public static Slices SliceImage(int SliceWidth, int SliceHeight) { Slices _slices = new Slices(); int p1 = GetBitmap.Width / SliceWidth; int p2 = GetBitmap.Height / SliceHeight; for (int y = 0; y < p2; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < p1; x++) { int valX = x * SliceWidth; int valY = y * SliceHeight; var rect = new Rectangle { Width = SliceWidth, Height = SliceHeight, Size = new Size(SliceWidth, SliceHeight), Location = new Point(valX, valY), X = valX, Y = valY, }; var bmp = GetBitmap.Clone(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); Slices.Slice slc = new Slices.Slice { getBitmap = bmp, part = x, }; _slices.slices.Add(slc); } } return(_slices); }
private static long CalculateWhitePixel(Slices.Slice slice) { var amountOfWhitePixels = RenderEngineHelper.ConvertPolyTreesToPixels(pixelValues, slice.ModelPolyTrees, PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionX, PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionY, true); amountOfWhitePixels += RenderEngineHelper.ConvertPolyTreesToPixels(pixelValues, slice.SupportPolyTrees, PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionX, PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionY, false); TotatAmountofActivePixel = TotatAmountofActivePixel + amountOfWhitePixels; return(TotatAmountofActivePixel); }
public void PostSlice(Slices.Slice renderSlice, AtumPrinter selectedPrinter, PluginTypes.PostSliceActionType postSliceActions) { ////apply warp correction to polynode //if (renderSlice.ModelPolyTrees.Length > 0 && renderSlice.ModelPolyTrees[0].Count > 0) //{ // foreach (var modelPolynode in renderSlice.ModelPolyTrees[0][0]._allPolys) // { // LensWarpCorrection.CalculateByContour(modelPolynode, selectedPrinter); // } //} }
public static void RenderSliceToPolygons(Slices.Slice slice, Slices.RenderSliceInfo renderSlice) { var pixelValues = new byte[renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX * renderSlice.PrinterResolutionY]; var pixelLength = pixelValues.Length; // Array.Clear(pixelValues, 0, pixelLength); int beginPixel = 0; int beginPixelOfRow = 0; int endPixel = 0; int endPixelOfRow = 0; SlicePoint2D p1; SlicePoint2D p2; //model points if (slice.ModelPoints.Count % 2 == 0) { for (int cnt = 0; cnt < slice.ModelPoints.Count; cnt += 2) // increment by 2 { p1 = slice.ModelPoints[cnt]; p2 = slice.ModelPoints[cnt + 1]; if (p1.X > p2.X) //flip over { var pTemp = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = pTemp; } p1.X++; if (p1.X <= p2.X) { if (p2.Y >= 0 && p1.Y >= 0) { beginPixel = (p1.Y * renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX + p1.X); beginPixelOfRow = (((p1.Y) * renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX)); if (p1.X < 0) { beginPixel = (p1.Y * renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX); } //get end pixel of row endPixel = ((p2.Y * renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX + p2.X)); endPixelOfRow = (((p1.Y + 1) * renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX)) - 1; if (endPixel > endPixelOfRow) { endPixel = endPixelOfRow; } if (pixelValues.Length - 1 >= beginPixel && beginPixel >= 0) { pixelValues[beginPixel] = 255; } if (p2.X < 0) { endPixel = ((p2.Y * renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX)); } //fill color between begin and endpoints if (pixelValues.Length - 1 >= endPixel && endPixel >= 0) { pixelValues[endPixel] = 255; if (beginPixel < endPixel) { for (var betweenPixel = beginPixel + 1; betweenPixel < endPixel; betweenPixel++) { if (betweenPixel >= 0) { pixelValues[betweenPixel] = 255; } } } } } } } } if (slice.SupportPoints.Count % 2 == 0) // is even { for (int cnt = 0; cnt < slice.SupportPoints.Count; cnt += 2) // increment by 2 { p1 = slice.SupportPoints[cnt]; p2 = slice.SupportPoints[cnt + 1]; if (p1.X > p2.X) //flip over { var pTemp = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = pTemp; } p1.X++; if (p1.X <= p2.X) { if (p2.Y >= 0 && p1.Y >= 0) { beginPixel = (p1.Y * renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX + p1.X); beginPixelOfRow = (((p1.Y) * renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX)); if (p1.X < 0) { beginPixel = (p1.Y * renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX); } //get end pixel of row endPixel = ((p2.Y * renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX + p2.X)); endPixelOfRow = (((p1.Y + 1) * renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX)); if (endPixel > endPixelOfRow) { endPixel = endPixelOfRow; } if (pixelValues.Length - 1 >= beginPixel && beginPixel >= 0) { pixelValues[beginPixel] = 255; } if (p2.X < 0) { endPixel = ((p2.Y * renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX)); } if (pixelValues.Length - 1 >= endPixel && endPixel >= 0) { pixelValues[endPixel] = 255; if (beginPixel < endPixel) { for (var betweenPixel = beginPixel + 1; betweenPixel < endPixel; betweenPixel++) { if (betweenPixel >= 0) { pixelValues[betweenPixel] = 255; } } } } } } } } else // flag error { Console.WriteLine("Row y=" + " odd # of points = " + slice.SupportPoints.Count + " - Model may have holes"); } //convert pixel values to polylines for (var pixelRowIndex = 0; pixelRowIndex < renderSlice.PrinterResolutionY; pixelRowIndex++) { var beginRowIndex = renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX * pixelRowIndex; var startOfPolygon = false; var startOfPolygonIndex = 0; var endOfPolygonIndex = 0; for (var pixelColumnIndex = 0; pixelColumnIndex < renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX; pixelColumnIndex++) { if (pixelValues[beginRowIndex + pixelColumnIndex] == 255) { if (!startOfPolygon) { startOfPolygon = true; startOfPolygonIndex = pixelColumnIndex; } } else if (pixelValues[beginRowIndex + pixelColumnIndex] == 0) { if (startOfPolygon) { endOfPolygonIndex = pixelColumnIndex; startOfPolygon = false; //add polygon to return list var slicePolygon = new SlicePolyLine3D(); slicePolygon.Points.Add(new Vector3(startOfPolygonIndex, pixelRowIndex, renderSlice.SliceHeight)); slicePolygon.Points.Add(new Vector3(endOfPolygonIndex, pixelRowIndex, renderSlice.SliceHeight)); SimulationPolyLines.Add(slicePolygon); } } } } lock (_totalProcessedSlicesLock) { TotalProcessedSlices++; } if (TotalProcessedSlices == TotalAmountSlices) { if (SimulationPrintJobCompleted != null) { //convert polygons to vectors STLModel = new STLModel3D(STLModel3D.TypeObject.Model, true); STLModel.Triangles = new TriangleInfoList(); var triangleIndex = 0; var arrayIndex = 0; foreach (var polyLine in SimulationPolyLines) { if (polyLine != null) { var polygonCube = new Shapes.Cube(polyLine.Points[1].X - polyLine.Points[0].X + 1, polyLine.Points[1].Y - polyLine.Points[0].Y + 1, 1); //Console.WriteLine(polygonCube.Center); for (var cubeVertexIndex = 0; cubeVertexIndex < polygonCube.VertexArray.Length; cubeVertexIndex += 3) { var triangle = new Triangle(); triangle.Normal = polygonCube.VertexArray[cubeVertexIndex].Normal; triangle.Vectors[0].Position = new Vector3(-48, -20, 0); triangle.Vectors[0].Normal = triangle.Vectors[1].Normal = triangle.Vectors[2].Normal = triangle.Normal; triangle.Vectors[0].Color = triangle.Vectors[1].Color = triangle.Vectors[2].Color = new Byte4() { A = 128, B = 255 }; triangle.Vectors[1].Position = new Vector3(-48, -20, 0); triangle.Vectors[2].Position = new Vector3(-48, -20, 0); triangle.Vectors[0].Position += polygonCube.VertexArray[cubeVertexIndex].Position / 20; triangle.Vectors[1].Position += polygonCube.VertexArray[cubeVertexIndex + 1].Position / 20; triangle.Vectors[2].Position += polygonCube.VertexArray[cubeVertexIndex + 2].Position / 20; //add 0 point triangle.Vectors[0].Position += new Vector3(polyLine.Points[0].X / 20, polyLine.Points[0].Y / 20, polyLine.Points[0].Z); triangle.Vectors[1].Position += new Vector3(polyLine.Points[0].X / 20, polyLine.Points[0].Y / 20, polyLine.Points[0].Z); triangle.Vectors[2].Position += new Vector3(polyLine.Points[0].X / 20, polyLine.Points[0].Y / 20, polyLine.Points[0].Z); if (triangleIndex > 33333) { IsReadyForRendering = true; break; triangleIndex = 0; arrayIndex++; STLModel.Triangles.Add(new List <Triangle>()); } triangleIndex++; STLModel.Triangles[arrayIndex].Add(triangle); } } } IsReadyForRendering = true; SimulationPrintJobCompleted(null, null); } } }
