private bool IsVisible(int a, int b, TriangulatorDataSet ds)
            Vector2 aPos       = ds.NodePosV2(a);
            Vector2 bPos       = ds.NodePosV2(b);
            Vector2 dir        = bPos - aPos;
            float   curSqrDist = SomeMath.SqrDistance(aPos, bPos);

            foreach (var edge in ds.edges)
                if (edge.Contains(a, b))

                Vector2 intersection;
                if (SomeMath.RayIntersectXZ(
                        aPos, dir,                                  //from, direction
                        ds.NodePosV2(edge.a), ds.NodePosV2(edge.b), //a, b
                        out intersection) &&
                    SomeMath.SqrDistance(aPos, intersection) < curSqrDist)
                    //Debuger3.AddRay(new Vector3(intersection.x, 0, intersection.y), Vector3.up, Color.magenta);
                    //Debuger3.AddLine(ds.NodePosV3(a), new Vector3(intersection.x, 0, intersection.y), Color.magenta);
                    //Debuger3.AddLine(ds.NodePosV3(b), new Vector3(intersection.x, 0, intersection.y), Color.magenta);

Exemple #2
        public void GetClosestPointToCell(Vector2 targetPos, out Vector3 closestPoint, out bool isOutsideCell)
            float closestSqrDistance = float.MaxValue;

            closestPoint =;

            foreach (var edgeData in _contentDictionary.Keys)
                if (SomeMath.PointInTriangle(edgeData.leftV2, edgeData.rightV2, centerVector2, targetPos))
                    closestPoint  = new Vector3(targetPos.x, SomeMath.CalculateHeight(edgeData.leftV3, edgeData.rightV3, centerVector3, targetPos.x, targetPos.y), targetPos.y);
                    isOutsideCell = false;
                    Vector3 curInte;
                    SomeMath.ClosestToSegmentTopProjection(edgeData.leftV3, edgeData.rightV3, targetPos, true, out curInte);
                    float curSqrDist = SomeMath.SqrDistance(targetPos.x, targetPos.y, curInte.x, curInte.z);

                    if (curSqrDist < closestSqrDistance)
                        closestSqrDistance = curSqrDist;
                        closestPoint       = curInte;
            isOutsideCell = true;
Exemple #3
        public bool GetClosestToHull(float x, float y, float z, out Cell cell, out Vector3 closestToOutlinePos)
            cell = null;
            closestToOutlinePos = new Vector3();

            if (empty || _mapCell == null)

            float sqrDist = float.MaxValue;

            foreach (var pair in _contourLib)
                CellContentData val        = pair.Key;
                Vector3         curNearest = pair.Key.NearestPoint(x, y, z);
                float           curSqrDist = SomeMath.SqrDistance(curNearest.x, curNearest.y, curNearest.z, x, y, z);

                if (curSqrDist < sqrDist)
                    sqrDist             = curSqrDist;
                    cell                = pair.Value;
                    closestToOutlinePos = curNearest;
Exemple #4
        private bool IsVisible(int a, int b)
            float ax      = _nodes[a].x;
            float ay      = _nodes[a].z;
            float bx      = _nodes[b].x;
            float by      = _nodes[b].z;
            float abx     = bx - ax;
            float aby     = by - ay;
            float sqrDist = SomeMath.SqrDistance(ax, ay, bx, by);


            DDARasterization.DrawLine(ax - chunkPos.x, ay - chunkPos.y, bx - chunkPos.x, by - chunkPos.y, edgeMapPiselSize, IsVisibleDelegate);

            foreach (var edge in isVisibleTemp)
                if (edge.Contains(a, b))

                float ix, iy;
                if (SomeMath.RayIntersect(ax, ay, abx, aby, _nodes[edge.a].x, _nodes[edge.a].z, _nodes[edge.b].x, _nodes[edge.b].z, out ix, out iy) && SomeMath.SqrDistance(ax, ay, ix, iy) < sqrDist)

            //Vector2 aPos = _nodes[a].positionV2;
            //Vector2 bPos = _nodes[b].positionV2;
            //Vector2 dir = bPos - aPos;
            //float curSqrDist = SomeMath.SqrDistance(aPos, bPos);

