public UsingSortedSet(int addHowMany) { intSortedSet = new SortedSetAny <int>(1); intList = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < addHowMany; i++) { int n = randGen.Next(); intSortedSet.Add(n); intList.Add(n); } }
public UsingSortedSet(int addHowMany) { intSortedSet = new SortedSetAny<int>(1); intList = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < addHowMany; i++) { int n = randGen.Next(); intSortedSet.Add(n); intList.Add(n); } }
public void AddFile(string fileName) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName); FileData fileData = new FileData(fileInfo); if (m_testCaseFiles == null) { m_testCaseFiles = new SortedSetAny <FileData>(); } m_testCaseFiles.Add(fileData); fileData.SetFileBytes(); }
public PermissionScheme(User superUser) { this.m_superUser = superUser; m_adminSet = new SortedSetAny <User>(); m_adminSet.Add(superUser); m_developerSet = new SortedSetAny <User>(); m_adminPermissions = (uint)(Permission.CreateProject | Permission.DeleteProject | Permission.EditProject | Permission.CreateComponent | Permission.DeleteComponent | Permission.EditComponent | Permission.CreateIssue | Permission.DeleteIssue | Permission.EditIssue | Permission.EditOwnIssue | Permission.DeleteOwnIssue | Permission.CreateVersion | Permission.DeleteVersion | Permission.EditVersion | Permission.AddLargeAttachment | Permission.AddSmallAttachment | Permission.DeleteAttachment | Permission.LinkIssues | Permission.EditUser | Permission.ScheduleIssues | Permission.DeleteUser | Permission.WorkOnIssues); m_developerPermissions = (uint)(Permission.CreateIssue | Permission.DeleteIssue | Permission.EditIssue | Permission.EditOwnIssue | Permission.DeleteOwnIssue | Permission.EditVersion | Permission.AddLargeAttachment | Permission.AddSmallAttachment | Permission.DeleteAttachment | Permission.LinkIssues | Permission.ScheduleIssues | Permission.WorkOnIssues); m_userPermissions = (uint)(Permission.CreateIssue | Permission.EditOwnIssue | Permission.DeleteOwnIssue | Permission.AddSmallAttachment); }
public PermissionScheme(User superUser) { this.m_superUser = superUser; m_adminSet = new SortedSetAny<User>(); m_adminSet.Add(superUser); m_developerSet = new SortedSetAny<User>(); m_adminPermissions = (uint) (Permission.CreateProject | Permission.DeleteProject | Permission.EditProject | Permission.CreateComponent | Permission.DeleteComponent | Permission.EditComponent | Permission.CreateIssue | Permission.DeleteIssue | Permission.EditIssue | Permission.EditOwnIssue | Permission.DeleteOwnIssue | Permission.CreateVersion | Permission.DeleteVersion | Permission.EditVersion | Permission.AddLargeAttachment | Permission.AddSmallAttachment | Permission.DeleteAttachment | Permission.LinkIssues | Permission.EditUser | Permission.ScheduleIssues | Permission.DeleteUser | Permission.WorkOnIssues); m_developerPermissions = (uint)(Permission.CreateIssue | Permission.DeleteIssue | Permission.EditIssue | Permission.EditOwnIssue | Permission.DeleteOwnIssue | Permission.EditVersion | Permission.AddLargeAttachment | Permission.AddSmallAttachment | Permission.DeleteAttachment | Permission.LinkIssues | Permission.ScheduleIssues | Permission.WorkOnIssues); m_userPermissions = (uint)(Permission.CreateIssue | Permission.EditOwnIssue | Permission.DeleteOwnIssue | Permission.AddSmallAttachment); }
public void Add(Issue issue) { issueSetById.Add(issue); issueSetByDescription.Add(issue); issueSetByPriority.Add(issue); issueSetByDateTimeCreated.Add(issue); issueSetByDateTimeUpdated.Add(issue); issueSetByStatus.Add(issue); issueSetBySummary.Add(issue); issueSetByProject.Add(issue); issueSetByCategory.Add(issue); issueSetByReportedBy.Add(issue); issueSetByLastUpdatedBy.Add(issue); issueSetByAssignedTo.Add(issue); issueSetByDueDate.Add(issue); issueSetByVersion.Add(issue); }
public Issue(User reportedBy, PriorityEnum priority, Project project, CategoryEnum category, Component component, ProductVersion version, Resolution resolution, string summary, string description, string environment, User assignedTo, DateTime dueDate, SortedSetAny <Attachment> attachments, StatusEnum status = StatusEnum.Open) { if (attachments != null) { this.attachments = attachments; } else { this.attachments = new SortedSetAny <Attachment>(); } this.reportedBy = reportedBy; this.project = project; this.component = component; affectedComponentSet = new SortedSetAny <Component>(1); if (component != null) { affectedComponentSet.Add(component); } affectedVersionSet = new SortedSetAny <ProductVersion>(1); if (version != null) { affectedVersionSet.Add(version); } voteSet = new SortedSetAny <Vote>(1); relatedIssueSet = new SortedSetAny <Issue>(1); fixedInVersionSet = new SortedSetAny <ProductVersion>(1); subTaskSet = new SortedSetAny <SubTask>(1); labelSet = new SortedSetAny <ProductLabel>(1); this.version = version; this.summary = summary; this.description = description; this.environment = environment; this.category = category; this.priority = priority; fixResolution = resolution; dateTimeCreated = DateTime.Now; dateTimeLastUpdated = dateTimeCreated; fixmessage = null; lastUpdatedBy = reportedBy; this.dueDate = dueDate; this.status = status; this.AssignedTo = assignedTo; subscribers = null; // to do testCase = null; // to do }
