineViewInfo(info)));
     return(new WinLossSparklineView(new WinLossSparklineViewInfo(info)));
        static void RearrangeSparklines(Workbook workbook)
            #region #RearrangeSparklines
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets["SparklineExamples"];
            workbook.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet = worksheet;

            // Create a group of line sparklines.
            SparklineGroup lineGroup = worksheet.SparklineGroups.Add(worksheet["G4:G7"], worksheet["C4:F4,C5:F5,C6:F6, C7:F7"], SparklineGroupType.Line);

            // Rearrange sparklines by grouping the second and fourth sparklines together and changing the group type to "Column".
            Sparkline      sparklineG5 = lineGroup.Sparklines[1];
            Sparkline      sparklineG7 = lineGroup.Sparklines[3];
            SparklineGroup columnGroup = worksheet.SparklineGroups.Add(new List <Sparkline> {
                sparklineG5, sparklineG7
            }, SparklineGroupType.Column);
            #endregion #RearrangeSparklines
Exemple #4
        public void CleanUpBeforeDiscard()
            if (Children.Count > 1)
                while (Children.Count > 1)
                    Children.RemoveAt(Children.Count - 1);

                _customDrawingObjectView = null;
                if (_sparkInfo != null)
                    _sparkInfo.SparklineChanged -= new EventHandler(sparkline_SparklineChanged);
                    _sparkInfo = null;
Exemple #5
        void sparkline_SparklineChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Sparkline sparkline = sender as Sparkline;

            if ((_sparklineView == null) || (_sparklineView.SparklineType != sparkline.SparklineType))
                if (_sparklineView != null)
                    _sparklineView = null;
            else if (_sparklineView != null)
                _sparklineView.Update(GetCellSize(), Excel.ZoomFactor);
Exemple #6
        private void InitFlexGrid()
            // setup flexgrid
            _flexGrid.AllowFiltering     = true;
            _flexGrid.AllowFiltering     = true;
            _flexGrid.AllowMerging       = AllowMergingEnum.Nodes;
            _flexGrid.HideGroupedColumns = true;
            _flexGrid.ShowErrors         = true;

            ColumnCollection columns = _flexGrid.Cols;

            // setup flexgrid columns
            columns[0].Width = 22;

            Column idColumn = columns["ID"];

            idColumn.Width        = 50;
            idColumn.AllowEditing = false;

            // setup combo list
            IEnumerable <string> products = (from s in _dataSet.Tables["Products"].Rows.Cast <DataRow>() select s)
                                            .Select(x => x["Name"].ToString());

            columns["Product"].ComboList = string.Join("|", products);

            // build image map for countries
            var flagImageMap = new Dictionary <Country, Image>();

            foreach (Country country in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Country)))
                flagImageMap.Add(country, LoadImage(country.ToString()));

            Column countryColumn = columns["Country"];

            // assign image map to country column
            countryColumn.ImageMap     = flagImageMap;
            countryColumn.ImageAndText = true;

            // build image map for colors
            var colorImageMap = new Dictionary <DrawColor, Image>();

            foreach (DrawColor color in Enum.GetValues(typeof(DrawColor)))
                colorImageMap.Add(color, LoadImage(color.ToString()));

            Column colorColumn = columns["Color"];

            // assign image map to color column
            colorColumn.ImageMap     = colorImageMap;
            colorColumn.ImageAndText = true;

            Column priceColumn = columns["Price"];

            priceColumn.Format    = "C2";
            priceColumn.TextAlign = TextAlignEnum.RightCenter;
            priceColumn.Width     = 80;

            ValidationRuleCollection priceEditorValidation = _flexGrid.Cols["Price"].EditorValidation;

            // add validation rules
            priceEditorValidation.Add(new RequiredRule());
            priceEditorValidation.Add(new RangeRule()
                Minimum      = decimal.Zero,
                Maximum      = decimal.MaxValue,
                ErrorMessage = "Price cannot be negative"

            Column changeColumn = columns["Change"];

            changeColumn.Format    = "C2";
            changeColumn.TextAlign = TextAlignEnum.RightCenter;

            Column historyColumn = columns["History"];

            historyColumn.AllowEditing = false;

            // setup sparkline for history column
            historyColumn.ShowSparkline = true;

            Sparkline historySparkline = historyColumn.Sparkline;

            historySparkline.ShowLow  = true;
            historySparkline.ShowHigh = true;

            Column discountColumn = columns["Discount"];

            discountColumn.Format       = "p0";
            discountColumn.AllowEditing = false;
            discountColumn.Width        = 80;

