public IHttpActionResult SendPickUpEmail(SequencingWrapperModel model) { SendEmail email = new SendEmail(); SequencingWrapperModel templateData = new SequencingWrapperModel(); templateData.PickUp = model.PickUp; // email.SendPickUp(templateData); return(Ok()); }
public ActionResult Order(int?oligonucleotideNum) { var model = new SequencingWrapperModel(); ViewBag.Message = "Your contact page."; Createviewbags(); if (oligonucleotideNum != null) { ViewBag.MakeCount = oligonucleotideNum; } return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult SubmitOrder(SequencingWrapperModel model, FormCollection form) { var num = form["oNum"]; if (ModelState.IsValid) { var myList = CreateOrder(model); ///Generate(model); // var productList = new List<object> { myList.ToList() }; // Createviewbags(); return(RedirectToAction("Thankyou")); } else { Createviewbags(); return(View("Order", model)); } }
public void SendPickUp(SequencingWrapperModel model) { SequencingWrapperModel m = new SequencingWrapperModel(); m.PickUp = model.PickUp; var ship = "<table><td>"; ship += "<table width='100' style='float:left' cellpadding='0 cellspacing='0' border='0 align='center'>"; ship += "<thead>"; ship += "<tr>"; ship += "<th ><h1 style='color:blue;text-decoration: underline;'>Pick Up Information</h1</th>"; ship += "</tr>"; ship += "</thead>"; ship += "<tr>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += "<label for='fullName'>Full Name</label>"; ship += "</td>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += m.PickUp.FirstName; ship += "</td>"; ship += "</tr>"; ship += "<tr>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += "<label for='fullName'>Last Name</label>"; ship += "</td>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += m.PickUp.LastName; ship += "</td>"; ship += "</tr>"; ship += "<tr>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += "<label for='fullName'>Institution</label>"; ship += "</td>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += m.PickUp.Institution; ship += "</td>"; ship += "</tr>"; ship += "<tr>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += "<label for='fullName'>Message</label>"; ship += "</td>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += m.PickUp.Message; ship += "</td>"; ship += "</tr>"; ship += "<tr>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += "<label for='shippingEmail'>Room</label>"; ship += "</td>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += m.PickUp.Room; ship += "</td>"; ship += "</tr>"; ship += "<tr>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += "<label for='shippingEmail'>Notes</label>"; ship += "</td>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += m.PickUp.Notes; ship += "</td>"; ship += "</tr>"; ship += "<tr>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += "<label for='shippingEmail'>Email</label>"; ship += "</td>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += m.PickUp.Email; ship += "</td>"; ship += "</tr>"; ship += "</table>"; ship += "</table> </body> </html>"; var template = StaticValues.HtmlHeaderText() + ship; CreateEmailForUser(m.PickUp.Email, "*****@*****.**", template); }
//public string CreateEmailForJason(string toSender, string fromSender, string body) { // try { // //Create the msg object to be sent // MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(); // //Add your email address to the recipients // msg.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); // // msg.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); // //Configure the address we are sending the mail from // MailAddress address = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); // // MailAddress addressBCC = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); // msg.From = address; // // msg.Bcc.Add(addressBCC); // msg.Subject = "Order form"; // msg.IsBodyHtml = true; // msg.Body = body; // byte[] a = GetData(body); // System.IO.MemoryStream m = new System.IO.MemoryStream(a); // Attachment word = new Attachment(m, "Client-"+fromSender+".doc"); // msg.Attachments.Add(word); // ////Configure an SmtpClient to send the mail. // SmtpClient smptc = new SmtpClient(); // Here SMTP Client object is created // // smptc.Host = "";// here SMTP interface Address is passed // smptc.Port = 25;// Use port No 25 // smptc.UseDefaultCredentials = false; // smptc.EnableSsl = false; // smptc.