public static void Initialize(IDatabaseAccess access) { DatabaseAccess = access; Account = new Account(); Character = new Character(); Clan = new Clan(); Convoy = new Convoy(); Item = new Item(); Realmlist = new Realmlist(); Social = new Social(); Vehicle = new Vehicle(); }
string makeUrl(Social social) { string template = string.Empty; switch (social) { case Social.VK: template = vkTemplate; break; case Social.Facebook: template = facebookTemplate; break; case Social.Twitter: template = twitterTemplate; break; case Social.Odnoklassniki: template = odnoklassnikiTemplate; break; default: break; } return string.Format(template, EscapeURL(Title), EscapeURL(Description), EscapeURL(Image), EscapeURL(URL)); }
public static void PostScore(string leaderboardID, float score) { Social.ReportScore((long)score, leaderboardID, success => { }); }
public static void UnlockAchievement(string id) { Social.ReportProgress(id, 100, success => { }); }
private static Message ConvertCoreMessageToServicesMessage(int PortalID, int UserID, MessageRecipient coreMessageRecipeint, Social.Messaging.Message coreMessage) { var message = new Message { AllowReply = true, Body = coreMessage.Body, FromUserID = coreMessage.SenderUserID, MessageDate = coreMessage.CreatedOnDate, PortalID = PortalID }; switch (coreMessageRecipeint.Read) { case true: message.Status = MessageStatusType.Read; break; case false: message.Status = MessageStatusType.Unread; break; } message.ToUserID = UserID; return message; }
public void UpdateHonorableDefenderAchievement() { Social.ReportProgress(GooglePlayIds.achievement_honorable_defender, 100.0, OnProgressAchievement); Debug.Log("Gave honorable defender achievement"); }
public void OnAddAchievement(string achieveID) { if (!SystemManager.Instance.isGPSCheck) { Debug.Log("구글 로그인이 되지 않았습니다."); return; } switch (achieveID) { case "Start": Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement, 100.0f, (bool bSuccess) => { if (bSuccess) { Debug.Log("Start AddAchievement Success"); } else { Debug.Log("Start AddAchievement Fall"); } }); break; case "Chapter1": Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_2, 100.0f, (bool bSuccess) => { if (bSuccess) { Debug.Log("1 Stage AddAchievement Success"); } else { Debug.Log("1 Stage AddAchievement Fall"); } }); break; case "Chapter2": Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_3, 100.0f, (bool bSuccess) => { if (bSuccess) { Debug.Log("2 Stage AddAchievement Success"); } else { Debug.Log("2 Stage AddAchievement Fall"); } }); break; case "Chapter3": Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_4, 100.0f, (bool bSuccess) => { if (bSuccess) { Debug.Log("3 Stage AddAchievement Success"); } else { Debug.Log("3 Stage AddAchievement Fall"); } }); break; } }
//method untuk unlock Achievement public void UnlockAchievement(int id) //memiliki parameter "id" untuk membedakan achievement yang akan di Unlock { if (Social.localUser.authenticated) //jika sudah login { if (id == 1) { Social.ReportProgress(achievement_selamatDatang, 100.0f, (bool success) => //unlock achievement selamat belajar sebanyak 100% { if (success) { Debug.Log("Added"); } else { Debug.Log("Fail"); } }); } if (id == 2) { Social.ReportProgress(achievement_menjawabBenar, 100.0f, (bool success) => //unlock achievement selamat belajar sebanyak 100% { if (success) { Debug.Log("Added"); } else { Debug.Log("Fail"); } }); } if (id == 3) { Social.ReportProgress(achievement_menjawabSalah, 100.0f, (bool success) => //unlock achievement selamat belajar sebanyak 100% { if (success) { Debug.Log("Added"); } else { Debug.Log("Fail"); } }); } if (id == 4) { Social.ReportProgress(achievement_hilangkanAngka, 100.0f, (bool success) => //unlock achievement selamat belajar sebanyak 100% { if (success) { Debug.Log("Added"); } else { Debug.Log("Fail"); } }); } if (id == 5) { Social.ReportProgress(achievement_menang, 100.0f, (bool success) => //unlock achievement selamat belajar sebanyak 100% { if (success) { Debug.Log("Added"); } else { Debug.Log("Fail"); } }); } } }
public void GiveGettingStartedAchievement() { Social.ReportProgress(GooglePlayIds.achievement_getting_started, 100.0, OnProgressAchievement); Debug.Log("Gave getting started achievement"); }
private void SaveQuickReply() { int iFloodInterval = MainSettings.FloodInterval; if (iFloodInterval > 0) { UserProfileController upc = new UserProfileController(); UserProfileInfo upi = upc.Profiles_Get(SiteId, InstanceId, this.UserId); if (upi != null) { if (SimulateDateDiff.DateDiff(SimulateDateDiff.DateInterval.Second, upi.DateLastPost, DateTime.Now) < iFloodInterval) { Controls.InfoMessage im = new Controls.InfoMessage(); im.Message = "<div class=\"afmessage\">" + string.Format(Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:Error:FloodControl]"), iFloodInterval) + "</div>"; plhMessage.Controls.Add(im); return; } } } //TODO: Fix for anon //If Not Current.Request.IsAuthenticated Then // If Not ctlCaptcha.IsValid Or txtUserName.Value = "" Then // Exit Sub // End If //End If //Dim ui As New UserProfileInfo //If UserId > 0 Then // Dim upc As New UserProfileController // ui = upc.Profiles_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, UserId) //Else // ui.TopicCount = 0 // ui.ReplyCount = 0 // ui.RewardPoints = 0 // ui.IsMod = False // ui.TrustLevel = -1 //End If ForumController fc = new ForumController(); Forum forumInfo = fc.Forums_Get(SiteId, InstanceId, ForumId, this.UserId, true, false, TopicId); bool UserIsTrusted = false; UserIsTrusted = Utilities.IsTrusted((int)forumInfo.DefaultTrustValue, ControlConfig.User.TrustLevel, Permissions.HasPerm(forumInfo.Security.Trust, ForumUser.UserRoles), forumInfo.AutoTrustLevel, ControlConfig.User.PostCount); bool isApproved = false; isApproved = Convert.ToBoolean(((forumInfo.IsModerated == true) ? false : true)); if (UserIsTrusted || Permissions.HasPerm(forumInfo.Security.ModApprove, ForumUser.UserRoles)) { isApproved = true; } ReplyInfo ri = new ReplyInfo(); Data.Topics db = new Data.Topics(); //im rc As New ReplyController int ReplyId = -1; string sUsername = string.Empty; if (HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAuthenticated) { sUsername = ControlConfig.User.DisplayName; } else { sUsername = Utilities.CleanString(SiteId, txtUserName.Value, false, EditorTypes.TEXTBOX, true, false, InstanceId, ThemePath, false); } string sBody = string.Empty; //TODO: Check for allowhtml bool allowHtml = false; //If forumInfo.AllowHTML Then // allowHtml = isHTMLPermitted(forumInfo.EditorPermittedUsers, IsTrusted, forumInfo.Security.ModEdit) //End If sBody = Utilities.CleanString(SiteId, HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["txtBody"], allowHtml, EditorTypes.TEXTBOX, forumInfo.UseFilter, forumInfo.AllowScript, InstanceId, ThemePath, forumInfo.AllowEmoticons); DateTime createDate = DateTime.Now; ri.TopicId = TopicId; ri.ReplyToId = TopicId; ri.Content.AuthorId = UserId; ri.Content.AuthorName = sUsername; ri.Content.Body = sBody; ri.Content.DateCreated = createDate; ri.Content.DateUpdated = createDate; ri.Content.IsDeleted = false; ri.Content.Subject = Subject; ri.Content.Summary = string.Empty; ri.IsApproved = isApproved; ri.IsDeleted = false; ri.Content.IPAddress = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; ReplyId = db.Reply_Save(ri); //Check if is subscribed if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["chkSubscribe"] != null) { if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["chkSubscribe"] == "1" && UserId > 0) { if (!(Subscriptions.IsSubscribed(SiteId, InstanceId, ForumId, TopicId, SubscriptionTypes.Instant, UserId))) { //TODO: Fix Subscriptions //Dim sc As New Data.Tracking //sc.Subscription_Update(SiteId, InstanceId, ForumId, TopicId, 1, UserId) } } } if (isApproved) { //Send Subscriptions try { string sURL = Utilities.NavigateUrl(PageId, "", new string[] { ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumId, ParamKeys.ViewType + "=" + Views.Topic, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId, ParamKeys.ContentJumpId + "=" + ReplyId }); Subscriptions.SendSubscriptions(SiteId, InstanceId, PageId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, UserId); #if !SKU_LITE try { Social oSocial = new Social(); oSocial.AddForumItemToJournal(SiteId, InstanceId, UserId, "forumreply", sURL, Subject, sBody); } catch (Exception ex) { DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions.LogException(ex); } #endif } catch (Exception ex) { DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, ex); } //Redirect to show post string fullURL = Utilities.NavigateUrl(PageId, "", new string[] { ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumId, ParamKeys.ViewType + "=" + Views.Topic, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId, ParamKeys.ContentJumpId + "=" + ReplyId }); HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(fullURL, false); } else if (isApproved == false) { Email.SendEmailToModerators(forumInfo.ModNotifyTemplateId, SiteId, ForumId, ri.TopicId, ReplyId, InstanceId, PageId, string.Empty); string[] Params = { ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumId, ParamKeys.ViewType + "=confirmaction", "afmsg=pendingmod", ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId }; HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(Utilities.NavigateUrl(PageId, "", Params), false); } else { string fullURL = Utilities.NavigateUrl(PageId, "", new string[] { ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumId, ParamKeys.ViewType + "=" + Views.Topic, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId, ParamKeys.ContentJumpId + "=" + ReplyId }); #if !SKU_LITE try { Modules.ActiveForums.Social oSocial = new Modules.ActiveForums.Social(); oSocial.AddForumItemToJournal(SiteId, InstanceId, UserId, "forumreply", fullURL, Subject, sBody); } catch (Exception ex) { DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions.LogException(ex); } #endif HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(fullURL, false); } //End If }
bool compute_achievements() { #if USE_MOBILE_LEADERBOARD int achievementState = 0; int keyValue = 0; int i = 0; if (achievements != null) //are there Achievements? { foreach (achievement a in achievements) //for each of them { keyValue = readScoreFromPlayerprefs(a.scoreKey); if (keyValue >= a.MinScoreValue) //and test, if is reached { achievementState = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(a.AchievementName + "_state"); //and already reported. a.__reached = true; //When it is reached if (achievementState == 0 || a.__transmitted == true) //and it is not already reported, { if (a.achievement_message != null) { setAchievmentText(a.achievement_message.text); //tell the congratulations to the user. } if (a.__transmitRequested == false) //Then test, if there was a request for transmit { if (a.__transmitted == false) //and if it was transmitted. { #if UNITY_IOS KTGameCenter.SharedCenter().SubmitAchievement(100, a.AchievementID, true); #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID Social.ReportProgress(a.AchievementID, 100.0f, (bool success) => { //ok, then we can report it, but: // handle success or failure if (success) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(a.AchievementName + "_state", 1); //achievement_reported = true; a.__transmitted = true; } else { //Debug.Log ("no"); } a.__transmitted = true; }); #endif a.__transmitted = true; a.__transmitRequested = true; //memorize, we requested the transmit. } return(false); } } } i++; } } return(true); #else return(false); #endif }