            //foreach (var edge in edges) {
            //    if (edge.Contains(a, b))
            //        continue;

            //    Vector2 intersection;
            //    if (SomeMath.RayIntersectXZ(
            //        aPos, dir, //from, direction
            //        NodePosV2(edge.a), NodePosV2(edge.b), //a, b
            //        out intersection)
            //        && SomeMath.SqrDistance(aPos, intersection) < curSqrDist) {

            //        //Debuger3.AddRay(new Vector3(intersection.x, 0, intersection.y), Vector3.up, Color.magenta);
            //        //Debuger3.AddLine(ds.NodePosV3(a), new Vector3(intersection.x, 0, intersection.y), Color.magenta);
            //        //Debuger3.AddLine(ds.NodePosV3(b), new Vector3(intersection.x, 0, intersection.y), Color.magenta);
            //        return false;
            //    }

            //return true;
        public void AddCover(NodeCoverTemp coverInfo)
            Cover cover = new Cover(coverInfo.positionV3, coverInfo.connection.positionV3, coverInfo.connectionType, coverInfo.normal);

            Vector3 agentNormalPoint = coverInfo.normal * properties.radius;

            foreach (var coverPoint in coverInfo.points)
                Vector3        pointPlusAgentOffset = coverPoint.positionV3 + agentNormalPoint;
                HashSet <Cell> nearbyCells          = new HashSet <Cell>();

                foreach (var edge in coverPoint.edges)
                    CellContentData data = new CellContentData(edge);
                    foreach (var cell in _cells)
                        if (cell.Contains(data))

                float   closestSqrDistance = float.MaxValue;
                Cell    closestCell        = null;
                Vector3 closestPoint       =;

                foreach (var cell in nearbyCells)
                    bool    isOutside;
                    Vector3 currentPoint;
                    cell.GetClosestPointToCell(pointPlusAgentOffset, out currentPoint, out isOutside);

                    float curSqrDistance = SomeMath.SqrDistance(pointPlusAgentOffset, currentPoint);
                    if (curSqrDistance < closestSqrDistance)
                        closestCell        = cell;
                        closestPoint       = currentPoint;
                        closestSqrDistance = curSqrDistance;

                if (closestCell == null)

                NodeCoverPoint coverNode = new NodeCoverPoint(coverPoint.positionV3, closestPoint, closestCell, cover);

            public CirclePattern(int radius)
                this.radius = radius;
                size        = radius + radius - 1;
                int sqrRadius = (radius - 1) * (radius - 1);

                pattern = new bool[size * size];

                for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                        pattern[(y * size) + x] = SomeMath.SqrDistance(x, y, radius - 1, radius - 1) <= sqrRadius;
Exemple #7
        private static void SearchRecursive(PathFinderAgent agent, Bounds2D targetBounds, Vector3 targetPos, float targetSqrDist, int targetBranch)
            kDTreeBranch branch = branches[targetBranch];

            if (branch.bounds.Overlap(targetBounds))
                if (branch.branchA != -1)
                    SearchRecursive(agent, targetBounds, targetPos, targetSqrDist, branch.branchA);
                    SearchRecursive(agent, targetBounds, targetPos, targetSqrDist, branch.branchB);
                    for (int i = branch.start; i < branch.end; i++)
                        var realAgent = PathFinder.agents[agents[i].index];
                        if (agent != realAgent)
                            float curSqrDist = SomeMath.SqrDistance(targetPos, realAgent.positionVector3);
                            if (curSqrDist < targetSqrDist)
                                if (agent.neighbourAgents.Count < agent.maxNeighbors)
                                    for (int n = 0; n < agent.maxNeighbors; n++)
                                        if (agent.neighbourSqrDistances[n] > curSqrDist)
                                            agent.neighbourAgents[n]       = realAgent;
                                            agent.neighbourSqrDistances[n] = curSqrDist;
        private void SearchRecursive(T target, Bounds2D targetBounds, Vector2 targetPos, float targetSqrDist, int targetBranch)
            kDTreeBranch branch = branches[targetBranch];