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; // NetworkCredential credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Travel2014"); // smptc.Credentials = credentials; // smptc.Send(msg); // ////Setup credentials to login to our sender email address ("UserName", "Password") // //NetworkCredential credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Oscar@2015"); // //client.UseDefaultCredentials = true; // //client.Credentials = credentials; // ////Send the msg // //client.Send(msg); // //var client = new SmtpClient("", 587) { // // Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Oscar@2015"), // // EnableSsl = true // //}; // //client.Send("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "test", "testbody"); // return "Ok"; // } catch (Exception ex) { // return ex.InnerException.ToString(); // } //} public string SetUpSequence(SequencingWrapperModel model) { SequencingWrapperModel m = new SequencingWrapperModel(); m.Billing = model.Billing; m.PickUp = model.PickUp; m.sequencingModel = model.sequencingModel; m.customPrimers = model.customPrimers; m.DataDeliveryOptions = model.DataDeliveryOptions; var dnaForm = ""; //headers<img src=\"cid:image1\"> // var ship = "<table><td align='center' style='padding: 40px 0 30 px 0;'><img src=''>"; var ship = "<table><td>"; ship += "<h1>" + model.Billing.FullName + " " + "here is your Sequencing order</h1></td></table>"; if (model.IsShipping) { ship += "<table width='100' style='float:left' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' align='center'>"; ship += "<thead>"; ship += "<tr>"; ship += "<th ><h1 style='color:blue;text-decoration: underline;'>Pick Up Information</h1></th>"; ship += "</tr>"; ship += "</thead>"; ship += "<tr>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += "<label for='fullName'>Full Name</label>"; ship += "</td>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += m.PickUp.FullName; ship += "</td>"; ship += "</tr>"; ship += "<tr>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += "<label for='fullName'>Institution</label>"; ship += "</td>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += m.PickUp.Institution; ship += "</td>"; ship += "</tr>"; ship += "<tr>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += "<label for='fullName'>Shipping Address</label>"; ship += "</td>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += m.PickUp.ShippingAddress; ship += "</td>"; ship += "</tr>"; ship += "<tr>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += "<label for='fullName'>Shipping Phone</label>"; ship += "</td>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += m.PickUp.Phone; ship += "</td>"; ship += "</tr>"; ship += "<tr>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += "<label for='shippingEmail'>Shipping Email</label>"; ship += "</td>"; ship += "<td valign='top'>"; ship += m.PickUp.Email; ship += "</td>"; ship += "</tr>"; ship += "</table>"; } //Billing var bill = "<table width='100' style=cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0 align='center'>"; bill += "<thead>"; bill += "<tr>"; bill += "<th ><h1 style='color:blue;text-decoration: underline;'>Billing Information</h1></th>"; bill += "</tr>"; bill += "</thead>"; bill += "<tr>"; bill += "<td valign='top'>"; bill += "<label for='first_name'>Quote</label>"; bill += "</td>"; bill += "<td valign='top'>"; bill += m.Billing.Quotenumber; bill += "</td>"; bill += "</tr>"; // Full Name bill += "<tr>"; bill += "<td valign='top'>"; bill += "<label for='first_name'>Full Name</label>"; bill += "</td>"; bill += "<td valign='top'>"; bill += m.Billing.FullName; bill += "</td>"; bill += "</tr>"; //Institution bill += "<tr>"; bill += "<td valign='top'>"; bill += "<label for='first_name'>Institution</label>"; bill += "</td>"; bill += "<td valign='top'>"; bill += m.Billing.Institution; bill += "</td>"; bill += "</tr>"; //Billing Address bill += "<tr>"; bill += "<td valign='top'>"; bill += "<label for='first_name'>Billing Address</label>"; bill += "</td>"; bill += "<td valign='top'>"; bill += m.Billing.BillingAddress; bill += "</td>"; bill += "</tr>"; //Billing Phone bill += "<tr>"; bill += "<td valign='top'>"; bill += "<label for='first_name'>Biling Phone</label>"; bill += "</td>"; bill += "<td valign='top'>"; bill += m.Billing.Phone; bill += "</td>"; bill += "</tr>"; //Billing Email bill += "<tr>"; bill += "<td valign='top'>"; bill += "<label for='first_name'>Billing Email</label>"; bill += "</td>"; bill += "<td valign='top'>"; bill += m.Billing.Email; bill += "</td>"; bill += "</tr>"; bill += "<tr>"; bill += "<td valign='top'>"; bill += "<label for='first_name'>Notes</label>"; bill += "</td>"; bill += "<td valign='top'>"; bill += m.Billing.Notes; bill += "</td>"; bill += "</tr>"; bill += "</table>"; var olForm = "<h1 style='padding-top:400px; color:blue;text-decoration: underline;page-break-before:always;'>Sequencing</h1>";; olForm += "<table width='100%' style='float:left' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' align='center' border='1'>"; //olForm += "<thead>"; //olForm += "<tr>"; //olForm += "<th>Sequencing</th>"; //olForm += "</tr>"; //olForm += "</thead>"; olForm += "<tr style='width:100%'>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>Sample Name</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>Sample Conc</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>Vector Name</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>Length</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>Primer Name</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>Primer Conc</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>GMP3</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>SeqID</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>Template OD</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>Primer OD</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>Repeat</td>"; // more cells here as needed olForm += "</tr>"; for (int i = 0; i < m.sequencingModel.Count(); i++) { olForm += "<tr>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>" + m.sequencingModel[i].SampleName + "</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>" + m.sequencingModel[i].SampleCon + "</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>" + m.sequencingModel[i].VectorName + "</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>" + m.sequencingModel[i].Length + "</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>" + m.sequencingModel[i].PrimerName + "</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>" + m.sequencingModel[i].PrimerConc + "</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'>" + m.sequencingModel[i].GmpValue + "</td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'> </td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'> </td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'> </td>"; olForm += "<td class='boldCell'> </td>"; // more cells here as needed olForm += "</tr>"; } olForm += "</table>"; if (model.IsPrimer) { dnaForm = "<h1>Custom Primers</h1>";; dnaForm += "<table style='width:100%' border='1'>"; dnaForm += "<tr style='width:100%'>"; // dnaForm += "<td class='boldCell'>Gmp</td>"; dnaForm += "<td class='boldCell'>Primer Named</td>"; // dnaForm += "<td class='boldCell'>Scale Value</td>"; dnaForm += "<td class='boldCell'>Sequence</td>"; // more cells here as needed dnaForm += "</tr>"; for (int i = 0; i < m.customPrimers.Count(); i++) { dnaForm += "<tr>"; // dnaForm += "<td class='boldCell'>" + m.customPrimers[i].GmpValue + "</td>"; dnaForm += "<td class='boldCell'>" + m.customPrimers[i].PrimerName + "</td>"; // dnaForm += "<td class='boldCell'>" + m.customPrimers[i].ScaleValue + "</td>"; dnaForm += "<td class='boldCell'>" + m.customPrimers[i].Sequence + "</td>"; // more cells here as needed dnaForm += "</tr>"; } dnaForm += "</table>"; } var deliveryOptions = "<h1>Delivery Options</h1>";; deliveryOptions += "<table style='width:100%' class='panel-title' border='1'>"; deliveryOptions += "<tr style='width:100%'>"; deliveryOptions += "<td class='boldCell'>" + m.DataDeliveryOptions.Name + " </td>"; // more cells here as needed deliveryOptions += "</tr>"; //deliveryOptions += "<tr>"; //deliveryOptions += "<td class='boldCell'>" + m.DataDeliveryOptions.Value + "</td>"; //// more cells here as needed //deliveryOptions += "</tr>"; deliveryOptions += "</table> </body> </html>"; var template = StaticValues.HtmlHeaderText() + ship + bill + olForm + dnaForm + deliveryOptions; CreateEmailForUser(m.Billing.Email, "*****@*****.**", template); CreateEmailForJason(m.Billing.Email, "*****@*****.**", template); CreateEmailForAnders(m.Billing.Email, "*****@*****.**", template); return(olForm); }
public IHttpActionResult Post(SequencingWrapperModel model) { //Insert into database SequencingWrapperModel templateData = new SequencingWrapperModel(); List <SequencingModel> getList = new List <SequencingModel>(); List <CustomPrimers> getCustomPrimers = new List <CustomPrimers>(); Guid g = Guid.NewGuid(); try { Billing bill = new Billing(); // bill.Date = DateTime.Now; bill.FullName = model.Billing.FullName; bill.Quotenumber = model.Billing.Quotenumber; bill.Institution = model.Billing.Institution; bill.BillingAddress = model.Billing.BillingAddress; bill.Phone = model.Billing.Phone; bill.Email = model.Billing.Email; bill.Notes = model.Billing.Notes; bill.UserId = g; templateData.Billing = bill; // db.Entry(bill).State = EntityState.Added; // db.Billing.Add(bill); if (model.IsShipping) { //Pickup PickUp ship = new PickUp(); ship.PickUpDate = model.PickUp.PickUpDate; ship.FullName = model.PickUp.FullName; ship.Institution = model.PickUp.Institution; ship.ShippingAddress = model.PickUp.ShippingAddress; ship.Phone = model.PickUp.Phone; ship.Email = model.PickUp.Email; ship.UserId = g; //db.PickUp.Add(ship); //db.Entry(ship).State = EntityState.Added; templateData.PickUp = ship; } //DNA SequencingModel ol; for (int i = 0; i < model.sequencingModel.Count(); i++) { ol = new SequencingModel(); ol.SampleName = model.sequencingModel[i].SampleName; ol.SampleCon = model.sequencingModel[i].SampleCon; ol.VectorName = model.sequencingModel[i].VectorName; ol.Length = model.sequencingModel[i].Length; ol.PrimerName = model.sequencingModel[i].PrimerName; ol.PrimerConc = model.sequencingModel[i].PrimerConc; ol.GmpValue = model.sequencingModel[i].GmpValue; ol.UserId = g; //Ties into the other id's //db.SequencingModel.Add(ol); getList.Add(ol); //db.Entry(ol).State = EntityState.Added; } //DNA if (model.IsPrimer) { CustomPrimers cp; for (int i = 0; i < model.customPrimers.Count(); i++) { cp = new CustomPrimers(); cp.GmpValue = model.customPrimers[i].GmpValue; cp.PrimerName = model.customPrimers[i].PrimerName; cp.ScaleValue = model.customPrimers[i].ScaleValue; cp.Sequence = model.customPrimers[i].Sequence; cp.UserId = g; //Ties into the other id's // db.CustomPrimers.Add(cp); // db.Entry(cp).State = EntityState.Added; getCustomPrimers.Add(cp); } } DataDeliveryOptions ddd = new DataDeliveryOptions(); ddd.Name = model.DataDeliveryOptions.Name; ddd.Value = model.DataDeliveryOptions.Value; // db.dataDeliveryOptions.Add(ddd); templateData.DataDeliveryOptions = ddd; // db.Entry(ddd).State = EntityState.Added; //Create email template! SendEmail email = new SendEmail(); templateData.sequencingModel = getList; templateData.customPrimers = getCustomPrimers; templateData.IsPrimer = model.IsPrimer; templateData.IsShipping = model.IsShipping; // email.SetUpSequence(templateData); // ParseTemplate(ob); // db.SaveChanges(); return(Ok()); // return