IEnumerator CheckFrameAchivements() { Social.LoadAchievements(achievements => { if (achievements != null && achievements.Length > 0) { foreach (IAchievement achievement in achievements) { switch ( { case GooglePlayActions.longLiveAchiev: PlayerPrefs.SetInt("KingFrame", 1); Debug.Log("KingFrame added"); break; case GooglePlayActions.pioneerAchiev: PlayerPrefs.SetInt("PinkFrame", 1); Debug.Log("PinkFrame added"); break; case GooglePlayActions.beginnerAdsAchiev: PlayerPrefs.SetInt("MetallFrame", 1); Debug.Log("MetallFrame added"); break; case GooglePlayActions.intermAdsAchiev: PlayerPrefs.SetInt("RainbowFrame", 1); Debug.Log("RainbowFrame added"); break; case GooglePlayActions.advancedAdsAchiev: PlayerPrefs.SetInt("GotFrame", 1); Debug.Log("GotFrame added"); break; case GooglePlayActions.superAdvancedAdsAchiev: PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CarpetFrame", 1); Debug.Log("CarpetFrame added"); break; case GooglePlayActions.mindBlowingAdsAchiev: PlayerPrefs.SetInt("GoldenFrame", 1); Debug.Log("GoldenFrame added"); break; case GooglePlayActions.superhumanAchiev: PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HeroFrame", 1); Debug.Log("HeroFrame added"); break; case GooglePlayActions.davidBlaineAchiev: PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DragonFrame", 1); Debug.Log("DragonFrame added"); break; } } } else { Debug.Log("No achievements returned"); } }); yield return(null); }
private void EndHunt(bool isClear) { if (isClear) { // 클리어 했을 때 if (DataController.Instance.finalHuntLevel == DataController.Instance.huntLevel) { RewardManager.Instance.ShowRewardPanel( ruby[DataController.Instance.huntLevel], sapphire[DataController.Instance.huntLevel]); } else { RewardManager.Instance.ShowRewardPanel( ruby[DataController.Instance.finalHuntLevel - 1], sapphire[DataController.Instance.finalHuntLevel - 1]); } if (DataController.Instance.finalHuntLevel == DataController.Instance.huntLevel) { // 마지막 사냥터 클리어 성공 DataController.Instance.finalHuntLevel = DataController.Instance.huntLevel + 1; print(DataController.Instance.huntLevel + ", " + DataController.Instance.masterSkillIndex); if (DataController.Instance.huntLevel == DataController.Instance.masterSkillIndex) { if (PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("FirstHuntClear", 0) == 0) { if (Social.localUser.authenticated) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_get_projectile, 100f, isSuccess => { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("FirstHuntClear", 1); }); } } // 마지막 투사체 획득 시점에서 마지막 스테이지 print("엉"); BallImage.sprite = Resources.Load("Ball1/ball" + (DataController.Instance.huntLevel + 1), typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; AvilityText.text = "공격력 + " + 20 * (DataController.Instance.huntLevel + 1) + "%"; GetBallPanel.SetActive(true); DataController.Instance.masterSkillIndex = DataController.Instance.huntLevel + 1; print(DataController.Instance.masterSkillIndex); DataController.Instance.UpdateDamage(); } print("마지막 스테이지 클리어"); } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("HuntCoolTime_" + DataController.Instance.huntLevel, 330); } else { RewardManager.Instance.ShowRewardPanel1(0, 0); } if (Social.localUser.authenticated) { DataController.Instance.MonsterKillSuccess(); } }
public void GetBoardValue(string BoardID, string SaveKey) { Social.LoadScores(BoardID, (result) => { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(SaveKey, (int)result[0].value); }); }
public void OnTap() { Social.ShowLeaderboardUI(); }
public void OnLeaderBoardClick() { Social.ShowLeaderboardUI(); }
void OnMouseUp() { Social.ShowLeaderboardUI(); }
public string BuildForumView(int ForumTemplateId, int CurrentUserId, string ThemePath) { try { SettingsInfo MainSettings = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleId); string sOutput = string.Empty; string sTemplate; int TemplateCache = MainSettings.TemplateCache; if (UseTemplatePath && TemplatePath != string.Empty) { DisplayTemplate = Utilities.GetFileContent(TemplatePath + "ForumView.htm"); DisplayTemplate = Utilities.ParseSpacer(DisplayTemplate); } else if (DisplayTemplate == string.Empty) { DisplayTemplate = Utilities.GetFileContent(Server.MapPath(ThemePath) + "templates/ForumView.ascx"); DisplayTemplate = Utilities.ParseSpacer(DisplayTemplate); } sTemplate = DisplayTemplate == string.Empty ? DataCache.GetCachedTemplate(TemplateCache, ModuleId, "ForumView", ForumTemplateId) : DisplayTemplate; try { sTemplate = ParseControls(sTemplate); } catch (Exception ex) { Services.Exceptions.Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, ex); sTemplate = ex.Message; //ParseControls(sTemplate) } if (sTemplate.Contains("[NOTOOLBAR]")) { if (HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains("ShowToolbar")) { HttpContext.Current.Items["ShowToolbar"] = false; } else { HttpContext.Current.Items.Add("ShowToolbar", false); } sTemplate = sTemplate.Replace("[NOTOOLBAR]", string.Empty); } if (sTemplate.Contains("[FORUMS]")) { string sGroupSection = string.Empty; string sGroupSectionTemp = TemplateUtils.GetTemplateSection(sTemplate, "[GROUPSECTION]", "[/GROUPSECTION]"); string sGroup = TemplateUtils.GetTemplateSection(sTemplate, "[GROUP]", "[/GROUP]"); string sForums = string.Empty; string sForumTemp = TemplateUtils.GetTemplateSection(sTemplate, "[FORUMS]", "[/FORUMS]"); string tmpGroup = string.Empty; //Dim reader As IDataReader = Nothing if (ForumTable == null) { var ds = new DataSet(); dtForums = new DataTable(); var fc = new ForumController(); ForumTable = fc.GetForumView(PortalId, ModuleId, CurrentUserId, UserInfo.IsSuperUser, ForumIds); // KR - added cache retreival //ds = DataProvider.Instance.UI_ForumView(PortalId, ModuleId, CurrentUserId, UserInfo.IsSuperUser, ForumIds) //ForumTable = ds.Tables(0) } string sCrumb = string.Empty; string sGroupName = string.Empty; //Dim ForumGroupId As Integer = 0 if (ForumGroupId != -1) { DataRow tmpDR = null; ForumTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = "ForumGroupId = " + ForumGroupId; if (ForumTable.DefaultView.ToTable().Rows.Count > 0) { tmpDR = ForumTable.DefaultView.ToTable().Rows[0]; } if (tmpDR != null) { sGroupName = tmpDR["GroupName"].ToString(); sCrumb = "<div class=\"afcrumb\"><a href=\"" + Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId) + "\">[RESX:ForumMain]</a>[RESX:BreadCrumbSep]" + tmpDR["GroupName"] + "</div>"; } //dtForums.DefaultView.RowFilter = "" } if (ParentForumId != -1) { //SubsOnly = True DataRow tmpDR = null; string sFilter = "ForumId = " + ParentForumId + " "; ForumTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = sFilter; if (ForumTable.DefaultView.ToTable().Rows.Count > 0) { tmpDR = ForumTable.DefaultView.ToTable().Rows[0]; } ForumTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = ""; sGroupName = tmpDR["GroupName"].ToString(); } if (MainSettings.UseSkinBreadCrumb && ForumTable.Rows.Count > 0 && SubsOnly == false && ForumGroupId != -1) { Environment.UpdateBreadCrumb(Page.Controls, "<a href=\"" + NavigateUrl(TabId, "", ParamKeys.GroupId + "=" + ForumGroupId) + "\">" + sGroupName + "</a>"); sTemplate = sTemplate.Replace("<div class=\"afcrumb\">[FORUMMAINLINK] > [FORUMGROUPLINK]</div>", string.Empty); sTemplate = sTemplate.Replace("[BREADCRUMB]", string.Empty); } else { sTemplate = sTemplate.Replace("[BREADCRUMB]", sCrumb); } int iForum = 1; int ForumCount = 0; bool hasForums = false; DataTable rsForums = ForumTable.DefaultView.ToTable(); Forum fi; int tmpGroupCount = 0; int asForumGroupId; var social = new Social(); asForumGroupId = social.GetMasterForumGroup(PortalId, TabId); int groupForumsCount = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in rsForums.Rows) { //If CBool(dr("CanView")) Or (Not CBool(dr("GroupHidden"))) Then ' And Not CBool(dr("CanView"))) Or UserInfo.IsSuperUser Then if (!(asForumGroupId == Convert.ToInt32(dr["ForumGroupId"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(dr["GroupHidden"]))) { if (tmpGroup != dr["GroupName"].ToString()) { if (tmpGroupCount < Globals.GroupCount) { ForumTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = "ForumGroupId = " + Convert.ToInt32(dr["ForumGroupId"]) + " AND ParentForumId = 0"; ForumCount = ForumTable.DefaultView.Count; ForumTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = ""; if (sForums != string.Empty) { sGroupSection = TemplateUtils.ReplaceSubSection(sGroupSection, sForums, "[FORUMS]", "[/FORUMS]"); sForums = string.Empty; } int GroupId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ForumGroupId"]); sGroupSectionTemp = TemplateUtils.GetTemplateSection(sTemplate, "[GROUPSECTION]", "[/GROUPSECTION]"); sGroupSectionTemp = sGroupSectionTemp.Replace("[GROUPNAME]", dr["GroupName"].ToString()); sGroupSectionTemp = sGroupSectionTemp.Replace("[FORUMGROUPID]", dr["ForumGroupId"].ToString()); sGroupSectionTemp = sGroupSectionTemp.Replace("[GROUPCOLLAPSE]", "<img class=\"afarrow\" id=\"imgGroup" + GroupId.ToString() + "\" onclick=\"toggleGroup(" + GroupId.ToString() + ");\" src=\"" + ThemePath + GetImage(GroupId) + "\" alt=\"[RESX:ToggleGroup]\" />"); //any replacements on the group string sNewGroup = "<div id=\"group" + GroupId + "\" " + GetDisplay(GroupId) + " class=\"afgroup\">" + sGroup + "</div>"; sGroupSectionTemp = TemplateUtils.ReplaceSubSection(sGroupSectionTemp, sNewGroup, "[GROUP]", "[/GROUP]"); sGroupSection += sGroupSectionTemp; tmpGroup = dr["GroupName"].ToString(); tmpGroupCount += 1; iForum = 1; } } if (iForum <= Globals.ForumCount) { fi = FillForumRow(dr); bool canView = Permissions.HasPerm(fi.Security.View, ForumUser.UserRoles); if (canView || (!fi.Hidden)) { sForumTemp = TemplateUtils.GetTemplateSection(sTemplate, "[FORUMS]", "[/FORUMS]"); hasForums = true; if (fi.ParentForumId == 0 || SubsOnly || (SubsOnly == false && fi.ParentForumId > 0 && rsForums.Rows.Count == 1)) { sForumTemp = ParseForumRow(sForumTemp, fi, iForum, ThemePath, ForumCount); iForum += 1; sForums += sForumTemp; } } } } //End If } if (hasForums == false && SubsOnly) { return(string.Empty); } if (sForums != string.Empty) { sGroupSection = TemplateUtils.ReplaceSubSection(sGroupSection, sForums, "[FORUMS]", "[/FORUMS]"); } sTemplate = sTemplate.Contains("[GROUPSECTION]") ? TemplateUtils.ReplaceSubSection(sTemplate, sGroupSection, "[GROUPSECTION]", "[/GROUPSECTION]") : sGroupSection; sTemplate = TemplateUtils.ReplaceSubSection(sTemplate, string.Empty, "[FORUMS]", "[/FORUMS]"); } return(sTemplate); } catch (Exception ex) { Services.Exceptions.Exceptions.LogException(ex); return(string.Empty); } }