internal static int RenderSliceThread(object renderSliceInfo) { if (Managers.PerformanceSettingsManager.Settings.PrintJobGenerationMaxMemoryLimitEnabled) { while ((Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64 / 1024 / 1024) > Managers.PerformanceSettingsManager.Settings.PrintJobGenerationMaxMemory) { Thread.Sleep(1000); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); Atum.DAL.Managers.LoggingManager.WriteToLog("Render Engine", "Memory management", "Waiting for free memory"); } } var renderSlice = (Core.Slices.RenderSliceInfo)renderSliceInfo; Slices.Slice slice = new Slices.Slice(new List <SlicePolyLine3D>(), new List <List <SlicePolyLine3D> >(), new List <SlicePolyLine3D>(), renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX, renderSlice.PrinterResolutionY, renderSlice.SliceHeight); foreach (var object3d in ObjectView.Objects3D) { var supportZPolys = new List <List <SlicePolyLine3D> >(); if (object3d is STLModel3D && (!(object3d is GroundPane))) { var stlModel = (STLModel3D)object3d; foreach (var supportCone in stlModel.SupportStructure) { if (!supportCone.Hidden) { var supportConeZPolys = GetZPolys(supportCone, renderSlice.SliceHeight); supportZPolys.Add(GetZIntersections(supportConeZPolys, renderSlice.SliceHeight)); } } foreach (var supportCone in stlModel.Triangles.HorizontalSurfaces.SupportStructure) { if (!supportCone.Hidden) { var supportConeZPolys = GetZPolys(supportCone, renderSlice.SliceHeight); supportZPolys.Add(GetZIntersections(supportConeZPolys, renderSlice.SliceHeight)); } } foreach (var supportCone in stlModel.Triangles.FlatSurfaces.SupportStructure) { if (!supportCone.Hidden) { var supportConeZPolys = GetZPolys(supportCone, renderSlice.SliceHeight); supportZPolys.Add(GetZIntersections(supportConeZPolys, renderSlice.SliceHeight)); } } if (renderSlice.SliceHeight <= (0.2f * renderSlice.Material.ShrinkFactor) && stlModel.SupportBasement && stlModel.SupportBasementStructure != null) { var supportBase = (STLModel3D)stlModel.SupportBasementStructure.Clone(); supportBase.MoveTranslation = stlModel.MoveTranslation; foreach (var triangle in supportBase.Triangles[0]) { triangle.CalcMinMaxZ(); } var supportConeZPolys = GetZPolys(supportBase, renderSlice.SliceHeight); supportZPolys.Add(GetZIntersections(supportConeZPolys, renderSlice.SliceHeight)); } var modelZPolys = GetZIntersections(GetZPolys(stlModel, renderSlice.SliceHeight), renderSlice.SliceHeight); using (var modelSlice = new Core.Slices.Slice(modelZPolys, supportZPolys, null, renderSlice.PrinterResolutionX, renderSlice.PrinterResolutionY, renderSlice.SliceHeight)) { modelSlice.RenderSliceAsByteArray(); slice.ModelPoints.AddRange(modelSlice.ModelPoints); slice.SupportPoints.AddRange(modelSlice.SupportPoints); } } } RenderSliceToPolygons(slice, renderSlice); return(renderSlice.SliceIndex); }