templateData; } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { // Retrieve the error messages as a list of strings. var errorMessages = ex.EntityValidationErrors .SelectMany(x => x.ValidationErrors) .Select(x => x.ErrorMessage); // Join the list to a single string. var fullErrorMessage = string.Join("; ", errorMessages); // Combine the original exception message with the new one. var exceptionMessage = string.Concat(ex.Message, " The validation errors are: ", fullErrorMessage); // Throw a new DbEntityValidationException with the improved exception message. throw new DbEntityValidationException(exceptionMessage, ex.EntityValidationErrors); } }
private SequencingWrapperModel CreateOrder(SequencingWrapperModel model) { return(null); //SequencingWrapperModel templateData = new SequencingWrapperModel(); //List<SequencingModel> getList = new List<SequencingModel>(); //Guid g = Guid.NewGuid(); //try { // Billing bill = new Billing(); // // bill.Date = DateTime.Now; // bill.FullName = model.billing.FullName; // bill.Quotenumber = model.billing.Quotenumber; // bill.Institution = model.billing.Institution; // bill.BillingAddress = model.billing.BillingAddress; // bill.Phone = model.billing.Phone; // bill.Email = model.billing.Email; // bill.UserId = g; // templateData.billing = bill; // db.Entry(bill).State = EntityState.Added; // db.Billing.Add(bill); // //Shipping // Shipping ship = new Shipping(); // ship.Date = model.shipping.Date; // ship.FullName = model.shipping.FullName; // ship.Institution = model.shipping.Institution; // ship.ShippingAddress = model.shipping.ShippingAddress; // ship.Phone = model.shipping.Phone; // ship.Email = model.shipping.Email; // ship.UserId = g; // db.Shipping.Add(ship); // db.Entry(ship).State = EntityState.Added; // templateData.shipping = ship; // //Oligosequence // SequencingModel ol = new SequencingModel(); // for (int i = 0; i < model.sequencingModel.Count(); i++) { // var final = Core.StaticValues.FinalDelivery.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value == Convert.ToString(model.sequencingModel[i].SampleName)); // ol.SampleName = model.sequencingModel[i].SampleName; // ol.SampleCon = model.sequencingModel[i].SampleCon; // ol.VectorName = model.sequencingModel[i].VectorName; // ol.Length = model.sequencingModel[i].Length; // ol.PrimerName = model.sequencingModel[i].PrimerName; // ol.PrimerConc = model.sequencingModel[i].PrimerConc; // ol.GMP3 = model.sequencingModel[i].GMP3; // ol.UserId = g; // //Ties into the other id's // db.SequencingModel.Add(ol); // getList.Add(ol); // } // db.Entry(ol).State = EntityState.Added; // DataDeliveryOptions ddd = new DataDeliveryOptions(); // ddd.TextData = model.dataDeliveryOptions.TextData; // ddd.ChromatogramTrace = model.dataDeliveryOptions.ChromatogramTrace; // ddd.TextAndChromatogramTrace = model.dataDeliveryOptions.TextDataAndChromatogramTrace; // ddd.TextDataAndChromatogramTrace = model.dataDeliveryOptions.TextDataAndChromatogramTrace; // ddd.UserId = g; // db.dataDeliveryOptions.Add(ddd); // db.Entry(ddd).State = EntityState.Added; // //Create email template! // SendEmail email = new SendEmail(); // templateData.sequencingModel = getList; // email.SetUpSequence(templateData); // // ParseTemplate(ob); // db.SaveChanges(); // return templateData; //} catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { // // Retrieve the error messages as a list of strings. // var errorMessages = ex.EntityValidationErrors // .SelectMany(x => x.ValidationErrors) // .Select(x => x.ErrorMessage); // // Join the list to a single string. // var fullErrorMessage = string.Join("; ", errorMessages); // // Combine the original exception message with the new one. // var exceptionMessage = string.Concat(ex.Message, " The validation errors are: ", fullErrorMessage); // // Throw a new DbEntityValidationException with the improved exception message. // throw new DbEntityValidationException(exceptionMessage, ex.EntityValidationErrors); //} }