            if (branch.bounds.Overlap(targetBounds))
                if (branch.branchA != -1)
                    SearchRecursive(target, targetBounds, targetPos, targetSqrDist, branch.branchA);
                    SearchRecursive(target, targetBounds, targetPos, targetSqrDist, branch.branchB);
                    for (int i = branch.start; i < branch.end; i++)
                        T realAgent = data[members[i].index];
                        if (target.Equals(realAgent) == false)
                            float curSqrDist = SomeMath.SqrDistance(targetPos, realAgent.position);
                            if (curSqrDist < targetSqrDist)
                                if (target.neighbourAgents.Count < target.maxNeighbours)
                                    for (int n = 0; n < target.maxNeighbours; n++)
                                        if (target.neighbourSqrDistances[n] > curSqrDist)
                                            target.neighbourAgents[n]       = realAgent;
                                            target.neighbourSqrDistances[n] = curSqrDist;
Exemple #9
        public bool GetClosestCell(float x, float y, float z, out Cell cell, out bool outsideCell, out Vector3 closestPoint)
            if (empty || _mapCell == null)
                outsideCell  = true;
                cell         = null;
                closestPoint = new Vector3();

            Cell    getCell;
            Vector3 resultCell;

            if (GetCell(x, y, z, out getCell, out resultCell))
                Cell    getHull;
                Vector3 resultHull;
                GetClosestToHull(x, y, z, out getHull, out resultHull);
                outsideCell = SomeMath.SqrDistance(x, y, z, resultCell.x, resultCell.y, resultCell.z) > SomeMath.SqrDistance(x, y, z, resultHull.x, resultHull.y, resultHull.z);

                if (outsideCell)
                    closestPoint = resultHull;
                    cell         = getHull;
                    closestPoint = resultCell;
                    cell         = getCell;
                GetClosestToHull(x, y, z, out cell, out closestPoint);
                outsideCell = true;
        private void ConnectBattleGrid(float connectDistance)
            if (battleGrid == null)

            float connectionDistanceSqr = connectDistance * connectDistance;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Directions directionFrom = (Directions)i;
                Directions directionTo   = Enums.Opposite(directionFrom);

                Graph neighbourGraph;
                if (TryGetNeighbour(directionFrom, out neighbourGraph) == false)

                BattleGrid neighbourBattleGrid = neighbourGraph.battleGrid;

                if (neighbourBattleGrid == null)
                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("somehow i have battle grid but my neighbour is not. probably just empty graph. my positions is {0}", chunk.position.ToString());

                var ourBorder       = battleGrid.GetBorderLinePoints(directionFrom);
                var neighbourBorder = neighbourBattleGrid.GetBorderLinePoints(directionTo);

                Axis projectionAxis = Axis.x;
                if (directionFrom == Directions.xPlus || directionFrom == Directions.xMinus)
                    projectionAxis = Axis.x;
                if (directionFrom == Directions.zPlus || directionFrom == Directions.zMinus)
                    projectionAxis = Axis.z;

                BattleGridPoint point;
                foreach (var ourBorderPoint in ourBorder)
                    point = null;
                    float curClosestSqrDist = float.MaxValue;
                    foreach (var neighbourBorderPoint in neighbourBorder)
                        if ((projectionAxis == Axis.x && ourBorderPoint.gridZ != neighbourBorderPoint.gridZ) ||
                            (projectionAxis == Axis.z && ourBorderPoint.gridX != neighbourBorderPoint.gridX))

                        float curSqrDist = SomeMath.SqrDistance(ourBorderPoint.positionV3, neighbourBorderPoint.positionV3);

                        if (curSqrDist < curClosestSqrDist && curSqrDist <= connectionDistanceSqr)
                            point             = neighbourBorderPoint;
                            curClosestSqrDist = curSqrDist;

                    if (point != null)
                        ourBorderPoint.neighbours[(int)directionFrom] = point;
                        point.neighbours[(int)directionTo]            = ourBorderPoint;