private static bool RenderSliceToPNG(Slices.Slice slice) { var result = false; //create pic object Bitmap t = null; lock (_renderBitmap) { t = (Bitmap)_renderBitmap.Clone(); } lock (pixelValues) { var pixelLength = pixelValues.Length; Array.Clear(pixelValues, 0, pixelLength); Array.Clear(pixelBleedingValues, 0, pixelLength); //render model points var amountOfWhitePixels = CalculateWhitePixel(slice); //render bleeding points if (PrintJob.Material.BleedingOffset > 0 && slice.SliceIndex > 5) { if (slice.ModelBleedingPolyTrees != null && slice.ModelBleedingPolyTrees.Length > 0) { RenderEngineHelper.ConvertPolyTreesToPixels(pixelBleedingValues, slice.ModelBleedingPolyTrees, PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionX, PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionY, true); var emptyBleedingModelPolyTrees = new List <PolyTree> [slice.ModelBleedingPolyTrees.Length]; for (var modelBleedingPolyTreeIndex = 0; modelBleedingPolyTreeIndex < slice.ModelBleedingPolyTrees.Length; modelBleedingPolyTreeIndex++) { if (slice.ModelBleedingPolyTrees[modelBleedingPolyTreeIndex] == null) { //process no bleeding information available emptyBleedingModelPolyTrees[modelBleedingPolyTreeIndex] = slice.ModelPolyTrees[modelBleedingPolyTreeIndex]; } } //convert empty polygons to bleeding pixels RenderEngineHelper.ConvertPolyTreesToPixels(pixelBleedingValues, emptyBleedingModelPolyTrees, PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionX, PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionY, true, 0); //do bleeding merge model pixel active and bleeding not active then not active for (var modelPixelIndex = 0; modelPixelIndex < pixelLength; modelPixelIndex += 3) { if (pixelValues[modelPixelIndex] == 255 && pixelBleedingValues[modelPixelIndex] == 0) { pixelValues[modelPixelIndex] = 0; pixelValues[modelPixelIndex + 1] = 0; pixelValues[modelPixelIndex + 2] = 0; amountOfWhitePixels -= 1; } } } else { amountOfWhitePixels = 0; } } //render support points if (amountOfWhitePixels > UserProfileManager.UserProfile.Settings_PrintJob_FirstSlice_MinAmountOfPixels) { result = true; } else if (amountOfWhitePixels == 0 && slice.SliceIndex > 5) { lock (_emptyPNGs) { _emptyPNGs.Add(slice.SliceIndex, 0); } } //Get a reference to the images pixel data BitmapData picData = t.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionX, PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionY), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, t.PixelFormat); IntPtr pixelStartAddress = picData.Scan0; //Copy the pixel data into the bitmap structure System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(pixelValues, 0, pixelStartAddress, pixelValues.Length); t.UnlockBits(picData); } try { if (!_emptyPNGs.ContainsKey(slice.SliceIndex)) { using (var memStream = new MemoryStream()) { // t.Save("Slices\\" + slice.SliceIndex + ".png"); t.Save(memStream, ImageFormat.Png); t.Dispose(); memStream.Position = 0; lock (_zipStream) { var entry = new ZipEntry(slice.SliceIndex + ".png"); _zipStream.PutNextEntry(entry); try { byte[] transferBuffer = new byte[1024]; int bytesRead; do { bytesRead = memStream.Read(transferBuffer, 0, transferBuffer.Length); _zipStream.Write(transferBuffer, 0, bytesRead); }while (bytesRead > 0); } finally { memStream.Close(); } _zipStream.CloseEntry(); //LoggingManager.WriteToLog("RenderSliceThread", "Zip location", _); } } } } catch (Exception exc) { LoggingManager.WriteToLog("RenderSliceThread", "Save image (exception)", exc.Message); } return(result); }
private static bool RenderSliceToXYSmootingPNG(Slices.Slice slice) { var result = false; //create pic object Bitmap t = null; lock (_renderBitmapXYSmoothing) { t = (Bitmap)_renderBitmapXYSmoothing.Clone(); } var g = Graphics.FromImage(t); foreach (var modelPolyTree in slice.ModelPolyTrees) { if (modelPolyTree.Count > 0) { var clipperOffset = new ClipperOffset(); foreach (var polyNode in modelPolyTree[0]._allPolys) { clipperOffset.AddPath(polyNode.Contour, JoinType.jtMiter, EndType.etClosedPolygon); } var offsetResult = new PolyTree(); clipperOffset.Execute(ref offsetResult, -(CONTOURPOINT_TO_VECTORPOINT_FACTOR / 2)); var a = 0; foreach (var polyNode in offsetResult._allPolys) { if (a == 0) { a++; continue; } var pathPoints = new List <PointF>(); foreach (var