            Column ratingColumn = columns["Rating"];

            ratingColumn.ImageAndText = false;
            ratingColumn.AllowEditing = false;

            columns["Active"].Width = 60;

            Column dateColumn = columns["Date"];

            dateColumn.Format = "g";

            // creating footers
            var footerDescription = new FooterDescription();

            // price aggregate
            var priceAggregateDefinition = new AggregateDefinition()
                Aggregate    = AggregateEnum.Average,
                Caption      = "Average price: ${0:N2}",
                PropertyName = "Price"

            // discount aggregate
            var discountAggregateDefinition = new AggregateDefinition
                Aggregate    = AggregateEnum.Average,
                Caption      = "Average discount: {0:P}",
                PropertyName = "Discount"

            ObservableCollection <AggregateDefinition> aggregates = footerDescription.Aggregates;


            // add footers
            Footers footers = _flexGrid.Footers;

            footers.Fixed = true;

            // set details
            _flexGrid.RowDetailProvider = (g, r) => new CustomRowDetail();

            // add red style
            CellStyle redStyle = _flexGrid.Styles.Add("Red");

            redStyle.ImageAlign = ImageAlignEnum.LeftCenter;
            redStyle.ForeColor  = Color.Red;

            // add green style
            CellStyle greenStyle = _flexGrid.Styles.Add("Green");

            greenStyle.ImageAlign = ImageAlignEnum.LeftCenter;
            greenStyle.ForeColor  = Color.Green;

            // add rating style
            CellStyle ratingStyle = _flexGrid.Styles.Add("Rating");

            ratingStyle.ImageAlign = ImageAlignEnum.RightCenter;
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SparklineHtmlBuilder{T}" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="component">The Sparkline component.</param>
 public SparklineHtmlBuilder(Sparkline <T> component)
     sparkline = component;
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SparklineBuilder{T}"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="component">The component.</param>
 public SparklineBuilder(Sparkline <T> component)
     : base(component)
 public SparklineSeriesDefaultsBuilder(Sparkline <TModel> sparkline)
     this.sparkline = sparkline;
Exemple #10
        //*** CellsPanel.Measure -> RowsLayer.Measure -> RowItem.UpdateChildren -> 行列改变时 CellItem.UpdateChildren -> RowItem.Measure -> CellItem.Measure ***//

        public void UpdateChildren()
            // 刷新绑定的Cell
            int row    = OwnRow.Row;
            int column = Column;

            if (CellLayout != null)
                row    = CellLayout.Row;
                column = CellLayout.Column;
            BindingCell = OwnRow.OwnPanel.CellCache.GetCachedCell(row, column);
            if (BindingCell == null)

            Background = BindingCell.ActualBackground;
            var       excel = Excel;
            Worksheet sheet = BindingCell.Worksheet;

            // 迷你图
            Sparkline sparkline = sheet.GetSparkline(row, column);

            if (_sparkInfo != sparkline)
                SparkLine = sparkline;

            // 收集所有DrawingObject
            List <DrawingObject> list = new List <DrawingObject>();

            DrawingObject[] objArray = sheet.GetDrawingObject(row, column, 1, 1);
            if ((objArray != null) && (objArray.Length > 0))

            IDrawingObjectProvider drawingObjectProvider = DrawingObjectManager.GetDrawingObjectProvider(excel);

            if (drawingObjectProvider != null)
                DrawingObject[] objArray2 = drawingObjectProvider.GetDrawingObjects(sheet, row, column, 1, 1);
                if ((objArray2 != null) && (objArray2.Length > 0))

            _dataBarObject       = null;
            _iconObject          = null;
            _customDrawingObject = null;
            if (list.Count > 0)
                foreach (DrawingObject obj in list)
                    if (obj is DataBarDrawingObject bar)
                        _dataBarObject = bar;
                    else if (obj is IconDrawingObject icon)
                        _iconObject = icon;
                    else if (obj is CustomDrawingObject cust)
                        _customDrawingObject = cust;

            bool noBarIcon = SynContitionalView();
            bool noCust    = SynCustomDrawingObjectView();

            if (sparkline == null && noBarIcon && noCust && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(BindingCell.Text))
                _tb.Text = BindingCell.Text;

#if UWP || WASM
            // 手机上体验不好
            if (!excel.IsTouching)
                FilterButtonInfo info = excel.GetFilterButtonInfo(row, column, BindingCell.SheetArea);
                if (info != FilterButtonInfo)
                    FilterButtonInfo = info;