void checkScore() { int scoreVal = int.Parse(score.text); if (scoreVal == 10) { Social.ReportProgress("CgkI5aWmsr0QEAIQAg", 100.0f, (bool success) => { }); } else if (scoreVal == 15) { Social.ReportProgress("CgkI5aWmsr0QEAIQDg", 100.0f, (bool success) => { }); } else if (scoreVal == 25) { Social.ReportProgress("CgkI5aWmsr0QEAIQCQ", 100.0f, (bool success) => { }); } else if (scoreVal == 50) { Social.ReportProgress("CgkI5aWmsr0QEAIQBA", 100.0f, (bool success) => { }); } else if (scoreVal == 100) { Social.ReportProgress("CgkI5aWmsr0QEAIQAw", 100.0f, (bool success) => { }); } else if (scoreVal == 150) { Social.ReportProgress("CgkI5aWmsr0QEAIQBQ", 100.0f, (bool success) => { }); } else if (scoreVal == 250) { Social.ReportProgress("CgkI5aWmsr0QEAIQBg", 100.0f, (bool success) => { }); } else if (scoreVal == 350) { Social.ReportProgress("CgkI5aWmsr0QEAIQBw", 100.0f, (bool success) => { }); } else if (scoreVal == 450) { Social.ReportProgress("CgkI5aWmsr0QEAIQCA", 100.0f, (bool success) => { }); } else if (scoreVal == 650) { Social.ReportProgress("CgkI5aWmsr0QEAIQCg", 100.0f, (bool success) => { }); } else if (scoreVal == 750) { Social.ReportProgress("CgkI5aWmsr0QEAIQCw", 100.0f, (bool success) => { }); } else if (scoreVal == 1000) { Social.ReportProgress("CgkI5aWmsr0QEAIQDA", 100.0f, (bool success) => { }); } }
//업적보기 public void OnShowAchivement() { Social.ShowAchievementsUI(); }
//method membuka achievement public void bukaAchievement() { Social.ShowAchievementsUI(); //menampilkan activity achievement yang sudah kita raih }
public void ShowAchievements() { Social.ShowAchievementsUI(); }
public void ShowAchivementsUI() { Debug.Log("Showing achievement UI"); Social.ShowAchievementsUI(); }
public void ShowLeaderboards() { Social.ShowLeaderboardUI(); }
public void GiveRookieAchivement() { Social.ReportProgress(GooglePlayIds.achievement_rookie, 100.0, OnProgressAchievement); Debug.Log("Gave rookie achievement"); }
public void openUI() { BtnSound.Play(); Social.ShowAchievementsUI(); }
public void OpenLeaderBoard() { Social.ShowLeaderboardUI(); }
public void AchievementClear(int number) { if (number == 2) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_2, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 3) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_3, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 4) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_4, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 5) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_5, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 6) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_6, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 7) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_7, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 8) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_8, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 9) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_9, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 10) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_10, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 11) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_11, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 12) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_12, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 13) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_13, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 14) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_14, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 15) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_15, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 16) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_16, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 17) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_17, 100, (bool success) => { }); } else if (number == 18) { Social.ReportProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_18, 100, (bool success) => { }); } }
/// <summary> /// Shows the leaderboard UI. /// </summary> public void ShowLeaderboard() { #if UNITY_IOS Social.ShowLeaderboardUI(); #endif }
public void OpenModule(string window) { Debug.Log("[GameArter Android] → Display external panel : " + window); switch (window) { case "PWA": break; case "login": break; case "badge": Social.ShowAchievementsUI(); //Application.OpenURL (""+Garter.I.GameId()+"/"+Garter.I._ProjectVersion()); break; case "leaderboard": Social.ShowLeaderboardUI(); break; case "profile": Application.OpenURL("" + Garter.I.GameId()); break; case "share": //Application.OpenURL (""+Garter.I.GameId()+"&u="+Garter.I.UserId()); break; case "offline": // enables converstion between local and paco currency //Application.OpenURL (""+Garter.I.GameId()+"&u="+Garter.I.UserId()); break; case "discussion": Application.OpenURL("" + Garter.I.GameId()); break; case "report": break; case "development": break; case "video": Application.OpenURL("" + Garter.I.GameId()); break; case "gameinfo": Application.OpenURL("" + Garter.I.GameId()); break; case "moregames": break; default: break; } }
/* * public IEnumerator PropertyNotification(float startTime) * { * yield return new WaitForSeconds(startTime); * yield break; * } */ public void PostToAchievements(string achievementId, float achievementValue) { Social.ReportProgress(achievementId, achievementValue, (bool success) => { Debug.Log("[GameArter][Google Play Achievement][" + achievementId + "] | value: " + achievementValue + ", success: " + success); }); }