polyNodePoint in polyNode.Contour) { pathPoints.Add(polyNodePoint.AsPointF()); } g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; g.DrawPolygon(new Pen(Color.White, 1), pathPoints.ToArray()); } } } using (var memStream = new MemoryStream()) { t.Save(memStream, ImageFormat.Png); t.Dispose(); memStream.Position = 0; lock (_zipStream) { var entry = new ZipEntry(slice.SliceIndex + "-xys.png"); _zipStream.PutNextEntry(entry); try { byte[] transferBuffer = new byte[1024]; int bytesRead; do { bytesRead = memStream.Read(transferBuffer, 0, transferBuffer.Length); _zipStream.Write(transferBuffer, 0, bytesRead); }while (bytesRead > 0); } finally { memStream.Close(); } _zipStream.CloseEntry(); //LoggingManager.WriteToLog("RenderSliceThread", "Zip location", _); } } return(result); }
private static int RenderSliceThread(object sliceInfoObject) { var sliceInfo = (Slices.Slice)sliceInfoObject; try { if (PerformanceSettingsManager.Settings.PrintJobGenerationMaxMemoryLimitEnabled) { while ((Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64 / 1024 / 1024) > Managers.PerformanceSettingsManager.Settings.PrintJobGenerationMaxMemory) { Thread.Sleep(1000); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); LoggingManager.WriteToLog("Render Engine", "Memory management", "Waiting for free memory"); } } var modelsToSliceCount = 0; foreach (var object3d in ObjectView.Objects3D) { var supportZPolys = new List <List <SlicePolyLine3D> >(); if (object3d is STLModel3D && (!(object3d is GroundPane))) { var stlModel = (STLModel3D)object3d; modelsToSliceCount++; } } Slices.Slice slice = new Slices.Slice(sliceInfo.SliceIndex, new List <SlicePolyLine3D>(), new List <List <SlicePolyLine3D> >(), new List <SlicePolyLine3D>(), sliceInfo.SliceHeight); slice.ModelPolyTrees = new List <PolyTree> [modelsToSliceCount]; slice.ModelBleedingPolyTrees = new List <PolyTree> [modelsToSliceCount]; slice.SupportPolyTrees = new List <PolyTree> [modelsToSliceCount]; var currentModelIndex = 0; foreach (var object3d in ObjectView.Objects3D) { var supportZPolys = new List <List <SlicePolyLine3D> >(); if (object3d is STLModel3D && (!(object3d is GroundPane))) { var stlModel = (STLModel3D)object3d; if (!_cancelRendering) { foreach (var supportCone in stlModel.TotalObjectSupportCones) { if (supportCone != null) { if (supportCone is SupportConeV2) { } else { if (!supportCone.Hidden) { supportZPolys.Add(GetZIntersectionsSupport(supportCone, sliceInfo.SliceHeight)); } } } } if (sliceInfo.SliceHeight <= (UserProfileManager.UserProfile.SupportEngine_Basement_Thickness * PrintJob.Material.ShrinkFactor) && stlModel.SupportBasement && stlModel.SupportBasementStructure != null) { foreach (var triangle in stlModel.SupportBasementStructure.Triangles[0]) { triangle.CalcMinMaxZ(); } var supportBasementZPolys = GetZPolys(stlModel.SupportBasementStructure, stlModel.SupportBasementStructure.SliceIndexes, sliceInfo.SliceHeight); supportZPolys.Add(GetZIntersections(supportBasementZPolys, sliceInfo.SliceHeight)); } } List <SlicePolyLine3D> modelZPolys = null; List <SlicePolyLine3D> modelBleedingZPolys = null; if (!_cancelRendering) { modelZPolys = GetZIntersections(GetZPolys(stlModel, stlModel.SliceIndexes, sliceInfo.SliceHeight), sliceInfo.SliceHeight); //post processing plugins foreach (var plugin in PluginManager.LoadedPlugins) { if (plugin.HasPostSliceMethod && (plugin.PostSliceActionType & Plugins.PluginTypes.PostSliceActionType.Bleeding) == Plugins.PluginTypes.PostSliceActionType.Bleeding && sliceInfo.SliceHeight > PrintJob.Material.BleedingOffset && PrintJob.Material.BleedingOffset > 0f ) { modelBleedingZPolys = plugin.PostSlice(stlModel, sliceInfo.SliceHeight + (float)PrintJob.Material.BleedingOffset, Plugins.PluginTypes.PostSliceActionType.Bleeding); } } } if (!