                //for (int bi = 0; bi < ourBorder.Length; bi++) {
                //    foreach (var curPoint in ourBorder[bi]) {
                //        BattleGridPoint nbpn = null;
                //        float curClosestSqrDist = float.MaxValue;
                //        foreach (var neighbourPoint in neighbourBorder[bi]) {
                //            float curSqrDist = SomeMath.SqrDistance(curPoint.positionV3, neighbourPoint.positionV3);
                //            if(curSqrDist <= connectionDistanceSqr) {
                //                nbpn = neighbourPoint;
                //                curClosestSqrDist = curSqrDist;
                //            }
                //        }

                //        if(nbpn != null) {
                //            curPoint.neighbours[(int)directionFrom] = nbpn;
                //            nbpn.neighbours[(int)directionTo] = curPoint;
                //        }
                //    }
        private void CheckJumpConnections()
            if (empty || portalBases.Count == 0)

            float rad    = properties.radius;
            float radSqr = rad * rad;

            LayerMask mask = properties.includedLayers;

            float jumpUpSqr        = properties.JumpUp * properties.JumpUp;
            float jumpDownSqr      = properties.JumpDown * properties.JumpDown;
            float maxCheckDistance = Math.Max(jumpUpSqr, jumpDownSqr);

            float sampleStep   = PathFinder.gridSize / properties.voxelsPerChunk;
            int   sampleSteps  = Mathf.RoundToInt(properties.radius / sampleStep) + 2;//plus some extra
            float bottomOffset = 0.2f;

            float      agentHeightAjusted = properties.height - rad;
            float      agentBottomAjusted = properties.radius + bottomOffset;
            RaycastHit hitCapsule, hitRaycast;

            if (agentHeightAjusted - agentBottomAjusted < 0) // somehow became spherical
                agentHeightAjusted = agentBottomAjusted;

            foreach (var portal in new List <JumpPortalBase>(portalBases))
                Vector3 topAdd           = new Vector3(0, agentBottomAjusted, 0);
                Vector3 bottomAdd        = new Vector3(0, agentHeightAjusted, 0);
                Vector3 portalPosV3      = portal.positionV3;
                Vector3 mountPointBottom = portalPosV3 + topAdd;
                Vector3 mountPointTop    = portalPosV3 + bottomAdd;

                if (Physics.CheckCapsule(mountPointBottom, mountPointTop, rad, properties.includedLayers) ||
                    (Physics.CapsuleCast(mountPointBottom, mountPointTop, rad, portal.normal, out hitCapsule, rad * 3, mask) &&
                     SomeMath.SqrDistance(ToV2(hitCapsule.point), portal.positionV2) < (rad * 3) * (rad * 3)))

                for (int i = 0; i < sampleSteps; i++)
                    Vector3 normalOffset = portal.normal * (properties.radius + (i * sampleStep));
                    Vector3 axisPoint    = mountPointBottom + normalOffset;

                    if (Physics.Raycast(axisPoint, Vector3.down, out hitRaycast, maxCheckDistance, mask) == false)

                    Vector3 raycastHitPoint = hitRaycast.point;

                    if (Physics.CapsuleCast(axisPoint, mountPointTop + normalOffset, rad, Vector3.down, out hitCapsule, Mathf.Infinity, mask) == false)

                    if (SomeMath.SqrDistance(raycastHitPoint, hitCapsule.point) > radSqr)

                    if (SomeMath.SqrDistance(portal.positionV3 + normalOffset, hitCapsule.point) < radSqr || Vector3.Angle(Vector3.up, hitCapsule.normal) > properties.maxSlope)

                    bool    outside;
                    Cell    closest;
                    Vector3 closestPos;

                    GetClosestCell(raycastHitPoint, out closest, out outside, out closestPos);

                    //Debuger3.AddLine(raycastHitPoint, closestPos,;
                    //Debuger3.AddRay(raycastHitPoint, Vector3.up, Color.magenta, 0.5f);

                    if (outside)
                    Cell    cell;
                    bool    outsideCell;
                    Vector3 closestPoint;
                    GetClosestCell(closestPos, out cell, out outsideCell, out closestPoint);