public void PostToLeaderboard(string leaderboardId, decimal value) { Social.ReportScore((long)value, leaderboardId, (bool success) => { Debug.Log("[GameArter][Google Play Leaderboard][" + leaderboardId + "] | value: " + value + ", success: " + success); }); }
public string GetNewGrid() { //Roles string[] roles = GetSecureObjectList(Security, 0).Split(';'); int[] roleIds = new int[roles.Length - 2 + 1]; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i <= roles.Length - 2; i++) { if (! (string.IsNullOrEmpty(roles[i]))) { roleIds[i] = Convert.ToInt32(roles[i]); } } Array.Sort(roleIds); string tmp = string.Empty; foreach (int n in roleIds) { tmp += n.ToString() + ";"; } List<PermissionInfo> pl = new List<PermissionInfo>(); //litNewGrid.Text = "Roles:" & tmp //litNewGrid.Text &= "<br />RolesNames:" & Permissions.GetRolesNVC(tmp) NameValueCollection nvc = Permissions.GetRolesNVC(tmp, PortalId); foreach (string key in nvc.AllKeys) { PermissionInfo pi = new PermissionInfo(); pi.ObjectId = key; pi.ObjectName = nvc[key]; pi.Type = ObjectType.RoleId; pl.Add(pi); } //Users string users = GetSecureObjectList(Security, 1); string userNames = string.Empty; if (! (string.IsNullOrEmpty(users))) { DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController uc = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController(); foreach (string uid in users.Split(';')) { if (! (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uid))) { DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo u = uc.GetUser(PortalId, Convert.ToInt32(uid)); if (u != null) { PermissionInfo pi = new PermissionInfo(); pi.ObjectId = u.UserID.ToString(); pi.ObjectName = u.DisplayName; pi.Type = ObjectType.UserId; pl.Add(pi); } } } } //Groups string groups = GetSecureObjectList(Security, 2); if (! (string.IsNullOrEmpty(groups))) { foreach (string g in groups.Split(';')) { if (! (string.IsNullOrEmpty(g))) { Social uc = new Social(); string gType = g.Split(':')[1]; int groupId = Convert.ToInt32(g.Split(':')[0]); string groupName = uc.ActiveSocialGetGroup(groupId); if (! (string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupName))) { PermissionInfo pi = new PermissionInfo(); pi.ObjectId = g; pi.ObjectName = groupName; pi.Type = ObjectType.GroupId; pi.ObjectName += "-" + uc.ActiveSocialGetGroupType(Convert.ToInt32(gType), PortalId); pl.Add(pi); } } } } string[,] grid = new string[pl.Count + 1, 28]; i = 0; foreach (PermissionInfo pi in pl) { grid[i, 0] = pi.ObjectId; grid[i, 1] = pi.ObjectName; grid[i, 2] = Convert.ToString(pi.Type); grid[i, 3] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.View)); grid[i, 4] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Read)); grid[i, 5] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Create)); grid[i, 6] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Reply)); grid[i, 7] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Edit)); grid[i, 8] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Delete)); grid[i, 9] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Lock)); grid[i, 10] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Pin)); grid[i, 11] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Attach)); grid[i, 12] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Poll)); grid[i, 13] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Block)); grid[i, 14] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Trust)); grid[i, 15] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Subscribe)); grid[i, 16] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Announce)); grid[i, 17] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Tag)); grid[i, 18] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Categorize)); grid[i, 19] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.Prioritize)); grid[i, 20] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.ModApprove)); grid[i, 21] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.ModMove)); grid[i, 22] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.ModSplit)); grid[i, 23] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.ModDelete)); grid[i, 24] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.ModUser)); grid[i, 25] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.ModEdit)); grid[i, 26] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.ModLock)); grid[i, 27] = Convert.ToString(PermValue((int)pi.Type, pi.ObjectId, Security.ModPin)); i += 1; } System.Type enumType = typeof(SecureActions); Array values = Enum.GetValues(enumType); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\"><div class=\"afsecobjects\"><table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); sb.Append("<tr><td class=\"afsecobjecthd\" colspan=\"2\">" + Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:SecureObjects]", true) + "</td></tr>"); string tmpObjectName = string.Empty; int secRows = 0; for (int x = 0; x < pl.Count; x++) { sb.Append("<tr><td style=\"width:16px;\"></td><td class=\"afsecobject\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><div class=\"afsecobjecttxt\" title=\"" + grid[x, 1] + "\" onmouseover=\"'';\" onmouseout=\"'none';\"><span style=\"width:16px;height:16px;float:right;display:none;\">"); if ((Convert.ToInt32(grid[x, 2]) == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(grid[x, 0]) > 0) | Convert.ToInt32(grid[x, 2]) > 0) { if (! ReadOnly) { sb.Append("<img src=\"" + ImagePath + "mini_del.gif\" alt=\"Remove Object\" style=\"cursor:pointer;z-index:10;\" class=\"afminidel\" onclick=\"securityDelObject(this,'" + grid[x, 0] + "'," + grid[x, 2] + "," + PermissionsId + ");\" />"); } } sb.Append("</span>" + grid[x, 1]); sb.Append("</div></td></tr>"); } sb.Append("</table></div></td><td valign=\"top\" width=\"94%\"><div class=\"afsecactions\" style=\"overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:hidden;\">"); //litNewObjects.Text = sb.ToString //sb = New StringBuilder sb.Append("<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=\"100%\" id=\"tblSecGrid\">"); sb.Append("<tr>"); string keyText = string.Empty; for (int td = 3; td <= 27; td++) { keyText = Convert.ToString(Enum.Parse(enumType, values.GetValue(td - 3).ToString())); if (keyText.ToLowerInvariant() == "block") { sb.Append("<td class=\"afsecactionhd\" style=\"display:none;\">"); } else { sb.Append("<td class=\"afsecactionhd\">"); } sb.Append(keyText); sb.Append("</td>"); } sb.Append("</tr>"); for (int x = 0; x < pl.Count; x++) { sb.Append("<tr onmouseover=\"this.className='afgridrowover'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='afgridrow'\">"); for (int r = 3; r <= 27; r++) { keyText = Convert.ToString(Enum.Parse(enumType, values.GetValue(r - 3).ToString())); bool bState = Convert.ToBoolean(grid[x, r]); //Permissions.HasPermission(ForumID, Integer.Parse(dr("ObjectId").ToString), key, Integer.Parse(dr("SecureType").ToString), dt) string sState = "<img src=\"" + ImagePath + "admin_stop.png\" alt=\"Disabled\" />"; if (bState) { sState = "<img src=\"" + ImagePath + "admin_check.png\" alt=\"Enabled\" />"; } if (keyText.ToLowerInvariant() == "block") { sb.Append("<td class=\"afsecactionelem\" style=\"text-align:center;display:none;\">"); } else { sb.Append("<td class=\"afsecactionelem\" style=\"text-align:center;\">"); } sb.Append("<div class=\"afsectoggle\" id=\"" + grid[x, 0] + grid[x, 2] + keyText + "\" "); if (! ReadOnly) { sb.Append("onclick=\"securityToggle(this," + PermissionsId + ",'" + grid[x, 0] + "','" + grid[x, 1] + "'," + grid[x, 2] + ",'" + keyText + "');\""); } sb.Append(">" + sState + "</div></td>"); } sb.Append("</tr>"); } sb.Append("</table></div></td></tr></table>"); return sb.ToString(); }
public void WeChatLogin() { isWechatCallback = 1; Social.Authorize(Platform.WEIXIN, authcallback); }
public string BuildForumView(int ForumTemplateId, int CurrentUserId, string ThemePath) { try { SettingsInfo MainSettings = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleId); string sOutput = string.Empty; string sTemplate; int TemplateCache = MainSettings.TemplateCache; if (UseTemplatePath && TemplatePath != string.Empty) { DisplayTemplate = Utilities.GetFileContent(TemplatePath + "ForumView.htm"); DisplayTemplate = Utilities.ParseSpacer(DisplayTemplate); } else if (DisplayTemplate == string.Empty) { DisplayTemplate = Utilities.GetFileContent(Server.MapPath(ThemePath) + "templates/ForumView.ascx"); DisplayTemplate = Utilities.ParseSpacer(DisplayTemplate); } sTemplate = DisplayTemplate == string.Empty ? DataCache.GetCachedTemplate(TemplateCache, ModuleId, "ForumView", ForumTemplateId) : DisplayTemplate; try { sTemplate = ParseControls(sTemplate); } catch (Exception ex) { Services.Exceptions.Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, ex); sTemplate = ex.Message; //ParseControls(sTemplate) } if (sTemplate.Contains("[NOTOOLBAR]")) { if (HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains("ShowToolbar")) { HttpContext.Current.Items["ShowToolbar"] = false; } else { HttpContext.Current.Items.Add("ShowToolbar", false); } sTemplate = sTemplate.Replace("[NOTOOLBAR]", string.Empty); } if (sTemplate.Contains("[FORUMS]")) { string sGroupSection = string.Empty; string sGroupSectionTemp = TemplateUtils.GetTemplateSection(sTemplate, "[GROUPSECTION]", "[/GROUPSECTION]"); string sGroup = TemplateUtils.GetTemplateSection(sTemplate, "[GROUP]", "[/GROUP]"); string sForums = string.Empty; string sForumTemp = TemplateUtils.GetTemplateSection(sTemplate, "[FORUMS]", "[/FORUMS]"); string tmpGroup = string.Empty; //Dim reader As IDataReader = Nothing if (ForumTable == null) { var ds = new DataSet(); dtForums = new DataTable(); var fc = new ForumController(); ForumTable = fc.GetForumView(PortalId, ModuleId, CurrentUserId, UserInfo.IsSuperUser, ForumIds); // KR - added cache retreival //ds = DataProvider.Instance.UI_ForumView(PortalId, ModuleId, CurrentUserId, UserInfo.IsSuperUser, ForumIds) //ForumTable = ds.Tables(0) } string sCrumb = string.Empty; string sGroupName = string.Empty; //Dim ForumGroupId As Integer = 0 if (ForumGroupId != -1) { DataRow tmpDR = null; ForumTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = "ForumGroupId = " + ForumGroupId; if (ForumTable.DefaultView.ToTable().Rows.Count > 0) { tmpDR = ForumTable.DefaultView.ToTable().Rows[0]; } if (tmpDR != null) { sGroupName = tmpDR["GroupName"].ToString(); sCrumb = "<div class=\"afcrumb\"><i class=\"fa fa-comments-o fa-grey\"></i> <a href=\"" + Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId) + "\">[RESX:ForumMain]</a> <i class=\"fa fa-long-arrow-right fa-grey\"></i> " + tmpDR["GroupName"] + "</div>"; } //dtForums.DefaultView.RowFilter = "" } if (ParentForumId != -1) { //SubsOnly = True DataRow tmpDR = null; string sFilter = "ForumId = " + ParentForumId + " "; ForumTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = sFilter; if (ForumTable.DefaultView.ToTable().Rows.Count > 0) { tmpDR = ForumTable.DefaultView.ToTable().Rows[0]; } ForumTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = ""; sGroupName = tmpDR["GroupName"].ToString(); } if (MainSettings.UseSkinBreadCrumb && ForumTable.Rows.Count > 0 && SubsOnly == false && ForumGroupId != -1) { Environment.UpdateBreadCrumb(Page.Controls, "<a href=\"" + NavigateUrl(TabId, "", ParamKeys.GroupId + "=" + ForumGroupId) + "\">" + sGroupName + "</a>"); sTemplate = sTemplate.Replace("<div class=\"afcrumb\">[FORUMMAINLINK] > [FORUMGROUPLINK]</div>", string.Empty); sTemplate = sTemplate.Replace("[BREADCRUMB]", string.Empty); } else { sTemplate = sTemplate.Replace("[BREADCRUMB]", sCrumb); } int iForum = 1; int ForumCount = 0; bool hasForums = false; DataTable rsForums = ForumTable.DefaultView.ToTable(); Forum fi; int tmpGroupCount = 0; int asForumGroupId; var social = new Social(); asForumGroupId = social.GetMasterForumGroup(PortalId, TabId); int groupForumsCount = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in rsForums.Rows) { //If CBool(dr("CanView")) Or (Not CBool(dr("GroupHidden"))) Then ' And Not CBool(dr("CanView"))) Or UserInfo.IsSuperUser Then if (!(asForumGroupId == Convert.ToInt32(dr["ForumGroupId"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(dr["GroupHidden"]))) { if (tmpGroup != dr["GroupName"].ToString()) { if (tmpGroupCount < Globals.GroupCount) { ForumTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = "ForumGroupId = " + Convert.ToInt32(dr["ForumGroupId"]) + " AND ParentForumId = 0"; ForumCount = ForumTable.DefaultView.Count; ForumTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = ""; if (sForums != string.Empty) { sGroupSection = TemplateUtils.ReplaceSubSection(sGroupSection, sForums, "[FORUMS]", "[/FORUMS]"); sForums = string.Empty; } int GroupId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ForumGroupId"]); sGroupSectionTemp = TemplateUtils.GetTemplateSection(sTemplate, "[GROUPSECTION]", "[/GROUPSECTION]"); sGroupSectionTemp = sGroupSectionTemp.Replace("[GROUPNAME]", dr["GroupName"].ToString()); sGroupSectionTemp = sGroupSectionTemp.Replace("[FORUMGROUPID]", dr["ForumGroupId"].ToString()); sGroupSectionTemp = sGroupSectionTemp.Replace("[GROUPCOLLAPSE]", "<img class=\"afarrow\" id=\"imgGroup" + GroupId.ToString() + "\" onclick=\"toggleGroup(" + GroupId.ToString() + ");\" src=\"" + ThemePath + GetImage(GroupId) + "\" alt=\"[RESX:ToggleGroup]\" />"); //any replacements on the group string sNewGroup = "<div id=\"group" + GroupId + "\" " + GetDisplay(GroupId) + " class=\"afgroup\">" + sGroup + "</div>"; sGroupSectionTemp = TemplateUtils.ReplaceSubSection(sGroupSectionTemp, sNewGroup, "[GROUP]", "[/GROUP]"); sGroupSection += sGroupSectionTemp; tmpGroup = dr["GroupName"].ToString(); tmpGroupCount += 1; iForum = 1; } } if (iForum <= Globals.ForumCount) { fi = FillForumRow(dr); bool canView = Permissions.HasPerm(fi.Security.View, ForumUser.UserRoles); if (canView || (!fi.Hidden)) { sForumTemp = TemplateUtils.GetTemplateSection(sTemplate, "[FORUMS]", "[/FORUMS]"); hasForums = true; if (fi.ParentForumId == 0 || SubsOnly || (SubsOnly == false && fi.ParentForumId > 0 && rsForums.Rows.Count == 1)) { sForumTemp = ParseForumRow(sForumTemp, fi, iForum, ThemePath, ForumCount); iForum += 1; sForums += sForumTemp; } } } } //End If } if (hasForums == false && SubsOnly) { return string.Empty; } if (sForums != string.Empty) { sGroupSection = TemplateUtils.ReplaceSubSection(sGroupSection, sForums, "[FORUMS]", "[/FORUMS]"); } sTemplate = sTemplate.Contains("[GROUPSECTION]") ? TemplateUtils.ReplaceSubSection(sTemplate, sGroupSection, "[GROUPSECTION]", "[/GROUPSECTION]") : sGroupSection; sTemplate = TemplateUtils.ReplaceSubSection(sTemplate, string.Empty, "[FORUMS]", "[/FORUMS]"); } return sTemplate; } catch (Exception ex) { Services.Exceptions.Exceptions.LogException(ex); return string.Empty; } }
/// <summary> /// 微信分享链接 /// </summary> public void WeChatShareLink(string title, string descripition, string url) { //isWechatCallback = 1; Social.DirectShare(Platform.WEIXIN, descripition, "" + GlobalData.mHostId + "/icon.png", title, url, sharecallback); }
public Author() { Social = new Social(); Badge = new AuthorBadge(); Avatar = new AuthorAvatar(); }
private void BindRoles() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<select id=\"drpSecRoles\" class=\"amcptxtbx\" style=\"width:150px;\">"); sb.Append("<option value=\"\">[RESX:DropDownDefault]</option>"); sb.Append("<option value=\"-1\">All Users</option>"); sb.Append("<option value=\"-3\">Unauthenticated Users</option>"); DotNetNuke.Security.Roles.RoleController rc = new DotNetNuke.Security.Roles.RoleController(); foreach (DotNetNuke.Security.Roles.RoleInfo ri in rc.GetPortalRoles(PortalId)) { sb.Append("<option value=\"" + ri.RoleID + "\">" + ri.RoleName + "</option>"); } //drpSecRoles.DataTextField = "RoleName" //drpSecRoles.DataValueField = "RoleId" //drpSecRoles.DataSource = rc.GetPortalRoles(PortalId) //drpSecRoles.DataBind() //drpSecRoles.Items.Insert(0, New ListItem("[RESX:DropDownDefault]", "")) //drpSecRoles.Items.Insert(1, New ListItem("All Users", "-1")) //drpSecRoles.Items.Insert(2, New ListItem("Unauthenticated Users", "-3")) //drpSecRoles.Items.Insert(3, New ListItem("Topic Author", "-10")) string sGroups = string.Empty; #if !SKU_LITE if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/bin/"))) { Social social = new Social(); using (IDataReader dr = social.ActiveSocialListGroups(PortalId)) { while (dr.Read()) { sb.Append("<optgroup label=\"" + dr["GroupName"].ToString() + "\">"); sb.Append("<option value=\"" + dr["GroupId"].ToString() + ":0\">Group Admin</option>"); sb.Append("<option value=\"" + dr["GroupId"].ToString() + ":1\">Group Member</option>"); sb.Append("</optgroup>"); } dr.Close(); } } #endif sb.Append("</select>"); litRoles.Text = sb.ToString(); }