_cancelRendering) { using (var modelWithSupportSlice = new Slices.Slice(sliceInfo.SliceIndex, modelZPolys, supportZPolys, modelBleedingZPolys, sliceInfo.SliceHeight)) { modelWithSupportSlice.ConvertModelIntersectionsToPolyTrees(sliceInfo.SliceHeight, RenderEngine.PrintJob.SelectedPrinter, PrintJobManager.CurrentPrintJobSettings.Material, PrintJobManager.CurrentPrintJobSettings.Material.SupportProfiles.First(), null, null); modelWithSupportSlice.ConvertSupportIntersectionsToPolyTrees(sliceInfo.SliceHeight, RenderEngine.PrintJob.SelectedPrinter); slice.ModelPolyTrees[currentModelIndex] = new List <PolyTree>(); slice.ModelPolyTrees[currentModelIndex].AddRange(modelWithSupportSlice.ModelPolyTrees[0]); slice.SupportPolyTrees[currentModelIndex] = new List <PolyTree>(); slice.SupportPolyTrees[currentModelIndex].AddRange(modelWithSupportSlice.SupportPolyTrees[0]); foreach (var supportCone in stlModel.TotalObjectSupportCones) { if (supportCone is SupportConeV2) { var supportConeV2 = (SupportConeV2)supportCone; if (supportConeV2.SliceContours.ContainsKey(sliceInfo.SliceHeight)) { slice.SupportPolyTrees[currentModelIndex].Add(supportConeV2.SliceContours[sliceInfo.SliceHeight]); foreach (var interlinkConnectionIndex in supportConeV2.InterlinkConnections) { if (interlinkConnectionIndex.Value != null) { foreach (var interlinkConnection in interlinkConnectionIndex.Value) { if (interlinkConnection != null && interlinkConnection.SliceContours != null && interlinkConnection.SliceContours.ContainsKey(sliceInfo.SliceHeight)) { slice.SupportPolyTrees[currentModelIndex].Add(interlinkConnection.SliceContours[sliceInfo.SliceHeight]); } } } } } } } if (modelBleedingZPolys != null && modelBleedingZPolys.Count > 0) { if (sliceInfo.SliceHeight < 1f) { } modelWithSupportSlice.ConvertModelBleedingIntersectionsToPolyTrees(sliceInfo.SliceHeight, RenderEngine.PrintJob.SelectedPrinter); slice.ModelBleedingPolyTrees[currentModelIndex] = new List <PolyTree>(); slice.ModelBleedingPolyTrees[currentModelIndex].AddRange(modelWithSupportSlice.ModelBleedingPolyTrees[0]); } } } currentModelIndex++; } } //output to printjob if (!_cancelRendering) { var validSlice = RenderSliceToPNG(slice); if (PrintJob.Material.XYSmoothingEnabled) { var xySmoothingSlice = RenderSliceToXYSmootingPNG(slice); } if (sliceInfo.SliceIndex % 50 == 0) { MemoryHelpers.ForceGCCleanup(); } lock (_totalProcessedSlicesLock) { TotalProcessedSlices++; } if (TotalProcessedSlices == TotalAmountSlices) { #region Calculate Volume var layerThickness = RenderEngine.PrintJob.Material.LT2; var currentPixelVolume = Math.Pow(RenderEngine.PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.PrinterXYResolutionAsInt / 1000f, 2); RenderEngine.PrintJob.TotalPrintVolume = (float)Math.Ceiling((decimal)(currentPixelVolume * (layerThickness / 1000f) * RenderEngine.TotatAmountofActivePixel)); #endregion Debug.WriteLine("Total slices with white pixels: " + (TotalAmountSlices - _emptyPNGs.Count).ToString()); PostRender(); RenderToPrintjobCompleted?.Invoke(PrintJob, null); } } } catch (Exception exc) { } return(sliceInfo.SliceIndex); }
public static object Render() { _asyncTasks.Clear(); TotalProcessedSlices = 0; TotatAmountofActivePixel = 0; //define zip and bitmap stream _emptyPNGs = new SortedList <int, int>(); pixelValues = new byte[RenderEngine.PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionX * RenderEngine.PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionY * 3]; pixelBleedingValues = new byte[RenderEngine.PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionX * RenderEngine.PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionY * 3]; _renderBitmap = new Bitmap(RenderEngine.PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionX, RenderEngine.PrintJob.SelectedPrinter.ProjectorResolutionY, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); _renderBitmapXYSmoothing = (Bitmap)_renderBitmap.Clone(); if (_zipStream == null || _zipStream.IsFinished) { //remove diacritics from filepath PrintJob.SlicesPath = Path.Combine(Settings.RenderEnginePrintjobsPath, Helpers.StringHelper.RemoveDiacritics(PrintJob.Name)); var hasLocalWriteAccess = FileSystemManager.HasWriteAccess(Settings.BasePath); if (!hasLocalWriteAccess) { PrintJob.SlicesPath = Path.Combine(Settings.RenderEngineRoamingPrintjobsPath, Helpers.StringHelper.RemoveDiacritics(PrintJob.Name)); } if (!Directory.Exists(PrintJob.SlicesPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(PrintJob.SlicesPath); } _tempFileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(PrintJob.SlicesPath, ""), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None); _zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(_tempFileStream); //checksum file var checksumFilePath = Path.Combine(PrintJob.SlicesPath, "checksum.crc"); if (File.Exists(checksumFilePath)) { File.Delete(checksumFilePath); } using (FileStream checksumFile = new FileStream(checksumFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None)) { } } try { _stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); _stopWatch.Start(); //var sliceIndex = 0; var sliceCount = 0; //update triangles with min/max z var topPoint = 0f; foreach (var object3d in ObjectView.Objects3D) { if (object3d is STLModel3D && !(object3d is Core.Models.Defaults.BasicCorrectionModel)) { var stlModel = (STLModel3D)object3d; // if (UserProfileManager.UserProfiles[0].Settings_PrintJob_MirrorObjects) stlModel.Mirror. (false, false); stlModel.UpdateTrianglesMinMaxZ(); if (stlModel.TopPoint > topPoint) { topPoint = stlModel.TopPoint; } } } // //determine slicecount var initialLayersHeight = 0f; for (var initialLayerIndex = 1; initialLayerIndex < PrintJob.Material.InitialLayers + 1; initialLayerIndex++) { initialLayersHeight = (float)PrintJob.Material.LT1 * initialLayerIndex; sliceCount++; if (initialLayersHeight > topPoint) { break; } } if (initialLayersHeight < topPoint) { var remainingLayersHeight = topPoint - initialLayersHeight; var remainingLayersCount = (remainingLayersHeight / PrintJob.Material.LT2) + 1; for (var remainingLayerIndex = 0; remainingLayerIndex < remainingLayersCount; remainingLayerIndex++) { sliceCount++; } } var highestModelIndex = 0; TotalAmountSlices = 0; foreach (var object3d in ObjectView.Objects3D) { if (object3d is STLModel3D && (!(object3d is GroundPane))) { var stlModel = object3d as STLModel3D; // stlModel.Triangles.UpdateConnections(); stlModel.CalcSliceIndexes(PrintJob.Material, true); if (stlModel.SliceIndexes.Count >= TotalAmountSlices) { TotalAmountSlices = stlModel.SliceIndexes.Count; highestModelIndex = stlModel.Index; } } } var currentSliceIndex = 0; if (highestModelIndex > 0 && TotalAmountSlices > 0) { SortedDictionary <float, List <TriangleConnectionInfo> > stlModelIndexes = null; foreach (var object3d in ObjectView.Objects3D) { if (object3d is STLModel3D && (!(object3d is GroundPane))) { var stlModel = object3d as STLModel3D; if (stlModel.Index == highestModelIndex) { stlModelIndexes = stlModel.SliceIndexes; break; } } } foreach (var sliceHeight in stlModelIndexes.Keys) { if (!_cancelRendering) { var sliceIndexAsync = currentSliceIndex; var sliceInfo = new Slices.Slice(sliceIndexAsync, new List <SlicePolyLine3D>(), new List <List <SlicePolyLine3D> >(), new List <SlicePolyLine3D>(), sliceHeight); if (PerformanceSettingsManager.Settings.PrintJobGenerationMultiThreading && sliceInfo.SliceIndex > 0) { _asyncTasks.Add(Task.Run(() => RenderSliceThread(sliceInfo))); } else { RenderSliceThread(sliceInfo); } } currentSliceIndex++; } } //cleanjob image } catch (Exception exc) { Debug.WriteLine(exc.Message); } return(null); }
public void PostSlice(Slices.Slice renderSlice, DAL.Hardware.AtumPrinter selectedPrinter, PluginTypes.PostSliceActionType postSliceActions) { }