                    //Cell targetCell = GetClosestCellExpensive(raycastHitPoint, out closestPos);

                    if (SomeMath.SqrDistance(closestPos, hitCapsule.point) > radSqr)
                        goto NEXT_PORTAL;

                    float fallSqrDistance = SomeMath.SqrDistance(portal.positionV3 + normalOffset, raycastHitPoint);

                    if (fallSqrDistance < jumpUpSqr)
                        foreach (var pair in portal.cellMountPoints)
                            cell.SetContent(new CellContentPointedConnection(closestPos, raycastHitPoint, pair.Value, portal.positionV3, ConnectionJumpState.jumpUp, cell, pair.Key, false));
                            //cell.AddConnection(new CellJumpUpConnection(cell, pair.Key, closestPos, raycastHitPoint, portal.positionV3, pair.Value, false));
                            //cell.SetJumpUpConnection(pair.Key, closestPos, raycastHitPoint, portal.positionV3, pair.Value);

                    if (fallSqrDistance < jumpDownSqr)
                        foreach (var pair in portal.cellMountPoints)
                            pair.Key.SetContent(new CellContentPointedConnection(pair.Value, raycastHitPoint, closestPos, portal.positionV3, ConnectionJumpState.jumpDown, pair.Key, cell, false));
                            //pair.Key.AddConnection(new CellJumpDownConnection(pair.Key, cell, pair.Value, portal.positionV3, raycastHitPoint, closestPos, false));
                            //pair.Key.SetJumpDownConnection(cell, pair.Value, portal.positionV3, raycastHitPoint, closestPos);

                    goto NEXT_PORTAL;


                NEXT_PORTAL : {
        public void GetClosestCell(Vector3 pos, out Cell cell, out bool outsideCell, out Vector3 closestPoint)
            cell         = null;
            closestPoint =;
            outsideCell  = true;

            //if true then no result
            if (empty || _map == null)

            float       s        = PathFinder.gridSize / PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE;
            List <Cell> mapChunk = _map
                                   [Mathf.Clamp((int)((pos.x - chunk.realX) / s), 0, PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE - 1)]
                                   [Mathf.Clamp((int)((pos.z - chunk.realZ) / s), 0, PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE - 1)];

            float sqrDist = float.MaxValue;

            //search cell in chunk are inside chunk
            if (mapChunk.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < mapChunk.Count; i++)
                    Vector3 currentClosestToCell;
                    //see if this point are inside cell and get position if are
                    if (mapChunk[i].GetPointInsideCell(pos, out currentClosestToCell))
                        float curSqrDist = SomeMath.SqrDistance(pos, currentClosestToCell);
                        if (curSqrDist < sqrDist)
                            sqrDist      = curSqrDist;
                            cell         = mapChunk[i];
                            outsideCell  = false;
                            closestPoint = currentClosestToCell;

            //if there was result then here it is
            if (cell != null)

            //if there is no result then search it by checking all contours that represent hole in graph
            foreach (var pair in _contourLib)
                Vector3 curNearest = SomeMath.NearestPointOnSegment(pair.Key.a, pair.Key.b, pos);
                float   curSqrDist = SomeMath.SqrDistance(curNearest, pos);

                if (curSqrDist < sqrDist)
                    sqrDist      = curSqrDist;
                    cell         = pair.Value;
                    closestPoint = curNearest;
        //takes edges and axis. check if edge exist, if exist add closest point to cell
        public void AddPortal(IEnumerable <EdgeAbstract> edges, Vector3 axis)
            Vector2 axisV2 = new Vector2(axis.x, axis.z);
            Dictionary <Cell, Vector3> cellMountPoints = new Dictionary <Cell, Vector3>();

            foreach (var abstractEdge in edges)
                CellContentData data = new CellContentData(abstractEdge);

                Vector3 intersection;
                SomeMath.ClosestToSegmentTopProjection(data.a, data.b, axisV2, true, out intersection);

                foreach (var cell in _cells)
                    if (cell.Contains(data))
                        if (cellMountPoints.ContainsKey(cell))
                            if (SomeMath.SqrDistance(cellMountPoints[cell], axis) > SomeMath.SqrDistance(intersection, axis))
                                cellMountPoints[cell] = intersection;
                            cellMountPoints.Add(cell, intersection);