public Issue(User reportedBy, PriorityEnum priority, Project project, CategoryEnum category, Component component, ProductVersion version, Resolution resolution, string summary, string description, string environment, User assignedTo, DateTime dueDate, SortedSetAny <Attachment> attachments, StatusEnum status = StatusEnum.Open) { if (attachments != null) { m_attachments = attachments; } else { m_attachments = new SortedSetAny <Attachment>(); } m_reportedBy = reportedBy; m_project = project; m_component = component; m_affectedComponentSet = new SortedSetAny <Component>(1); if (component != null) { m_affectedComponentSet.Add(component); } m_affectedVersionSet = new SortedSetAny <ProductVersion>(1); if (version != null) { m_affectedVersionSet.Add(version); } m_voteSet = new SortedSetAny <Vote>(1); m_relatedIssueSet = new SortedSetAny <Issue>(1); m_fixedInVersionSet = new SortedSetAny <ProductVersion>(1); m_subTaskSet = new SortedSetAny <SubTask>(1); m_labelSet = new SortedSetAny <ProductLabel>(1); m_version = version; m_summary = summary; m_description = description; m_environment = environment; m_category = category; m_priority = priority; m_fixResolution = resolution; m_dateTimeCreated = DateTime.Now; m_dateTimeLastUpdated = m_dateTimeCreated; m_fixmessage = null; m_lastUpdatedBy = reportedBy; m_dueDate = dueDate; m_status = status; AssignedTo = assignedTo; m_subscribers = null; // to do m_testCase = null; // to do }
public Issue(User reportedBy, PriorityEnum priority, Project project, CategoryEnum category, Component component, ProductVersion version, Resolution resolution, string summary, string description, string environment, User assignedTo, DateTime dueDate, SortedSetAny<Attachment> attachments, StatusEnum status = StatusEnum.Open) { if (attachments != null) m_attachments = attachments; else m_attachments = new SortedSetAny<Attachment>(); m_reportedBy = reportedBy; m_project = project; m_component = component; m_affectedComponentSet = new SortedSetAny<Component>(1); if (component != null) m_affectedComponentSet.Add(component); m_affectedVersionSet = new SortedSetAny<ProductVersion>(1); if (version != null) m_affectedVersionSet.Add(version); m_voteSet = new SortedSetAny<Vote>(1); m_relatedIssueSet = new SortedSetAny<Issue>(1); m_fixedInVersionSet = new SortedSetAny<ProductVersion>(1); m_subTaskSet = new SortedSetAny<SubTask>(1); m_labelSet = new SortedSetAny<ProductLabel>(1); m_version = version; m_summary = summary; m_description = description; m_environment = environment; m_category = category; m_priority = priority; m_fixResolution = resolution; m_dateTimeCreated = DateTime.Now; m_dateTimeLastUpdated = m_dateTimeCreated; m_fixmessage = null; m_lastUpdatedBy = reportedBy; m_dueDate = dueDate; m_status = status; AssignedTo = assignedTo; m_subscribers = null; // to do m_testCase = null;// to do }
public Issue(User reportedBy, PriorityEnum priority, Project project, CategoryEnum category, Component component, ProductVersion version, Resolution resolution, string summary, string description, string environment, User assignedTo, DateTime dueDate, SortedSetAny<Attachment> attachments, StatusEnum status = StatusEnum.Open) { if (attachments != null) this.attachments = attachments; else this.attachments = new SortedSetAny<Attachment>(); this.reportedBy = reportedBy; this.project = project; this.component = component; affectedComponentSet = new SortedSetAny<Component>(1); if (component != null) affectedComponentSet.Add(component); affectedVersionSet = new SortedSetAny<ProductVersion>(1); if (version != null) affectedVersionSet.Add(version); voteSet = new SortedSetAny<Vote>(1); relatedIssueSet = new SortedSetAny<Issue>(1); fixedInVersionSet = new SortedSetAny<ProductVersion>(1); subTaskSet = new SortedSetAny<SubTask>(1); labelSet = new SortedSetAny<ProductLabel>(1); this.version = version; this.summary = summary; this.description = description; this.environment = environment; this.category = category; this.priority = priority; fixResolution = resolution; dateTimeCreated = DateTime.Now; dateTimeLastUpdated = dateTimeCreated; fixmessage = null; lastUpdatedBy = reportedBy; this.dueDate = dueDate; this.status = status; this.AssignedTo = assignedTo; subscribers = null; // to do testCase = null;// to do }