            Vector2 normalRaw;

            switch (cellMountPoints.Count)
            case 0:

            case 1:
                normalRaw = ToV2((cellMountPoints.First().Value - axis)).normalized * -1;

            case 2:

                normalRaw = (
                    ToV2(cellMountPoints.First().Value - axis).normalized +
                    ToV2(cellMountPoints.Last().Value - axis).normalized).normalized * -1;

                normalRaw = Vector2.left;
                Dictionary <Cell, float> cellAngles = new Dictionary <Cell, float>();
                Cell first = cellMountPoints.First().Key;
                cellAngles.Add(first, 0f);

                Vector3 firstDirV3 = cellMountPoints.First().Value - axis;
                Vector2 firstDirV2 = ToV2(firstDirV3);

                foreach (var pair in cellMountPoints)
                    if (pair.Key == first)

                    Vector2 curDir = new Vector2(pair.Value.x - axis.x, pair.Value.z - axis.z);
                    cellAngles.Add(pair.Key, Vector2.Angle(firstDirV2, curDir) * Mathf.Sign(SomeMath.V2Cross(firstDirV2, curDir)));

                normalRaw = (
                    ToV2(cellMountPoints[cellAngles.Aggregate((l, r) => l.Value > r.Value ? l : r).Key] - axis).normalized +
                    ToV2(cellMountPoints[cellAngles.Aggregate((l, r) => l.Value < r.Value ? l : r).Key] - axis).normalized).normalized * -1;

            portalBases.Add(new JumpPortalBase(cellMountPoints, axis, new Vector3(normalRaw.x, 0, normalRaw.y)));
Exemple #14
 private float GetSide(Vector3 pos)
     return(SomeMath.SqrDistance(intX, intZ, pos.x, pos.z) * Mathf.Sign(SomeMath.LinePointSideMath(fromV2, toV2, pos.x, pos.z)));
        private void Raycast(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, out RaycastHitNavMesh hit,
                             float length, int maxIterations, Passability expectedPassability, Area expectedArea, Cell cell)
            HashSet <CellContentData> raycastExclude  = new HashSet <CellContentData>();
            List <RaycastSomeData>    raycastTempData = new List <RaycastSomeData>();
            float maxLengthSqr = length * length;

            for (int iteration = 0; iteration < maxIterations; iteration++)
                raycastTempData.Clear();//iteration data cleared

                foreach (var pair in cell.dataContentPairs)
                    CellContentData curData = pair.Key;
                    if (!raycastExclude.Add(curData))//mean it's already contain this

                    Vector3 intersect;
                    if (SomeMath.RayIntersectXZ(origin, direction, curData.leftV3, curData.rightV3, out intersect))
                        if (pair.Value != null)
                            Cell otherCell = pair.Value.connection;
                            if (otherCell == cell | !otherCell.canBeUsed)

                            if (cell.passability != otherCell.passability || cell.area != otherCell.area)
                                hit = new RaycastHitNavMesh(intersect, SomeMath.SqrDistance(origin, intersect) < maxLengthSqr);//!!!
                            raycastTempData.Add(new RaycastSomeData(intersect, otherCell));
                            raycastTempData.Add(new RaycastSomeData(intersect, null));

                //check if there possible connection
                for (int i = 0; i < raycastTempData.Count; i++)
                    if (raycastTempData[i].cell != null)
                        cell = raycastTempData[i].cell;
                        goto CONTINUE;

                //now we definetly hit something and now find furthest
                float   furthestSqrDist = 0f;
                Vector3 furthest        = origin;
                for (int i = 0; i < raycastTempData.Count; i++)
                    float curSqrDist = SomeMath.SqrDistance(raycastTempData[i].point, origin);

                    if (curSqrDist > furthestSqrDist)
                        furthestSqrDist = curSqrDist;
                        furthest        = raycastTempData[i].point;

                hit = new RaycastHitNavMesh(furthest, SomeMath.SqrDistance(origin, furthest) < maxLengthSqr);

                CONTINUE : { continue; }
            hit = new RaycastHitNavMesh(origin, true, true);